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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES His EXCELLENCY PRESIDENT FIDEL V. RAMOS, NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE TOMAS P. AFRICA am NELIA R. MARQUEZ Deputy Administrator (ASBN 971-562-465-0) ii FOREWORD Countryside development is a reflection of total national progress. The growing interest in the economic, social, and demographic trends of the country’s 76 provinces, including the National Capital Region, has never been as eminent as now. ‘The increasing demand for small-area statistics for policy making and development programs continually prompts the National Statistics Office (NSO) to publish the Provincial Profiles as a convenient and valuable resource material The first edition printed in 1991 readily met the needs of data users, gaining wide patronage among researchers and planners. This second edi provides the latest available data at the NSO and other agencies at the time of its preparation. It also has an expanded statistical coverage on several topics and follows the same format and presentation used in the 1991 edition for easy reference. We gratefully acknowledge the invaluable assistance of the national and local agencies in providing the needed information. Their contributions are indication of deep concern for national development. Dh T AFRICA imipistrator Foreword List of Tables List of Figures Chapter Bower sHeene ul 2 13 14 1s 16 7 18 19 20 Table of Contents Overview of the Province Physical Characteristics Demography ..... Health and Welfare Crime and Delinquency Education Labor Force and Employment Income, Expenditures and Prices Agriculture Fishery Forestry : Mining and Quarrying Manufacturing Housing and Construction Transportation and Communication Electricity, Gas and Water Trade and Tourism... Community, Social and Personal Services. , Insurance, Real Estate and Business Services wo SD 59 61 n 93 105 127 129 133 135 174 v7 181 184 187 189 Table Number Page Chapter 2 1 Chapter 3 1 2 10 n List of Tables Physical Characteristics Status of Land Classification: 1982-1993 Demography Population Density and Growth Rate: Censal Years 1903-1990 Population and Household Projections: 1980-2000 Age and Sex Composition of the Population: 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1980 Urban-Rural Population by Sex: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 Population and Sex Ratio by Municipality: 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group by Marital Status: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 Literacy of Private Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group and Sex: 1980 and 1990 Population 7 Years Old and Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970, 1980, and 1990 Live Births by Month of Occurrence: 1980-1990 Registered Births by Type of Attendance: 1980-1990 Deaths by Sex and Age Group: 1980-1990 vi 12 12 13 1s 16 7 2 23 35 36 37 Chapter 4 1 2 3 Chapter 5 Registered Deaths by Type of Attendance: 1980-1990 Foetal Deaths by Type of Attendance: 1980-1990 Infant Deaths by Age and Sex: 1980-1990 Maternal Deaths by Age Group: 1980-1990 Marriages by Month of Occurrence: 1980-1990 Number of Migrants to Rizal by Area of Origin: 1975-1980 and 1985-1990 ‘Number of Migrants from Rizal by Area of Destination: 1975-1980 and 1985-1990 Health and Welfare Estimated Vital Rates and Life Expectancy at Birth: 1980-2000 Distribution of Government and Private Hospitals and Bed-population Ratio: 1980-1993 Number of Government Health Facilities: 1980-1987 ‘Number of Government Health Personnel and Ratio to Population: 1991-1993 ‘Number of Government Health Personnel by Municipality: 1987 Family Planning Acceptors by Method: 1991-1993 Crime and Delinquency Crime Volume and Crime Rate by Type of Crime: 1986-1991 vii 40 41 42 44 45 46 48 53 54 55 7 58 Chapter 6 1 2 3 4 4a 5 Sa 6 Chapter 7 2 3 4 Chapter 8 1 Education Distribution of Schools by Level of Education by Sector: SY 1977-78 10 SY 1993-94 Enrolment in Government and Private Schools by Level of Education: SY 1977-78 to SY 1993-94 Number of Teachers in Government and Private Schools by Level of Education: SY 1977-78 to SY 1988-89 Education Indicators in Government Elementary Schools: SY 1979-80 to SY 1990-91 Education Indicators in Private Elementary Schools: SY 1989-90 to SY 1990-91 Education Indicators in Government Secondary Schools: SY 1984-85 to SY 1990-91 Education Indicators in Private Secondary Schools: SY 1989-90 to SY 1990-91 Enrolment in Seven Areas of Nonformal Education: SY 1977-78 to SY 1988-89 Labor Force and Employment Population 15 Years Old and Over by Sex by Employment Status, Urban-Rural: October 1988 - October 1994 Employed Persons by Type of Industry, Urban-Rural: October 1988 - October 1994 Employment in Local Government by Level: Fourth Quarter 1992 to Third Quarter 1994 Compensation in Local Government by Level: Fourth Quarter 1992 to Third Quarter 1994 Income, Expenditures and Prices Number of Families, Total and Average Family Income and Expenditure by Income Class: 1985 and 1991 viii 2 63 65 67 68 B 85, OL a1 95 5 Chapter 9 Numiber of Families, Total and Average Family Income and Expenditure by Family Size: 1985 and 1991 ‘Number of Families by Main Source of Income and Income Class: 1985 and 1991 Distribution of Expenditures by Expenditure Group and Income Class: 1985 and 1991 Consumer Price Index for All Income Households: 1988-1994 Agriculture Number of Farms by Size by Municipality: 1971, 1980 and 1991 Number and Area of Farms by Land Use: 1971, 1980 and 1991 Number and Area of Farms by Land Use and by Municipality: 1991 Number and Area of Farms by Type of Tenure: 1971, 1980 and 1991 Number and Area of Farms by Size and Tenure: 1971, 1980 and 1991 Number and Area of Farms by Tenure and by Municipality: 1991 ‘Number and Area of Farms by Type and by Tenure: 1971, 1980 and 1991 Number of Farms Reporting and Area Planted by Kind of Temporary Crop: 1991 Number of Farms Reporting, Total Number of Trees/Vines/Hills and Number of Productive Trees/Hills/Vines by Kind of Permanent Crop: 1991 Livestock and Poultry - Number of Farms Reporting and Population by Municipality: 1991 ix 97 11 107 M0 Ww 12 14 us 118 119 121 Chapter 11 1 2 Chapter 12 1 2 3 Chapter 13 L 2 Nurober and Area of Irrigated Farms by Land Use and by Municipality: 1991 Number of Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery Establishments, by Actual Total Engaged by Municipality: 1993 Distribution of Employed Persons in Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by Municipality: 1993 Forestry Census of Forest Occupants: 1981-1986 Integrated Social Forestry Projects: 1986-1991 Mining and Quarrying Overall Mineral Production: 1985-1990 Number of Mining and Quarrying Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by Municipality: 1993 Distribution of Employed Person by Muncipality and by Major Industry Division: 1993 Manutfactut Number of Manufacturing Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by Municipality: 1993 Distribution of Employed Person in Manufacturing Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, by Municipality: 1993 123 124 125 128 128 130 132 132 134 134 Chapter 14 1 2 10 12 Housing and Construction Number of Households in Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building: 1990 Number of Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building by Munici Number of Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building by Municipal ‘Number of Households in Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Bui by Type of Occupancy: 1990 ‘Number of Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building: 1990 Number of Households in Occupied Dwelling Units by Kind of Lighting Facility Number of Houscholds in Occupied Dwelling Units by Source of Water Supply for Drinking by Municipality: 1990. Number of Houscholds in Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Toilet Facility by Municipality: 1980 and 1990 Existing Road Length by System Classification and Standard: 1990 r Area and Value of Private Bi First to Fourth Quarter 1994 ing Constructions by Type of Bi by Municip. Number of Buildings in Urban and Selected Areas by Type of Structure and Ownetship, by Municipality: 1989 xi 137 138 139 140 141 142 144 145 148 M49 155 159 ‘Chapter 15, 1 2 Chapter 16 1 2 Number of Buildings in Urban and Selected Areas by Type of Structure and Condition (State-of Repair), by Municipality: 1989 ‘Number of Construction Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by Municipality: 1993 Distribution of Employed Persons in Construction Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by Municipality: 1993 Transportation and Communication Comparative Statistics on Motor Vehicles by Type: 1985-1994 Registered Motor Vehicles by Major Classification; 1985-1994 Number of Transportation, Communication, Storage and Warehousing Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, by Municipality: 1993 Distribution of Employed Persons in Transportation, Communication, Storage, and Warehousing Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by Municipality: 1993 Electricity, Gas and Water Status of Energi: ion by Cooperative by Municipality: 1993 Number of Electricity, Gas and Water Establishments by Average Monthly Sales/Receipts by Municipality: 1983 Distribution of Employed Persons in Electricity, Gas and Water Establishments, by Actual Total Engaged, by Municipal 173 173 175 175 176 176 178 179 180 180 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 1 ‘Chapter 19 ‘Chapter 20 1 ‘Trade and Tourism ‘Number of ‘Wholesale and Retail Trade Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, Distribution of Employed Persons in Wholesale and Retail Trade Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, by Municipality: 1993 Community, Social and Personal Services ‘Number of Private Services Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, by Municipality: 1993 Distribution by Munici ry: 1993 ‘Number of Public Services Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, by Municipality: 1993 Distribution of Employed Persons in Public Services Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, by Municipality: 1993 Financing, Insurance, Real Estate and Business Services ‘Number of Financing, Insurance, Real Estate and Business Services Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, by Municipality: 1993 Distribution of Employed Persons in Financing, Insurance, Real Estate and Business Services Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, by Munici Administrative Machineries Voting Population by District by Municipality: May 9, 1994 Barangay Elections xiii Employed Persons in Private Services Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, 183, 183 185 185 188, 188 190 Figure Number Page 24 34 61 TW List of Figures Status of Land Classification Urban-rural Population: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 Enrolment in Government and Private Schools: SY 1979-80 - SY 1990-91 Employment and Compensation in the Local Government Fourth Quarter, 1992 to Third Quarter, 1994 xiv 50 1 92 CHAPTER 1 ~~ OVERVIEW OF THE PROVINCE ‘The province of Rizal denived its name from the country’s national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal Rizal is situated in the southwestern portion of Luzon. It is bounded by the province of Quezon on the east, Manila Bay on the west, Bulacan on the north, Caguna de Bay on the south, and Cavite on the southwest. Rizal was once regarded as an industrial province, Gut with the passing of @-D. No. 824 on November 7, 1975, its three Rey cities ike Caloocan, Pasay and Quezon and the municipalities of Pasig, Las Pittas, Makati, Malabon, Mandaluyong, Marikina, Muntinlupa, Navotas, Parafague, Pateros, San Juan and Taguig - which were all commercial and industrial areas, were transferred to the National Capital Region. Today, Rizal province fas 14 municipalities, Below is the fist of municipalities with their corresponding land area, classification, and number of barangays: Land area Classification Number of barangays (square kilometers) Angono 1 137 Antipolo 1; 330.1 Paras 23.4 Binangonan 1 S88 Cainta 10.2 Cardona 31.2 Jalajala 49.3 Rodriguez 312.7 Morong 1 37.6 Piha 70.0 San Mateo 50.4 Tanay 200.0 ‘Taytay CHAPTER 2. aud Rydrological Land Soit Tope PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Rizal's terrain is mostly flat low on the western part, but it is alto endowed with rolling fills and rugged ridges on the easter portion. ‘Valleys can also be found at the foot of these elevations, most specifically in Montalban. Likewise, it is in the said municipality where the Montalban Dame or River, ‘whticfi is one of the main water sources in Metro Manila, is located. otal land area of the province is 130.9 thousand hectares, More than half of the totaf (51.19 percent) from 1986 to 1993 were forested while the rest were certified alienable and disposable. Of the total forest land, 22.6 thousand fiectares were established forest reserves and 43.9 thousand fiectares were established timberland. Rizal has many types of soil, varying from clay loam to fiydrosol. Listed below are the different types of soil in Rizal with their corresponding land capability, dominant features, limitations, recommended land use, and extent: . Soil type land Capel Extent res Percent 9452 1046 Nery good tand (u le None to very slight Guadalupe clay. clay adobe Slight erosion Bay clay loam system Good land Upland field (lan crops espe sandy loam for sugercane Soil type features Moderately sloping Prensa clay loam Lands limited undifferentiated Novaliches loam clay loam adobe. clay loam, Binangonan cley Very po rained, marshy ot swampy Hydrosol Souree. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Scils ond Water Mawogement Limitations and hazards Moderate erosion erosion cultivated Very severe welndss Recommended Jand use Hectares Percent s irmgation water, 201 1.12 134015 7207 forest Fishpond, 4300 070 sail bed or recreati PRISTCAL CHARACTERS arta ‘ble 1, Classification ‘otal 185,961 Fishponds Continued PRUSICAL CHARACTERISTICS = RIAL ‘Table 1, Status of Land Classification: 1962-1993 (cancluded) Area Classification lin hectares] 1908 1988 1390 1391 1392 1993 ‘total 120,092 150,682 120,892 190,892 190,892 120,892 Certified alienable and disposable $3,089 63,809 63,889 $3,809,089 63,889 Forest and $7,003 67,008 67,003 7,003 67,00 Unclassified - : : : : classified 7,903 62,0026 ,003 67,003 61,003 Betablished forest reserve 12,582 12,582 22,582. 2,58 12,582 Sstablished tleberland 42857857 43,857 43,857 45,857 National parks GRBS/iA 1/ - - - . : Military and naval reservation 56 54 cy 56 64 civil reservation . : + : - . Fishponds : : : : . - Source: Philippine Forestry Statistics, Bureau of Forest Develoment. / Gane refuge and bird sanctuaries / wilderness areas Fig. 2.1 Status of Land Classification: (Total area: 130,892 hectares) Certified alienable and disposable { % Forest land (51.2%)! ‘Source: Philippine Forestry Statistics, Bureau of Forest Development. CHAPTER 3 | DEMOGRAPHY This section contains population data and vital statistics. Population data were gathered from private as well as collective households. A private household consists of a group of persons who sleep in the same dwelling unit and fave a common arrangement for the preparation and consumption of food. Persons who sleep with a household Gut individually cook, their meals or cat elsewhere are considered separate households. Collective fouseiolds consist of persons Gving in collective fiving quarters suck as welfare institutions, penal and corrective institutions, dormitones, military camps and lodging houses. ‘While a complete count of the population was made, data on other population characteristics such as language or dialect generally spoken at home, school attendance, Gteracy and economic activity of the person were collected on a sampling basis, AM persons were enumerated in their usual place of residence, the geographic place where the enumerated person usually resides. tal statistics, on the other hand, are facts related to births, deaths, foetal deaths and marriages collected systematically by civil registration and compiled numerically by focal and national offices involved. It must be noted that the data were based on the documents filed and no adjustments for underregistration were made. The National Statistics Office is responsible for the collection, compilation and dissemination of population data and vital documents . Population Density Aevage Ansel Growth Rate Aye tex Uban-woal Population Marital Status Results of the 1990 Census of Population and Housing placed the population of Rizal at 977 thousand, an increase of 75.95 percent from 1980. In terms of population size it ranked 19th among the 73 provinces in the country, and fifth within the Souther Tagalog region, comprising 11.83 percent of the region's population. If the 1990 population were evenly distributed over its fand area of 1,308.9 square kilometers, there would be about 746.77 persons for every square kilometer. Between 1980 and 1990, the population grew at a mean annual rate of 5.81 percent, a downtrind. fiom the 6.05 percent registered between 1975 and 1980. ‘The 1990 population fad an almost equal distribution 6t sex, More than one third (38.18 percent) of the population were less than 15 years old, 59.46 percent were 15 - 64 years old and 2.36 percent were 65 ‘years oldf and over. A mural to urban movement was observed in 1990. ‘Ninety five percent of the population enjoyed the conveniences of urban life while five percent still resided in rural areas. ‘Urban population increased by 122.88 percent from 1980, while rural population decreased by 65.98 percent. Of the population 10 years old and over in 1990, 51.16 percent were married: 44.67 percent , never married; 3.08 percent, widowed; 1.09 percent were either divorced/separated/others or the status was not determined Literacy Rate i ‘There was avery high literacy rate in the province. In 1990, it was registered at 98.47 percent, much higher than the regional level of 96.81 percent and the national level of 93.54 percent. . Literacy rate was almost the same for males (98,73 percent) and females (98.20 percent), A total of 25,973 births was registered in the province in 1990, an increase of 8.51 percent from the reported births in 1989. Most births occurred in October. Registered deaths for the same year numbered 4,505 - 58.98 percent were males and 41.02 percent were females, Most of the registered deaths (24.84 percent) were of ages four years and below, while 11.65 percent were of ages 80 years and over. Reported marriages in 1990 totalled 7,894, an increase of 7.80 percent from 1989. Most mamiages occurred in January 1982), followed by December with a total of 923 marriages. Between 1985 and 1990, more people migrated to the province than out of the province. In-migrants numbered 112,184, of which 51.53 percent were females. The bulk of in-migrants (60.74 percent) came from the National Capital Region or NOR, Out-migrants, on the other fiand, totalled 28,934 with 51.63 percent females and 48.37 percent males, Most of the out-migrants (57.49 percent) also went to NOR DENOGRARHT = RIZAL Table 3. Age and Sex Composition of the Population: 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980, and 1990, 1395 af feaale total «Male AIL ages 1,456,262 1, 42, 480, 436, m3, 419, Onder t year ‘1S-over Hot stated 4,693 Continued 14 DEMOGERPAT ~ RIZAL Table 3. Age and Sex Composition of the Population: 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980, and 1990 (conchided) ALL ages 177,856 Onder 1 year 19,667 368 1Seover Not stated : . Source: National statistics office, census of Population & Housing: 60 and 1990; Integrated Census of the Population & Its Bconavic Activiti * Based on household population, a/ Includes population of the municipalities of Pasig, ParaBeque, Pateres, Sunder #0, Bo, 824. San Juan and Taguig which vere tansferred to ¥.¢.. on Roveader 7 DRMOSRAPHY ~ REEAL Table 4, Urban-Rural Population by Sex: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 recent Huaber Percent Su $05,850 100.90 $85,529 100,08 108 482,790.05 211,88 UE 40. ea 43.55 20,807 50.00 8 trhan Ba we 310618 2.1L Pale OAs 288 ural 198,867 25,02 190,557 wale TATE LAT 98,17 Penale 67S TLE $4,230 Source: National Statistics Office, Census cf Population & Aousing, 1980 & 1590; Integrated Census of the Population and its Sconanie Activities, 1975 DUBNOGRAPRY = RIAL Table 5. Population and Sex Ratia by Municipality: 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980, end 1980 ‘otal 100.2 Angoro 6 Antipolo 04.2 eras wd ' Binangonan canta tartora dalevala Montalban | Horong | Hilla } Sap Nate tanay j aytay Teresa | \ Source: National Statistics office, ¢ | Integrated census of the Poy * Fased on household population, Mota Table 6, Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group by Marital Status: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 Hhiowed 18 DEMOGRAPHY = RIZAL ‘Table 6, Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group by Marital Status: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 (continued) Never Vivorced/ ot harried Warried Widowed Separated stated. others ‘total Age group 10 1915 af fot stated aNoGRARa = Table 6. Populat Age group 1900 Not stated iD-td yrs. 1-3 20-2 % 3 Be font ase 50-5 55-59 60-6 65-68 10-7 Soret Ered ota Ww yrs. over 1970, 1975, 1980 and 990 (continued) ever id uarried warried iidowed Diverceds Separated 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group by Marital Status: Hot stated others 20 ORNOGRAPRT - RTLAL Table 6. Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group by Marital Status: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 (concluded) fever Divorcet sot te Age group 1G yrs. o1@ married == Married Widowed Separated — stated cthers over iso 15,13 Not stated Teaver 18 of Population & Hous) jon and its Sconsete act Source: National statistics Office, ated Census of the Pop ased on houseteld population, cludes population of the cities of Caloocan, Pasay, and Queton and the municipalities of Pasig, Las Pitas, Makati, dalabon, Yandeluyon: na, Muntinlupa, vavotas, Parafague, Pateros, San duan and Taguig vbich were transfered to 9.C,2. on Noveaber er P.0. Wo } 1380 ALL ages: ‘total ZI 22 TENGGRAPHY + ATRL Table 7. Li eracy of Pri Years Old and Over by Age Group and Sex” 1980 and J9! (concluded) Both seres tale Fenaie cerate Total Literate Age stoup Total Literate literate otal Literate i 1390 © ALL ages TUS,T8L TOE TET NHS 35E8H SHG ane a g80 a6 aH 1O-td yrs. Ade 1G,8SL 1,587 5662 a 58,290 eH 5.25 98,399 835 8088 se 1,500 20-2 58,078 oT ase 608 Cie 250,509, 29 88,651 88,087 568 41051 2a 45,546 30d 15,822 13,388 454 ana 23 40,400 35-19 498 Hos 20 33,138 Wi 468 2588 mM ww B43 5 ig ND 16,96 0-8 ear ia Be 13,60 3538 ea aie 9,854 60-64 3H 538 we 1,0 55089 300 4016 me 5,86 10-74 a8 2 Mak Boorer 1,26 66s a) 41 Source: National statistics office, Census of Population & Housing: 1990 & 1930, * based on household population oaxcae ‘Table 8 Population 7 Years Old and Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970, 1980, and 1990 eary Highest grade coupleted rerale dergzaduate raduate College Undergratuate Acadenic deoree bolder Wot stated 1300 Ath grade 5th grade 6the7th grade igh schoo! cadenic degree holder : - . ot stated - : : : : : : : - 23 Table 8. Ponulation 7 Years Old and Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970, 1980, and 1990 (continued) Year/ Highest. grade completed + Both sexes Wale fenale 1380 49 grade coapleted Pre-School jeventary rth orade Graduate Post Secondary - Undergraduate : Graduate - College Undergraduate Acadenic degree toler Not stated 1380 114,194 Ho grade completed a Blenentary 1,610 ist-3rd atade 3,402 eth grade 3/838 Sth grade 851 Sthe7th grade B gh school n | L i DBNOGRARHT = RITE Table 8. Popul 7 Years Oid and Over by Sex, Soth sexes Both somes wale Undergraduate Graduate - ost. secondary . Undergraduate : Graduate : ege Undergraduate - ¢ degree holder - 1380 rd grade ath grade Sth grade stheTth grade 25 26 1 th orale rade igh school Undergraduate Graduate Fost Secondary undergraduate Graduate College tndergraduate Acadenic degree holder et stated 1380 Ho grade completed Meneatary istedrd grade sth grade Sth grade StheTth grade High school ist-ird year th year Atk yesr-bigher Acatenic degree aot stated Both sexes ot 40 wale t DEMOSREHEY ~ RUZAL fear/ Righest sade compl 1390 20,392 10,608 4Taa7 50,629 88,851 : : é 23 wi Undergraduate Graduate ost Secondary ‘Indergraduate Graduate undergraduate Acadenis degree holder Not stated 1916 8 grade grade sth grade bth-Tth grade High school ist-ard year ath year Acadenic decres ict stated r Table 8. Population 7 Years Old and Over by Sox Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970, 1980, and 1960 (continued) 1390 io grade coupleted Pre-school q 1 tah grade StheIth grade igh 8 tnders or agate nderaraduate degree holder 10 18,067 No grade coapleted Herentacy Ist-Ird grade 4th grade Sth grate cs DINOSRAPRY - RIZAL 29 ‘Table 8. Population 7 Years Oid and Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970, 1980, and 1990 Year/ Righest rade conpleted 0,859 ist-Brd grade sth grade sth year college Ist-Ird year $th year-highar Not stated a 42,010 30,08 6 39,351 31,436 | i ( i 30 DEMOGRAPHY = Table 8, Populat Year/ Highest grade completed ao grade compl Blenentary isteird grate 4th grade Sth grade GeaeTth grade figh sehocd Isteird year ath year college isteird year th yeer-higher ot stated ‘RNOGRARRY - Table 8. Population 7 Years Old and Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970, 1980, and 1990 (continued) Year) Highest grade completed Both sexes Both semes Male vale 308k TAL 64,698 28,402 35,796 1970 af No grade completed Slexentary isteird grade Ath grate Sth grate StheTth grade High school Isteird year ath year : - : college - : : : Istelrd year - : : : : 2 : : i ath year-higher : : : : i : : Hot stated - . : 1 . 1 4 4 : 31 SEROGRAPEY - RILEL Table 8, Population 7 Years Old and Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970, 1980, and 1990 tinued) sear) High grade conn’ 1970 af 41,188 40,770 Bo grate completed Bleventary arate schoo istedrd year th year college steded year ath yea ot stated 33 DBvOCRAPHE - RIZAL ‘Table &. Population 7 Years Old and Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970, 1980, and 1990 09 Both sexes Female Both sexes Male = Fanale Wale Penal Both sexes 1910 af 67,095 78,720 8,948 4o grade coupleted Blenentary isteird grade 4th grade Sth grade StheTth grade igh sco Istedrd year th year college steed year th year-higher ot stated . . 34 Danas Table 8. Population 7 Years Old and Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970, 1960, and 1990 (conclude No grade ceupleted Blewentary sted grade isteard year Ath year-higher ot stated Source: National statistice Office, census of fopulation & Rousing: 1970 & 1980. af Includes population of the cities of Calsacen, Pasay, axd Quenon a las Pies, Makati, Malabon, Mandaluyong, Marikina, Muntinlup San Juan and Tagulg which were transferred on Novenber 7, 1915 under P.0. ¥o at Pasi, ateres, DawosaRPat ~ RELL amary reoraary arch april Ky Sune aly august Septenber october Noveuber Deceaber Tabie 9. Live Births by Month of Occurrence: 1980-1990 35 DEMOGHAPAT RIZAL Male Feaale Pausle Fewale All ages 2,688 4,106 1,828 1,283 ae Under 1 yr, 782 At yrs, 388 6 ut 8 2 a 2 6 4 8 8 ws Continued a7 mr DEMOGRAPRT = RIZAL ‘table 11, Deaths by Sex and Age Group: 1880 (concluded e0-over om tS Not stated - - : : 40 peyageaney + ATzaL Table 12. Registered Deaths by Type of Attendance: 1980-1990 tics Office, Vital a/ Considered not attended. DRMOGEAPAY = RITA Source: National ey 44 DaMOSRAPHE = Table 15. Maternal Deaths by Age Group: 1980-1980 age 1801981980 ALL ages is u u Under 15 yrs: : tts 1 2-04 5 * Bes i Met 35-28 Met es Steover Source: National DEMOGRAPHY ~ RIAL Table 16, Marriages by Month of Occurrence: 1980-1990 Total Spb 6H 5,360 6596807 2S 682258927802, January ey deg 28 we reruary 23H 3 Mi a tare 5B a 1 inl 9ST mm on hay Mm mf in a Sune 610 AH ms 15 daly sage a 555 ugist 3200S DH 24 ME om Septenber 358 TE 501 ae October mt os 538 Be RT Me Koveaber no He Tosa wk US Ddeceaber so DSHS 6 BL MTD Source: Nai ies Section, DEMOGRAPHY ~ KLUAL Table ITA. Number of Migrants to Rizal by Area of Origin: 1975 - 1980 and 1985 - 1990, area of origin AL provinces. yk sora Benguet Itugac Falinga Apayao At, Province Mocos Harte Toces Sur ta Union Pangasinan Batanes Cagayan rsadela Nueva Vizeaya Quiriae Bataan Bulacan Mueva Bela Panpangs ‘atlac tanbales Batangas cavite Lagun Marinduque Oriental Mindoro Occidental Mindoro Palawan guezon Rizal nosbion duroca aby Camarines Norte Canarines sur Catanduanes masdate Sorsogex aan antique Capiz Mioilo Wearas Occidental Bote) cebu Segros Criental siquijar Both Sexes 1231 eg 1,397 368 ag 136 % 1az ne 2,068 646 am 233 a5 BL 360 163 m2 as 492 a nm 16 wale rerale 29,241 Both Seres Uae 68,148 Me 208 3 0 166 a MI 4,897 ST nt 536 16 n 4 1,595 1,008 128 zm 145 192 oy DENOGRAPHT = RIZAL Table 17. Number of Migrants to Rizal by Arca of Origin: 1975 - 1980 and 1985 - 1990. (concluded) 1975-1580 1995-1990 Area of origin ===> Both sexes dale =—sFeuale Bath Setes Male Penal astern Sanar i u 5 33 156 m6 Late 1,258 ut me 1256 600 638 Northern Samar 8 6 a ase Be wt Samar 1A aa mI 160 a6 388 southers Leyte i u ‘ ut a a basilan R 2 n n 16 a sulu 5 : 5 0 u 1 ‘avi-tavl 6 6 : n 6 u Tanboanga del Norte a uM 4“ % H 58 ‘anboanga de] sur 1% 6 8 233 307 is Agusan del Rorte 254 as 1s 18 0 6 Agusan de] Sur 160 4 8 » io 10 Bukidnon a x 8 a 2 z caniguin 6 6 ~ 1 4 3 Nisanis accidental a % u ioe 2 a Misanis oriental 1 Hi u 181 0 sh Surigao del Harte im Fa 38 ae 13 17 Davao us nt nS 0 8 x Dargo del Sur v n if wi 133 Me Davao Oriental u « 8 2 3 io South Cotabato a a 56 a6 8 8 Surigao de sur n au n Mi 1 a Lanao det Norte u : u 188 4 108 tanto del Sur 8 » B 8 4 % Naguindanze 18 0s 0 192 2 100 Cotabato in % 2 it ‘ 5 sultan Rudarat u n - u 5 R Guinares : - : % 4 a Biliran : : : 1 u #8 P.O. af 0 1 a ste 59 au known 630 360 amo a8 3 54 Agusan . : . 1 5 2 Bicel : : - 2058 36h 1093 Daveo : : : 5 a 32 Tacos: : - - s 5 10 sayte : - : 458 as a Negros : . - 5 a t sar . : : 3H 81 a6 ‘tanboange : : - 3 2 8 ates : . . ‘ 3 3 Visayas : : - ae u Mi Windanas : : - no M6 167 Source: Katlonal statistics Office, Population Statistics Section. af Foreign countries. Ly DRNOGEAPHY ~ RIZAL Table 198, Number of Migrants from Rizal by Arca of Destination: 1975 - 1980 and 1985 - 1990 ‘Area of destination oth Sexes ALL provinces eR Abra Benguet Tfugaa Kalinga apayao Mt, Province Tacos Korte Mocos sur 4a tion Pangasinan Batanes Cagayan Isabela Nueva Vizeaya Quirino Sataan Bulacen Mueva Boija Panparga tarlac Lantales Batangas Cavite laguna Harindugue Oriental Mindoro Occidental Kindoro Palawan Quezon Rizal Reablon Aurora Albay Camarines Korte Canarines sur Catanduanes Masbate Sorsogon Alan antique 26,493 1242 6 47 a a 5 i a6 ah a rs n 1 661 le 1 587 M6 ri] 139 4,210 2026 1 m m7 179 559 110 1 as 28 464 u 390 1s tit 12, cn wale 788 835 5 8 rele 13,704 5,529 8 Both Sexes 28,938 16,633 8 108 a9 m 618 15 1 as 18 190 male 13,595 1,893 6 6 2 133 w rT 198 1 88 i a 7 n 10 Continued ay DEMOGRAPHY ~ AITAL ‘Table 17B, Number of Migrants from Rizal by Area of Destination: 1975 - 1980 and 19 (concluded) 1915-1980 1985-1590 Area of destination ‘oth Sexes wale Female Both Sexes. «Male = Feuale Capiz oT) ® 2 a 4 8 Heide 199 n m aye 153 us Negros dceldental a a 4 120 8 38 Bohol 8 3 8 8 R u cebu 19 106 3 in 18 a ‘aoros oriental 2 EI n % uo iS siguijor : : : 4 3 1 astern Saar 1B 6 w “o un a leyte 268 a2 11 6 46 168 Northern Samar 3 2 w i n a ‘Semar a 5 6 a6 2 8 southern Leyte a ul 10 07 u 8 Basilan : - - 3 1 1 sulu . : . : - - Tawi-tavi : : : : : - tanboange de] Norte : : : ty 6 ‘ ‘anboange de) Sur 18 ‘ u 0 9 u Agusan del Forte a B 5 a a 8 Agusan de] Sur 10 : w 7 4 3 Bukidnon 88 ” 8 ” 6 a caniguin - - : a 3 5 Misanis decidental 30 2 2 R 5 1 Aisauls orlectel 33 2 2 3 % n Surigao del norte i ‘ 3 2 u u faveo 4 4 1 2 5 ? Davao del sur 15 ut 8 6 n 2 ‘avao Oriental 5 : 5 2 2 - South cotabate 150 e n a n 8 Surigao del Sur u wt : 2 4 t anao del Korte a 1 " % R u lanac del sur : - - - : - Naguindanae : : - 4 i 4 Cotabato H RB u 18 4 i sultan Radarat” 8 i 5 5 1 3 Guinaras : + : é 1 Biliran - : - u un u Source: Rational statistics office, Population Statistics Section. 6y 50 Fig. 3.1 Urban-rural Population: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 Urban ) 7} ElRural Thousands 1970 1975 1980 1990 Year CHAPTER 4 HEALTH AND WELFARE This chapter gives an overview of the health of the province, Presented are the estimated vital rates such as infant mortality rate, crude birth and death rates, fertility rates and life expectancy at birth; number of ospitals; and health personnel ‘While data on vital statistics are provided by the National Statistics Office, the rest of the information are provided by the Rizal Provincial Health Office. etal Rates Health status of the province is characterized 6y declining birth, death and infant mortality rates. Barth Rate In 1995, crude birth rate or the number of births for every thousand population was estimated at 22.7. However, it was projected to dectine to 19.9 by year 2000. Death Rate On the other hand, the number of deaths for every thousand population in 1995 was estimated to be 5.2, while infant mortality rate, which is the number of infant deaths for every thousand fivebirths, was placed ut 30.6. These were fikewise expected to decline to 5.0 and 26.1, respectively, by year 2000. wel ew) 32 Like Expectancy at Bath Wealth Facilities Health Personnel ‘The expected fife span of a person since birth will increase from 69.4 years in 1995 to 70.7 years.in ‘year 2000. As of 1993, there were 25 fospitals in the province, 19 of which were privately owned and 6 were government operated. Total bed capacity was 2520 ora ratio of 458 persons to one hospital bed. Government health personnel in 1993 numbered 290, a decrease of 13.17 percent from 1991. Midwives totalled 95; pliysicians,51; nurses,78; sanitary inspectors, 31; and dentists, 13. HEALTH and WELPARR - RIZAL ‘able 1, Estimated Vitel Rates and Life axpectancy at Birth: 1980 - 2000 { Nediun assumption | Infant crude crude Total Life ier aortality birth death fertility expectancy rate 1/ rete 2/ rate 2/ rate 3/ at birth 4 900 1 BA 10 4,120.0 6 385 at 18.0 62 3,315.0 669 1906 4 ns 5.0 3,306.0 $1.2 set BA md 58 3,210 Gey 1388 3 6.7 58 3,168.0 a 1389 16.2 A 52 3,098.0 a3 1489 3a 18.6 5.6 3,030.0 68.2 13a Ba 10 55 2,961.0 64 1392 ie wa 54 2,892.0 1 1383 Ra Ry sa 2,813.0 $8.9 i334 25 23 5a 2,10 9.2 1395 30.8 ud bt 2,685.0 84 1396 Ba 2A Ba 2,616.0 a7 4391 aa nS 5 2,547.0 ad 1998 rr) no 5 2,418.0 m2 i 1399 ne uA 50 2,408.0 ma 200 6.1 wa 58 2,300.0 17 1 Source of bas data: National Statistics Office, 1975 Vital Statistice report. 1) fer thousand ive births. 2 Per thousand population. 3/ Per thousand woaen, 4) In years, 34 BAL. and WELEARE - RIIAL | Table 2, Distribution of Governnent and Private Hospitals and Bed-population Ratio: 1960-1393 private Year o Population 1 Bede funder Bed haber et umber 306 population capacity capacity capacity ratio 1980 8 m 4 10 u sit sea] tH 1931 B m0 4 360 a 310 sana Ls 163 1982 B m0 4 160 a 0 ere 1 1S 1983 8 m0 4 260 a 510 feast at % 10 5 210 a 510 e068 OH 19885, % 180 5 m0 nt 510 672,066 1: 88D 1996 u 405 5 no u 535 695,978 1: SE 1987 u 005 5 m0 2 335 mand ot: aM 1988 u 105 5 m0 nt 55 Wb: 1983 a/ = = = = = = - = 1990 a/ = - - - - - ~ - 191 % aie ‘ 2350 x 1549 20,06 1 1392 a aL é 5 8 581 109,483 Ts 1993 8 3320 6 00 i) a0 LAS: Source: Departuent of Health. 1) Xediue assumption, a/ Data not available. ospitals ura] health units Barangay health stations sanitaria Yaily planning clinies social bystene clinics Mental hygiene clinics Dental clinics alaria units Sutrivard units Source: Departaent of Health, table 3 Number of Sovernsent Health Pa 4 1 2 a 3 % i 4 i a 5 5 5 es: 1980-1967 55 36 ABRLTH and WBLERBE - RIZAL ‘Table 4, usher of Governaent Health Personnel and Ratio to Prpulation: Personnel vesseeee foaber Physician Field wealth Services Hospital Services aurse Held Health Services Hospital Services Midwife Held Health services Hospital Services Dentist ‘Field Health services Hospital Services Pheraacist Tield Health Services Hospital Services ‘ural sanitary inspector Held Realth Services Hospital Services Medical technologist Held Health Services Hospital Services Dieticias/nutritionist Held Health services Hospital Services: Health educator Held Health services Hospital Services Sanitary Ingineer Held dealth services Hospital Services Source: Departuent of Bs 1591 Ratio iam 1 18,304 27,53 21,351 hI 15,558 kT Ay 33,36 be, 135 17,74 bM4,135 hse 03 4,205 iat 034,206 Ratio 6t,6u4 2,315 11,50 3,306 272,760 37,622 ta, 353,681 363,681 Musber Ratio 60,15 36,071 34,378 25,550 12,150 108,913 571,131 208,565 31,234 164,634 BEDE 268,585 288,565 AALTE and WELEARE ~ RIZAL ‘able 5, fuaber of Governent Health Persornel by Municipality: 1987 Sanitary Medical Diet Municipality ehysicuan Wurse Midwife Dentist Pharmacist inspector technologist nutritionist Barangay Inforaation health officer worker angono 3 4 1 : 1 : 1 - : Antipote 2 a 1 : a : - + 600 : Bara 1 4 1 : 1 : : + Ub : Binangonan i B i - 1 : : = Ob : canta 3 € 1 : 4 2 : = 6b : Cardona 2 5 1 : 1 : : = BE : dalajala 1 3 : 1 : - - oe : Montalban 2 2 1 : 1 - : - ot : orong 1 5 i : 5 - 1 2 8 : Hila 1 4 1 : 1 : 1 nr : san ateo 3 5 i : 1 1 - = eT : ‘anay 1 1 1 - 1 - - - B : naytay i 5 1 - 3 - : - oD : eresa 1 3 : 1 - : . a : Source: Uepartent of Heals 38 vasectoay——_Rhytha/ Calendar | | 1991 New accegtors 11a 12,198 603 1,705 36 ! 2,610 a Continuing Users 10,668 $504 286 438 : : 1492 . 1992 New acceptors 14,141 12,582 83 4,988 : 2,401 3 Continuing Users 1,56 4107 a 0 : u . 1993 New acceptors 11,671 818 S51 383 a8 : 18 200 Continuing Users ane 2300 a 6 186 ‘ 103 + Source; Departaent of fealth, ¥anila. CHAPTER 5 CRIME AND DELINQUENCY Crime incidence is a good indicator of the peace and order situation of an area, Crime statistics throughout the country, however, generally suffer from undercoverage, the extent of which is not Known. Thus, an area with a higher crime rate than other area does not necessarily mean that the former is relatively less peaceful and orderly than the latter. Moreover, this limitation must also be considered wiien comparison is done over time. Crime Volume Reported crime volume in 1991 was 418, increasing by 153.33 percent from 1990. Grime Rate Crime rate in 1991 was placed at 5.12 cases for every 10,000 population. Most crimes committed were index crimes, which include murder, homicide, physical injury, robbery, theft and rape. 39 60 (CRIME and DELINQUENCY - RIZAL Table 1. Crime Volume and Crime Rate by Type of Crime: 1986-1991 (Rate - per 10,000 popul: fate Vol Total mo 480 ah ru Index crines mM 198 wurder oto u Homicide sea 189 38 Physical injury 20D w Robbery St ae 103 B theft 38S 8 Rape #406 oT 4 Won-index crimes HLS SM Source: PC/ISP Conputer Center. Hotes Nurder + includes atteapted/frustrated. Honicide - inciudes attexgted/frustrated Physical injury ~ includes serious/less serious only, Robbery - includes robbery in band/brigandage Theft - includes atteapted/qualified/sinple theft of large cattle. Rape ~ includes atteapted/frustrated. a 0.82 3.4 0.06 on 0.17 0.90 1a ee 8 8 n 56 % 8 n ooo 1.04 ery 11e 0.05 0.55 on on 2.08 CHAPTER 6 EDUCATION Tunber of In school year 1993 - 1994, there were 378 schools in Rizal About 273 or 72.22 percent of the schools were public or govemment-oumed and only 105 or 27.78 percent were privately-owned. Pre-schools numbered 89; clementary,226; secondary, 52; and tertiary, 11. As of the same school year, enrolment reached 261 thousand (excluding enrolment in the tertiary level) an increase of 12.78 percent from school year 1990 -1991 (school years 1991 - 1992 and 1992 - 1993, data are not available) About 72.37 percent were enrolled in public schools and 27.63 percent, in private schools. Enrolment in pre-schools totalled 9,065; elementary, 174,242; while secondary enrolment reached 78,115. Number of State and Private Colleges and Universities: As of June 1993 Source: Departrent of Edvation Culture and Sport, Bureau of Higher Eduatioa, ot EDUCATION - RIEAL Table 1. Distribution of Schools by Level of Education by Sector: SY 1977-78 to SY 1963-04 ALL Levels. Blenentary School Year Total Goverment Private total Governaent Private Total Goverueent Private 1517-1918 mot 2% 1 . 5 1378-1979 20300 IM 8 ! : § 1979-1990 2 Te 2 i - 5 1800-1981 mee x 1 - 3 3881-1981 mom x i : 2 1982-198: mR % 5 : rey 1383-1984 2178 6 1 . Q isa41985 25s i : : it ms 0 6 3 : R 2 aM 3% 4 : R m1 36 t . 2 a 208 i 2B . QR mat 30 2 : a sw " - : a a ats 8 89 : 1s tee @ Secondary Tertiary Vocational ‘Total Governeent erivate otal Goverment privat Total Governaent 0 1 B 5 2 a : : - u ul 20 5 2 3 - - - 2 it a 5 2 i - : : 2 n a 5 z a : : - Fr 2 a 5 2 3 : - : n QR a 5 2 a : : : x 2 a 5 2 2 - : : x 2 a 5 a i - : : SR5-198E 3 1 n 5 z 3 : : : 1886-1987 a a 1 5 2 3 : : - 1897-1988 2 1 a é i 3 : : . 1saa-1995 8 2 a € i 3 : 1 - 1989-1556 8 0 aD - : : : : 1999-49 6 5 n : : : : - : 1891-1992 a - - . . - - - 5890-1993 ay : : - - - - - : - 1892-1994 3 6 Fra n a 3 : . : Source: Departaest of Bducation, Culture and sports. a/ Data not available. ze BOUCATION - HIAL ‘able 2. Enroluent in Governtent and Private Schools by Level of Bducation: SY 1977-76 tot 1993-98 School ALL levels: Rleentary Secondary ‘tertiary ‘Total Governuent Private Totel Gorernvent Private total Goverment frivate Total coverntent frivate Yotal Goverment Private 1971-1918 93,782 2,086 + Th $0,126 75,558 4,572 12,14 56001480 1,32 AMTE-187§ 101,273 88,236 + 6D 5,564 80,867 4,597 13,507 527 1,u2 1,18 175-1980 108,428 91,998 + Th 88,777,617 5,150 17,605 3,263,115 683,107 1880-1981 148,062 $7,581 ~ TE 95,3 88,383 6,851 18,906 3,716 3,150 4,607 E1982 121d 100,896 + ME 88,023 90,077 3,88 22 487 1S 4,35 S146 1982-1985 131,485 105,830 A919 13H 004 105,648 U9GH-19HS 132,192 103,786 15-1986 138,852 110,169 1906-1987 147,968 118,266 A9T-198E 148,683 121,787 1988-1985 168,081 133,387 $6 100,909 92,999 6,910 24,751 96,219 1,864 22,291 95,406 7,258 21,968 UE 138 110,276 102,145 8,131 20,598 S19 110,269 108 TE 97H 23,079 4,053 204 171,996 151,538 10,457. 18,672 430235 132,288 122,199 10,159 28,199 1,068 5,795,587 335 6,591 6413 H4,51T 6,959 4396520 M4257 6,493 BT 5,866 W426 616554 10,828 GT 8525887 14 6819 AT 5,546 1965-1990 217,356 154,340 6,203 £320 149,053 131,165 17,888 52,774 36,808 . 1390-1991 231,807 182,957 6,685 $,58 156,566 135,785 20,811 59,208 36,656 : : - 1991-1997 af - - = = ~ ee - = - + ~ - - - 1382-1993 af - ~ = - - = - - - - ~ = - + 1999-1994 261,422 188,182 77,209 9,065 9,065 + MTR 5,654 28,548 THIS EAE 13,600 : : - Source: Departaent of Education, Culture and Sports, Bureau of Higher Bducation. a/ bata not available. 64 DUCTION - inaL ‘able 4, funber of Teachers in Goverasent and Private Schools by Level of Education: s¥ 1877-78 to st 1 Secondary otal Governsent 2,000 188 - 2380 we 8 - 2 223 ah wr OMS > 8 wm 12 R + ie 103 an > 1 wm a 480 W185 136 watt 19 MS 5 1ST 155 485 a 186 164 mat M1 168 sa att wo 188 Source: Departaent of Bducation, Culture and sports 6s ‘BOUCATION ~ RIIAL Table 4, Bucation Indicators in Government Elementary Schools: SY 1974-80 to St 1590-31 { fate in percent } school Harolaent fetention Participation Graduation transition Cohort» _—Drop- Repetition completion —teacher~ yeer rate }/ rate 2) rate 3/ tate / rate $/ survival, «out, rate &/ rate 3/ papi rete 6] rate 1/ ratio 1919-1980, Ww : $1.98 : . . Le . : : 1980-1981 15.55 : 18 56.06 : : 053 2a - : 61-1982 Wal 3678 51.74 96.68 55.18 1.85 2.31 : 1962-1983 Ms 91.58 iis S61 100,05 Lie LY : 1903-1988 M1 96,31 $9.80 S815 108.63 1a 2ae . 98h-1985 Ma 9b.8 £8.55 a1.19 $5.18 130 106 : 1985-1986 hs] 98.62 68.70 1.82 58.69 107 219 . 1906-1987 0] 8.78 $3.18 as sg. 0.90 158 : 1967-1988 15.00 93.81 53.54 51.87 51.28 01 Le : 1988-1589 19 HH.00 56.35 38.20 58.64 0.68 Ln : 16.396 31.20 . 91.89 9.58 0.61 Las 1:38 120,96 95.88 . ste 98.08, 069 110 1:33 (anrolnent in grades 11-VI/dnroluent in grades I-V of previous s¥) x 100 [Bnrolnent 7-12 yrs, old/2opulation 1-12 yrs, old) x 100 No. of graduates/Snrolaent ir grade VI) x 100 (Snroluent in grade V/Barelvent in grade 1¥ of previous St} x 100 (Enroluent in grade Vi/Bnrolaent in grade 1 five previous Sts) x 100 ‘total no. of drop-cuts/Total enroluent) x 199 ‘Total no. of repeaters/Total enrolaent of previcus st} x 100 Mo. of graduates/Bnrolaent in grade I five previous sts) x 100 66 OUATION ~ RITAL ‘Table 4a, duration Indicators in Private Hlexentary Schools: SY 198980 to S¥ 1990-51 ( Rate in percent ) School Snroluent Retention Participation Graduation Transition Cofort- Drop Repetition Completion —‘Teacher- yer rate 1/ rate 2/ rate 2/ rate t/ rate 5 surviva «out rate 8/ rate 9/ pupil rate 6 rate T/ ratio 1949-1990 $5.90 1nk.g0 : $8.96 1019 108.52 0.70 032 1k 1990-1981, 18.53 104,27 : MT 123.38 0.86 14 M886 oH Source: Departuent of Education, Culture and sports. 1/ BR = {otal enroluent/Popelation 6-21 yrs. old) x 100, 2/ Reth + (Borolnent in grades 11-VI/Baroluent in grades 1-V of previous Sf] x 100 3/ PR = (Bnroluent 1-12 yrs. 0d/Population 1-12 yrs. old) x 100 AY GR = (Xo, of graduates/Anroluent in geade VI) x 100 5/ t= (Rnroluent in grade V/encoluent in grade IV of previous St) x 100 6/ Ost = (Gnrolnent in grade Vi/Burolaent in grade I five previcus $¥6) x 100 1/ oR = (Total no, of Grop-outs/total enzolaent) x 100 4/ Repk = (otal no, of regeaters/Total encoluent of grevious $1) x 100 5/ CR > (No, o€ graduetes/Bareiuent in grade 1 five previous Sis) x 100 67 BDUCATION ~ RIZAL ‘Table 5, Biucation Indicators in Governaent Secondary Schools: SY 1984-85 toST 1990-31 (Bate in percent ) Scboal Soroluent Retention Participation Graduation Transition Cohort- Dray Repetition Completion —teacher= year ntel/ rate 2/ rate 1/ rate #/ rate 5/ survival «out rate &/ rate 9/ pupil rate 6 rate T/ ratio 1984-1985 Lie 79. 3.81 $8.36 6.08 1 Bat 1985-1986 1h 18.55 35.18 Te 69 196 cmt qe 1906-1587 + 18.11 55.52 etd 6.01 16 a yi 1987-1988 10s 18.86 a7 14.37 3.38 15 138 1 1988-1989 13D $1.32 34.81 1465 : 1.50 $6.24 de 1949-1390 252 96.36 . 37.08 ade 4. 0.8 147 1: 1390-1991 3031 aT. : m8 102.86 5.06 0.86 100.41 1s Source: Departuent of Héuestion, Culture and Sports, 1/ HR = (Total enroluent/Population 6-21 yrs. ela) x 100 2) wetn = (anrolazat in yrs. 11-10 /Enrolaent in yrs, [TIE of previous 51) x 190 3/ PR = (Hnrolaent 12-16 pre, old/topulation 13-16 yrs, old) x 100 Wf GR = (No, of graduates/Inrolzent in yr. 1¥) x t00 S/R = [Bnroleent in yr. I/Mo, of eler. graduates of previcus St) x 100 6/ CSR = (Snrolnent in yr. 1V/Baroluent in yr, 1 three previous Sts} x 100 1/ DOR = (total no. of érop-outs/total enroleent} x 100 8/ Hepa = (otal no. of repeaters/total enrolment of previous St) x 100 8/ R= (¥o, of graduates/Eoroluent in yr. 1 three previous Sts) x 100 68 SDUCATION ~ RIZAL Table 5a, Education Indicators in vate Secondary Schools: ST 1989-90 tot 1990-91 { Rate in percent | Schoo! 4Gnroluent Retention farticipation Graduation transition _cohort- top> Repetition Conpletion teacher year rate lf rate 2 rate 3/ rate4/ rate §/ survival out rate @/ rate $/ pupil tate 6 rate 1/ ratio S16 $0.61 : 55.1 nt) 3.98 185 Shel 53,59 : 96 SH 10.21 4 0.36 Source: Departuent of Education, Culture and sports. 1/ BR = (Total enreluent/Population 6-21 yrs, old} x 100 1) Retk = (Rorolvent in yrs. 1i-10/Snrolwent in yrs. I-1IT of previous st] x 100 3/ PR = (Boroluent 13-16 y1s, 914/Population 13+16 yrs. old) x 100 4/GR = (Wo, of gradvates/inrotaent in yr, IV) x 100 5/R = [Borolsent in yr. 1/No. of elea. graduates of previous SY) x 100 6/ cst = (Anzolnent in yr, 1N/Baroluent in yr, 1 three previous s¥s) x 100 1/ bok = (total no. of drop-cuts/total enroluent) ¥ 100 &/ Repk = (Total no, of repeaters/total enroluent of previous $1) x 100 S/R = (Wo. of gradvates/fnroluent in yr, I three previous Ss) x 100 69 EDUCRIOR ~ RIZAL ‘able §, Ynrolment 1p Seven Areas of Nonformal Htucation: SY 1977-78 to SY 1982-88 Sports) School ‘Total functions) Vocational civic physical sacia~ Nass Leadership year Literacy technical citizen fitness cultural wedia training training test developeent 1stt-t318 : © : : . : : 1978-3979 . Bt : : . : : 1918-1980, : in . : : - : 1980-1981, : 8 : : : : - sat-t980 : 3 - : : : : 1982-1885, . 103 : : : : : 1902-1984 : sit : : : : : 1984-1985 . 685 : : : - . 1985-1386 : 1,623 : - : : : 1986-1987, : 1440 : : : : : 1987-1998 4 a4 6 : 5 : - 1388-1388 8 310 5 : 55 : - Source: onicipality of angona, Binangonan, Ceinta, Morong and Taytay. 70 Fig. 6.1 Enrolment in Government and Private Schools: 250 Thousands (SY 1979-80 - SY 1990-91) 50} - o a 1979-80 1980-81 1961-82 1982-83 1963-64 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 Schoo! Year sees CHAPTER 7 LABOR FORCE AND EMPLOYMENT Labor force data are culled from the Integrated Survey of Households (ISH) conducted quarterly by the National Statistics Office. In the labor force or economically active population refers to population 15 years old and over who are either employed or unemployed. Employed persons include all those who, during the reference week, are either at work or with a job but not at work, A person is at work, if he does any work, for pay or profit, or work without pay on the farm or business enterprise operated by a member of the same fiousefold related By Glood, marriage or adoption. On the otfier fand, a person is considered with a job 6ut not at work if fie fas a job or business but not at work, because of temporary ilfness, vacation, strike or other reasons; or if fe is supposed to start the operation of a farm or business enterprise within 30 days from the date of interview. ‘Unemployed persons include alf those who, during the reference week, are reported wanting or looking for work, Alco included are persons wanting full or part-time work but not looking for work Because of temporary ilvess, bad weather, or other valid reasons. n Statistics on employment in the local government are generated from the Quarterty Survey of Local Government. 9 the Labor Powe Employment by Sector Employment & the Local il. Labor force survey conducted in October 1994 showed that of the 608 thousand population of the province who were 15 years old and over, 361 thousand or 59.38 percent were in the labor force. Of the persons in the labor force, 91.97 percent were employed and 8.03 percent were unemployed; 62.33 percent were males and 37.67 percent were females. By sector, 53.31 percent were in the service sector; 35.54 percent worked in the industry sector while 11.14 percent were in the agriculture sector. ‘The focal government units of Rizal employed a total of 4,356 persons during the third quarter of 1994, an increase of 14.09 percent from the previous year of the same quarter (3,818 ). During the same quarter, an employee in the local government unit received an average monthly compensation of 4,101. i { LABOR FORCE and ANPLOTNERT ~ RIZAL ‘table 1. Population 15 Years Old and over by Sex by Baploynent status, ‘Srban-Rural: October 1986 - October 1994 { Im thousands; details nay not add up to totals ave to rounding } ‘total sex/ population Not in the area classification 15 yrs. old labor force and over October 1988 ‘Both sexes 5 231 a 1 rban 3s 205, 8 a ural my 7 ‘ a tale a m 15 u , Urban 168 126 1B au ural 8 Ey 2 4 Peale mw me 8 a Urban 181 1 6 i sural 2 3 i % January 1989 Both sexes wo 26 8 aT Urban a5 at a 1 ural ms 85 6 u ale we 18 16 cy Urban 186 wt B % tural a Bt 4 4 Female at 18 10 123 Orban 188 u 8 0 Rural Cs u 2 6 TABOR FORCE and INPLOVABRT ~ RIZAL ‘Table 1. Population 15 Tears Old and over by Sex by Saployaent status, Uthan-Rural: October 1988 - October 1994 (continued) (tm thousands; details aay not adé up to totals due to rounding } ‘total sex) population In the labor force Not in the area classification 15 yrs, old -so= Labor force and over Baployed ——_teaployed April 1999 Both sexes as an 8 M8 Orban 350 at » MT ural at 99 5 x Kale mn 185 ub at trban 163 128 2 4 Rural 6 aT 4 1 Henale 8 va 4 ur Orbea ar a5 8 4 Rural $6 n 1 a uly 1988 Both sexes 499 305 2 186 Urban 359 13 n 1 Rural 1 2 6 2 Male 25 10 Ww 3 Orban 161 128 uw % Rural a 4 4 0 Peale 255 12 iT wt Urban 1 8 4 8 eral ot 8 1 a LABOR FORCE and BAPLOYMBNT - RIZAL ‘able 1, Population 15 Years Old and over by Sex by Eaployaent status, Urban-Rurel: October 1986 - October 1994 (continued) ( Im thousands; details aay not 266 up to totals due to rounding } ‘Total Sex/ population In the labor force Not in the area classification IS YIs, old sareeeeeeseseseeecnee labor force and over Beployed ——_Unexployed october 1985 Both sexes 495 15 8 66 Urban 361 20 Fy ural i 5 Wale a 180 n n Urban mn aw 8 ra Rural 6 3” 4 § Female a6 15 B rrr Urban t a 1e 101 Rural 8 2 1 B Sanuary 1980 both seres 500 301 B 166 Orban ant at w st Rural 16 6 1 2 tale ws ay fy 2 Orban i 15 w ca ural 6 st 5 1 renale a5 1m 10 m Orhan 13 es ‘ %6 Rural Cr ry 1 8 April 1990 - No survey SL ‘MABOR FORCE and HNPLOWNANT - RIZAL Table 1, Population 15 Years Old and over by Sex by Baployment status, Urban-Rurai: ctober 1988 - October 1994 (continued) (in thousands; details nay not add up to totals due to rounding } ‘total sex] population area Classification 1S yrs. old and over duly 1990 Both sexes Urban sural Male Urban Rural Penale Orban Rural october 1990 Both sexes Orban Rural ale urban Rural Penale Srhan ural 510 31 130 252 196 158 19 6 ss 383 12 251 185 wa ist ot ployed 307 as 105 1 1 ra 8 u 03 ns a8 182 10 5 120 8 In the labor force Unenployed ot in the Labor force m 135 % 8 128 100 Fa 183 M6 12 0 94 LABOR FORCE and BAPLOWMENT ~ RITAL ‘Table 1. Population 15 Years Old and over by Sex by Baploynent status, UUrban-Rural: October 1988 - October 1894 {continued} ( im thousands; details aay not add up to totals due to rounding ) ‘otal sex/ population area classification 15 yrs, old and over January 1981 Both sexes Orhan ural wale Urban aural youle ‘ban Rural april 1991 Both sexes ‘trban Rural wale Srban ural rerale Srban ural st 380 aL 516 37 18 a7 188 269 193 0 In the Labor force Taployed ug ne 8 199 143 56 120 8 3 35 a Ey 199 we ctl 8 8 ‘neaployed Not in the Jabor force as 19 36 18 105 2 1% 26 0 8 133 wt nt Le LABOR FORCE and BNPLOYWRNT - RIZAL table 1. population 15 Years Old and ver by Sex by Enployxent status, Urban-Rural: October 1988 - October 1994 (continued) (in thousands; details aay not add up to totals due to rounding | In the labor force Baployed ‘nenployed Not ia the labor fore ‘otal sex! population area classification 15 yrs. old and over duly 1991 Both sexes 532 Urban a ural 9 Kale 258 Urban a ural 2 Pele m3 Urban 16 Rural Fa ‘October 1991 Both sexes 53 Orban ay ural 60 Male 260 Urban 140 Rural 30 Fenale m Orhan ue Rural 0 36 260 Fa 185 182 2 ia 8 “ 29 266 185 165 2 ne 191 B 15 a u a1 8 3 Me 14 u BL LABOR FORCE and BMPLOTARWY RITAL ‘able 1, Population 15 Years Old and Qver by Sex by Buployuent status, Uchan-Rucal: etober 1988 - Getaber 1994 (continued) (1m thousands; details aay not add up to totals due to rounding ) total Sex/ population tn the labor force Not in the ares classification 1S yrs. old Labor force and over Buployed Unemployed January 1982 Both sexes 58 236 4“ 103 Urban 482 260 8 105 ural 60 % 6 18 tale ast 136 % 2 orban 23 163 a 8 ural 2 2 5 4 Female 280 no 8 1st Urban rat 7 1 uw ural 2 B 1 u April 1992 Both sexes 5 ns 8 16 Urban 488 my 39 1st ural 38 n 3 a Male 266 197 % 2 Urban 26 a5 a 0 tural B 2 5 2 Peale 28 no 2 12 Urban Bt 103 Fi] at Rural 2 5 4 0 TABOR FORCE and EMPLOTMENT ~ RIZAL able 1, Population 15 Years O1€ and over by Sex by Suploynent status, Urban-Rural: October 1968 - October 1994 (continued) { m™ thousands; details say not add up to totals due to rounding } total sex] population area classification 15 yrs. old and over duly 1992 ‘Both sexes Orban Rural ale urban Rural Female Urban aural october 1992 Both sexes. Orban tural fale Urban ural rele Orhan aural 34 4st 2 wd 13 12 259 2 560 47 165 235 0 185 262 3 nthe Labor force Beployed a1 a ¥ 193 in am 195 m a i 103 16 ‘neaployed ot in the labor force n 135 st us 1st 8 2 182 150 B og SABOR FORCE and SMPLONMGNT - RIZAL ‘table 1. Population 15 Years Old and Over by Sex by Bxployaent status, Urban-fural: October 1988 ~ October 1994 {continued} { In thousands; details way not add up to totals due to rounding | ‘total sex/ population in the Labor force Not in the area classification 15 yrs, old = labor force and over ployed neaployed slamary 1983 Both sexes 365 ia 2 m urban 508 2 8 19 ‘fora: 60 a 4 1S fale m8 81 a ‘Urban ue 18 a BH Rural iy 2 a § Ferle ro mM " w ‘Urban 156 Mit 4 13 Rural it 0 1 Ww april 1983, oth sexes ST ns 102 Le Orban S12 12 vn Ne Rural a a t te wale ne 18 2 ry Urban a 168 6 nv fural u we 6 1 Feaale a 5 w AD ‘Urban a1 AIS, uw ue sural 2 » 4 $ le LABOR YORCH and SNPLOTWRNY ~ ATRAL able 1, Population 15 Years Old and over by Sex by suployaent status, Urban-Rural: october 1986 - Octoher 1994 (continued) { Im thousands; details way not add ap to totals due to rounding | ‘otal sex/ population area classification 15 yrs. old and over July 1953 Both sexes Orban ural vale Orban ural Female trban Rural October 1983 Both sexes Orban Rural hale Orban ural Female Srhan aural sm sat 56 a8 156 296 2st 8 In the labor force ployed 330 20 138 118 130 ne B a 21 a m 10 mo 11 9 ‘Sneaployed fot in the labor fore 205 192 n 8 ut 138 mt 20 W 0 ze LABOR FORCE and MPLOTAENT ~ RIZAL ‘Table 1, Population 15 Years old and over by Sex by Haploysent status, Urban-Rural: October 1988 - October 1994 (continued) { t thousands; details aay not add up to totals due to rounding | ‘otal sex/ population sn the labor force Not in the area classification yrs. old - Labor force and over Taployed ——_Uneaployed January 1534 seth sexes 589 6 % ar Urban 536 a2 x ne oral 3 Ey a 6 Male 6 108 8 8 Urban 260 187 1 0 ural B 2 1 z Fewale 304 ut 8 1st ‘rban a6 10s 6 155 Rural 8 a 1 a April 1994 Both sexes 598 20 cs no Urban cd 25 2 aa Rural a 1% 2 8 ale 22 03 B 6 Urban 15 18 2 a ural 6 n 1 a Fenale we uw n 164 Urban 16 13 1 1st ural u u 1 if ce ABOR FORCE and EMPLOTNENY - RIZAL Table 1, Population 15 Years Old and Over by Sex by Haploynent status, chan-Rural: Getober 1988 - dctober 1994 (concluded) [tn thousands; details aay not add up to totals due to tounding } total sex] population In the labor force ot in the area classification 1S yrs. old eenese shor force and over Eaployed uly 1954 Both sexes sot He 6 rr Urban 5H wet a at ara) 56 6 i 7 wale 208 ist 2 n Urban 162 1 n 88 tural 8 nu 1 5 Peale ne wt 8 amt Srhan 8 101 2 tet sural 2 fy 1 2 October 1994 Both sexes 608 ait a ue Urban 550 us % a tural 38 B 4 % kale 156 15 » 0 tran 265 ite " 6% Rural n a 4 5 yenale 32 mw 3 Mme Orban 1 mm 3 164 tural w 6 : v Source: Rational statistics office, Integrated survey of Households, 8 A808 FORCE and EMPLOYMENT ~ RIZAL Total 2 8 18 120 196 " 1 1 m 50 15 ao 05 9 m2 Ww Table 2. Baployed Persons by type of Industry, Orben ~ aural: otober 1988 - October 1994 { Im thousands; details nay not aéé up to totals ave to rounding } Urban au is 82 108 na 0 108 aa 8 85 uo rural fo Fa 30 9 n se LABOR FORCE and AKPLOFBNT - RILAL Table 2. Beployed Persons by Type of Industcy, Urban ~ tural: Gctober 1984 - October 1994 (continued) { 9 thousands; details aay not add up to totals éve to rounding ) ‘Type of industry October 1988 ‘otal Agriculture Intustry sartice Industry, 2.2.0, January 1980 total Agriculture rndustry service Industry, .8.0. arid 90 * sly 1890 total Agricalture rndustry Service Industry, mee october 1980 ‘total Agriculture Industry service Industry, No survey ‘otal 195 4 % 18 301 8 0 160 307 8 am 303 0 nu 162 Orban no » BR Mi ey BR nt ug uv n a ays 16 126 n 2 % % % a 8 2 " ae 4 8 % 98 LABOR FORCE and EMPLOVWBNY - RIZAL ‘able 2, Inployed Persons by Type of Industry, Urban + Rur ‘Oatober 1988 - Octeber 1994 (continued) [in thousands; details way not adé up to totals due to rounding ) ‘ype of industry Total Urban ural January 1991 ‘total 39 20 63 Agriculture 55 a 2 Industry 107 8 2 Service 7 13 3% Industry, n.e.c, : . . april 1991 ‘otal 28 at 3 Agriculture 65 2 u Industry 14 90 8 Service M6 1 2 Industry, n.¢.0. - - - duly 1991 ‘total 26 260 36 Agriculture % % 0 Industry 108 % 2 Service 132 138 rn Industry, a.e.c, . : : October 1981 ‘total 29 266 2 Agriculture a 2 9 Industry 10 8 0 Service 159 15 4 Industry, a.e.c. - . : “eg LABOR FORCE and RKPLOTWBNT ~ RIZAL ‘Table 2. suployed Persons by type of Industry Getober 198@ - October 1994 (continued) Urban = are! (tm thousands; details nay not add up to totals due to rounding ) ‘Type of industry January 1992 ‘Total Agriculture Industry service Industry, n.e.c. April 1992 Total Agriculture Industry service Industry, n.e.0, duly 1992 ‘otal Agriculture Industry Service Industry, n.e.c, October 1992 ‘otal Agriculture Industry Service Industry, n.e.c, total 136 a 106 153 316 y us Is ms a 9 155 36 8 12 151 ‘urban 250 u 4 17 ne 6 106 6 m a 108 136 m 2 uo it % 0 n n B » ut fF 10 0 w 10 9 88 LABOR FORCE and EMPLOYMENT ~ RIEAL ‘Table 2. Baployed Persons by type of Industry, Urban » Rural: ‘ctober 1988 - ctober 1994 (continued) ( 1 thousands; details way not add up to totals due to rounding } ‘Type of industry January 1993 ‘Total Agriculture Industry service Industry, n.e.¢. april 1999 ‘otal Agriculture Industry serrice Industry, a.0.¢. duly 1983 ‘total Agriculture Industry service Industry, n.e.c. October 1992 total Agriculture Industry Service Industry, n.e.c. ‘otal at a 16 166 cr) 8 120 164 30 7 1g 166 a a rrr 157 Urban v 109 ut 290 n ing Me at 4 13 18 n 0 a we 1 68 LABOR FORCE and ENPLOTMENT ~ RIZAL, Table 2. Inployed Persons by type of Industry, Ucban - Aural: Cctober 1986 - October 1984 (concluded) ( tm thousands; details nay not add up to totals due to rounding } Type of industry ‘otal Urban January 1984 total Agriculture Industry service Industry, n.e.c, april 1994 ‘otal Agriculture Industry service Industry, n.e.c. uly 1954 ‘otal Agriculture Industry service Industry, n.e.c. ‘october 1984 Total Agriculture Industry service Industry, n.e.c. 6 4 cy 1 at # ng 11 6 u ng 166 a u 118 am 292 a Mi 155 295 w nt 158 281 a 195 132 as u 10s 16 a 6 Fa 0 n u 06 91 EAQOR FORCE and EAPLOWWENT - RIZAL ble it toyaent in the Loca ter 1992 to mird Quarter 1394 ee Ist Qtr : ind gtr ath gtr: Rural 3nd 4,303,580 56994, 356 Provincial ate ym 1,020 1,407 368 01,562 Municipal 236 TSI ae TT 28D Hote: 1. Eaploynent includes pereanent, teaporary, contractual and casual exployees. 2 binited to the responses of the Treasurers Office in the Province, Cty and Municipality ‘rable 4, Compensation in the Local Governsent by Level: Fourth Quarter 1997to third Quarter 1394 (Coapensation in thousand pesos] on "98 28 34 4 "4 bevel ath gtr: ist Qtr ard gue: ath gtr: Ist gtr Rizal 29453 (30,656 LAN 38,412 S318, aB, RAT 52,5802 rovincial 9,7 2558 12TH 18,156 Municipal 10,366 Tse 15,88E BIT 19,8286 Note: 1. Linited te the responses of the Treasurer’ Office in the Province, City and Municipality. coapensation includes basic pay, overtine pay, other benefits snd GS18 eaployer's contribution, 92 Fig. 7.1 Employment and Compensation in the Local Government: Fourth Quarter, 1992 to Third Quarter, 1994 Thousands Employment 60 4 Compensation 50) jee. 40 30 20 10 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th «= fst) «2nd = 3rd 1992 1993 1994 CHAPTER 8 INCOME, EXPENDITURES AND PRICES 199 Family Income and Expenditure Ulain Source of Income Expenditure Pattern ‘The 1991 Family Income and Expenditures Survey revealed that the total family income of the 161 thousand families in Rizal was P14.96 billion or a mean income of P93.05 thousand. Its total family expenditure for the same year was P11.16 Gillion or a mean expenditure of 69.43 thousand. Most of the families fad annual income of P60,000 and over. Most of the families(67.69 percent) derived income mainly from wages and salaries, 17.66 percent from enterpreneurial activities and 14.65 percent, from other sources, such as net share of crops, fruits and vegetables and Givestock, poultry from other households, cash receipts or assistance from abroad and domestic sources, interest from deposits and loans, rental from building spaces and other properties, and pensions and retirement. op three expenditure items in 1991 were food, rent/rental value of occupied dwelling unit, and transportation and communications, Food comprised the bulk, or 47.00 percent of the total family expenditures, Rent/rental value of occupied dwelling unit made up 14.70 percent while transportation and communications constituted 7.00 percent. 4 Coustoner Price In 1994, consumer price index.of Rizal for all items was 179.1, an increase of 15.0 index points from the 164.1 index points recorded in 1993. Food, beverages and tobacco posted an index of 172.2, while non- food items, 189.1 index points. ‘The overall consumer price index in the province was lower than that in the Southern Tagalog region (190.5 index points). TNCOKE ~ ITAL eg, Total and Average Yauily Incone and Expenditure by income Claes: table 1 Incone class: (an pesos} average 198s ‘under 10,000 40,090» $8,999 50,000 and over a5 MCONE - RERAL ‘Table 2. wunber of Yauilies, Total and Average Pauly Incone and Expenditure by Fanily Size: 1905 and 1991 Expenditure tanily size ‘total nunber of Total Average | total Average fanilies (in P1,000) {in pesos) | (in P1,000) (in pesos) 1985 121,715 4,694,088 38,547 3,888,455 32,014 One person 2,849 6,538 30,377 68,202 23,941 ‘To persons 5,952 134,984 22,680 103,205 Van ‘three persons 12,609 a0 Aut 26,933 195,146 23,76 Four persons 19,000 519,556 30,460 412,957 25,365 Pive persons 20,253 1,138,736 36,288 113,492 35,427 six persons 25,308 1,104,297 43,082 1,003,557 39,661 Sever persons 13,265 56,148 23,522 593,681 30,426 Bight persons 8,12 m,s2 33,585 269,834 2,03 Aine persons 5,021 120,405 35,327 172,520 34,357 fen or aare persons 3,387 196,970 85,473 189,060 56,315 bash 50,769 14,958,932 93,086 11,162,262 68,431 ne person 448 234,553 52,877 162,208 36,505 ‘to persons 10,408 1,698,468 163,279 1,031,481 99,101 ‘three persons 11,393 1,158,617 68,831 $16,423 52,612 Pour persons 27 2,063,328 S751 1,449,207 $6,204 ive persons 37312 2,813,065 18,08 2,281,427 a5 Six persons 26,082 2,651,634 Sack 2,087, 11 11,827 seven persons. 19,880 1,690,338 85,028 1,265,712 6h 67h Hight persons 3,504 1,064,588 112, 952 853,883 99,8317 Wine persons 6,182 664,189 107,956 587,617 $0,634 ‘Ten or wove persons 5,811 178,363 133,956 613,282 105,537 Source: National Statistics office, 1985 and 1991 Fauily Incone and Expenditures survey, Hote : a, Details aay not adé up to totalsdue to rounding, 4, Figures for 1988 exclude data for Rizal Province. ©, Hired gutted the accouplished questionnaires for Rizal Province after the second visit and due to cost and tive constraints, re-interviews were not aade, 96 : MOONE ~ 2 ‘Table i, Yuaber of Families by Main Source of Incoue and Incone Class: 1985 and 199: Incoae class Pesos} Nain cource of incone ‘total Ref families tnder 10,000 10,000 15,000» 20,000 30,000 40,000 60,000 14,998 19,998 28,898 39,999 59,899 and over igas total 23,50 19,145 14,2581, 15,088 19,860 Wages and salaries 11,618 63H 658,582 agricultural 2,368 480 0 : Nonagricutural 5,203 6A 7,185 9,582 ‘Antrepreneurial activities 4,928 45358 T6T Agricultural 1788 Hane 1,688 6 crop farning and gardening 1,368 589 480 105 hivestock and poultry raising : - 430 : Hishing 1,990 40 15 558 Torestry and hunting 4,585 : : - Nonagricutural aah Biase, 08 atolesale and retail 11s 90th Nanufactuting : - 400 480 coumunity, social, recreational and personal services : : 0 40 : 480 ‘Teansportation, storage and communication services 4,581 : 939 : a ee . : Mining and quacrying : : : : : - : : Construction : : : - - - - - Entrepreneurial activities nu Continued 98 Ea THOONE = RIEAL ‘Table 3, Sumber of Fanilies by Nain Source of Incone and Income Class: 1985 and 1991 |continued] Tacome class Main source of incone ‘etal (Pesosl no.of fanilies Under 10,000 1€,000- —25,000- 26,000 30,000 40,000 60,000 14,998 18,598 28,989 33,999 $8,999 and over Other sources of incone 18,155 11851, $18 2,888 ANE 1,585,509 Het share of crops, fruits and vegetables and Livestock, poultry frot other households 40 . : : : : 480 - ! Cash receipts, gifts and other forss of assistance frou abroad 1,198 . : - 4h 988 2,388 2,298 Cash receipts, support, assistance and relief frou dovestic source 2,288 480 01439 . : : : Rental frou nonagricuttural lands, building spaces and other broperties : . : - : . . : Interest frou deposits and Loans 959 - a0 : 4 - : : Pension and retirenent, wortaen's coupensation and social security benefits 1438 : . - - 480 . 353 Inputed rental value of ovner~ decupied dueling units 3351 - 8 0 - 480 480 358 Net receipts frou fanily sustenance activities : : Dividends from investaents : Goods and services received as gifts 3,308 105 Other sources of incove 2.2. . 480 40 se 1,185 INCOME + RIZAL rable 3, Runber of 2a es by Main Source of Incote and Incone Class: 1985 and 1991 (conti Income class Total (Pesos) noof o oe fanilies Under 10,000 10,000- 15,000 20,000-—20,00- 40,900 60,000 13,599 28,999 9,989 58,990 and over t 199 160,768 eat nat ws S12 stags san Wages and Salaries 108,826 : : nue feet ME 24309 Agricultural 6,903 : : at Ww os 4 a Nonagricutural 102,023 : : : git fas aise STS Botrepreneurie) activities 28,392 : 1st : yee 432 Bs 1038 eltural 1,198 : Bu : 6 1s2 6 1367 Crop faraing and gardening 2,086 : at : : 196 Gn M2 Livestock and poultry raising att : - . : : : a : ishing 60 : - : : yas 2051 at Forestry and bunting 8 : : : 16 - 8 : Nonagriculturat 29588 : : : yes . sao gre itolesale and retail 123 : : : pes : emt at : Manufacturing 3016 : : : - - a 7381 Coanunity, soeial, recreational and personal services gM : : : : - a 30 q Transportation, storage and : communication services pat : : : : . 1190 2p wining and querryieg - : : : : . - . Construction a : : : - . : ay Entrepreneurial activities n.e.c. - : : : - - : : Other sources of income 2s8t ees : an we yeas yom gos et share of crops, fruits and vegetables and livestock, poultry fron other housekoids ae . : : : - - 438 cash receipts, gifts and other forms of assistance frou abroad 1s77 : : : Me me 93101 INCONS + RIIAL 109 Nain source af incoue nef on noone fenilies under 10,000 20,000 —15,000- 20,000 54,000 40,000 0,000 14,398 19,998 538 $8,889 and over : cash receipts, support, assistance and relief frna dogestic source 1408 Me - Me - we : 586 t Rental fron tonegricuttural lands, i building spaces and other properties mu : : : Me : : : Interest fron deporite and loans ui : : : MI : : - Pension and retirenent, worksmen's compensation and sccial seccrity benefits 1709 7 7 . a2 UM WW ott Iapated rental values of omer- occupied dvelling units ay a - : : - mw 2051 Met receipts frou feaily sustenance actinities - 7 - - a 7 7 - Dividends frou investaents : : : : : : : : Goods and services received ss gifts 7 _ 7 . . . - . Other sources of income n.2.¢. 7 . - a - 7 . 7 Source: Hational Statistics Office, 1985 and 1991 Fanily Incoe and Expenditures ‘Survey. ote: a, Details aay aot add vp to totalsdue to rounding, d, Hogures for 1988 exclude data for Rizal Province. { ¢, Hired gutted the accomplished questionnaires for Rizal Province after the second visit ‘operation 1 and due to cost and tine constraints, re-interviews vere not aade, | i: {THCOME = RITAL ‘able 4. Distribution of txpenditures by Expenditure Group and Income Class: 1985 and 1981 Income class (Pesos xpenditure group Total oe 15,000 20,000- 30,009 $99,998 Under 10,000 10,000- 983 1985 ‘Total fanily expenditures (in thousand pesos) 2,096,455 55,032 35,752 345,650 576,626 01,528,338 Percent 100.0 10.9109 100100, ood 65 519 Pood consuned at hone 60.2 52 Cereals and cereal preparations Roots and tubers Fruits and vegetables Neat and aeat preparations Dairy products and eggs Wish and aarine products Coffee, cocoa and tea Nonalcoholic beverages Food n.8.c. Food regularly consuaed outside hone Acoholic beverages ‘ebacco Fuel, Light and water ‘Transportation and com ousehold operation Yersonal cate and eft Clothing, footwear and Heueation ecrestion Medical care Nondurable furnishings 20.8 1 tor WOME - RIZAL 102 ‘Table 4, Distribution of Sxpenditares by Expenditure Group and Incowe Class: 1985 and 1991 (continued) Incase class Pesos) Sxpenditure group ‘otal Under 10,000- —15,000- 20,000 3,000» 40,000- 60,9006 10,000 14,988 19,993 28,998 39,999 59,999 and orer Fent/rental value of occupied dwelling unit We ‘Bouse maintenance and ainor repairs 4 ares paid 1 Wiscelleneous expenditures 1 1 0. 1 Special occasions of the fauily Gifts and contributions to others Other expenditures u 9. 9, 1 i. ° h 1990 ‘Total fanily expenditures {in thousand pesos) 11,162,262 §,27 7,37 24,698 208,854 610,985 1,752,502 5,850,102 Percent 100.0 10h. tn. 00.8 tent rod 41. ood consuned at howe a. Cereals and cereal preparations 12 foots and tubers Truits and vegetables Weat and neat preparations airy produets and eggs Fish and aarine products coffee, cocoa and tea Nonalcoholic. beverages Head 3.2.0, ood regularly constued outside hore 60.1 . 31. 1 50. 5 5 31. 50. 5 a 42. 2. 0 1 18. 3. 1, 0. 0, 0. 2 1 8 2 0 8 1 Ee f 0, 4 3 1 1 4 4 1 ‘ 1 1 1 1 6 4 5 6 ENCORE + 3724L 103 Table {, Distribution of Bupenditures by Bapenditere croup and Incoue Class: 1985 and 1991 (concluded) raceme class Pesos) Bpenditare group i rovetee - Under 10,000 25,000 20,000 30,000 40,900- 68,008 10,000 14,988 15,998 29,998 38,995 59,993 and over Accholie Deverages ‘Tobacco uel, Light and water ‘Transportation and coumunicatios Household operations Personal care and effects Clothing, foctwear and other wear éueation fecreat on Nedical care Nondurable furnishings Turable furniture and equipaent . fent/rental value of occupied dyelling unit 1 ouse aaintenance and ainer repairs ‘aes pald Aiscellaneous expenditures Special occasions af the fauily Gifts and contributions to others ‘ther expenditures H Source: National sta tics Office, 1985 and 1991 Fanily Incowe and Sypenditures survey. Note : a, Details aay not add up to total due to rounding. , Figures for 1988 exclude data for izal Frevince. ©, Fired gutted the accomplished questionneires for Rita] Province after the second visit operation and due to cast ané tine constraints, re-interviews ere not nade. TACOHE - RIAL ‘rable §. Consuaer Price Index for all recone Households: 1968 - 1994 (1988100) COMMODITY GROUP ALL 1TBKS 1, FOOD, BAVERAGES AND TORACCE A, 2000 Cereals and cereal, Preparation Cereals Rice torn Cereal Preparation Dairy Products Bugs Hish fruits and Vegetables weat, tascellaneour B. BIVERAGES cc, TOBACCO 1, NONFOOD A, Clothing Tootwear - Footwear custon Clothes B, HOUSING REPAIRS Minor Repairs Rentals ©. FOSL, SIGHT AND WATER Fuel Light ater D, SBRVICES Béucational Medical Personal Recreational ‘Transportation and Cousunication ATSCHLLANEOUS Household Furnishing & Bquiprent ouseholé Operations Personal care and Bétects other Miscellaneous [tess Source: National statistics office. 199 1308 1990 1392 155.6 14.3 198.1 156.6 159.2 158.2 mt.8 MIS 151.5 1587 138.8 166.9 67 133 WB 10.7 ta he 1st.0 156.6 Bat ws 116.8 M45 198.5 168.7 Lt 1997 165.2 181.9 Lo 158.5 1594 193.5 Mad wna whl ML 10, 196.3 135.0 138.6 153.1 1394 rot CHAPTER 9 AGRICULTURE Statistical tables contained in this chapter were taken from the results of the 1991 Census of Agriculture. ‘The Census of Agriculture is undertaRen by the National Statistics Office every ten years. For the 1991 Census, a farm is defined as any piece or pieces of land used wholly or partly for any agricultural activity and as such had to satisfy any of the following conditions: a) a total area of at feast 1,000 square meters used wholly or partly for the growing of crops and/or tending of ivestockandjor poultry, regardless of number 6) any Cand regardless of area, used for the raising of at least 20 heads of Rvestock, and/or 100 heads of poultry. ‘The concepts and definitions, scope and coverage of the 1960, 1971, 1980 and 1991 censuses of agriculture are basically the same. However, there are some differences in the definition of farm, reference period and sampling design which should e taken into account when comparing the data across the census years. For 1991, data are tabulated by residence of operator wherein the farm or farm parcel{s) are fisted by actual location, Analysis in this chapter, except for livestock and poultry population, only includes data tabulated by residence of farm operator(s) 105 106 Nawller and Area Total number and area of farms in the province increased by 48.56 percent and 22.37 percent, of Farm respectively from 1980 to 1991. In 1991, 40.94 percent of the farms were between 1.0 - 2.99 hectares, 41.91 percent were less than one hectare and 17.15 percent were 3.0 hectares or more. Pans by Land Use 4 By land use, 37.24 percent of the total farm area was arable land, specifically with 13 thousand fectares under temporary crops and 360 hectares fying idle. Land under permanent crops comprised 58.27 percent of the total area of farms while land under permanent meadows and pastures comprised 0.49 percent. Parma by Type @alay had always been the most significant agricultural product of Rizal After palay, mango was and by Tenure the next important product of the province. By tenure, 58.88 percent of the farms in 1991 were either owned or with ouner-ike possession, 15.80 percent were either rented or leased, 10.63 percent were otfier forms and 14.69 percent were partly-owned. AGRICULTURE ~ RURAL Municipality ALL aunicipalities Angone antipolo Baras Binengonan cainta Cardona dale-dala Rodriguez {Montalban} Moreng Pililia San Nateo my taytay ‘teresa Table 1, Munber of Fares by size by Municipality: 1974, 1960 and 1991 ‘otal no. of fares ist 6,499 8 55 28 401 6 ne 189 us 37 HS 1% 1156 96 8 1980 12,628 mm 2,051 8 1,864 mM 569 1,094 186 1,05 1,131 at 19% U6 583 391 18,160 2 2805 a5 1.406 a 10 un ne 1980 4am 7 603 u6 1154 u an m 186 mn RL Yt BL 6 mm 1991 1,383 a 1am at 38 iG she 180 300 1142 582 ty ato 50 186 si 11 3,007 % m 156 a n 451 uo 5 iat 187 462 1st 188 Le ot fare (Hectares) 12.99 5,48 6 4,151 1S 62 4 633 st 00 a 148 595 19 mn 1991 1,680 a 1,730 nS 365 % 1 a2 1,186 me 490 4 4,208 m6 1m 24s 1306 ae v 8 ort) 105 at % i) 1991 107 108 AGRICULTURE ~ RIZAL : ‘table 1. umber of Paras by Size by Munfcipality: 1971, 1960 and 169 (concluded) i Site of fare (Hectares) Municipality sssesesen 5+ 9,99 10 + 24,99 35 & over 1871 1880991187 80D aS] tgeo 188 AL aunieipalities se te 0a wa Angono 5 : - : - : a Antipolo 2 vn om on 8 3 1 Baras i i - 3 - - 1 Binangonan 2 0 oo : : 2 cainta 1 1 - - : : . carton : - : : - : Jaladala " : . : : a 1 : - : Norong Fi 6 : : : Pililla ry 5 its 204 San Nateo 0 5 5 ‘ 1 nny 16 8 188 wa taytay 6 4 1 . 1 eres 1 : 2 - ot : Source: National Statistics Office, 1971, 1960 & 1991 Census of Agriculture, Vol. 1 Note; Tabulation ts by residence of faru operator. 601 110 AGRICULTURE ~ AIDA: sble 2, uober and area of Paras by Land Use and by Funicipality: 1991 Area Lp hectares Municipality Total no. Teta Under temporary crops Lying area of faras of faru Under perzanent cexdow Covered vith AIL other Lands and pastures forest growth Number of Area Muuber of Area Munber of Area Nuuber of Arex Naber of Area Nuuber of area faras faras faras, fam farts All aunicipelities 14,760 36,466 10,308 13,219 Masse aca 0 it nm oBL 1,108 Angono et 3 2 3 : ‘7 1 t 8 : : 4 BY Antipolo 3909 M52 1,100 2,628 % Dash a Wi 1 2 it ata bares 5 1,316 Bt 1a 1 SH ? 8 - : ws Binangonan 1405 1,328 Cn ‘ ! se s 2 3 a a cainta Ch u a : : 0 z : : : : an ! cardoae mM 6 8 2 wate 4 ! a nt ug 2 daladale 181,682 1,048 w 2 mo : : 2 1 UMS u Rodrigues (Montalban) 3,538 1,596 a : WL 1461 : : ‘ a ma Norong 2,083 1,467 au a mm 456 nh 5 23 1238 56 Pisa 2,422 1172 B 5 580105 4 1 1 ul mma san Mates 4,921 a 2 § wa 983 : : : : M6 108 ‘anay am 1065 tt 7 2067 6,705 i 4 : : aa 6 ‘aytay 205 mn : 2 B : : : . 0 4 ‘eresa 65 37 ‘ a out : . : : 18 4 Source: National Statistics Office, 191 census of agriculture, Hote + Tabulation is bp residence of fara operator. AGRICULTURE = RIZAL 5 of Roriculture, Vol. . ny riz AGRICULTURE ~ RIZAL ‘Table 4), umber and at ALL foras tf bo AGRICULTURE ~ LURE Table 4b, Nuaber and Area of Paras by $i (ates e: 19TL, 1980 and 1991 (eometuded Allo owned and owner-like Tenanted tear / size foras 1/ possession Partly owned 2/ == of fare Rented or leased Rent ~ free Muaber Area Ynber Area == uber rez’ unber_ rea Huber Area 19 af 9,580 21,881.9 4,922 12,867,887 2 HLS 2h 42887 arta, 498,.2 under 1 hectare 2,599 S924 110 HEMT SSB 1 3 1+ 2,99 hectares 3,517 5,808.2 1,199 2,905,9 LTELUeT1,882,5 @ 2 18308. 3+ 4.99 hectares 1,311 4,820.6 35,008,848. 7 26 18S 5+ 9,99 hectares STS 25524 386 21924 TS NE 2 Wd noe 10 + 24.99 hectares 1 156.00 8471.4 8 nuh 4 Sho 5 8 25 hectares & over 1,785.2 10 2,488.9 4 7 ako 2 Bo 7 596.4 Source: National statistics Office, 1971, 1980 & 1961 Census of Aericulture, fol. 1 Note; Tabulation is by residence of fara operator. 1/4 far is counted only once. the sua of the reported muaber of farus aay not Be equal to the nuaber under "all forast 2/ Farus partly owned refer to faras operated under gore than one fora of tenure, i.e,, omned/cuner-like possession and rented/leased frou others. af Includes farus of the cit. Quezon and the aualelpalities of Pasig, ias Plias, Makati, alabos, Mandaluyong, Warikina, Muntinlupa, lavotas, Parahaque, Pateros, San Juan and Taguig vbich were transferred to NCR ox Hoveaber 1,1875 under °.0. Ko. 824. AGRICULTURE = RIUAL 4 ‘able 5, Nunber ané Area of farus by Yenure and by hunicipality: 1991 Tenure of Para all ° ‘ t ‘Tenanted or Leased other foras Municipality) foras 1 : city Fully omed ownerlike Possession 2/ Tenanted Leased fent + free others { Number Arez = Mwber Area’ Wuaber = sren«=‘Muuber Area = Munber Arex Munber Area Mune Arez j ‘otal 18,160 12k 1 ATt 4,68 6,761 5,645 6,858 HY 1,055 DAT 20TH S886 I Angono 9 yous 4 0 hott wooo " 1 : : Antipolo 3,009 1810 7,082 1,279 2,601 605 1,095 oT uo Baras ws (0 oe mo 18k 27 n oR ar) d 3 ‘Binangonan 1,406 eS yi 1 aD a ‘ Cainta 6 n 6 i n 8 sou 5 a - . Cardona 101 01 85 now 8 4 uo 3 - dala-dala 1,512 130 H 3 sO rr Aodrigues (Montalban) 1,933, 2,080 oy 95D tH} 1 Norong 1,398 wt at sm aD 6 6 BoD Pilla 1,612 ma BRT] 8 a3 ‘San Mateo 18 SL st 22 M63 6B 8 MoU : : ‘Tana M6 #066 aT 19 TH 1,298 3 SG S85 5 OB ‘ ‘raytay 1s st ir) 1 nh uo mo 4 2 ‘Teresa 519 368 8 8 ml mB ‘ 1 . : : - 1 Source: ational statistics Office, 1991 Census of agriculture: Note; Tabulation is by residence of farn operator. Details aay not edd up te total due to rounding. 1/ A fara is counted only once under "21 f 2/ Tneludes land Under clr. but may be counted under each form of tenure, AGRICULTURE = RITAL : ‘able 6, Nuaber and area of Paras by type and by Tenure: 1971 (area in hectares} Tenure Type ALL ” oe owned and ciner at foras 1) possessien fara - saveneneneen juuber Area Humber Area = unber_«=Are2. «= Muber = Area_—Nuaber— Area 1991 ALE types 36,465 14,508 $496 78h 2,782,008 SE Paley com sugarcane Tobacco Tuber, root & bulb cross Vegetable Pineapple (Other teaporary crops citrus Banana Mango Coconut Coffee vider crops Other peruanent crops cattle fog ‘other Livestock chicken Other poultry 12,626,508 131 2,809 2,495 a sa Wi ete » t Continue: i | 116 gaTeuurona - RITAL foras i 382 ALL types: nt B AGRICULTURE ~ RIZAL ‘rable 6. Nuuber and Aves os Fares by Type and by Temure: 1971, 1980 and 1991 Ce {hrea in hectares} type REL creeeeentessnsssssseoe (ned and omner-Tike of Eoras if possession fare ease - Wunder Area Nuber Area 1st ALL types 2/ 8,540 21 581.9 5,80Ca/ 15,519, 72/ palay 6,255 16,671.6 4,087 10,420.9 corn Wi 23 138 TB Cocanut, Wo LG : ‘tobscee : : Sugarcane 1 i citrus 1 : Vegetable 135 169 ‘her, root & bulb crops B 0 Banana 9 8 Pineapple - : Coffee 4 t Abaca - : other fruits at uy cattle 190 BB og 139 16 chicken 1 159 others a Tenure of tenanted Rented or Leased Sumber area 18.2 an ues soutee: National statistics O&fice, 1971, 1980 & 1991 census of Agriculture, Vol. Note; Tabulation is by residence of fare operator. \/ A fat is counted only once. ‘The sua of the reported nuaber of far aay not be equal to the total nusber of faras. suber m 1 fara + free taded) ares 18.2 16.8 Mu suber mm Mm 2/ tnelades faras of the cites of Fasay, Célogcan and Quezon and the municipalities of Pasig, tas Pifias, Makati, xslabon, Nandaluyong, Karikina, duatinlupa, Parabague, Navotas, Pateros, San Novenber 1,1978 under’ P.2. Wo. 874 a/ Includes faras which are partly owed, fg vhich were transferred to HCR an 47 18 AGRICULTURE - RIZAL ‘Table 7. Number of Farms Reporting and Area Planted by Kind of Temporary Crop: 1991 (Area in Hectares) sire of faras Kind of All farms = teaporary crop Jess than 1 Lea 35489 55999 Ds Hae 15 & over Number Area_—=Muber— Area unber— Area umber Area uaber area Musber— Area MunDer Area palay 5,968 11,519 2,982 1,385 4,972 5,515 1,207 2tss Se ATE ST corn 548 SAM 1556 15H] SEL TAT DES other cereals n 1 2 : 1 l 1 1 : : : : . Leguninaus Plants Ul eT 1 8 oR 1 1 Tbers, Roots and bulbs 5,59) 709E SRT eafy Vegetables , Steas and lovers 1 cers 53 1 we 5 68 2% 1 a 4 Pruit Searing Vegetables 4,178 1581482, SIZ ST t 6 2 Pineapple 1a at SC 2 6 tver Pruit Searing crops 300, % MoM Te 5 1 4 - 2 1 sugarcane a0 5 1 16 tot 2 $ - toe Peanuts 87 n 5 30 an fo 4 4 i Other Industrial Temporary Crops 20 - 1 - - i B - 8 - 1 . ‘Tobacco B + 1 - 2 z ‘ 2 ~ a ‘ - - other teaporary traps, WB. C. n 5 - 9 - r 5 - : : : : - Source: National Statistics Office, 1991 Census of Agriculture, vol. 1. Note; Details nay not add up to totalsdue to rounding, Data are tabvlated by residence of faru operator, AGRICULTURE - RIZAL ‘Table €, Munber of Farus feporting, Total suuber of Trees/Vines/HilIs.and Woaber of Productive Trees/#ills/Vines by Kind of Peraanent crop: 1891 Kind of Number of Yuaber of Trees/¥il1s/Vines pernanent crop faras ene oe reporting ‘Total of Productive Age Kalanansi 1a 108,018 56,385, exon R ane 2,339 Cine, (Dayep) 4 58 380 Mandarin (dalanshita) 1,335 230,352 153,821 Orange {dalandan) 1454 15,4 54,638 Ponelo (subs) 1,05 6,518 3,184 Anonas, 408 2AM 1453 ats 208 21,198 15,406 Avocade 4,585 65,528 24,890 Balinbing 38 m 181 Banana 11,195,353 508,681 asansi 370 1,332 408 chico 13 6,128 523 Duhat 1,18 10,215 6,601 Grapes (ubas} 6 2,685 1,628 Guava (bayabss} 6978 1D 452 133 Guayabane 4A) 95,950, 20,956 Kanchi us 140 198 Kanias 1165 5,298 408 dacktrvit 6813 120,208 531,325 antones at 2,066 1,352 Walunggey 1,016 6140 4222 Mango 10,987 205,134 122,187 Papaya 4366 70,258 435 Ranbutan 189 3081 708 Rina a 430 148 santo) 5a 41,228 24,18) siniguelas 101 4,818 090 star apple {calaito) 5007 23,508 1,281 ‘Tanarind (Sanpaloc} 2,520 11,690 8355 tesa 154 5,548 361 other fruits 134 166 156 Achuete 23 2,397 10,328 Black pepper 8 18% 1,06 laatel 2 1. 101 Continued etl AGRICULTORE = RIEAL ‘able 5, Huaber of Yarus Reporting, Total suber of Trees/Vines/dills and tuaber of Productive trees/iils/Vines by Kind of Peraanent ‘crops 1981 (concluded) Kind of peraanent crop other spices,ete Coconut casher AL Other edible nuts cacao Coffee arabica Coffee robusta Coffee, excelsia coffee, other varieties tea Abaca fapok Kenaf Naguey Pina Ranie Other crops for fiber Banboo neta ferbal Medicinal Plants Ipil-ipil Leabang Nlberry Pelu tree ibber ther industrial permanent crops, n. sunber of faras reporting 6 54m 3,122 ne a 383 510 63 12 1,07) total Sumber of Trees/Hills/Vines Of Productive Age 1,109 116,377 49,468 73 a 416) 62,061 64,373 4a 65,924 ane ot ae a 2,191 ne 110 20,203 50 ae 212,045 64 2 1,076 Source: National statistics office, 1991 census of Agriculture, vol Hote : tabulation is by residence of fara operator. oz! 12a AghrcuLT cattie Horse Hog Goat Municipality ~ - nee Muber of Nuber of Kuaber of Nanber of Huaber of farms Population faras Population faras Population farus Population fares Population reporting reporting reporting reportiog all municipalities 441 7,918 1,808 5,51 43 164,332 A498 1,850 Angono 3 BL : 33 i n Antipolo cy 318 88 5t,380 a 1,633 Baras 55 489 5 uv 8 Binangonan & m w 1 1,030 cainta 2 2 : - . cardona Fal 5 4 % ms Jalasdala 481 335 8 it 688 Rodriguer (Hontalban} 131 388 u 33 a0 Noreng % 485 4 5 aT Pililia 145 461 B 13 165 San Mateo u : x 162 many 306 183 455 3,088 fytay 5 2 4 Fr ns : w “a Continued 122 AGRICULTURE + RIZAL Table $, Livestock and Poultry + Suaber of Farus Reporting and Population by Kunicipality: 1991 1 (concluded) Hi Other Livestock Chicken buck ther poultry Muber of Mader of Auber of Population faras_Fopulation fares Population —faras Population reporting reporting reporting reporting al sunicipalities B NE MAD 3,904,525 1,869 207,208, see 0,112 Angono - : he 0 4,904 46 ne Antipolo 6 38 UMS 18,157 198 1,613 a0 3,197 a 2 g 22 623,815 1B 14,683 6 at Binangonan n “4 89 28,301 at THT it 1,356 cainta - : 6 516 4 4 - - Cardona : : 283 52,183 811,519 a Mt Jala-dala 2 41114816 BL 18,858 a 36 Rodriguee (Nontalban} a 81,385 522,545 n sts 8 st Worong u a 509 83,642 Mh 30,935 8 amt Bililla 6 Mt 1ST 1,123,009 159 4,517 15 104 San Mateo : : 497 903,133 98 1 110,558 anay 0 55231 21,256 22 31,887 m1 2,402 : ‘aytay a 2 wv 601 5 u 10 tt i ‘Teresa = = wee, " % 6 wt 1 Source: National statistics office, 1991 Census of Aoriculture. Note ; Tabulation is by residence of f2ru operator, ‘AGRICULTURE - RIZAL ‘able 12, Muaber and area of frrigated faras by Gand Use and by (ares in fectares ALL classes 1/ = Sader teaporary crops Under peruanent crops wanieipality Huber of Area irrigated Mumber of Area irrigated un ALL sunte’ angono 4 Antipolo ue Baras " Binangonan ay cainta : cardona 5 Jaladala é Rodriguez (Nontalben) 15 orong 6 Pililla 16 San Kateo 1 ‘Tanay 10 taytay 8 ‘teresa B Source: Wational statistics office ensus of agriculture. Note: Tabulaticn is by residence of fara operator. 4s counted only once under "Ali classes" may be counted under each reported land use. Area Huber of irrigated ferns reperting dee Lands Iping itle, lands under peraanent aeaéows or pastures and lands covered by forest growth, area irrigated 123 124 AGRICULTURE ~ RIZAL Table 11, Number of Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery Establishments, by Actual Total Engaged, by Municipality: 1993 Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery Angono Antipolo Baras | Binangonan | Cainta Cardona Jala-Jala Montalban Morong Pita San Mateo Tanay Taytay Teresa ll Source: National Statistics Office , 1993 List of Establishments. ' AGRICULTURE ~ RIZAL rable 12.Distribution of Employed Person s in Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Establishments by Actual ‘Total Engaged by Municipality: 1993 griculture, Forestry and Fishery Municipality waeennennena ATE 10 } 1-9 & Over all 33 1,900 Angono - 525 Antipolo - 240 Baras - 125 Binangonan 5 - Cainta - - Cardona 2 103 Jala~Jala - - Rodriguez (Montalban) : 18 Morong 6 - Pililia - - San Mateo - 254 Tanay 10 126 Taytay - ~ Teresa : 409 Source: National Statistics Office , 1993 List of Establishments. 125 CHAPTER 10 FISHERY Fishery resources in the Philippines are broadly classified into marine and inland resources. Marine resources include coastal areas and other traditional fishing grounds, while inland resources include lakes, reservoirs, rivers, Grackishwater and freshwater “fiskponds. or fish production purposes, fishery resources are categorized as either marine or aquacufture. Marine resources consist of commercial and municipal fisheries, while aquaculture comprises Srackishwater fisheries, freshwater fisheries and seafarming. utands Fisk ponds Fishpond refers to a body of water (artificial or natural) where fish and other aquatic products are cultured, raised: or cultivated under controlled conditions, The collective area occupied by freshwater _fisponds in operation in 1988 -was 40,33 hectares which generated a total production of 123 metric tons, Source: Fisheries Statistics Section, Bureau of Agricultural Statistics 126 Sa CHAPTER 11 FORESTRY Ponest Projects Jn 1991, the government implemented six forestry projects in the province which benefitted 1,271 families. Of the 1,718 fiectares covered by the project, only about 20 fiectares or 1.16 percent were developed. Stewardship certificates issued numbered 287 or 48.10 percent decrease from 1990. FORESTRY ~ RETAL ‘dle 1, Ceneus of Porest Occupants: 1981-1996 year Wusber of Hunber of Area occupied fauilies dependents —_(in hectares) 1981 af - - ~ std af - ~ - 883 af - - - 198 1,636 6,191 au nas 1,68 6,101 4,18 1386 1,638 6,101 4161 Source: Forest Manageasnt Bureau, Philippine forestry Statistics. af date not available. ‘able 2, Integrated Social Forestry Projects: 1986-1 { Area in hectares | rarticulars 1986 197 Porestry projects under i 4 ‘otal area 1mo Tt, area developed 55 182 io, of families benefited ato 61 Stewardship certificate issued Noaber 55 me ‘otal area M2 400 Source: Forest Manageuent Bureau, Philippine Rorestry statistics. 1991 1394 ma 686 sat 166 387 1989 4,768 ane LT si 1,203 1391 Amt zt sa cee CHAPTER 12 MINING AND QUARRYING ‘his chapter contains data on mineral production and number of mining and quarrying establishments in the province. Information on mineral production were taken from the Bureau of Mines and Geosciences, while the number of establishments data were collected from the 1993 Listing of Establishments of the National Statistics Office. Uineral Production Hommetatlic amber of ‘Mineral. production in 1990 was estimated at P48 milfion, an increase of 51.12 percent from 1989, Mineral production for the year comprised only nonmetallic minerals, Products ike cement and sand and gravel comprised the bulk with £2.99 billion and €21.5 million, respectively. In 1993, there were seven mining and quarying establishments in Rizal Three of these establishments were in Teresa, two in Antipolo and one eack in Montalban and San Mateo. 130 URING and QUARRTING = RIGAL ‘Table 1, Overall Nineral Production: 141 n Besoe| wineral/ mit + aineral products Used quantity Estimated quantity etinated Value Nonmetallics 95,895,058 cenent bags Sand and Gravel cubic aeter Crushed stones or rocks cubic teter Aggregates cubic aeter 487,355 30,521,606 Luestone for cenent aftr etric ton 102,530 24,000 Linestone for industrial use . 126 086,595 salt 34,354 . nif 18,505 - Pebbles 582 : Stones, cobbles, boulders cubic aeter 6 : : Silica sand wetric ton - 1,429,000 7,300 Silica sand for ceaent atric ton . : : Guano ton - . - : 56 35,200 Basalt rocks eter - - . + $7,600 3,850,560 Soil aeter - : . . - Diatonaceous earth cubic aeter - ~ - - 158 15,415 Marble {unprocessed} cubie acter = = = = - - Fuller's earth aetric ton - - - - : : Andesite cubic aeter - - - - ae 233,000 ENING and QUARRTING ~ HIDAL ‘able 1, overall Minerel Production: 1935-1880 (concluded) in Peses} 1986 1388 Mineral / ont, aineral products Used Quantity “Estinated Quantity astinated quantity —_—stinated Yalue Value Nonmetaite - = 50,314,755 = Wm9822 =H, 986 486 Ceaent bags yt Ate (264489 772) 4,285,012, 688, 58 3), 211 SE (2,986, 0 5) sand and Gravel cubic aeter 1,39 20,343,860 = HSA,263 21,456,820 ‘crusted stones ar rocks cubje peter : nna 141,190 Aggregates cubic neter 214,106 SUN 499 75,268,612 10,060 2,400,000 Ligestone fer cevent aftr aetric ton 252,488 31S,300 2,206,055 429,572 4, 118,248 Ligestone fer industrial use metrie tor . salt, aetric ton : : : : ‘née aetric ton - - 3% 16,495,635 Pebbles cubic aeter : : : : stones, cobbles, boulders cubic aeter : : . : : silica sand aetric ton 16,000 2,970,080 seat 24,789 266,46 silica sani for ceaent, aetric ten : 1,220,808 142,223 1,300,104 Guana aetric ton - : - e 4,280 Basalt rocks cubic aeter . . + MIS tae, 388 soit cubic acter 5,186 - - . Diatoraceous earth cubic aeter 165 att oa, - . Marble (unprocessed) cubic aeter - so: 1,500,900 : - Puller's earth aetric ton : : : 555 151,500 andesite cubic neter 9,585 210,000 : : + . Source: Bureau of Mines and Geo-Sciences, Minerals Hews Service, Note; Nohmetalic values in parenthesis for lisestone used for cenent manufacture are included in the total values for ceneut and therefore are not reflected in the overall gineral production values. a/ Adjusted. 131 132 MOSING and QUARREING ~ RIZAL Table 3. of Employed Person ! ' aL : Angons : : : Antipolo : 2 Argon : sares : : Antipolo 186 Bitangonan : : faras : . faint : : : Binangonan : - Caréona : : : cainta : : Jalawvala + : : Carton : : Yootalbn | : 1 ah : : toro, | : fdrigues (Kontelban} : a rile - . Norong : . San kates : 1 Hlilis Tenay ! . San Katee naytay : os Ttanay : - Teytay 5 Office , 1999 List of Establishments. CHAPTER 13 MANUFACTURING Nanber of Eetallishnents Manufacturing establishments in the province in 1993 totalled 1,946;-1,534 or 78.83 percent of which fad an average total employment of less than 10 employees. About 343 establishments were concentrated in Taytay and some 296 were in Cainta, 133 134 VaURRCTURENG = RIZAL ‘Table 1. Nunber of Nanutacturing Bstablishrents ‘Table 2. Distribution of Employed: Persorsin bby Actua) Total Engaged, by Municipality: 1993 Actual Total Engazed, hy Mu pality: 1993, Municipality Namufectoring am} aM ID 1-9 fk over Municipality al : aL 607,00 Angone t antipole gone mag Baras intipalo 655 10,aTt Binangonan Bares 58 u cainta ‘Simangonan 5591582 cordon cainta is 14,388 Jaladala Cardona m1 23 Montalban Jale-dale a : wrong Rodriguez (Nontalbaa} 438 608 Pititla oreng 105 393 San Kateo 107 at ‘anay San Hateo 6 AA ‘aytay many Ht 163 ‘Teresa Tytay iM 1,863 ‘teresa E a Source: National Statistics Office , 1993 List of Establishments. CHAPTER 14 HOUSING AND CONSTRUCTION Tape of Occupancy Waterials of Roof and Outen Walls In 1990, total number of occupied dwelling units in Rizal was placed at 181,302, an increase of 84.22 percent from 1980. ‘The number of households in occupied dwelling units was 189,190, yielding an occupancy rate of 1.04 fouseliolds for every dwelling unit. Of the total occupied dwelling units, 53.00 percent were with floor area of less than 30 square meters. Of the total number of housefiolds, 76.91 percent owned/amortized the dwelling unit, 12.93 percent rented, 9.53 percent occupied for free with consent of owner, and 0.63 percent occupied for free without consent of owner. Of the total occupied fousing units, 60 thousand or 33.30 percent had walls made of concrete/6rick/stone and 27.39 percent units with walls made of wood. ‘Most of the households ved in dwelling units with roofs made of galvanized iron aluminum. coe 136 Lighting Water Supply Jollet Facitity Number of Establishments Of the total fousefiolds, 81.49 percent used electricity as fighting facility, 17.25 percent used Kerosene and some 1.26 percent still used oil and other kinds of lighting facifties. About 56.59 percent of tle households used own-use or shared-faucet, community water system, and. 30.75 percent used own-use or shared tubed/piped deep or shallow well. On the other hand, 12.66 percent still used dug wells, spring, rain and otters. Of the total number of households, 78.75 percent used water-sealed depository (septic and others) 11.69 porcent used closed and open pits and 9.56 percent had no toilet facilities or used pail system or other facilities. Residential buildings constructed in 1994 numbered 3,605 with a floor area of 325.2 thousand square meters, and a corresponding value of P1.36 Gillion. The average value of residential Guilding construction per square meter was estimated at P4, 167. Nonresidential buildings constructed in 1994 numbered 189 with a total floor area of 102,641 square meters and total value of 337.93 million. Of the total, 54 units were constructed in Antipolo, 39 in Taytay and 21 in Tanay. Construction establishments in 1993 totalled 31, 18 of which had an average total employment of 10 employees and over. Light of these establishments were located in Cainta, seven in Antipolo and four in Binangonan a 137 HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION = RIZAL Table 1, Number of Households in Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building: 1990 1990 ‘Tatal number of households 189,190 Single house 154,266 Duplex 13,697 Multi-unit Residential 20,271 Commercial/Industrial /Agricultural 577 Institutional living quarter 22 Other housing unit 222 Not Reported 135 Source: National Statistics Office, 1990 Census of Population and Housing, Report No. 4-72 D. 138 AOUSING and cowstRUCTCN ~ RrtAL Table 2. Number of Occupied Owelling Units by Type of Building by Municipality: 1960 ‘Total muxber tution other Housing Single Reside industrial Living wait, house Duplex Agricultural quarters Kot Reported Municipality ALL municipalities 181,302 9,157 11,515 18,598 356 2 as 15 Angono 8,850 5,306 Antipolo 28,2 3a Baras 2,906 Binangonan 2a, cainta Cardona Jalavdale Montalban Narang HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION ~ RIIAL ‘able 3. Number of Occupied dwelling Units by Type of Building by Municipality: 1980 ‘total nunber Apartaent/ Municipality cf occupied Single Accessorial (barong- dueling units house duplex Condoninius/ ‘arong) Rew house, etc. ALL wunicipalities 36,418 5,126 4,4 5,878 2,363 ‘Angone 4,683 3,303 2 454 By Antipolo 13,081 11,935 486 32 13 Baras 1,906 1,561 ut 1a 4 ‘Binangonan 13,557 12,463 Ma 465 16 Cainta 10,731 1,18) ee 4,77 ty Cardona 47 4,025 200 50 aL JalaJala, 2103 2,100 i - - Montalban 7,680 TAL M8 it Bh) Norong 4,370 4,5 13 aT a Hilla 3,06 3,564 108 18 # ‘San Mateo $,396 1,153 1,061 are) 163 ‘Tenay 1,022 6,517 107 Ww im ‘Taytay 13,010 10,565 nT 4,31 390 weresa 2,646 2A 4 aL uh Commercial/ Other housing Hotel/ Institutional; other Collective Monicipality Industrial/ unit: Natural hedging (hospital, Living Quarters Agricultural shelter, house/ convent, school (Military boat, ete. tery doraitory, etc.) camp, ete.) ‘Al aunicipalities 461 4 i 3 1 ‘Angond 58 1 7 . - Antipolo 16 0 - : - ‘Baras 6 a 7 1 . Binaneonan 4 : : : : cainta 30 . - - . Cardona ory 7 7 - - daladala 7 - - - . Atontalban 4a : : 2 : Morong 1 d : - - nlille 4 1 : 3 : San Mateo a t 7 - . may 8 a : 2 1 ‘Taytay u 7 2 1 . ‘terest 2 : : : 2 Source: National Statistics Office, 1980 census of Population and Housing, Special Report Xo. 5. eel 140 HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION - RIZAL Table 4, Nuuber of Households in Occupied Ovelling Units by Type of Building by Type of Occupancy: 1990 Nulti-unit_ coameretal/ Institutional other Housing Wot Reported Tenure Status of the Total no. of Single Residential ——_‘Industrial/ Living init, Housing Unit house house Duplex Aoricultural quarters ‘Total 183,190 154,266 13,697 wom sm u m 15 Omed/Being Axortized 445,519 125,304 5,0 8,953 19 4 93 a Rented 14,467 12,34 5,09) 6,068 ti 5 0 0 Being Occupied for Pree With Consent of Owner 18,030 13,331 143 2,402 i B % Being decupied for Free Without Consent of Owner 1,163 1,087 8 8 ul - a : Source: National Statistics Office, 1990 Census of Population and Housing, Report No.4-12 D. 141 2 HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION - RIZAL Table 5. Number of Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building: 1990 ‘Type of building 1990 ‘Total 181,302 Single house 149,197 Duplex 12,575 Multi-unit Residential 18,598 Commercial/Industriai/Agricultural 556 Institutional living quarter 22 Other housing unit 219 Not. Reported 135 Source: National Statistics Office, 1990 Ceneus of Population and Housing, Report No. 4-72D. 142 HOUSENG and CONSTRUCTION ~ gzzRE | Table 6. Number of Households in Occupied Dwelling Units by Kind of Lightning Faciity I bby Municipality. 1980 and 1990 Liquefied Hlectricity —terosene —‘Fetroleur ol others as (LPC) AL ani 15,697 1,388 Aagone 509 0 i antigoto 4,583 1% ! saras 5 Binangonan a cainta 6 Cardona % Jalavdale : Montalban 3 Horang 6 Filia ra San Wateo 1 Tanay 7 raytay 1 Teresa FT AOUSING and CONSTRUCTION ~ RITAL ‘Tobie 8. Number of Households by Mani ‘Occupied Dwveling Units by Kind of Lightning Facility ity: 1980 and 1990 (concluded) 1390 ‘otal no. of Municipality households ~-=+-- Liquefied Mlectricity Kerosene Fetroleuy H Gas (i26} A] aunicipalities ta9,190 154,169 4,10 154 Angono 133 - Antipole 19982 a eras 7 - Binangonan 2 Cainta ~ Cardona u Jale-dala - Montalban n Norong = Piliila - San Mateo ut ‘ray u taytay - ‘teresa = Source: National statistics office, 1980 census of Population and Housing, ¥ol. 1. 1890 Census of Population and Housing, Report 0. 3-72 D, 143 146 ROUSING and CONSTRUCTION ~ RItAL ‘able 7. Runber of Households in Occupied Dvelling Units by Source of Rater Supply for Drinking by Mun ain Source of Drinking Water Total sreasenrsensensennnsnnescesnnnen Municipality Households mn use, shared shared Faucet, Faucet, Tubed/Piped ubed/Piped Tubed/Piped Dug Well River, Rait, Peddler Community Deep Yell Deep Well Shallow well ete. ALL unicipalities $6,196 4,46 4,088 3407 5,307 Angono 2,600 iy 15 i Antipolo 10t 4654 4,351 Baras fy 109 m6 Binangonan 1,516 aw we cainte 1 2 4,382 . 5h u 8 ns n - 1 1,82 - orong wy - - Pililla u a w San Mateo ay eT) 9 Tanay 18 2,202 1,93 Taytay ics Office, 1990 Census of Population and Housing, Report Wo. 3-72 0, eT t t HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION ~ RIZAL Table 8. Number of Househ Baras ny ‘aytay ‘teresa Continued 145 1466 AOUSING and CONSTRUCTION - RIUAL 8. Number of Hou by Mui wunicipality tater-sealed, ther depository, Closed one stared pit with other {antipolo, oureholds ete, total, 1A 6,085 Anyone 48 Antipolo 1 16 Binangonan 535 Ca cainta 104 7 Cardona 28 40 aaleiala 0 m8 Yontalban 80 ee orong 6 m Pililla 155 am San Kateo a8 454 tanay 360 1,031 naytay 1,087 188 Teresa 200 ns 147 HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION ~ R2AL ‘Table 8. Number of Housch by Municip w2 Units by Ty (concluded) 1390 Municipality Water-sealed dater-sealed |, Water-sealed, sever/septic sewer/septic other depository, Closed Open other None housetolds tank, used tank, shared depository, shared Bit pit (pail exclusively by with other exclusively by with other (antipolo, systen, the household households the household households ete, ete.) ‘otal 163,190 25,202 16,981 SAM M1Oh 11,005 2,808 5,188 Angono 8,941 1,510 660 ss as 159 n 2a Antipolo 49,330 4a 4,200 1B 3,755 ee 1 Ans Bares 3,163 ae 42 a ww 298 4 i ‘Binangonan a8 amt 2,100 1486 ar a3 S13 5,105 cainta ams 3,518 2,u5 1a 67 iy a5 385 Cardona 6,268 519 6 m Mm 159 0 21 daladala 3,05 180 456 80 ut 47 n ny Montalban 12,881, 1,164 386 58 atts a8 mM 4k Worong 6,255 885 183 oo mm 1 53 Pililla 6101 re 9 646 101 a6 San Mateo 16,079 57 363 eat im 186 any 11,088 3 ms 1A D108 ‘taytty 21,881 2,061 56 663 331 a ‘teresa 4978 151 381 13 162 580 Source: National statistics office, 1980 Census Of Population and Housing, Yol. 1, 1990 Census of Population and Housing, Report Ko, 3-12 D. 148 HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION = RIZAL ‘Table 4, Bristing Road Length by systen Classification and Standard: 1990 (in kiloueters | ‘Type of pavement category total Concrete Asphalt == Gravel arth Total ADIT 215.715 178,395 803,081 5.90 National 74ss 1g. 07.665 9.05 : Provinetal 66.630 1.280 170 13,530 30.300 Municipal 143.380 65.408 Ms 28.068 5.601 Barangay 2S 37.588 30.7 Maa : Source: Departaent of Public Works and Highways, Bureay of Maintenance, HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION ~ REEAL Table 10. Number, Floor Area and Valve of Private Building Constructions, by Type of Building, by Municipality: First to Fourth Quarter 1904 (Area in Square Meters) Total st Quarter ‘lcor ares No. of (Floor area’ Value! Be, of (P1000) | nits | Ne, af omits five all P40! 2,860 51,775,818 51,008 560,67} 1,028) 110,018 Angeno 20,528} 82,556! 85 118,654 SL! 6,516 | Antipolo 125,228! 497,558 st! atone} ag.sat ist! 26,059) Baras - - -1 - ~! =! Binangonan a ut 33,10 1h) 11,396) Cainta 70,34 113 35,903 EE 16,531 | Cardona - - - -! - Jala-dala - - - : Horong ~ - - Pilslia 21,630 3 15,314 Rodriguez (Yontalban| 1,582 | ST! 3,882! 12,94 San Mateo 46,405 S74 4586} 37, 01 ‘tenay 16,570 2 atte) 24368 ‘Teytay 16,856 GME) HE O66 | 125,938 | ‘Teresa 2,602 1 6 Ut Hesidential 225,196 658 | 110,410 | 442,007 330,112 Angone 300! 12,522 22,328 Antipolo 25,314 32,737 156,106 1,5 + Baras - ~ - - - Binangonan 31,024 | 109,610, 8108 | 17,248 42,05 cainta £1,900 | 313,659 18,482 98,500 Cardona - - ~ = Jala-dala - -1 - Korong ~ =| - Pililia 1,522 2,He Rodriguez (Nontalban} 5039 11,156 San Hateo M,82 atm Panay 5403 2,048 maytay 2,850 Mgt Terese 6 1,36 | 149 HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION ~ BIEAL 150 10. Number, Floor Area and Value of Private Building Constructions, by Type of Building, by Municipality: First to Fourth Quarter 1994 (continued) i (Area in Square Meters) Fourth Quarter Wunicipality/tyge of suilding AL SSL ast,t32 | Angone aise} inant! Antipolo wna) nai: Bares - Binangonan MT | canta 1278 Cardona nt Jalacdale Z Moreng = Pililia 3,266 Rodriguee (Montalban) ui 2,32 12,608 San Mateo : a 16,036 64,091 ‘vanay 2 $138 iat ‘aytay 1 1438 51,008 Teresa 3 at | 2,315 Residential 533 291,365 | 14,501; 291,088 Aagona #8 Qe Antipolo in 1566 Baa Bars - - Binangonan 8 1379 cainta 8 11,100 Cardona - - dalerdala ! - - Morong ' = - Pilitta is Rodriguez (nontatban} : 0 San Mateo } " Taney : 6 Taytay 6 terest } 2 | HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION ~ RIZAL / Tobi 10. Numbor, Foor Aes and Vali of Private Suicing Constructions, ty Type of Buin, vy Muntiply ist te Faurh Quarter 1904 continued) (ave in Square Meters) irst quarter Second Quarter Munscipality/type of Building ao rigor area! : nits. Nonesidertial Angona antipole Baras Sinangonan cainta Cardone dalavdala 102,641 | 2,105 101,601 18 6 Rodrigue: (Montalban! San Mateo Tamay ‘aytay Teresa Additions Angono Antipote Baras ‘Binangonan cainta cardona Salardale Yorong Pitits Rodriguez {Montalban} San Mateo Tanay 151 HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION - ALUAL 152 Table 10, Number, Floor Ar 1nd Value of Private Building Constructions, by Type of Building, ity: First to Fourth Quarter 1994 (continued) (Area in Square Meters) auniespality/ ype of Suilding Aot-Residential Angono antipolo atas, Binangonan cainta Cardona dale-iale Norong Pilitla Rodriguez. (¥ontalban) San Mateo ‘anay reytey ‘eres Additions Angora Antipolo bara Binangonan cainta Cardona aalacaala Norong Pitta Rodriguez (vontalban} San Kateo Tamay raytay eresa 153 HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION ~ arta Table 10. Number, Floor Area and Value of Private Building Constructions, by Type of Building, by Municipality: First to Fourth Quarter 1994 (continued) (Area in Square Meters) second quarter muniepality/type of Butlding Alterations/epairs Angone Antipolo Satas Binangonan cainta cardora aalavele orang Pililis Rodriguez (Montalban) san Nateo tauy ‘taytay teresa 154 AMUSING and CoVETRUCTION - AIEAL Table 10. Number, Floor by Municipal of Privat ing Constructions, by Type of Building, Fourth Quarter 1994 (concluded) (Area in Square Meters) alue | No, of Aterations/ Repairs Aagono Antipolo hares ‘Simangonan cainta cardona bend berernnrene + 1999 List of Establishments, HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION - RIZAL Table 11, umber of Buildings in Urban and Selected areas by Type of structure and Ownership, ipality: 198 Single House! Dupler | Bow Seuse/ ‘ ! 1 Towntouse Wunber of Munisipality/Omership | Buildings other | Buildings | Kot Reported Structure AL 105,107 1,163 138 18H 157 us Soverntent-wned Buildings 1103 in 1 st 2 4 Privately-omned Buildings 103,367 1,638 1,469 138 MB 5 Hot Reported at 3 4 ' - fri ang 5,036 5,381 fi) a a 56 4 Governaent-Owned suildings 66 a a 2 51 - : Privately-ommed Buildings hay 5,380 16, it 186 56 i Hot Reported 2 20 1 2 2 : i antipolo at 16,869 am 8 as % a Governnent-Cuned Build ag a iu % cy 1 i Privately-omed Buildings 15,698 16,383 20 oy 136 a & Hot Reported 3 i . : 1 - i Binangonan 20,448 si att iat e ub Governaent-Owned fuildings a s 6 is : : Privately-omned full 22462 6 208 33 7 18 et Reported 2 3 i . 1 : 8 Continued 155 156 eas 3p TEE nied Kot Reported xonicipal ity/owmership duplex | Row douse! ! * townhouse ting cainta j 13,88 13,008 a8 uw us 4 u overmnent-omned Bui 268 ‘ n 2 : 1yeCimed Bu 13300 ne is 1 4 ot Reported 5 . : 2 4 cardona 1,005 sn 1 1 3 : : ‘sovernment-Omned Bul n : : : n : : Privately-Omed Building 387 e 4 u : : ot Reported 1 - . : 1 : : dalaciala an it u : u : ‘ Soverauent-used Buildings 3 : : : 2 : : Privately-omed Buildings 8 450 2 : u : : Hot Reported 3 1 : : : - 4 Nontalban ain ae Fea 2 a 3 s a 3 118 33 B 3 act Reperted ‘ : : i 157 2,028 a 4 Pitta 5 5 1 ® : 1,988 é 4 1 0 a a 8 : : 8 8 1 : 1 158 HOUSING and cousta 2A Table 1), Munber of Build Reported raytay a Governuent-owned Privately-omed Buildings Hot Reported 6 478 Teresa Governaent-Ouned Euilél : Privately-Ouned Buildings 108 168 : Hot Reported : : - : : . Source: National Statistics office. HOUSING and CONSTHUCTION - RILAL able usber of Buildings in trben and Selected areas by Floor Area and type of Structure, ‘by Municipality ‘ype of steuc Bow House/ ‘Towntouse Municipality/Fic aL ese than 20 sq. 8. 14,233 - ee. a 50-9) sh. 21,065 100-199 sg. 4,821 200-88 ag #18 500-999 sq. ae 1,900 5g. 2, and over 05 $ Not Reported 19 i sagen £,036 5,381 118 ns 28 6 4 ‘ess than 10-54, 2,551 5 : 6 1 WH 1,680 % 93 a 1 62 u 5 w 1 485 w u m4 1 1 . 1 4 - a i 1 : 1 : : 8 : - . 1 . : Continued 160 HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION ~ RIZAL Table 12, Mutber of Buildings in Urban and Selected Areas by Bloor Area and Type of Structure, by Municipality: 1989 (continued) ‘ype of structure aber of Municipality/2loor area | Buildings ow Bouse/ Kot ‘Townhouse Reported Nonbuilding structure buildings Antipolo wt 16,458 m es 28 % R less than 20 sq, 4, 2,951 2,616 n : q au i 2-49 qa. 8,000 Tae is q " 4 10 S0-99 sy, 417 4,031 we i u 1 a 100 + 198 sq, 1,607 1,503 r » 88 : 2 20-45 5g, at m B 6 n : 2 500-389 9g 105 & 4 4 1 1 1,000 sq, a. and over B ui a 1 « 1 Not Reported 8 a . : 1 1 0 Binangonaa 12,186 ag a 1a ‘ “ Lass than 20 69. a : 3 3 1 Weiss. ns 5 2 3 a 0-9 oe ast us 160 : 3 10-199 sg a. 165 n Ww 1 r 10-689 sq a. 28 Hu n . 4 500-999 sg. 1 4 uw : : 1,000 5q, a, and over i 1 10 1 : ‘Wot Reported i : 2 : 1 i6) HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION - RIZAL Table 12, susber of Buildings in Urban and Selected Areas by Ploor Area and Type of Structure, dy Monicipaltty: 1589 [cent ‘ype of structure Not reported Municipaltty/Ploor Area t structure Calata 13,831 13,008 455 182 ay 4 uM Less than 20 2g. 2. 1,906 1,785 tt - it r : 20+ 49 5g. a. 46 4,533 Mg 135 We 2 1 50-19 $4. 4,408 4,250 St 1 It - t 100+ 199 ag. 2,018 3,897 46 oo it 1 ny 200-499 ag. a Le 1,452 ui a 7 - 1 500-999 sq. a, at ao i 3 8 . - 1,000 eq. a. and over Ce 2 i 1 u - 7 ‘Not Reported 8 5 - 1 - - a cardona 1,005 322 w 4 8 - . Less than 20 sq. 2. we mn a 7 Ww . - 1-49 58q. 2. ot $3 1 2 ce 7 . 30-99 3. 8 4s 3 - 1 a - - 100-189 ag. 1 § 7 1 : . 20-48 sg, 1 ! : - ‘ : : 500 - $5950 1 : : - i : : 1,009 sq. m. and over t . 7 . r - . ot Reported HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION + RETAL ‘table 12, tuber of Buildings in Urban and Selected areas by Floor Area and type of Structure, by Municipality: 1968 (continued) ‘type of Structure suber of Buildings vanicipality/?loor area Not Reported dala-Jale 503 51 u : y 4 ese than 20 61. 8, 106 a 1 - : 0-4 sha, 4 as ‘ . : 2 50-98 at. 308 ur 1 : : . 100 8 y Ff i - - - 20-489 5q, 3 3 - - : : 500-989 6g. a, 1 . : - : : 1,000 8g. a. and over 2 - : - Wot Reported 4 - . : - 2 Montalban mn 2 58 a 3 ess that 20 5q, : " a was sq. 0 1 4 50-39 aq, a 2 1 10+ 199 5g. B : : 200-199 sq, a : 500-999 5g. 1 1,000 sq. a, and over Not Reported 164 HOUSING and CORSTRUCTION ~ RIZAL table 12. Musber of Buildings in Urban and Selected areas by Floor Area and type of structare, ‘by Municipality: 1985 (continued) i ‘type of Structure unber of Buildings Municipality/Ploor Area | Buildings ing! teported Structure | san Mateo 4,160 8,108 Cy n 2 a a Less than 20 54. 5. 1Ate 2,28 20 : n ! Ws sen 4,005 3,509 4 8 6 : 0-89 sq, 1,036 1,008 rt z 1 : 100-199 sy. a, 181 286 6 1 2 : 20-8 353 Me ‘ é 1 : 500-992 sy. a, 3 wt 5 2 2 : - 1,008 $9. a, and over 6 8 . a 2 1 : Wot Reported 2 u : - : : 8 ten 5,890 5,41 165 uw ms 2 1 Less than 20 59, 132 1,051 u : a : 1 8 sea 3,099 2,940 107 t 8 : - 50-8 sg, 664 ae 2 4 8 t . 100+ 1985. 405 366 n it 5 . 1 200-499 5g, 266 ne 1 it} n : . 500 + $999 2 1 : 3 10 t - 1,000 sy. a and over a 1 i 5 2 . - Not Reported 4 4 : . : : - HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION ~ RIZAL } wunber af Municipality/Ploor Area Buildings ‘aytay 16,88 16,088 we 4u 6 5,283 8 3.68 m 2,281 mw 815 au 2 1 and over me 1 : : Teresa ur un 1 ess than 20 eq, 4 2 4 : we 6 ci) : 0-99 oq. a 5 : 190-199 a. a. iy v t W- 89 one & € . S00 + 599 sg 2 : . 1,000 99. a and over t . : Not Reported Source: Rational statistics bo cipality: 1388 (concluded) ‘Type of Structure ow iouse/ buildings table 12, Sumber of Buildings in tirban and Selected Areas by Floor Area and Type of structure, u n n 0 165 166 HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION ~ RItAL ‘able 15, Muaber of Buildings in Urban and Selected Areas by Type of Structure and Condition (State-of-Repair), ‘by Municipality: 1989 ‘Type of structure Single House} Dupler | Sow House/ | Other =| Other | Hot tunieipality/ Condition (State-of Repair! funder of aulldings ' Buildings | Nonbuilding ’ peported ' structure AL 105,107 96,608 ae 15 302 1 188 Seeds no tepair/Heets Minor Repair 9,405 2,308 2,08 11s 407 107 us Needs Najor Repair. 10,428 9,768 2 i BS 8 8 Dilapideted/Condemned aut 1,355 u ‘ % ‘ : Under Renovation/Seing Repaired ans 133 a it 5 + : Under construction 1,400 1005 2 a % rey 5 GnEinished Construction 58 5st u 1 8 i 1 Hot Reported ne n 2 : 1 : a angona 5,036 5,38 um 178 ay 56 ‘ Needs no Repair/Heeds Winor Repair 5,316 4,387 my mu 8 4 Needs Aejor Repair m0 380 ‘ 3 2 - Dilspidated/conceaned a : : 1 : Under Renovation/Being Repetred i 2 : : - : Under construction u 2 1 t : : Uaftaished Construction 5 6 : : : . ot Reported 2 : : : : : Continued HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION = 2I2AL ‘Table 13, Muaber of Buildings in Urban and selected areas by Type of structure and Condition (State-cf-tepeir), by wanicipality: 1983 |contioved) hunkcipality/ | Sumber of Condition (State-of Repair) | Buildings ot Reported Antipolo Il 16,488 m 88 re] % 2 Needs no Repair/Needs Minor Repair 15,866 15,213 a a ne x 6 Weeds Major Repair at sa 2 3 3 a 3 Dilapidated/Condeaned u a : : 5 2 : Under Renovation/Being Repaired 4 3 a : : : : Under Construction 165 136 : ‘ i : : Unfinished construction 0 8 : : . 1 : ot Reported n 4 : : - . x Binangenan 22,286 20,440 849 3 114 4 4“ Needs no Repait/Heeds Ninor Repair 14,417 eat m 386 1 » Needs Major Repair 2,320 166 2 i - 6 Dilapidated/Condeaned 136 1 a 1 1 . Under Renovation/Being Repaired 551 a 1 i - : Onder Construction a 1 1 . 2 onfinished Constractice 3 i 0 : : ok Reported : . . : 6 167 168 HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION - RIZAL ‘able 13. funber of Guildings in Urban and Selectad Areas by Type of Structure and Condition (state-of-nepairl, by Municipality: 1989 (continued) ‘ype of structure Municipality! ‘condition (State-of Repair) Other | ot Nonbuilding! Reported Structure Butldings: cainta aH 18,008 385 282 4 3 Weeds no Repair/Heeds Ksnor Repair 12,136 1,58 at 2 i 1 2 Needs Major Repeir gu 1m 5 a e 1 : Dilapidated/condeaned 436 a : : : 1 : Under Renovatios/Being Repaired i 16 1 : 1 : - Under Construction a ut i n 1 : - Unfinished Construction 1 aT 1 4 . : : ot Reported i A : : : . 3 carton 1,005 32 10 ‘ 8 . : Needs no Repair/tleeds Minor Repair’ ar 505, w 3 8 . : Needs Major Repair x B + - : : . Dilapidated/Candeaned : : . - . : : Under Rencvation/Being Repaired : : . : - . - ‘Under construction 3 a : 1 : : . Unfinished Construction : : : . : : - Not Reported : : : - : : - 169 HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION ~ RIZAL ‘table 13, Muaber of Buildings in Urban and Selected Areas by Type of Structure and Condition (State-of-Repair],, ‘by Municipality: 1883 (continued) ‘ype of structure 5 Row House) ‘Townbouse Nunber of Buildings Municipality condition (State-of Repair! other Buildings Reported Duplex dalavdale 303 a2 8 : H : 4 Needs no aepair/¥eeds Minor Repair 18 a n - 2 : 1 feeds Najor Repeir 106 108 : : 1 : 1 dilapidated condemned + : - : + : . Onder Renovatios/Being Repaired 2 1 : : 1 : : ‘Under Construction 2 a - : : : : Unfinished Construction 2 1 : : - : : Hot Reported 1 : : 2 : 2 i xantalban 4,131 1,33 at 3 552 2 4 weeds no Repain/eeds Minor Repair 3,401 4m 165 v aa 3 4 Reeds kajor Repair 1,06 2,108 uw R st 3 a Dilapidated/Condeaned 19 1 : . 5 1 - Under Reno g Repaired 4 4 + : : : - Under construction 16 153 2 : $ : : Unfinished Construction 165, 155 3 2 4 - 1 ot Reported 6 5 : : . . i 170 HOUSTAG and CORSTALCTION - RItAL ‘Table 15. Wusber of Buildings in Urban and Selected areas by Type of Structure and Condition (state-of-Repeir), by Municipality: 1989 (conting Municipality/ Condition (state-of Repair) | Wunder of fesseesssenssen Buildings | Single House} Kot tepor ted Duplex Norong 2,025 1,088 B 4 8 2 3 Needs no fepair/Meeds Ainor Repair 1,834 1168 3 4 ts 1 1 Needs Major Repair us 8 ‘ : n 1 : Dilapidated/Coneaned 2 2 : : : : : Under Renovation/Being Repaired : : - : : : : Under Construction 8 ’ : : 1 : : Unfinished construction 4 2 : : 2 - : Hot Reported 1 : : : : : 1 Pi 1,386 15 § ‘ 198 : 1 Needs no Repair/Neads Hinor Repair 4m 4 5 14 : : Needs Najor Repaiz 2 i : 2 : 1 Dilepidated/ condemned 3 : : : : : Under Renovation/eing Repaired 5 : : : - : Under Construction u 1 : 1 : : Uafinisted construction Fa : : i : : Not Reported 1 oe HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION + RIEAL Table 13, Suaber of Buldings in orban and selected areas by Type of struc by Municivality: 1989 (continued) re and Condition (State-of-tepairt, ‘ype of structure ow Fouse/ Townhouse Municipality/ Condition (State-of Repair) under of Buildings other Buildings aot Reported San Hateo 8,260 8,108 6 n 2 2 a Needs no Repair/eeds Minor Repair 1311 1,258 n Bb % a ‘ Needs Najor Repair as a 2 4 6 - - Dilapidated/Condeaned u Bs - : - : : Under Renovation/Being Repaired 5 u 1 : : - : Under Construction Ts 1 3 : - . . Unfinished corstruction 8 B a . : : : Not Reported n it - : . . 1 ‘Tanay 5,090 sald 165 3 am 2 a Needs no Repair/Needs inor Repair 5,158 5,291 68 u x6 2 1 Needs Major Repair a 60 - * 1 : : Dilapidated/Condenned : : : : : - . Under Reravation/Being Repaired ® is - : 6 - : Under Construction H n - - : : Unfinished Construction aw 8 1 1 - - - - 1 fot Reported 5 4 172 FOVSING and CONSTRUCTION ~ RI2AL ‘Table 12, Murber of Butldings in Urban and selected Areas by Type of Structure and Condition (State-né-Repair), dy Municipality: 1989 (concluded) ype of Structure | ow House Towabouse Nusber of Buildings other | other Buildings Single House! duplex structure ‘teytay 16,893 14,858 M6 4 1 a Needs 10 Repair/ieeds Minor Repair 13,28 1,626 a8 a0 8 1 Needs Kajor Repair 2,26 1,084 i n Mm " Dilapidated/Condenned 1,032 536 1 & w - Onder Renovation/Being Repaired u e 4 5 1 : Under Construction 2 am 4 1 20 ry Unfinished Construction i i : 1 1 : Wot Reported u 1 1 : . : ‘Teresa an 188 1 1 n : Needs no Repair/Meeds Minor Repair me uw % Weeds Major Repair ff iv 1 Dilapidated/Condeaned : : : Inder Recavation/Seing Repaired : der Construction : : ‘nfintshed Construction rs 1 Not Reported - . Source: National statistics office, B AOUSING and CONSTRUCTION -AUZAL Angone Table 15, Distribution of Employed Persons in Construction 173 CHAPTER 15 TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION Land amber o ‘The means of land transportation in the province are passenger cars, jeepneys, buses/trucks, trailers, motorcycles and tricycles. ‘Te number of registered motor vehicles in 1994 totalled 35,533, an increase of 20.02 percent from 1993. Motorcycles/tricycles numbering 15,019 comprised the bulk, followed by utility vehicles with 13,363 and cars, with 5,683. Of the 35.5 thousand registered motor vehicles, 73.75 percent were private, 25.89 percent were for fire and only 0.36 percent were government-owned. ‘There were 10 transportation, communications and storage establishments in the province in 1993, half of which had actual total employment of 1-9 employees. Most of these establishments were reported in Antipolo and Cainta. 174 "TRANSPORTATION and COMMUNICATION ~ RIZAL ‘table 1, Comparative statistics on Motor Yebicles by type: 1985-1998 Year yotl cars utility Buses Trucks trailers Notorcycles/ Wenicles trieyeles 1985 5,078 4,385 3,807 “8 288 546i 1386 18,063 6,86 5,668 a 40 3,548 138 39430007 9,20T M5 1,0tt 5,46 1588 16,510 5,635,331 350 sm aa 1988 a! ~ ~ - - = - 1990 1878 4,962 BT # 63 5108 1355 19,567 457 8.ATT cn a su 1982 21,999 4,3 9,508 u 01 6,683 1995 23,605 5,619 12,585 Bu 300 Y 18,360 1934 35825683 13,880 % a 0 15,019 Source: Land Transportation Office. 4/ data not available, ‘able 2, Registered Motor Vehicles by Hajor Classification: 1985-1994 yer total —rivate Government for hire others 1/ 1985 9018068 116 ast : 1586 19,062 10,538 Ho EAB . 1987 23,436 22,502 776 : 1888 16,510 13,081 1% 4381 1989 af - ~ - 7 - 1988 af ~ ~ = ~ - 1981 1s ast RB 4a : 1982 1,99) 16)110 no 5,855 : 1993 13,60 20,783, % 4,80 : 1984 35,80 26,206 1% 4,261 - Source: Land Transportation dffice, set af Data not available. 1/ Incltes diplonatic, hase exeupt and dealer vehicles, 176 ‘rmaNsPORD able 3, storage & Warehcusing stablishuent: dy Actual Total Bngaged, by Municipality: 593 Storage & Yarehou AL ws Angono antipelo | Baras : Binangonan | cainta ' ceri san wateo | Tany taytay Teresa \ Source: National St 8 Office, 1993 List of Establishments. Table 4. Distribution of Employed Persons in Trans- Communication, Sterege, and wments by Actual icipality: 1993 i, Transportation, ‘Communication and Storage al angen mntipolo Baras Binangonan canta cardona Iale-dala Jotriguez| Montalban} CHAPTER 16 ELECTRICITY, GAS AND WATER ‘The sources of data in this section are: National Electrification Administration, Rural Electnfication Chronicle: 1993; and National Statistics Office. Status of Excrgization Water Supply umber of In 1993, potential number of ouse connections was 166,843 and the actual fouse connections was 100 percent. ‘he province of Rizal (excluding municipalities now under Metro Manila) has a total land area of about 1,350 square Rilometers that form part of the Souther Tagalog region. Undertaid by volcanic rocks, the province is predominantly under the difficult area category. Shallow well areas cover about a tenth of the total land, and deep well areas amass one fifth of the province. Based on projections, shallow wells are expected to supply a tenth of the total water demand in the year 2000, 15 percent by deep wells, and three fourths by surface waters. In 1993, there were seven electricity, gas and water establishments in the province, with 5 establishments having an average total employment of 10 employees and over. Municipalities having such establishments were Binangonan, Angono, Cxinta, Morong, Pililla and Tanay. m BLRCTRICITY and WATER - HITRL 178 ‘Table 1, Status of Snergizat: n by Cooperative by Municipality: 1993 cooperative! vurieopality oe No. of house connections Potential Actual Percentage total 166,883 100.09 Baras 1/ 100,00 2 Binangonan 1/ 100.00 Cardona t/ 109,00 Jala-dala 1 100.00 Noreng 1/ 100.09 Pitta 1) 100.00 Taney 1 100.00 ferese 1/ 100.00 Angot 100.99 Antipolo 100,00 cainta 300,00 Montalban 100.00 San Mateo 100,08 mytay 100.00 Source: National Blectrification Adainistration, Rural Electrification chronicle, 1993. * As of September 1993 a/ Breakdown per Municipality was not available. 1) These eight municipalities were taken over by ¥anile Hleetric Co. (MBRALCO) frog the talin Blectric Coop.,ine.(1B¢O| and Rizal I Blect Te. (RIURLCO iI} on 24 Cetober 1987, For the vericd August 1994 te Gctober $981 and fron January 1976 to Getcber 1881 , 7800 and RIGBiCO 17 respectively. provided electric service ta 2 total of al barangays , 13,169 consunzrs fr $ toms. BLBCTRLCITY and WATE: BIAS Source: tational 180 SUECTRICETY and WATER - ITAL ‘able 3. muaber of Hlectricity, Gas ¢ tater by xotual Total Rngaged, Manicipality sngono Antipolo gas! Binangonan | canta | Cardona daledala | ontalbn | Morong | Pititla | Sun Wate | nny | nytay | ‘eres Source: NSO, 1993 Listing of Establishments. ‘Table 4. Distribution of Employed Persons in Electicy, Gas and Water Establshmerts, by Actual Total Engaged, by Municipal. 1993 Municipality baras| inangonan Tctiguee (toatl) Norong Pititla san Mateo tamy feytay CHAPTER 17 TRADE AND TOURISM. ‘Trade statistics were taken from the National Statistics Office while data on tourism were courtesy of the Department of Tourism. Humber of, Wholesale aud Retatl “ade Establishment Tounisen As of 1993, there were 3,074 wholesale and retail trade establishments in the province, 96.03 percent of these had an average total employment of less than 10 employees. ‘These establishments were mostly located in Cainta (609), Antipolo (494) and Taytay (443). Rizal is a place rich with much-celebrated and wellobserved occ why tourists, mostly foreigners, flock. in the province just to see and exper places that are truly memorable. “This is the foremost reason e these exciting events, and” Antipolo is one of the tourist spots of the province where one can find the grotto of the Virgin of Peace and Safe Voyage 181 182 Another is the Talim island which is focated at the middle part of Laguna de Bay. Holy week is more felt and much celebrated in Rizal than in any other part of the country. Tere is the PABASA, otherwise known as “RASYON” on the Saturday before Palm Sunday, the PALASPAS where a colorful celebration is held with the town priest, sacristans and the disciples parading around the town together with the residents and a brass band. When the procession winds up in the church, patm fronds are finally offered. SANTO ENTIERRO on Good Friday is a procession of the interred image of Christ in a glass-covered float which symbolizes his death on such day at three in the afternoon, “SUBOK’, which is a tagalog word for test is indeed a suspense-filled ritual: also field on Good Friday. Feast in the country is a common site during May, but in Angono, Rizal Feast of San Clemente is yearty, eld on November 22 - 23. This is the fisherman's thankggiving festival in honor of San Clemente, their patron saint. Carabao festival is held on May 14, also in Angono. This, on the other hand, is the feast day of San Isidro de Labrador, patron saint of the Filipino farmers, WADE and TOURTSH ~ RIZAL Table 1. Number of Wholesale and Retail Trade “Table 2 Dstibuton of Employed Person sh Wesesle Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, Fila Engaged by Vuncealy 16 by Municipality: 1993 wunicipality | Wholesale and Retail 1 Trade al Angona Al 8128 2,080 ntipole barat ‘ngono ‘Binangonan | Antipolo cainta Baras Cardona Binangonan Jala Ceinta ontalban Cardona : Jale-Jala, 7 Rodriguez (Montalban) u san Wate xoreeg 0 ‘Tanay Pilitla - ‘eytay ‘Teresa san Sater CHAPTER 18 COMMUNITY, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL SERVICES Humber of Establishments In 1993, Rizal iad 2,363 public and private services establishments. Of this total, 2,200 or 93.10 "percent fiad an average total employment of less than 10 employees. Most of the establishments were concentrated in the municipalities of Antipolo, Cainta, Taytay and Tanay. Ist COMMURIT!, SOCIAL and PERSOWAL SERVICHS - SETAE ‘ble | Angore Antipo baras Binangonaa | caicta cardon falerd woctall Xoreng piLili san a wuaber of Private Services Establ by Actual Total 1982 lo a ala bas eo a nents Engaged, by Municipality: Table 2. Distribution of Employed Persons in Private Services Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by Municipality: 1993 Municipality ML 6,218 Angora Antipole bares ‘Binangenaa cainta Cardona falardala fodrigques (Montalban) Koreng lila San Mate ‘tanay ‘aytay ‘teresa 185 186 COMMUNTIY, SOCTAL and PUELIC SBRVICES - RIZAL Table 4. Distribution of Employed Persons in Public Services Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by Municipality: 1993 Sable 3, Number of Public Services Bstablishaen by Actual Total Bogaged, by Mus 1 MURicdpal ity [os--seeseoneeesecseseceeseceneeeene Municipality | Public services aR 9110 & Over | Met ate sees srreenersene Sore9 | k over ' uv! ‘ ! : a0 Angono : 1 artipolo | i . : hres -! : Sinangonan : + : ainta | +! : : cardona .! 1 cainta Jalevala .! 1 cardona - Montalban a : : Koray | +! a gue (Montalban! : Pilla : : Norong . san kateo | : - Pitta : tay? 7 i san kates . : naytay : - Tansy : m ‘teresa ot CHAPTER 19 FINANCING, INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS SERVICES Hunker of A total of 262 financing, insurance, real estate and business services establishments were reported in Sctablishments ‘the province in 1993. Of which, 207 or 79.01 percent had an average total employment of less than 10 employees. 187 188 Table 1. Number of Financing, Insurance, Real Estate and Business Services Establish- ments by Actual Total Engaged, by Munici 1993 ‘Table 2 Distrbution of Employed Person sla Financing, CHAPTER 20 Voting Population ADMINISTRATIVE MACHINERIES ‘The province ts composed of 187 barangays. Registered voters in the May 9, 1994 barangay elections | totalled 599,455, 49.54 percent were males and 50.46 percent, females. Of the total registered voters, only 55.69 percent actually voted in the said election. 189. 190 total First District 1. kagono ‘Antipalo Banangonae 4 Canta 5. taytey Second istrict 1. Baras 1. Cardona 3. B. Rodrigue 4, Salajale 5. Norong 6. Pita 1, San Nateo Source: Counission on Blections. urber hae 5,008

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