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Dear Gentleperson;

To whom it may concern:

Throughout the duration of this time: I have been responsible for grant writing; aiding in the process of in-
centivizing a volunteer rewards program: marketing; making cold calls to vendors; corporate spending: making
plans with the administrative staff/ management; purchasing products: buying building and, construction mate-
rial. Although the main function of my job description is community building, relationship management and,
maintenance, facilitating a creative makerspace.... a few ways I have done this are by setting up a series of confi-
dence building projects and, staging operations for my Construction Director and I, to follow up on together.

I have done research writing, reporting and, editing on r-Control, quid pro quo consulting with Big Sky’s rep-
resentatives on Structurally Insulated Panels. Up to and, including cost benefit analysis, a return on investment
reviews, a pro bono for key decision makers including my Construction Director; and, also involved with taking
surveys polling neighborhoods for our revitalization program with our Construction Director of Operations as
well as, for our CEO who sits on a number of non profit boards non governmental organizations leaders and,
other policy makers continuing community development by educating the populus in public health initiatives.

As a Peace Corps candidate for a NFP NGO water treatment program in middle/south Americas, I am very se-
riously interested in pursuing continuing education with: programming; in c+ and, c++ and/or, c# from d3.js to,
3-d printing arduino processors, programming raspberry pi, concentrating on front-end/fullstack development
focusing on data visualization of GIS—specializing with human & computer interaction in environmental policy
making and remote sensing. I have come far from a seminar at District Data Labs a small business dev lab in
D.C., I am determined to develop a portfolio of solid works up to/ including architecture involving engineering.

Working together in some capacity in a leadership role with administration in the Non governmental Non for
profit small businesses within the private and public sectors: In Aquatics Management of Indianapolis I have
experience supervising as a CPO; testing water, running samples, balancing chemicals and, managing up to 5-9
10-30k+ ga. outdoor facilities from weeks and months during the summer for years—responsible in part for
capacity building leadership life skills learning strategy, all the while, simultaneously aiding my administration,
staffing and recruiting with youth development in after school programs for at risk youth in the BS of A.

In the future, with a culmination of experience in combination with practical applications in drill and skill
building a tool set from Salt Lake Community College and/ or, Utah Univ. to Vschool for EPG, I anticipate gain-
ing knowledge with a skill set I can add to my tool belt in order to complete training before finalizing the Peace
Corps application process to interview with a set of letters of recommendation in a series of references and more
works cited—I would like to take the opportunity to add this experience to what I have with me into working
together along side Habitat, Vschool and, the team at EPG, marketing consulting services in business strategies
to policy changers expediting energy access and transporation gateways, bringing mag lev tech to Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake City is one of the top two in the running for global site selection of Elon Musks Hyper Loop high speed
rail mag lev green technology. Although, the market here may not entirely be prepared for it, though as a result
of the City Libraries activity in learning circles, Heartland pilot programming from Utah University and, in small
businesses, incubation labs, kick starters, start up accelerators, non–governmental non–for–profit organizations
involvement like Habitat however—the market may only just be coming readily available to break land speed
records and building capacity in a valley where the amount or arable land is growing scarce.... Acquiring this op-
portunity for future development would launch Salt Lake onto the world stage, competing with major cities like
Abu dahbi, Dubai, Los Angeles and, Las Vegas, marketing for conventions and, events like the Olympics.

As a result of disruptive technology; digital job displacement and, in light of current events: or, rather the
prevailing circumstances—Habitat for Humanity of Salt Lake Valley seems as though it may well be contributing
to a project this size of scope.... Redistributing a wealth of human resources, aiding in the process of job cre-
ation and, labor organization. All well with in the means of community development, the Habitat restore affords
housing for low income wage earners, providing opportunity in work force development for on–the–job training
supporting research and development of environmental sustainability in long term future tech. As a Construc-
tion Crew Lead building green and, working together in some capacity with Habitat, we may well be uniquely
positioned to make change. People movers; moving people.

Benjamin M. Doyle
Habitat Americorps Member
Construction Crew Coordinator
Habitat for Humanity
of Salt Lake Valley

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