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Parents are blessings from God for children. They take decisions on their children for

their growing up and create a better life. Generally, parents take decisions on the basis of their

experiences and judgments. These decisions create a great impact on their children’s life. The

focus of my research will be the impact of parents decisions on their children.

Bangladesh is a country where most of the time parents create pressure on their children

to obey their decisions. It has both positive and negative sides. I would like to know how a child

takes these decisions and what impact actually create on his mind. I also like to know what is the

thinking of a child about their parents decisions. I hope to find answers to such questions through

my research work.


Our culture is very conservative. So, people don’t get enough freedom to do what they

like. Our parents are also grown up with the conservative tradition. They also try to confine their

children with their social and mental tradition. So, cultural effect is a very big effect for children.

For those, who want to research about this topic, must know the culture of the respective

area. It’ll then be easy to recognise the criteria of them. Also, it will be easier to find out the

impact of parents decisions on their children.

My research is all about impact of parents decision on their children. From my research,

it is obvious that, culture plays a significant role for taking decision and creating an impact to the

children. But it has positive sides that is most of the time children stay under control and safe so

that the possiblity to happen something wrong is almost zero.


So I can say that, impact of parents decisions is good for the children and children are

happy with that.

Areas of Research:

In my research, I plan to investigate the impact of parents decisions on their children. My

research will address the following research questions:

 How a child takes parents decisions?

 What is the thinking of a child about their parents decision?

 What is the condition of relation between parents and children?

 How parents decisions create effects on their mind?

From my research, I come to learn that, a child takes parents decision normally and

sometimes depending on their mood. Besides, most of the child think that parents are good

decision maker. Yes, it is true that sometimes parents take bad decisions. But most of the time

they take good decisions for their children. Thirdly, the condition of relationship between parents

and children is nice. They like their company. Finally, parents decisions create an effect on their

children. Sometimes, parents decisions create a bad effect but most of the time the effectiveness

is good.


Parents always want a happy life for their children. So, they try to take good decisions for

their children. From my research, I expect to find that children are happy with their parents

decisions. It is expected that the relationship between parents and children is good because

parents always well-wisher for their children. I also think that children can understand their

parents and obey their decisions.


For my primary research, I had conducted a survey of a representative sampling of the

general public in Dhaka and interview people about their thoughts and opinions about the impact

of parents decisions on their life. For that, I had designed a questionnaire with different types of

questions so as to get a range of useful data which will help me to answer my research questions.

I have completed my primary research by the end of October.

For my secondary research, I have used the resources of the library and the web –

standard reference sources like magazines, books, and newspapers etc. to find out the topics

related to parental involvement to child’s early education. Along with that, I have gone through

the works on this topic by other person and their findings. On the web, I utilized the Google and

Yahoo! search engines to find out more information, which could helped me to verify my

hypothesis, and complete my research work successfully. I have completed my secondary

research by the end of November.


Primary Data Presentation & Analysis:

Here I have presented the survey and the findings through graph and analyze them.

Description: The pie chart above shows the condition of relationship of children

with their parents. From the chart we can see that, relationship between parents

and children is very nice for 47%, nice for 22%, average for 25% and very bad for

6% people.

Analysis: As we can see that, the percentage of very nice and nice is so vast that

we can say that in most family, relationship between parents and children is nice.

They can enjoy with their company.


Description: The doughnut chart above provides whether parents involvement plays

a role in their child’s overall mental growth or not. 78% children think that, parents

involvement plays an important role in their overall mental growth and 22%

children think that it depends on the parents.

Analysis: Child’s mental development is very essential and parent’s involvement is mandatory

in this case. On the other hand if parents are not good enough to take care of a child in that case

it will have a bad effect on the child. So some respondents went with that one.

Description: The column chart shows that whether a parents can give the amount of expert help

a teacher can give. It is observed from the graph that, 12 respondents are agree with that. Another

12 respondents also agree with a condition that is, the parents need to be qualified. 7 respondents

go for the in some cases and only one respondent goes to the never option.

Analysis: We can see that, the major portion is agree that a parents can give the amount of

expert help a teacher can give. Some are worried about quality and some are not. Some also

don’t agree or little bit agree with that because experts are professionals and they know how to

take care of kids. But still majority of the people think that, they can give equal amount of help

like a teacher. For that, may be they need to be qualified, may be not.

Description: The doughnut chart finds the decision maker of subject for higher study. As it is

observed from the graph that, 50% decision come from both children and parents combinely.

33% decision come from the children own and 17% decision come from the parents only.

Analysis: As half of the respondant said that the decision come from both parents and children,

then we can say that, understanding of parents and children is very good. For 33%, childrens get

right to take their own decision. So, parents can create a friendly environment with their children.

For 17% parents take their children’s decision thinking of their well future.

Description: The pie chart shows that how much time parents spend with their children. As it is

observed from the graph that 42% parents spend time as much as they can. 3% are so busy with

their job that they can’t give time. 11% have time but don’t spend that much time with children.

39% have time but their children have not time to spend with them. And 5% have different


Analysis: 42% parents give time as much as they can and 39% of them want to give time but

children can’t. So, from this, we can say that most of the parents want to give time their children.

They are very sincere for them.


Description: The doughnut chart shows that whether parents discuss with children while they

are taking decision on their children. 72% make a positive answer and 28% make a negative


Analysis: As we can see, 72% said that parents discuss with children before they make any

decision on them, so we can say that parents give priority their children. It’s a good side. And for

rest, parents always want to take good decision for their children. So, may be they this, it’s not

necessary to discuss with their children.


Description: The pie chart provides children’s view about their parents decisions. 44% children

think that parents are good decision maker. 6% think that they have no idea how to take

decisions. 17% think that sometimes, parents take good decisions but most of the time their

decisions are bad. 33% think that sometimes, they take bad decisions but most of the time their

decisions are good.

Analysis: As we can see that a major portion of respondent said that parents are good decision

maker and another major portion said that most of the time, parents are good decision maker. So,

we can say that, parents are actually good decision maker.


Description: The bar chart above shows how children take their parents decisions. 12

respondents take parents decision depending on their mood. 2 respondents don’t care. 12

respondents take normally and 10 take seriously.

Analysis: Major portion take their parents decision depending on their mood. Another major

portion take normally. Rest of them take it seriously. So, we can say that children give respect

and value to their parent’s decision.


Description: The doughnut graph provides whether parents create pressure to obey their

decision if children don’t like those decisions. 44% respond yes and 56% respond to no.

Analysis: More than half children said that their parents don’t pressure them to obey their

decision if they don’t like them. So, it is a positive side of parents from the understanding point

of view to their children. But almost half of the children said that parents give force to them. But

after forcing, how the children react? We will find it in next question.

Description: The bar chart shows how do children react if they force to go with their parent’s

decision. 2 respondants said they accept it because they think it’d better for them. 5 respondants

said they accept it but behave rudely afterwards. 9 respondats said that they accept it but it makes

them sad. 3 respondats reject the decision. 1 respond other.

Analysis: Most of the children accept their parents decision but in sad mood. The other major

portion also accept thinking that the decision would be good for them. So, here we can see,

children are obidient to their parents and they respect and accept their parents decisions.

Description: The doughnut graph provides whether parents decisions has created bad impact on

children. 44% respond yes and 56% respond to no.

Analysis: More than half children said that their parents decisions don’t create any bad impact

on them. So, it is a positive side of parents from the understanding point of view to their

children. But almost half of the children said that parents decision has created a bad impact on

them. But what is the type of that bad effect? We will find it in next question.

Description: The pie chart shows the kind of bad impact a children face for their parents

decision. 56% said they are mentally stressed, 39% depressed and 5% got physical harm.

Analysis: Most of the children said that the bad impact affect on their mental condition. They

feel mentally stressed and depressed.


Description: The coloumn chart above illustrates whether parents involvement to their

children’s personal issue is impotant or not. 3 respondents think this is absolutely necessary. 32

respondents think that it is important to a certain level. And only 1 respondent think that it has

harmful effect.

Analysis: As it is observed from the graph that, most of the children think that parents

involvement to their children’s personal issue is important to a certain level.


Secondary Data Presentation & Analysis:


Ahmed, H. (1997). Opekkha. Banglabazar, Dhaka: Afsar Brothers.

In this novel, writer has created a jolly girl Shuprova who is 13 years old. She is a bad student

and failed 3 subjects. Hearing this, her mother angrily told Shuprova to kill herself (S) jumping

from the rooftop. This angriness had created a bad impact on Shuprova and then she committed

to suicide.

Bettelheim, Bruno. (1987). A Good Enough Parent: A Book on Child Rearing. New York:

Alfred A. Knoff, Inc., 55-69.

This book helps to teach parents how to raise their children to be successful, functioning adults

in society. The section on parental involvement in education focuses on the need for parents to

be interested in their children ‘right now.’ Their interest in their children needs to be an interest

on a daily basis for their children to be successful in their studies.


Johar, K. (Director), & Johar, Y. (Producer). (2001). Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham

[DVD]. Delhi: Dharma Productions.

This movie excellently shows that how a decision can greatly affect on children. Father’s one

decision had created distance with son for ten years. Also shows that, father’s another decision to

call back his son was so touchy and effective decision.


Motwane, V. (Director). (2010). Udaan [DVD].

Expelled from his school, a 16-year old boy returns home to his abusive and oppressive father.

This movie represents how deeply his father’s decision affect on his mind.

Online Debate: (n.d.). Society opinions. Should parents play a role in deciding their child's future?

Retrieved from

The topic was “should parents play a role in deciding their child’s future.” 56% said yes and 44%

said no. Those who said yes, their point of view is, parents should be able to direct their children

toward their future. This is because the parents have given birth to the child and have to raise

them up. Without the parents the child wouldn't even be alive. On the other hand, those who said

no, their point of view is, If the parents have their minds set on something the child hates, then

the child could end up resenting their life as they will feel as though they had no choice and that

their life is not theirs.

Electronic Media:

Smith, E. O. (n.d.). The effect of parents decision on an adolescent’s choice of career. Retrieved


Parents play a major role in the decisions of their children. As children grow into adolescents,

they begin to make decisions that will impact their future. One of the most significant areas in

which parents impact the decision-making process is in career choice and preparation. Several

factors contribute to how adolescents take their parents into consideration on the matter of career


Brown, P.C. (2009). Involving Parents in the Education of Their Children. Kid Source Online.

Retrieved from

It is not always easy for parents to find time and energy to become involved or to coordinate with

schedules for school events. For some parents, a visit to school is perceived as an uncomfortable

experience, perhaps a holdover from their own school days. Others may have their hands full

with a job and other children. The availability and cost of babysitters are other factors. Recently,

teachers and other school staff have made special efforts to increase communication with parents

and encourage involvement in children's learning experiences. That is how parents can involve

with their children and take proper decisions.

Research Paper by UNICEF:

Child Rights Information Center. (2008). The Impact of Parental Deprivation on the

Development of Children Left Behind by Moldovan Migrants. Retrieved from

The research results show that children's relationship sphere underwent big changes after their

parents’ departure. Almost all children recognized a lack of interaction with others as the most

essential change that happened to them during the separation period. Children mentioned that

both the number and the quality of their relationships had changed. Despite the fact that most

children participating at the study are being taken care of by a relative, many described

themselves as lonely, isolated and deprived of support.


Time frame was not sufficient enough to complete my research because the final decision

should come with a bigger sample size. I have tried my best to come up with the solution within

the time frame, but further study on this topic can be done. Another limitation was, I just take

survey for children, not for parents. So, I suggest for the interested people that take time for the

research and take survey for parents and children both for getting the perspective of their

thinking process.


This research has been based on the relationship betwen family members that is parents

and children. In children’s life early education is very important and parents can play a very vital

role in it. In my research I tried to figure out the impact of parents decision on their children.

From my research, I expect to find that children are happy with their parents decisions. It is

expected that the relationship between parents and children is good because parents always well-

wisher for their children. I also think that children can understand their parents and obey their

decisions. That was my hypothesis and after finishing my research I understand that my

hypothesis is almost right because most of the children think that their parents are good decision

maker and most of the time parents decisions are good for them.


1. Ahmed, H. (1997). Opekkha. Banglabazar, Dhaka: Afsar Brothers.

2. Bettelheim, Bruno. (1987). A Good Enough Parent: A Book on Child Rearing. New York:

Alfred A. Knoff, Inc., 55-69.

3. Johar, K. (Director), & Johar, Y. (Producer). (2001). Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham [DVD].

Delhi: Dharma Productions.

4. Motwane, V. (Director). (2010). Udaan [DVD].

5. (n.d.). Society opinions. Should parents play a role in deciding their child's

Retrieved from

6. Smith, E. O. (n.d.). The effect of parents decision on an adolescent’s choice of career.

Retrieved from

7. Brown, P.C. (2009). Involving Parents in the Education of Their Children. Kid Source Online.

Retrieved from

8. Child Rights Information Center. (2008). The Impact of Parental Deprivation on the

Development of Children Left Behind by Moldovan Migrants. Retrieved from

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