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Nama :

Grade :

School :

1. a. In the food chain above, at which point does photosynthesis take place?
b. What else do plants need for photosynthesis?
c. What is the name of the part of a plant cell- also beginning with ‘chloro’- that contains
2. Suggest why leaves are green, but roots are not.
3. write the name part of the inside a leaf below and the write function it!

4. look this picture

a. explain why you needed to use a water plant for this experiment!
b. expalain why you needed to leave the apparatus in a light place!

5. a. explain how the absoption of water by roots helps photosynthesis to take place.
b. suggest why most plants die very quickly if their roots are cut off!
c. explain how root hairs help plants to absorb a lot of water in a short time.
d. flowering plants, such as celery plants, contain long tubes called xylem vessels. These
vessels transport water and substances dissolved in the water. Use your result to describe
where the xylem vessels are in a celery stalk.


Food and digestion

8. a. Explain the different between food and nutrients

b. which three nutrients provide the body with energy?

10. a.
b. Function

- Mouth :
- Oesophagus :
- Stomach :
- Small intestine :
- Large intestine :
- Liver :
- Pancreas :

c. name three organs, shown in the diagram, that food does not pass through.

11. a. ‘Canine’ means’ dog tooth’. What do dogs use their canine teeth for?
b. explain how the shape of incisors helps them to carry out their function.
c. explain how the shape of molars helps them to carry out their function.

12. a. explain why digestion by enzymes is a chemical reaction

b. do teeth cause a chemical reaction to take place? Explain your aswer
c. teeth help to break down large pieces of food into lots of smaller pieces. Suggest how this
can help enzymes to digest the food faster.



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