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Ambedkar’s  Appropriation  by  

Hindutva Ideology
An E-Digest

Compiled by Ram Puniyani

(For Private Circulation)

Center for Study of Society and Secularism &

All India Secular Forum
602 & 603, New Silver Star, Behind BEST Bus Depot, Santacruz (E), Mumbai: - 400 055.

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E-Digest - Ambedkar’s  Appropriation by Hindutva Ideology

Many   a   debates   are   raging   in   various   circles   related   to   Ambedkar’s  

ideology. On one hand the RSS combine has been very active to prove
that  RSS  ideology  is  close  to  Ambedkar’s  ideology.  In  this  direction  RSS  
mouth pieces Organizer (English) and Panchjanya (Hindi) brought out
special supplements on the occasion of anniversary of Ambedkar,
praising him. This is very surprising as RSS is for Hindu nation while
Ambedkar has pointed out that Hindu Raj will be the biggest calamity
for dalits. The second debate is about Ambedkar-Gandhi. This came to
forefront   with   Arundhati   Roy’s   introduction   to   Ambedkar’s
‘Annihilation   of   Caste’   published   by   Navayana.   In   her   introduction  
‘Doctor  and  the  Saint’  Roy  is  critical  of  Gandhi’s  various  ideas.

This digest brings together some of the essays and articles by various
scholars-activists on the theme. Hope this will help us clarify the
underlying issues.

Ram Puniyani
(All India Secular Forum)
June 2015

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E-Digest - Ambedkar’s  Appropriation by Hindutva Ideology
Page No.

Section A

Ambedkar’s  Legacy  and  RSS  Combine

1. Idolatry versus Ideology 05

By Divya Trivedi

2. Top RSS leader misquotes Ambedkar on Untouchability 09

By Vikas Pathak

3. RSS going the whole hog in appropriating Ambedkar 10

By Piyush Srivastava

4. RSS  rewrites  history:  Dalits  ‘created’  by  invaders 11

By D.K. Singh

Section B
Ambedkar: Indian Nationalism versus Hindu Nationalism

5. Legacy of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar stands irreconcilably 13

opposed to Hindutva
By B. Sivaraman

6. Deconstructing Ambedkar 19
By Anand Teltumde

7. The Highjacking of Babasaheb 22

By Shamsul Islam

8. Whose Raj is it anyway 25

By Shamsul Islam

9. Ambedkar and RSS 27

By Ram Puniyani

10.Ambedkar Ideology: Religion, Nationalism and Indian 28

By Ram Puniyani
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11.Claiming Ambedkar, Trashing the Constitution 31
By Praful Bidwai

Section C

Ambedkar - Gandhi Debate

12. The Ambedkar Gandhi Debate: Reply to Arundhati Roy 33
By Rajmohan Gandhi

13.They were rivals, but with the same mission 51

By Ramachandra Guha

14.Sea of Lies – Response to Arundhati Roy 53

15.Comments by Niloufer Bhagwat 58

Section D


16.Time to reinterpret his contribution – Interview with 59

Prof. Bhalachandra Munkegar
By T.K. Rajalakshmi

17.Dalits are not definitely a block, and there is an intellectual 64

Blossom – Interview with Kancha Ilaiah
By Ajmal Khan and Anish

18. The  RSS  won’t  be  able  to  internalize  Ambedkar  – Interview 71
With Raosaheb Kasbe
By Makrand Gadgil

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E-Digest - Ambedkar’s  Appropriation by Hindutva Ideology
Section A
Ambedkar's Legacy and RSS Combine

Manvender Vashist/PTI. Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the ceremony to lay the foundation stone of
the Dr Ambedkar International Centre in New Delhi on April 14.)

1. Idolatry vs Ideology
The RSS-BJP’s  enthusiasm  to  celebrate  Ambedkar’s  birth  anniversary  is  seen  
as a key aspect  of  the  Hindutva  group’s  social  outreach  agenda  targeting  
Dalits for political ends.



POLITICAL parties, especially the Bharatiya Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party
Janata Party and the Congress, are falling over leader Arvind Kejriwal demanded a
each other to claim the legacy of B.R. “permanent”   holiday   on   April   14,   Ambedkar’s  
Ambedkar. While the two major parties are birthday.   Kejriwal   tweeted:   “Salute to Baba
planning round-the-year celebrations for the Saheb   Ambedkar.   Let’s   try   to   implement   the  
125th birth anniversary of Ambedkar, with an Constitution in letter n spirit. That wud be best
eye on the Assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh homage  to  him.”  
and Bihar, regional parties are not far behind.
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The   Rashtriya   Swayamsewak   Sangh’s   (RSS)   that Hinduism is a political ideology of the
mouthpieces Panchajanya and Organiser are same character as the fascist or Nazi ideology
coming   out   with   collectors’   editions   on   and is thoroughly anti-democratic. If Hinduism
Ambedkar. Large hoardings announcing the is let loose—which is what Hindu majority
publication of the special issues dot the skyline means—it will prove a menace to the growth of
of the national capital. others who are outside Hinduism and are
opposed to Hinduism. This is not the point of
Dalit ideologues, however, view the rush to view of Muslims alone. It is also the point of
claim   Babasaheb’s   legacy   with   mild   view of the Depressed Classes and also of the
amusement. Political observers describe the non-Brahmins.”  (Writings & Speeches, Volume
BJP’s  moves  to  appropriate  Ambedkar  as  a  key   17, Part One; Dr B.R. Ambedkar and his
aspect of its social outreach agenda wooing Egalitarian Revolution—Struggle for Human
Dalits across India. Uday Chandra, a Rights; Dr Ambedkar Foundation, Ministry of
postdoctoral fellow at Max Planck Institute for Social Justice and Empowerment, Government
the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, of India).
said:  “In the last general election, the proportion
of Dalits voting for the BJP rose to 24 per cent Ambedkar renounced Hinduism and gave a call
from 11 per cent in 2009 [Suhas Palshikar and to   Dalits   to   join   Buddhism.   His   words,   “I   was  
K.C. Suri in Economic & Political Weekly]. born   a   Hindu,   but   will   not   die   a   Hindu”,   have  
While this is a sharp increase, we should gained  popularity.  He  said,  “Some  people  think  
recognise that this trend in Dalit voting patterns that religion is not essential to society. I do not
is far from irreversible. Moreover, three hold this view. I consider the foundation of
quarters of Dalits did not in fact vote for Modi religion to be essential to the life and practices
and the BJP. Hence, the need for an outreach of society. At the root of the Hindu social
programme  with  its  promise  as  well  as  pitfalls.”   system lies Dharma as prescribed in
Manusmriti. Such being the case, I do not think
He said that mere symbolism would not it possible to abolish inequality in the Hindu
increase the BJP’s  vote  share.  “The  BJP  will  be   society unless the existing foundation of the
accused now of mere symbolism if Dalits do Smriti religion is removed and a better one laid
not benefit substantively or materially from the in its place. I, however, despair of the Hindu
current  regime’s  policies,”  he  said.   society being able to reconstruct on such a
better  foundation.”  
Besides, it appears that neither of the major
political parties has read or understood Ambedkar was also opposed to Mahatma
Ambedkar, who made his views on Hinduism Gandhi’s   views   on   the   uplift   of   untouchables  
and the Congress clear in his lifetime. His within the fold of Hinduism. The exchanges
intellectual and political project was dedicated between Gandhi and Ambedkar over the issue
to the annihilation of caste and he believed that of untouchability are in the public domain. Had
it could not happen within the fold of the   RSS   and   the   Congress   read   Ambedkar’s  
Hinduism, which has an inherently oppressive writings, they would not be making such claims
hierarchical structure. During the transfer of to his legacy. The Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP),
power from the British to the people of India the  original  inheritor  of  Babasaheb’s   legacy  by  
and when Partition was a looming possibility, virtue of the extensive work done by its leader
Ambedkar   had   said,   “The   Congress   cannot   Kanshi Ram among Dalits, restricted itself to
expect any sane person who knows anything attacking the attempts by other parties to claim
about conditions in India to agree to the Ambedkar’s legacy. BSP supremo Mayawati
government of the country being placed in the said,   “Other   parties   do   a   drama   of   celebrating  
hands of the Hindu majority, simply because it Dr  Ambedkar’s  anniversary  in  a  grand  manner,  
is a majority. The Congress chooses to forget but they never bothered to give him the due
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respect in his lifetime. They are propagating Bill, socialise banks and lands and redistribute
that Dr Ambedkar supported the RSS for its land   among   the   people.   “Will   the   BJP   dare   to  
work among Dalits. Had it been so, Dr do  this?”  she  asked.  
Ambedkar would never have gone and accepted
Buddhism, which professes equality and peace Tactics of co-option
for all. During elections, the BJP calls every
caste Hindu, and after the elections are over, it It is political pressure that is compelling these
only works for the rich and privileged  castes.”   parties to reach out to the S.Cs and B.Cs and
they   are   using   the   “outreach   programme”   to  
In Uttar Pradesh and elsewhere, upper-caste reconvert large sections of the populace. Until
BJP leaders ate food in Dalit homes. Earlier this and unless any party dares to question the
year, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat called upon Hindu religious perspective on society, it will
the cadre to picnic and share food with the only   be   misquoting   Ambedkar.   “Mohan  
“lower   castes”.   The   sociologist   Sujatha   Bhagwat is only worshipping the idol of
Surepally  said,  “but after all, they ate only daal Ambedkar but breaking his ideology. Indian
at   these  homes,   and  not   beef!”   Beef  is   a  major   democracy has successfully failed to take
source of affordable protein for the lower castes forward the agenda of social revolutionaries
and a ban on the slaughter of the cow and such as Phule,   Ambedkar   and   Jagjivan   Ram,”  
consumption   of   beef   is   the   BJP’s   important   said Sujatha Surepally. Apart from giving a
national agenda. token representation to Dalits in politics,
nothing has been done to change their social
Sujatha Surepally, who is the convener of the and economic conditions. Dalits continue to
Telangana Bhoomi Rakshana Sangam and face discrimination in subtle forms. Crimes
principal of Satavahana University College of against Dalits are unabated. And the two-
Arts  in  Karimnagar,  said  the  BJP  was  “showing   tumbler system persists in several villages.
its actual colours but all the other parties,
including the Telangana Rashtra Samithi [TRS], “Where  are  Dalits  in  the  Land  Acquisition  Act?  
the Telugu Desam Party, and the BSP celebrate Who is going to lose in the privatisation
the birthdays of Ambedkar, Jyotirao Phule and process? Nobody is asking these questions. All
Jagjivan Ram to sidetrack the real mission of parties are culpable in keeping the privileges
eradication  of  caste”.  These  parties  have  set  up   intact. What is happening now is either you
“cells”   for   the   Scheduled   Castes   (S.Cs),   the   wage a battle against them or you co-opt  them,”  
Scheduled Tribes (S.Ts), women and others to she said.
divide Malas and Madigas, backward classes
(B.Cs) and other marginalised groups and to Prof. Kancha Ilaiah, director, Centre for Social
push their own agendas; in the case of the BJP, Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Maulana Azad
for instance, the Hindutva agenda. She said the National Urdu University, throws light on the
BJP’s  move  to  appropriate  Ambedkar  could   be   historical trajectory of the process of co-option.
a part of its reformist agenda, but it cannot be
seen in isolation from its core agenda of “Until   1990,   Ambedkar   was   untouchable   to   all  
Hindutva. mainstream political parties. The question of
the BJP looking at him did not arise at that
On   the   TRS’   plan   to   install   a   statue   of   time. The implementation of the Mandal
Ambedkar in the Telangana Assembly, she Commission report, the V.P. Singh government
said:  “First   install  it  in   your  own  party  office.”   honouring Ambedkar [posthumously] with the
She said if Prime Minister Narendra Modi was Bharat Ratna [the highest civilian award] and
really   concerned   about   preserving   Ambedkar’s   the massive Dalit civil societal celebration of
legacy then he should call upon the BJP cadre his role across the country triggered a new
to convert to Buddhism, follow the Hindu Code debate. From 1991 to 2015, emerging civil
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societal forces acquired definite intellectual and Shudra communities. A Brahmin or a
status in universities and colleges and became a Baniya youth could not participate in killing
force to reckon with. More significantly, campaigns because they were already English
Buddhism, has given Dalits a spiritual platform educated and bound for foreign countries. The
where they can have their own self-dignity, OBC youth were taken to Hanuman
religion and God. It is a religious alternative to Vyamshalas and not schools. Instead of books,
Hinduism. When Ambedkar embraced trishuls were distributed among them.
Buddhism in 1956, he opened the locks of
religious transformation. Eighty per cent of “If  you  look  at  [Vishwa  Hindu  Parishad  leader]  
Dalits converted to Christianity in south India. Pravin   Togadia’s   campaign,   you   will   see   that  
Similarly, 30 per cent of Mahars joined books were never distributed; only trishuls,
Buddhism. In Uttar Pradesh, 20-30 per cent of with which they would have to attack Muslims.
Dalits became Buddhists. This is an They tried to recruit Dalits in Andhra Pradesh
unrecognised  fact.”   but failed because Ambedkar was not on its
banner then. The RSS put Vivekananda on its
Ambedkar as Prophet banner. Even the Congress has realised this.
Now the RSS has started an underground
Ilaiah said that Dalits considered the Buddha network,”  Ilaiah  said.  So  a  person  who  was  seen  
the first prophet, Jesus Christ the second as a lackey of the Imperialist, suited and booted
prophet, the Prophet Muhammad the third and and never clad in dhoti and kurta, and an agent
Karl Marx, the fourth, whom they really loved of the British, suddenly became a social
and who they thought would really come and reformer. Although the Congress gave
liberate them. But in the past 20 years, accessibility to Ambedkar to write the
Ambedkar has become a prophet for Dalits. He Constitution, it never put him on a gallery with
is no longer simply a politician, a social its leaders. It was Dalits who started putting
scientist, an economist or a writer of the Ambedkar on their banners and the credit for
Constitution but a prophet. A large section of this goes to Kanshi Ram.
the population feels that the main prophetic role
he played was abolishing the roots of Ilaiah   said:   “In   a   country   that   created  
untouchability. He gave Dalits equal rights in untouchability, Ambedkar is more than a
the domain of God, dignity, English education politician or a writer. Because of his stature,
and a self-assertive role in society. untouchability has become a global issue. U.S.
President Barack Obama, the United Nations,
“The   large   masses   of   people rename their and the World Bank and International Monetary
children and shave their heads and visit Fund chiefs have spoken about untouchability.
dikshabhoomi,   Ambedkar’s   burial   place   in   Ambedkar initiated the abolishment of
Mumbai, or Shakti Sthal Ambedkar memorial untouchability, therefore, the BJP is claiming
park in Uttar Pradesh. This is not an issue of his   legacy.   Modi   said,   ‘I   would   not   have   been  
vote bank for them. Ambedkar is someone who here  if  it  was  not  for  Ambedkar’s  struggles’.  He  
liberated them. Imagine if 60 per cent of the realises that he can become Prime Minister but
people form their own religion, who will remain not the priest of the Tirupati temple. Maybe it is
with   Hinduism?   It   will   simply   crumble,”   he   his caste honesty. His stature will only grow.
said. Under the BJP, Christianity and Buddhism will
grow rapidly. Christianity has grown under
The RSS realises this. Earlier, it recruited cadre repression. The RSS-BJP cannot stop it. But
only from upper castes. From 1925 to 1975, its Hinduism cannot grow beyond a point as it is
recruitment base was only upper castes. During based on primitive ideology and superstitions. It
the Babri Masjid agitation in 1992, the RSS will not sustain itself with the spread of
recruited from Other Backward Class (OBC) education and the coming up of our thinkers.
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Ambedkar’s   texts   cannot   be   misinterpreted.   the President on March 4, 2014, was sent to the
Among very advanced Dalits, there is a view Standing Committee on Social Justice and
that they should build Viharas and put Empowerment headed by BJP Member of
Ambedkar  and  Buddha  in  them.”   Parliament Ramesh Bais. The committee
submitted its report on December 19, 2014. The
The self-assertion movement of Dalits has gained S.C. and S.T. (Prevention of Atrocities)
so much strength that no party can afford to Amendment Bill, 2014, proposed to replace the
ignore it. But symbolism and vote-bank politics ordinance, which was introduced in Parliament in
will alone not win the day for the BJP. The party July 2014, has been pending although in January
is faring poorly on the action front. It has 2015, after the winter session ended, the Modi
allowed an important ordinance to lapse. The government had a slew of ordinances
S.C. and S.T. (Prevention of Atrocities) promulgated.
Amendment Ordinance, 2014, promulgated by

2.Top RSS leader misquotes Ambedkar on untouchability

By Vikas Pathak, Hindustan Times, New Delhi, 17-04-2015

In its latest bid to appropriate Dalit icon BR bring Ambedkar in line with the Hindutva
Ambedkar on his birth anniversary, the worldview.
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) seems
to have got at least some of its facts wrong. "He (Ambedkar) says untouchability encrypted
Hindu society 12 to 13 hundred years ago,"
An article by RSS joint general secretary Krishna Gopal claims.
Krishna Gopal in the collectors' edition in its
mouthpiece Organiser to mark Ambedkar's "The  first  instance…  can  be  seen  in  the  family  of  
124th birth anniversary year celebrations Dahir. Dahir lost the war against Islamic
claims that the Dalit icon thought aggressors. When the invaders entered his palace,
untouchability crept in India about 1,200- the women of his family said, 'They are coming.
1,300 years ago and linked to Islamic They are mlecchas (meaning dirty or bad). They
invasions. However, Ambedkar's original will touch us and we will be impure. We should
writings do not seem to endorse the claim. kill   ourselves…'   This   is   the   first   reference   to  
In fact, as his thoughts contained in Volume 7
of his writings and speeches – edited by Dahir was the last Hindu ruler in Sindh and parts
Vasant Moon – make clear, he saw of Punjab in modern Pakistan.
untouchability as beginning in 400 AD, the
time when beef-eating was purportedly Ambedkar's own explanation for the rise of
banned and beef-eaters shunned as untouchability is vastly different.
Significantly, while Ambedkar's explanation sees "Can we fix an approximate date for the birth
Brahmanism – loosely, an ancient term for of untouchability? I think we can, if we take
Brahmanical Hinduism – as responsible for beef-eating, which is the root of
untouchability, Krishna Gopal seems to be pinning untouchability,   as   the   point   to   start   from…  
Islamic invasions as the culprit, thus seeking to The date of the birth of untouchability must
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be intimately connected with the ban on cow-
killing  and  on  eating  beef….,"  he  says. JNU professor and expert on Ambedkar Valerian
Rodrigues told HT: "For Ambedkar, the institution
"…  Cow  killing  was  made  a  capital  offence  by  the   of untouchability evolves in the 4th century AD.
Gupta kings sometime   in   the   4th   century   AD…   He does not talk about its origin in relation with
Untouchability was born sometime about 400 AD. Muslim advent in India."
It is born out of the struggle for supremacy
between  Buddhism  and  Brahmanism…"


3 . RSS going the whole hog in appropriating Ambedkar

Ambedkar believed in Sangh ideology, had called workers symbols of unity: Bhagwat
Piyush Srivastava | Mail Today | Lucknow, February 15, 2015

RSS chief Mohan BhagwatRashtriya "Ambedkar was also of the view that bhagwa (the
Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan saffron flag of the RSS) should be adopted as the
Bhagwat has claimed that Babasaheb national flag and Sanskrit should become the
Bhimrao Ambedkar, the architect of the national language. Unfortunately, we couldn't
Indian Constitution, believed in the ideology propagate his views," the RSS chief further said.
of the Sangh and had called its workers
symbols of social unity and integrity. He also Bhagwat said it was the failure of the RSS that the
said Ambedkar wanted to adopt the saffron downtrodden and poor were misused by certain
flag of the RSS as the national flag of India. forces as their political instrument. Such forces
ensured that the country was divided on caste
"We need to take steps to minimise the gap lines.
among social communities. Ambedkar, who
worked in this direction, believed in the "Armed with the ideology of Ambedkar, the
ideology of Hinduism. He and Dattopant RSS will now take up the cudgels for the
Bapurao Thengadi, an RSS ideologue, used to Scheduled Caste (Dalit) community to bring
discuss about it. them in the mainstream. We will deploy our
most experienced leaders on this mission," he
Ambedkar had told Thengadi that the Sangh said. In Kanpur for five days, Bhagwat held a
was working to bring the Hindu communities series of meetings with the RSS members.
closer   to   each   other…,"   the RSS He was quoted as saying in one such meeting
Sarsanghchalak said at a meeting in Sant in Kanpur that although the BJP-led Central
Puran Das Nagar, Unnao, on Saturday. government had failed to give indications that
it would work for the well-being of the
Thengadi was also a trade union leader and masses, the RSS would never stop
had founded Swadeshi Jagran Manch. strengthening the Hindu community. He held
a meeting with Prant Sanghchalak Virendra

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Jeet Singh, Kshetra Sanghchalak Ishwar by the BJP leaders as a lesson. They had become
Chandra Gupta, Prant Pracharak Anil Gupta arrogant within a short span of time and started
and Mahanagar Pracharak Madhuram and insulting those who had campaigned for them.
asked them their views on the defeat of the Some pracharaks of Delhi and UP, who were
BJP in the Delhi Assembly elections. These deployed to help the BJP, have been asked to
leaders were deployed at several levels to submit a detailed report on the poll debacle. This
ensure the party's victory. report will be discussed next month in Nagpur," an
RSS leader of UP, who was camping in Delhi
Bhagwat was also quoted as saying that he had during elections, told MAIL TODAY on the
summoned some BJP leaders, including ministers, condition of anonymity. Bhagwat will camp in
at Delhi's Keshav Kunj. "Bhagwat has expressed Kanpur till February 18 where he will hold a
hope that the Delhi debacle would be considered series of meetings.

Read more at:


4. RSS rewrites history: Dalits 'created' by invaders | 100

historians deployed
DK Singh, Hindustan Times New Delhi, September 22, 2014
invaders and did not exist in Hindu religion
In its renewed impetus to woo Dalits, various earlier.
other castes and sub-castes, the Rashtriya
Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has embarked on According to Bhaiyyaji Joshi, No.2 in RSS
an ambitious exercise to re-write history. hierarchy,   ‘shudras’   were   never   untouchables   in  
Hindu   scriptures.   ‘Islamic   atrocities’   during   the  
Emboldened  by  the  BJP’s  success  in  the  Lok   medieval age resulted in the emergence of
Sabha elections, the RSS has intensified its untouchables, Dalits and Indian Muslims.
efforts to find and validate a common Hindu
thread to unify all groups under one Hindu Joshi   further   elaborated,   “To   violate   Hindu  
identity. swabhiman (dignity) of Chanwarvanshiya
Kshatriyas, foreign invaders from Arab,
Three top RSS leaders have sought to Muslim rulers and beef-eaters, forced them to
attribute the genesis of Dalits, tribals and do abominable works like killing cows,
many   other   groups   to   “Muslim   invasion”   in   skinning them and throwing their carcasses in
medieval times. deserted places. Foreign invaders thus created
a caste of charma-karma (dealing with skin)
They articulated these views in their forewords to by giving such works as punishment to proud
three books, authored by BJP spokesman Vijay Hindu  prisoners.”
Sonkar Shastri and released by RSS chief Mohan
Bhagwat recently — “Hindu   Charmakar   Jati”,   Another top RSS functionary, Suresh Soni,
“Hindu  Khatik  Jati”  and  “Hindu  Valmiki  Jati”. echoed   the   same:   “Dalits   had   their   genesis  
during Turks, Muslims and Mughal eras.
The Sangh leaders claimed that these castes had Today’s   castes   like   Valmikis,   Sudarshan,
come into existence due to atrocities by foreign Majhabi Sikhs and their 624 sub-castes came
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into being as a result of atrocities against
Brahmins and Kshatriyas during Medieval or It was a vocation adopted by Hindus to defend
Islamic  age,”  he  wrote. their  religion.”

Krishna Gopal, Sah-sarkaryavah, RSS, went on to The RSS has been focusing on research in this
bolster  the  Sangh’s  new  found  agenda  saying, “In   area of late. One of its affiliated organisations had
pre-historic and Vedic age, Khatik castes have recently organised a conclave of over 100
been recognized as Brahmins who affected historians to discuss historiography and changes
sacrifices. It may be noted that before the advent required to give a proper perspective. [...].
of Muslim invaders, there is no reference to
rearing pigs in India.

More at:



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Section B
Ambedkar: Indian Nationalism versus Hindu
5. Legacy of Dr. BR Ambedkar stands irreconcilably
opposed to Hindutva
By B.Sivaraman
25 September, 2003

"Inequality is the soul of Hinduism," wrote session of the BJP National Council almost
Ambedkar. He characterized the oppressive equating Ambedkar with Hedgewar. In fact, the
caste system as the tyranny of Hinduism. actual history convincingly refutes the dirty tricks
After spending a lifetime in a crusade against of the Sangh Parivar.
the oppressive Hinduism, Ambedkar finally
renounced Hinduism, and converted to During the freedom movement, because of the
Buddhism and exhorted his followers to do failures and neglect of the Congress a few
the same. It is an irony that BJP and other political streams arose independent of it. Because
Sangh Parivar outfits are trying to appropriate of the Congress neglect of Muslims and the
such a historic personality as Dr. BR influence of Hindu conservatism and Hindu
Ambedkar. dominance in Congress leadership, Muslims
rallied independently under the Muslim League.
They have started unveiling Ambedkar photos For similar reasons, Sikhs also rallied under the
and statues. Some Sangh ideologues have torn Akali Dal. Brahminical upper caste forces
some quotations of BR Ambedkar on Islamic dominated the Congress leadership and the party
invasions out of context and misinterpreted turned a blind eye to the aspirations of
them to fit Ambedkar in their own anti- nationalities. In Tamil Nadu, Periyar EV
Islamic framework. Vinay Katiyar took out an Ramasamy fought against this, first through the
Ambedkar Yatra in UP. Mayawati unveiled a anti-Brahmin movement and then went on to
statue of Ambedkar's wife even though her represent the nationality aspirations of Tamils.
party, the BSP, shamelessly betrayed the
Ambedkar tradition by aligning with his arch It was Ambedkar who squarely put social
ideological-political foes, the Hindutva reform on the agenda during the freedom
brigade, in a coalition for the sake of power. struggle and launched a simultaneous
movement against untouchability and the
To attract dalits to its fold, the BJP made caste order that were the hallmarks of
Bangaru Laxman its ornamental chief but he Hinduism, and championed the interests of
had to ignominiously bow down from office dalits. In this he was far to the left of Gandhi.
On the other hand, far to the right of
for accepting Tehelka cash bundles. But before Gandhian leadership there was first Hindu
his resignation he made a speech in the Nagpur Mahasabha and later RSS streams, which
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often collaborated with the British and Ambedkar's book The Riddles of Hindusim. This
considered, with open hostility, even Gandhi is the actual record of Hindutava forces vis-à-vis
too liberal. This hostility finally culminated in the heritage of Ambedkar, which they are trying to
the assassination of Gandhi by an RSS man hide now in order to appropriate his glorious
Nathuram Godse. Ambedkar was lifelong at image for their own vested interests.
loggerheads with the Hindu fundamentalists.
Even in his Thoughts on Pakistan,(on which Ambedkar was the architect of the constitution of
Katiyar's portrayal of him as an anti-Muslim India. Sangh Parivar is even opposed to the
Hindutva figure rests), he ruthlessly critiques marginal secular and liberal features of this
the Hindu Mahasabha and Savarkar. He Constitution and that is why they have formed a
writes: "The Hindu nationalist who hopes that committee to tinker with it.
Britain will coerce the Muslims into While Ambedkar had total enmity towards Hindu
abandoning Pakistan, forgets that the right of Mahasabha and RSS and other Hindu
nationalism to freedom from an aggressive fundamentalists, he was generally pro-left and,
foreign imperialism and the right of a befitting a true democrat in a semi-feudal society,
minority to freedom from an aggressive he had a positive attitude towards Marxism though
majority's nationalism are not two different it was unfortunate that the communists in those
things, nor does the former stand on a more days failed in their united front tactics and failed
sacred footing than the latter."(p.10-11) This to develop a proper relationship with Ambedkar.
clearly illustrates his criticism of aggressive This was part of their general weakness and
mjorotarian nationalism. He furthercriticizes shortcomings in India.
Savarkar, commenting that "strange as it may
seem, Mr. Savarkar and Mr. Jinnah instead of
being opposed to each other on the two The contrast between Ambedkar and Savarkar
nations issue, are in complete agreement
about it". But Ambedkar exposes Savarkar's Savarkar's strategy of dissolving more than 3,000
authoritarian intent: " Mr. Savarkar wants the castes into one pan-Hindu identity involves pan-
Hindu nation to be the dominant nation and Hindu temples, pan-Hindu dinners, inter-caste
the Muslim nation to be the subservient marriages, anti-untouchability programmes and
nation under it." the removal of injunctions on caste-ridden
vocations and sea-voyage. Thus, Savarkar seems
Such being the historical evolution of to have admonished Hindus to break off the seven
different political streams in India, it is clear shackles that according to him hindered the
that the legacy of Ambedkar and Hindu progress of the Hindu society. Did this programme
fundamentalism are irreconcilably hostile to really denounce Hinduism? The answer to this
each other. Hindutva forces today are trying question has to be in the negative because the anti-
to delink Ambedkar from his entire legacy, caste programme particularly relating to
cover up their hostility towards him and try to injunctions against inter-caste marriage and
appropriate him for electoral use. advocating vedic rights for the shudras and ati-
shudras given by Savarkar did not have vigour and
The fundamental hostility of the Sangh genuine thrust to attack the Hindu shastras and
Parivar against Ambedkar was clearly caste system.
brought to the fore by the vile campaign
unleashed against him by RSS ideologue and Savarkar's contention regarding inter-caste
presently a BJP minister in Vajpayee's cabinet marriages looked to be so casual that he
offered only a qualified support to such
Arun Shourie through his book Worshipping False marriages, thus replacing the need for
Gods. Shiv Sainiks, the soul mates of Hindutva creating any conscious motivation necessary
forces, also launched a struggle against for the radicalmobilisation of the people
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towards reaching the desired end. Similarly, Against Brahminical Hinduism During his
Savarkar's attempt to grant the study of vedas boyhood Ambedkar had to suffer lots of personal
and vedic rituals to non-Brahmins though humiliation due to untouchability. In Chowder
apparently liberal may effectively lead to the Tank satyagraha led by Ambedkar in 1927, the
Brahminisation of the non-Brahmin castes upper caste Hindus attacked him and physically
thus according legitimacy to Hindu shastras. injured him. During the freedom movement
Ambedkar emerged as the tallest leader of social
On the contrary, Ambedkar considers inter- reform in India.
caste marriages as the effective means for
abolishing caste system. But Ambedkar is Ambedkar asserted: "I was born a Hindu, but
also aware that inter-caste dining or even never will die a Hindu. What is required is to get
inter-caste marriages are not enough to rid of the doctrine of 'Chatuvarna'. That is the root
eliminate casteism. He was of the opinion that cause of all inequality and is also the parent of the
for realising the desired goal of casteless case system and untouchability, which are merely
society through inter-caste marriages it is other forms of inequality". It is relevant to note
necessary to destroy the belief in the sanctity here that while both Hedgewar and Golwalkar
of Hindu shastras. And for destroying this upheld Manu and thus rationalised the caste
belief, Ambedkar suggests that people should system inherent to the Hindu religion, Ambedkar
not only discard the shastras, but they should even burnt copies of Manusmruti through a
deny their authority as Buddha and Nanak campaign. On December 25, 1927 Ambedkar
did. Thus; it can be argued here that socially observed a "Manu Smruti Dahan Din", and
radical Ambedkar was very unlikely to be publicly burnt Manusmruti. The struggle was
attracted by Savarkar whose proposal, known as the "Maha-Sangharsha" of Mahad
according to one of the sincere Savarkarites, Satyagraha, and it is an important milestone in
contained reformative zeal aimed at revival of dalit struggle against Brahmanism and
Hinduism rather than its denunciation. (From Brahminical Hinduism. Manuvadis had comspired
Appropriating Ambedkar by Gopal Guru, so that Ambedkar did not get a ground for the
Economic and Political Weekly, July 6-13, meeting, but a Muslim gentleman, Mr. Fattekhan,
1991) gave his private land to observe this protest. There
was a strong reaction in the Brahmanical press,
Ambedkar was never a Marxist. He could not Babasahib was called"Bheemaasura" by one
carry forward his struggle for thoroughgoing paper. Dr. Ambedkar justified the burning of
abolition of semi-feudalism and against Manusmruti in various articles.
imperialism through a democratic revolution
like Mao did in China. He focused mainly on Ambedkar made a scathing attack on Hinduism: "I
the petty bourgeois and bourgeois tell you, religion is for man and not man for
intelligentsia from the oppressed communities religion. If you want to organise, consolidate and
and worked largely within the system be successful in this world, change this religion.
representing their interests in the form of The religion that does not recognise you as a
reservation etc. Nevertheless, despite this human being, or give you water to drink, or allow
limitation, he remained an outstanding you to enter temples is not worthy to be called a
bourgeois revolutionary democrat who was religion. The religion that forbids you to receive
head and shoulders above many in the education and comes in the way of your material
Congress leadership and was clearly far more advancement is not worthy of the appellation
radical than Gandhi. 'religion'. The religion that does not teach its

In the course of his differences against the followers to show humanity in dealing with
Congress, he never made any concession to the its co-religionists is nothing but a display of a
Hindu Right and always remained hostile to them. force. The religion that teaches its followers
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to suffer the touch of animals but not the chamber of horrors. The sanctity and
touch of human beings is not a religion but a infallibility of the Vedas, Smritis and
mockery. The religion that compels the Shastras, the iron law of caste, the heartless
ignorant to be ignorant and the poor to be law of karma and the senseless law of status
poor is not a religion but a visitation!" by birth are to the untouchables veritable
instruments of torture which Hinduism has
He added this on the upper castes: "It is your forged against untouchables."
claim to equality which hurts them. They
want to maintain the status quo. If you In Buddha and His Dhamma, Ambedkar has
continue to accept your lowly status enumerated the evils of Hinduism in the
ungrudgingly, continue to remain dirty, filthy, following manner: 1) It has deprived moral
backward, ignorant, poor and disunited, they life of freedom; 2) It has only emphasized
will allow you to live in peace. The moment conformity to commands; and 3) The laws are
you start to raise your level, the conflict unjust because they are not the same for one
starts. Untouchability is not a transitory or class as of another. Besides, the code is
temporary feature; it is eternal, it is lasting. treated as final. According to Ambedkar,
Frankly it can be said that the struggle "what is called religion by Hindus is nothing
between the Hindus and the Untouchables is a but a multitude of commands and
never-ending conflict. It is eternal because the prohibitions." The Sangh Parivar is out to
religion which assigns you the lowest status make this code the official code in India
in society is itself divine and eternal under their scheme of authoritarian Hindu
according to the belief of the so-called high rashtra.
caste Hindus. No change warranted by change
of time and circumstances is possible." Such Sensing the alienation of dalits, many people,
being the views of Ambedkar, those who from Savarkar to Gandhi, made token
offer political patronage to outfits like Ranvir gestures against casteism. The RSS was also
Sena can have no claim over Ambedkar. forced to come out with some tokenist
pronouncements. But Ambedkar put things in
The ideologues of Hindutva are trying to the right perspective by saying, "Caste cannot
rationalise caste system saying that it is a be abolished by inter-caste dinners or stray
division of labour. Ambedkar refuted this instances of inter caste marriages. Caste is a
saying, "Caste System is not merely a state of mind. It is a disease of mind. The
division of labour. It is also a division of teachings of the Hindu religion are the root
labourers. It is an hierarchy in which the cause of this disease. We practice casteism
divisions of labourers are graded one above and we observe untouchability because we
the other." While the Hindutva brigade is are enjoined to do so by the Hindu religion. A
known for defending Manu and the caste bitter thing cannot be made sweet. The taste
system, Ambedkar made a trenchant criticism of anything can be changed. But poison
of the caste system associated with Hinduism: cannot be changed into nectar."
"There cannot be a more degrading system of
social organisation than the Chaturvarna. It is Ambedkar even made a sarcastic comment
the system which deadens, paralyses and against Gandhi: "There have been many
cripples the people from helpful activity." He mahatmas in India whose sole object was to
further added, "Caste in the hands of the remove untouchability and to elevate and
orthodox has been a powerful weapon for absorb the depressed classes, but everyone
persecuting the reforms and for killing all has failed in their mission. Mahatmas have
reform." Relating the inseparable relation come, mahatmas have gone but the
between caste system and Hinduism, untouchables have remained as
Ambedkar wrote, "Hinduism is a veritable untouchables." Ambedkar told dalits that,
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"You must abolish your slavery yourselves. our language. I want all people to be Indians
Do not depend for its abolition upon god or a first, Indian last and nothing else but Indians."
superman. Remember that it is not enough And despite all his differences with the
that a people are numerically in the majority. Congress, Ambedkar remained a staunch
They must be always watchful, strong and nationalist. For Ambedkar, the conception of
self-respecting to attain and maintain success. a secular state is derived from the liberal
We must shape our course ourselves and by democratic tradition of the West.
ourselves." He further stressed that, "What
you have lost others have gained. Your In contrast to the Gandhian misinterpretation
humiliations are a matter of pride with others. of secularism as 'sarva dharma samabhava',
You are made to suffer wants, privations and Ambedkar said, "No institution, which is
humiliations not because it was pre-ordained maintained wholly out of state funds, shall be
by the sins committed in your previous birth, used for the purpose of religious instruction
but because of the overpowering tyranny and irrespective of the question whether the
treachery of those who are above you. You religious instruction is given by the state or
have no lands because others have usurped by any other body". He further explained the
them; you have no posts because others have corruption of the concept of secularism in
monopolised them. Do not believe in fate; India, "This country has seen the conflict
believe in your strength." between ecclesiastical law and secular law
long before Europeans sought to challenge
It may be recalled that Advani recently raised the authority of the Pope. Kautilya's
a controversy over a Buddhist symbol like Arthshastra lays down the foundation of
Ashoka chakra figuring in the national flag secular law. In India unfortunately
and a Buddhist symbol being the national ecclesiastical law triumphed over secular law.
emblem. Regarding their origin Ambedkar In my opinion this was the one of the greatest
explained, "Even though Buddhism is almost disasters in the country."
extinct in India, yet it has given birth to a
culture, which is far better and richer than the Ambedkar effectively punctured the false
Brahminic culture. When the question of the supremacy of the narrow Brahminical elite:
national flag and the national emblem was "In every country the intellectual class is the
being considered by the Constituent most influential class. This is the class which
Assembly we could not find any suitable can foresee, advise and lead. In no country
symbol from the Brahminic culture. does the mass of the people live the life for
Ultimately, the Buddhist culture came to our intelligent thought and action. It is largely
rescue and we accepted the Wheel of Law imitative and follows the intellectual class.
(Dhamma-Chakra) as the national symbol." There is no exaggeration in saying that the
No wonder, a Brahminical high-priest of entire destination of the country depends
Hindutva like Advani wanted to do away with upon its intellectual class. If the intellectual
these symbols introduced by Ambedkar and class is honest and independent, it can be
his colleagues. trusted to take the initiative and give a proper
lead when a crisis arises. It is true that the
In his slanderous campaign against intellect by itself is no virtue. It is only a
Ambedkar, the RSS ideologue Arun Shourie means and the use of a means depends upon
questioned the patriotism of Ambedkar. the ends which an intellectual person pursues.
Ambedkar, however, defined patriotism thus, An intellectual man can be a good man but he
"I do not want that our loyalty as Indians may easily be a rogue. Similarly an
should be in the slightest way affected by any intellectual class may be a band of high-
competitive loyalty whether that loyalty arises souled persons, ready to help, ready to
out of our religion, out of our culture or out of emancipate erring humanity or it may easily
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be a gang of crooksor a body of advocates of Political democracy cannot last unless there is
narrow clique from which it draws its at the base of it, a social democracy."
Ambedkar underlined the limitations of
Though changing one's religion through formal law and Constitution: "The prevalent
conversion is not going to abolish the semi- view is that once the rights are enacted in law
feudal inequalities, Ambedkar's decision to then they are safeguarded. This again is an
convert to Buddhism in the evening of his life unwarranted assumption. As experience
- just a couple of months before his demise on proves, rights are protected not by law but by
16 December 1956 - only underlined his social and moral conscience of the society. If
disgust and bitterness with the highly social conscience is such that it is prepared to
iniquitous Hinduism. About 2 lakh dalits recognise the rights which law proposes to
converted to Buddhism along with him in enact, rights will be safe and secure. But if the
October 1956. Since then neo-Buddhism has fundamental rights are opposed by the
remained a trend. This clearly rattled the community, no law, no parliament, no
Hindutva bosses who are clamouring for anti- judiciary can guarantee them in the real sense
conversion legislation in every state. of the world. What is the use of fundamental
rights to the untouchables in India?" "If I find
A thorough democrat the constitution being misused, I shall be the
first to burn it," he declared.
Though Ambedkar headed the committee that
crafted the Constitution of the democratic Ambedkar also had certain premonitions
republic of India, he was never fully satisfied about the rise of authoritarian forces in India
with the democracy which came to be which is coming true before our eyes: "On the
established in India. In his opinion, "A 26th January 1950, we are going to enter into
democratic form of government presupposes a life of contradictions. In politics we will
a democratic form of a society. The formal have equality and in social and economic life
framework of democracy is of no value and we will have inequality. In politics we will be
would indeed be a misfit if there was no recognising the principle of one-man-one-
social democracy. It may not be necessary for vote and one-vote-one-value. In our social
a democratic society to be marked by unity, and economic life, we shall by reason of our
by community of purpose, by loyalty to social and economic structure, continue to
public ends and by mutuality of sympathy. deny the principle of one-man-one-value.
But it does unmistakably involve two things. How long shall we continue to live this life of
The first is an attitude of mind, and attitude of contradictions? How long shall we continue
respect and equality towards their fellows. to deny equality in our social and economic
The second is a social organisation free from life? If we continue to deny it for long, we
rigid social barriers. Democracy is will do so only by putting our political
incompatible and inconsistent with isolation democracy in peril". The Sangh Parivar
and exclusiveness resulting in the distinction outfits rally tribals and dalits only to use them
between the privileged and the unprivileged." to attack Christian missionaries as witnessed
"Democracy is not a form of government, but in Orissa or to launch pogroms against
a form of social organisation", he asserted. Muslims as seen in Gujarat, and thereby
endanger democracy. To frustrate the designs
He further elaborated, "What we must do is of the Sangh Parivar it is necessary that today
not to content ourselves with mere political communists and genuine Ambedkarites
democracy. We must make our political should come together to defend democracy
democracy a social democracy as well. from communal fascists, a democracy to
establish which Ambedkar fought so hard.
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In his last days, Ambedkar raised a note of creed above country, our independence will
warning: "The point is that India once lost the be put in jeopardy a second time and probably
independence she had. Will she lose it a be lost forever. This eventuality we all must
second time? It is this thought which makes resolutely guard against. We must be
me most anxious for the future. What perturbs determined to defend our independence with
me greatly is the fact that not only India has the last drop of our blood!" The rise of
once before lost her independence, but she Hindutva forces who totally cringe before the
lost it by treachery of some of her own US imperialism but at the same time are bent
people...Will history repeat itself? It is this upon establishing a fascistic Hindu rashtra
thought which fills me with anxiety. . Will has proved how correct this warning was. As
Indians place the country above their creed or Ambedkar called upon us, we must defend
creed above their country? I do not know, But this freedom and democracy with the last
this much is certain that if the parties place drop of our blood.

6. Deconstructing Ambedkar

Anand Teltumbde
( is a writer and activist with the Committee for the Protection of Democratic Rights, Maharashtra

(EPW, May 2, 2015, Vol.I. No.18)

Ambedkar’s   samata is not samrasata and his handedly and single-mindedly. True though,
world view is not the neo-liberal, social it would be pure naïveté to believe this to be
Darwinism that it is being made out to be. the lone and only cause. The catalytic role
played by the ruling classes in constructing
and promoting Ambedkar as an icon has been
If the number of statues, memorabilia, a major one, and mutually reinforcing too.
pictures and posters, songs and ballads, books The recent overtures of the Sangh Parivar to
and pamphlets, or the size of congregations in claim Ambedkar are blatant enough to make
memory of him were the parameters to Dalits understand the underlying dynamics.
measure great-ness, there may not be any
other historical figure that can rival
Babasaheb Ambedkar. Newer and newer Making of the Icon
places are getting added to the list of his
memorials wherever congregations take place The Congress, representing the political
every year. He has been such a phenomenon Hindu, was the main adversary of Ambedkar.
that after a while it would be difficult for Recall,  Gandhi’s  tooth-and-nail opposition to
people to believe that such a person— who
had to struggle to drink water from a public Ambedkar’s   attempt   to   secure   separate  
water source, open for cats and dogs—ever electorates for Dalits during the Round Table
walked on this planet. Even the gods in Conferences in 1932 and eventually
heaven, if they exist, would be jealous of him. blackmailing him into signing the Poona Pact
What might be behind this miracle? There is
no doubt that he has been a messiah for that annulled the prospective independent
Dalits, initially only a section of them and political existence of Dalits. After the transfer
now most of them. It is natural for them to be of power, the Congress tendentiously saw to
beholden for what he did for them, single-
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it that Ambedkar did not enter the Constituent Congressman, and as a statesman and the
Assembly. But it soon made a volte-face. maker of the Constitution. This propaganda
Folk-tale type of explanations killed many birds with one stone: it won over
notwithstanding,   it   was   Gandhi’s   strategic   the Ambedkarite masses, accelerated the
genius to get Ambedkar elected to the exodus of opportunistic Dalit leaders to the
Constituent Assembly when he had no way Congress, disoriented the Dalit movement to
left to enter it and then make him the embrace identity politics and gradually de-
chairperson of its drafting committee. radicalised Ambedkar. Slowly, other parties
Although Ambedkar played the statesman in also had to enter the competition in projecting
exchange for safeguarding Dalit rights in the their own Ambedkar icon.
Constitution, this new-found affinity did not
last long. Ambedkar had to resign from the In order to widen its appeal and diffuse its
Nehru cabinet on the issue of retrogression ideology, the Sangh Parivar also floated
over the Hindu Code Bill. Later, Ambedkar second-generation outfits to deal with
had even disowned the Constitution saying he strategic and emergent issues. Samajik
was used as a hack—that the Constitution was Samra-sata Manch (a social assimilation
of no use to anyone, and that he would be the platform) was launched to woo Dalits into its
first person to burn it. He called the Congress fold. The RSS—born in 1925, around the
a  “burning  house”  which  could  be  entered  by  
same time as the Dalit and communist
Dalits only at their peril. But that did not
movements—initially banked on its imagined
deter   scores   of   “Ambedkarites”   from   joining  
Hindu majority but failed to make a mark
the  Congress  to  serve  “Ambedkarism.”
either socially or politically until it got 94
seats in the 1977 Lok Sabha elections, riding
The Congress skillfully carved out a class of
rich farmers out of the most populous band of the anti-Congress wave.
Shudra castes in rural areas with such
‘Saffronising’  Ambedkar
euphemistic policies as land reforms and
Initially,   scandalised   by   Ambedkar’s   anti-
Green Revolution. While this class remained
Hinduism, it tacitly despised him and banked
its ally for the larger part, it developed its
upon non-Ambedkarite Dalits as later
own political ambition, floating regional
professed by Bal Thackeray. However,
parties and gradually capturing local- and
state-level power bases. Electoral politics having tasted the meat of political power, it
became competitive bringing to the fore vote realised it could not ignore Ambedkar who
blocks in the form of castes and communities, had grown into a pan-Indian Dalit icon. It
both skillfully preserved in the Constitution in planned to saffronise him, picking up some of
the name of social justice and religious his stray statements sans context and mixing
reforms, respectively. It was from here that them with its Goebbelsian lies. The first of
the conscious co-optation drive of the ruling the strokes of saffron on Ambedkar was in
parties began, of course, first with the comparing the incomparable, Hedgewar with
Congress.   Ambedkar’s   core   concerns   were   Ambedkar,  calling  them  the  “two  doctors,”  as  
overshadowed and he was systematically though Hedgewar, just a licentiate medical
idolised into a nationalist, a quasi practitioner with a diploma that comes after
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matriculation, and Ambedkar, with two was against Muslims, quoting stray sentences
doctoral degrees from world-renowned from his Thoughts on Pakistan. This book
universities, were comparable. What could was writ-ten in a polemical style, Ambedkar
really be similar between them? donning the robes of both an advocate for
Hindus as well as for Muslims. Unless one
While   Ambedkar’s   pragmatism   left   behind   diligently reads it, one could miss many of the
numerous inconsistencies, nobody can miss arguments. I have exploded this lie in 2003 in
the central theme of his life which was to my book, Ambedkar on Muslims: Myths and
usher in what he himself verbalised as his Facts. But again, going by his liberal persona
ideal   society   based   on   “liberty,   equality,   and a plethora of other references where he
fraternity,”  insisting  on  their  simultaneity. He praised the Muslim com-munity to the extent
saw annihilation of castes and socialism (the that Islam would appear to be his preference
annihilation of classes) to be its prerequisite; for conversion (Mukti Kon Pathe 1936), he
cannot be portrayed as a petty-minded, anti-
democracy their main constituent and
Muslim person. The RSS better understand
Buddhism as the moralising force.
that it could cheaply project some Dalit
stooges on its stage, but it would never be
The   RSS’s   world   view   is   diametrically  
able to show Ambedkar as a communalist.
opposed to this on every count. The saffron
Ambedkar is a nationalist; the real Ambedkar Neo-liberal Compulsion
argued that because of the consciousness of The competing Ambedkar icons offered by
caste, Hindus cannot constitute a nation, and various political manufacturers   in   India’s  
specifically   warned   that   the   “Hindu   nation”   electoral market have completely over-
would  be  calamitous.  The  RSS’s  Ambedkar  is   shadowed the real Ambedkar and decimated
a great Hindu despite his vow that he would the potential weaponry of Dalit emancipation.
never die a Hindu. It projects Buddhism, While these icons differ in shades, they all
which Ambedkar embraced after discarding paint Ambedkar in neo-liberal colour. One
Hinduism, as just a sect of Hinduism, Ambedkar icon nearly dislodged Gandhi as
brushing away the entire history that it the mascot of the state, which had worked
symbolized the shraman revolt against right from 1947 through the 1980s. Gandhi
Hinduism and bloody counter-revolution of suited the regime in managing the polity,
the latter that completely erased Buddhism camouflaging its anti-people strategic intent,
from the land of its birth. its welfarist rhetoric and its Hindu rate of
growth. But the regime began to lose its sheen
Claims that Ambedkar wanted Sanskrit to be as the capitalist crisis mounted, impelling the
the national language, a saffron flag as the rulers to adopt neo-liberal reforms. The
national flag, and that he com-mended the rhetoric of aggressive development,
RSS for its good work, and that he was for modernity, open competition, free market,
ghar wapsi, try to dwarf Ambedkar to the etc, necessitated the projection of a new icon
level of VHP monkeys and do not deserve to
which would assure people, particularly those
be even commented upon. Sangh Parivar
of the lower strata whom it would hit most, of
intellectuals have been saying that Ambedkar
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the possibility of a transition from rags to therefore that most Dalit leaders today are in
riches with the adoption of the free-market the  BJP  fold  (see  my  “Three  Dalit  Rams  Play
paradigm. None other than Ambedkar fitted Hanuman   to   BJP,”   EPW,   12   April   2014).  
the bill. It was the same strategic requirement This year, with extraordinary efficiency, the
as seen by Gandhi at the time when a BJP government bought an innocuous
Constitution had to be drafted for the newly- building in London for Rs 44 crore just
born, anaemic India. The social Darwinist because Ambedkar stayed in one of its
ethos of neo-liberalism had a particular apartments as a student; it cleared the
resonance with the supremacist RSS remaining hurdles in the grant of the Indu
ideology, which is what catapulted the BJP to Mill land for the grand Ambedkar memorial
the stratosphere of political power. in Mumbai and planned an equally grand
Ambedkar International Centre at Delhi.
While all parties have used an Ambedkar icon
for wooing Dalits, RSS has exploited it the All these manoeuvres intoxicate Dalits, 90%
most, with the BJP, right from the 1990s, of whom are relatively at the same levels of
commanding more reserved seats than the living as they were at the beginning of the last
Congress. The neo-liberal regime badly century or worse, as they had hopes then and
required balladeers from among the Dalits now they have none. They would not
and it got them. A significant Dalit middle understand   that   Ambedkar’s   samata is not
class, led by some of its heroes belaboured samrasata or   that   Ambedkar’s   world   view   is  
during the initial years to convince Dalits how not the neo-liberal, social Darwinism that is
neo-liberalism would be beneficial to them, out to kill them. They do not even understand
how Ambedkar was a neoliberal and how that a few hundred crores on Ambedkar
Dalits have made fantastic progress with memorials is pittance as compared to the over
these  policies  unleashing  a  “revolution”  of  the   Rs 5 lakh crore the government stole from
Dalit bourgeoisie. This middle class finds their share in budgets in just a single decade!
particular affinity with the BJP, and it is


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Shamsul Islam

The real design behind the Sangh gang's renounced Hinduism in 1956 for its
attempts to appropriate the legacies of repressive elements and converted to
Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Subhash Chander Bose Buddhism. In his remarkable polemical
and Baba Saheb Ambedkar is to cover up its piece,What Congress and Gandhi Have Done
criminal past of dividing the people of India to the Untouchables, he wrote,   “To   put   the  
in the name of religion, like Muslim League, matter in general terms, Hinduism and social
which only helped the British masters, writes union are incompatible. By its very genius
Shamsul Islam Hinduism believes in social separation which
is another name for social disunity and even
The RSS is terribly busy re-writing history creates social separation. If Hindus wish to be
these days. It will be more appropriate to call onethey will have to discard Hinduism. They
it guillotining of history, as these are facts and cannot be one without violating Hinduism.
realties of history which are being sacrificed Hinduism is the greatest obstacle to Hindu
in this process at the altar political ambitions Unity. Hinduism cannot create that longing to
of the Hindutva gang. belong which is the basis of all social unity.
On the contrary Hinduism creates an
So far this creativity was restricted to the eagerness to  separate”.  
works and words of Mahatma Gandhi and
Sardar Patel but of late Dr. B.R. Ambedkar It will be a great injustice to Ambedkar and
appears to have become the latest victim of his legacy to parade him as a supporter of
malafide manufacturing of history by the Hindutva. In fact, throughout his life he was a
flag-bearers of Hindutva. great opponent to the politics of Hindutva and
Muslim League both. His book,Pakistan or
After Gandhi, who was killed by Nathuram The Partition of India(1940) is a living
Godse (a close confident of V.D. Savarkar testimony against the nefarious designs of
and fanatic believer in Hindutva and Patel communal elements in India. His ideas and
who as first Home Minister of India had warnings on Hindutva contained in this book
banned RSS) Ambedkar becomes a newest can work as great bulwark in checking the
victim of RSS game plan being presented as a resurgence of forces of Hindu communalism.
leader in league with K.B. Hedgewar and
M.S. Golwalkar defending the cause of Hindu Contrary to what likes of Katiyar in the
Rashtra in India. Sangh  gang  are  telling  us,  Ambedkar  felt,  “If  
Hindu Raj does become a fact, it will, no
VinayKatiyar the former head of Bajrang Dal doubt, be the greatest calamity for this
and who now who heads BJP in UP, has been country No matter what the Hindus say.
touring the state ruled by a Dalit Chief Hinduism is a menace to liberty, equality and
Minister, Ms. Mayawati, declaring that fraternity. On that account it is incompatible
Ambedkar was great supporter of Hindutva with democracy. Hindu Raj must be
and Hindu Rashtra like Hedgewar in India prevented  at  any  cost.”  According  to  him  the  
thus echoing the rhetoric of Narendra Modi. pet slogan of Hindutva—Hindustan for
Hindus—is not merely arrogant but is arrant
It is really astonishing to hear this kind of nonsense.
bizarre thesis about Ambedkar who
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Ambedkar was of the firm opinion that Ambedkar did not mince his words when he
Hindutva was nothing but a ploy of high caste wrote,   “It   must   be   said   that   Mr.   Savarkar's  
Hindus to maintain their hegemony over the attitude is illogical, if not queer. Mr. Savarkar
resources of the society. While comparing admits that the Muslims are a separate nation.
them  with  Muslim  communalists  he  said:“The   He concedes that they have a right to cultural
Hindus are the more difficult of the two autonomy. He allows them to have a national
parties to the question. In this connection it is flag. Yet he opposes the demand of the
enough to consider the reaction of the high Muslim nation for a separate national home.
caste Hindus only. For, it is they who guide If he claims a national home for the Hindu
the Hindu masses and form Hindu opinion. nation, how can he refuse the claim of the
Unfortunately, the high caste Hindus are bad Muslim  nation  for  a  national  home?”
as leaders. They have a trait of character
which often leads the Hindus to disaster. This Ambedkar was fully conscious of real
trait is formed by their acquisitive instinct and designs of Hindutva towards minorities. He
aversion to share with others the good things believed there would not have been any
of life. They have a monopoly of education problem if Hindus and Muslims were allowed
and wealth, and with wealth and education to live as partners with mutual respect and
they have captured the State. To keep this accord.   “But   this   is   not   to   be,   because   Mr  
monopoly to themselves has been the Savarkar will not allow the Muslim nation to
ambition and goal of their life. Charged with be co-equal in authority with the Hindu
this selfish idea of class domination, they take nation. He wants the Hindu nation to be
every move to exclude the lower classes of dominant nation and the Muslim nation to be
Hindus from wealth, education and the  servient  one.”
power...This attitude of keeping education,
wealth and power as a close preserve for Ambedkar as a true secularist stood for
themselves and refusing to share it, which the "forming mixed political parties based on an
high caste Hindus have developed in their agreed programme of social and economic
relation with the lower classes of Hindus, is regeneration, and thereby avoid the danger of
sought to be extended by them to the both Hindu Raj or Muslim Raj becoming a
Muslims. They want to exclude the Muslims fact. Nor should the formation of a mixed
from place and power, as they have done to party of Hindus and Muslims be difficult in
the lower class Hindus. This trait of the high India. There are many lower orders in the
caste Hindus is the key to the understanding Hindu society, whose economic, political and
of  their  politics.” social needs are the same as those of the
majority of the Muslims and they would be
Ambedkar as a leader and fighter for a far more ready to make a common cause with
secular India did not differentiate between the Muslims for achieving common end than
flag-bearers of Hindutva and Muslim League. they would with the high caste of Hindus who
He treated them as two faces of the same coin have denied and deprived them of ordinary
bent upon destroying India. He wrote: human  right  for  centuries.”
“Strange   as   it   may   appear,   Mr.   Savarkar   and   Why is it that despite such strong anti-
Mr. Jinnah instead of being opposed to each Hindutva ideas of Ambedkar RSS is trying to
other on the one nation versus two nations indulge in while lie about his legacy? The
issue are in complete agreement about it. problem with the RSS is that it played
Both agree, not only agree but insist that there absolutely no role in the freedom struggle of
are two nations in India—one the Muslim the country and with its present political
nation  and  the  other  Hindu  nation.” ascendancy it is under great pressure to show
that it was part of that great struggle and
heroic heritage.
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The real design behind its attempts to Government led by its favourite
appropriate the legacies of Gandhi, Sardar Swayamsevaks has been functioning as true
Patel, Subhash Chander Bose and Ambedkar stooges of the foreign forces of globalization.
is to cover up its criminal past of dividing Dalits of this country have been the worst
people of India in the name of religion like victims of this process of liberalization and
Muslim League which only helped the British globalization as these are they who have
masters. mainly lost jobs, homes and other means of
livelihood. The present breed of Hindutva
Interestingly, it needs Ambedkar for another rulers by creating public facade of love for
reason too. Despite the bluff game it has been Ambedkar wants to hide its real anti people
playing about globalization, the Indian face.



Shamsul Islam

THE FLAG-BEARERS of Hindutva, in their what the Hindus say, Hindusism is a menace
task of manufacturing history, have now to liberty, equality and fraternity. On that
picked on B.R. Ambedkar as the subject. The account, it is incompatible with democracy
RSS has presented him as a leader in league Hindu Raj must be prevented at any cost."
with Hedgewar and Golwalkar and as a According to him, the idea of "Hindustan for
defender for the cause of the Hindu Rashtra. not merely arrogant but is arrant
VinayKatiyar, the BJP head in Uttar nonsense". (p. 358)
Pradesh—a state ruled by a Dalit chief
minister—has been touring the state declaring Ambedkar was of the firm opinion that
that Ambedkar was supporter of Hindutva Hindutva was nothing but a ploy by upper
and the Hindu Rashtra, thus echoing Gujarat caste Hindus to maintain control over society
Chief Minister Narendra Modi's rhetoric. This and its resources. He wrote: "They have a trait
is nothing but injustice to a man who had of character which often leads the Hindus to
renounced Hinduism because of its repressive disaster. This trait is formed by their
elements and converted to Buddhism. acquisitive instinct and aversion to share with
others the good things of life. They have a
Throughout his life, Ambedkar opposed the monopoly of education and wealth, and with
communal politics of both the Muslim wealth and education they have captured the
League and the Hindutva forces. His book, State. To keep this monopoly to themselves
Pakistan or The Partition of India (1940), has been the ambition and goal of their life.
stands testimony to his opposition to the Charged with this selfish idea of class
nefarious designs of communal elements. In domination, they take every move to exclude
fact, his ideas and warnings about Hindutva, the lower classes of Hindus from wealth,
as contained in the book, can even now work education and power...This attitude of
as bulwark in checking the resurgence of keeping education, wealth and power as a
communal forces. close preserve for themselves and refusing to
Ambedkar writes, "If Hindu Raj does share it, which the high caste Hindus have
become a fact, it will, no doubt, be the developed in their relation with the lower
greatest calamity for this country. No matter classes of Hindus, is sought to be extended by
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them to the Muslims. They want to exclude
the Muslims from place and power, as they Ambedkar, as a true secularist, stood for
have done to the lower class Hindus. This "forming mixed political parties based on an
trait of the high caste Hindus is the key to the agreed programme of social and economic
understanding of their politics." (p.123) regeneration, and thereby avoiding the danger
of both Hindu Raj or Muslim Raj becoming a
Ambedkar, in his struggle to establish a fact. Nor should the formation of a mixed
secular State, did not differentiate between party of Hindus and Muslims be difficult in
flag-bearers of Hindutva and the Muslim India. There are many lower orders in the
League. He treated them as two forces of the Hindu society whose economic, political and
same coin, which were bent on destroying social needs are the same as those of the
India. He wrote: "Strange as it may appear, majority of the Muslims and they would be
Mr Savarkar and Mr Jinnah, instead of being far more ready to make a common cause with
opposed to each other on the one nation the Muslims for achieving common ends than
versus two nations issue, are in complete they would with the high caste of Hindus who
agreement about it. Both not only agree but have denied and deprived them of ordinary
insist that there are two nations in India—one human rights for centuries." (p. 359)
the Muslim nation and the other the Hindu
nation." (p. 142) Why is it that despite such strong anti
Hindutva ideas, the RSS is spreading white
Ambedkar did not mince words when he lies about Ambedkar's legacy? The problem
wrote, "It must be said that Mr Savarkar's with the RSS is that it played absolutely no
attitude is illogical, if not queer. Mr Savarkar role in the country's freedom struggle.
admits that the Muslims are a separate nation. Moreover, with its present political
He concedes that they have a right to cultural ascendancy, it is under great pressure to show
autonomy. He allows them to have a national that it was part of that great struggle. It hopes
flag. Yet he opposes the demand of the that by appropriating the legacies of Gandhiji,
Muslim nation for a separate national home. Sardar Patel, Subhas Chandra Bose and
If he claims a national home for the Hindu Ambedkar, it may be able to put a nationalist
nation, how can he refuse the claim of the face to the organisation.
Muslim nation for a national home?" (p. 143)


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9. Ambedkar and RSS
Ram Puniyani

When RSS Sarsanghchalak said that and leader who did all possible to ensure that
Ambedkar supported RSS ideology (16th Oct. he stands for his values and ideas rather than
2005), it was not for the first time that a compromises for the sake of power and pelf.
political movement was trying to fabricate At the same time Sudarshan seems to be
lies to co-opt a major thinker and political promoting his own postulate that Indian
leader   of   totally   opposite   views,   for   its’   constitution, is based on Western values and
selfish interests. Mr. Sudarshan was trying to should be replaced by the one based on Hindu
buttress the RSS ideology of opposition to holy books. It is in that direction that BJP led
reservations by saying that Ambedkar did not NDA coalition appointed the constitution
support reservations as they are for political review committee, which of course was a
purposes. One recalls that reservations were dismal failure, thanks to the opposition of
part of the protective affirmative clauses for RSS formulation by most of the people of this
the weaker sections. The only point was that country. Ambedkar did not buckle under any
as per his scheme of things reservations will body’s   pressure   while   drafting   the  
be for ten years by which time the social constitution as he was committed to the
disabilities would be overcome and democratic values of Liberty, Equality and
reservations will not be needed. Who could Fraternity  (community),  the  one’s  which  have  
have foreseen that the machinery already in been enshrined in this book. Also it was the
place for implementation of the government constituent assembly, a reasonably accurate
policies would partly sabotage the representative body of Indian people, which
implementation of reservation policy in such guided the constitution and not the Western
a way so that the desired goals would not be influence. One can go on to say that the
achieved? No society can be democratic and constitution itself was one of the major
strive to go in egalitarian direction unless the contributions of Babasaheb.
victims of centuries old discrimination are
given special protection and nobody Sudarshan also asserts that Dr. Ambedkar
conceptualized it better than Dr. Ambedkar. stuck to Hindu culture while embracing
Buddhism. Nothing could be farther from
Sudarshan’s   assertion   that   Ambedkar   drafted   truth. By no stretch of imagination one can
a Western constitution under the pressure of call all the tendencies prevailing in India as
Congress, insults Dr. Ambedkar in a deeper Hindu. The dominant tradition, which passes
way. He was not the one to buckle under off as Hinduism is Brahmanism. Dr.
pressure. He had the values and ideas of his Ambedkar called Hinduism as Brahminic
own, and the example of this was when he theology and went on to say that he was born
resigned from the Cabinet because Hindu a Hindu that was not in his hands, but surely
Code Bill drafted by him did not pass through he will not die a Hindu. Buddhism is not a
and also because he was side tracked in other part of Hindu culture. The central part of
matters   of   policy   and   planning.   It’s   a   dominant Hinduism is caste system, while
comment which is derogatory to the thinker Buddhism stands for social equality.
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As per Ambedkar the clash between Braminic kings like Pushmitra Shunga and Shashak. It
Hinduism and Buddhism is the major part of is due to this that Buddhism, became extinct
Indian history. In his understanding of Indian from India till Dr. Ambedkar brought it back.
History he divides it into three parts. Part one
Revolution, i.e. coming in of Buddhism to He chose this religion, while rejecting
oppose Brahmanic caste and gender Hinduism, mainly because its values of
hierarchy. This is followed by Liberty, Equality and Fraternity
counterrevolution, during which the (Community). To present him as supporter of
Brahmanism attacks Buddhism at ideological RSS and RSS ideology is a clever deceit, a
level through Shankaracharya and at the political move, to win over sections of Dalits
social and political level by the onslaughts of to RSS-Hindutva politics.


10.  Ambedkar’s  Ideology:  Religion,  Nationalism  and  Indian  

Ram Puniyani

In order to gain larger legitimacy, RSS has interpretation of Hinduism and second is the
been making claims of sorts. One of that concept of Hindu nationalism, Hindu Rashtra.
which was made few months back was that
Gandhi was impressed by functioning of Where does Ambedkar stand as for as
RSS. Now on the heels of that comes another ideology of Hinduism is concerned? He
distortion that Ambedkar believed in Sangh called Hinduism as Brahminic theology. We
ideology (Feb 15, 2015). This was stated by also understand that Brahminism has been the
RSS Sarsanghchalak, Mohan Bhagwat. dominant tendency within Hinduism. He
Recently   on   the   occasion   of   Ambedkar’s   realized that this prevalent version of
124th anniversary many programs were held Hinduism is essentially a caste system, which
by RSS combine giving a pro-Hindutva tilt to is the biggest tormentor of untouchables-
presentation of Ambedkar. dalits. Initially he tried to break the shackles
of caste system from within the fold of
There cannot be bigger contrasts between the Hinduism. He led the Chavadar Talab
ideology of Ambedkar and RSS. Ambedkar movement (right to access to public drinking
was for Indian Nationalism, Secularism and water for dalits), Kalaram Mandir agitation
social justice while the RSS ideology is based (movement for access to temples). He also
on two major pillars. One is the Brahmanic went on to burn Manu Smriti, the holy
Brahmanic- Hindu text saying that it is a

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symbol of caste and gender hierarchy. His your conversion will be both for material as
critique of Hinduism, Brahminism was well as for spiritual gains. Some persons
scathing and in due course he came to the mock and laugh at the idea of conversion for
conclusion that he will give up Hinduism. In material gain. I do not feel hesitant in calling
his  book  ‘Riddles  of  Hinduism’  published  by   such  persons  stupid.”  
Govt. of Maharashtra (1987) he elaborates his
understanding about Hinduism i.e. its (
Brahmanical version. Introducing his book he t/00ambedkar/txt_ambedkar_salvation.html)
writes, "The book is an exposition of the Lord Ram is the major symbol of Cultural
beliefs propounded by what might be called Nationalism propounded by RSS. Let's see
Brahminic theology...I want to make people what Ambedkar has to say about Lord Ram,
aware that Hindu religion is not Sanatan "The life of Sita simply did not count. What
(eternal)...the second purpose of the book is counted was his own personal name and
to draw the attention of Hindu masses to the fame. He of course does not take the manly
devices of Brahmins and make them think for course of stopping this gossip, which as a
themselves how they have been deceived and king he could do and which as husband who
misguided by Brahmins" (from Introduction was  convinced  of  his  wife’s  innocence  he  was  
of the book). bound to it." And further, "For 12 years the
boys lived in forest in Ashram of Valmiki not
Ambedkar had started moving away from far from Ayodhya where Rama continued to
Hinduism in 1935 itself when he had publicly rule. Never once in those 12 years this model
declared that he was not going to die as a Husband and living father cared to inquire
Hindu. In 1936, he had attended the Sikh what has happened to Sita whether she was
Missionary Conference as he had toyed for alive or dead, ...Sita preferred to die rather
some time with the idea of embracing than return to Ram who had behaved no
Sikhism. In 1936, Ambedkar also wrote and better than a brute." The signals to the Dalits
published Annihilation of Caste, his in Hindutva cultural Nationalism are more
undelivered presidential address to the Jat- than glaringly obvious as the Lord
Pat-Todak Mandal Conference at Lahore. At demonstrates in his own life, "...he was a
the end of his written address, Ambedkar Shudra named Shambuk who was practicing
reiterated his resolve to give up Hinduism. Tapasya with a view to going to heaven in his
( own earthly person and without so much as a
edkar.htm) warning, expostulation or the like addressed
to him, cut off his head..."(From Riddles of
He   said   “I   have   decided   for   myself. My Rama and Krishna).
conversion is sure as anything. My
conversion is not for any material gain. There
is nothing which I cannot achieve by Ambedkar   envisioned   ‘annihilation   of   caste’,  
remaining an Untouchable. My conversion is which remains unfulfilled despite India
purely out of my spiritual attitude. The Hindu getting Independence. Multiple factors have
religion does not appeal to my conscience. It operated in the society due to which caste still
does not appeal to my self-respect. However, remains a major factor in India. In contrast to
Ambedkar’s   ‘Annihilation   of   Caste’   the  
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politics of RSS combine says that there He was for composite Indian Nationalism, "Is
should  be  ‘harmony  amongst  different  castes’   it not a fact that under the Montague
and so they have formed an organization Chelmsford reforms in most provinces, if not
called   ‘Samajik   Samrasta   Manch’   (Social   in all, the Muslims, the non-Brahmins and
Harmony Forum). Contrasting approach to Depressed Classes united together and
social issues, Ambedkar and RSS! worked for the reforms as members of one
team from 1920 to 1937? Here in lay the most
Core of RSS political ideology is Hindutva fruitful method of achieving communal
or Hindu nationalism. Ambedkar engaged harmony among Hindus and Muslims and of
with this issue in much depth, particularly in destroying the danger of Hindu Raj. Mr.
his   classic   book   ‘Thoughts   on   Pakistan’.   In   Jinnah could have easily pursued this line.
this book he deals with the question of Hindu Nor was it difficult for Mr. Jinnah to succeed
nationalism as represented by Savakar; the in it." (Thoughts on Pakistan, P. 359)
progenitor of RSS ideology of Hindu nation;
and Jinnah, leading the ideology of Muslim
nationalism, Pakistan. "Strange as it may He was totally opposed to the concept of
appear Mr. Savarkar and Mr. Jinnah instead Hindu  Raj  as  well.  In  the  section  “Must  There  
of being opposed to each other on the one Be   Pakistan”   he   says,   “If   Hindu   Raj   does  
nation versus two nations issue are in become a fact, it will, no doubt, be the
complete agreement about it. Both agree, not greatest calamity for this country. No matter
only agree but insist that there are two nations what the Hindus say, Hinduism is a menace to
in India- one the Muslim nation and the other the liberty, equality and fraternity. On that
the Hindu nation." he continues, "They differ account it is incompatible with democracy.
only as regards the terms and conditions on Hindu  Raj  must  be  prevented  at  any  cost.”
which the two nations should be. Jinnah says
India should be cut up into two, Pakistan and (
Hindustan, the Muslim nation to occupy On all associated matters related to
Pakistan and the Hindu nation to occupy affirmative action for weaker sections of
Hindustan. Mr. Savarkar on the other hand society, rights and status of religious
insists that, although there are two nations in minorities their positions are totally
India, India shall not be divided into two contrasting. Even in the matters of the very
parts, one for the Muslims and the other for Constitution of India, Ambedkar was the
Hindus; that the two nations shall dwell in chairman of its drafting committee while
one country and shall live under the mantle of many a sections from RSS stable have called
one single constitution: that the constitution it as anti Hindu and need to bring in Hindu
shall be such that the Hindu nation will be Constitution based on Indian Holy books.
enabled to occupy a predominant position that This attempt by Mr. Bhagwat is like putting
is due to it and the Muslim nation to made to wool in the eyes of people to achieve their
live in the position of subordinate co- political goals and to get legitimacy from
operation with the Hindu nation." (Thoughts amongst the sections of people who are
on Pakistan, Third section, chapter VII) deeply wedded to ideological values of

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11. Claiming Ambedkar, Trashing the Constitution
Parivar's crass hypocrisy

Praful Bidwai
WHEN it comes to hypocrisy, it's hard to beat Ambedkar regarded scripturally sanctioned
India's Hindutva-driven Sangh Parivar. It and actually practised Hinduism as
strenuously claimed the legacy of Dr BR inseparable from casteism, and incapable of
Ambedkar, a principal author of India's reform within Gandhi's framework, which
secular Constitution, and a Dalit, on his 124th patronisingly yet piously saw Dalits as
birth anniversary. Its motive lies in the Harijans (God's children).
coming Bihar election, where a Dalit (former
Chief Minister Manzhi) has emerged as the Ambedkar burned the Manu Smriti. He
BJP's potential ally against Laloo Prasad and converted  to  Buddhism  after  declaring:  “I  was  
Nitish Kumar. born a Hindu, I had no choice. But I will not
die  a  Hindu  because  I  do  have  a  choice.”
The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh is
usurping Ambedkar by likening him to its Ambedkar wanted a separate electorate for
own founder KB Hedgewar, a brazenly Dalits, but was blackmailed by Gandhi into
obscurantist casteist opposed to Ambedkar's dropping the demand. The separate electorate
values of equality! remains a sacrilege for the Parivar, which
champions  mythical  “Hindu  unity”.
The RSS has added a further communal twist
to this by complaining that India's highest These Hindu-supremacists reject separation
honour, the Bharat Ratna, was conferred on of religion from politics, which was pivotal to
Ambedkar 10 years after it was given to Ambedkar. Hence their dangerously
Mother Teresa, its bête noire. misleading  “pseudo-secularism”  slogan!

The Indian government had no choice but to Anti-secular majoritarianism now manifests
honour Teresa after the Nobel Prize was itself virulently: banning the slaughter of
awarded to her. Honouring Ambedkar was bulls, old buffaloes and cows (Maharashtra);
delayed because there was stiff resistance to attacks on churches (Delhi, West Bengal and
doing so from the Parivar itself! Strangely, now Uttar Pradesh); and hounding Muslims
the BJP-RSS made no fuss when the award out  of  “Hindu”  areas  through  intimidation  (as  
was bestowed on its real icon, Vallabhbhai in Bhavnagar in Gujarat).
Patel, even later than on Ambedkar!
Hate   speech   is   becoming   “the   new   normal”.  
The Parivar's ideology and politics remains BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj makes hysterical
the opposite of Ambedkar's. He had contempt statements   about   Muslims   having   “40  
for Hindutva, with its narrow faith-based children   from   four   wives”.   Even   worse,
definition of nationhood, as opposed to Sanjay Raut, editor of the Shiv Sena's
citizenship cutting across ethnic-religious “Saamna”,   demands   that   Muslims   be  
identities. He repeatedly   said   “Hindu   Raj”   deprived of the vote altogether.
would  be  India's  “greatest  calamity”.

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This is a flagrant attack on constitutionally door. This trial hasn't even crossed the first
guaranteed universal franchise. Raut is an stage—despite 800 dates. Only three of 35
MP. It's simply not open to him to make prosecution witnesses were examined in 28
obnoxious anti-Constitutional statements. He years.
must be punished.
These terrible failures of the justice delivery
India has been far too indulgent towards system have encouraged uniformed personnel
important functionaries' communal excesses. to brutalise citizens - e.g. at Pathribal in
It took the Election Commission 13 years to Kashmir in 2000, where the army killed five
declare Bal Thackeray guilty of seeking votes innocent civilians falsely charged with the
in the name of religion during a 1986 anti-Sikh Chittisinghpora massacre. The
election—and bar him from contesting or culprits were let off by an army court-of-
voting for six years. inquiry.

During the last Lok Sabha election, Narendra The latest episode in Nalgonda (Telangana),
Modi repeatedly invoked Lord Ram in his in which five Muslim undertrials were killed,
campaign speech at Faizabad. A model of the falls in the same category. The state won't
BJP-proposed Ram Mandir formed the bring the culprits to book unless public-
backdrop. Former chief election spirited citizens and political parties
commissioner SY Qureshi, no less, asked intervene.
why the Election Commission had not
initiated action against the organisers. The greatest beneficiaries of such justice-
delivery failures are the forces of Right-wing
Chronic inaction has created a culture of bigotry and violence. Self-styled
impunity for anti-minority atrocities. That's “Chhatrapati”   Bal   Thackeray   wasn't   able   to  
the message from the just-delivered put the Shiv Sena in power on its own in
Hashimpura verdict - on the gruesome killing Maharashtra. But he succeeded in inflicting
of 42 Muslims in 1987 in Uttar Pradesh by grave damage upon the Left and trade union
the Provincial Armed Constabulary movements and shifting the state's political
personnel. discourse Rightwards.

The state took nine years to file a chargesheet. Similarly, a Sanjay Raut won't be able to
The accused were never arrested despite 23 disenfranchise Muslims, but he has further
non-bailable warrants. They were all shifted India's entire political terrain towards
acquitted. As Outlook magazine (April 6) has anti-Constitutional forces. Those committed
revealed, the massacre was an act of revenge to secular democracy and humanism must
by an army officer whose brother, an RSS actively combat this danger.
member, was killed in a communal clash. The
government knew all this, but did nothing.

A day after Hashimpura, the PAC joined a The writer is an eminent Indian columnist.
mob in killing 72 Muslims in Maliana next E-mail:


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Section C
Ambedkar – Gandhi Debate
12. The Ambedkar – Gandhi Debate: Reply to Arundhati Roy
Rajmohan Gandhi

*Taking exception to Arundhati Roy's "The Doctor and the Saint," this article seeks to add to our
understanding of the B R Ambedkar-M K Gandhi debate. It does not attempt to analyse or assess the
debate as such, disavowing any desire to confront either Gandhi or Ambedkar. But it makes no secret of
the fact that it disagrees with Roy, going so far as to insinuate that the chief purpose of "The Doctor and
the Saint" was to demolish Gandhi.

Rajmohan Gandhi ( is with the Center for Global Studies, University of Illinois, the US.

This   piece   is   a   response   to   Arundhati   Roy’s   prison, where the British had incarcerated
“The   Doctor   and   the   Saint,”   which   appeared Gandhi, and where a successful negotiation
in March 2014 as an introduction to a new took place. Robust exchanges were, however,
edition   of   B   R   Ambedkar’s Annihilation of resumed before the public in the mid-1930s,
Caste, first published in 1936, but it also mainly via the press.
bears an indirect connection to the historic
debate between Ambedkar and M K Gandhi, The Ambedkar–Gandhi debate was
which took place during a period well interrupted   by   Gandhi’s   frequent  
removed from our times. imprisonments. From 1922 to 1924, from
1932 to 1934, and again from 1942 to 1944,
The two were involved in a positive, if Gandhi was behind imperial bars. In contrast,
impersonal, relationship during the 1920s. Ambedkar, who believed that the battle for
Though they did not meet each other in this social democracy was more important than
period,   Ambedkar   appreciated   Gandhi’s   the fight for national independence, was not
concern for the plight of Dalits and welcomed only never jailed by the British, but also
the method of satyagraha that he had included   in   the   viceroy’s   executive   council  
introduced. However, the 1930s saw sharp, from 1942 to 1945.
and,   from   a   historian’s   standpoint,   revealing,  
exchanges between the two. In the summer of 1945, Ambedkar
published What Congress and Gandhi Have
The first face-to-face meeting between Done to the Untouchables, a strong attack on
Ambedkar and Gandhi took place in Mumbai Gandhi and on the Congress movement led by
in 1931, shortly before their piercing verbal him. Absorbed from 1944 in what turned out
encounters. Begun in the autumn of 1931 in a to be a losing battle to avert partition, Gandhi
well-lit London arena (the Round Table offered  no  reply  himself  to  Ambedkar’s  1945  
Conference  (RTC)  on  India’s  political  future,   charges, but he encouraged Ambedkar
convened by the British prime minister), these Refuted, a short tract written by Chakravarti
encounters continued in 1932 in a dark Pune Rajagopalachari.

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The period from 1947 to 1951 saw an here and there that the demolition of Gandhi
unexpected—and, from any perspective, is its true aim.
remarkable—rapprochement between
Ambedkar on the one hand and Gandhi, who Many   Dalits   appear   to   have   censured   “The  
was killed in 1948, deputy premier Doctor   and   the   Saint,”   not   so   much   for   its  
Vallabhbhai Patel, who lived until the end of disagreements with Ambedkar, but largely, it
1950, and Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, would seem, because three-fourths of its
who lived until 1964, on the other. This text is about Gandhi, and only one-fourth
accord   resulted   in   Ambedkar’s   entry   to   free   about Ambedkar. Roy has only used
India’s  first  cabinet  and   his   leadership  of  the   Ambedkar to attack Gandhi. There is nothing
Constitution-drafting process, culminating in necessarily illegitimate with that, except that
the 1950 Constitution. she has not been upfront about her intention.

However, in 1951, Ambedkar resigned from Not everyone agrees with all the unpopular
the cabinet. In the 1952 elections, and again stands Roy has taken, but many (including
in a by-election in 1954, he opposed the this writer) may agree with one or two of
Congress, losing on both occasions. Shortly them. Since what Roy says carries weight
before his death in 1956, he led hundreds of with several good people, I thought it
thousands of fellow Dalits out of Hinduism necessary to point out some of the flaws in
into the faith and vision of the Buddha. her attacks on Gandhi. Before doing so, I
should, of course, acknowledge that Gandhi
By any standard, the Gandhi–Ambedkar merits criticism, including on some of the
relationship is a fascinating story. Many, points underlined by Roy.
including this writer, have looked at it (1995,
2006) and many more will in future. The Though Gandhi constantly asked caste
Ambedkar–Gandhi debate is a vital part of Hindus to repent for the great sins of
that relationship and an important subject in untouchability and caste superiority, he only
itself. rarely led or encouraged direct struggles for
Dalit rights, whereas he led and triggered a
However, the pages that follow do not seek to large number of direct battles for Indian
analyse or assess the Ambedkar–Gandhi independence. During his South African
debate, though I hope they might add to our phase, he struggled for Indian rights, not
understanding of it. And although these pages directly for black rights. These are
will touch on the Gandhi–Ambedkar undeniable—if also well-known—truths, and
relationship, analysing that relationship is Roy has every right to reiterate them.
hardly their chief purpose. I disavow any
desire, in these pages, to confront either I should freely concede something else. Some
Gandhi or Ambedkar. However, I confess to a of   Roy’s   unreasonable   attacks   may   have  
wish—call it temerity—to confront Roy. resulted from a lack of knowledge. She has
not been a Gandhi scholar for any length of
I must admit that it took me a while, when time.   The   omissions   in   “The   Doctor   and   the  
reading   “The   Doctor   and   the   Saint,”   to   Saint”   constitute   the   text’s   most   serious  
understand its chief purpose. A discussion of weaknesses. These gaps prevent its readers
the thesis of Annihilation of Caste is not her from feeling, with mental fingers, the true
focus. Nor, certainly, is the Gandhi– textures  of  India’s  intertwined  movements  for  
Ambedkar relationship. Not even the national freedom and social justice in the
Ambedkar–Gandhi   debate.   “The   Doctor   and   1920s, 1930s, and 1940s, and the tensions
the   Saint”   comes   across   mainly   as   a   fierce   between the two.
indictment of the Mahatma, with indications
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I would like to argue that the narration in I dare say the problem of disease and poverty
“The   Doctor   and   the   Saint”   of   the   Gandhi– can be easily solved, and the survivors will
Ambedkar relationship, which saw both live in luxury, if the three crore half-starved
conflict and partnership, is seriously flawed. men and women, and lakhs of the decrepit
Even if examining it was not the central humanity, were shot and their bodies utilized
purpose   of   Roy’s   text,   this   relationship for manure ... And yet nobody but a lunatic
features in it. will put up such a suggestion. Is the case any
weaker when men and women are not to be
I   would   also   like   to   show   that   Roy’s   attacks   shot but compulsorily disposed of their valued
violate the principles of historical debate. lands, [around] which sentiment, romance
These principles require, first, that attacks on and all that makes life worth living, have
a statement that X or Y or even a Mahatma grown up?
may have made 50 or 100 years ago should I suggest to the custodians of the great name
provide the context in which the statement that they   would   more   truly   advance   India’s  
was made. Second, the norms require that interests if they will defer to the wishes of
pertinent information is not scissored out. their weak and helpless countrymen (CW 20:
40–41, 27 April 1921).
Omitting Facts
The Tatas went ahead nonetheless. In less
Consider an allegation such as the following than a year, Gandhi was sent to prison—not
in   “The   Doctor   and   the   Saint.”   “[Gandhi’s]   for his views on the Mulshi Dam, but for
duality allowed him to support and be sedition against the king of England. By the
supported by big industry and big dams as time he was released, the dam was half
well”  (p  49).  To  this  assertion,  Roy  appends  a   completed, and as Gandhi put it in the letter
long endnote, where she claims that that  Roy  does  quote  in  her  endnote,  “the  vast  
majority”  of  displaced  villagers  had  accepted  
Gandhi’s  approach  to  big  dams  is  revealed  in   compensation. Moreover, the leader of the
a letter (5 April 1924) in which he advised still-continuing satyagraha was not, in
villagers who faced displacement by the Gandhi’s   view,   committed   to   non-violence.
Mulshi Dam, then being built by the Tatas to Stating all this, Gandhi advised that the
generate electricity, ... to give up their protest satyagraha be dropped.
(pp 151–52).
Whether or not this advice was sufficiently
What are the facts? Roy omits a salient one, pro-peasant or sufficiently anti-dam is a fair
which is that three years earlier, in April question, which may elicit a variety of
1921, when displaced villagers first began answers. (It would also call for genuine
their satyagraha against what was then only a research.)  Yet,  Roy’s  suppression  of  Gandhi’s  
proposed dam, Gandhi had penned a biting, if remarkably strong and public words to the
also courteously worded, challenge to the Tatas regarding the Mulshi Dam disqualifies
Tatas in his journal, Young India. her as a judge, while also obliging us to be
hugely sceptical when, elsewhere in the text,
I wish the great house of the Tatas, instead of
Roy suggests that Gandhi was soft with the
standing on their legal rights, will reason
with the people themselves, and do whatever
they wish in consultation with them ... What is As for another famous business house from
the value of all the boons that the Tata those and continuing times—the Birlas—Roy
scheme claims to confer on India, if it is to be has this comment on Ghanshyamdas Birla,
at the unwilling expense of even one poor who often hosted Gandhi. In 1915, when
man? Gandhi returned from South Africa, says Roy,
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Birla   “organised   a   grand   reception   in   Ambedkar, who was present in Mahad,
Calcutta,   ...   became   Gandhi’s   chief   patron   wisely asked his people not to hit back. As
and paid him a generous monthly Roy concedes (p 107), Gandhi wrote
retainer...Gandhi’s   arrangement   with   G   D   “approvingly   of   the   Untouchables’  
Birla   lasted   for   the   rest   of   his   days”   (pp 88– composure   in   the   face   of   the   attacks.”  
89). Roy does not provide any sources for this However, Gandhi had said much more than
assertion. that in the Young India article cited by her,
and therefore, one assumes, read by her.
Here is another account, that of Birla. When
Gandhi arrived in Calcutta in 1915, a 21-year- Praising  the  Dalits’  “exemplary  self-
old Ghanshyamdas and a few others restraint,”  Gandhi  wrote  that,  the  “so-called
unharnessed the horses in the carriage sent to orthodox  party,”  not  having  reason  on  its  side,  
the railway station to fetch Gandhi and pulled had  used  “sheer  brute  force.”  Gandhi  went  on  
the carriage themselves. Four decades later, in an article in Young India on 28 April 1927,
after  Gandhi’s  death,  Birla  recounted  this  first  
meeting to a Kolkata gathering, and also Dr Ambedkar, [was] fully justified in putting
referred to a conversation they had had. to the test the resolution of the Bombay
Legislative Council and the Mahad
I informed him that I would ... send him a Municipality by advising the so-called
monthly donation   ...   ‘Fine,’   he   replied.   Look   Untouchables to go to the tank to quench
what I did—it was very silly of me! I said, their thirst.
‘Very   good   then.   I’ll   expect   a   monthly   letter  
from   you.’   He   retorted   saying,   ‘Does   this   The   Mahatma   also   urged   “every   Hindu  
mean I have to come to you with a begging opposed  to  untouchability”  to publicly defend
bowl  every  month?’  I  felt  so  ashamed. the  courageous   Dalits   of  Mahad   “even  at  the  
risk   of   getting   his   head   broken”   (CW   33:  
I asked Gandhiji,   ‘If   I   write   to   you,   will   you   268).
reply?’  ‘Of  course,’  he  said.  Just  to  test  him,  I  
wrote a letter to him four or five days after This, again, is radical stuff. Roy deliberately
he’d   left.   He   replied—on a postcard (Birla hides it.
These are only a few examples of the
Each of us can decide which account—Roy’s   numerous   concealments   in   “The   Doctor   and  
or  Birla’s—carries a truer ring. the  Saint”  regarding Gandhi and Dalit rights.
Here is one more. While Roy concedes (p
Courageous Dalits of Mahad 123)   that   the   Indian   National   Congress’s  
(INC) Karachi resolution of 1931 on equal
Ignorance   cannot   explain   Roy’s   near   total   rights for all—a forerunner of the equality
suppression   of   Gandhi’s   comment   on   the   pledged   in   India’s   1950   Constitution—was a
Mahad satyagraha of 1927. This was “valuable,  enlightened  document,”  she  avoids  
conducted in western Maharashtra under mentioning that Gandhi had played a
Ambedkar’s   leadership.   A   large   number   of   principal role in its drafting.
Dalits had been denied access to a tank of
water in Mahad, and as part of their Here   is   another.   She   names   “the   beloved  
satyagraha, they surged forward in unison and Bhakti   poets...of   the   anticaste   tradition”—
drank its water. Thereafter, they were “Cokhamela,  Ravidas,  Kabir,  Tukaram,  Mira,  
attacked with sticks and clubs by infuriated Janaba”   (p   37).   (Her   spelling of Mahar poet
groups of the orthodox class. Chokhamela’s   name   is   incorrect.)   But,   of  
course, she will not inform her readers that
several   of   these   were   among   Gandhi’s  
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favourite poets too, or that their songs were Gandhi  asked  for  the  poems  to  be  “read  out  to  
frequently sung in his ashrams and prayer men and women in their millions, in the same
meetings. way that works like the Bhagavat are read out
to  them  in  every  square”  (CW  14:  344–45).
Sin of Untouchability
Two years later, after the non-cooperation
At  the  time  of  Gandhi’s  death,  India  remained   movement was launched, he said through his
caste-ridden and continued to ill-treat Dalits. article in Young India in November 1920,
Indian society has not changed radically in “We   shall   be   unfit   to   gain   Swaraj   so   long   as  
the   decades   since.   Yet,   Gandhi’s   words   and   we keep in bondage a fifth  of  the  population”  
deeds contributed to the change that has (CW 19: 20). Before the year 1920 ended,
occurred. Gandhi ensured that the removal of
untouchability was made an integral part of
In South Africa, a young Gandhi interpreted the political programme of the INC. This had
the discrimination against Indians as a just not   happened   until   then,   and   Gandhi’s   role  
reward for untouchability in India. In May was acknowledged by Ambedkar in his 1945
1907, in an article in Indian Opinion, Gandhi book against Gandhi.
wrote   of   “the   wicked   superstitions   about  
untouchability”  and  of  how  “in  India  some  of   After the non-cooperation movement for
us oppress the bhangis and force them swaraj was launched in 1920, and national
to...speak   in   obsequious   language”   (CW 7: schools  were  opened,  Gandhi’s  orthodox  foes  
470). When satyagraha sent many Indians to in Gujarat attacked him in violent language
prison in South Africa, he rebuked those who because he refused to bar Dalits from these
refused to eat food touched by Dalits or sleep schools. Through the press, in letters, and via
near them (CW 9: 181). a whispering campaign, these men warned
Gandhi that unless Dalits were excluded, they
On 16 February 1916, a year after returning to would support the raj and kill the swaraj
India, this is what Gandhi said about movement.   They   also   alleged   that   Gandhi’s  
untouchability in a public speech in Madras. interest in Dalits was borrowed from his
“Every  affliction  that  we  labour  under  in  this   Christian friends, in particular from Rev
sacred land is a fit and proper punishment for Charles Andrews.
this great and indelible crime that we are
committing”   (CW   13:   232–33). When Gandhi’s   response   was   twofold.   First,   in   his  
orthodoxy attacked him, this is how Gandhi Gujarati weekly, Navajivan, on 5 December
replied in Godhra (Gujarat) in November 1920,  he  expressed  confidence  that  “God  will  
1917.  “I  shall  continue  to  be  my  own  guru...It   vouchsafe me the strength to reject the swaraj
is no good quoting verses from Manusmriti which may be won by abandoning the
and other scriptures in defence of this Antyajas”   (CW   19:   73).   (Antyaja was at this
orthodoxy. A number of verses...are time the word that many used for Dalits.)
apocryphal, a number of them are quite
meaningless”   (CW   14:   73–77). Reiterating Second, writing to Andrews and then in
his position that verses quoted from scripture public speeches, Gandhi recalled the start of
could not override the individual conscience, his work against untouchability. To Andrews,
he   added   that   verses   from   scripture   “cannot   in a letter dated 29 January 1921, he said,
be  above  reason  and  morality”  (CW 14: 345).
I began this work in SA—before I ever heard
A year later, in April 1918, in a preface to a of you and I was conscious of the sin of
book of poems by Gujarati writer Padhiar untouchability before I came under other
describing the cruel treatment of Dalits, Christian influences in SA. The truth came to

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me when I was yet a child. I used to laugh at What crimes for which we condemn the
my dear mother for making us to bathe if we government as Satanic have not we been
brothers touched any pariah. It was in 1897 guilty  of  towards  our  ‘untouchable’  brethren?  
that I was prepared in Durban to turn Mrs ... We make them crawl on their bellies, we
Gandhi away from the house because she have made them rub their noses on the
would not treat on a footing of equality ground; with eyes red with rage we push them
Lawrence who she knew belonged to the out of railway compartments—what more
pariah class and whom I had invited to stay than this has British rule done? What charge
with me (CW 19: 288–90). that  we  bring  against  Dyer  and  O’Dwyer  may  
not others and even our people lay at our
Andrews having expressed keenness for door? (CW 19: 572).
Gandhi’s   focus   against   untouchability   to  
remain strong and sustained, Gandhi added Roy does not allow her readers to know
the following in the same letter. anything contained in the preceding
paragraphs. It is also a fact, however, and one
You are doing an injustice to me in even that Ambedkar would justifiably underline,
allowing yourself to think that for a single that the fight against untouchability did not
moment I may be subordinating the question gather adequate momentum in the 1920s. It
[of untouchability] to any others. .... It is a did not because of the rigidity of Indian
bigger problem than that of gaining Indian society, and also because Gandhi and his
independence, but I can tackle it better if I colleagues had other tough goals which they
gain the latter on the way (CW 19: 288–90; were striving to reach, including swaraj and
emphasis added). Hindu–Muslim unity.

Three months later, on 13 April 1921, Gandhi Separate Dalit Electorate

addressed a Suppressed Classes Conference
in Ahmedabad. He said, On 2 August 1931, shortly before he was to
go to London for the round table conference,
I was hardly yet 12 when this idea had and around the time when he and Ambedkar,
dawned on me. A scavenger named Uka, an who too was going to London, had their first
‘untouchable,’   used   to   attend   our   house   for   meeting (in Mumbai), Gandhi made a
cleaning latrines. Often I would ask my significant statement in Ahmedabad.
mother ... why I was forbidden to touch him?
If I accidentally touched Uka, I was asked to If we came into power with the stain of
perform the ablutions, and though I naturally untouchability unaffected, I am positive that
obeyed, it was not without smilingly the   ‘untouchables’   would   be   worse   off   under  
protesting ... I often had tussles with [my that   ‘Swaraj’   than   they   are   now,   for   the  
parents] on this matter. I told my mother that simple reason that our weaknesses and our
she was entirely wrong in considering failings would then be buttressed by the
physical contact with Uka as sinful (CW 19: accession of power (Pyarelal 1932: 303).
Gandhi was admitting here that swaraj would
Exactly two years earlier, the Jallianwala give   India’s   upper   castes   political   power   in  
Bagh massacre had taken place, under the addition to the social and economic power
aegis of Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer and they already enjoyed, and thus make Dalits
Governor  Michael  O’Dwyer.  Recalling  that   “worse   off.”   Since   the   swaraj   goal   could   not  
massacre in this speech to the Suppressed be abandoned, the solution, as Gandhi saw it,
Classes Conference, he added, was to attack untouchability alongside the
struggle for swaraj.

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At the London conference, Gandhi and A good chunk  of  “The  Doctor  and  the  Saint”  
Ambedkar had their famous clash over is   devoted   to   Gandhi’s   oft-discussed and
separate versus joint electorates. If the raj undoubtedly deplorable ignorance and
could provide separate electorates for Sikhs, condescension regarding black South
Muslims,   and   India’s   Europeans,   why   not   a   Africans during some of his time in South
separate Dalit electorate? Gandhi answered Africa. However, here too Roy is carefully
with a counter-question,   “Sikhs   may   remain   selective. Thus she totally leaves out a
as such in perpetuity, so may Mohammedans, notable 1908 speech that Gandhi had made on
so many Europeans. Will untouchables the subject in Johannesburg during a period
remain  untouchables  in  perpetuity?”  (CW 48: when he entertained high hopes of the British
298). Empire:

But there was something more worrying, a It seems to me that both the Africans and the
hurtful reality. Here is how Gandhi described Asiatics have advanced the Empire as a
that reality in London on 31 October 1931 at whole; we can hardly think of South Africa
Friends House, the Quaker centre in Euston: without the African races ... South Africa
would probably be a howling wilderness
The   ‘untouchables’   are   in   the   hands   of   without the African races ... They (the African
superior classes. They can suppress them races)   are   still   in   the   history   of   the   world’s  
completely and wreak vengeance upon the learners. Able-bodied and intelligent men as
‘untouchables’  who  are  at  their  mercy.  I  may   they are, they cannot but be an asset to the
be opening out my shame to you. But ... how Empire.
can I invite utter destruction for them? I It is well for me to be a loyal subject of the
would not be guilty of that crime (CW 48: Empire, but not I hope as a member of the
258). subject race.
If we look into the future, is it not a heritage
Gandhi said before the Minorities Committee we have to leave to posterity, that all the
of   the   RTC   that   “he   would   not   sell   the   vital   different races commingle and produce a
interests of the untouchables even for the sake civilisation that perhaps the world has not yet
of  winning  the  freedom  of  India.”  He  claimed   seen? (CW 8: 242–46).
(on 13 November 1931) that those demanding
the   separate   electorate   “do   not   know   their   This is from a well-known speech given at the
India, do not know how Indian society is YMCA in Johannesburg, reproduced at the
today  constructed”  (CW  48:  297–98). time in two issues of Indian Opinion (6 and
13 June 1908), included later in the Collected
Though Roy devotes several pages to the Works of Mahatma Gandhi, and discussed in
Gandhi–Ambedkar debate in London, she more than one modern study, but Roy is
carefully expunges the sentences I have either unaware of it (so much, in that case, for
quoted. her diligence) or she does not want others to
learn of it. Though hardly revolutionary by
Ambedkar’s   demand   for   a   separate   Dalit   today’s   standards, the speech was ahead of
electorate was backed by many round table the times in which it was made. Not many
conference delegates in London, most of Indians in South Africa or in India spoke in
whom were nominated by the raj. A separate 1908  or  later  of  the  “commingling”  of  “all  the  
electorate could be introduced, the raj different  races.”  In  fact,  few  people  anywhere  
indicated. Gandhi declared he would, if need did; not very many will even today.
arose, fast unto death against it.
Gandhi’s   prejudices at that time (which
Selective and Prejudiced almost all his contemporaries shared) should
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be frankly faced, but why does Roy cover up derides,   Gandhi’s   caution   regarding   a  
the more favourable side of the ledger, which premature African–Indian alliance (pp 74–
was rare for its time? 75). Yet, her readers should know that in
1913, Dube, the first ANC president, thought
Predictably,   Roy   also   leaves   out   Gandhi’s   that black resistance along the lines adopted
well-documented friendship with John Dube, by Indians under Gandhi would fail—he
one of the founders of the African National believed that blacks would lose discipline
Congress (ANC), whose centre near Durban under provocation, and that white reprisal
was not far from Phoenix, where Gandhi would be devastating (quoted in Patel 1989:
established his first ashram. Like Gandhi, 216–17). Interviewed in 1976, another
Dube too hesitated to support the Zulu founding member of the ANC, Selby
Rebellion of 1906 and said, in fact,   that   “we   Msimang, also thought that the African
should...assist the government to suppress the leadership   of   Gandhi’s   time   “would,   in   any  
rebellion”  (quoted  in  Reddy  1995:  21).  Heroic   case, have found Indian politics too radical to
yet also tragic, that rebellion bore similarities countenance  an  alliance”  (Swan  1985:  133).
to   India’s   1857   rising,   from   which  
contemporaries such as Bankim Chandra However, such acknowledgements would
Chatterjee, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar and belie the picture that Roy wishes to present.
Syed Ahmad Khan kept their distance, and
which another contemporary—Jyotiba In Yeravada jail in Poona, where he had been
Phule—openly opposed. detained from 1922 to 1924, Gandhi made
friends with Adan, a Somali prisoner who had
Roy  speaks  of  Gandhi’s  alleged  “disdain”  for   become a warder. An incident involving Adan
blacks (p 83), but fails to mention that was   observed   by   Gandhi’s   prison   mate   and  
Gandhi’s   offensive   remarks   were   provoked   occasional critic, Indulal Yagnik, who
by the shocking conduct witnessed by him of described it in a 1943 book, Gandhi As I
men convicted for serious crimes, with whom Knew Him.
he shared his prison cell.
One evening our Negro warder from
Gandhi’s   stance   regarding   South   Africa’s   Somaliland was bitten by a scorpion on his
blacks was influenced by the circumstances hand. He gave a shout. Mr Gandhi was
and prejudices and also the equations of his quickly on the spot ... He first asked for a
time. Since blacks lay at the lowest rung of knife to cut the wound and to let out the
South   Africa’s   political   and   social   ladder,   poison. But he found the knife dirty. So
Gandhi’s  fight  for  Indian  equality  with  whites   missing no moment he quickly washed the
necessarily, if also regrettably, called for area around the wound and applying his lips
separating Indians from blacks. This angle is to the wound began to suck out the poison. He
of no interest to Roy. went on spitting after sucking and eventually
stopped when Adan felt relief (Yagnik 1943:
Nelson Mandela, whom Roy professes to 303).
admire (p 87), wrote the following in a 1995
publication,   “Gandhi   had   been   initially   Was  this  the  reaction  of  one  who  “disdained”  
shocked that Indians were classified with blacks? Not that Roy would ask such a
Natives in prison ... All in all, Gandhi must be question, or even let her readers know that
forgiven these prejudices in the context of the Gandhi reacted thus. She also suppresses or
time  and  the  circumstances.” belittles   Gandhi’s   increasing   willingness   to  
write openly of black rights.
“The   context   of   the   time”   is   precisely   what  
Roy cuts away. Thus, she makes much of, and

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On 22 July 1926, Gandhi declared in Young conflicts, human beings—and races, castes,
India that  he  could  not  think  of  “justice  being   classes and nations—should find solutions
done to Indians [in South Africa] if none is that allow bitterness to melt?
rendered   to   the   natives   of   the   soil”   (CW   31:  
181–82). Two years later, when a few Indians “The   Doctor   and   the   Saint”   makes   clear  
in South Africa objected to a plan to send Roy’s  total  disapproval  of  what  she  thinks  to  
Indian students to Fort Hare College, which be Gandhi’s   lifestyle.   According   to   her,  
had been established for Africans, Gandhi, in Gandhi  “left  his  followers  with  a  legacy  of  a  
an article in Young India on 5 April 1928, joyless, joke-free world: no desire, no sex, ...
likened  the  reaction  to  what  “is  expressed  by   no food, no beads, no nice clothes, no dance,
the South African whites in respect of no  poetry.  And  very  little  music”  (p  81).
ourselves,”  adding,  “Indians  ...  cannot  exist  in  
South Africa for any length of time without How   truthful   is   this   picture?   The   “very little
the active sympathy and friendship of the music”   that   she   reluctantly   concedes   to   the  
Africans”  (CW  36:  190). Gandhi legacy was actually a daily affair in
his life, morning and evening. True, it was
In 1939, he told a visiting black leader from religious or spiritual music, yet Gandhi had
South Africa, Rev S S Tema, that Africans an ear for song and, in fact, possessed a
“are  the  sons of the soil who are being robbed decent singing voice, which fellow ashramites
of  their  inheritance;;”  theirs  was  “a  far  bigger   and fellow prisoners spoke of.
issue”   than   that   of   South   Africa’s   Indians  
(Harijan, 18 Feb 1939; CW 68: 272–74). By It is true, too, that the ballroom dancing (and
1946, Gandhi felt that the time for a common violin) lessons he took in London as a student
African–Indian front had arrived. were later never put into practice, but no one
who  spoke  as  often  as  Gandhi  did  of  “dancing  
Gandhi’s  Merry Side with  joy”  could  have been an enemy of dance.
And although Roy may not be aware, Gandhi
Here  I  ask  myself,  why  bother  to  show  Roy’s   frequently quoted poetry in his journals—
unconcern with the real Gandhi? After all, she English, Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, or Gujarati
has   hinted   at   her   aim   with   “The   Doctor   and   poetry.
the   Saint.”   She   desires,   she   says,   to  
“rearrange   the   stars   in   our   firmament”   (p   As   for   his   “joyless,   joke-free”   world,   here   is  
140), not to analyse or understand Gandhi. what William Shirer, the American author
She wants to shoot Gandhi down from the of Rise and Fall of the Third Reich,said,
sky, not get to know him. She wants—in her referring to a time that he and a few others
own  words,  expressed  not  in  “The  Doctor  and   had   spent   with   Gandhi.   “In   no   time   at   all  
the  Saint”  but  at  a  meeting  where  she  tried  to   Gandhi had us all laughing and completely at
explain her text—to   “move   the   Gandhi   our ease ... If in this world of varied
monument  out  of  the  way,”  in  order, she says, personalities there is a single man even half
that Ambedkar may be better understood and as charming as Gandhi, I have not seen him
honoured (Roy 2014a). (quoted in Jack 1956: 399).

It is not a tribute to Ambedkar to say that his And   he   enjoyed   others’   jokes.   Writing,   in  
legacy depends on the destruction of 1932, from a Pune prison to Srinivasa Sastri,
Gandhi’s. Gandhi  said,  “Sardar  Vallabhbhai  is  with  me.  
His jokes make me laugh until I can laugh no
I should also ask—what provoked this strong more, not   once   but   several   times   a   day”  
dislike  in  Roy?  Was  it  Gandhi’s  lifestyle? Or (Parikh 2: 91–92). Everyone who spent more
his oft-expressed belief that despite their

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than a few minutes with Gandhi came away Dalits, Muslims, peasants and industrial
with stories of his merry side. labour—in a national movement; the first
person striving to enlist people from outside
Like some others in history who took on his or her linguistic/cultural region; the first
daunting goals, Gandhi had strict views on person to insist on using local languages to
sex. Many will disagree with those views, but reach the ordinary Indian; and perhaps the
the dreary Gandhi painted by Roy was never first person who was determined to get to
encountered by his friends or foes. Such a know the whole land of India and as many as
Gandhi never existed. possible   of   its   people.   As   for   his   “plunging  
into   the   national   movement,”   it   might   be  
Condescending and Incorrect fairer to say that in 1919–20 he created a
national movement into which he and others
In the course of demolishing Gandhi, Roy plunged headlong.
pauses   to   describe   him   as   “perhaps   the   most  
consummate politician the modern world has But  the  “stitching  together”  notion  is apt for
ever   known”   (p   58).   Since   most   politicians   Gandhi.
usually nurse a clear aim, at least at any given
time, we may ask, what was the goal towards His imperial foes—men such as Winston
which   Gandhi   applied   his   “consummate”   Churchill, Lord Linlithgow and Archibald
skills? Wavell—were never in two minds as to
Gandhi’s   purpose,   all   of   them   agreeing   that  
Roy refrains from providing her own clear ending British rule was his dominant passion.
views regarding this, though here and there While   Churchill’s   antipathy towards Gandhi
she insinuates that Gandhi was not really pro- is well known, not many may be aware that in
poor and that equality was not his real goal. 1947, Wavell, the British commander-in-chief
Yet,   it   is   not   enough   a   “consummate   during the Quit India movement and viceroy
politician”  know  what,  allegedly,  he  does  not   from   1943   to   1947,   called   Gandhi   “an  
want. He must know what he wants. implacable   foe   of   Empire”   and   the   “most  
formidable”   of   the   opponents   “who   have  
At one point, Roy appears to inch towards detached portions of the British Empire in
understanding  something  about  Gandhi’s   recent  years”  (Moon  1973:  439).
goal. She writes,
Now, here is the interesting—actually
Gandhi returned to India in 1915 after 20 damning—thing  about  Roy’s  text.  In  the  153-
years of political activity in South Africa, and page demolition exercise, Roy mentions the
plunged into the national movement. His first freedom   struggle   not   at   all   and   the   “national
concern,  as  any  politician’s would be, was to movement”   only   once   or   twice.   This   great  
stitch together the various constituencies that context of the debates on caste, class, race
would allow the Indian National Congress to and   gender   that   “The   Doctor   and   the   Saint”  
claim it was the legitimate and sole fervently (and selectively) discusses is
representative of the emerging nation (p 58; missing altogether.
emphasis added).
That context meant that Indians, pained and
She is hugely condescending here, and in shamed not just by Indian injustices but also
some respects quite incorrect. by alien rule, were obliged to prioritise. Time
and again, they had to choose between
Gandhi was not part of the INC when he
struggling against an Indian oppression and
arrived in India in 1915. But he was perhaps
struggling against European subjugation. Or,
the only Indian at that time with a conscious
goal of involving all Indians—caste Hindus,
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they alternated and oscillated between the “public   wells,   public   schools,   public   roads  
two. and all other public   institutions”   (CW 51:
159–60).   Pressured   by   Gandhi’s   fast,   they  
In the last quarter of the 18th century, some signed a historic, if overdue, pledge.
persons of conscience in what until then was
Britain’s   American   colony   had   also   been   While Ambedkar would note this pledge
forced to prioritise. Should they focus their (1945: 103), Roy banishes it from her survey.
energies on opposing slavery or on ending Across   India,   goaded   by   Gandhi’s   fast,  
British rule? In the end, independence temples closed for centuries to the
attracted more American energy than “untouchables”  opened  their  doors.  Brahmins  
opposing slavery, which, in fact, was even invited Dalits to meals in their homes. The
subtly codified into the US Constitution.1 It empire, on its part, opened the doors of
was only in 1865, shortly before the South Yeravada prison, and Ambedkar went in to
surrendered in the Civil War, that slavery was confer with Gandhi.
declared illegal.
A settlement was reached. Gandhi not only
As for that war, President Abraham Lincoln agreed to what he had earlier opposed,
thought, along with many other Americans, namely, reserved seats for Dalits in
that the Union had to be preserved, and the legislatures, he also said that Dalits should
South’s  secession  ended,  before  slavery  could   have seats in proportion to their population.
be abolished. Ambedkar, who obtained a PhD In its scheme of separate–electorate–cum–
at Columbia University in New York, was reserved Dalit seats, the raj had prescribed
well aware of this (1945: 271). only half that number of seats. From his side,
to   save   Gandhi’s   life,   Ambedkar   agreed   to  
The India that Gandhi and his generation give up his demand for a separate electorate
faced also presented more than one challenge where only Dalits would have voted for or
to people with a conscience. To name three, against Dalit candidates. Finding common
India was a subject nation ruled by aliens; ground, the two agreed on their pact. A cable
Indian society practised untouchability; and went   to   London,   where   his   majesty’s  
there was the Hindu–Muslim divide. government accepted the joint proposal, and
Gandhi broke his fast. The essence of this
Although,  as  we  have  seen,  Gandhi’s  imperial   pact was subsequently enshrined in free
foes saw him primarily as an enemy of British India’s  Constitution.
rule, all of us know that he also embraced the
struggles against untouchability and for Gandhi   claimed   during   the   fast   that   “an  
Hindu–Muslim friendship. He was stitching increasing   army   of   reformers”   would resist
together  India’s  divided  constituencies. “social,   civic   and   political   persecution   of   the  
Depressed   Classes.”   The   issue   was   of  
Unusual Human Being “transcendental  value,  far  surpassing  Swaraj,”  
he added (CW 51: 119). Expressing his
Gandhi was a prisoner of the empire in “Hindu   gratitude”   to   “Dr   Ambedkar,   Rao  
Pune’s   Yeravada   jail   when,   in   September   Bahadur Srinivasan and ... Rao Bahadur M C
1932, he announced a fast of indefinite Rajah”—the Dalit leaders who had conferred
duration, directed at the separate Dalit with him in Yeravada—Gandhi added,
electorate as well as at the caste Hindu
conscience. Meeting in Bombay a day before They could have taken up an uncompromising
the   fast   ended,   India’s   most   influential   caste   and defiant attitude by way of punishment to
Hindu   leaders   resolved   that   “one   of   the   the so-called caste Hindus for the sins of
earliest  Acts  of  the  Swaraj  Parliament”  would   generations. If they had done so, I at least
be   to   assure   “untouchables”   equal   access   to  
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could not have resented their attitude and my swaraj, Andrews asked his friend to focus
death would have been but a trifling price solely  on  untouchability  and  not  try  “to  serve  
exacted for the tortures that the outcastes of two  masters”  (Gracie  1989:  155).
Hinduism have been going through for
unknown generations. But they chose a nobler Whether or not we agree with Gandhi, we can
path and have thus shown that they have look at the reasons he gave for declining the
followed the precept of forgiveness enjoined earnest advice.
by all religions. Let me hope that the caste
Hindus will prove themselves worthy of this My dear Charlie: My life is one indivisible
forgiveness (CW 51: 143–45). whole. It is not built after the compartmental
system. Satyagraha, civil resistance,
To   caste   Hindus,   he   conveyed   a   warning,   “I   untouchability, [and] Hindu-Muslim unity ...
should be guilty of a breach of trust if I did are indivisible parts of a whole.
not warn fellow reformers and caste Hindus You will find at one time in my life an
in general that the breaking of the fast carried emphasis on one thing, at another time on
with it a sure promise of a resumption of it if [an]other. But that is just like a pianist now
this reform is not relentlessly pursued and emphasising one note and now [an]other. But
achieved   within   a   measurable   period”   (CW   they are all related to one another.
51: 143–45). It  is  utterly  impossible  for  me  to  say:  ‘I  have  
now nothing to do with civil disobedience or
Was   reform   “relentlessly pursued and Swaraj!’ Not only so ... Full and final
achieved  within  a  measurable  period?”  Much   removal of untouchability ... is utterly
was done, but much more remained undone. impossible without Swaraj .... Love. Mohan
Did Gandhi then start another fast unto death? (CW 55: 196–69; emphasis added).
No, he did not, though a 21-day fast by him in Roy   briefly   acknowledges   Ambedkar’s  
May 1933 was linked to the fight against warmth for Gandhi at the time of the Poona
untouchability. Was he, therefore, a hypocrite Pact, but immediately   adds,   “Later,   though,  
and a secret foe of the Dalits, as Roy alleges? having recovered from the trauma, Ambedkar
Others might hold that he was an unusual wrote:  ‘There  was  nothing  noble  in  the  fast.  It  
human being fighting, with all his human was  a  foul  and  filthy  act’”  (p  126).
limitations and the limitations of his people,
for more than one tough objective. Ambedkar indeed used those severe words.
But when? When he recovered from the
‘You  Would  Become  Our  Hero’ trauma of Gandhi’s  fast,  says  Roy.  How  many  
days would it have taken Ambedkar,
Shortly after signing the pact, Ambedkar said Gandhi’s   irreverent   adversary,   to   recover  
he  had  been  “surprised,  immensely  surprised”   from   Gandhi’s   “pressure?”   Seven   days?  
to   find   “so   much   in   common”   between   Seven months? The words that Roy quotes,
Gandhi  and  himself.  “If  you  devoted  yourself   while suppressing their date, were actually
entirely to the welfare of the Depressed written in the summer of 1945—13 years
Classes,”   Ambedkar   said   to   Gandhi,   “you   after the fast and the pact—in an impassioned
would  become  our  hero”  (Pyarelal  1932:  59). tract that Ambedkar titled What Congress and
Gandhi Have Done to the Untouchables.
Gandhi’s   close   British   friend,   Andrews—the
one   who   called   Gandhi   “Mohan”   and   was   In  this  fiery  text,  Ambedkar  attacks  Gandhi’s  
called   “Charlie”   by   Gandhi—tendered the fast, and the working out of the Poona Pact,
same advice. Recalling that Gandhi had but—let us clearly mark—not the terms of
“again   and   again”   said   that   with   that pact.
untouchability,   Indians   were   “not   fit”   for  

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In places in his 1945 text, Ambedkar, in fact, am all that is bad and corrupt on this earth.
claims that the Poona Pact was a victory for But the storm will subside ... It is the death
him.   Thus   he   writes,   “When   the   fast   failed   dance of the moth round a lamp (CW 53:
and Mr Gandhi was obliged to sign a pact— 309–10).
called the Poona Pact—which conceded the
political demands of the Untouchables, he No   wonder   (as   “The   Doctor   and   the   Saint”  
took his revenge by letting the Congress would not acknowledge), some sanatanists
employ foul electioneering tactics to make tried to kill Gandhi in 1934—there were
their   political   rights   of   no   avail”   (Ambedkar   attempts on his life in Jasidih in Bihar and in
1945: 259). Pune.

Roy   says   that   Ambedkar   “didn’t   stand   a   ‘Caste  Has  To  Go’
chance”   (p   126)   when   facing   a   fasting  
Gandhi.  A  few  pages  later,  she  speaks  of  “the   Ambedkar was the clear victor over Gandhi in
debacle   of   the   Poona   Pact”   (p   137).   Yet   their 1936 argument over caste, varna, and
Ambedkar not only refrained, in his hereditary occupations—an argument
tempestuous 1945 text, from criticising the triggered  by  the  former’s  lecture  of  that  
pact’s  terms,  he  also  did  not—then or later— year, Annihilation of Caste.
try, as far as I can figure out, to have that pact
annulled or replaced. Far from seeing the pact Some months before their 1936 argument,
as   a   “debacle,”   he   seemed   to   view   it   as   a   Gandhi had publicly given up defending
compromise that benefited everyone, caste.  “Caste  Has  To  Go”  was  his  heading  to  
including Dalits. a 16 November 1935 article in Harijan in
which   he   wrote,   “The   sooner   public   opinion  
Only two years after writing his 1945 text, he abolishes   [caste],   the   better”   (CW   62: 121–
would begin the process of steering the 22). Before 1935, Gandhi had at times
passage of a Constitution that incorporated claimed  that  “an  ideal”  form  of  caste  could  be  
the   pact,   which   from   today’s   perspective   justified,  while  nearly  always  adding  that  “the  
stands out as a statesmanlike settlement. ideal”   never   existed   in   practice, and always
insisting that any notion of superiority and
As   for   Gandhi’s   1932   fast,   Ambedkar   inferiority was utterly wrong. This seeming
acknowledged in his 1945 text—even if Roy “defence”   of   caste   was   Gandhi’s   way   of  
does not—that conservative Hindus too saw it sugar-coating the bitter pill he was asking
as pressure on them and resented the pact it caste Hindus to swallow.
produced.   While   observing   that   “the  
Untouchables   were   sad”   because   of   the   In his 1936 debate with Ambedkar, Gandhi
concessions he had made, Ambedkar added, reiterated his rejection of caste, said that it
“The   caste   Hindus   very   definitely   disliked   was   “harmful   both   to   spiritual   and   national
[the pact], although they had not the courage growth,”   and   did   what   he   had   thus   far  
to  reject  it”  (1945:  90–91). hesitated to do—he publicly affirmed his
acceptance of inter-dining and inter-marriage
However, Gandhi felt that orthodoxy was (Ambedkar 2014: 326). However, he claimed
losing ground. To Nehru, he wrote (15 that   “varna”   was   different   from   caste,   and  
February 1933), tried to justify varna by saying that the
hereditary occupations for which he claimed
The fight against sanatanists is becoming varna stood could ensure harmony and thrift.
more and more interesting if also He added, however, that restoring a pure
increasingly difficult ... The abuses they are varna  system  was  like  “an  ant  trying  to  lift  a  
hurling at me are wonderfully refreshing. I bag   of   sugar”   or   “Dame   Parkington   pushing  

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back  the  Atlantic  with  a  mop.”  He  was  saying in jobs, wells, public conveniences, roads,
that the varna system was impossible. This schools and colleges an offence. As a result of
seeming  “defence”  of  varna  was  neither  easy   another law that protected temple officials
to comprehend nor convincing, and willing to open doors, Dalits entered several
Ambedkar easily picked holes in it. of  the  South’s  great  temples  for  the  first  time.

That is how we would judge the debate today. What was the context for the fierce language
In 1936, what many took from Annihilation of of   Ambedkar’s   1945   text, which he wrote in
Caste was   Ambedkar’s   categorical   statement   New Delhi in his official residence on
to all Hindus—“I  am  sorry,  I  will  not  be  with   Prithviraj Road? At this time, he was a
you   …   I   am   go[ing]   out   of   the   fold”   (2014:   member   of   the   viceroy’s   executive   council.  
317). What they also took from the 1936 The war was about to end. After three years
debate   was   Gandhi’s   defence   of   Hinduism   of detention for Quit India, which had stirred
and his regret that Ambedkar had much of India, the Congress leadership was
“transferred”   to   Hinduism   the   “disgust”   he   about to be released. The British were on the
justifiably   felt   against   “a   part   of   its   verge of proposing a new political scheme for
professors”  (Ambedkar  2014:  322). India, and new elections were imminent
across the country.
Eight  years  after  Gandhi’s  death,  Nehru  
would tell European journalist Tibor Mende, The brilliant thinker and member (minister in
effect) writing the 1945 tract was also
I  asked  [Gandhi]  repeatedly:  why  don’t  you   someone who wished to influence any new
hit out at the caste system directly? He said, British scheme. In addition, he was a political
‘I  am  undermining  it  completely  by  tackling   leader unable to forget the results of the 1937
untouchability.’...  [Gandhi’s]  genius  lay  in   elections, which—because the war had
finding the weakest point of the enemy, the intervened—were the last to have taken place.
breaking of his front (quoted in Mende 1958). He hoped to do better in 1945–46. Through
this 1945 tract, an Ambedkar still vexed by
Realising that he would unite pro-orthodox the 1937 results presented his case to
ranks if he started with an attack on caste, Britain’s   leaders   and   simultaneously   to  
Gandhi chose to zero in on an evil none could India’s  voters.
However, the election of 1945–46 confirmed
Joint Electorates that the INC attracted the bulk of the Indian
electorate, including a good deal of Dalit
In   the   election   of   1937,   the   bulk   of   India’s   support. Obtaining caste Hindu as well as
Hindus, including a great many Dalits— Dalit votes, the INC won an even larger
called Harijans at that time by Gandhi and proportion of Dalit seats than it had in 1937.
many Indians, including Dalits—voted for
Gandhi’s   Congress   rather   than   for   Many Dalit candidates understandably
Ambedkar’s   party.   As   Roy   does   not   resented that non-Dalit voters could cause
acknowledge, a Dalit minister was part of their defeat. Unfortunately, this happened to
almost every provincial cabinet formed by the Ambedkar himself in the 1952 general
Congress in 1937. By December 1939, when elections, after he had resigned from the
the Congress quit office (because the war in cabinet   in   disappointment   at   the   Congress’s  
Europe from September 1939 had sharpened slowness in passing the Hindu Code Bill, and
the empire–Congress divide), these ministries again in 1954, when he contested a by-
had accomplished a few things for Dalit election. In a joint electorate, good people of
rights. In Madras Presidency, for instance, a all jaatis, including the Dalits, would at times
1938 law made discrimination against Dalits
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be defeated by votes from outside their jaati, for any wedding unless one of the parties was
and at other times be elected because of a  Harijan”  (CW  87:  350).
“outsider”  votes.
But Roy is not interested in any of this.
Founded   on   Ambedkar’s   legacy   by   Kanshi  
Ram, the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) has In June 1947—two months or so before
more   than   once   led   a   government   in   India’s   independence—Gandhi   proposed   that   “a  
largest state, Uttar Pradesh, thanks in part, Harijan like Chakrayya or a Harijan girl
some might say, to the Poona Pact and the should   be   made   the   nation’s   first   President  
joint electorate. That pact was hardly the folly and Jawaharlal should become the Prime
that Roy paints it to be, and it would be Minister...Similar arrangements [can be]
difficult to make a case that the India of 2015, made  in  the  provinces  too”2 (CW 95: 217). A
or the Dalits and Adivasis of 2015, would be purely symbolic suggestion? Perhaps.
better off with separate Dalit and Adivasi However, the symbol would have been
electorates. powerful. It was one of the several
suggestions made by Gandhi that Nehru,
Powerful Symbol Patel, Rajendra Prasad, Rajagoplachari and
other INC leaders successfully resisted in the
As independence seemed closer, Gandhi freed last  year  of  their  “master’s”  life.
his   radical   side   for   tackling   India’s   society.  
On 1 August 1946, a year or so before On 14 June 1947, by when partition had been
independence,   he   wrote   to   Patel,   “Who   are   accepted and independence was only two
the people who beat up Harijans, murder months away, Gandhi asked the Congress to
them, prevent them from using wells, drive frontally address untouchability and caste
them out of schools and refuse them entry injustice and also the question of the
into their homes? They are Congressmen. Adivasis.
Aren’t   they?   It   is   very   necessary   to   have   a  
clear  picture  of  this”  (CW  85:  102). And what   about   the   ‘untouchables’?   ...If   you  
say   that   ‘untouchables’   are   nothing,   the  
Three months after writing this letter, Gandhi Adivasis are nothing, then you are not going
found himself in Noakhali in eastern Bengal, to survive yourselves. But if you do away with
where communal violence had flared up. In the distinction of savarna and avarna, if you
January and February 1947, he and a handful treat  the  shudras,  the  ‘untouchables’  and  the  
of companions, walking from village to Adivasis as equals then something good will
village, slept overnight in 47 East Bengali have come out of a bad thing [partition] (CW
homes, where their hosts, many of them 95: 286–87).
Dalits, included washermen, fishermen,
cobblers, and weavers. In Noakhali, Gandhi The battle for swaraj having been won, the
told caste Hindu women that if they continued Congress had no excuse now, Gandhi was
to disown the untouchables, more sorrow saying, to delay the battle for social justice.
would be in store. The women of the village
of Chandipur were given radical advice, None of this is of any consequence to Roy,
“Invite  a  Harijan  every  day  to  dine  with  you.   according   to   whom,   “There   was   never   much  
Or at least ask the Harijan to touch the food daylight   between   Gandhi’s   views   on   caste  
or the water before you consume it. Do and   those   of   the   Hindu   right.”   She   adds,  
penance  for   your  sins”  (Tendulkar  1951:  Vol   “From   a   Dalit   point   of   view,   Gandhi’s  
7: 350; CW 93: 229). On 24 April 1947, he assassination could appear to be more a
said  in  Patna  that  for  some  time  he  had  “made   fratricidal killing than an assassination by an
it a rule not to be present or give his blessings ideological  opponent”  (p  128).

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For herself, Roy acknowledges an ideological and an elected Constituent Assembly, where a
clash between Gandhi and the Hindu right. large majority were caste Hindus, welcomed
Thus,   she   writes,   “The   message   of   tolerance   and adopted such a Constitution.
and inclusiveness between Hindus and
Muslims   continues   to   be   Gandhi’s   real, When,   two   months   after   Gandhi’s   death,  
lasting and most important contribution to the Ambedkar married Sharada Kabir, a Brahmin
idea   of   India”   (p   82).   The   implication   seems   doctor,4 Patel   wrote   to   him,   “I   am   sure   if  
to be that while she can understand the Bapu were alive he would have given you his
ideological confrontation, Dalits cannot. blessings.”   Ambedkar   replied,   “I   agree   that  
Bapu, if he had been alive, would have
Consequential Partnership blessed  it”  (Das  1971,  Vol  6:  302).

There was one Gandhi proposal, initiated in This sort of exchange would make no impact
December 1946, which Nehru and Patel did on Roy. In her stern and pessimistic view, the
accept (Gore 1993: 180–81; Ramachandran Constitution that resulted from the
1964: 179).3 Dalit literature has recorded Ambedkar–Gandhi rapprochement and from
Gandhi’s   crucial   role   in   the   remarkable   discussions in the Constituent Assembly
invitation extended by Nehru and Patel to “reflected   the   views   of   its   privileged-caste
Ambedkar   to   join   free   India’s   first   cabinet   members   more   than   Ambedkar’s”   (p   138).  
(Gore 1993: 180–81; Shastri 1991: 32–33), She also seems unhappy that many Ambedkar
but Roy throws a thick blanket over it. After statues in the country show him holding the
providing   scores   of   pages   of   Ambedkar’s   Constitution in his hand. She would rather
sharp criticism of Gandhi and the INC from have him hold Annihilation of Caste (p 44).
1933 to 1947, she merely says,
Nothing wrong with that wish. Yet, for Roy
In a gesture of goodwill, and perhaps because to suppress the partnership formed in 1947
there was no one as equal to the task as he between Gandhi, Ambedkar, Nehru, and Patel
was, the Congress appointed Ambedkar to the only strengthens our scepticism over her text.
Constituent Assembly. In August 1947,
Ambedkar   was   appointed   India’s   first   Law   Roy quotes a characteristic Gandhi statement,
Minister and Chairman of the Drafting made in 1931.
Committee for the Constitution (p 138).
It has been said that Indian swaraj will be the
That is it. Offering no comment on the rule of the majority community, that is, the
statesmanship behind the invitation and Hindus. There could not be a greater mistake
behind its acceptance, she effectively ... If it were to be true, I for one would refuse
suppresses a remarkable coming together of to call it swaraj and fight it with all the
bitter   adversaries,   resulting   in   Gandhi’s   strength at my command, for to me Hind
partnership with Ambedkar in the final phase Swaraj is the rule of all the people, of justice.
of his life.
But, adds Roy,
Everyone knows of the amazing results of
Ambedkar’s   induction   into   Constitution- For  Ambedkar,  ‘the  people’  was  not  a  
making. A brilliant and passionate human homogeneous category (p 45).
being, who happened also to be an Indian and
a Dalit, piloted a Constitution assuring equal Nor was it for Gandhi. Both understood the
rights to all in a society that for centuries had inevitability of struggle between different
called people like him inferior and sections of a diverse and at times sharply
untouchable and had treated them harshly, separated people—between classes or castes
of Indians, between groups formed by
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language, religion, sect, or party. Both agreed, suicide. The barricade life has always to be
however, that struggle had to be peaceful— followed by the constitutional. That front is
resolute, fearless and passionate, yes, but not not taboo forever (CW 83: 182–83).
violent, for killing usually damaged a
struggle’s   goal.   For   Ambedkar,   and   also   for   My suspicion is that Roy loves the life of the
Gandhi, Dalit solidarity, Dalit education, and verbal barricade. She loves justice, no doubt,
the Dalit vote were weapons far superior to and can vividly describe the torments of the
the lathi or the gun; when used by a vulnerable. But she does not like settlements.
vulnerable Dalit, the latter only played into She wants barricade battles to be unending. I
the hands of a better-armed enemy. Both suggest this because I still search for a
realised that the culmination of a struggle for positive  purpose  for  her   writing  “The  Doctor  
justice was usually negotiation and a and  the  Saint.”  It  is by no means clear that she
settlement rather than surrender by the foe is pushing for India to substitute Ambedkar
and  complete  triumph  for  one’s  side.  Despite   for   Gandhi   as   India’s   “chief   hero,”   even   if,  
harsh experiences, both knew that the for a moment, we imagine that there can be
adversary in a struggle, the Other, was a such   a   thing.   Here   and   there   in   “The   Doctor  
human being too, and that justice seldom and  the  Saint”  she   appears  to   notice  flaws  in  
endured without reconciliation. Ambedkar—his attitude to Adivasis, for
instance. She criticises the Indian left for
The Poona Pact of 1932 and, 15 years later, ignoring caste, but also regrets that Ambedkar
the Gandhi–Ambedkar partnership at did not nurture a steady alliance with the left.
independence, represented victories for
India’s   society   and   polity,   and   also   for   the   She is free to do that. Yet, it is only fair to ask
two individuals concerned. Their agreements Roy,  “Who  is  your  inspiration, your star, your
with each other may only have been hope? Who is it that you want Indians
occasional, their arguments more frequent. unhappy with their land and world to follow
But the agreements were hugely or  accompany?”
consequential for India and even beyond.
If it is Ambedkar, why does not she say so? If
Roy and the Verbal Barricade it is someone else, let Roy name her or him,
or more than one person. Or she can name a
In February 1946, when Indian ratings of the philosophy, an idea, an approach. Or a
Royal Indian Navy mutinied unsuccessfully political party. She can take something from
in Bombay (not a single Indian officer the two fascinating subjects of her text, who
supported them), Aruna Asaf Ali, whose knew what they opposed, but also what they
support the ratings had sought, was involved wanted.
in an interesting debate with Gandhi. A hero
of the 1942 struggle, Ali was, like many If Roy knows what she wants for India, she
others, concerned in 1946 about the Hindu– should drop hints for a path to the future
Muslim divide. Encouraged that the while she hops and skips on what she claims
mutineers’   ranks   included   Hindus as well as is historical ground. Scattering dubious
Muslims,   she   said   she   would   “rather   unite   “findings”   of   failings   in   founding   fathers   is  
Hindus and Muslims at the barricade than on simply not good enough.
the   constitutional   front.”   Replied   Gandhi   (26  
February 1946), Notes

Even in terms of violence, this is a misleading 1. See  “Constitutional  Topic:  Slavery,”  US  
proposition ... Fighters do not always live at Constitution,
the barricade. They are too wise to commit onsttop_slav.html

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2. Chakrayya was an Andhra Dalit who had R Nanda (ed), New Delhi: Indian Council for
greatly impressed Gandhi in his Sevagram Cultural Relations.
Mende, Tibor (1958): Conversations with
3. Particularly,  see  Gore’s  quotation  from  C B Nehru, Bombay: Wilco.
Khairmode’s  biography  of  Ambedkar.  
According to G Ramachandran, apparently Moon, Penderel (ed) (1973): Wavell: The
Gandhi  insisted  on  Ambedkar’s  inclusion  as   Viceroy’s  Journal, London: Oxford
an  essential  part  of  the  “atonement”  due  to   University Press.
India’s  “untouchables.”
Parikh, Narhari (1971): Sardar Vallabhbhai
4  Ambedkar’s  first  wife,  Ramabai,  died  in   Patel, 2 Vols, Ahmedabad: Navajivan.
Patel, Ravjibhai (1989): The Making of the
References Mahatma, Ahmedabad.

Ambedkar, B R (1945): What Congress and Pyarelal (1932): Epic Fast, Ahmedabad:
Gandhi Have Done to the Navajivan.
Untouchables, Bombay: Thackers.
Ramachandran, G (1964): Thoughts and
— (2014): Annihilation of Caste, New Delhi: Talks, Madurai.
Reddy, E S (1995): Gandhiji: Vision of a
Birla, G D (nd): A Talk on Bapu, Kolkata. Free South Africa, New Delhi: Sanchar.

Das, Durga (ed) (1971): Sardar  Patel’s   Roy,  Arundhati  (2014a):  “Arundhati  Roy  
Correspondence, 10 Vols, Ahmedabad: Replies  to  Dalit  Camera,”  Round  Table  
Navajivan. India,
Gandhi, M K (nd): Collected Works of rundhati-roy-replies-to-dalit-
Mahatma Gandhi, 100 Vols, New Delhi: camera&catid=119& Itemid=132
Publications Division.
— (2014b):  “The  Doctor  and  the  Saint”  in  B  
Gandhi, Rajmohan (1995): The Good R Ambedkar, Annihilation of Caste: The
Boatman, New Delhi: Penguin. Annotated Critical Edition, New Delhi:
— (2006): Mohandas, New Delhi: Viking.
Shastri, Roshanlal (1991): Babasaheb Dr
Gore, M S (1993): The Social Context of an Ambedkar Ke Sampark Me 25 Varsh, 3rd
Ideology:  Ambedkar’s  Political  and  Social   edition, New Delhi: Buddhist Society of
Thought, New Delhi: Sage. India.

Gracie, David M (1989): Gandhi and Swan, Maureen (1985): Gandhi: The South
Charlie, Cambridge, Mass: Cowley. African Experience, Johannesburg: Ravan.

Jack, Homer (1956): The Gandhi Tendulkar, D G (1951): Mahatma, 8 vols,

Reader, New York: Grove Press. Mumbai.

Mandela,  Nelson  (1995):  “Gandhi  the   Yagnik, Indulal (1943): Gandhi As I Knew
Prisoner”  in Mahatma Gandhi: 125 Years, B Him, Delhi: Danish Mahal.

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13. They were rivals, but with the same mission
Ramachandra Guha

I wrote in my last column about how the He made two main charges against
politics of today has set Nehru and Patel up as Ambedkar: first, that he sided with the British
rivals, even enemies, although they worked rather than with the nationalists (he was in the
shoulder-to-shoulder in the first, formative, viceroy’s  executive  council  at  the  time  of  the  
years of independent India. This column is Quit India movement); and second, that he
about another pair of great Indians, Gandhi used polemical and occasionally abusive
and Ambedkar. It asks the question — were language against Gandhi.
their visions conflicting or complementary?
Two decades later, Arun Shourie has found
Unlike Patel and Nehru, who were lifelong his left-wing counterpart in Arundhati Roy,
colleagues in the Congress, Gandhi and who, in a book-length essay, has dismissed
Ambedkar were never in the same party. Gandhi as a false Mahatma. She claims that
When, in the mid 1920s, Ambedkar returned Gandhi was a conservative defender of the
from his studies abroad, Gandhi had already caste   system   who   changed   his   views   ‘at   a  
assumed control of the Congress-led freedom glacial  pace’.
struggle. There was a massive halo around
him.   He   was   the   ‘Mahatma’   everyone   Both Arun Shourie and Arundhati Roy see
deferred to. But, as the late DR Nagaraj once history in black and white, in terms of heroes
wrote, Ambedkar was too proud a man to and villains. A historian, however, must be
play the role of Hanuman or Sugreeva to attentive to nuance, to the shades of gray. So,
Gandhi’s   Ram.   So   he   charted   his   own   contra Shourie, one must ask, why did
political trajectory, independent of, and Ambedkar side with the British?
opposed to, Gandhi and the Congress party.
This was because the Congress was
Through the 1930s and 1940s, Ambedkar dominated by Brahmins, who had of course
fiercely criticised Gandhi. He thought the oppressed Dalits in the past, and might do so
Gandhian   approach   to   ‘Harijan   uplift’   again if they came to power in independent
patronising and condescending. Gandhi India. For the same reason, other great low-
wanted to purify Hinduism by removing the caste reformers such as Jotiba Phule and
taint of untouchability. Ambedkar, on the Mangu Ram (the leader of the Adi-Dharm
other hand, rejected Hinduism altogether. He movement in the Punjab) also thought the Raj
thought the Dalits must convert to another a lesser evil as compared to the Congress.
faith if they wished to become equal citizens.
As for Roy, it is only by selectively quoting
Ambedkar and Gandhi were certainly Gandhi out of context that she can paint him
political adversaries in their lifetime. Now, as a slow-moving reactionary. As careful
six decades after their deaths, must we still scholars such as Denis Dalton, Mark Lindley,
see them as such? The ideologues of the left and Anil Nauriya have demonstrated, Gandhi
and right do. In 1996, Arun Shourie wrote a steadily became more direct in his critique of
long   book   dismissing   Ambedkar   as   a   ‘false   caste. To begin with, he attacked
god’.   untouchability alone, while leaving the other
rules of caste intact. Then, through his
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temple-entry movement, he began advocating For those who seek a subtle and scholarly
inter-mingling and inter-dining as well. assessment of the Gandhi-Ambedkar
Finally, he insisted that the only marriage he relationship, the book to read is  DR  Nagaraj’s  
would solemnise in his ashram was one The   Flaming   Feet.   Nagaraj   writes   that   “from  
between a Dalit and a Suvarna, thus calling the viewpoint of the present, there is a
into question the very basis of the caste compelling necessity to achieve a synthesis of
system itself. the   two”.   This   is   absolutely   correct.   For,  
social reform takes place only when there is
Gandhi’s   campaign   to   abolish   untouchability   pressure from above and from below. Slavery
may seem timid to the Leftists of today, but it would not have been abolished had not guilt-
was regarded as extremely daring at the time. ridden whites like Abraham Lincoln
It struck at the very core of Hindu orthodoxy. responded to the critiques of the likes of
Frederick Douglass. Civil rights would not
The Sankaracharyas were enraged that a mere have been encoded into law had Lyndon
Bania who knew little Sanskrit dare challenge Johnson not recognised the moral power of
scriptural injunctions that mandated Martin Luther King and his movement.
untouchability. In a petition to the colonial
authorities, they demanded that Gandhi be Although they were rivals in their life-time,
ostracised from the Hindu fold. During from the vantage-point of history one can
Gandhi’s  anti-untouchability tour of 1933-34, clearly see that Gandhi and Ambedkar played
Hindu Mahasabha activists showed him black complementary roles in the undermining of
flags, threw faces at him, and in Pune in June an obnoxious social institution.
1934 even attempted to assassinate him.
For no upper caste Hindu did as much to
Gandhi’s  campaign  was  unpopular  within  his   challenge untouchability as Gandhi. And
own party. Nehru, Bose, Patel and company Ambedkar was of course the greatest leader to
believed the Mahatma should have set social emerge from within the ranks of the Dalits.
reform aside and focused exclusively on the Although the practice of untouchability has
winning of swaraj. been abolished by law, discrimination against
Dalits still continues in many parts of India.
Remarkably, despite their disagreements, To end it fully, one must draw upon the
Gandhi persuaded Nehru and Patel to make legacy of both Ambedkar and Gandhi.
Ambedkar a member of the first Cabinet of
independent India. Gandhi told them that Ramachandra  Guha’s  most  recent  book  is  
freedom had come not to the Congress, but to Gandhi Before India
the nation. The first Cabinet, he said, must You can follow him on Twitter at
draw upon the finest talent regardless of party @Ram_Guha
affiliation. That is how Ambedkar became The views expressed by the author are
law minister. personal


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14. Sea of Lies
Arundhati Roy begins  her  Mahatma  Ayyankali  lecture  saying,  “Forgive  me  if  I  disturb  the  comfort  level  
here   because   that   is   what   I   do.”   And   she   does   disturb   the   comfort   zone   of   a   false   Mahatma while
making a case for a true one.

What did Arundhati Roy say in her Ayyankali 2014. In the well-attended Kerala University
Memorial lecture delivered in Kerala public   lecture,   after   outlining   Ayyankali’s  
University, Trivandrum, on 17 July 2014? radicalism,   she   said:   “Enough   of   the   old  
Major newspapers including the Times of bigoted people who have been sold to us on a
India and The Guardian reported the event. sea  of  lies.”  She  asked  people  to  question  the  
Reading/ viewing the full lecture here, readers “political   conspiracy”   that   kept   a   person   of  
can judge for themselves the accuracy of the Ayyankali’s   stature   “away   from   the   popular  
reporting. While some protesters (who may imagination”.   After   detailing   Gandhi’s   views  
not have read Annihilation of Caste) of on   Blacks   and   “bhangis”   (Dalits),   she  
planned   to   send   copies   of   Gandhi’s   cautioned against celebrating wrong heroes
autobiography to Roy, the Speaker of the and  said:  “So,  my  question  is,  do  we  need  to  
Kerala Assembly, G. Karthikeyan, wrote name our universities after a person like
in Malayalam Manorama saying  Roy’s  views   Gandhi or do we need to name our
on  M.K.  Gandhi  must  “hurt  anyone  who  was   universities  after  someone  like  Ayyankali?”
born   in   India”.   We   think   many of   Gandhi’s  
views should hurt a lot of people— For the record, this is the full transcript of
irrespective of where they are born. the lecture (the video misses the first
few minutes).   It’s   indeed time we decided
Much of what Arundhati Roy said in her whom we celebrated as heroes.
lecture  has   been  elaborated  at   length   in   “The  
Doctor  and  the  Saint”  (excerpted  in Caravan), “My  comrades  on  the  dais  and  friends,  I’m  a  
her exhaustive introduction to the annotated little  nervous  because  I  wasn’t  expecting  that  
edition   of   Dr   B.R.   Ambedkar’s Annihilation I would have to speak to such a large
of Caste published by Navayana in March audience. I told Dr Suresh [Jnaneswaran
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Director, Mahatma Ayyankali Chair] when I because we can forget about being like China
was   coming   that   I’m   just   going   to   come   and   or being like America as long as we have this
make a few informal remarks. I thought there disease in our souls.
will be hundred people. Thank you so much
for   coming.   I’m   going   to   try   and…   please   While  I’m  talking  about  changing  our  heroes,  
forgive me if I disturb the comfort level here I just want to read you something. In 1904,
because that is what I do. First of  all  I’m  here   when here in Kerala there was a movement
not as an academic or a scholar but as a led by Ayyankali that was fighting for the
storyteller. We all know that every society rights of Dalits to be educated, the Father of
needs heroes, and in India we are not short of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi was in South
heroes except that I think the ones we Africa. What is the legend of Mahatma
celebrate are mostly the wrong ones. When Gandhi in South Africa? That he fought caste,
we look at the life of someone like Mahatma that he  fought  race  in  South  Africa…  when  he  
Ayyankali   …   as   a   novelist,   as   a   person   who   came back from South Africa in 1913, he was
has written screenplays, I wonder how is it already being called a Mahatma. Let me tell
possible that we do not have a really amazing you that the story of Mahatma Gandhi that we
mainstream film about a man who is a hero. are taught in school and that we are made to
He  doesn’t  need  a  scriptwriter.  You  know  he   believe  is  a  lie  and  it’s  time  we  faced up to it.
doesn’t   need   us   to add things or exaggerate It is time we unveiled some real truths here
things about him. He had everything that because we cannot be basing our ideas of
should make us so proud as a people, as a ourselves as a nation on a lie. So, while
country and yet so little is known about him Mahatma Ayyankali was fighting for
outside of Kerala and even inside Kerala education of Dalit children here, Gandhi was
among the elites so little is known about a in South Africa and I want to read to you
person who as many speakers have said, even what he said about Dalit peoples in South
before the Russian revolution—many years Africa. In South Africa at that time there were
before the Russian revolution—had organized two kinds of Indians. One were the Passenger
peasants against landlords and successfully. Indians who went there to do business, and
Ambedkar at the Round Table Conference, the other was indentured labour who mostly
the First Round Table Conference [in 1930], came from subordinated classes and caste and
was trying to make a legislation about social here is what Gandhi said about the bonded
boycotts  in  rural  areas…  but  years  before  that   labour.
Ayyankali was fighting it on the ground.
What a story! And what a political conspiracy “Whether  they  are  Hindus  or  Mahommedans,  
it is to keep this person, this absolutely they are absolutely without any moral or
amazing man, away from the popular religious instruction worthy of the name.
imagination. I did say that sometimes we They have not learned enough to educate
celebrate the wrong heroes. In 1904 he themselves without any outside help. Placed
(Ayyankali) started a movement to ask that thus, they are apt to yield to the slightest
his people, the Pulaya people, Pulaya temptation to tell a lie. After some time, lying
children, be admitted to schools. We come with them becomes a habit and a disease.
from a nation that suffers a great ill health. They would lie without any reason, without
The caste system is…  it’s  not   just  that  it  has   any  proper…  prospect  of  bettering  themselves  
oppressed Dalits or oppressed, the lower caste materially, indeed, without knowing what
as they call them, the subordinated castes— they are doing. They reach a stage in life
but it has made the dominant classes a sick when their moral faculties have completely
people.   So   it’s   not   just   an   act   of   charity   for   collapsed  owing  to  neglect.” (CWMG 1,200)
people  to  think  of  the  annihilation  of  caste…  
it is for everyone, for our society as a whole,
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Now this goes on, this same tone is used we need to name our universities after
about   black   African   people…   when   Gandhi   someone like Ayyankali?
was in jail he talks about Africans in the most
horrible way. Here is a passage written by At some point we have to stop being
Gandhi about [sharing] jails with Kaffirs, dishonest, at some point we have to face up to
black people. centuries of lies we have been told and lies
we have  told  ourselves.  There  is  nothing  I’m  
“We  were  all  prepared  for  hardships,  but  not   saying here that is not straight from the
quite for this experience. We could horse’s   mouth.   Everything   I’m   saying   is  
understand not being classed with the whites, quoted from the writings of Gandhi himself.
but to be placed on the same level with the I’m   not   making   any   judgments.   In   1936,  
natives seemed to be too much to put up with. when perhaps one of the most famous
I then felt that Indians had not launched our revolutionary texts, Annihilation of
passive resistance too soon. Here was further Caste, was written by Dr Ambedkar, one of
proof that the obnoxious law was meant to the most brilliant intellectual, erudite, texts
emasculate   Indians…   Apart   from   whether or full of rage against a system that still exists
not   this   implies   degradation,   I   must   say   it’s   today…   that   same   year,   in   1936,   Gandhi  
rather dangerous. Kaffirs as a rule are wrote an essay called The Ideal Bhangi…  
uncivilized, the convicts even more so. They bhangi, as you know in the North is a
are troublesome, and dirty and live like scavenger…
animals. Then he goes on to call them “He  should  know  how  a  right  kind  of  latrine  
savages…  and  I  have  resolved  in  my  mind on is constructed and the correct way of cleaning
an agitation to ensure that Indian prisoners it. He should know how to overcome and
are not lodged with kaffirs or others. We destroy the odour of excreta and the various
cannot ignore the fact that there is no disinfectants to render them innocuous. He
common ground between them and us and should likewise know the process of
whoever wants to sleep in the same room as converting urine and night soil into manure.
them have ulterior motives for doing so.”   But that is not all. My ideal Bhangi would
(CWMG 9, 256-7) know the quality of night-soil and urine. He
would keep a close watch on these and give a
I   have   followed   Gandhi’s   writings   in   South   timely warning to the individual
Africa. I started out with looking at the concerned.” (Harijan, Nov 1936)
debates between Gandhi and Ambedkar and
went back looking at his attitudes on caste Many   years   later,   today’s   Prime   Minister  
and further back at his attitude on race. His Modi wrote a text too, which was
doctrine of nonviolence was based on an called Karmayogi,and here is what he says.
acceptance of the most brutal social hierarchy He is also talking about bhangis, the Balmiki
the  world  has  ever  known,  the  caste  system…   community…
what does it mean? What does it say to us? A “I  do  not  believe  that  they  are  doing  this  job  
person who believed that the hereditary to sustain their livelihood. Had this been so,
occupation of people who belonged to they would not have continued with this type
whichever caste they belonged to should be of job generation after generation. At some
maintained.   So   I   ask   you   …   a   person   who   point of time, somebody must have got the
believed that a scavenger should remain a enlightenment that it is their (the   Balmikis’)  
scavenger  all  their  lives  …  I  will  read  to  you   duty to work for the happiness of the entire
an essay Mahatma Gandhi wrote called The society and the Gods and that they have to do
Ideal Bhangi, the ideal scavenger. So, my this job bestowed upon them by Gods and that
question is, do we need to name our this job of cleaning up should continue as an
universities after a person like Gandhi or do
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internal spiritual activity for who   said:   “Yes,   they   broke   the   temples   but  
centuries.” (Karmayogi, by Narendra Modi) thank God they broke the temples. They
invited us into their dining rooms to inter-
So this is what the powerful people in this dine and inter-marry.”   There   was   that   whole  
country   believe   and   our…   the   question   we   breaking of the caste system which people
have to ask ourselves is that is it all right to celebrated. So even our contemporary debates
go on naming roads and universities and become  so  weak  when  you  don’t  put  justice  at  
bazaars and statues and programmes after the core of things.
them or is it time for us to be a little more
honest. When Dr Jnaneswaran introduced me, he
said:   “She   has   always   stood   with   the  
I just want to end with a small assessment of marginalized.”   I   actually   have   a   different  
caste today. Today we have a government view  of  myself.  I  think  that  it’s  an  awful  thing  
that is proud to proclaim itself as a when people introduce me as a writer who is
government of the Hindu Rashtra. It is proud the   “voice   of   the   voiceless”.   I   don’t   believe  
to say that we are a Hindu nation. How did there is anything like the voiceless. There is
this idea of Hindutava first begin? Early on in only the deliberately silenced. Nobody is
the 17th century and earlier, the subordinated voiceless.  I  don’t  claim  to  represent  anybody  
castes, Dalits, were converting to Christianity but myself. I think what we need to ask
and to Islam in the millions. There was no ourselves is: what kind of people are we? Are
problem. Nobody minded that. But at the turn we the people who place justice at the center
of the century when the idea of an empire of our society or are we a people who enjoy
began to be replaced by the idea of a nation- the idea of institutionalizing injustice? Are we
state, when it was not enough to ride a horse a people who are so sick that we actually
into   Delhi   and   say   now   I’m   the   emperor   of   believe  that  there  are  some  people  who  are…  
India…   the   politics   of   representation   began.   who   deserve   more   entitlement   than   others…  
There began a huge anxiety about numbers. because if we are that kind of people we are a
You   know   at   that   point   the   “upper”   caste   very, very sick people. But once you put
Hindus decided, the privileged caste let me justice at the core of how you think than the
say, decided that it would be terrible if the 40 stories you tell are different.
million   Dalits   continued   to   convert.   That’s  
when the whole upper caste reformist Today people talk a lot about how this new
movement started, of which Gandhi was a economy has broken the caste system and that
legatee. Before that Hindus never referred to there are a new set of networks and so on. I
themselves as Hindu; they used to refer want to end with a very brief description of
themselves as only their caste names. But how caste and this new corporate capitalism
then Hindu became not a religious but a are playing out. At the turn of the century, the
political identity. They started to talk about debate on caste was actually what created
the   Hindu   nation,   the   Hindu   race   and   that’s   Hindutva—the idea of trying to bring Dalits
how Hindutava started. Today you have the into the Hindu fold. Today we have a
secular liberals. The difference between them Hindutva government that has come to power
and the Hindutva brigade is about how Islam and   has   proved   that   it   doesn’t   need   the  
came   to   India.   The   seculars   say,   “You   are   Muslim   vote,   it   doesn’t   need   the   Dalit   vote,  
exaggerating. The fact that there was no such because it has the whole section of what is
vandalism.”  And  the  Hindutava  brigade  says,   rather known obscenely as OBC, Other
“No,   Islamists   came   and they broke all our Backward Castes, which has swung towards
temples  and  they  destroyed  our   culture.”   But   Hindutva. So what does all this mean to the
you have someone like Jotiba Phule, one of marginalized? In this nation of a billion
the earliest modern anticaste intellectuals, people, 800 millions live on less than 20
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rupees a day. We celebrate the Dandi March the Mother of Capitalism. And in the mean
where Gandhi mobilized millions of people— time, according to National Crime [Records]
however much we criticize him, we cannot Bureau, a crime is committed against a Dalit
deny that he was a great mobiliser. He by a non-Dalit every 16 minutes. Every day
mobilized millions of people against the more than four Dalit women are raped by
British salt tax. But we do not remember the upper caste. Every week 13 Dalits are
Mahad satyagraha where our own people murdered and six are kidnapped. In 2012
prevented our own people from drinking alone, the year of the Delhi gangrape which
water from public tank. That is the real was reported all over the world, 1,574 Dalit
satyagraha. But that was referred to as women were raped and only 10 percent of
duragraha. In the Mahad satyagraha rapes   are   reported   …   so   you   can   look   at   the  
Ambedkar fought for water, for the access to figures. In 1919, in what came to be known as
public water. In the salt satyagraha people the Red Summer in the US, 76 black
fought against the salt tax. Today we have a American men and women were lynched. In
corporation, the Tatas, who control the trade India in 2012, 651 Dalits were murdered and
of salt. We have the Gujarat model put before that’s   just   the   rape   and   butchering,   not   the  
us. In Gujarat studies show that 98 percent of stripping and parading naked, the forced shit-
its villages practice caste in egregious ways. eating, the seizing of land and the social
Dalits are not allowed near common water. boycotts…   As   Ambedkar   said,   “To  
They are given different glasses, they are untouchables Hindusim is a veritable chamber
murdered, you know, caste is practiced and of   horrors”,   and today we live in a country
this, our media says, is the great model for where since 1947, when we supposedly
development. became independent, there has not been a
single day when the Indian army has not been
If you look at fact that a hundred Indians own deployed  against  quote  and  unquote  “our  own  
more wealth than 25 percent of the GDP, now people.”  So  from  1947  whether  it’s  Kashmir,  
you   look   at   these   big   corporations…   Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Telengana,
Reliance,   Adani,   Mittal…   the   major   Punjab,   Goa…   every   day   of   the   year   the  
corporations, all of them are owned and run Indian army is fighting its own people. And
by Baniyas. Ambani, Mittal, Birla, Adani, who are these people? Think about it.
Shangvi,   Jindal,   Mittal   again…   all   the   top   Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Adivasis, Dalits.
corporations…   all   the   wealth   on   the   top   is   So   its   an   upper   caste   in   its   DNA…   an   upper  
controlled by Baniyas who own the caste Hindu state always at war with the
corporations. At the bottom of the social subordinated,   with   the   religious   minorities…  
ladder, whether it is the Maoists, the adivasis, so how are we going to change this? It has to
in the Dandakarnya forest who are be done in a hundred different ways. But it
surrounded   by   the   Baniya   traders…   or   the   has to be done with a change of who we think
people   in   the   North   East…   Baniyas,   who   our heroes are and our heroines are.
make up 2.7 percent of the population, Ayyankali, Pandita Ramabai, Savitribai
virtually controls the economy. Who owns the Phule, Jotirao Phule, these are the people our
newspapers? Times of India, Indian Express, people need to hear about. Enough of the old
Zee   TV…   now   Reliance   owns 27 news bigoted people who have been sold to us on a
channels…   even   the   media   is   owned   by   sea of lies. I think we need to change the
Baniyas and controlled by Brahmins. The names of our universities to begin with.
corporations are owned by Baniyas so Thank you.
Capitalism and Caste have merged to become
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15. Comments by Niloufer Bhagwat

Niloufer bhagwat

<> Jul 19 02:23PM +0530

This is because of continuous and Mahatma Gandhi it must never be

baseless propaganda among Dalits forgotten led one of the most
and their lack of knowledge of important National Liberation
important facts one of them being Movements against colonialism and
that Dr.Ambedkar's election to the imperialism in world history .It is in
Constituent Assembly (elections were that vital area that his contribution
indirect) was entirely due to Mahatma lies, though from the outset and as
Gandhi having requested the he evolved politically and traveled the
Congress Party to elect him as length and breadth of the country the
Gandhiji desired that he should have social and economic issues of which
a voice in the framing of India's he had developed an understanding in
Constitution. Dr. Ambedkar was not South Africa equally claimed his
in a position to be elected as he did attention.
not have the necessary support in
any of the regional legislatures. No individual who was cleaning
latrines at the ashram in South Africa
In their desire to venerate Dr. and threatened to leave his wife if she
Ambedkar many have overlooked that was not willing to do so as it was a
in fact on the issue of the eradication path to understanding the dignity of
of untouchability and emancipation of labour and the harsh lot of those
Dalits they were socially and castes/classes condemned to this kind
politically complementary, though of labour , can ever be called a
there is absolutely no doubt on that casteist.
score that Dr. Ambedkar's
contribution to the emancipation In the course of my professional legal
project was revolutionary and his work I came across many who
contribution to the Constitution of belonged to the RPI or were
India outstanding . In understanding themselves SC who were referring to
the social and economic realities of the Valmiki community some of
India he was ahead of the then whom were sweepers by caste as "
Communist party, though there Bhangis", when I stopped them from
political and mass struggles had a doing so aggrieved by the use of the
much wider base at that time across word, they said we are not using the
the country than Dr.Ambedkar word as a form of abuse, it is just
commanded that is why the left was that some communities of sweepers
the have been referred to by this term.
leading opposition in Parliament.
We have come a long way and there
is still a long way to go .......let us not
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deliberately slander and distort a man earlier relationship between them had
who first brought to the notice of not been politically cordial and full of
Indian society along with a valiant turbulence as Mahatma Gandhi 's
few who had a social and political paramount concern was
conscience of what Indian society had independence from colonial rule , till
done to a almost a quarter of its then he desired unity , whereas Dr.
population .You have to look at Ambedkar 's paramount concern was
Gujarat to see what is still happening emancipation as swiftly as possible.
and to other states and regions and
to Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Haryana, India in the last two decades has
UP and others as to what is seen a counter revolution politically,
happening. economically and socially under
successive governments of different
Politically we can criticize Mahatma political complexion as policies have
Gandhi for not going far enough and strengthened the feudal and upper
there was a reason, he did not desire caste/class and we are seeing the
to break the unity of the Freedom backlash.
Struggle as he considered Indian
Independence to be vital for India's Unfortunately those who have not
emancipation. In his act of securing made an in depth study of political
the presence of Dr.Ambedkar in the forces are getting away with half
Constituent Assembly he tried to baked statements on earlier
ensure that the emancipation project leadership.
would be furthered.
Caste has yet to be abolished in
On Mahatma Gandhi 's assassination India, that political, economic and
Dr. Ambedkar grieving said : " He social revolution has yet to be
was the closest to us ." There could accomplished.
not be a bigger tribute though the


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Section D
16. Time to reinterpret his contribution
Interview with Professor Bhalchandra Munkegar, Rajya Sabha member.


Professor Bhalchandra Mungekar.

AS various political parties and forums overt and loud celebrations for Ambedkar. As
compete  to  celebrate  B.R.  Ambedkar’s  125th   the founder president of the Dr Ambedkar
birth anniversary, Bhalchandra Mungekar, a Institute of Social and Economic Change,
development economist and Rajya Sabha Mungekar is among the leading
member, feels that all this does not do credit commentators   on   Ambedkar’s   social   and  
to   the   great   man’s   legacy.   A   former   member   political philosophy. Excerpts from an
of the Planning Commission and a former interview he gave Frontline:
Vice-Chancellor of Mumbai University,
Mungekar feels that there are contradictions Of late, there has been a lot of
in the ideological ethos of the present rediscovering and reinterpreting of
National  Democratic  Alliance  government’s   Ambedkar, with several political parties
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vying with one another to celebrate his He was not interested in worshipping at the
125th birth anniversary. What do you temple nor was he eager to drink the water of
make   of   all   this   in   terms   of   Ambedkar’s   the tank; he said that he was struggling to
legacy? establish basic human rights for every citizen
of his country. After 1932, when the famous
This country will have to rediscover and Poona Pact was signed between him and
reinterpret   Babasaheb   Ambedkar’s   whole   Gandhiji and when Dr Ambedkar was forced
mission of life. Unfortunately, Indian society to accept the joint electorate and reserved
has   not   understood   Dr   Ambedkar’s   immense   seats for untouchables in the Central and the
contribution to the making of the modern provincial legislatures, he took recourse to the
Indian nation. Until it understands or tries to movement and political strategy to secure the
interpret his mission in the context of political and economic rights of untouchables.
contemporary   India’s   various   problems— In 1935, when the Government of India Act
economic, social, political cultural, and so was passed and the first provincial elections
on—it will be difficult to solve any basic were to be held in 1937, Dr Ambedkar
problem.   Dr   Ambedkar’s   approach   to   the   established the Independent Labour Party
making of the Indian nation has to be [ILP]. While keeping the mission same, he
discussed and deliberated on three levels. changed the means and methods of securing
First, the mission of his life which remained his objectives from time to time depending on
throughout his intellectual and political life; the political situation in the country. His
second, the strategies and the various strategy was consistent with the demands of
programmes and projects that he adopted and the time.
tried to put into practice from time to time;
and third, the relevance of his philosophy in The situation of Dalits remains far from
the context and problems of contemporary satisfactory. Does this mean that his legacy
India. has not been taken forward in the way it
should have been?
As far as his mission is concerned, it is
recognised that abolition of the caste system He recognised that the problems of
and untouchability was the historical mission untouchables were political problems and that
of his life. Time and again, he tried to unless they, in contemporary terms called
convince Indian society that until caste is Dalits, were able to share political power it
annihilated and untouchability is abolished in wouldn’t   be   possible   for   them   to   get   justice.
every form, this country will never be That is why he formed the ILP [and took part
founded on the three principles of his life, that in] the elections in Maharashtra, Bombay
is, liberty, equality and fraternity. He said that State, where he contested seats on behalf of
he borrowed these principles not from the the ILP and it won 13 of the 15 seats reserved
French Revolution but from his Master, the for the Scheduled Castes, six of which were
Buddha. From 1920 until 1956, he tried in the non-S.Cs.  Dr  Ambedkar’s  politics was not
every possible way and at every level to restricted to the castes but he was trying to
establish an egalitarian Indian social order build a party of all the labouring classes, of
free from caste-based inequalities, all oppressed and exploited sections of Indian
discrimination, destitution, deprivation and society. The freedom movement was in
exploitation. Between 1920 and 1932, he took progress and transfer of power was imminent.
recourse to Satyagraha—the Chaudar tank In view of this, in 1946 Dr Ambedkar formed
satyagraha of Mahad in 1927 and the temple the All India Scheduled Caste Federation. He
entry movement in 1931-32, which were could not repeat the success of the 1937
basically directed towards the basic human election in the 1952 elections.
rights of the untouchables.
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When the Constitution was being prepared, he one of the main instruments of identity
gladly accepted the responsibility of joining politics and of mobilising people for
the Constituent Assembly. When he lost his acquiring political power by various political
membership owing to the Partition in 1947, it parties. Regretfully, not a single political
was the Congress party that got him party in this country can be exempted from
nominated to the Constituent Assembly. He this claim.
was assigned the task of Chairman of the
Drafting Committee of the Constitution. The What do you make of the debate
Constituent Assembly was dominated by the surrounding the words secular and
Congress party. Dr Ambedkar struggled hard socialist in the Constitution?
to make provisions in the Constitution to
secure economic, political and social justice Dr Ambedkar wanted a genuine secular
for the deprived sections of societ, and in this society. In 1976, the 42nd Amendment to the
task Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru greatly helped Constitution was enacted and it introduced
him. His efforts in drafting the Constitution two concepts into the Preamble, namely,
were so fundamental that respectfully and socialist and secular. The Indian state always
legitimately he came to be recognised as the stood committed to the principle of
architect of the Indian Constitution. secularism. Today, I think there is a threat to
the very secular foundation of the
Sixty-five years have passed since then; it Constitution. Indian society is inherently
would be absolutely cynical to say that the religious. The choice of an individual to
conditions of the ex-untouchables have not practise and propagate a religious faith of his
improved. Taking into account the centuries- or her choice is under threat; in the last few
old caste-based exploitation and months, particularly after the BJP [Bharatiya
humiliation—the result of the pervasive caste Janata Party] came to power, the entire Sangh
system—the progress made by Dalits against Parivar considers the mandate the BJP
all odds must be appreciated. However, we government received in the May 2014
cannot lose sight of the fact that in several election as a mandate to establish a Hindu
parts of the country, the practice of Rashtra. This is a travesty of truth. I must
untouchability in one form or the other is mention here that it would be absolutely
rampant. Though the caste system is losing its erroneous, a blunder, to consider all Hindus
hangover in the Indian social mind, it is far communal. They are not. Even the 29 per cent
from being destroyed. Caste-based of voters of the BJP should not be considered
discrimination practically in all spheres communal. This is for the simple reason that
continues unabated. The Scheduled Castes the BJP could not have come to power only
and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of with Hindu votes.
Atrocities) Act, 1989, is not implemented by
various State governments in letter and spirit. The peculiar phenomenon is that until now,
As a result of this, Dalits in rural areas are because of Partition and its disastrous
still becoming victims. The most infamous consequences, some sections have held
recent phenomena are the so-called honour Muslims alone responsible for all these.
killings. When Dr Ambedkar prepared his Communalists in both communities held their
lecture   “The   Annihilation   of   Caste”   in   1936,   respective societies to ransom; now for the
he said that inter-caste marriage was the only first time, Christians and their churches have
lasting solution to the abolition of the caste come under attack. What is further agonising
system. It is strange that instead of making is that the communalists among Hindus are
efforts for annihilation of caste, we have misusing Dr Ambedkar for their political
shameful instances of honour killing. This ends. This is an injustice to his legacy. No
situation is dangerous as caste has become social reformer, intellectual or political leader
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in the last hundred years so vehemently inferior. He distinguished between Hinduism
attacked the iniquitous caste-based Hindu and Brahmanism, attacking the latter.
social structure as he did.
As far as his economic philosophy is
In   several   places,   he   used   the   term   “Hindu   concerned, that too is under threat. He
imperialism”   and   the   best   example   of   this   is   believed in economic planning and
found in his polemical works such as nationalisation of land. The present
Buddhist Revolution and Counter-Revolution government has abolished the Planning
in Ancient India; Untouchables: Who were Commission, and land, the main source of
they and how they became the Fourth Varna livelihood in rural areas, is unequally
in Indo-Aryan society; Riddles in Hinduism, distributed, causing an overwhelmingly large
[which  has  as  an  appendix]  “Riddles  of  Rama   section of Dalits to become landless
and   Krishna”;;   and   his   magnum   opus   labourers. He believed in constitutional
Annihilation of Caste. Ambedkar demanded socialism. This could not materialise because
that before leaving India the British should of the dominant conservative sections in the
provide measures to safeguard not only the Indian National Congress.
rights of untouchables but also the rights of
all minorities. In view of this, misusing The more worrisome problem today facing
Ambedkar to create animosity against the majority of Indians irrespective of caste,
Muslims and Christians, or any community religion and region is the fact that health,
for that matter, is doing him an injustice and, education, sanitation, etc. are increasingly
hence, unacceptable. Ambedkar embraced being privatised. If the present trend
Buddhism precisely because it is a secular continues, all poor sections in the future will
doctrine where there is no place whatsoever be deprived of access to health facilities and
for caste-, religion- or gender-based higher technical and professional education. I
discrimination. I also must mention the futile would say that his vision of a democratic,
and unproductive efforts of the so-called liberal, socialist and secular India is under
Ambedkarites who claim to be taking his threat. It is therefore imperative for all those
social and political legacy further. The who subscribe to his vision to join together
Republican Party of India is so faction-ridden and make the strongest possible efforts so that
and disoriented that it does not hesitate to the Indian state becomes an instrument of
compromise   Ambedkar’s political legacy for establishing an egalitarian Indian social order.
paltry and personal political gains.
One cannot prevent anybody from celebrating
Do  you  think  Ambedkar’s  economic,  social   a   great   person’s   birth   anniversary.   The  
and political philosophy is being question is, do those who celebrate accept the
undermined precisely by those who are social, economic and political philosophy of
celebrating his 125th anniversary? that great man? The BJP is celebrating his
birth anniversary. But does it really subscribe
In 1932, in his historic speech to the GIP to the basic reforms in the Indian, particularly
[Great Indian Peninsula] Railway Workers at Hindu, social system? Will it carry on the
Manmad [Nashik district], he said that mission for elimination of untouchability?
“capitalism   and   Brahmanism   are   the   twin   Will it [conduct] a mass awareness
enemies   of   the   labouring   class”.   He   further   [campaign] for abolition of the caste system,
added that he was opposed not to Brahmins as or will it accept the basic postulates of
a caste but to their attitude of monopolising Buddhism, which Ambedkar embraced and
all sorts of power and considering all others which was dear to his mind and heart? If it
does, that is welcome.

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17.“Dalits  are  not  definitely  a  block,  and  there  is  an  intellectual  

Interview with Kancha Ilaiah

By Ajmal Khan and Anish for,

Kancha Ilaiah (TCN file photo)

Submitted by on 26 April 2015 - 10:36am

Professor Kancha Ilaiah had well predicted University, Hyderabad, on contemporary

that Narendra Modi would become the next politics in India, particularly on Muslim, Dalit
Prime Minister under BJP, and he has also and Bahujan politics. He argues, that Muslims
been instrumental in raising criticism on how will have to form their own national party or a
Indian Left failed to understand the caste national coalition of all the Muslim parties by
question. After the parliament elections, he retaining their political and social identity.
described how the caste equations has been
used in the country by the BJP. As soon as We have been talking about Beef and Beef
the BJP came into power, many decisions ban, especially after Maharashtra
have already been taken by the ruling government’s decision to ban beef
government, which will have far reaching completely. However, one important
consequences on the lives of dalits, adivasis, decision that didn't get much public
Muslims and Bahujans. In this context, Ajmal attention was the Maharashtra
Khan and Anish engaged in conversation with government's decision to scrap the five %
Kancha Ilaiah, writer, a dalit rights activist reservation for Muslims in education and
and former Professor and head of the Political employment. What are your thoughts on
Science department at the Osmania this?
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Yes, The Mumbai High Court had stayed the BJP recently seems to have argued in the
proposal for 5% reservation for Muslims and court that, Muslims and Christians should not
15   %   Marathas’.   But   the   court   had   allowed   be given reservation and reservation is Hindu
quota for Muslims in state-owned or aided specific. If that is the case already, Buddhists
educational institutions, saying that, the and Sikhs are getting eservation and
community suffers from high dropout rate Buddhists and Sikhs say that they have
and the youth in the community need to be nothing to do with Hinduism and they are not
brought under mainstream education. On Hindus. Then how does BJP explain this?
Maratha reservation, the court had observed
that the community was a socially advanced Some of the Hindu nationalists argue that
and prestigious community. They (BJP) seem Buddhism and Sikhism are also part of
to think that they will go to the Supreme Hinduism?
Court for Marathas but not for Muslims. The
argument of BJP is that the caste will Yes, even Narendra Modi says that. They
disappear once people convert into other (Hindus) respect Buddha, Buddha is their
religions. ancient god etc.but Buddhist are saying, we
are not Hindus and we have nothing do with
According to BJP and RSS, there is no caste Hinduism. If Buddhism is like Hinduism,
among the non-Hindus like Muslims and then Buddhism abolishes caste within itself,
Christians. The argument for Muslims is that, untouchable can become monks and even
whether Sachar Committee, Dr Mehmoodur Vihara heads. In Hinduism, it is not possible,
Rehman Committee in Maharashtra or people we all know. So how can they say that
like me who always speak for the need of Buddhism and Hinduism are one and the
reservation for Muslims – casteis a very same?
historical thing, generationally people carry
caste. If somebody converts to Islam,his or Sikhismalso, yes some streams of Hinduism
her occupational status does not immediately are there, but it is not the same, they have a
change. Of course, their name changes, their Guru Granth, everybody can read it, all of
access to God changes, they get to read Quran them have one food cultural practice. If that is
etc. When a Hindu barber converts to Islam, the case, why are RSS, VHP and other
his occupational status does not change organizations talking about vegetarianism,
immediately, everything else changes,the which is only a Brahmin-Baniya food
occupational status doesn't change easily. practice? It has never been all caste practice,
Therefore, I argue that Muslims should be so they seem to actually be practicing
given reservation on the basis of their caste Brahmanism and projecting as Hinduism as
and occupational identity considering the monolithic religion, which is not true.
backwardness. Reservation in education is
We have seen the trend of Hindu right
also important, here Muslims are a
wing forces co-opting of everything and
community that is historically now being
everyone after the new government came
treated after the partition as second-class
to the power. Will they be able to co-opt
citizens, and there is double oppression.
Muslims first, as the second-class Indian
citizens, and then, the oppression according to Yes, BJP and Hindu Right require to co-opt
their caste status. certain things. Once they have come to
power, if they behave as they behaved earlier,
than their legitimacy to rule the country will
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go. Muslims are not a small community, they happens,   it’s   not   like   Vajpayee’s   times.  
need somebody to negotiate with Muslims. During his time, it was a coalition
They need negotiation without giving government. Some unpleasant things had
Muslims the substantial share, ok! If they happened then also, but now they are in full
want to give equal share to Muslims in all power and they are straight away coming on
respects than that would have been a different minorities.
How do you see the Muslim politics in this
Here, BJP wants Muslims to be with them context?
without giving substantial share from state
and society; they are using different tactics See, the Muslim political leadership is really
(for it). Of course, in appointments of weak, those who existed as Muslim leaders in
University heads and other strategic positions, the Congress were not connected to the poor
they have to find someone who is palatable to and marginalized Muslim masses. The mass
them, who works for them. There are Muslim leadership did not get politicized.
positions in Universities and other places Recently MIM is a party which is trying to
where persons from only the Muslim spread across the country. Asaduddin Owaisi
community has to be appointed. So, for that is definitely a modern Muslim leader in India.
they will try to co-opt several sections. They Neither Congress nor BJP want a leader like
have already co-opted many sections of him, who organizes his own people. So, in
Muslims and admitting a lot of Muslims into my view, a time will come when Muslims
the BJP. will have to form their own national party or a
national coalition of all the Muslim parties by
There is also a section of Muslims who think retaining their political and social identity.
that, ok, if they go there and live a normal That will give them much more strength than
life, if they get some political benefit, or at working from within the other parties. They
least, if there is no communal riots. But, we tried that in Congress, and except Abul
will have to see what implications this will Kalam Azad, I don't think anybody else got
have   for   the   larger   community’s   life.   Right   significant space in the Congress system.
now, Muslim share in power has come down, There may be ministers but they were not
Muslim parliamentary share has come down. having significant powers.
How much Muslim share is there in business
and other sectors is an issue, because In one of your interviews, you said Nehru
Muslims do not have much share in had used Ambedkar at the same time and
agriculture. They survive largely on urban thrown out when his role was over.
informal economy. But they (BJP) will
attempt to co-opt even Muslims. My re-reading of early independent days is
that, Jawaharlal Nehru had global vision and
Now, the Maharashtra government is saying western education, who was also a model
that they will send Christians for pilgrimage, leader in many ways. If Dr Ambedkar would
government will finance them. But Christians not have been allowed to become the
are saying they don't want anyone to send chairman of Constitution Drafting
them for pilgrimage, they say, instead they Committee, the Constitution might have had
want right to propagate their religion, they are many loopholes. Only Ambedkar could work
asking for security and protection. BJP is in a out that kind of a Constitution.
real   contradiction   now.   Let’s   see   what  

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If Nehru was not allowed to be first Prime will someone expect to work out one’s own
Minister, then who would have been the real theory when the theory building process
ruling person at that time? Gandhi's role in itself is fully controlled by the Brahmins
administrationwas minimal, Gandhi agreed and the upper castes?
upon Ambedkar's name to be the chairman of
drafting committee, Gandhi said he should Yes, my strong belief is that, if all Indian
play a key role and Nehru supported and he children are given same quality education,
became chairman of the drafting committee. preferably in English language, given the vast
That has really helped the nation. The expansive space that we have, the kind of
combination of Nehru being the first Prime experience that rural children gain, the kind
Minister and Ambedkar heading the drafting of exposure that they have with nature,
committee of the Constitution created a production and so on, we would produce
positive situation to experiment the adult better intellectuals. India is capable of
franchise, it is not that easy to experiment producing indigenous theory, which can be
adult franchise in an illiterate country like used by the rest of the world.
India. If Shyamaprasad Mukherjee or Sardar
Vallabhai Patel or someone else from right I don't mean any indigenous theory only we
wing would have been allowed to become the can use, but theories that emerge out of social
first Prime Minister, India would have ended practices, social convergences, social
up in dictatorship. So the so called Patel's changes. Indians are capable of producing
legacy should not be taken seriously by new books and theories which even other
people like us. countries are not able to. Buddha is an
example, he constructed a religion, he formed
Is that the reason why Patel is getting Sanghas; there is so much literature around it.
much more importance now a days? The world is now using it. China, Japan
Korea, all are using it. For example, two
Yes, they will give lot of prominence to Patel. prophets came from Asia – Jesuscame from
Firstly he is a Gujarati and Modi might also Israel and Muhammad  came  from  Arabia.  It’s  
be considering him as a Shudra and he has not that, the world is against Asian thinkers
also used the military force. So, there are but Brahmanical forces didn't produce such
certain combinations in him which are liked talent and a God who could be worshiped by
by RSS and VHP. But what would have been the whole world. The only god India
the situation of the country if Sardar produced is Buddha, the world is willing to
Vallabhai Patel would have been the first engage with him. So my feeling is that, Indian
Prime Minister? If he were to be the first social sciences should examine the strength of
Prime Minister perhaps KM Munshi, during the native social thinking. After all, we are a
that time, would have been appointed the big society when compared with Europe. We
chairman of the drafting committee of the have lot of new ideas, the only thing is that
Constitution, then we need not say what we should read, write and ask questions. In all
would have been the situation. India would my writings I make an attempt not to imitate
have been Hindustan in the likeness of anyone but to produce original thoughts from
present day Pakistan. our own lives.

You have been arguing that the Western People like Amdekar become central even
theories will not fit for our realities and we within the right wing discourses. So how
have to work out our own theories. How difficult it is for the people like you to

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defend yourself?Because, you all created otherwise there would have been more and
another kind of knowledge which more violence. They are basically the
challenged the dominance of upper castes worshippers of violence, but when it comes to
and the nature of Hindu religion. moral and ethical issues, the Buddhist
morality has a very strong base.
Yes, it is a difficult struggle. When I wrote
‘Why   I   Am   Not   a   Hindu’   there   was   a   lot   of   Does the electoral politics played by BJP
opposition, backlash, criticism and even possess a direct threat to small/regional
threats. But luckily the Dalit movements parties, how do you see this whole
extended their support to me and the Bahujan dynamics of state making?
Samaj Party was almost in power in Uttar
Pradesh. I managed to get the support from Yes, there is, you are right. One is that the
within the civil society also in this regard. BJP putting Narendra Modi with a specific
Also, either for Mahatma Phule or Ambedkar OBC identity in our national politics as a
and people like me, we all took to very non- Prime Ministerial candidate. Congress never
violent form of dissent, we took up that line. fielded either an OBC or a Dalit candidate
After all, historically India has the tradition of forthe post of the PM. BJP put up such a
non-violence. The dalits/backward castes candidate with his own ambitions and
never fought with upper castes with violence. organizational base. So, they came to power
And Buddhism, which emerged here, also in the Center. Now they are gradually coming
created  a  space  with  a  theory  of  ‘Middle  Path’   into power in different states, but there, they
(Madhya Marga). Hence Buddhism became a are also compromising and they are also
big cushion for people like Phule, Ambedkar going for manipulative methods.
and even for me, because when I wrote my
book  ‘God  as  a  Political  Philosopher’  I  had  to   In  Maharashtra’s  case,  they  were  thinking  that  
struggle a lot, going back to the ancient texts they would not come to power (as) Shiv Sena
and comparing them withWestern thinkers, was weakened after the Lok Sabha elections.
Indian Brahminic thinkers like Kautilya and Though BJP could not come into power on its
Manu. own but now they are the ruling party. In
Jammu and Kashmir, PDP aligned with BJP,
So we all are positioned in terms of reform, and   the   PDP   seems   to   think   that   Modi’s  
but even that was not acceptable to the approach is different from RSS. Modi wants
Brahminical forces. There were many to carry some history with him, that Kashmir
attempts to suppress my voice in the Osmania he cannot leave behind, so let it be and PDP
University. Even now some sections of should go for a compromise. They will try
people want my writings and speeches to be with this model, if the PDP model works.
banned. Well, they will say that we solved the
I think, we should create new knowledge,
sometimes you may risk. (But) this risk factor In any case, they are trying to expand, but
cannot completely be ruled out. I think it is a where they are failing is on the front of talks
social reform struggle. Luckily, first Buddha with Christianity. Their attacks on churches is
carried out, then came Jyotibha Phule, then giving a badimpression of BJP across the
Ambedkar, Periyar, Kanshiram have also globe. If investment does not come, then
done some kind of serious work. So now the Modi’s  development  agenda  itself  will  be  in  a  
Brahminical forces are on defensive mode crisis.

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So they have not calculated the implications regional parties are family-oriented parties
of attacking Christians or forcing them to except BSP. But BSP, its leader Mayawati,
reconvert. That is where the President of did not show the required courage and
America had to say that religious freedom is confidence in handling the post-election
universal in nature, it cannot be violated. crisis. She is not building up SC-OBC unity;
During   the   BJP’s   rule,it   will   globalise   the   she is also not building up the leadership in
caste and untouchability issue much more. If all stages.
they want to address it, reconcile and tell the
Brahmins and other priestly communities that I think the parties like APP will remain as a
you have to give equality to all people whom regional   party,   I   don’t   think   that   they   can
you  define  as  ‘Hindu’,  then  may  be  Hinduism   really challenge the BJP. The real challenge
may reform. should be from the Congress and other
political forces united, particularly the
I find problem with their books in this regard, Leftists. The Leftists are in terms of caste, are
things like God created human beings with the upper caste and in terms of class they
hierarchically. I think these kinds of writings say that they are with working class. So the
in the texts itself pose challenges, for this, Left has absolutely failed in understanding
either they have to delete it or reject it. In any the caste structure/religion in this country.
case, these five years will be a testing
period.Because, this is the first time they got In this context how do you see the caste
power on their own. If they create social annihilation programmes proposed by
tensions, if they go after people, the beef ban Leftist organizations such as Communist
has created a strong negative feeling among Party of India (Maoist)?
the people, that signal is not going to keep
quite.If  they  don’t  allow  the  power  to  slip  out   No, they would not have a major role in
of their hands, they will go for some time like annihilation of caste. Annihilation of caste
this and then, they may try to transform and was the agenda of Ambedkar but in those
change themselves. Or, if they use this status days dalits were not very well educated. Now
for establishing Hindu Rashtra, then there will dalits want to survive, they need identity and
be  a  huge  ‘civil  war’  that  I  have  been  talking   power. Among dalit leaders there is hunger
about for some time now. It all depends on for power. They are making alliances with
their approach in the next four years. At this parties such as BJP and Shiv Sena, leaders
stage, it is very difficult to predict. like Ramvilas Paswan and Athawale are best
examples.So, the power without thinking
Simplenumbers in Parliament does not make about social reforms, ideological struggles
any sense. Rajiv Gandhi had much more and concrete writing of new theoretical
numbers but he could not sustain. formulations is not useful. I think BJP can
finish them off but if they take them in, they
If this is the case, how do you look at don't get any prominence. I have not seen any
parties such as AAP and other regional role for Ramvilas Paswan and Athawale after
parties? forming of the new government. Paswan has
just become as an insignificant minister. You
If   small   regional   parties   don’t   use   powerful   see only a few ministers nationally visible
tools such as English education and integrate like Arun Jaitly, NirmalaSeetharaman, Smriti
their thinking with national level and give up Irani, Ravi Shankar Prasad, Peeyush Goyal.
their family control on parties, BJP will Where is Ram Vilas Paswan who played such
swallow them. That is possible. Most of these
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a role? So, the dalit leaders are working with the PM of India. From here, where does it go?
them only for power. I think it is self- Already the negative results are coming out.
degradation.   I   don’t   want   to   see   dalit   leaders   Maharashtra banning beef and Haryana
suffer that kind of self-degradation. banning beef, it will definitely create crisis in
Recently,dalit leader Jitan Ram Mahji has
been sacked from the post of CM paving Now, Democratic Youth Federation of
the way for Nitish Kumar to take up the India (DYFI) is also trying to organize beef
same post. In Telengana, the ruling party festivals across the country to challenge the
TRS leadership was criticized for ban. But the discourse on food culture
betraying dalits. So how do you see these initiated by dalits/ OBCs especially
political upheavals? students in academic institutions was
ideological in nature. They articulated it in
This dialogue will go on. Dalits are not a distinct way and it was not just about the
definitely a block, and there is an intellectual intervention of state on the food choice of
blossom. All of us came together and made citizens. So what do you think about these
these issues international; it went to the US Leftist interventions?
Congress, British Parliament, European
Union etc. So through internationalization of The Left has committed a blunder earlier by
caste, untouchability and women trafficking not giving the power positions to dalits and
and so on, we will have to have impact on this OBCs. The upper caste hang on to the power
new style. But OBCs do not have that visible in the party. But now, after communal party
space, whereas OBCs have state power. like BJP,there is re-working on the issue of
Dalits do not have state power, except caste, and then there is lots of debates and
Mayawati, there is no other dalit leader, who writings coming from the new intellectuals
could become Chief Minister on her own. from dalit/OBC background. So, the Left
leadership is now rethinking its position.
So this is a phase where all new experiments
are taking place and BJP has given up the On food culture, it is totally different. After
classical demand that Hindu-Brahmin- Osmania beef issue came up, they also fed
Kshatriya should rule. They have tried it with participants with beef during the party
Vajpayee, but they seem to have shifted from Congress recently in Telengana. I think, some
that stand and brought a so called lower caste positive steps have been taken by them, but
person as the prime ministerial candidate and yet, the leadership remains the same. My
now he is the Prime Minister. Within the next feeling is that we should really take the
four to five years there will be a new Leftist along with us, though they are castiest,
combination of political forces; alliances and despite their limitations, it is better to take
re-alliances will takes place, so we could see them along because they have at least a
some kind of new unfolding is likely to theoretical position.
In terms of financial corruption, they are not
Mulayam Singh is saying that he doesn't mind very corrupt. Let us negotiate with them, let
joining Congress, we haveto fight it. In 2002, us have a healthy relationship with them.
when I predicted that Narendra Modi would Dalits,   OBC’s   and   the   women   intellectuals  
become the Prime Minister if the Congress should come together. Even for the feminist
and Left behave in the same way, theydidn't discourse, the Leftists opposed it initially.
take it seriously, and in reality, Modi became (But) later they accommodated it.Now they
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are ready to debate cultural rights, food themselves. Today dalits are not competing
culture and so on. So, we need to educate the with Brahmins, Baniyas and other traditional
Leftists more and more and communist can capitalist. If Mahars are growing, the Matangs
re-educate us more through Marxism, get angry, this is a transitory phase.
Leninism, etc. They are re-thinking now. In
CPIM when the road blocks like Prakash See, during British period, the Brahmins
Karat and Sitaram Yechuri go, if they do fought more severely among themselves than
away, may be some changes will come. I feel, they fought others, even than with British.
we should work in friendly relations with the They gotempowered by that. So, my point is
Communists.  I  think  it’s  inevitable  and  lets  us   that, let each dalits, Bahujan groups compete
hope something better will emerge. with each other among themselves and to
others.Identities do not change easily and
Despite the strong dalit movement in now-a-days dalit issues are being found in
Maharashtra atrocities against Dalits most   of   the   political   parties’   discussions   and  
continues? documents. This is a positive change.

Atrocities also take place when oppressed The writings and creative interventions of
fight for equality and equal rights, the upper Dalit-Bahujan intellectuals have contributed
caste get enraged with this. Secondly, atrocity to  this.  It’s  important  that  we  need  to  engage  
happens because upper caste can commit in the thought process and creating more
atrocity and get away. It is like, there is books  of  our  own.  It’s  not  that  dalits,  adivasis  
resistance to rape. There are state battles but and backwards too could not fight with upper
there is also response to  this  resistance.  So  it’s   castes and Brahmanism, but they could not
a transitory situation in a culture of rape and fight with their brains. They could not fight
religious relationships which are projected with their writings and books. Tukaram was
into sexual relations and so on. told to burn his books in those days, who can
remove   my   books   “Why   I   am   not   a   Hindu"  
Caste group and cultural relationships are also from Internet today? More critical writings
changing. There are castes that get mobility and thinking should be produced by the youth
through education and employment. There are and students and I am hopeful about these
also castes, their status remains constant or new generations.
goes  down.  When  one  caste’s  status  increases  
due to education and employment, the other -----
gets angry with them and fights emerges (Ajmal Khan and Anish are doctoral students at
between them. They are competing within Tata Institute of Social Science, Mumbai.)


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18. The  RSS  won’t  be  able  to  internalize  Ambedkar
Interview with Raosaheb Kasbe
By Makrand Gadgil

The Ambedkar and Dalit movements expert  on  ongoing  fight  to  appropriate  Ambedkar’s  legacy  
and how young India can embrace his modernist views

Raosaheb Kasbe, maharashtrian dalit intellectual photographed in Nashik, Maharashtra, on April 15, 2015.
Photograph: Abhijit Bhatlekar/Mint

Raosaheb Kasbe, a former professor of Both the Congress and the RSS, with
political science at the Savitribai Phule Pune which Ambedkar had political as well as
University, is a leading scholar on Bhimrao ideological differences, are trying to
Ramji Ambedkar and the Dalit movements appropriate his legacy in the year of his
in India, and is best known for his seminal 125th birth anniversary. How do you
work,Ambedkar ani Marx (Ambedkar and explain this?
Marx), in which he tried to correlate the Let me explain this with an anecdote. When
works of Ambedkar and Karl Marx. In an (Maharashtra) chief minister Devendra
interview in Nashik, where he now lives, Fadnavis was expanding his government for
Kasbe spoke about the ongoing fight for the first time, a Dalit legislator, Rajkumar
Ambedkar’s  legacy  between  various  groups,   Badole, was sworn in the cabinet. After
including the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh taking the oath, a tradition in Maharashtra
(RSS), the ideological parent of the ruling requires the oath-taker to recite salutations
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and the like Jai Hind and Jai Maharashtra. Badole
Congress. Edited excerpts: also added Jai Bheem to it. This is a
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salutation normally associated with the and so on. But the RSS is a clever
Republican Party of India—the party that organization; it does not hesitate in
Ambedkar wanted to form, but died before denouncing   VHP’s   statements   if   the   need  
its formal announcement—or those who are arises and trying to project itself as different
active in the Dalit movement, and not from it.
someone who is shaped by RSS traditions. The   RSS   won’t   be   able   to   internalize  
This clearly shows Ambedkar is revered not Ambedkar till they give up their core belief
only by Dalits, but across ideologies, that there is a need to rewrite the Indian
including the RSS, Congress and even Constitution. They believe there is hardly
Naxalites. In the recent past, many young anything Indian in the Constitution and it is
people arrested by police in urban areas nothing more than an attempt to cover
because they were suspected to be active constitutions of various Western countries
sympathizers or part of sleeper cells of the with an Indian garb.
Naxal movement are from the Dalit
community. Why then are the RSS and the BJP able to
attract so many other backward classes
But the RSS is going beyond this. They (OBC) and Dalits to their fold?
are trying to project Ambedkar as a Sooner or later this dichotomy is going to
messiah of Hindus, who saved Hinduism explode   in   the   RSS’s   and   the   BJP’s   face.  
by converting to an Indic religion like Last year, during his campaign rally in
Buddhism and not Semitic religions like Kochi, Narendra Modi, who is the OBC face
Islam or Christianity. of RSS, said a very interesting thing. He said
There is nothing new in these attempts of the the 21st century belongs to OBCs and BCs
RSS. The attempt to project Ambedkar as (backward classes or Dalits), but I wonder
anti-Muslim or anti-Christian missionaries how well his statement was received by the
by quoting some of his writing out of context Brahminical leadership of RSS. At present,
and then falsely propagating that he one can only say it is trying to use OBCs to
sympathized with the RSS and its world gain control over political power.
view have been going on for very long. One
can find these attempts even in the writings Some radical Dalit activists try to point out
of late Dattopant Thengdi, who was various instances of disagreement between
associated with the RSS since the Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi, and try to
organization’s  early  years. portray Gandhi as the prime enemy of
Ambedkar and Dalits. In support of their
But there is a problem for the RSS, too, argument they point to the Poona Pact
when it tries to appropriate Ambedkar. It because of which Ambedkar had to give up
doesn’t  know  how  to  deal  with  Ambedkar’s   his demand for a separate electorate (for
modern world view based on the principles Dalits)   due   to   Gandhi’s   fast   unto   death   and  
of liberty, equality and fraternity. If it starts also   Gandhi’s   belief   in  
claiming it believes in these principles, then the Chaturvarna system. Yes, there were
it will drive away its core support group who differences of opinions, but one can hardly
still believes in Chaturvarna, if not in the call   them   each   other’s   enemy.   In   fact,   on  
caste system. It outsources this work to many occasions, both have been
groups like the Vishwa Hindu Parishad complementary to each other.
On the issue of separate electorate, initially
VHP leaders, attempting to keep their Ambedkar also did not support the idea of a
following, make outrageous statements on separate electorate and was in favour of
the  caste  system,  women’s  rights,  conversion reserved seats for Dalits. But the Congress
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rejected this demand. So in retaliation, reduced the role of the state in Indian life, so
Ambedkar hardened his stand and demanded job opportunities in government sectors were
a separate electorate for Dalits, and then reduced. Dalit youth, who are first-
1932’s   communal   award   was   declared   and   generation graduates or postgraduates in
Dalits were given separate electorate and 76 their families, are finding it hard to get jobs
seats in the central legislature. To protest in the government.
this, Gandhi started his fast unto death in
Pune. How can one make today’s digitally
empowered generation aware of
Ambedkar had to eventually negotiate with Ambedkar’s legacy? They are mostly
Gandhi and Ambedkar emerged as the divorced from caste realities in India.
winner as he walked away with 176 seats as This is true to some extent in the case of the
against 76 seats in the central legislature. But youth in a few big metros who received
those who do not care to read history or education in elite institutes and for whom
those who know facts very well, but still English is the first language of
want to twist facts for their own political or communication and not their mother tongue.
ideological reasons, try to project that But  one  can’t  generalize  this  about  all  urban  
Gandhi and Ambedkar shared some kind of youth. But even so, there is a need to present
animosity and that Gandhi was against Ambedkar   in   a   different   way   to   today’s  
Dalits. youth. Most of them are aware of him as the
father of the Indian Constitution, but they
How has globalization affected the don’t   know   he   was   a   modernist   who  
upliftment of Dalits in India? advocated rapid industrialization and
It has had both a positive and negative urbanization. He believed urbanization and
impact   on   the   Dalit   community.   Today’s   industrialization were the first steps in
Dalit youth, whose parents benefited from making India a casteless society.
reservations in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, He was in favour of technology, and if this
were ready to ride the wave of globalization aspect of Ambedkar is highlighted, he will
when the doors of the Indian economy were be embraced by the young.
opened in the 1990s. But globalization itself



Published by All India Secular Forum

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