Tekla Structures 2018: Upgrade To This Version

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Tekla Structures 2018

Upgrade to this version

March 2018

©2018 Trimble Solutions Corporation


1 Tekla Structures 2018 release notes ...........................................7

1.1 New Support tool.............................................................................................. 9
1.2 New way to edit model object properties.................................................... 10
Modify model object properties.......................................................................................... 13
Copy object properties from one object to another......................................................... 16
Use property files and standard files.................................................................................. 17
User-defined attributes in the property pane ...................................................................18
Customize the property pane layout...................................................................................18
Distribute customized property pane layouts using a project, firm, or
environment folder............................................................................................................... 26
1.3 Easier way to change work planes................................................................ 27
Work plane handler............................................................................................................... 28
1.4 Undo modeling and drawing changes with the new Undo history
command......................................................................................................... 28
1.5 Other user interface changes........................................................................ 31
Tekla Online: a new side pane..............................................................................................31
Side pane improvements......................................................................................................32
Renewed Snapping and Selecting toolbars........................................................................ 34
Snap symbol color change....................................................................................................35
Quick Launch finds the commands on the File menu......................................................35
New base point symbol.........................................................................................................35
1.6 New selection tool and other modeling improvements.............................36
Select previous objects..........................................................................................................36
Improvements in construction objects............................................................................... 37
Improvements in the Inquire tool........................................................................................38
Improvements in numbering............................................................................................... 39
Improvements in compound welds.....................................................................................40
Improvements in polygon welds..........................................................................................40
Improvements in shapes...................................................................................................... 41
Other modeling improvements........................................................................................... 41
1.7 More accurate analysis models and other analysis and design
improvements................................................................................................. 42
New method of generating analysis models......................................................................42
Export to Tekla Structural Designer using an analysis model.......................................... 43
Import changes from Tekla Structural Designer to an analysis model........................... 44
Improvements in defining analysis model content and filters........................................ 44
Changes in the Analysis model properties dialog box...................................................... 44
Changes in analysis classes and node colors.....................................................................46
Showing analysis member and node numbers................................................................. 47
New separate selection toolbar for analysis objects.........................................................47
Other improvements and fixes in analysis and design..................................................... 47
1.8 Faster rebar sets and other reinforcement improvements.......................48
Rebar set performance improvements...............................................................................48

New selection switches......................................................................................................... 48
Adding leg faces to rebar sets.............................................................................................. 49
Rebar set splitter improvements......................................................................................... 49
Grouping bars in rebar sets..................................................................................................49
Position numbers for bars in linearly tapered rebar sets.................................................50
Numbering reinforcement meshes..................................................................................... 50
Reinforcement improvements in drawings........................................................................ 50
New template and format string attributes....................................................................... 55
Other reinforcement improvements................................................................................... 55
1.9 Improvements in pour management............................................................56
Pour properties in property pane........................................................................................57
Filtering and reporting pour units....................................................................................... 57
Pour units in Organizer......................................................................................................... 57
Pour units in Task Manager.................................................................................................. 57
New template attributes for pour units..............................................................................58
Pour management in shared models................................................................................. 58
Rebar sets in pour units........................................................................................................58
1.10 New way to manage drawing content and other mark and note
improvements................................................................................................. 58
Drawing content manager - efficiently manage drawing content .................................. 59
Improved mark placement................................................................................................... 63
Improved way to select part marks..................................................................................... 66
New way to select model weld marks in drawings............................................................66
Add model weld marks in drawings.................................................................................... 66
Add associative notes to several model objects at one go...............................................67
Selection switch to select associative notes....................................................................... 68
Show/hide weld marks in hidden parts.............................................................................. 68
Align text in marks, notes and texts.................................................................................... 68
1.11 Customized dimension line arrows and other dimensioning
improvements................................................................................................. 69
Customize dimension line arrows....................................................................................... 69
New dimension arrow types.................................................................................................70
Change dimension arrow size.............................................................................................. 70
Rebar dimensions anchored to rebar ends........................................................................71
Pour object properties available in dimension tags..........................................................71
Improvements in Dimension rule properties.....................................................................73
Improvements in Rebar group dimensioning.................................................................... 73
1.12 Other improvements in drawings................................................................. 75
Opening drawings faster...................................................................................................... 75
Hole and recess symbols shown in complex geometries................................................. 76
Snapping improvements.......................................................................................................76
Create a filter for selecting multiple drawing objects....................................................... 77
Additional weld size for compound weld types................................................................. 77
New command for closing the drawing mode...................................................................78
Layout editor improvements................................................................................................78
Improvements in custom grid labels...................................................................................79
New pattern lines...................................................................................................................80
View settings now remembered correctly.......................................................................... 81
New warning message for cast units.................................................................................. 82
Printing improvements......................................................................................................... 82
1.13 Template Editor 3.6 improvements .............................................................. 83
1.14 Reserve the next write out and other improvements in Tekla
Model Sharing.................................................................................................. 90

Reserve the next write out....................................................................................................90
Create a baseline using Sharing automation tool............................................................. 92
Improved and more robust performance in Tekla Model Sharing.................................. 93
1.15 Improvements in IFC export, import and conversion.................................93
IFC4 export improvements................................................................................................... 94
IFC2x3 export improvements............................................................................................... 96
IFC import improvements.....................................................................................................96
IFC object conversion improvements..................................................................................98
1.16 Point clouds from 3D scanning...................................................................... 98
1.17 Updates in tools for concrete fabrication.................................................. 102
Export Unitechnik (79).........................................................................................................103
Export EliPlan file (68)......................................................................................................... 105
HMS export...........................................................................................................................106
1.18 Trimble Connector and other interoperability improvements................107
Trimble Connector improvements.................................................................................... 107
Reference model import plug-ins available as .tsep packages...................................... 111
New plug-ins.........................................................................................................................112
NC/DSTV improvements..................................................................................................... 112
1.19 New service and license for Open API developers ................................... 112
1.20 New options for controlling visuals and other DirectX rendering
improvements............................................................................................... 113
DirectX rendering examples............................................................................................... 114
1.21 Changes in advanced options...................................................................... 121
New advanced options....................................................................................................... 121
Changed advanced options................................................................................................122
1.22 Changes in template attributes.................................................................. 122
New template attributes.....................................................................................................122
1.23 Improvements in components.................................................................... 123
Concrete components.........................................................................................................123
Steel components................................................................................................................124
1.24 New documentation structure ................................................................... 128
1.25 Disclaimer...................................................................................................... 129

2 Tekla Structures administrator's release notes.....................131

2.1 Administrator's release notes: General settings.......................................131
Administrator's release notes: Model templates in version update ........................... 132
Administrator's release notes: Applications & components catalog maintenance ...135
Administrator's release notes: IFC4..................................................................................137
Administrator's release notes: Property pane customizer ........................................... 138
Administrator's release notes: Creating custom dimension arrows ........................... 139
Administrator's release notes: Small items .................................................................... 140
2.2 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings............................................149
Administrator's release notes: Spiral beams ..................................................................150
Administrator's release notes: Small steel items ...........................................................151
Administrator's release notes: Steel components..........................................................153
2.3 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings.....................................167
Administrator's release notes: Pour units....................................................................... 167
Administrator's release notes: Rebar sets and linearly tapered bar groups...............172
Administrator's release notes: Small concrete items ....................................................175
Administrator's release notes: Updates in tools for concrete fabrication...................177

Administrator's release notes: Concrete components.................................................. 179

3 Localization release notes........................................................ 185

4 Upgrade Tekla Structures to a new version........................... 186

4.1 Update the Tekla Structures license server............................................... 187
4.2 Which license server version to use ...........................................................188
4.3 Renew a Tekla Structures license................................................................188
4.4 Copy personal settings to a new Tekla Structures version...................... 189
4.5 Transfer customized information to a new Tekla Structures version.... 190

5 Tekla Structures service packs.................................................192

5.1 Install a Tekla Structures service pack....................................................... 192
5.2 Install an earlier Tekla Structures service pack........................................ 193

1 Tekla Structures 2018 release

Welcome to Tekla Structures 2018!

Check the links below for information on the many new features and
improvements in this version:
• New Support tool (page 8)
• New way to edit model object properties (page 10)
• Easier way to change work planes (page 27)
• Undo modeling and drawing changes with the new Undo history command
(page 28)
• Other user interface changes (page 31)
• New selection tool and other modeling improvements (page 36)
• More accurate analysis models and other analysis and design
improvements (page 42)
• Faster rebar sets and other reinforcement improvements (page 48)
• Improvements in pour management (page 56)
• New way to manage drawing content and other mark and note
improvements (page 58)
• Customized dimension line arrows and other dimensioning improvements
(page 69)
• Other improvements in drawings (page 75)
• Template Editor 3.6 improvements (page 83)
• Reserve the next write out and other improvements in Tekla Model Sharing
(page 90)
• Improvements in IFC export, import and conversion (page 93)
• Point clouds from 3D scanning (page 98)

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 7

• Updates in tools for concrete fabrication (page 102)
• Trimble Connector and other interoperability improvements (page 107)
• New service and license for Open API developers (page 112)
• New options for controlling visuals and other DirectX rendering
improvements (page 113)
• Changes in advanced options (page 121)
• Changes in template attributes (page 122)
• Improvements in components (page 123)
• New documentation structure (page 128)
• Tekla Structures 2018 fix list

We suggest that you complete any unfinished models using your current
version of Tekla Structures.
This version is not backwards compatible. When you create or save a model in
Tekla Structures 2018, you cannot open it in older versions due to database
Tekla Structures 2018 can only be installed on 64-bit Windows operating
See the Tekla Structures 2018 Hardware Recommendations for more
Tekla Structures 2018 requires Tekla Structures License Server 2017. To
check which license server version to use with your current Tekla Structures
version, see Which license server version to use (page 188).

Administrator's release notes

Advanced users should read the Tekla Structures administrator's release notes
for information on how to apply the additional customizations available in this

Localization release notes

Environment-specific changes are explained in the Localization release notes
(page 185).

Tekla Open API release notes

The Tekla Open API release notes can be found in the Tekla Developer Center.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 8 New Support tool

1.1 New Support tool
Tekla Structures 2018 introduces the new Support tool, which allows you to
contact Tekla Structures support directly. With this tool you can collect the
model, related files, and other necessary information in one support request,
and safely upload your request to Tekla Structures support.
The old Support tool was removed from Tekla Structures versions 2016 SP7,
2016i SP4, 2017 and newer because it had several problems and it did not
work reliably enough.
The new Support tool:
• Automatically identifies the open model and includes all/selected files from
the model folder as attachments to your request. Some logs and files in
other folders are also attached, such as the user feedback log, Tekla
Structures logs and user-defined attribute files.
• Automatically fills in user, application and Tekla Structures version
information. Support tool reads your name, email address, company name
and support email address from your Trimble Identity profile.
• Automatically gathers application and system information.
• Uploads the problem description, attached model, attached files, and all
other gathered information and sends it all to Tekla Structures support.
To use the tool:
• On the File menu, click Help --> Contact Tekla support and log in using
your Trimble Identity.
If you are having problems in opening Tekla Structures, you can use the
Start menu/Start screen to start the Support tool. The command to use is
Support tool.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 9 New Support tool

• Fill in the needed information and attach the needed files, and click Next to
proceed. When you are ready, click Create case to create the support
When the upload is complete, you will receive a notification at your email
address. After a successful upload, an automatic confirmation message will
be sent to you, and then Tekla Structures support will start solving your

1.2 New way to edit model object properties

In Tekla Structures 2018 most model objects now have a property pane in the
modeling mode. The new property pane replaces the previously used model
object properties dialog boxes. You can customize the property pane for each
object type.
Property pane offers a new modern and powerful method to handle object
properties in Tekla Structures. Property pane is a new side pane window, and

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 10 New way to edit model object properties
all the object properties that previously were available in the dialog boxes are
now accessible through the new property pane. Property pane offers a smooth
workflow for creating and modifying objects, for saving and loading object
properties, and for copying properties between objects.

Previously, the property pane was available only for rebar sets and spiral
beams. Now you can use the property pane to view and modify the properties
• parts, such as columns and beams
• items
• bolts
• welds
• reinforcement
• rebar sets
• pour objects, pour units and pour breaks
• construction objects
• assemblies and cast units
The property pane can be customized. You can select separately for each
object type which properties you wish to see in the property pane.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 11 New way to edit model object properties
If needed, you can still open the previously used object property dialog boxes
using Quick Launch.

Main benefits
The new property pane has several benefits compared to the previously used
property dialog boxes:
• The property pane is always up-to-date. When you select an object in the
model, the current properties are instantly shown in the property pane.
• There is less clutter on the screen because there is no need to have
separate dialog boxes open as previously.
• You only need to click Modify to change the selected properties, there is no
need to click Apply or OK as previously.
• You can easily create objects that are similar to those objects that you
already have in the model: when you select an object in the model, Tekla
Structures creates the next similar object using the same properties.
• When you select several objects in the model, you can check if the objects
have common properties, what the values of the common properties are,
and modify the properties, if needed.
• It is easy to copy properties from one object to another. You can copy
properties between any objects as long as both objects have the same
property available. For example, you can copy the material from a steel
beam to a plate.
• You can easily check which properties you are about to modify in the
property pane. Tekla Structures highlights the changed properties in yellow
in the property pane and a checkbox appears next to the modified
• You can customize the property pane: for example, you can organize the
settings as you wish and remove the settings you do not need. You can also
add your most needed user-defined attributes (UDAs) directly to the
property pane so that you do not need to open a separate UDA dialog box.

How to open the property pane

To open the model object properties in the property pane:
• If the property pane is closed: double-click a model object, or click the

Properties icon in the side pane.

• If the property pane is open: select a model object.
Alternatively, hold down Shift and click a command on the ribbon to open the
properties in the property pane.
Note that you can have only one property side pane window open at a time.
This means that you can view the properties of only one object type at a time.
Previously, when you used the dialog boxes, you could have the dialog boxes
of several object types open at the same time, for example, concrete slab

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 12 New way to edit model object properties
properties and reinforcement properties. This is not possible with the property
You can float or dock the property pane in the same way as any other side
pane window, or drag it around your screen or to your secondary screen, if
you have multiple displays.

Modify model object properties

You can view and modify the properties of a one object type at a time in the
property pane, or the common properties of several, similar object types.
1. Double-click a part, an item, a bolt, a weld, a reinforcement, a pour, a
construction object, or an assembly.
The property pane opens, and shows the current properties of the object.
2. Modify the properties as needed.
Tekla Structures highlights the modified properties in yellow in the
property pane.
3. If you want to discard some of the changes, click the check marks next to
each setting to remove them.
You can clear the check marks one by one, or select a whole section and
all its properties.

You can use the Select All and Select None switches at the bottom of the
property pane to select all the changes or to clear all the changes.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 13 New way to edit model object properties
4. When you are ready with the modifications, click Modify to apply the
The modified properties become the new current properties. Tekla
Structures uses the current properties the next time you create an object
of the same type.
If you want to create an object using the standard values instead of the
new current values, load the standard file first.

Note that if you use the contextual toolbar or direct modification to modify a
model object, the current properties do not change and are not automatically
applied when you create the next object of the same type.

Modify the common properties of different object types

When you select several similar objects in the model, the property pane shows
the properties that are common for all the selected objects. The settings which
have several options have the text Varies, and the values or options are shown
in a list. If there are no common properties, the property pane is empty.

You can modify the common properties in the same way as any other
property. Tekla Structures highlights the modified properties in yellow in the
property pane, and these properties are applied when you click Modify.
Use the Object type list in the property pane to check which object you have
selected in the model and the number of each object type.

To Do this
Check which objects you have Click the Object type list button
selected in the model

to open the
list of the selected objects.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 14 New way to edit model object properties
To Do this

The list shows how many objects you

have selected for each object type.
The list also shows how many
components you have selected. If you
select Component in the list, the
property pane shows the names and
numbers of the components that you
have selected in the model.
Component properties for each
component are shown in the same
dialog boxes as previously.
Modify the object selection in the Hold down Ctrl and click the object
Object type list types in the list that you want to
exclude or include in the selection.
The content of the property pane can
change according to your selection.
Select all the objects in the Object Click the Select all button.
type list

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 15 New way to edit model object properties
Copy object properties from one object to another
You can use the property pane to easily copy properties between any objects
as long as both of the objects have the same property available.
1. Select the object you want to copy properties from.

2. Click Copy properties in the property pane.

The mouse pointer changes into a paintbrush.
3. Select the objects you want to copy properties to. You can use area select
to the select the objects.
Tekla Structures highlights the modified properties in yellow in the
property pane.
4. Select or clear the check marks to indicate which properties you want to

You can clear the check marks one by one, or select a whole section and
all its properties.
Use the Select All and Select None switches at the bottom of the
property pane to select all the changes or to clear all the changes. If you
use the Select None switch, all check marks will be cleared the next time
you start the Copy properties command.
5. Click Modify to apply the selected changes.
The modified properties become the new current properties. Tekla
Structures uses the current properties the next time you create an object
of the same type.
When the properties have been copied, the mouse pointer returns to
Note that if you have customized the property pane and added user-
defined attributes (UDAs) to it, the values of the UDAs are copied when
you use the Copy properties command in the property pane. Values of
the UDAs that are visible only in the UDA dialog boxes are not copied with
the object. Unique user-defined attributes (unique_attribute) are not
copied with the object.
Note that if you copy rebar set or leg face properties, the layer order
number is not copied.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 16 New way to edit model object properties
TIP To copy properties to multiple objects, double-click the Copy
properties button to keep the Copy properties command running. Click
Modify after each selected object. The mouse pointer remains in the

paintbrush mode until you press Esc or click again.

Use property files and standard files

You can save sets of properties as property files, and load these properties
later when you create new objects.
1. Double-click a part, an item, a bolt, a weld, a reinforcement, a pour, a
construction object, or an assembly to view the current properties in the
property pane.
2. In the property pane, modify or enter the properties you want to save.

3. In the box next to the button, enter a name for the new set of

4. Click to save the properties.

The set of properties is now saved and added to the list of property files in
the current model folder:

5. When you want to load the properties, select the set of properties from
the list.
• If you select an object in the model and load a property file in the
property pane, the properties and the user-defined attributes (UDAs)
are loaded immediately, and the values that are different from the
currently selected object are highlighted in yellow in the property
pane. Click Modify to apply the new values.
If there are changes only in the UDA values in the UDA dialog box and
not the in the values in the property pane, the Modify button does not
become active. Click Modify in the UDA dialog box to active the UDA
• If you start an object creation command in the model and load a
property file in the property pane, the properties and the user-defined
attributes (UDAs) are used right away and Tekla Structures creates the
object using the loaded values.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 17 New way to edit model object properties
NOTE If the UDA dialog box is open when you load a property file in the
property pane, the UDA dialog box updates and shows the values
of the UDAs that are saved in the property file. However, if you
first select an object and load a property file and only then open
the UDA dialog box, the dialog box shows the UDA values of the
selected object.
To check which UDA values are saved in a property file, you need
to open the UDA dialog box first, or load the property file again
after opening the UDA dialog box.

6. If you want to make changes to an existing set of properties:

a. Load the set of properties you want to change.
b. Modify the properties.

c. Click .
Tekla Structures saves the changes in the file shown in the list,
overwriting the old set of properties.
The modified properties become the new current properties. Tekla
Structures uses the current properties the next time you create an object
of the same type.
If you want to create an object using the standard values instead of the
new current values, load the standard file first.

User-defined attributes in the property pane

In the property pane, the More button in the Custom properties section
opens the user-defined attributes (UDAs) dialog box. If you customize the
property pane, you can add your most important UDAs directly to the property
pane, so that you do not need to open separate UDA dialog boxes.
When you create or modify model objects, UDAs are automatically applied
together with all the other object properties. UDAs are automatically applied
regardless of them being in the property pane or in the UDA dialog boxes.
UDAs with the following unit types are supported and work correctly in the
property pane: Option, String, Integer, Float, Date, Distance, Weight,
Force, Moment, Angle, Factor, and Area. UDAs with other unit types need to
be used through the UDA dialog boxes.

Customize the property pane layout

You can customize the property pane to better suit your needs. You can select
separately for each object type which properties you wish to see in the
property pane. With the customization tool you can show, hide and organize

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 18 New way to edit model object properties
the settings in the property pane. You can also add your most needed user-
defined attributes (UDAs) directly to the property pane. Company
administrators can distribute the customized property pane layouts to the
whole organization, in the same way as customized ribbon or customized tabs.
With the customization tool, you can
• organize properties to a suitable order or to suitable groups
• remove properties you do not use or need
• create your own groups for properties that you find relevant, including
user-defined attributes (UDAs)
• add properties to an existing group, including user-defined attributes
• create nested property groups
• rename properties or groups
• save the customized property pane layouts

The customized property pane layouts are saved to the

PropertyTemplates.xml file in the ..Users\<user>\AppData\Local
To open the customization tool, click File menu --> Settings --> Customize -->
Property pane.
In the Properties for list, select the object type whose property pane layout
you want to modify. For example, Concrete slab.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 19 New way to edit model object properties
• The left side of the customization tools shows the available properties and
user-defined attributes for each object type. You can add these properties
and UDAs to the property pane layout as regular properties. Properties
which are already in use cannot be added for a second time but you can
reorganize them in the property pane layout.
• The right side of the customization tool shows the current layout of the
property pane for the selected object type.

To Do this
Add a new property to the property Select a property from the list on the
pane layout left and drag it to the property pane
layout on the right.
You can drag the property to any
group on the property pane.
Add a new group to the property Drag the group template from the
pane layout middle section of the customization
tool to the property pane layout on
the right.
You can create a new group, or insert
a new group inside an existing group
to create nested groups.
You can reorganize the existing
groups by dragging them.
Rename a group or a property
Click and enter a new name for
the group or for the property. Press
Enter to activate the name.
Alternatively, right-click the group or
the property name and select
Copy a group from one object type to You can copy groups from one object
another object type type to another object type, for
example, from steel beam to steel
1. In the property pane layout on
the right, select the group you
want to copy.
2. Right-click the group name and
select Copy properties.
The name of the copied group
and the content of the group is
shown in the middle of the
customization tool.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 20 New way to edit model object properties
To Do this
3. In the Properties for list, select
the object type to which you want
to copy the group.
4. Drag the copied group from the
middle of the customization tool
to the property pane layout on
the right.
The name of the copied group
and the content of the group is
shown in the middle of the
customization tool until you copy
another group or close the
customization tool.
If you copy nested groups, all the
nested groups inside the main group
are copied, too.
Note that properties that are already
in use cannot be added for a second
time. If you copy a group containing
properties that are already in use, the
copying does not succeed and the
customization tool status bar displays
a message describing the details.
Delete a group or a property Right-click a group or a property, and
select Delete.
Revert back to the original property Click the Remove this customization
pane layouts button to remove the customization
of a single property pane layout, or
the Remove all customizations
button to remove the customization
of all property pane layouts.
Discard changes On the Edit property pane tab, click

the Discard button to undo the

last action.
Save the changes On the Edit property pane tab, click
the Save button .
When you return to Tekla Structures,
Tekla Structures asks if you wish to
reload the changed property pane
templates. Click Yes to take the
customized property pane layout in

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 21 New way to edit model object properties
Example: How to add IFC related user-defined attributes to the property
pane layout
This example shows how to add IFC related user-defined attributes (UDAs) to
the steel column property pane layout, and copy the group to the steel beam
property pane layout.
1. In the Properties for list, select Steel column.

2. Create a new property group. Drag the group template to the property
pane layout on the right.

3. Click and rename the property group to IFC.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 22 New way to edit model object properties
4. In the search box on the left, search the IFC related UDAs.

5. Drag the UDAs one by one to the group you created in the property pane

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 23 New way to edit model object properties
6. When you have added all the needed UDAs to the new group, copy the
group and add it to the steel beam property pane layout. Right-click the
group and select Copy properties.

The name of the copied group and the content of the group is shown in
the middle of the customization tool.

7. To add the copied group in the steel beam property pane layout, select
Steel beam in the Properties for list.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 24 New way to edit model object properties
8. Drag the copied group from the middle of the customization tool to the
steel beam property pane layout on the right.

Now the IFC related UDAs are available both in the steel column property
pane layout and in the steel beam property pane layout.

9. On the Edit property pane tab, click the Save button to save the
changes. When you return to Tekla Structures, Tekla Structures asks if you
wish to reload the changed property pane templates. Click Yes to take the
customized property pane layout in use.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 25 New way to edit model object properties
Distribute customized property pane layouts using a
project, firm, or environment folder
Company administrators can distribute the customized property pane layouts
to other users in the company by placing the property pane layout file
PropertyTemplates.xml in a folder called PropertyRepository
\Templates in a project, firm, or environment folder. For example, company
administrators can create company property pane layouts and save them in
the firm folder. These property panes are available in the Tekla Structures user
interface for all users who use the same firm folder.

NOTE If you use a firm folder to distribute the PropertyTemplates.xml file, you
need to set the firm folder path in an .ini file. If you set the firm folder path
in the advanced option XS_FIRM, the PropertyTemplates.xml file does not
work correctly.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 26 New way to edit model object properties
Add a property pane layout file to a project, firm, or environment folder
1. In the customization tool, create the property pane layouts that you want
to share.
The property pane layouts are saved in the PropertyTemplates.xml
file, in the ..\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Trimble
\TeklaStructures\<version>\UI\PropertyTemplates folder.
2. Create a folder called PropertyRepository\Templates either in your
company's project folder, firm folder, or in the \system folder, which is
located under the environment folder: ..\ProgramData\Tekla
3. Copy the PropertyTemplates.xml file to the PropertyRepository
\Templates folder.
For example: ..\ProgramData\Tekla Structures\<version>
4. Restart Tekla Structures.

Search order of the customized property pane layout files

The PropertyTemplates.xml file contains all the property pane layouts for
different object types. Note that the property pane layouts for different object
types are treated separately. For example, Tekla Structures can read the
property pane layout for steel beam from a different location than the
property pane layout for steel column.
If different object types are defined in different folder locations, the definitions
are combined. If the same object type is defined differently in different folder
locations, the definition that is higher in the search order is used.
The property pane layout in the ..\Users\<user>\AppData\Local
\Trimble\TeklaStructures\<version>\UI\PropertyTemplates\ folder
has the highest priority, and after that Tekla Structures uses the default search

1.3 Easier way to change work planes

Tekla Structures 2018 contains a new Work plane handler toolbar.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 27 Easier way to change work planes
Work plane handler
Use the work plane handler toolbar to select which work plane you currently
have in use in the model. You can switch between the different saved work
planes and base points.
Select the saved work plane or the base point on the list in the toolbar to
activate it.
By default, the Work plane handler toolbar is located at the bottom of the
screen. You can float and dock the toolbar. If you are unable to find the
toolbar, see How to restore missing toolbars.

The work plane handler allows you to select among the following work planes:
• Model origin (if project base point is set somewhere else)
• Project base point
• All base points
• All work planes you have set and saved
The symbol for model origin is different if the project base point is to model
origin, or if it has been set to a base point.

Save and add your own work plane to the toolbar

1. Set a work plane in the model.
2. Enter a name for the work plane in the Work plane handler toolbar box.

3. Click the button to add the work plane to the list.

If needed, you can rename your work plane by double-clicking it and
entering a new name.

To remove a work plane from the list, click the button.

1.4 Undo modeling and drawing changes with the new

Undo history command
In Tekla Structures 2018, all the commands that you have run and the
modifications you have done are now listed in the new Undo history dialog
box. By selecting a command or an action in the Undo history dialog box, you
can undo or redo several commands at one go, and thus go back and forth in

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 28 Undo modeling and drawing changes with the
new Undo history command
the model history. The Undo history list helps you to check which commands
and modifications you have done and undone, and to keep track of the
changes. Undo history is available both in the modeling and in the drawing
The Undo and Redo commands work in the same way as previously; with
those commands you can undo and redo actions one by one.

How to use Undo history

To open the Undo history dialog box, click the button on the Quick Access
Toolbar, next to the Undo and Redo buttons. Alternatively, use Quick Launch
to open the dialog box.

To Do this
Undo commands Click any row on the list.
If the undo operation takes a long
time, Tekla Structures highlights the
clicked row to show what was
All the modifications you have done
after the selected command are
undone. The modifications you have
undone have a dark gray background
color in the list.
Redo previously undone commands Click any row with a dark gray
background color in the list.
All the modifications you have done
before the selected command are
Add a bookmark Move your mouse pointer over any
row. A bookmark icon is shown.
Click the bookmark icon to mark
certain commands.
Use the bookmarks to mark
important commands or actions. You
can later return to these commands
or actions if the changes in the model
are not satisfactory.
To remove a bookmark, click the
bookmark icon again.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 29 Undo modeling and drawing changes with the
new Undo history command
The Undo history dialog box
• lists the commands you have run and modifications you have done,
starting from the top of the list. The latest commands and modifications
are at the bottom of the list.
• updates constantly according to the changes you make in the model or in
the drawing.
• creates a hierarchy for some of the used commands. The hierarchy is
created when you first run a command, then you undo some commands to
a certain point in the list, and run another command.
The hierarchy is marked with an arrow in the list. You can undo or redo
commands at any point in the hierarchy, making it possible to even undo
commands that you have previously redone.
This means that after you have undone a command, you can continue
working with the model, and you still have the option to go back to the
commands you have used first.
• shows the undone commands and modifications with a dark gray
background color in the list
The Undo history list is cleared when you
• save a model
• open or close a drawing
• synchronize Organizer with the model
• read in or write out model changes using Tekla Model Sharing
• use CIS/2 or SDNF import commands.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 30 Undo modeling and drawing changes with the
new Undo history command
1.5 Other user interface changes
Tekla Structures 2018 user interface has been improved with some completely
new features and with plenty of enhancements to make your work more
efficient and smoother.

Tekla Online: a new side pane

Tekla Structures 2018 introduces a new side pane window, Tekla Online.
Tekla Online provides a shortcut access to the different Tekla Online services.
Using Tekla Online side pane you can access:
• Tekla User Assistance
• Tekla Discussion Forum
• Tekla Campus
• Tekla Warehouse

To open the Tekla Online side pane, click the Tekla Online icon in the
side pane.

You can search help content from Tekla User Assistance, forum posts from
Tekla Discussion Forum, and both online and local content from Tekla
Warehouse. In addition, you can get the latest updates from Tekla User
Assistance and see Tekla Model Sharing messages in the Notifications area.
If you have logged in to Tekla Structures, you are automatically logged in to the
Tekla Online services. By logging in, you can access more content if your
company has a valid maintenance agreement.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 31 Other user interface changes

Side pane improvements
There are several improvements to the side pane.
• You can now easily switch side pane windows open and close. When you
click a side pane button, a side pane window opens. When you click the
button again, the side pane window is closed.
• You can have several side pane windows open at the same time.
Click the side pane buttons to open as many side pane windows as needed.
The active side pane windows are stacked on top of each other by default.
You can resize the side pane windows and change their order by dragging

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 32 Other user interface changes

• You can use the arrow in the side pane to switch several active side
pane windows open and close at one go.
• You can easily move the side pane windows around your screen. When you
position the mouse pointer on the upper part of the side pane window, the
upper part is shown in yellow. Grab the yellow upper part of the side pane
window and drag the window to a new location.

• If you have several side pane windows open, and you want to close all the
other side pane windows expect the selected side pane, click Ctrl+active
side pane button.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 33 Other user interface changes

• When you close and start Tekla Structures again, the side pane windows
remember their size and location.

Renewed Snapping and Selecting toolbars

Snapping, Selecting, and Snap override toolbars have been renewed both in
the modeling and in the drawing mode. The renewed toolbars work the same
way as the old ones.

Snapping toolbar in
the modeling mode
Selecting toolbar in
the modeling mode
Snapping toolbar in
the drawing mode
Selecting toolbar in
the drawing mode
Snap override toolbar

• Analysis selection switches now have a separate toolbar . Use

ribbon or Quick Launch to activate the toolbar.
• You can float the toolbars and dock them to the top or the bottom of the
Toolbars can be docked when the docking area turns yellow.

• The new toolbars follow the display scaling settings in Windows. Therefore
the previously used Large icons option is not needed anymore and has
been removed.
• You can use Quick Launch to hide or show the toolbars. Click the name of
the toolbar on the search results list to activate the toolbar.

• You can use Quick Launch to switch single snapping or select switches on
or off. Click the name of the switch on the search results list to activate the

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 34 Other user interface changes

• As previously, you can set keyboard shortcuts for the Snapping and
Selecting toolbars and the individual switches.

In addition, there are new selection switches for rebar sets on the
Selecting toolbar.

Snap symbol color change

Snap symbol colors have been changed. Snap symbols now have two colors:
• Orange for part/object snap
• Green for component snap

Quick Launch finds the commands on the File menu

The commands on the File menu can now be found also with Quick Launch.
In Quick Launch, the File menu search results are listed under Menu.

New base point symbol

The base point symbol has changed in Tekla Structures 2018:
• When the currently used base point is located in the model origin or
anywhere else, it looks like this:

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 35 Other user interface changes

• If you have the Base point dialog box open, the base point that you are
currently editing is shown in blue, and the north and east direction is

If the currently edited base point is the same as the currently used base
point, the blue color is not shown, and the symbol is red, just like the one in
the first image above.

1.6 New selection tool and other modeling

In Tekla Structures 2018, there is a new tool for selecting objects, and several
improvements in construction objects, the Inquire tool, numbering, welds,
and shapes.

Select previous objects

Sometimes you need to select again the same objects that you selected
previously but have then deselected. For example, you have first selected
some objects and moved them, then you have deselected the objects, and
now you want to copy the same objects.
You can now better control the object selection with a new command Select
previous objects.
To select previously selected objects, do one of the following:

• On the ribbon, click the down arrow next to the button, and then click
Select previous objects.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 36 New selection tool and other modeling
• Press Alt+P.
• Use Quick Launch to find the command.
The Select previous objects command is available both in the modeling and
in the drawing mode.

Improvements in construction objects

• You can now change the line type of the construction lines and circles. Use
the following model-specific advanced options in the Modeling Properties
Enter an integer value from 1 to 5.

• 1= (The default value for construction circles.)

• 2= (The default value for construction lines.)

• 3=

• 4=

• 5=
Redraw the model view after changing the values to update the existing
construction objects in the view.
• The construction points that are on the view plane are now blue, and better
visible on the gray background than the previous yellow points.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 37 New selection tool and other modeling
• You can now add construction objects to phases.
For more information about working with phases, see Phase Manager.
• You can now use the properties of construction objects in filtering. You can
filter by phase and type (Line, Circle, Plane).
For more information, find the pages titled Object properties in filtering
and Filter objects in Tekla User Assistance.

Improvements in the Inquire tool

When you click the down arrow next to on the ribbon, and then select
Point coordinates, the Inquire point coordinates dialog box is displayed.
You can then click the Pick button in the dialog box and pick a point in the
model to see the coordinates of the point in:
• Local coordinates
• Model coordinates (global)
• Project base point coordinates
• Current base point coordinates

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 38 New selection tool and other modeling
Improvements in numbering
• In the Numbering Setup dialog box, you can now select whether the
object's phase affects the numbering. If you select the Phase check box,
Tekla Structures compares the phases when numbering objects, and gives
otherwise identical objects different numbers if the objects belong to
different phases.

For more information, find the pages titled Define what affects numbering
and Adjust the numbering settings in Tekla User Assistance.
• In design group numbering, you can now use letters instead of numbers
after the prefix. Specify the allowed letters using the advanced option XS_
are used.
For more information, see Number parts by design group.
• Using the new advanced option XS_IGNORE_CROSSBAR_LOCATION_IN_
REBAR_MESH_NUMBERING you can define whether the location of the
crossing bars (e.g. above or below the main bars) affects the numbering of
the reinforcement meshes or not. The default value is FALSE, which means
that the crossing bar location is taken into account when meshes are
numbered. The otherwise identical meshes receive different numbers if the
crossing bars are on the different sides of the main bars.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 39 New selection tool and other modeling
Improvements in compound welds
• In Tekla Structures 2018, compound welds can be shown as solid objects in
model views. This means that the weld types and now look
more realistic in the model.
For more information, see Set the visibility and appearance of welds and
List of weld types.
• You can now define the size of both welds in compound welds. In weld
properties in the property pane, two boxes for Size appear when you select
a compound weld type. For example:

• You can also define the size of both welds in compound welds when you
create manual drawing welds. See Other improvements in drawings
(page 75).
• In reports of compound welds, you can show the size of the additional weld
above line and below line using the new template attributes

Improvements in polygon welds

• Polygon welds can now be double-sided solid model objects, and they may
still consist of several segments. Also double-sided welds along the entire
part face perimeter can be created.
When you use the Steel --> Weld --> Create polygon weld command with
both Above line and Below line properties, and pick the polygon points on
one side of a part, Tekla Structures automatically searches for the
corresponding points on the other side of the part, and creates a double-
sided solid polygon weld in the model.
If needed, you can modify the welds by dragging their handles.
• You can now use the Steel --> Weld --> Convert to polygon weld
command to convert separate double-sided weld segments to a polygon
If the welds to be converted consist of more than one polygon, or if there is
a different number of weld segments on the sides of the welded part, Tekla
Structures does not create the double-sided polygon weld but separate
single-sided polygon welds.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 40 New selection tool and other modeling
• You can split a selected double-sided polygon weld into two single-sided
polygon welds by using the new Split command on the pop-up menu.

Improvements in shapes
Tekla Structures 2018 introduces a new compressed file format .tez for shape
geometry files.
By using the .tez format and compressing the shape geometry files, you can
save disk space. This is useful if you want to use an older model with many
shape files in Tekla Structures 2018.
When you import new shapes to Tekla Structures 2018, Tekla Structures saves
the shape geometry files in the \ShapeGeometries subfolder in the current
model folder and automatically uses the compressed .tez format.
If an imported shape geometry file has the same name as an existing shape in
the model, the imported file overrides the existing shape geometry file, and
a .tez file is created instead of an .xml file in the \ShapeGeometries folder.
Tekla Structures 2018 also provides an application that compresses existing
shape geometry files. The Compress shape geometries application converts
all the shape geometry files stored in the \ShapeGeometries folder
from .xml format to the compressed .tez format.
The Compress shape geometries application is available in the Applications
& components catalog.

NOTE Compression is a permanent action, and you cannot undo it even if you do
not save the model.
Do not compress shape geometry files if you need them in models that you
will open using Tekla Structures 2017i or an older version. The .tez files do
not work in those versions.
If your project, company, or environment uses a common location for shapes
that are used in several Tekla Structures versions including 2017i and older,
do not convert those shape geometry files to .tez format. Otherwise the
shapes will not work in all versions.

Other modeling improvements

• When you set values in filter rules, you can now use a new option Multi-
select from model.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 41 New selection tool and other modeling
Then select multiple objects in the model, and click the middle mouse
button to finish selecting. The current values of the selected objects
appear, separated with spaces, in the Value cell on the filter row.
• When you use the View --> Navigate --> Set view point command, or the
keyboard shortcut V, and then pick the view point for rotation, Tekla

Structures now uses all active snap switches and the Snap to any
position switch. Previously, only the Snap to any position switch was
used, and you could accidentally pick a wrong view point.

1.7 More accurate analysis models and other analysis

and design improvements
Tekla Structures 2018 comes with many important improvements in analysis
and design.

New method of generating analysis models

The method Tekla Structures uses to create analysis models has been
improved in version 2018. Analysis parts are now automatically connected
more accurately, and the nodes are created at correct locations. This results in
simpler and clearer analysis models, and reduces the amount of rigid links and
the need of manual editing in the analysis models. For example, beams,

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 42 More accurate analysis models and other analysis
and design improvements
columns, and braces may now be connected using a single common node,
instead of several nodes and rigid links.

Physical model Analysis model (2017i) Analysis model (2018)

If you open an existing model with analysis models in Tekla Structures 2018,
and activate an analysis model, Tekla Structures recreates the analysis model
using this new method.
If you need to revert to the analysis model creation method used in Tekla
Structures 2017i and previous versions, set the new advanced option XS_AD_
ANALYSIS_PLANES_ENABLED to FALSE. This advanced option is model specific.

Export to Tekla Structural Designer using an analysis model

You can now export a Tekla Structures analysis model to Tekla Structural
Designer along with the physical model. Previously you could only export the
physical model to Tekla Structural Designer. Tekla Structural Designer now
imports the analysis model with the physical model, and the resulting model
and the analysis results are more accurate.
For example, the concrete beams can be positioned in various ways in relation
to their reference axis in Tekla Structures, and still they will be connected to
the concrete columns in the Tekla Structural Designer model.
Also the analysis part start and end releases are now exported to Tekla
Structural Designer.
To export an analysis model to Tekla Structural Designer, do one of the
• Use the new command Export --> Tekla Structural Designer with
analysis model on the File menu.
• If you have set Tekla Structural Designer as the analysis application for an
analysis model, in the Analysis & Design Models dialog box, select the
analysis model and click Export.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 43 More accurate analysis models and other analysis
and design improvements
For more information, find the page titled Export a model from Tekla
Structures to an analysis application... in Tekla User Assistance.
See also the page titled Link Tekla Structures with an analysis application in
Tekla User Assistance.

Import changes from Tekla Structural Designer to an

analysis model
Now in Tekla Structures 2018, you can import the changes you have made in
Tekla Structural Designer and update the corresponding analysis model in
Tekla Structures. You can import the new parts created in Tekla Structural
Designer, profile and material changes, and analysis results.
The location of existing parts does not change in Tekla Structures even if you
have moved the corresponding parts in Tekla Structural Designer.
To import the changes from Tekla Structural Designer, select the analysis
model in the Analysis & Design Models dialog box in Tekla Structures and
click Get results.
For more information, find the page titled Import changes from Tekla
Structural Designer to an analysis model... in Tekla User Assistance.

Improvements in defining analysis model content and

The methods of defining the contents of an analysis model have been
improved. Analysis model filters for primary and secondary analysis parts have
been improved, and a new filter for bracing has been added. The analysis
model filters are based on selection filters. You no longer need to reapply the
analysis model filters if there have been changes in the physical model or
analysis model content.
The automatic recognition of the secondary and bracing parts only works in
some particular cases, such as for trusses.

Changes in the Analysis model properties dialog box

In the Analysis Model Properties dialog box, the settings on the Analysis
model tab have been improved and reorganized.
• The order of the settings has been changed as follows:

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 44 More accurate analysis models and other analysis
and design improvements
• Tekla Structural Designer is now available as an option in the Analysis
application list.
• Creation method has been renamed to Analysis model content, and the
default value is now Selected parts and loads.
• Filter has been renamed to Analysis model filter.
• A new setting Bracing member filter has been added.
Use Bracing member filter to define which of the included analysis model
objects are considered to be braces. The analysis nodes of the braces can
move more freely than the ones of the primary analysis parts when the
analysis model is created.
• Secondary member filter has been updated: the Auto-detect secondary
members option and the Reapply to all parts check box have been
Use Secondary member filter to define which of the included analysis
model objects are considered to be secondary analysis parts. The nodes of
the secondary analysis parts can move more freely than the ones of the
primary analysis parts when the analysis model is created.
• The More settings button has been removed, and all the settings are
visible right away.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 45 More accurate analysis models and other analysis
and design improvements
• The Default keep axis for secondary members setting has been
For more information, find the page titled Analysis model properties in Tekla
User Assistance.

Changes in analysis classes and node colors

Tekla Structures 2018 introduces new analysis classes for braces:
• Bracing
• Bracing - Truss
• Bracing - Truss-Compression only
• Bracing - Truss-Tension only
• Bracing - Ignore
The colors of the analysis part classes have been changed as follows to make it
easier to recognize different parts in the analysis model:

• Primary analysis parts Beam and Column have been changed from red to
• The new class Bracing is green.
Bracing - Truss, Bracing - Truss-Compression only, and Bracing - Truss-
Tension only are the same colors as the corresponding primary classes.
• Secondary has been changed from red to orange.
Note that the analysis application you use may not support all of the analysis
classes or colors.
The shades of analysis node colors have been changed slightly.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 46 More accurate analysis models and other analysis
and design improvements
Showing analysis member and node numbers
It is now easy to show or hide the analysis member and node numbers in
model views. Previously, you needed to use the advanced options XS_AD_
VISUALIZATION. Now you can go to the Analysis & design tab on the ribbon,
and click:
• Member numbers to switch the member numbers on or off
• Node numbers to switch the node numbers on or off

New separate selection toolbar for analysis objects

The selection switches for the analysis model objects now have a separate

To show or hide the toolbar, go to the Analysis & design tab and click
Analysis toolbar.
Alternatively, you can use Quick Launch: start typing analysis selecting,
and then select or clear the Analysis selecting toolbar check box in the list
that appears.
See also Other user interface changes (page 31).

Other improvements and fixes in analysis and design

• If you use Tekla Structural Designer as the analysis application, no rigid
links are created between steel parts in the analysis model. For steel parts,
the Disabled, with keep axis: Default option is automatically used for the
Use rigid links setting in the Analysis Model Properties dialog box. For
concrete parts, you can use the Enabled option.
Also, Keep axis position is set to No in the analysis properties of primary
steel parts.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 47 More accurate analysis models and other analysis
and design improvements
• If there is a connection between parts in the physical model, the parts are
now connected in the analysis model as well, even when the parts do not
clash in the physical model. Previously, this did not happen in connections
with one secondary part only.
• Tekla Structures now takes the fittings that extend or shorten physical parts
into account when it creates analysis models, and the analysis parts are
connected correctly.
• Now when you use the Inquire command to check an analysis node, the
node coordinates are also shown according to the local (work plane)
coordinate system.
• Tekla Structures checks that slabs, panels, and walls are planar and shows a
warning if one or more analysis nodes are out of the plane. The Inquire
object dialog box shows the distances between this kind of nodes and the
• Vertical and diagonal parts created by the Truss (S78) component are now
handled as braces in the analysis.

1.8 Faster rebar sets and other reinforcement

Tekla Structures 2018 comes with many important reinforcement
improvements. For example, selecting, numbering, and grouping of rebar set
bars have been improved.

Rebar set performance improvements

In Tekla Structures 2018, there are many improvements that enhance
performance in models that contain rebar sets. For example, numbering and
selecting rebar sets, opening 3D model views, and creating and opening
general arrangement drawings are now faster. Also the rebar set bars are not
regenerated as frequently as before, which improves the performance.

New selection switches

Tekla Structures 2018 introduces three new selection switches for selecting
bars within rebar sets.

Using these switches, you can either select entire rebar sets, bar groups in
rebar sets, or individual bars in rebar sets.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 48 Faster rebar sets and other reinforcement
Now you can hide, inquire, create reports for, and define user-defined
attributes for individual bars or bar groups in rebar sets. Note that you cannot
delete, copy, or move individual rebar set bars or bar groups, or change their
phase, for example.
All the three new selection switches also select single reinforcing bars, bar
groups, reinforcement meshes, and strands.

Adding leg faces to rebar sets

To easily add new leg faces to a selected rebar set, and to create reinforcing
bars at the leg faces, you can now click the new button on the contextual
toolbar: .
Then select each concrete part face or pour object face at which you want to
create a new leg face with the reinforcing bars. You can also select curved

Rebar set splitter improvements

Vertical rebar set splitters now also work in the inside and outside corners of
concrete objects. Splitters can be used to create hooks with fixed leg lengths,
for example.

Grouping bars in rebar sets

• Automatic bar groups within rebar sets may now contain similar bars from
more than one adjacent spacing zones. To allow this, set the new advanced

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 49 Faster rebar sets and other reinforcement
• The same user-defined attributes that affect numbering now affect the
grouping of rebar set bars. If this kind of user-defined attribute is defined
for an individual bar, the group to which the bar belongs will be

Position numbers for bars in linearly tapered rebar sets

Tekla Structures 2018 introduces many new settings that you can use to define
and show position numbers for rebar set bars in drawings and reports.
• With the new advanced option XS_REBARSET_USE_GROUP_NUMBER_FOR_
BARS_IN_TAPERED_GROUPS you can define whether the reinforcing bars in
each linearly tapered bar group within a rebar set are numbered using the
group number (TRUE) or as individual bars (FALSE).
• With the new advanced option XS_REBARSET_TAPERED_GROUP_POSITION_
NUMBER_FORMAT_STRING you can define how the new tapered reinforcing
bar group position number GROUP_POS is structured.
• With the new advanced option XS_REBARSET_TAPERED_REBAR_POSITION_
NUMBER_FORMAT_STRING you can define how the position number
REBAR_POS of single bars in tapered bar groups is structured.
• With the new advanced option XS_VALID_CHARS_FOR_REBAR_SUB_ID_
WITH_LETTERS you can specify the valid characters for the reinforcing bar
sub IDs when they are shown by the new format string attribute SUB_ID_

Numbering reinforcement meshes

Use the new advanced option XS_IGNORE_CROSSBAR_LOCATION_IN_REBAR_
MESH_NUMBERING to define whether the location of the crossing bars (e.g.
above or below the main bars) affects the numbering of the reinforcement
meshes or not. The default value is FALSE, which means that the crossing bar
location is taken into account when meshes are numbered. The otherwise
identical meshes receive different numbers if the crossing bars are on the
different sides of the main bars.

Reinforcement improvements in drawings

Tekla Structures 2018 introduces some improvements in reinforcement
behavior and appearance, such as preventing overlapping rebars, new option
to show single lines with filled ends, and solid lines at rebar ends.

Rebars no longer overlapping in drawings

• All reinforcing bar groups are now adjusted correctly and visible when you
set Visibility of reinforcing bars in group to bar in the middle of group.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 50 Faster rebar sets and other reinforcement
Previously, reinforcing bar groups were adjusted if you only had two layers
of bars, and Tekla Structures often placed bars from different groups on
top of each other in drawings. You could not trust that all bars were visible
just by looking, and a lot of manual work was needed to clean up the
In the example below, there are three similar rebar groups on top of each
other in the model. In the drawing, one bar in the middle of the group is
now shown for each of them.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 51 Faster rebar sets and other reinforcement
New rebar representation option: single line with filled ends
• A new option single line with filled ends has been added in rebar
representation to be used especially in section views. This option shows a
different representation for parallel and perpendicular bars.

Reinforcing bar end symbols drawn with solid lines

• To improve clarity in drawings, the reinforcing bar end symbols are now
always drawn in solid line type, regardless of the actual reinforcement line
type defined in drawing reinforcement properties.
Before the improvement:

After the improvement:

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 52 Faster rebar sets and other reinforcement
Rebar set groups now keep their settings better
• Rebar set groups in drawings can lose their dimensions, marks, and
visibility/representation settings after groups of bars are modified in,
added to or deleted from a rebar set in a model. Improvements have now
been made to ensure this happens much less frequently.

You can now use the new advanced option XS_DRAW_REBAR_HIDDEN_FACES
in the Advanced Options category Drawing Properties to control whether
the hidden faces of the rebars are shown in drawings. Setting it to TRUE shows
the hidden faces of rebars. FALSE is the default value.
Previously, the advanced option XS_DRAW_HIDDEN_FACES was used to control
both hidden part faces and hidden faces of rebars. Now XS_DRAW_HIDDEN_
FACES only controls hidden part faces.
In the first image below, XS_DRAW_REBAR_HIDDEN_FACES has been set to

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 53 Faster rebar sets and other reinforcement
In the image below, XS_DRAW_REBAR_HIDDEN_FACES has been set to FALSE.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 54 Faster rebar sets and other reinforcement
New template and format string attributes
• GROUP_POS (similar to REBAR_POS)
Also a new format string attribute SUB_ID_WITH_LETTERS is now available. It is
not available as a template attribute, but works with XS_REBARSET_TAPERED_

Other reinforcement improvements

• When you select rebar sets, or bars in rebar sets, and then right-click, the
Attach to Part and Detach from Part commands are now available on the
pop-up menu.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 55 Faster rebar sets and other reinforcement
Also the following commands now work with rebar set bars in cast-in-place
concrete objects:
• Pour --> Add to pour unit
• Pour --> Remove from pour unit
• When you create a new corner point to a rebar set guideline by dragging a
midpoint handle , the corner point now has the None chamfer.
Previously, the new corner points had Arc point chamfers by default.
• You can now show and report the reinforcing bar GUID, REBAR_POS, and
user-defined attributes without the REBAR. prefix on the SINGLE_REBAR
template rows.
• A new option STL can now be used in bending shape rules in Rebar shape
manager. STL is the total length of the spiral bar when the bar is installed
on site.
• In bending shape rules in Rebar shape manager, spiral length SL is now
the distance between the reference points of the spiral bar.
• In bending shape rules in Rebar shape manager, center line length CLL is
now available for curved and circular bars.

1.9 Improvements in pour management

In Tekla Structures 2018, pour unit is a new object type similar to assemblies
and cast units. A pour unit combines together a pour object and other objects
that need to be in place before cast-in-place concrete can be poured. Pour
units are present in the model when XS_ENABLE_POUR_MANAGEMENT is set
to TRUE.
• Pour hierarchy has now been changed so that the pour object and the
other objects are directly under the pour unit, and the pour object and the
other objects are on the same hierarchy level with each other.
Previously, the other objects in the pour unit were below the pour object
level in the hierarchy.

• When the Select assemblies selection switch is active and you select
a pour object in a pour view, the new object type, pour unit, is selected.

• You can now inquire and modify the pour unit properties using the

Select assemblies switch, or the pour object properties using the

Select objects in assemblies switch.
• When you select a pour unit and right-click, the same commands are now
available for the pour unit as for assemblies and cast units, for example

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 56 Improvements in pour management

Hide, Fit Work Area, Create View --> 3D View (neighbor objects are not
shown), and Zoom --> Zoom Selected.

Pour properties in property pane

Pour unit properties and pour object properties are now shown in the
property pane (page 10).
Also the pour break properties are now available in the property pane. For
example, you can define the pour break type or add comments.

Filtering and reporting pour units

In filtering and object groups, Pour unit is now available as a category, and as
an object type value when the Object category is selected.
In Template Editor, POUR_UNIT is available as a content type for rows. This
means that you can now create reports for pour units.
In templates, if you have rows that list object properties such as reinforcement
properties under pour objects, these rows will be empty. Update your existing
templates to follow the new pour unit hierarchy.
For more information about filtering, see Filter objects and Examples of filters.

Pour units in Organizer

You can now use pour units in Organizer categories in the same way as
assemblies and cast units when XS_ENABLE_POUR_MANAGEMENT is set to
TRUE. When you select pour units in the model or in the categories, Object
Browser shows the pour objects and any other objects added to the pour unit
under the pour unit in the hierarchy.

Synchronizing Organizer updates all properties of the changed pour unit

objects in the Organizer database. Location properties are now added to pour
units in synchronization. You can use location information when you create
reports and inquiries.

Pour units in Task Manager

You can now add pour units to tasks in Task Manager.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 57 Improvements in pour management

New template attributes for pour units
Tekla Structures 2018 introduces new template attributes that you can use
when you report pour unit information.

Pour management in shared models

• Sharing pour unit information has been improved. When the new advanced
Structures now automatically calculates the pour units when users start
sharing, read in, or write out. Previously (and with
to run the Calculate pour units command in their local version of the
shared model when they needed up-to-date pour unit information.
• Pour units are now shown in the sharing changes list at the bottom pane of
Tekla Structures. The list shows the changes after you have read in the
model changes from the sharing service.

Rebar sets in pour units

• Now Tekla Structures only checks for the new and modified rebar sets
when it calculates the pour units. This improves the performance.
Previously, when you run the Calculate pour units command, all rebar
sets were checked.

1.10 New way to manage drawing content and other mark

and note improvements
There are lots of significant improvements in marks, especially related to mark
placement and drawing content handling. There is a new drawing tool
Drawing content manager available for quickly checking the included model
objects and related marks, and for adding marks. You can now also add
associative notes and model weld marks to several model objects or welds at
one go, and easily select all part marks and weld marks. There are new options
for hiding weld marks, and improvements in text alignment.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 58 New way to manage drawing content and other
mark and note improvements
Drawing content manager - efficiently manage drawing
Tekla Structures 2018 introduces Drawing content manager - a new
interactive tool for checking and editing marks, notes and model objects in the
current drawing.
Use Drawing content manager to quickly and easily:
• Select relevant content for checking and editing purposes, and target
actions on single or multiple model objects or marks simultaneously
• Add, modify or remove model object marks, including associative notes
• Add weld marks to model welds in drawings, which has not been possible
in earlier Tekla Structures versions
• Highlight either objects or marks
• Check how many marks model objects have in one view or in the entire
• Add other content to model objects depending on the object type, such as
rebar dimension lines
• Change how model objects are shown in drawings and modify mark
• Hide/show model objects in drawings
With this new tool you can avoid duplicate, missing, or false information, and
efficiently check if all necessary content exists, without having to manually go
through all drawing objects separately.

• To open Drawing content manager, first open a drawing and click

Drawing content manager in the side pane. Then click Show to populate
the Drawing content manager list. If you do not want to list all model
objects, narrow your selection by selecting certain drawing views, model
areas or multiple objects, and then click Show.
• Drawing content manager lists the model objects and the related mark
content, and gives the total number of marks. The available data depends

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 59 New way to manage drawing content and other
mark and note improvements
on the object type. Associative notes are also considered and counted as

• The following model object types are available in Drawing content

manager if they exist in the drawing, and have been set visible in drawing
View properties:
• Assemblies

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 60 New way to manage drawing content and other
mark and note improvements
• Parts
• Welds
• Bolts
• Reinforcement
• Pour objects
• Neighbor parts

• To list hidden model objects in Drawing content manager, click

Show hidden items. This shows in the list the model objects that are
shown with hidden lines in the model.
• To select and highlight the selected parts or marks in all drawing views

where they are visible, click Show in all views.

• To refresh Drawing content manager mark information, click

• To select and highlight either model objects or marks in the drawing, select
the objects in Drawing content manager and change the selection from

object to mark using the switch . When the model object selection is

active, the switch is black , and when the mark selection is active, the

switch is yellow .
Marks selected:

Parts selected:

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 61 New way to manage drawing content and other
mark and note improvements
• To search for and list specific model objects, use the search box.
• To collapse or expand model object categories, use the arrow buttons .
• To sort mark properties in alphabetical order, click a column header.
• To add marks, first select the objects needing marks from the Drawing

content manager list so that the model object selection is active .

Then right-click in the model and select one of the following:
Add associative note
Add part mark
Add weld mark
Add Mark --> Reinforcement Mark
Add Mark --> Dimension Mark
Add Mark --> Tagged Dimension mark
Tekla Structures creates the marks or notes for the selected objects. To

update the mark information, click Update.

Note that the Drawing content manager does not support counting of
dimension and tagged dimension marks.
Note that if you select several model objects at the same time, and some of
the selected objects already have marks, the content of the existing marks
does not change.
• To delete marks, select one or several objects in Drawing content

manager, use the switch to select only marks, and then press Delete

on the keyboard. Update the mark information by clicking Update.

• To hide model objects, select the model objects from the Drawing content
manager list, right-click in the drawing and select Hide/Show --> Hide
from drawing view or Hide from drawing.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 62 New way to manage drawing content and other
mark and note improvements
• To change how model objects are shown in drawings, select the objects
from the Drawing content manager list, right-click in the model and select
• To modify the properties of the marks, select the objects from the list,

activate mark selection , hold down Shift and double-click a mark.

• If you wish to list some of the marks, such as weld marks, but not show the
marks in the drawing, use the first color option in the weld mark properties
dialog box to show the marks invisible. To do this, first select the weld

objects in the Drawing content manager list, activate mark selection ,

right-click in the model, select Properties..., and change the weld mark text
and line color.
For more information about Drawing content manager, see Drawing content

Improved mark placement

• Marks are now automatically placed according to the new mark placing
algorithm if the new model-specific advanced option
XS_MARK_INTELLIGENT_PLACING is set to TRUE, which is also the default
value. The new placement tries to avoid crossing leader lines, and also
places marks otherwise more clearly. XS_MARK_INTELLIGENT_PLACING is
available in the category Marking: General in the Advanced Options
dialog box. The new algorithm applies to all marks and associative notes,
except weld marks.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 63 New way to manage drawing content and other
mark and note improvements
In Tekla Structures 2018:

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 64 New way to manage drawing content and other
mark and note improvements
• Even though you set XS_MARK_INTELLIGENT_PLACING to FALSE, you can
still arrange the marks and associative notes with the following two
commands on the ribbon:

• Arrange marks : Arrange the selected marks and associative notes

so that you avoid crossing leader lines. The result also depends on the
defined protection settings and search margins.

• Align marks : Align the selected marks and associative notes that
are close to each other by stacking the marks and placing them evenly.
• The two new commands are also available in Quick Launch.
• Note that these commands do not work for weld marks.
• The commands Near current location and Ignore current locations now
work for fixed marks as well. The repositioned objects will keep their fixed
state. Earlier, these commands only worked for free marks.
• The command Ignore current locations now also moves rebar mark base
points to their original location.
• The mark quarter placement has also been improved. If you select all four
corner points in the Part Mark Placing dialog box, the improved automatic
placement will be used, and Tekla Structures attempts to find the closest
quarter with empty space.
• Note that if you use high Search margin and Minimum distance values in
the Part Mark Placing dialog box, the mark placement does not work
• If you set the new advanced option
marks with leader lines are placed in a 45-degree angle if allowed by the
protection settings.
This model-specific advanced option is located in the Marking: General
category in the Advanced Options dialog box.
• If you set the new advanced option
Tekla Structures first places the marks avoiding crossing leader lines and
after that runs the place nearby command, which ensures that the mark
locations follow the protection settings. If you set this advanced option to
FALSE, the crossing mark check is performed, but the place nearby
command is not run, and some of the protection settings may not be
This model-specific advanced option is located in the Marking: General
category in the Advanced Options dialog box.
For more information about mark placement and protection settings, see
Define object protection and placement settings in drawings.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 65 New way to manage drawing content and other
mark and note improvements
Improved way to select part marks
With the new Select part marks command on the drawing pop-up menu you
can select the part marks of the parts you have selected, and modify all these
marks at one go, for example, or delete them by pressing Delete on the
keyboard. Select part marks selects the part marks from the current drawing
view or from all drawing views according to your selection. This method is
easier than searching the whole drawing for the wanted part marks and then
after that modifying them, especially with large models.
This command replaces the old Delete part marks command.

New way to select model weld marks in drawings

With the new Select weld marks command on the drawing pop-up menu you
can select the weld marks of the model welds you have selected, and modify
all these marks at one go, for example, or delete them by pressing Delete on
the keyboard. Select weld marks selects the weld marks from the current
drawing view or from all drawing views according to your selection.
Note that this command does not select weld marks that you have manually
added in the drawing using the ribbon command Weld mark, it only selects
marks for welds that have been created in the model.

Add model weld marks in drawings

Now you can add model weld marks manually in open drawings if your model
contains model welds. To add the weld marks, you need to set the welds
visible in the view properties.
• First select the model welds to which you want to add weld marks using the
Select drawing welds selection switch and area selection, or Drawing
content manager list, for example.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 66 New way to manage drawing content and other
mark and note improvements
• When you have selected the welds, right-click and select Add Weld Mark.

Note that when you add a weld mark using the pop-up menu, it is now
visible even if its weld size is below the minimum weld size limit defined in
drawing view settings.
In addition to the weld size limit setting, the advanced option
XS_OMITTED_WELD_TYPE may also hide the weld marks.

Add associative notes to several model objects at one go

Now you can add associative notes to several model objects at one go in open
drawings. Previously, this was only possible in GA drawings, now this works for
all drawing types.
• First select the model objects to which you want to add associative notes
using the Select parts in drawings selection switch and area selection, or
Drawing content manager list, for example.
• When you have selected the model objects, right-click and select Add
associative note.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 67 New way to manage drawing content and other
mark and note improvements
Selection switch to select associative notes

You can now use the Select drawing marks switch to select associative

notes as well. The Select drawing texts switch no longer selects notes,
only texts.

Show/hide weld marks in hidden parts

In drawing view weld properties there is a new setting Welds in hidden parts
with the following options for showing and hiding weld marks for hidden parts
(shown with hidden lines) in drawings:
• None: If the part is hidden, the weld mark is not drawn.
• Site: If the part is hidden, weld marks for site welds are drawn.
• Workshop: If the part is hidden, weld marks for workshop welds are
• Both: Weld marks are always drawn for hidden parts.

Align text in marks, notes and texts

The Alignment setting already existed for texts, and now it is also available for
marks and associative notes. The new option Leader line aligns the text to the
leader line end automatically.
The Alignment setting is available for the following mark types: bolt marks,
connection marks, part marks, neighbor part marks, pour object marks,
reinforcement marks, neighbor reinforcement marks, merged reinforcement
marks, and surface treatment marks.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 68 New way to manage drawing content and other
mark and note improvements
1.11 Customized dimension line arrows and other
dimensioning improvements
You can now customize dimension line arrows, change dimension arrow size
for all arrow types, and add pour object properties in dimension tags. Straight
rebar dimensions are now anchored to the rebar ends. There are also some
updates in the Rebar group dimensioning application.

Customize dimension line arrows

If you feel that none of the default dimension line arrow types suits to your
needs, you can now create arrows of your own.
• First open the dimension_arrows.sym file in Symbol Editor, and create a
new arrow type and save the file. The file is located in the Common
environment (...ProgramData:\TeklaStructures\<version>
\Environments\common\symbols) or in your environment under the
\symbols folder.
• Then you need to add the position of the new symbol to the configuration
file dimension_arrows.txt in the same folder. This file tells which arrows
are available for use in your environment. For example, if the position
number is 4, then add 000,001,002,003,004.

You no longer need to stretch dimension arrow heads, because

dimension_arrows.sym in the Common environment has been updated
to show arrows correctly at a 1:1 scale.
• Create a bitmap of the new arrow type in the ..\ProgramData\Tekla
Structures\<version>\Bitmaps folder on your computer using the
naming convention dr_dialog_dim_arrow_type_004.bmp.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 69 Customized dimension line arrows and other
dimensioning improvements
• Finally, restart Tekla Structures.
Now, when you open the Dimension Properties dialog box, you should see
the new arrow type in the Arrow list .

For more information about customized dimension line arrows, see Customize
dimension line arrows.

New dimension arrow types

Some new dimension arrow types have been added to the arrow symbol set,
see the image below. Each symbol is built on a 10 pixel basis so you can easily
scale them if needed.

Change dimension arrow size

• You can now change the dimension arrow size for all dimension arrow
types in the Dimension Properties dialog box.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 70 Customized dimension line arrows and other
dimensioning improvements
Rebar dimensions anchored to rebar ends
Straight rebar dimensions are now anchored to the rebar ends and not to the
middle of the rebar group.

Pour object properties available in dimension tags

You can now add pour object properties to dimension line tags associated to
pour objects in GA drawings. Note that dimension tags that have been created

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 71 Customized dimension line arrows and other
dimensioning improvements
on pour object dimensions before this improvement will not work, and they
need to be recreated.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 72 Customized dimension line arrows and other
dimensioning improvements
Improvements in Dimension rule properties
• You can now define different dimension line settings for each side (Top,
Bottom, Left and Right) in the Dimensioning rule properties dialog box.
To do this, clear the new Same on all sides check box.

If you select Same on all sides, the settings in the same dimension
properties file are used on all sides.
• The list for selecting vertical dimension properties has been deleted.
For more information about dimensioning rule properties, see Dimensioning
rule properties.

Improvements in Rebar group dimensioning

• On the Parameters tab, you can now select a location for the mark. The
options are:
• Automatic: Mark 1 is positioned above the dimension text when the
dimension is above the part, and under the dimension text when the
dimension is under the part.
• Above dim. text: Mark 1 is always positioned above the dimension text.
• Below dim. line: Mark 1 is always positioned below the dimension line.
When placing the mark, the dimension text font size for the above text
position and the spacing values defined on the Advanced settings tab for
both positions are considered. This setting is only available for the non-
radial annotation types.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 73 Customized dimension line arrows and other
dimensioning improvements
• On the Parameters tab there is another new option Combine dim.
between rebar - dim. allowing you to combine the dimensions of the
distance between two rebar groups with the dimensions of the rebar group
where the spacing is the same as the distance between the groups. It also
combines the first/last group dimension line with the distance to the part
end if the distance to the border is the same as the rebar group spacing.
• In the example below, the first dimension from the top shows the rebar
groups (blue color) with the distances between the groups (green color)
plus the distances to the part ends (grey color). Dimensions are not
• The second dimension shows the same situation with marked equalities
between the drawing rebar group spacing (cc) and the distances
between the groups. Note that the distance to the part end on the left is
not the same as the spacing, and so the dimensions are not combined.
• In the third dimension, the new combining type Consider same
spacings has been applied. The green distances between the two blue
rebar groups have been combined with the group that has the same
spacing (cc) as the distance between the groups.
• The combining has also been applied to the gray distance to the part
end because the distance to the part end is the same as the spacing (cc)
of the adjacent rebar group.

• On the Extra marks tab, where you can create extra marks in front of or
behind the dimension line, the list box labels Rebar position and Text

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 74 Customized dimension line arrows and other
dimensioning improvements
properties are now placed more nicely in the dialog box, and they now
exist for both marks.

For more information about Rebar group dimensioning, see Dimension

rebars with Rebar group dimensioning application.

1.12 Other improvements in drawings

There are a lot of small but important new features and enhancements in
Tekla Structures 2018 drawings, for example, in hole/recess symbols in
complex geometries, snapping, filtering, Layout editor, welds, pattern lines,
custom grid labels, and printing. Opening drawings is now much faster.

Opening drawings faster

• It is now significantly faster to open drawings containing several recesses
and openings, and several overlapping objects, such as GA drawings with
3D views.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 75 Other improvements in drawings

Hole and recess symbols shown in complex geometries
• Complex geometries, such as T-shaped holes and rectangular shapes, can
now be marked with hole and recess lines.

Snapping improvements
Snap switch settings now saved in drawing mode
Now, when you activate a set of snap switches in a drawing and save the
drawing, and then reopen the same drawing, or open another drawing, the
same set of snap switches is still active. Previously, the snap switch settings
were not saved in the drawing mode.

Snap to center of circles

In drawings, you can now snap to the center of the circles that you have
created in the model by using polygon cuts. Snapping to center allows you to
create dimensions more easily, because finding the center point is easy, for
example. To have a snapping point in the middle of the circles, set the
advanced option XS_ADD_SNAPPING_SYMBOL_TO_CIRCLES to TRUE in the
Drawing Properties category of the Advanced Options dialog box. The
default is FALSE. If you change the value, reopen the drawing.
Note that GA drawings do not support this because of potential problems with
the performance.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 76 Other improvements in drawings

Create a filter for selecting multiple drawing objects
• When you set values in drawing filter rules, you can now select multiple
drawing objects with the new option Multi-select from drawing.

Select multiple objects in the drawing, and click the middle mouse button
to finish selecting. The current values of the selected objects appear,
separated with spaces, in the Value cell on the filter row.

• Area selection is now working while you are filtering.

For more information about filters in drawings, see Create new filters.

Additional weld size for compound weld types

• You can now enter an additional weld size in manual drawing welds for
compound weld types and . A compound weld is a combination
of more than one type of weld in a single weld joint .

For more information about drawing welds, see Welds in drawings.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 77 Other improvements in drawings

New command for closing the drawing mode
Now you have one more option available for closing the current drawing and
returning to the model: Go to the File menu and click Close drawing mode.
If you have made changes in the drawing, Tekla Structures asks you if you want
to keep the changes that you have made in the currently open drawing. In this
message box, you can also mark the drawing ready for issue, and create a
snapshot of the drawing.

Layout editor improvements

Add a missing drawing layout
• When you now open Layout editor in an open drawing, and your drawing
does not have a drawing layout defined, you will get a warning message
with list of layouts you can select from. The tables and other layout
definitions in the selected drawing layout will be applied to the open
drawing. This is useful if you have deleted the drawing layout by accident in
drawing properties, for example.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 78 Other improvements in drawings

Improved anchoring offsets
• The displayed accuracy of the offsets in Layout editor in the US Imperial
environment has been increased.
Layout editor now shows the drawing frame to which the templates are
anchored. This is best visible in the US Imperial environment where the
frame is not at the same location as the blue frame of the drawing.

Resizable Layout editor table lists

• You can now resize the table lists vertically in the Layout editor pane.
When you hover the mouse pointer over the bar that separates the
Available tables and Current tables lists, an arrow is displayed and you
can start resizing by dragging the bar upwards or downwards.

Scale and Rotation hidden

• In the Layout editor pane, the options Scale and Rotation are now
disabled if they are not applicable to the selected table. Earlier they were
hidden. This may sometimes help when you select tables from the pane.

Improvements in custom grid labels

• Earlier, customized drawing grid labels created with the Grid labels
command were not shown for all grid lines if the lines were skewed. This
has now been fixed.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 79 Other improvements in drawings

• There is a new option Align to line in the Advanced grid label properties
dialog box. When you select Yes, the labels of vertical and skewed grid lines
are rotated to align with the grid lines.

New pattern lines

The following pattern line types were added in version 2018 to the Common,
US imperial, and US metric environments:
• CityLimits:

• DoubleFaceConcBarrier:

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 80 Other improvements in drawings

• FreeAccessRow

• GovernmentLine:

• HedgeLine:

• LimitedAccessRow:

• SingleFaceConcBarrier:

• TreeLine:

View settings now remembered correctly

Drawing views now remember which properties were used to create the view
and show the name of the properties file in the view properties dialog box if
the properties file matches the properties set in the dialog box.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 81 Other improvements in drawings

New warning message for cast units
Tekla Structures now shows a warning message if you try to delete or modify
the main part of a cast unit that has a drawing.

Printing improvements
There are several improvements in printing and in the usability of the printing
dialog box:
• The name of the first color column on the Line properties tab has been
changed to Object color to better describe the meaning of the colors.
• The colors are now in the same order as in other color lists for various
objects in Tekla Structures.
• Color boxes now have tooltips indicating the name of the object color, and
what happens when you click the color boxes.

• The Line properties tab is more compact so that the color controls can fit
in the dialog box without the need for scrolling.
• When you change the printing settings, and you have a preview visible, the
preview is only regenerated if the changed setting affects the preview
result. For example, changing the file name prefix or suffix does not trigger
the preview regeneration.
• The Print Drawings dialog box is displayed faster than before.
• Now you can record macros in the Print Drawings dialog box.
• To be consistent with the old printing, the line thickness of 0 width lines is
no longer affected by scaling.
• If you select Fit to paper and set Paper size to Auto, the drawing will be
scaled to fit the automatically selected paper size. Previously the output
was not scaled.
• Previously, you could print without giving a file name when printing to a
single file. Now you need to enter a file name to be able to print.
• PDF reports were previously hardcoded to not embed fonts, which caused
the text to appear incorrectly in some languages. Now PDF report options
are read from settings files with the name
report.PdfPrintOptions.xml (a settings file saved with the name
report in the printing dialog box). The settings file can be located in any of

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 82 Other improvements in drawings

the locations where PdfPrintOptions.xml files are normally searched
for. This allows the Embed fonts option to be enabled for languages that
require it. If no such files are present, the default hardcoded options are
If you want to have PDF reports to have embedded fonts for better support
for special characters or other options enabled, save the settings from the
Print Drawings dialog box with the name report and move the created
report.PdfPrintOptions.xml to a XS_PROJECT, XS_FIRM or
XS_SYSTEM folder.
• Previously, the Print Drawings dialog box only checked the advanced
option XS_INP for line type files. This could result in different line styles in
the drawing mode and in the printed output if the line type files were
stored somewehere else. Now, printing will also look for the line type files
in the model folder, and in the locations specified by the advanced options
XS_PROJECT, XS_FIRM, XS_SYSTEM and XS_INP, in that order.
• In the Print Drawings dialog box, the plot file name preview now shows
the first underscore defined in the file prefix correctly.

• Multiple bugs have been fixed, which has improved the printing reliability.
For more information about printing, see Print to a .pdf file, plot file (.plt) or

1.13 Template Editor 3.6 improvements

Template Editor has been updated to version 3.6. The usability of Template
Editor has been improved further, and you can now have several dialog boxes
open at the same time, open new templates in new application windows,
search for attributes, and much more.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 83 Template Editor 3.6 improvements

Open multiple Template Editor dialog boxes and new template files
• You can now have multiple properties dialog boxes open at the same time.
This makes switching between value fields and copying values much faster.

• Now when you open a new template file, it will be opened in a new
Template Editor application window. Earlier, the new template file was
opened in the current application window.

Search for attributes

• You can now search for attribute names and descriptions in the attributes
list. You can type any part of the attribute name, not necessarily starting
from the beginning. Attribute descriptions are also included in the search,

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 84 Template Editor 3.6 improvements

including the translated descriptions. The attribute list gets filtered on the
fly while you are typing in the search field.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 85 Template Editor 3.6 improvements

Content browser
• You can now expand and collapse the Content browser tree without
undocking it first.

• Now it is possible to select which objects are selectable in the work area
(text, lines, fields, symbols, etc). Earlier it was only possible to switch on and
off the visibility of these objects in the Content browser tree.
Template Editor 3.6 also introduces a new selection toolbar for objects.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 86 Template Editor 3.6 improvements

New alignment toolbar
A new toolbar has been added containing commands for aligning selected
objects to the rightmost, leftmost, top or bottom object.

Previously, these commands only existed on the Edit menu.

• Now it is possible with CopyField to copy the actual output value.
Previously, you could only copy the field formula and use that to calculate
the value.
• If CopyField can get a value from the same component as it is in, then
that value is used.
• If CopyField is used in a header or page header, then the value is
searched from the subsequent components.
• If CopyField is used in a footer or page footer, then the value is searched
from the preceding components.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 87 Template Editor 3.6 improvements

• If CopyField is used in a row, then the value is first searched from the
preceding components and if not found, then the value is searched from
the subsequent components.

Cut values with ***

• When an output value field does not fit into a cell, three asterisks (***) will
indicate that the value is cut.
For example, when a template has a value field length limited to 10
characters and the output value is 11 characters or more, *** will be
displayed at the end of the value.
Earlier it was hard to notice if a part of the value was hidden.

Interrupt with Esc

• Pressing Esc on the keyboard will now end the current operation.
Previously Esc interrupted copying and cutting, but did not interrupt
dragging or stretching.

Automatic recognition of advanced options in rules

• Advanced options can be selected from the value field formula dialog box
and row rules dialog box in the same way as in Attributes and Value

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 88 Template Editor 3.6 improvements

Fields. Items in the selection list will be exactly as in the definition file,
which means that all capital letters and underscores will have an effect.

Example of usage:
": X= "+format(GetValue("START_X"),"Length","ft-frac", 1/16) + "ft-in"
": X= "+format(GetValue("START_X"),"Length","mm", 1)+" mm "

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 89 Template Editor 3.6 improvements

Use page headers/footers as column headers/footers
• You can now use page headers as column headers in template output. To
do this, select the new page header component option Use columns. Page
footers can also be used as column footers.

Other Template Editor improvements

• Template Editor is no longer minimized by default.
• The attribute type for the content type REBAR was incorrect in the Rule
Contents dialog box. This has now been fixed.
• Sometimes items that were invisible in a DWG file became visible when
imported in a Tekla Structures drawing template. This has now been fixed.
• Separate row definitions using columns were considered to be part of
separate tables. This has now been fixed, and rows using columns are now
handled as before, so all rows using columns belong to the same table.
• Template Editor documentation has been improved so that it now tells that
the IsSet function is also available for value field formulas. It is not
available in the Function list, but you can type it manually in the formula

1.14 Reserve the next write out and other improvements

in Tekla Model Sharing
In Tekla Model Sharing, you can now reserve the next write out in a shared
model. You can also create a model baseline using Sharing automation tool.

Reserve the next write out

In Tekla Model Sharing, you can now reserve the next write out in a shared
model for sending your changes to the sharing service. Reserving the next
write out is useful if you need to ensure that other users will not write out
changes that would override the changes you are making. Such changes could

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 90 Reserve the next write out and other
improvements in Tekla Model Sharing
be numbering the model or creating a model baseline, for example, or other
changes that need to be available for all users of the model.
All users of a shared model can reserve the next write out, except users with
the Viewer role. To reserve the next write out, on the File menu, click Sharing
--> Reserve next write out.

The Reserve next write out command opens the Reserve next write out
dialog box where you need to enter a comment about why you are reserving
the write out. Click Reserve to reserve the write out.

When you have reserved the next write out, the Write out icon on the Quick

Access Toolbar shows a yellow arrow for all users of the model. Other
users cannot write out while you have the next write out reserved. Placing the
mouse pointer on top of the icon shows who has reserved the next write out
and the comment that was written in the Reserve next write out dialog box.
When you have made your changes in the model, on the File menu, click
Sharing --> Write out. In the Reserve next write out dialog box, enter a
comment about the changes and click Release. When you have written out,

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 91 Reserve the next write out and other
improvements in Tekla Model Sharing
the arrow in the Write out icon changes to green again . Other users can
now write out normally.
You can also release your write out reservation without writing out. To do this,
on the File menu, click Sharing --> Release reservation without write out.

Create a baseline using Sharing automation tool

If you are the Owner of a shared model, you can now use Sharing
automation tool to create a baseline of the model when writing out. When
you create a baseline, a full model is written out to the sharing service.
Sharing automation tool is available in the Applications & components
catalog. To create a baseline when writing out, select Create baseline in the
Sharing automation tool dialog box.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 92 Reserve the next write out and other
improvements in Tekla Model Sharing
Improved and more robust performance in Tekla Model
Working with Tekla Model Sharing is now even more productive than before.
Several improvements in change and conflict handling now result in more
robust and reliable performance.
• The list of read in changes is now more accurate as unnecessary change
flags are not anymore shown for parts, assemblies and cast units, and part
• Changes in the model folder are now more controlled.
• Gaps in standard part numbering and renumber all have been addressed.

1.15 Improvements in IFC export, import and conversion

There are several improvements in the IFC export and import, and in the IFC
object conversion management. IFC4 has been developed further.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 93 Improvements in IFC export, import and
IFC4 export improvements

• Before you can start the IFC4 export in Tekla Structures , you need to set
the advanced option XS_IFC4_EXPORT_PLEASE to TRUE in
• The Property sets selection has been removed from the dialog box. The
property sets are now hardcoded in the IFC4 export.
• The new Object color setting allows you to export objects using the object
class colors or object group colors. If you select object group colors, the
defined transparency settings are also exported.
• You can now export flat and wide beams as plates using the new option
Export flat wide beams as plates. Select this option if you have modeled
plates as beams or columns with flat profiles. For example, some system
components use beams or columns instead of plates.
• The option Locations from Organizer has been renamed to Spatial
hierarchy from Organizer, which tells more clearly what this option does.
• When you select the new option Pours, concrete parts are exported as
pours. If you do not select it, concrete parts are exported without pours.
• Base quantity definitions are now automatically included in the export.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 94 Improvements in IFC export, import and
• The selections that you make in the dialog box are now written in the IFC
file header.
• A log file is now automatically created at the export and saved in the export
folder. When you export, a message box is displayed, and you can select to
open the export folder or view the log file.

• The following entities are now supported in the IFC4 export:

• Type entities
• ifcChimney, ifcChimneyType
• ifcMaterialProfile and ifcMaterialProfileSet
• ifcTendon
• ifcReinforcementMesh
• Surface object attributes are now available for ifcCovering entity type in
additional property sets.
• Rebars created using the rebar set commands are now exported.
• Improvements in Reference view:
• The body geometry can be extruded using basic sweeps and
SweptDiskSolid or having tessellated geometry.
• There are two new presentations for entities, 3D Axis and CoG:
3D Axis also exports the axis presentation for linear members. This new
presentation defines the axis from the original start point to the original
end point.
CoG defines the center of gravity point. The centre of gravity point is
exported as geometry point in the model.
• Now openings also have geometric reference representation for
downstream usage.
• Improvements in Design transfer view:
• Profiles are now exported as parametric profiles.
• The new parameters for flange slope and flange edge radius are now
supported for I profiles. Also an unsymmetric I shape is now supported.
• In IFC4 Design transfer view rebars are exported using
ifcSweptDiskSolidPolygonal rather than ifcSweptDiskSolid like in
Reference view.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 95 Improvements in IFC export, import and
IFC2x3 export improvements
• The IFC2x3 export now uses IFC type ifcWall to export Constructive Solid
Geometry (CSG) and basic geometry for walls.
• The option Locations from Organizer has been renamed to Spatial
hierarchy from Organizer, which tells more clearly what this option does.

IFC import improvements

• Bounding box representation has been added to import.
• Errors in wireframe geometry are now visualized.
Most cases of geometry creation failure are now indicated, and missing
elements have visual representation. If nothing else can be shown, a unit
cube wireframe will be shown instead.
For boolean operations the main part (the leftmost node in boolean tree,
the body shape that has openings attached), is only generated.
The geometry creation may fail because of invalid data, incompletely
closed profile, 0 thickness solids etc. Invalid elements may be invalid or
duplicate GUIDs, for example.

• Elements that are completely cut out may still appear as wireframes.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 96 Improvements in IFC export, import and
• Flange edge radius and flange slope parameters have been added to the I
shape profile definition.

• There are now separate 3D axis and body representations.

• The performance of the IFC import has been improved, and large bolt
systems are imported much faster, the worker queue works better, and
there are fewer triangles in some models.
• The import now supports tapered extruded and revolved solids.
• Import now supports IFC4-type, profile-based, material definitions.
• Container shapes no longer appear twice in import.
• Grid placement in reference view has been improved.
• Elements with only graphics set, such as some grids, are no longer missing.
• IfcSystem (IfcGroup) import is now working.
• IfcRevolvedAreaSolid now produces valid solids.
• Added a check to verify that all elements are imported/handled.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 97 Improvements in IFC export, import and
IFC object conversion improvements
• IFC object conversion now supports B-rep cuts.
• B-rep to item conversion is now much faster.
• The conversion change management changes list now has a new column
Type indicating the type of the object, for example, IFCBEAM or
• The setting Set handles to top flange is no longer used for polybeams for
better conversion results.
• New settings have been added to the IFC object conversion settings
dialog box allowing you to select conversion to item and conversion to
extrusion separately for concrete material and other material, for example,
steel. These options are applied to direct conversion and to conversion
change management.

• The ifcRoof objects are now converted correctly. Earlier, the plates were not
always oriented properly after conversion.
• Handling of polygons and arbitrary profiles in conversion has been

1.16 Point clouds from 3D scanning

You can now attach point clouds to Tekla Structures models. Point clouds are
groups of measured points on the surfaces of objects created with 3D laser
scanners, for example, Trimble 3D laser scanners. In construction, the point
clouds are mainly used in renovation projects to define the building or
structure that is to be renovated. They can also be used to get the exact
position of existing machinery, pipework or landscape that need to be taken
into consideration on the site. You can also use them for checking execution by
importing them as build points into a model to be compared to the design.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 98 Point clouds from 3D scanning

When you attach a point cloud to a Tekla Structures model, you can place it
either by the model origin or a defined base point.
The original point cloud file is processed and cache files are created in the
potree format. The point cloud conversion occurs as a background process,
and you can continue working with Tekla Structures meanwhile.
Point cloud data is stored in the folder defined by the advanced option
XS_POINT_CLOUD_CACHE_FOLDER. By default, the folder is %LocalAppData%
\Trimble\TeklaStructures\PointClouds, for example, C:\Users
\<user>\AppData\Local\Trimble\Tekla Structures
\PointClouds.This user-specific advanced option is located in the File
Locations category in the Advanced Options dialog box. It may be useful to
use a network drive for the potree file in a project for sharing purposes. The
file will not be copied to the local computer.
If the same point cloud is used in several models, it will not be converted again
or duplicated when you attach it. If point clouds are identical, the existing
converted file is used, otherwise the file is converted.
In Tekla Structures, point clouds have colors if the original file format supports
Compatible file formats
ASCII (.asc, .xyz)
E57 (.e57)
LAS (.las)
LAZ (.laz)
PTS (.pts)
PTX (.ptx)
Potree (.js)
Trimble scan format (.tzf)
• To attach a point cloud:

1. Click the Point clouds button in the side pane, click Attach, and
browse for the point cloud.
2. Change the scale, if needed.
3. Select Model origin to place the point cloud in the Tekla Structures
model origin, or select a base point to place the point cloud in the real
world coordinates.
If you do not know the coordinate system of the point cloud, select
Auto-created base point to get the point cloud near the model origin.
This will create an automatic base point with point cloud bounding box
min x, min y, and min z coordinates in the Tekla Structures origin.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 99 Point clouds from 3D scanning

4. Click Attach point cloud.

• To show the point cloud in the model, select the model view where you

want to show it, and click the eye button next to the point cloud in the
list. When the view is selected, it has a yellow frame.
When the point cloud is set visible in the model view, you can see the min
x, min y, and min z coordinates of the point cloud bounding box on the
status bar.

• To hide the point cloud, click .

• To detach a point cloud, click Detach next to the point cloud name in
the Point clouds list. Then reopen or save the model.
Note that you cannot detach a point cloud by pressing Delete on the
The point clouds are cached to the default location or to a location
specified by the user. When a point cloud is no longer used in any Tekla
Structures model, it is cleaned from the cache.
For more information about point clouds and related limitations, see Point

Set the default maximum point count in a view

You can use the advanced option XS_SET_MAX_POINT_CLOUD_POINT_COUNT
to set the default maximum value for the points in a view. The default value is
10 000 000 (10 million).
This advanced option is system specific, and it is located in the Model View
category of the Advanced Options dialog box. Restart Tekla Structures if you
change the value.

Clip point clouds and reference models only

Set the user-specific advanced option
point clouds and reference models with the Clip plane command. Native Tekla

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 100 Point clouds from 3D scanning
Structures objects are not clipped. FALSE is the default value. This advanced
option is located in the Model View category in the Advanced Options dialog
Redraw the model views after changing the value.

Rendering of point clouds

Point clouds can be seen in both the OpenGL model view and in the DX model
view. The DX model view with perspective projection may give a better visual
result. Performance with bigger amount of data or a larger number of views
may make the DX usage impossible.
Orthogonal projection:

Perspective projection:

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 101 Point clouds from 3D scanning
Sharing point clouds
Point clouds are normally so large in file size that it is not sensible to share a
point cloud as a part of the shared model data. However, there may be a need
for multiple persons to use the same point cloud in a project, in which case
you can use the point cloud potree file for sharing the point cloud.
You first need to create the potree file and then copy the potree file to a
shared location, where other users can get it and attach it to the Tekla
Structures model. For more information, see Point clouds in Tekla User

1.17 Updates in tools for concrete fabrication

Export Unitechnik (79) and Export EliPlan file contain several new useful
features, and HMS Export has also been improved.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 102 Updates in tools for concrete fabrication
Export Unitechnik (79)
Unitechnik export has been updated with the following improvements:
• Bent meshes with limited rebar angles are now exported with corect origin
• Option to rotate the pallet 90° if the pallet width is exceeded is now
working correctly.
• Now when you define manual rotation in the export dialog box, the line
attribute override takes the rotation into account.
• When using template variables, the export now automatically checks the
contentattribute_xxx.lst files to get the unit of the template variable
and converts the value to the precision level used in Unitechnik export. The
default value of the precision level is now taken from the
contentattribute_xxx.lst files.

• Cage reinforcement main dimensions are now exported in the cage's
coordinate system instead of the pallet's coordinate system, according to
the Unitechnik 6.1.0 specifications.
• You can now use the value Text[Template]#Counter for the following
• Name of order
• Name of component
• Drawing number
• Project line 1-4 text
• Slab number
• Info text 1 - 4 of slabdate
• Info text 1 - 2 of mounting part
• Steel parts and items now have in the user-defined attributes dialog box a
new tab Unitechnik Mountpart, where you can specify data which will
overwrite the settings defined on the Mounting part data specification
tab. On the Unitechnik Mountpart tab you can also exclude mounting
parts from the export using the new option Exclude from export.
• The maximum number of exported elements or layers in the SLABDATE
block is now limited to 99 according to the Unitechnik specification. If the
limitation is exceeded, you will be notified by a console and log file
• TS configuration tab:
• You can now export CONTOUR as bounding box. It is recommended to
use this option with the file structure set to Single layer, 1 slabdate, n
parts on the Main tab.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 103 Updates in tools for concrete fabrication
• You can now merge cutouts using the new setting Merge CUTOUTs. You
can select to export a large cutout that is created out of smaller cuts as
separate cutouts. The options are:
Merged as one cutout

Unmerged, overlapping cutouts

Unmerged cutouts with no overlapping

• You can now prevent exporting cutouts with the new option Export
• Embeds tab:
• It is now possible to export reinforcing bars as mount parts. There is a
new export option Selected (also reinforcement) + steel available for
Normal embeds. When you select this option, all reinforcing bars listed
in the Embeds classes box are considered as embeds and plotted as
lines. Also bounding box can be used. All steel parts are also considered
as embeds. When you export rebars as mount parts with the option Cut
outer assemblies, the rebar geometry is now exported correctly.
• Cuts that have been specified with a class can now be exported in the
MOUNPART block with the option Cutpart former.
• Reinforcement tab:
• In addition to spacer type, you can now export spacer start position and
spacer pitch information with the new settings Spacer start position
and Spacer pitch.
• The new option First bending angle allows setting the first bending
angle of free-flection rodstock to negative as required by certain
• Reinf. data specification tab: The new option Welded leg designation
can be used for designating the welded leg in bent mesh bars if there is
only one leg that is welded to cross-wires. When you select Yes,
information about welded leg designation is exported.
• The Data specification tab has been divided into two separate tabs:
SLABDATE block data specification and HEADER block data

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 104 Updates in tools for concrete fabrication
• SLABDATE block data specification tab: Now you can specify the
Transport pile level number. If there are elements in the stack that need
to be layered on the same level, then the pile level is used. For example,
you may have a pile of 6 slabs, and they each have sequential pile level
numbers 1, 2, 3.. 6. The Transport pile level number can be defined in the
part UDAs.
• HEADER block data specification tab:
• You can now specify building site and building owner name, address,
post code and city/town.
• You can now specify the number of decimals after the decimal
separator in data field template units.
For more information about Unitechnik export settings, see the following
Unitechnik export: Main tab
Unitechnik export: TS configuration tab
Unitechnik export: Embeds tab
Unitechnik export: Reinforcement tab
Unitechnik export: Validation tab
Unitechnik export: Reinf. data specification tab
Unitechnik export: HEADER block data specification tab
Unitechnik export: SLABDATE block data specification
Unitechnik export: Mounting part data specification tab
Unitechnik export: Line attributes tab
Unitechnik export: Pallet tab
Unitechnik export: Log files tab

Export EliPlan file (68)

EliPLAN export has been updated with the following new settings that give you
more control in plotting, without making major changes in the model:
• Export now checks the Set Top in Form Face setting for all parts if
• Slabs narrowed by cutting are now exported correctly regardless of the
modeling direction. Slabs narrowed by cutting are now oriented
systematically, thereby having other cuts and plotting also positioned
correctly. If there is one narrowed side, it will be the side with length L2.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 105 Updates in tools for concrete fabrication
• Plotter data tab:
• When you export cutout plotting data with the option Full depth cuts
only, now the actual full depth cut geometry is only exported without
• You can now exclude embeds by class, name or material from exported
plotting data with the new setting Exclude embeds by.
• You can also exclude embeds or cuts that are above the specified Z
position from exported plotting data by using the new setting Exclude
above z position. The Z position is the depth of the element on the
pallet, that is how many millimeters the lowest point of the embed is
above the casting table.
• Data content tab:
• In No. of digits after decimal point, you can now set 3 digits after the
decimal separator. 1 digit is the default. Now this option also affects
volume, gross area and net area.
• In Net area calculation, you can select whether the export excludes all
cuts or only full depth cuts from the net area calculation, or export
gross area as net area. The whole assembly is checked.
• In Weight calculation, you can select which weight will be exported.
• In Decimal mark, you can set period (.) or comma (.) as the decimal
For more information about EliPlan export settings, see EliPLAN export

HMS export
HMS export has been updated with the following new functionality:
• The UDA source of the Bay number can now be set on the Slab data tab.
The value needs to be an integer.
• HMS export has a new tab Reinforcement including the following features:
• HMS Export now exports pull forces for strands. The option Export
strand pull force has been added on the new Reinforcement tab.
• The Export strand code option was moved to the new Reinforcement
• The boundary line can be now be exported along the cut or uncut side of
the slab. The two options are located on the Options tab.
• HMS export now prevents the export of the parts that have been cut on
both longitudinal sides, and the boundary line cannot be set.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 106 Updates in tools for concrete fabrication
• Welded plates, solid fills and hook boxes are now exported correctly
according to the exported slab rotation.
For more information about HMS export, see HMS Export settings.

1.18 Trimble Connector and other interoperability


Trimble Connector improvements

Tekla Structures 2018 introduces the following Trimble Connector
improvements and changes:
• You can add attachments to ToDo notes.
• IFC2x3 export in Trimble Connector now supports the use of IFC setting
• You can collaborate with Trimble Connect Desktop.
• Coordinate system has been removed from Trimble Connector settings,
because it now follows what has been set in the workplane handler.

Add attachments
You first need to open a Tekla Structures model and Trimble Connector, open
a project in Trimble Connector, and select the needed objects from the
To add an attachment:
1. Create a ToDo note following the instructions in section Trimble

Connector. Then click Add attachment, and do one or both of the


• Click and to browse for a file on your computer and add it to

the selected Trimble Connect folder.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 107 Trimble Connector and other interoperability
• Click to browse for a file on your computer, click Add from my
computer and attach it to the current ToDo note.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 108 Trimble Connector and other interoperability
2. Click OK and click Save to synchronize the ToDo containing the
attachment to Trimble Connect.
Double-clicking the attachment opens the file if Windows has association to
the file name extension. Model files are not opened.

IFC2x3 export based on standard file settings

You can now export IFC2x3 files in Trimble Connector using saved IFC
settings. The settings file needs to be located in the model \attributes
folder. If you do not select a settings file, the IFC model is created of parts only,
not assemblies.
To use the settings file:
• In Tekla Structures, go to File --> Export --> IFC, adjust the settings as
required and save the settings with a unique name.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 109 Trimble Connector and other interoperability
• In Trimble Connector, open a project and a project folder, click to start
the export, enter the required details, and select the settings file from the
Export settings from standard file list.

For more information about IFC export in Trimble Connector, see section
Trimble Connector.

Collaborate with Trimble Connect Desktop

The new Tekla Structures - Trimble Connect Desktop interoperability tool in
Trimble Connector allows the collaboration between Trimble Connect
Desktop and Tekla Structures. The collaboration requires Trimble Connect
Desktop, a valid license and Trimble Identity.
You can download Trimble Connect Desktop from https://
app.connect.trimble.com/tc/app#/store . You can download the Tekla
Structures - Trimble Connect Desktop interoperability tool from Tekla
For more information, see Tekla Structures - Trimble Connect Desktop
Before collaborating, you need to do the following:
• In Trimble Connect Desktop, open a project, and in Tekla Structures, open
a model.
• In Trimble Connector, export the Tekla Structures model to Trimble
Connect in IFC format.
• Download and make the model visible in Trimble Connect Desktop.
The following buttons are available in Trimble Connector for collaboration
between Tekla Structures and Trimble Connect Desktop:

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 110 Trimble Connector and other interoperability
To collaborate:
• To adjust a Trimble Connect Desktop view, select a Tekla Structures view,
and click in Trimble Connector.
• To adjust Tekla Structures view camera and projection based on Trimble
Connect Desktop view , select a Trimble Connect Desktop view and click
in Trimble Connector.
• To select Tekla Structures native model objects based on Trimble Connect

Desktop object selection, click in Trimble Connector..

• To select Trimble Connect Desktop objects based on Tekla Structures

object selection, click in Trimble Connector. Selection also supports

assembly level.

Reference model import plug-ins available as .tsep

Reference model plug-in updates are now available as .tsep packages in
Tekla Warehouse. Tekla Structures installation contains version level plug-ins,
but you can get newer ones from Tekla Warehouse. First download the needed
package from Tekla Warehouse, and then import it to the Applications &
components catalog. There are .tsep packages for the following plug-ins:
AutoCAD (.dxf)
AutoCAD (.dwg)
Cadmatic (.3dd)

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 111 Trimble Connector and other interoperability
IFC (.ifc, .ifczip , .ifcxml)
IGES (.igs , .iges)
LandXML (.xml)
MicroStation (.dgn , .prp)
Tekla Collaboration (.tczip)
SketchUp (.skp)
STEP (.stp, .STEP)
For more information about .tsep packages, see Import a .tsep extension to
the Applications & components catalog.

New plug-ins
Tekla Structures 2018 contains the following new plug-ins:
• New DWG plug-ins: Version 1.37, which includes support for AutoCAD 2018,
and version 1.28, which includes integration to Teigha 4.3.1.
• A new DGN plug-in version 1.37, which includes integration to Teigha 4.3.1.
• A new SketchUp plug-in version 1.55.
• A new Step/IGES plug-in 3.15.

NC/DSTV improvements
• You can now show bent line information for bent plates and polybeam
plates in the NC file KA block. Go to the Advanced Options tab in the NC
File Settings dialog box, and under Create KA block for, select Unfolded
bent plates and Unfolded polybeam plates.

1.19 New service and license for Open API developers

The new Tekla Developer Center provides easy access to up-to-date
documentation for Tekla Open API developers. Also, a new Tekla Online license
for a new Partner configuration is now available for eligible Tekla Open API

Tekla Developer Center

Tekla Developer Center is a central information source for Tekla Open API
developers. Visit this service for the API reference, programming guides,

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 112 New service and license for Open API developers
exercises, code examples, a community for asking questions and sharing best
practices, and more.

Partner configuration with Tekla Online license

A new Partner configuration is available for Tekla Open API developers who
are taking part in the Tekla Partners Program. There is a dedicated, separate
installation package for Tekla Structures Partner. You are not allowed to use
Tekla Structures Partner for any commercial work, and all drawing output
created using this configuration includes a watermark. All Tekla Structures
features are available and there are no fixed limits on the number of model
The Partner configuration is licensed with a Tekla Online license. You grant
access to the license in the Tekla Online Admin Tool in the same way as for
other Tekla Online licenses (such as Tekla Model Sharing licenses). The license
user does not need access to your Tekla Structures license server. Click here
for more information on using the Tekla Online Admin Tool.
When you launch Tekla Structures Partner, you must log in with your Trimble
Identity for license verification.

1.20 New options for controlling visuals and other DirectX

rendering improvements
Since Tekla Structures 2016, you have been able to use a DirectX rendering
engine alongside the default OpenGL-based rendering engine. In Tekla
Structures 2018, the DirectX rendering has been improved. Tekla Structures
2018 now uses the DirectX 11 in the DirectX rendering engine.
You can switch the DirectX rendering on or off in File --> Settings --> Switches.
The rendering setting is view specific, meaning that you can use the DirectX
rendering or the OpenGL rendering in different views. If you switch between
the rendering, you need to reopen the view to activate the rendering.
Compared to the OpenGL rendering, the DirectX rendering improves the
rendering quality and adds a subtle shading effect to Tekla Structures objects,
making the 3D visualizations clearer and more defined. If you are using
graphics cards that are optimized for the DirectX, the overall performance is
also improved when the DirectX rendering is in use. DirectX graphics
performance is better on the recommended NVIDIA Geforce GTX graphics
cards than with graphics cards that have a lower end or no graphics
processing unit (GPU).
Use the following new advanced options to fine-tune the DirectX rendering:
• XS_SHOW_SHADOW_FOR_PERSPECTIVE_IN_DX controls whether shadows
are shown in DirectX views when the perspective mode is on. Shadows are
more noticeable in the perspective mode than in the orthogonal mode.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 113 New options for controlling visuals and other
DirectX rendering improvements
This advanced option is set to TRUE by default.
If you change the value, you need to reopen the view to activate the new
• XS_SHOW_SHADOW_FOR_ORTHO_IN_DX controls whether shadows are
shown in DirectX views when the orthogonal mode is on.
This advanced option is set to FALSE by default.
If you change the value, you need to reopen the view to activate the new
• XS_USE_ANTI_ALIASING_IN_DX controls whether antialiasing is used in
DirectX views. Antialiasing makes the edge lines smoother, but with low
resolution screens it can make the lines look thicker.
This advanced option is set to TRUE by default.
• XS_HATCH_OVERLAPPING_FACES_IN_DX controls whether hatching is
shown in DirectX views for overlapping surfaces.
This advanced option is set to TRUE by default.
If you change the value, you need to reopen the view to activate the new

NOTE If you use Tekla Structures via remote connections, the DirectX rendering may
not work as expected: parts that you have created may not show in the
model, or the model is working slowly. If you experience such problems,
switch the DirectX rendering off.

DirectX rendering examples

Visualization of distance
The visualization of the distances in DirectX uses subtle shadows and ambient
occlusion. This gives a better understanding of the structure and distances.

DirectX OpenGL

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 114 New options for controlling visuals and other
DirectX rendering improvements
Improved depth accuracy
The accuracy in depth buffer has been improved so that when the model is
zoomed, parts are not shown through other parts' faces as often as previously.

DirectX OpenGL

Dynamic states
In dynamic states, such as in selection and in preselection highlight, the
selection is clearer and the highlight is less intrusive.

DirectX OpenGL

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 115 New options for controlling visuals and other
DirectX rendering improvements
DirectX OpenGL

Antialiasing for higher fidelity

Image quality is by default much better, with less flickering.

DirectX OpenGL

High fidelity edge line

There are no flickering zigzag lines but continuous, smooth edges.

DirectX OpenGL

Accurate reinforcing bars

Reinforcing bars have edge lines in the DirectX rendering. When you zoom in,
the reinforcing bars are shown as round.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 116 New options for controlling visuals and other
DirectX rendering improvements
DirectX OpenGL

Automatic edge lines for intersecting material in transparent view

You can easily see where there are intersecting materials in the model.

DirectX OpenGL

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 117 New options for controlling visuals and other
DirectX rendering improvements
Added accuracy and clarity on details

DirectX OpenGL

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 118 New options for controlling visuals and other
DirectX rendering improvements
DirectX OpenGL

Automatic hatching for overlapping surfaces on same plane

You can easily detect duplicate objects or any overlapping parts without the
need to run a clash check.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 119 New options for controlling visuals and other
DirectX rendering improvements
Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 120 New options for controlling visuals and other
DirectX rendering improvements
1.21 Changes in advanced options
There are some uodates in the advanced options in Tekla Structures 2018, they
are listed below.

New advanced options


Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 121 Changes in advanced options


Changed advanced options

The advanced option XS_DRAW_CUT_FACES_WITH_RED_COLOR has been
replaced with XS_DRAW_CUT_FACES_WITH_OBJECT_COLOR. The default value
is now FALSE, which shows the cut faces in dark gray in model views. If you
change the value to TRUE, the cut faces are shown with the same color as the
other object faces.

Previously, the advanced option XS_DRAW_HIDDEN_FACES was used to control
both hidden part faces and hidden faces of rebars. Now XS_DRAW_HIDDEN_
FACES only controls hidden part faces.
You can now use the new advanced option XS_DRAW_REBAR_HIDDEN_FACES
in the Advanced Options category Drawing Properties to control whether
the hidden faces of the rebars are shown in drawings. Setting it to TRUE shows
the hidden faces of rebars. FALSE is the default value.

1.22 Changes in template attributes

There are quite a few new template attributes in Tekla Structures 2018, they
are listed below.

New template attributes


Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 122 Changes in template attributes


1.23 Improvements in components

There are several improvements in concrete components and steel
components in Tekla Structures 2018.

Concrete components
Braced girder (88), Braced girder (89)
On the Picture tab, you can now select to add two reinforcing bars at the top
and define the distance of these reinforcing bars from the top of the
connecting reinforcing bars.
In Braced girder (88):

In Braced girder (89):

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 123 Improvements in components

Rebar coupler and anchor tools
• Rebar coupler has been changed so that when you create couplers for
rebar sets, Rebar coupler creates a splitter as coupler input. Select the
rebar set and pick two points to define a location for the splitter. Then pick
a point to define the side of the primary reinforcing bars. You can also use
the existing splitter as an input object for Rebar coupler.
Note that if you delete the couplers, the splitter is not modified or deleted.
You need to modify or delete it separately.
• Rebar end anchor has been changed so that when you create end anchors
for rebar sets, Rebar end anchor creates an end detail modifier as end
anchor input. Select the rebar set and pick two points to define the location
of the end detail modifier. You can also use the existing end detail modifier
as an input object for Rebar end anchor.
Note that if you delete the end anchors, the end detail modifier is not
modified or deleted. You need to modify or delete it separately.

Steel components
Stiffener seating (12)
On the Parts tab, you can now define the seat material and name.

Column - 2 beam (14)

You can now define the slotted holes, bolt assembly and bolt length increase
on the Bolts 1-2, Bolts 3 and Bolts 4 tabs.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 124 Improvements in components

Generation of purlins (50)
On the Parts tab, you can now set the Use extra purlin positioning option to
Yes to change the position and rotation of each even or odd purlin.

Diagonal splice (53)

On the Parts tab, you can now select to create a connection plate or a profile.

Stairs (S71)
You can now set the bolt type on the Stair setup tab when creating catalog
steps. If you select the Workshop option, the bolts are shown in workshop
assembly drawings in the list of workshop bolts.

Splice connection (77)

You can now create web connections as profiles or plates. Previously, you
could create them as plates only.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 125 Improvements in components

Turnbuckle connection (126)
When you have selected that threads are not cut, you can now select the size
of the thread and create the thread 1 mm smaller. The new option is available
on the Parameters tab.

Bolted moment connection (134)

You can now define separate values for the gap between the near side
stiffener and the beam web edge, and the far side stiffener and the beam web
edge. Previously, you could define the gap between the near side stiffener and
the beam web edge.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 126 Improvements in components

Full depth S (185)
On the Stiffeners tab, you can now define the opposite web stiffener offset
from the shear tab center line.

Column with stiffeners (188)

You can now use weld number 10 to control the welds between the doubler
plate and the main part.

Doubler plate (1022), Welded column with stiffeners (128), Bolted

moment connection (134), Moment connection (181), Column with
stiffeners W (182), Beam prep (183), Column with stiffeners (186), Column
with stiffeners S (187), Column with stiffeners (188)
On the Doubler plate tab, you can now select whether doubler plates are cut
in the area that connects the main part web and flange.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 127 Improvements in components

1.24 New documentation structure
The user documentation has been reorganized in Tekla Structures 2018. The
content is largely the same as before, but there are now fewer, more general
categories to choose from on the first level of the table of contents.
All first-level categories now contain a short introduction or workflow. The
same structure is used in the online Tekla User Assistance service, in the
offline help package and in the PDF documentation.
The main categories each correspond to a separate PDF document available
for download in the Tekla User Assistance service. Inside a PDF, you can
browse the included content by using the PDF bookmarks or the table of
contents in the beginning of this PDF document.
The table below briefly explains how the content is now organized.

Category Browse here for

Upgrade to this version Release notes and instructions for
Get started with Tekla Structures Basic installation and licensing
instructions. General introduction to
the product.
Create models All instructions related to daily
modeling tasks. Custom component
Create drawings All instructions related to daily
drawing production tasks.

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 128 New documentation structure

Category Browse here for
Share models and files Model Sharing, Multiuser and
interoperability instructions.
Plan and track projects Instructions for Organizer, Task
Manager, Reporting, and other
planning tools.
Analyze models Instructions for structural analysis
and design.
Manage Tekla Structures Instructions for managing Tekla
Structures installations and your
customized configurations.
Instructions for tasks typically
performed centrally by an
administrator. Advanced installation
and licensing instructions.
Reference Detailed reference information for
advanced options, template
attributes, user interface fields and
settings, predefined parametric
profiles and system components.

1.25 Disclaimer
© 2018 Trimble Solutions Corporation and its licensors. All rights reserved.
This Software Manual has been developed for use with the referenced
Software. Use of the Software, and use of this Software Manual are governed
by a License Agreement. Among other provisions, the License Agreement sets
certain warranties for the Software and this Manual, disclaims other
warranties, limits recoverable damages, defines permitted uses of the
Software, and determines whether you are an authorized user of the Software.
All information set forth in this manual is provided with the warranty set forth
in the License Agreement. Please refer to the License Agreement for important
obligations and applicable limitations and restrictions on your rights. Trimble
does not guarantee that the text is free of technical inaccuracies or
typographical errors. Trimble reserves the right to make changes and
additions to this manual due to changes in the software or otherwise.
In addition, this Software Manual is protected by copyright law and by
international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction, display, modification, or
distribution of this Manual, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and
criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the full extent permitted by law.
Tekla, Tekla Structures, Tekla BIMsight, BIMsight, Tekla Civil, Tedds, Solve,
Fastrak and Orion are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Trimble
Solutions Corporation in the European Union, the United States, and/or other

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 129 Disclaimer

countries. More about Trimble Solutions trademarks: http://www.tekla.com/
tekla-trademarks. Trimble is a registered trademark or trademark of Trimble
Inc. in the European Union, in the United States and/or other countries. More
about Trimble trademarks: http://www.trimble.com/trademarks.aspx. Other
product and company names mentioned in this Manual are or may be
trademarks of their respective owners. By referring to a third-party product or
brand, Trimble does not intend to suggest an affiliation with or endorsement
by such third party and disclaims any such affiliation or endorsement, except
where otherwise expressly stated.
Portions of this software:
D-Cubed 2D DCM © 2010 Siemens Industry Software Limited. All rights
EPM toolkit © 1995-2006 Jotne EPM Technology a.s., Oslo, Norway. All rights
Open Cascade Express Mesh © 2015 OPEN CASCADE S.A.S. All rights reserved.
PolyBoolean C++ Library © 2001-2012 Complex A5 Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.
FLY SDK - CAD SDK © 2012 VisualIntegrity™. All rights reserved.
Teigha © 2002-2016 Open Design Alliance. All rights reserved.
CADhatch.com © 2017. All rights reserved.
FlexNet Publisher © 2014 Flexera Software LLC. All rights reserved.
This product contains proprietary and confidential technology, information
and creative works owned by Flexera Software LLC and its licensors, if any. Any
use, copying, publication, distribution, display, modification, or transmission of
such technology in whole or in part in any form or by any means without the
prior express written permission of Flexera Software LLC is strictly prohibited.
Except where expressly provided by Flexera Software LLC in writing,
possession of this technology shall not be construed to confer any license or
rights under any Flexera Software LLC intellectual property rights, whether by
estoppel, implication, or otherwise.
To see the third party open source software licenses, go to Tekla Structures,
click File menu --> Help --> About Tekla Structures and then click the 3rd
party licenses option.
The elements of the software described in this Manual are protected by
several patents and possibly pending patent applications in the United States
and/or other countries. For more information go to page http://

Tekla Structures 2018 release notes 130 Disclaimer

2 Tekla Structures administrator's
release notes

Upgrade guide from Tekla Structures 2017i to Tekla Structures 2018

Administrator's release notes are intended to provide advanced users with
instructions on how to apply the additional customizations available in a new
Tekla Structures version.

Administrator's release notes: General settings (page 131)

Administrator's release notes: Steel settings (page 149)
Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings (page 166)

2.1 Administrator's release notes: General settings

General customization settings apply to all user groups. Use these settings
together with your own user group settings.

Administrator's release notes: Model templates in version update (page 131)

Administrator's release notes: Applications & components catalog
maintenance (page 135)
Administrator's release notes: IFC4 (page 136)
Administrator's release notes: Property pane customizer (page 137)
Administrator's release notes: Creating custom dimension arrows (page 139)
Administrator's release notes: Small items (page 140)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 131 Administrator's release notes: General settings
Administrator's release notes: Model templates in version
1. Open Tekla Structures 2018.
2. Create a new model using an existing model template.
3. Give the model the same name as in the previous Tekla Structures

4. Open a 3D view.
5. Diagnose and repair the model.

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 132 Administrator's release notes: General settings
6. Create a project thumbnail, or add a custom image named
thumbnail.png in the model folder.
The preferred size of the image is 120 x 74 pixels.

7. Save the model.

If you do not do this, a message may appear warning about the model
being created with a previous version.

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 133 Administrator's release notes: General settings
8. Save the model as a model template.

9. Include the needed catalog files and subfolders from the model folder,
and click OK.

10. Remove manually all *.db files (environment database, options

databases) from the model folder.
The *.bak, *.log and xs_user files are automatically removed from the
model folder.

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 134 Administrator's release notes: General settings
The .idrm files (db.idrm and xslib.idrm) should be kept as they are
part of the model.
The model template is saved in a location pointed by
You now have a sample image for your model template. The Applications
& components catalog is now also in order and easy to use.

Administrator's release notes: Applications & components

catalog maintenance
Keep the Applications & components catalog in shape and usable. For more
information about the Applications & components catalog, see How to use
the Applications & components catalog.
the Applications & components catalog definition files that are located in the
XS_SYSTEM folders.
Check and fix the following:
1. Add the items to groups
Check Ungrouped items and add the items to the appropriate group.
2. Check the logs for errors

The Applications & components catalog shows the message log button
in the lower-right corner of the catalog if there are errors or warnings in the
catalog definition files, for example.
If there are references to missing plug-ins, go to the referred
ComponentCatalog.xml and remove the references manually:

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 135 Administrator's release notes: General settings
Test thoroughly that these changes do not create any further errors, or change
the structure of your Applications & components catalog. Check at least the
Ungrouped items and Legacy catalog groups.
As in the example above, there may be errors for:
• CatalogPluginComponentItem?CopyModelDirectoryPlugin
• CatalogPluginComponentItem?SaveAsModelTemplatePlugin
3. Hide all non-related applications and components from roles
1. In the Ungrouped items catalog, select the Show hidden items check
box at the bottom.
2. Right-click an application or a component and select Hide / Unhide.
4. Create custom thumbnails

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 136 Administrator's release notes: General settings
Administrator's release notes: IFC4
There are several improvements in the IFC4 export, and you need to create a
new standard file.

• The new Object color setting allows you to export objects using the object
class colors or object group colors. If you select object group colors, the
defined transparency settings are also exported.
• You can now export flat and wide beams as plates using the new option
Export flat wide beams as plates. Select this option if you have modeled
plates as beams or columns with flat profiles. For example, some system
components use beams or columns instead of plates.
• When you select the new option Pours, concrete parts are exported as
pours. If you do not select it, concrete parts are exported without pours.
For more information about IFC4 export, see Export a Tekla Structures model
or selected model objects to....

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 137 Administrator's release notes: General settings
Administrator's release notes: Property pane customizer
You can customize the property pane to show, hide and re-organize settings.
You can hide settings that are never used and add important UDAs.
One user can create customized property pane layouts and share them with
the whole organization.
To open the customization tool, click File --> Settings --> Customize -->
Property pane.

The customizations are saved into the PropertyTemplates.xml file in

\UI\PropertyTemplates. Copy it under the environment, company, or
project folder, for example \ProgramData\Tekla Structures\<version>
The loading order in Tekla Structures is:
1. Tekla Structures default property pane (embedded resources)
2. Property pane configuration in environment folders (based on XS_SYSTEM
3. Property pane configuration in the company folder (defined in XS_FIRM)
4. Property pane configuration in the project folder (defined in XS_PROJECT)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 138 Administrator's release notes: General settings
5. User-customized property pane under %localappdata%
The property pane definitions loaded later will override previously loaded
definitions. For example, a property pane defined in the firm folder will take
precedence over a property pane defined in the environment folders.

Administrator's release notes: Creating custom dimension

You can replace the available dimension arrows with your own dimension
arrows, or add new ones.
For more information about creating custom arrows, see Customize
dimension line arrows.
Note the following:
• Symbols go to dimension_arrows.sym in the environment's \symbol
directory (defined for the DXK_SYMBOLPATH environment variable in
an .ini file).
• Symbol indexes are listed in dimension_arrows.txt, also in the
environment's symbol directory.
• Bitmap files are named dr_dialog_dim_arrow_type_xxx.bmp, where
xxx is the number of the index in the symbol file,
dr_dialog_dim_arrow_type_007.bmp, for example.
• Place the new bitmap files to one of the folders defined for the
DAK_BMPPATH environment variable.
You no longer need to stretch dimension arrow heads, because
dimension_arrows.sym in the Common environment has been updated to
show arrows correctly at a 1:1 scale.
10 new dimension arrow head types have been added to the arrow head
symbol set, see the image below. Each symbol is built on a 10 pixel basis so
you can easily scale them if needed.

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 139 Administrator's release notes: General settings
Note that you can reuse the dimension_arrows.sym file from Tekla
Structures 2017i if you do not wish to work at a 1:1 scale with arrowheads. You
can direct Tekla Structures by using the environment variable
DXK_SYMBOLPATH in an .ini file to your own symbol file where symbols are
created to be used with dim_arrow_width 2.500000.

Administrator's release notes: Small items

To do
Create a standard file and possible other pre-created attribute files for users.

Text alignment in texts and marks

• There is now text alignment available for marks and associative notes.
• Update the standard files.

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 140 Administrator's release notes: General settings
New option in advanced grid labels
The Advanced grid label properties dialog box now contains a new option
Align to lines. When you select Yes, the labels of vertical and skewed grid lines
are rotated to align with the grid lines.

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 141 Administrator's release notes: General settings
Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 142 Administrator's release notes: General settings
For more information about grid labels, see Customize drawing grid labels.

Dimensioning rules
You can now define different dimension line settings (Overall, Shape, Hole,
Recess, Filter, Secondary parts and Grid) for each side (Top, Bottom, Left and
Right) in the Dimensioning rule properties dialog box. To do this, clear the
new Same on all sides check box. Previously, two separate settings were
available (vertical and horizontal).

PDF reports
PDF report options are read from the settings files with the name
report.PdfPrintOptions.xml. The settings file can be present in any
location where PdfPrintOptions.xml files are normally searched for. This
allows the embed fonts option to be enabled for languages that require it. If
no such files are present, the default hard coded options are used.
If you want to have PDF reports to have embedded fonts for better support for
special characters (or other options enabled), save the settings from the Print
Drawings dialog box with the name report (creating a file

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 143 Administrator's release notes: General settings
report.PdfPrintOptions.xml) and move it to an XS_PROJECT, XS_FIRM,
or XS_SYSTEM folder.

For more information see Create a .pdf report template.

Analysis model properties

There are changes in the Analysis Model Properties dialog box.
• Bracing member filter is a new filter. This group should contain parts that
will have the Keep axis: no and Snap only to primary members setting.
• Check if the existing Secondary member filter needs to be localized.

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 144 Administrator's release notes: General settings
New Tekla Structural Designer UDAs
TSD Member Type, TSD Slab Type, and TSD Wall Type UDAs have been
added to Tekla Structural Designer UDA tab in \Environments\common
\inp\objects.inp. You can use that file as an example if \common\inp\ is
not defined in XS_INP.
\Environments\common\inp\objects.inp, with the additions in bold:
unique_attribute("TSD_PART_MARK", "j_Mark", string, "%s", no, none,
"0.0", "0.0")
value("", 0)
unique_attribute("TSD_TOTAL_STUDS", "j_No_of_Studs", integer, "%d", no,
none, "0.0", "0.0")
value("", 0)
unique_attribute("TSD_TRANS_REINF", "j_Transverse_Rebar", string, "%s",
no, none, "0.0", "0.0")
value("", 0)
unique_attribute("TSD_EW", "j_Effective_Width", float, "%d", no, none,
"0.0", "0.0")
value("", 0)
unique_attribute("TSD_STATUS", "j_Integration_Status", string, "%s",
no, none, "0.0", "0.0")
value("", 1)
unique_attribute("MBR_TYPE", "TSD Member Type", string, "%s", no, none,
"0.0", "0.0")
value("", 2)
unique_attribute("SLAB_TYPE", "TSD Slab Type", string, "%s", no, none,
"0.0", "0.0")
value("", 2)
unique_attribute("WALL_TYPE", "TSD Wall Type", string, "%s", no, none,
"0.0", "0.0")
value("", 2)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 145 Administrator's release notes: General settings
Advanced options
Advanced options for DX visualization
• SSAO on/off: XS_SHOW_SHADOW_FOR_PERSPECTIVE is on by default.
Controls whether shadows are shown in DX views when the perspective
mode is on.
• SSAO on/off: XS_SHOW_SHADOW_FOR_ORTHO off by default.
Controls whether shadows are shown in DX views when the orthogonal
mode is on.
• FXAA (anti aliasing) on/off: XS_USE_ANTI_ALIASING_IN_DX on by default.
Controls whether anti-aliasing is used in DX views or not. Anti-aliasing
makes the edge lines smoother, but also less precise.
• Hatching for overlapping surfaces:
XS_HATCH_OVERLAPPING_FACES_IN_DX on by default. The option has
been renamed, the previous name was XS_OVERLAPPING_SURFACES.
Controls whether hatching is shown in DX views for overlapping surfaces or
• Performance statistics: XS_SHOW_STATISTICS_IN_DX off by default.
Controls whether performance statistics are shown in DX views or not.
Advanced option for improved mark placement
Marks are now automatically placed according to the new mark placing
algorithm if the new model-specific advanced option
The new placement tries to avoid crossing leader lines, and also places marks
otherwise more clearly. The new algorithm applies to all marks and associative
notes, except weld marks.

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 146 Administrator's release notes: General settings
Advanced options for construction object line type
There are new advanced options to control the construction object line type:
The default value is 1.
The default value is 2.
The values range from 1 to 5: 1 = solid and 2 - 5 = dotted lines.
Other added advanced options
Use to ignore the crossbar location when considering geometrical
differences between rebar meshes in numbering, for example, meshes
with crossing bars above are considered equal to otherwise similar meshes
with crossing bars below.
The default value is TRUE.
The method Tekla Structures uses to create analysis models has been
improved in version 2018. If you open an existing model with analysis

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 147 Administrator's release notes: General settings
models in Tekla Structures 2018, and activate an analysis model, Tekla
Structures recreates the analysis model using this new method.
If you need to revert to the analysis model creation method used in Tekla
Structures 2017i and previous versions, set the advanced option
XS_AD_ANALYSIS_PLANES_ENABLED to FALSE. This advanced option is
model specific.
Changes in advanced options
• XS_CS_CHAMFER_DIVIDE_ANGLE works again for sketched profiles.

Template editor
CopyField improvement
Earlier you could only get the values of sum using the CopyField command,
before it was calculated. If CopyField can get a value from the same
component as it is in, then that value is used.
• Now it is possible with CopyField to copy the actual output value.
Previously, you could only copy the field formula and use that to calculate
the value.
• If CopyField can get a value from the same component as it is in, then
that value is used.
• If CopyField is used in a header or page header, then the value is
searched from the subsequent components.
• If CopyField is used in a footer or page footer, then the value is searched
from the preceding components.
• If CopyField is used in a row, then the value is first searched from the
previous components and if not found, then the value is searched from the
following components.
Advanced options available in Template editor
Add the following line into tpled.ini in \<environment>\template
\settings as the last line:

Compare phase in numbering
It is now possible to compare phases in numbering. Update the standard files
if needed. The parts in different phases will never get the same numbers with
the Phase setting selected.

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 148 Administrator's release notes: General settings
Construction objects
Construction objects can now be assigned a phase, and they can be filtered by
construction object type and phase. This way you can hide only some of the
construction objects at a time.
Snap symbol to circle center points in drawings
center point snap symbols for circular part cuts in drawings.
• General arrangement drawings are not affected, as this may cause a
performance hit.
Surface object attributes
Surface object attributes are now available for the IfcCovering entity type in
additional property sets.

2.2 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings

The following customization settings only apply to the steel user group.

Administrator's release notes: Spiral beams (page 150)

Administrator's release notes: Small steel items (page 151)
Administrator's release notes: Steel components (page 153)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 149 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings
Administrator's release notes: Spiral beams
Update inquiry templates
The inquiry template for parts has been updated to Tekla Structures 2018 in
the Common environment. It is basically the same for normal parts, but has
additional information for spiral beams, like rotation axis points.

Create/Update templates and reports

New properties have been added for spiral beams. It is now possible to create
more detailed templates and reports.

Check/update UDAs
Add spiral-specific UDAs for spiral beams. The Common environment is up to
date, but you need to add the spiral beam-specific UDAs to the role
specific .inp files.

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 150 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings
IFC export does not work for spiral beams, and DSTV export results may be

Administrator's release notes: Small steel items

Bent plates
It is now possible to use bent plates in model view filtering, view selection
filtering, drawing filtering, and to adjust the model object representation. Set
Template as the category and IS_BENT_PLATE as the property when creating
filters. The property is available in Template Editor for parts.
The bent line information (KA block) for bent plates is now supported.
There are two new options on the Advanced Options tab in NC File Settings
dialog box, which can be used to show bent line information for bent plates
and polybeam plates.

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 151 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings
Weld marks in drawings
In drawing view weld properties there is a new setting Welds in hidden parts
with the following options for showing and hiding weld marks for hidden parts
(shown with hidden lines) in drawings:
• None: If the part is hidden, the weld mark is not drawn.
• Site: If the part is hidden, weld marks for site welds are drawn.
• Workshop: If the part is hidden, weld marks for workshop welds are
• Both: Weld marks are always drawn for hidden parts.

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 152 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings
Additional size value for compound weld types
When a compound weld is selected, there is another setting for the second
size value both in model welds and in manual drawing welds.

The following template attributes are available for the additional sizes of
compound model welds:

No paint area
The number of supported bolt standards in the No paint area component has
been increased from 50 bolt standards to 250 bolt standards.

Administrator's release notes: Steel components

The following components have user interface changes:

Bolted gusset (11)

• You can now delete bolts on the Brace bolts 1 - 3 tabs. (TT92089)
• You can now set the bolting direction on the Gusset bolts, Brace bolts 1-3,
and Angle bolts tabs. (TT131147)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 153 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings
Other changes and fixes:
• The gusset plate is now correctly placed when secondary parts are rotated.
• The slot cuts in the braces are now correctly created when the braces are
on different planes. (TT77753)
• The gusset plate is now positioned to the correct side when you define the
plate height. (TT120585)
• The bolt length increase defined on the Gusset bolts and Brace bolts 1-3
tabs is now correctly applied. (TT102092)
• The rectangular gusset plate no longer gets a new ID after you click Modify.
• The gusset offset from bracing is now correctly applied. (TT130521)

Tube crossing (22)

You can now set the Finish property for all parts. (TT131192)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 154 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings
Stub (28)
You can now define the top and bottom offsets for all stiffeners. (TT85772)

Simple clip angle (31), Two side clip angle (33)

You can now set the Finish property for all parts on the Parts tab. (TT125253)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 155 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings
Seating cap (37), Column seating (39)
You can now create galvanizing holes in the end plate on the Holes tab.
(TT130854, TT130855)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 156 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings
Haunch (40)
You can now set on the Haunch tab whether the haunch profile is cut parallel
at both ends. (TT130004)

Other changes and fixes:

• Defining a negative dimension for the vertical bolt group position no longer
affects the position of the cap plate. (TT129501)
• Web extra plates are always positioned on the main part web when the
main and secondary part center lines are not in line. (TT92096)
• You can define the bolting direction on the Bolts tab. (TT130978)

Joist seat (58)

You can now control the bottom chord dimension. (TT100958)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 157 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings
Wraparound gusset (58), Wrapped cross (61), Gusseted cross (62) and
Corner wrapped gusset (63)
You can define 3 types of shim plates on the Shim plates tab. (TT77336)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 158 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings
Other changes and fixes:
• You can create shim plates when connecting braces to the gusset using clip
angles. (TT77330)
• You can control the brace flange bolts spacing from the heel of the angle or
from the center of the brace. (TT77334)

Tube splice (6), Tube gusset (20), Tube crossing (22), Corner tube gusset
(56), Corner bolted gusset (57), Hollow brace wraparound gusset (59),
Wraparound gusset cross (60)
You can make a round slot in the bracing. (TT106612)

Stanchion side profile (86)

You can set the top edge distance of bolts on the Sbolts tab. (TT103709)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 159 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings
Portal bracing (105)
You can define the name of the gusset. Also, you can define slotted holes, bolt
assembly and bolt length increase for Bolts 1-3. (TT103815)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 160 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings
Clip angle (141), Two sided clip angle (143)
You can now define separate profiles for the top and the bottom angles on the
Angle box tab. You can also do this in End plate (144) and Shear plate
simple (146). (TT131709)

You can define plate washers separately for the main and secondary bolts on
the Plate washers tab. (TT106278)
Bolt spacing with weld gap option works correctly in Two sided clip angle
(143). There is an option to control the gap when the secondary parts have
different web thicknesses. (TT130741)
Other changes and fixes:
• The gap between the flange and the stiffener works correctly. (TT83588)
• Bolts are correctly created when you set them to be parallel to the sloped
secondary part. (TT130989)
• The slotted holes for the top and bottom primary bolts in the angle box are
now correctly applied. (TT131707)
• Manual notch in the bottom flanges no longer causes a cut in the top
flange. (TT54515)
• Slotted holes are now correctly applied on the secondary bolts when using
a wrapped angle connection. (TT105965)
• The vertical offset to the first bolt is now correctly calculated in beam to
column connections. (TT60251)
• A double set of bolts is no longer created when using C profiles as
secondary parts. (TT101901)
• The gauge dimension on the Bolts tab is now correctly applied when the
web clearance option is set on the Parts tab. (TT131749)
• The plate washer width and top flange cutback are applied correctly as
defined in the component properties. (TT129110)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 161 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings
Bent plate (151)
You can define the primary bolted part for the secondary bolts on the Bolts
tab. (TT127819)

Other changes and fixes:

• The weld backing bar is positioned correctly when the secondary part is
skewed. (TT110635)

Base plate (1004)

You can set the rotation type and rotation value for the shear key profile.

Other changes and fixes:

• You can define the leveling plate hole tolerance on the Parts tab.
• The horizontal slots in shim plates are correctly created. (TT130702)
• The vertical slots in the shim plate work correctly. (TT129770)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 162 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings
• The delete option for bolts and anchor rods works correctly. (TT48331)
• When using U shape anchor rods and hook direction of type 3 or type 4,
the created parts are correctly attached to the anchor rod. (TT132020)

LProf base detail (1020)

You can define the bolting direction on the Bolts tab. (TT130763)

U.S. Bearing plate (1044)

You can define gaps between the stiffeners and the main part flanges.

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 163 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings
Railings (S77)
You can define the direction of the used connection on the Rails tab.

The following components contain fixes:

• Turnbuckle bracing (S3)
• Wind column (5)
• Tube splice (6)
• Offshore (9)
• Stiffener seating (12)
• Tensioner brace (13)
• Box girder (S13)
• Joining plates (14)
• Stiffened shear plate (17)
• Tube gusset (20)
• Stiffened end plate (27)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 164 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings
• Bolted cap plate (27)
• Simple endplate (32)
• Welded tee (32)
• Tab plate (33)
• Two side end plate (34)
• Shear Pl simple (35)
• Seating (39)
• Column splice (42)
• Tapered beam 2 (S45)
• Bracing wrap around (46)
• New notch (49)
• Generation of purlins (50)
• Diagonal splice (53)
• Corner bolted gusset (57)
• Wraparound gusset (58)
• Hollow brace wraparound gusset (59)
• Wraparound gusset cross (60)
• Splice plate 2 (62)
• Gusseted cross (62)
• Partial stiff end plate (65)
• Hss Brace special (66) (67)
• Shear Pl Built-up T (69)
• U.S. Base plate connection (71)
• Seat type 9 (73)
• U.S. Seat connection 2 (73)
• Splice connection (77)
• Railings (S77)
• Truss (S78)
• Handrail bolted joint (S81)
• Stanchion double plate (87)
• Column tube seating (100)
• Tube seat (104)
• Stub connection (119)
• Round joining plates (124)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 165 Administrator's release notes: Steel settings
• Turnbuckle connection (126)
• Welded column with stiffeners (128)
• Column splice (132)
• Stub (133)
• Bolted moment connection (134)
• Column site weld splice (137)
• Two sided end plate (142)
• Two sided clip angle (143)
• Shear plate simple (146)
• 2L Splice (152)
• U.S. Hip & Valley (179)
• Column with stiffeners W (182)
• Beam prep (183)
• Full depth S (185)
• Column with stiffeners (186)
• Column with stiffeners S (187)
• Column with stiffeners (188)
• Shear plate tube column (189)
• Bent plate (190)
• Bolted gusset (196)
• Tapered beam to tapered beam (200)
• Stiffeners (1003)
• Web stiffened base plate (1016)
• Base plate (1042)
• Stair base detail (1043)
• Twin profile connection plate (1046)
• U.S. Base plate (1047)
• Circular base plates (1052)
• Multiple stiffeners (1064)
• Tapered column base plate (1068)
• Cast-in plate (1069)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 166 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
2.3 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
The following customization settings only apply to the concrete user group.

Administrator's release notes: Pour units (page 167)

Administrator's release notes: Rebar sets and linearly tapered bar groups
(page 172)
Administrator's release notes: Small concrete items (page 175)
Administrator's release notes: Updates in tools for concrete fabrication
(page 177)
Administrator's release notes: Concrete components (page 179)

Administrator's release notes: Pour units

Pour unit is an entity for cast-in-place concrete. Pour units combine together a
pour object and the other building objects that need to be in place before cast-
in-place concrete can be poured. With pour units it is easier to manage and
report the contents of pours. Pour units can now be used in Organizer and
Task manager.

To do
• Update your reports to report pour units instead of pour objects.
• An example of a hierarchical report is in \Environments\default
• Create UDA tab pages for pour units. Pour units are similar to assemblies
so workflow-related information, for example, should be there instead of
pour objects.
• Update Organizer filters and categories to use pour units instead of pour
• Create a pour unit inquiry report if the Common environment is not in use.
• Create a custom inquiry for pour unit, if needed.
• In general arrangement drawings for pour units, start using the reflected
view, if needed. Previous problems with pours have now been fixed.
• Update at least some Task manager task types to use pour units.

Instructions: How to use

The attributes that you can use in reporting pour units are shown in the image
VOLUME_ONLY_POUR_OBJECT are pour unit-specific. Some properties and
UDAs are still only for pour objects, but they link to pour units, can be

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 167 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
accessed, and are hierarchically under pour units in reports and templates.
The Default environment has some reports and templates that you can use as
an example, such as Pour_List.rpt and Pour_List_Hierarchical.rpt in
the \Environments\default\system\concrete\CIP\contractor\

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 168 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
To use pour units in Organizer categories, add them to categories by using the
Object type - Pour unit filter and set the category to Include the
highest assembly level in the model. You can use this category as an
example \Environments\default\system\concrete\CIP\contractor
\ProjectOrganizerData\DefaultCategoryTrees\Pours by

You can set custom inquiry to work with pour units by modifying .it files. Find
an example inquiry in \Environments\common\system\CustomInquiry

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 169 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 170 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
You can add user-defined attributes to pour units using object type
pour_unit. This is already done in the objects.inp file located in the
\Environments\common\inp\ folder, so if your environment does not use
that you can add them yourself, or use the file in the Common environment as
an example.

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 171 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
• Pour units are currently exported in IFC4 only, not in IFC2x3.

Administrator's release notes: Rebar sets and linearly

tapered bar groups
Earlier, all bars in tapered groups in rebar sets were given their own rebar
position number. That position number (REBAR_POS) was not always logically
increasing or decreasing from bar to bar. Now that has changed. For rebar
sets, there is now a new advanced option with which you can control how the
grouping is done and how those grouped bars are reported.

To do
Copy or share new updated and enhanced rebar reports to your environment
from the \Environments\default\system\concrete folder.
The following new reports are available:
• Rebar - Group Bending List - Compact.rpt

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 172 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
• Rebar - Group Bending List - Extended.rpt
• Rebar - Single Bar Bending List.rpt
These reports have been updated to support the new linearly tapered bar
groups within rebar sets in reporting. The reports also work with the rebar
groups and single bars.
If you have been using the Rebar Bending List With Single Bars.rpt
and/or Rebar Bending List.rpt reports, you can remove them. The three
new reports listed above will replace these two old reports.
If you have old rebar reports that are using SINGLE_REBAR, update the
following attributes in them:
• Other new attributes if needed
Rebar reports which are using REBAR rows do not necessarily need any
updates and can continue using NUMBER and WEIGHT_TOTAL.
Modify the new advanced settings, if needed.

New features

New advanced options

• TRUE = Bars in a tapered group are numbered with group number (default).
• FALSE = Bars in a tapered group are numbered as individual bars (old
• Affects only rebar set bar groups whose type is Normal
• TRUE = Rebar set bar groups are kept together even when the spacing
changes (default).
Bars with the same REBAR_POS get a single bar mark in drawings.
• FALSE = Rebar set bar groups are split when the spacing changes (old

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 173 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
• With this option you can define which letters to use with the
SUB_ID_WITH_LETTERS format string.
• Enter the wanted characters without spaces or delimiters as they are, for
example, ABCDXYZ123.
• By default, letters A to Z are used.

New format string attribute

• Works only with format strings for bars in linearly tapered groups in rebar
• Basically to be used with
possibly with
• Not available as a template attribute

New template attributes

• SUB_ID (can be used with REBAR_POS)
• Can be used in reporting when using the SINGLE_REBAR row, the same
as with the old rebars
• Can be used when defining the rebar number (REBAR_POS) format
string, for example, %REBAR_PREFIX%%REBAR_SERIAL_NUMBER%.
• User-defined attributes
• 0 = Normal groups / single bars
• 1 = Linearly tapered groups
• These are the same with the old rebars. Group types can be used when
defining rules in rebar templates.
• This attribute is used in drawing marks, when position is added as mark
• The output is the same as REBAR_POS for the old rebar groups and
single bars.

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 174 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
• NUMBER_OF_BARS_IN_GROUP reports the number of bars in a single group,
also works for the old rebars.
Rebar reports in all environments should be changed to start using this
attribute instead of NUMBER.
• WEIGHT_TOTAL_IN_GROUP reports the total weight of a single group, also
works for the old rebars.
Rebar reports in all environments should be changed to start using this
attribute instead of WEIGHT_TOTAL.

Rebar tools with fixes

The following rebar tools have some fixes but the user interface has not been
• Rebar shape catalog
• Rebar shape manager

Administrator's release notes: Small concrete items

Rebar group dimensioning
Two new options have been added on the Parameters of the Rebar group
dimensioning application.

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 175 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
On the Parameters tab, you can now select a location for the mark. The
options are:
• Automatic: Mark 1 is positioned above the dimension text when the
dimension is above the part, and under the dimension text when the
dimension is under the part.
• Above dim. text: Mark 1 is always positioned above the dimension text.
• Below dim. line: Mark 1 is always positioned below the dimension line.
When placing the mark, the dimension text font size for the above text
position and the spacing values defined on the Advanced settings tab for
both positions are considered. This setting is only available for the non-radial
annotation types.
Combine dim. between rebar-dim
On the Parameters tab there is another new option Combine dim. between
rebar - dim. allowing you to combine the dimensions of the distance between
two rebar groups with the dimensions of the rebar group where the spacing is
the same as the distance between the groups. It also combines the first/last
group dimension line with the distance to the part end if the distance to the
border is the same as the rebar group spacing.

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 176 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
New option for reinforcing bar representation
A new option single line with filled ends is added in rebar representation to
be used especially in section views. This option shows a different
representation for parallel and perpendicular bars.

Administrator's release notes: Updates in tools for concrete

HMS Export
TT122572 -HMS export now has a new tab Reinforcement.
TT122588 - In HMS export, boundary line can be now be exported along cut or
uncut side of slab. There is a new option for that on the Options tab.
There is a new list for setting export request for boundary line.
TT115836 - In HMS export, the UDA source of the Bay number can now be set
on the Slab data tab. The value needs to be an integer.
TT116577 - In HMS export, welded plates, solid fills and hook boxes are now
exported correctly according to the exported slab rotation.
TT122571 - In HMS export the option to control export of strands has been
TT122573 -In HMS export, the Export strand code option was moved to the
new Reinforcement tab.

Export EliPlan (68)

TT132451 (68) Export EliPlan file - On the Data content tab, you can select
whether the export excludes all cuts or only full depth cuts from the net area
calculation. The whole assembly is checked.
TT132425 (68) Export EliPlan file -There are some new settings that give you
more control in plotting, without making major changes in the model:

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 177 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
• Export now checks the Top in Form Face setting for all parts, if in use.
• New settings on the Plotter tab:
• It is now possible to exclude from exported plotting data embeds by
class, name or material with the new setting Exclude embeds by.
• You can also exclude from exported plotting data embeds or cuts that
are above the specified Z position by using the new setting Exclude
above z position. Z position is the depth of the element on the pallet,
that is how many millimeters the lowest point of the embed is above
the cast.
TT132597 (68) Export EliPlan file - Data content tab: New user option to use
comma (,) as the decimal separator instead of period (.) (like in some European
TT132568 (68) Export EliPlan file - Data content tab: In Weight calculation,
you can select which weight will be exported.

(79) Unitechnik export

Many UI changes.
TT132415 (79) Unitechnik export - HEADER block data specification tab: It is
now possible to specify building site and building owner name, address, post
code and city/town.
TT131684 (79) Unitechnik export has the following new options on the
Embeds tab:
• Using the All cutouts as corner symbol, you can export cutouts as mount
parts with corner symbols
• Using the Opening with corner symbols, you can specify classes of
embeds that will be exported with corner symbols instead of mount part
• Symbol size can be defined in the dialog box.
TT131774 (79) Unitechnik export - Reinf. data specification tab: The new
option Welded leg designation can be used for designating the welded leg in
bent mesh bars. When you select Yes, information about welded leg
designation is exported.
TT131997 (79) Unitechnik export - It is now possible to export selected
reinforcement bars as mount parts.
TT131686 (79) Unitechnik export - You can now export spacer start position
and spacer pitch information. The new settings Spacer start position and
Spacer pitch are located on the Reinforcement tab.
TT123544 (79) Unitechnik export - In Pull force on Reinf. data specification
tab, specify the attribute from which the strand pull force is to be inquired. In
Unitechnik version 6.0, you can set the Unitechnik reinforcement type to 9 in
the reinforcing bar user-defined objects on the Unitechnik page, and then it
will be exported as strand reinforcement with its value in KN (taken from UDA).

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 178 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
TT129944 (79) Unitechnik export - You can now set the rotation of the meshes
to pallet to correct the geometry in the export file by using the option Export
meshes as: Turned to pallet on the Reinforcement tab.
TT132217 (79) Unitechnik-export - You can now specify the transport pile level
number in part user-defined attributes dialog box on the Unitechnik tab. If
there are elements in the stack which need to be layered on the same level,
then the pile level is used.

BVBS export
BVBS export has some fixes but the user interface has not been changed.
TT130340 BVBS export: In BVBS export, any tapered groups where the bar legs
have the same length are now exported as a 'normal' group. If the length of
the legs varies linearly or regularly, the bars are exported as "stepped bars",
regardless of the group type or spacing type. If you set the option Export
stepped bars as separate items to Yes the "stepped bars" are exported as
separate items with sub-item numbers. Groups where bar legs have the same
length are still exported as a 'normal' group (not as separate items) regardless
of the group type or spacing type.
TT130710 BVBS export: The BVBS export has been changed so that when the
private block has no content, the private block (@P) does not give any output.

Administrator's release notes: Concrete components

Sloping slab drainage
You can now set the pour phase for the drainage parts. The default pour
phase is the same as for the concrete slab. (TT127847)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 179 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
Rectangular column reinforcement (83)
When creating cranked rebars, you can now define the length separately for
the side bars and corner bars on the Bar ends tab. (TT132120) (TT104691)

Electric box in wall (84)

You can select the creation orientation of the electric box. (TT131759)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 180 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
Braced girder (88), (89)
You can now create bar C as a plate. (TT131919)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 181 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
Reinforcement mesh array components (89)(91)
You can set the mesh spacing type to Exact number on the Picture tab. Use
Exact number when the mesh has a specified number of spacings, like 1*100,
in mesh_database.inp. (TT129561)

Create hole around part (92)

You can now the cut offset from the edge of the cut part. (TT67951)

The component now works correctly with slabs. (TT132587)

Reinforced concrete stair (95)

Reinforced concrete stair (95) has the following improvements:
• The stirrups and the pin bar on the Bar E tab are created with enough of
cover thickness. Also, the side of the endings of the stirrups on the Bar E
tab have been turned around. (TT130033)
• There are new rebar end condition options on the Bar C tab. (TT131559)
• You can define hooks for rebars on the Bar B tab. (TT131668)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 182 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
• The radius value for the bottom end and top end rebars is applied correctly
on the Landings end bars tab. (TT131669)
• You can create rebar shape 64 on the Bar C and Bar E tabs. (TT131670)

Automatic splicing tool

The list of Splice symmetry options has an option that mirrors the first
symmetry option in the list. (TT131149)

The following components contain fixes:

• Embedded anchors (8)
• Hole generation (32)
• Concrete stairs (65)
• Pad footing reinforcement (77)
• Lifting anchor (80)
• Corbels and recesses (82)
• Rectangular column reinforcement (83)
• Concrete console (110)
• Concrete console (111)
• Concrete beam-beam (112)

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 183 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
• Detailing manager
• Double wall edge and opening reinforcement
• Floor layout
• Mesh bars by area
• Mesh bars
• Sandwich wall window
• Rebar coupler and anchor tools
• Wall groove seam detail
• Wall layout
• Wall to wall connection

Tekla Structures administrator's release notes 184 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
3 Localization release notes

Environment-specific Tekla Structures localization release notes introduce new

and changed features in the new Tekla Structures version from the localization
point of view. It lists the features that have been localized in your environment
and also helps you in your own customization tasks. The localization release
notes are supplied by the localization teams at your local area and reseller

Localization release notes 185 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings

4 Upgrade Tekla Structures to a
new version

You can have many Tekla Structures versions on your computer. When you
install and start using a new version, you do not need to uninstall the older
versions. Note however, that you can have only one service pack related to a
certain Tekla Structures version on your computer.

NOTE We recommend that you complete any models you are already working on
using your current version of Tekla Structures. Once you save a model in the
new version, you cannot open it in the previous versions anymore.
You can download the installation packages from the Tekla Downloads

Complete the upgrade in this general order (follow the links in the text for
detailed instructions):
1. Update the Tekla Structures license server (page 187). The updated
version replaces the existing version you have installed.
If you plan to use several versions of Tekla Structures, check the
compatibility of the license server with different versions (page 188)
before upgrading.
2. Renew your licenses as explained in Renew a Tekla Structures license
(page 188).
The renewed licenses can be used with the version indicated on the
license and any previous versions that are compatible with your installed
license server version.
3. Install Tekla Structures.
You can have many Tekla Structures versions and environments on your
computer. When you install and start using a new version, you do not
need to uninstall the older versions.

Upgrade Tekla Structures to a new version 186 Administrator's release notes: Concrete settings
4. Copy personal settings to a new Tekla Structures version (page 189).
You can use the Migration Wizard (page 189) tool to copy some of the
personal settings to the new version. You can skip the copying if you do
not want to copy the settings, or if you want to copy the settings from
some other Tekla Structures version than suggested in Migration Wizard.
5. Transfer customized information to a new Tekla Structures version
(page 190).
In the new Tekla Structures version, you can use the information you have
customized in the previous version. We strongly recommend that you
create project and firm folders, and store the files you customize in these
folders. Tekla Structures does not replace the files in project and firm
folders when you install a new version. If you do not use project and firm
folders, you need to transfer the customized information to the new
version manually.

4.1 Update the Tekla Structures license server

We recommend that you have the newest version of Tekla Structures license
server software installed on the Tekla Structures license server. Tekla
Structures license server is backward compatible with Tekla Structures.

The version of Tekla Structures License Borrow Tool should be the same as
the version of Tekla Structures license server. For more information about the
compatibility between Tekla Structures versions and Tekla Structures license
server versions, see Which license server version to use (page 188).
Before you start the license server update, turn off the internal firewall and
pause the antispyware/antivirus protection.
To update the Tekla Structures license server:
1. Go to Tekla Structures Licensing --> LMTOOLS through the Start menu
or Start screen, depending on your Windows operating system.
2. On the Stop/Start/Reread tab, click Stop Server to stop the Tekla
Structures license server and any other licensing services.
When you have completed installing the Tekla Structures license server,
you can restart the other licensing services.
3. Backup any files you have modified in the C:\TeklaStructures
\License\Server folder.
You do not need to back up tekla.lic or tekla.opt, because the
installer will not changes these files.
4. Download the latest version of the Tekla Structures license server on the
server or computer from Tekla Downloads.

Upgrade Tekla Structures to a new version 187 Update the Tekla Structures license server
5. Install the downloaded license server with administrator rights using the
automatic installation for normal setup. Follow the instructions displayed
on the screen.

4.2 Which license server version to use

Check the table below to see which license server version to use with your
current Tekla Structures version. Also check if you need to upgrade to a new
service pack or progress release.

Tekla Structures License Server 2016 License Server 2017

version SP1

2017i - all versions

2017 - all versions

2016i - all versions

2016 SP5/PR5 or later

2016 up to SP4/PR4 Upgrade to 2016

SP5/PR5 or later
21.1 SR7 or later

21.1 up to SR6 Upgrade to 21.1 SR7 or

21.1 all PV versions

21.0 or earlier

For instructions on how to install the license server, see Install Tekla Structures
license server.

4.3 Renew a Tekla Structures license

License renewal means that you extend the period of use of a temporary
license, or that you take the new version's licenses into use. Before you
activate a new versions's license or a new temporary license, you need to
deactivate the old temporary license.

Upgrade Tekla Structures to a new version 188 Which license server version to use
If you are replacing an existing license, then the existing certificate needs to be
deactivated before the renewal certificate can be activated.
To renew a license:
1. Rename your previously provided entitlement certificate file to
2. Go to Tekla Structures Licensing --> Tekla Structures License
Administration Tool through the Start menu or Start screen, depending
on your Windows operating system.
3. In the Activated Licenses area, select the Deactivate check box next to
the license you want to deactivate.
4. Click the enabled Deactivate button.
This will deactivate your license. When deactivation is completed, you will
see a message about it.
5. The person in your organization who has made the license purchase, or to
someone named as the contact person has received a new entitlement
certificate for the extended license by e-mail as an attachment. Download
the entitlement certificate toC:\TeklaStructures\License\Server.
6. Now you can activate your extended license normally Tekla Structures
License Administration Tool. For more information, see Activating Tekla
Structures licenses

4.4 Copy personal settings to a new Tekla Structures

You can copy some personal settings from an older Tekla Structures version to
a newer Tekla Structures version using the Migration Wizard tool. Migration
Wizard opens automatically when you start a new version of Tekla Structures
for the first time.

Migration Wizard shows the version number from which the settings are
copied and the version number to which the settings are copied. You can
select which settings are copied.
1. Start the new Tekla Structures version.
2. In Migration Wizard, click Next to start copying the settings.
3. Select the settings you want to copy and click Next.
4. Check that you have selected the correct settings.
5. Click Copy.

Upgrade Tekla Structures to a new version 189 Copy personal settings to a new Tekla Structures
NOTE If you want to copy the settings later, you can start Migration Wizard manually
by double-clicking the MigrationWizard.exe in the \Tekla Structures
\<version>\nt\bin\applications\Tekla\Migrations folder. You can
select the version from which the settings are copied and the version to which
the settings are copied.

See also
Upgrade Tekla Structures to a new version (page 186)

4.5 Transfer customized information to a new Tekla

Structures version
You can transfer customized information from a previous Tekla Structures
version to the new Tekla Structures version.
1. If you have used project and firm folders to store customized files in a
model using a previous Tekla Structures version, go to File menu -->
Settings --> Advanced Options and check that the XS_FIRM,
point to the folders where the customized files are located.
2. If you have not used project and firm folders to store customized files, you
need to transfer the customized files manually to the new Tekla Structures
version to use the information. Check at least the following:
• Advanced options
• Files related to templates, reports and drawings
• Catalog files: profile catalog, material catalog, bolt catalog, bolt
assembly catalog, rebar shape catalog
• Conversion files
• Extensions
You need to re-install extensions for the new Tekla Structures version.
• NC export settings
• Printer catalog settings
• User-defined attributes
• Saved model object properties

You can copy some information automatically to the new version using the
Migration Wizard (page 189) tool.

Upgrade Tekla Structures to a new version 190 Transfer customized information to a new Tekla
Structures version
See also
Upgrade Tekla Structures to a new version (page 186)

Upgrade Tekla Structures to a new version 191 Transfer customized information to a new Tekla
Structures version
5 Tekla Structures service packs

Tekla Structures service packs are Tekla Structures version updates.

Service pack software installation files are stand-alone installers that contain
the full Tekla Structures version software. You do not need to separately install
the related Tekla Structures version or a previous service pack. For example,
you can install service pack 2 without installing service pack 1.
• Service packs can include new features, and improvements and fixes to
existing features. We recommend that all users install the latest service
• We recommend that you install the latest environments to ensure that the
environments work correctly in the service pack. We recommend that you
update all the environments that you are using.

See also
Install a Tekla Structures service pack (page 192)
Install an earlier Tekla Structures service pack (page 193)

5.1 Install a Tekla Structures service pack

You can install a service pack to update a Tekla Structures version or a
previous service pack. Service packs can contain new features, and
improvements and fixes to existing features.

NOTE Service pack software installation files are stand-alone installers that
contain the full Tekla Structures version software. You do not need to
separately install the related Tekla Structures version or a previous
service pack.

If you have the related Tekla Structures version or a previous service pack
installed on your computer, you do not need to remove it before installing a
new service pack.

Tekla Structures service packs 192 Install a Tekla Structures service pack
NOTE You need to be logged in with administrator rights to install the Tekla
Structures software on your computer.

1. Install the Tekla Structures service pack software.

a. Download the service pack software installation file from Tekla
Downloads to your computer.
b. Double-click the installation file to run the installation.
c. Follow the steps in the installation wizard to complete the installation.

Note that if you have the related Tekla Structures version or a

previous service pack already installed, you cannot select the
installation folder. The service pack will be installed to the same
folder as the version that you are updating.
If you do not have the related Tekla Structures version or a previous
service pack installed, you can select the installation folder and the
model folder.
2. Install the Tekla Structures environments.
Note that the location of the environment installation folder depends on
where you have installed the software. You cannot select the environment
installation folder in the installation wizard.
You do not need to remove any environments. Installing a newer version
of an environment automatically upgrades the older version of that
a. Download the needed environment installation files from Tekla
Downloads to your computer.
b. Double-click the installation file to run the installation.
c. Follow the steps in the installation wizard to complete the installation.
Related information

See also
Tekla Structures service packs (page 192)

5.2 Install an earlier Tekla Structures service pack

We recommend that you use the latest Tekla Structures service pack. In certain
situations, you may need to take an earlier Tekla Structures service pack, or
the related Tekla Structures version, into use even though you are already
using a newer service pack.
1. Uninstall the Tekla Structures service pack software you are now using in
Windows Control Panel.

Tekla Structures service packs 193 Install an earlier Tekla Structures service pack
2. Uninstall the related Tekla Structures environments in Windows Control
3. Install the Tekla Structures service pack software.
a. Download the software installation file of the service pack from Tekla
b. Double-click the installation file to run the installation.
c. Follow the steps in the installation wizard to complete the installation.

You can select the installation folder and the model folder.
4. Install the Tekla Structures environments.
The latest environments are in Tekla Downloads.
a. Download the environment installation files related to the service
pack that you have installed.
b. Double-click the installation file to run the installation.
c. Follow the steps in the installation wizard to complete the installation.

See also
Tekla Structures service packs (page 192)

Tekla Structures service packs 194 Install an earlier Tekla Structures service pack

administrators license server
advanced grid labels.............................140 updating................................................. 187
applications............................................135 version.................................................... 188
bent plates............................................. 151 licenses
component catalog............................... 135 extending the licensing period............ 188
components...........................................135 renewing.................................................188
compound welds...................................151
concrete components...........................179
concrete fabrication..............................177
dimension arrows................................. 139
DX............................................................ 140 release notes................................................... 7
EliPlan..................................................... 177 renewing
HMS export............................................ 177 licenses................................................... 188
IFC4......................................................... 136
mark placement.................................... 140
model templates................................... 131 U
numbering............................................. 140 updating
pour units...............................................167 license server.........................................187
property pane........................................137 upgrading
rebar group dimensioning................... 175 license server.........................................187
rebar sets............................................... 172
reinforcement representation.............140
reinforcing bar representation............ 175
spiral beams.......................................... 150
steel components................................. 153
text alignment....................................... 140
Unitechnik.............................................. 177

installing Tekla Structures
copying personal settings.................... 189
Migration Wizard............................186,189
service packs.................................. 192,193
service releases..............................192,193
transferring customized files...............190
upgrading Tekla Structures.................. 189


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