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Music and Artificial Intelligence: Have you ever listened to AI music?

This is a scary news for lot of people, Music and Artificial Intelligence play a vital role in the
modern era of science and technology. Now a day, Artificial Intelligence used to compose and
write songs. Artificial Intelligence and Music (AIM) is a viable tool for the music composer
which helps to produce a creative music. Musician used AI as a musical tool for quite sometime
in a way of creating a creative sounds, lyrics, music and composition.
We see most of the research of Artificial intelligence related to stock trading, medical diagnosis,
robot control, and other fields. Perhaps, there is also a very less popular contribution of Artificial
intelligence in the music field. Music and Artificial Intelligence concept exists for a long time
and AI and music is also a common subject we see in the conferences and technological evets.
There is many music software that are developed by using AI technology to produce, compose
and write music. Music and Artificial Intelligence application not only covers the music side but
also play a vital role in the music marketing and music consumption. Spotify and Apple, like
these companies use these AI tools by acknowledging trends toward music and their customers.
That helps companies to push right music to the right customers. According to the researchers,
the future of Music and Artificial Intelligence is very bright, AI music has an ability to
transform music industry with great pace in this modern of science and technology.
Will AI Music transform the music industry?
According to the recent study published in Journal of the “Artificial Intelligence and Music
(JSTOR)”, explains by giving answer in ‘Yes’- "Verbasizer" is an app that is developed by
"David Bowie" in the late 90s. This app can help musicians to reorder the words in the random
way and create a new combination of words that could later be used as the lyrics for the music.
In 2016, "Sony researchers" used software called "Flow Machine" for the purpose to create a
melody sound in style of "The Beatles". This can help AI music will take over the music
industry in a near future.
"Benoit Carrie" is a human music composer which used Flow Machine software to produce a
pop song called "Daddy's Car". Newly, Unique Drum Patterns auto-populate technology is also
developed by using the Artificial Intelligence Technology. This can also be used on a consumer
level and it can fully integrated with Logic, i.e. AI music making program that are used by the
musicians around the globe.
Now a days, Music and Artificial Intelligence is used to develop numerous music software that
can use AI to create music in a unique creative pattern. Several other applications of AI music,
that are used as to compose, produce and perform music practices are as follow, IBM Watson
Beat, Melodrive, Jukedeck, Spotify’s Creator Technology Research Lab, and Amper Music.
These are the applications on which entire music industry is built around artificial intelligence
music service.
In addition to these, all they have one thing is common on a micro scale level, the AI music is
convincing. But, the longer you listen, the less sense it makes. None of them are too good to win
a Grammy Award on their own yet.
First AI Music Platform
The first AI music platform is use by Taryn Southern with the help of Amper Music. She works
with Google Magenta and Watson Beat. Amper views AI as a powerful partner and tool that
used to compose and create music. Amper with AI music also use interactive composition
technology, where computer can produce and compose music in response to the live
performance of the musician.
Taryn Southern’s 2017 album song ‘Break Free” gives you an idea about, “How AI work with
Human”. The early audio version of this song is placed on the SoundCloud from Amper Music,
and the YouTube official video of this song is the final version that released later. Bits of the AI
music-composed original peek through here and there, but it’s more like seasoning, not the main
dish. Southern made a lot of creative decision in this song included changing the key, switching
the instrument and of course some of the parts writing and singing. Taryn Southern with Amper
Music play a vital role in creating a unique song, but it seems to look not possible without the
help of AI.
AI and Music: Concert of Z-machine Robot Rocker Band in Tokyo
Another showcase example of music and Artificial Intelligence clearly shown in the concert of
robot rock Z-machine band, where members of the robot rock band Z-Machines perform during
the band's debut live concert in Tokyo June 24, 2013. Three robot rockers took to the stage in
Tokyo on Monday to perform three songs, including one in collaboration with Japanese pop girl
duo Amoyamo, to a crowd of nearly 100 people.
These Z-robot group formed by the Tokyo university researchers. Out of these three robots, one
is drummer Ashura, keyboard player Cosmo robot and feature guitarist Mach. In which
drummer Ashura has six arms and play drum with 21 sticks at a time. Cosmo Robot, the
keyboard player plays the multi layered instrument from its eyes. Feature guitarist Mach robot,
has 12 picks and 78 fingers and play guitar at 1,184 bpm.
The idea behind keyboard player Cosmo is giving an audience “transcendental music
performance experience” that is coming from projecting laser beam from its eyes.
The expectation of their creators (scientist) from Features guitarist Mach, drummer Ashura and
keyboard player Cosmo and its band mates are to play AI music on moon in the space.
We are not so sure how long it would take around, but it is now confirmed that Music and
Artificial Intelligence emerged in the music world with its great advancement in this modern era
of science and technology
The research article is originally published in the Journal of the “Artificial Intelligence and
Music (JSTOR). ”

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