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[G.R. No. 159618. February 1, 2011]
The petition was dismissed for lack of merit.
BAYAN MUNA, as represented by Rep. SATUR OCAMPO, Rep. CRISPIN BELTRAN, and
Rep. LIZA L. MAZA , petitioner, vs. ALBERTO ROMULO, in his capacity as Executive 1. There was NO grave abuse of discretion.
Secretary, and BLAS F. OPLE, in his capacity as Secretary of Foreign Affairs, respondents. 2. The NSA does NOT contravene the Rome Statute.
3. Senate concurrency was not needed as exchange of notes is a form of
Facts: executive agreement which does not need senate concurrence.

The petitioner, Bayan Muna, is a part-list group for the representation of marginalized The NSA agreed upon by the PH and the US was ratified and concurred by means of
sectors of society, and the respondent, Alberto Romulo was then the executive exchange of notes, a form of executive agreement. According to PH law, the president,
secretary, impleaded in the capacity due to the death of the supposed respondent, in the exercise of his executive power, may enter into executive agreements without
Blas F. Ople (Ople), then secretary of foreign affairs. the concurrence of the senate. Hence, the respondent was not acting in grave abuse
of discretion as he was performing his duties in accordance with the powers vested in
The case is regarding petitions for certoriari, mandamus, and prohibition to nullify the him by both the president and the constitution.
Non-Surrender Agreement (NSA) by the United States (US) and the Philippine (PH),
under Rule 65, with heavy emphasis due to the establishment of the International In the perspective of international law, exchange of notes falls into the category of
Criminal Court (ICC) through the Rome Statute. The ICC is said to be complementary inter-governmental agreements – an internationally accepted form of international
to the national criminal jurisdictions and has the power to exercise its jurisdiction over agreement, and under international law, there is no such difference between treaties
persons who committed the most serious crimes of international concern. and international agreements. Further citing the doctrine of incorporation found in
Article II, section 2 of the 1987 PH Constitution which states that the Philippines shall
Pursuant to the Rome Statute, Amb. Francis J. Ricciardone (Ricciardone) sent U.S. adopt international laws and jurisprudence as part of the law of the land reaffirms the
Embassy Note No. 0470 to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), proposing the validity of the NSA as it is technically equivalent to an international agreement.
Non-Surrender Bilateral Agreement (NSBA) to the US. The US then sent proposals
coming up with the NSA as a security and defense partnership with the aim of With regards to the NSA contravening the Rome Statute on the establishment of the
protecting “persons” from both countries against frivolous and harassment suits that ICC, the petitioner contended that the agreement restricts the jurisdiction and the
might be filed in international tribunals. Ople then agreed with the proposals via effectivity of the ICC, allowing criminals from the US and the PH to escape international
exchange of notes, as a security and defense partnership trial. The SC stated that the NSA is contrary to the petitioners’ contention, and acts as
a supplement to the Rome Statute as the said “persons” who may have committed
Former Solicitor General Alfredo L. Benipayo (Benipayo) then questioned the status of crimes penalized under the Rome Statute can be prosecuted and punished either in
the NSBA to which Ricciardone stated that the exchange of diplomatic notes is legally the PH or US, with the consent of the PH or the US, before the ICC.
binding as per international law, as such in the US, it does not require the advice and
consent of its senate. Petitioners then imputed grave abuse of discretion to the
respondents stating that the NSBA is unconstitutional and should be declared as
without force and effect. To which the respondents argued that the NSBA falls under
as an executive agreement, which does not require senate concurrency and


1. Whether or not there was grave abuse of discretion in contracting the NSA
2. Whether or not the NSA is void ab initio for contravening the Rome Statute
3. Whether or not senate concurrency is required for the agreement to be valid

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