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Revival Fires Baptist College

Christian Ethics

Professor: Dr. Dennis Corle

Ethics Among Leaders

I. Ephesians 4:11-12, “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists;

and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry,

for the edifying of the body of Christ:”

A. Every one of these calls are realms of authority.

II. The only way authority works is if I know what my realm of authority and stay in your realm.

A. I may have suggestions, but I cannot exert my authority over someone else.

III. If you are trying to meddle in someone else’s authority, you are outside the realm of yours and

I am putting my nose in where it doesn’t belong.

A. This is what is wrong with all this political things in America.

B. Everyone is trying to pastor America instead of trying to pastor their individual


C. God didn’t call anyone to pastor the nation.

D. God calls pastors to pastor one local church.

E. You have your authority, your scope, your office.

F. No positions are better than others.

1.They are all called for by God.

2.They all have realms of authority.

IV. You can give advice to other leaders.

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Revival Fires Baptist College

Christian Ethics

Professor: Dr. Dennis Corle

Ethics Among Leaders

A. But for me to step beyond my authority and dictate to you what you will or will not do

or can and cannot do, I am outside of my realm of authority.

B. It is none of your business what others are doing.

C. You stay in your realm of authority and follow what God has given for you to do.

D. One of the greatest problems we have in America is we have a bunch of young men

who want to pastor America.

V. Review for Quiz 13

A. What text was used in the lecture “The Accuser of the Brethren”?

1.Revelation 12:10

B. Who is the accuser of the brethren?

1.Satan or the devil

C. What are the four approaches that he makes with his accusations?

1.He accuses us before the throne of God.

2.He accuses God to us.

3.He accuses us to each other.

4.He accuses us to us.

D. Please tell me who is the most qualified person in the universe to make an accurate

accusation but refuses to do so? Give a reference:

1.Jesus – John 5:45

E. What verse tells us not to receive an accusation against an elder?

1.1 Timothy 5:19

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Revival Fires Baptist College

Christian Ethics

Professor: Dr. Dennis Corle

Ethics Among Leaders

F. What was the text for the lecture on the work ethic?

1.Psalm 104:23-24

G. What three meanings does the word work have?



3.Effect of toil

H. Give the reference to the verse that says, “If any man would not work neither should

he eat.”

1.2 Thessalonians 3:10

I. Give three illustrations that prove God is for work. There were six to choose from.

1.He gave Adam and Eve a garden to dress.

2.He gave Noah an ark to build.

3.He gave Moses a tabernacle to build or construct.

4.He gave Solomon a temple to build.

5.He gave David a flock to shepherd.

6.He gave Nehemiah a wall to build.

J. I gave six points that were the basic elements of a good work ethic. Please list them

and give a reference with each.

1.Have a mind to work – Nehemiah 4:6

2.Let the work motivate you – 1 Corinthians 15:58

3.Do everything as unto the Lord – Colossians 3:22-24

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Revival Fires Baptist College

Christian Ethics

Professor: Dr. Dennis Corle

Ethics Among Leaders

4.Work with thy might – Ecclesiastes 9:10

5.Be conscientious about time – Proverbs 11:1

6.Determine to finish what you start – John 17:4

K. What statement tells us why Paul was so successful?

1.I labored more than they all.

L. What was the text used for the lecture “Who Is My Neighbor?”

1.Luke 10:25-37

M. We commonly refer to the story as the story of the Good Samaritan.

N. What three philosophies were given in the story? They were the three points to the

outline. Give a reference with each and identify those holding the philosophy.

1.The thieves – What is yours is mine and I will take it – Luke 10:30

2.The Priest and the Levite – What is mine is mine and I will keep it – Luke


3.The Good Samaritan – What is mine is yours and I will give it – Luke 10:33-


O. What text was used in the Bible study “We Do Not Well”?

1.2 Kings 7:3-9

P. What text was cited to prove that an employer should be just and equal with his


1.Colossians 4:1

Q. Who asked Jesus about another leader, “What shall this man do?”

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Revival Fires Baptist College

Christian Ethics

Professor: Dr. Dennis Corle

Ethics Among Leaders


R. In what chapter of the Bible do we find this question?

1.John 21

S. How did Jesus respond?

1.What is that to thee, follow thou me.

T. What is the key to ethics among leaders?

1.Each leader staying within the realm of his authority and respecting the

authority of others.

U. One of the problems in fundamentalism is the fact that we have a bunch of pastors

trying to pastor America instead of their church.

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