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Research Article

International Journal of Engineering

Business Management
Volume 9: 1–9
Factors affecting the organizational ª The Author(s) 2017
DOI: 10.1177/1847979017712628
performance of manufacturing firms

Ahmad Adnan Al-Tit

Numerous studies have been conducted to explore the individual effects of organizational culture (OC) and supply chain
management (SCM) practices on organizational performance (OP) in different settings. The aim of this study is to
investigate the impact of OC and SCM on OP. The sample of the study consisted of 93 manufacturing firms in Jordan. Data
were collected from employees and managers from different divisions using a reliable and valid measurement instrument.
The findings confirm that both OC and SCM practices significantly predict OP. The current study is significant in reliably
testing the relationship between SCM practices and OP; however, it is necessary to consider cultural assumptions, values
and beliefs as the impact of OC on OP is greater than the impact of SCM practices. Based on the results, future studies
should consider the moderating and mediating role of OC on the relationship between SCM practices and OP.

Organizational culture, supply chain management practices, organizational performance, manufacturing firms

Date received: 9 November 2016; accepted: 4 May 2017

Introduction hierarchical cultures) on financial OP using a sample con-

sisting of managers of Turkish companies. Their results
Research on organizational performance (OP), either with
indicated that none of these dimensions were related to the
regard to its financial or its operational aspects, has
financial dimensions of OP. On the other hand, Prajogo and
revealed different factors that have significant effects on
McDermott20 found a positive relationship between OC
OP. Examples of these factors include enterprise risk man-
and OP.
agement,1 multidivisional structures of organizations,2
In a study on the impact of human resources on SCM
CEO charisma,3 stakeholders’ involvement and support,4
and OP, Gómez-Cedeño et al.21 found a direct influence of
intellectual capital,5 human capital,6 CEOs’ social net-
an SCM implementation on SCM outcomes and an indirect
works,7 organizational learning,8 the strategic integration influence on OP of firms from different industries in Spain.
of human resource management,9 managerial practices
Using a sample of manufacturing and service firms from
related to strategies, performance measurement, corporate
Malaysia, Chong et al.22 asserted the positive impact of
governance, innovation and development, along with the
SCM practices on OP.
external environment,10 adoption of green supply chain
management (SCM) practices,11 human resource prac-
tices,12 knowledge management capacity,13 supportive Business Administration Department, College of Business and Economics
organizational climate,14 supply chain quality manage- (CBE), Qassim University, Al Malida, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
ment,15 supply chain innovation,16 human capital disclo-
sure17 and knowledge creation.18 Corresponding Author:
Ahmad Adnan Al-Tit, Business Administration Department, College of
Concerning the relationship between organizational cul- Business and Economics (CBE), Qassim University, Al Malida, Buraidah
ture (OC) and OP, Yesil and Kaya19 carried out a study to 15452, Qassim, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
explore the impact of OC (clan, adhocratic, market and Emails:;

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2 International Journal of Engineering Business Management

Evidence from China has confirmed the positive impact defensive and constructive cultures. The OCI measures 12
of supply chain integration (internal, customer and supplier behavioural norms called 1–12 o’clock positions. Chang
integration) on OP. Li et al.23 investigated the impact of and Lin33 plotted OC on four axes (flexibility, internal,
four practices of SCM (supplier and customer partnership, external and effectiveness), which cover four types of
the level and quality of information sharing and postpone- OC: cooperative, innovative, consistent and effective.
ment) on OP, measured by market and financial perfor- According to these authors, cooperation, information
mance. Their results pointed to a significant influence of sharing, empowerment and teamwork distinguish a coop-
these practices on OP dimensions. Miguel and Brito24 ana- erative culture. Adaptability and creativity are the major
lysed data collected from companies in different industries features of innovative cultures. Rules and regulations, as
in Brazil to explore the relationship between SCM and OP. well as efficiency, are the dimensions included in a con-
They concluded that SCM practices exert positive influ- sistency culture.
ences on OP. Finally, the main focus of the effectiveness, culture is on
Okongwu et al.25 investigated the impacts of quality of competitiveness, goal achievement and effectiveness. In
information sharing and supplier–customer partnerships on their study of the relationship between OC, total quality
the OP of industrial firms in France. Their results supported management and operational performance, Baird et al.34
the hypothesis that SCM practices positively predict OP. In used the organizational culture profile to measure OC. The
light of the aforementioned findings, the aim of this study is profile consists of six dimensions: teamwork/people
to explore factors affecting financial and non-financial per- respect, outcome orientation, innovation, stability, atten-
formance via investigating the impact of OC dimensions tion to detail and aggressiveness. For this study, two OC
and SCM practices on OP. dimensions were adopted: adaptability26 and performance
The remainder of the article is organized as follows: orientation.35 According to Ahmad,26 customers, risks and
‘Literature review and hypothesis development’ section mistakes drive an adaptable organization. Performance
provides a literature review and hypothesis development; orientation refers to the accountability of members towards
this is followed by the presentation of the conceptual results and high levels of performance.35 Table 1 shows
model for the study in section ‘Conceptual model’. The examples of the OC dimensions used in the literature.
‘Research methodology’ section addresses the research
methodology, and results are presented in section ‘Data
analysis and results’. A discussion of the findings and Supply chain management
conclusion are provided in the sixth section. The final Chong et al.22 defined supply chain management (SCM)
section highlights the research implications and provides based on two approaches: supply management and logistics
future research directions. management. The focus of the supply management is inte-
gration, while the focus of logistics management is inven-
tory reduction. According to Park and Krishnan,38 cited in
Literature review and hypothesis Chong et al.,22 SCM can be defined as activities aimed at
development integrating partners in the supply chain to produce the right
quantity of a product to be distributed in the right place at
Organizational culture the right time.
Scholars have defined OC as shared values and beliefs Huang et al.39 classified SCM research into three cate-
held by individuals that form the basis for patterns of gories: (i) an operational approach that relates to produc-
behaviour in solving problems.26 Denison27 argued that tion, inventory and operational tools; (ii) a design approach
the core content of OC covers beliefs, values and assump- that deals with operational systems and information and
tions held by individuals within organizations. In contrast, (iii) a strategic approach that refers to relationships and
Schein28 described OC as a behaviour that determines competitive advantage. Huang et al.40 used information
how an organization grasps and reacts to the external and sharing and technological interdependence to measure the
internal environments, thus embedding the reaction to the level of integration in the supply chain. Okongwu et al.’s25
organizational environment in the definition of OC. Many study explored the relationship between SCM practices and
attributes concerning OC emerge in the literature. It has OP. They measured SCM practices in terms of information
been considered to guide individual communications sharing, supplier partnerships, customer relationships and
within an organization29 and to be a critical antecedent information quality. Two of these dimensions (supplier
factor for the success of knowledge management initia- partnerships and customer relationships) were adopted to
tives30 and a predictor of OP.31 meet the purposes of this study (Table 2).
In terms of the dimensions of OC, studies such as that of
Balthazard et al.32 have used the Organizational Culture
Inventory® (OCI), (# 2012 Human Synergistics International)
Organizational performance
developed by Robert Cooke and J. Clayton Lafferty, which Performance indicates to the achievement level of the mis-
covers three types of OC: aggressive/defensive, passive/ sion at the work place that develops an employee job.44
Al-Tit 3

Table 1. Organizational culture dimensions used in the literature. Table 2. Supply chain management dimensions used in the
Dimensions of organizational culture Researcher (s)
Dimensions of supply chain management Researcher (s)
Clan culture Yesil and Kaya19
Adhocracy culture Customer relationship Chong et al.22
Market culture Information sharing
Hierarchy culture Information technology
Cooperativeness Chang and Lin33 and Internal operation
Innovativeness Akhavan et al.30 Strategic supplier partnership
Consistency Training
Effectiveness Collaborative distribution Arif-Khan et al.41
Aggressive/defensive cultures Balthazard et al. Distribution flexibility
Passive/defensive culture IT-enabled distribution
Constructive cultures Inventory management
Adaptability culture Ahmad26 Order commitment
Consistency culture Transparency in the distribution process
Involvement culture Supply chain integration Jabbour et al.42
Mission culture Information sharing
Culture management Erwee et al.35 Strategic relationships with suppliers and
Conflict resolution customers
Change disposition Support customer order
Employee participation Information sharing, information quality Okongwu et al.25,
Goal clarity Supplier partnership Al-Tit43
Identification with the organization Customer relationship
Organization focus and integration Technological interdependence Huang et al.40
Authority locus Information sharing
Management style
Customer orientation
Human resource orientation
Task orientation
In the SCM domain, Arif-Khan et al.41 identified three
Performance orientation
Information flow Sikorska-Simmons36 categories of OP related to SCM: flexibility, output and
Involvement resource performance. According to these authors, flexi-
Meetings bility in performance relates to an organization’s respon-
Staff perceptions of teamwork siveness, output performance pertains to an organization’s
Staff perceptions of teamwork ability to deliver a superior level of customer service and
supervision resource performance concerns an organization’s ability
Results-oriented vs. process-oriented Chang and Lin37
to achieve efficiency. Using a sample consisting of 652
Tightly controlled vs. loosely controlled firms in Singapore, Chia et al.47 examined performance
cultures measurements used by SC managers. They found that the
Job-oriented vs. employee-oriented most usable indicators were cost reduction, gross revenue,
cultures pre-tax profit and customer satisfaction. Table 3 shows
Closed system vs. open system cultures examples of the OP dimensions used in the existing
Professional vs. parochial cultures literature.
Teamwork/people respect Baird et al.34
Outcome orientation
Innovation, stability Relationship between OC and OP
Attention to details
Aggressiveness On the association between OC and OP, Yesil and Kaya19
provided evidence from Turkey using a sample consisting
of 300 companies operating in the textile, food and service
industries. Measuring OC in terms of adhocratic, clan, hier-
Treacy and Wiersema,45 cited in Zack et al.,46 suggested archical and market cultures and OP by sales growth and
three OP-related capabilities that provide a baseline for return on assets, they found no significant relationship
competitive advantage: customer intimacy, product leader- between their OC dimensions and OP indicators. Prajogo
ship and operational excellence. Product leadership refers and McDermott20 examined the relationship between OC
to competition based on product and service innovation. and OP using four cultural dimensions adopted from Quinn
Customer intimacy relates to the competition in terms of and Spreitzer50 – group culture, developmental culture,
the strength of customer satisfaction and retention. On the hierarchal culture and relational culture – and four dimen-
other hand, operational excellence relates to competition by sions of performance, namely, product and process quality,
virtue of the efficiency of internal processes.44 product and process innovation. Their findings indicated a
4 International Journal of Engineering Business Management

Table 3. Organizational performance dimensions used in prior literature.

Dimensions of organizational performance Researcher (s)

 Sales-based performance Ismail et al.48, Al-Tit43, Chong et al.22 and Lee and Yu31
– Sales revenue, profitability, return on investment
– Return on assets, manufacturing productivity
– Product added-value, employee added-value
– Sales growth and market share
 Organizational-based performance
– Product leadership (product and service innovation)
– Product and service quality
– Customer intimacy (customer satisfaction and retention)
– Operational excellence (internal processes efficiency)
– Employee development, and job satisfaction
 Supply chain-based performance Arif-Khan et al.41
– Flexibility performance
– Output performance
– Resource performance
– Cost reduction Treacy and Wiersema45
– Gross revenue
– Profit before tax
– Customer satisfaction
– Profitability, revenue, sales volume and growth Tan and Sousa49
– New customers, customer satisfaction, company reputation

positive relationship between developmental culture and manufacturing companies in India, Arif-Khan et al.41
three of the OP dimensions (product quality, product inno- investigated the relationship between agile SCM practices
vation and process innovation). and OP. The results identified four SCM practices related
Al-Tit51 conducted a study to investigate the mediating to the agile supply chain: collaborative distribution, distri-
role of OC between Human Resource Management (HRM) bution flexibility, inventory management and order com-
practices and OP. It was found that OC moderated the rela- mitment. In addition, they confirmed the association
tionship between HRM practices and OP. Lee and Yu31 between these practices and OP. Using the four dimensions
investigated the relationship between OC and OP using a of SCM (information sharing, cooperation, long-term rela-
sample of companies from three sectors: high-tech firms, tionships and process integration) and four dimensions for
hospitals and insurance companies. Their results confirmed OP (cost, delivery, flexibility and quality), Miguel and
the positive impact of OC on OP. Brito’s 24 results supported the positive relationship
In Jordan, Bashayreh52 investigated the relationship between SCM and OP. In addition, in a study of the rela-
between OC and OP. It was found that there is a relationship tionship between SCM and OP with a sample of 450 man-
between OC (policies and procedures) and OP. Based on 240 ufacturing companies in France, Okongwu et al.25 found
valid questionnaires collected from insurance companies, direct and indirect impacts of SCM practices on OP. There-
Al-Nsour53 investigated the role of OC in improving employ- fore, the following hypothesis is proposed:
ees’ performance in the Jordanian banking sector. The results
identified there is a relationship between OC components H2: SCM (supplier partnership and customer relation-
(expected Organization) and Employees’ Performance. Con- ship) predicts OP.
sequently, the following hypothesis is proposed:
Conceptual model
H1: OC (cultural adaptability and performance orienta-
tion) predicts OP. Figure 1 shows the study variables and the relationships
postulated between them. The conceptual model consists
of three variables: OC, SCM and OP. Two potential relation-
Relationship between SCM and OP ships between the variables are assumed: OC is significantly
Chong et al.22 collected data from a sample consisting of related to the OP, and SCM is significantly related to the OP.
163 manufacturing and service companies in Malaysia to
test the relationship between SCM practices and OP (opera- Research methodology
tional and innovative performance). They found a direct
influence of SCM practices, on both the operational and
Research sample and data collection
the innovative performance of Malaysian companies. The study population comprises manufacturing firms oper-
Based on 128 valid questionnaires collected from different ating in Amman, the capital city of Jordan. Of these firms, a
Al-Tit 5

Table 4. Measurements used in the study.

Variables Dimensions Researcher (s)

OC Cultural Ahmad26 and Erwee et al.35
SCM Supplier Okongwu et al.25 and Quinn and
partnership Spreitzer50
OP Operational Okongwu et al.25 and Al-Tit51 and
performance Quinn RE and Spreitzer50

OC: organizational culture; SCM: supply chain management; OP: organi-

zational performance.

(strongly agree). Table 4 summarizes the measurements

used to evaluate the study variables.
Figure 1. Research model.
Validity and reliability
sample of 300 firms was randomly selected. The study
Construct validity was assured as a measure previously
sample intentionally involved employees from different
developed and validated. Reliability testing is defined as
departments because OC might differ among organiza-
a measure that ensures the stability and consistency of
tional units. A questionnaire-based survey was carried out
results over time.56
to collect data from the participants. The response rate was
The findings of validity and reliability assessments, as
34% (102) due to the low percentage of firms that agreed to
displayed in Table 5, confirm the acceptability of the mea-
participate in the study. Of the questionnaires returned,
surements used in the current study as recommended55,57,58
nine were incomplete. This left 93 questionnaires usable
(Cronbach’s a values above 0.7, w2/df < 2.0, RMSEA <
for data analysis.
0.080, and CFI > 0.9).

Data analysis and results
The OC measure comprises two dimensions: adaptability26
and performance orientation.35 Four items were developed Intercorrelation matrix
to measure this variable. SCM practices were measured The Pearson’s correlation coefficients in Table 6 indicate
using two dimensions adapted from Okongwu et al.25 and that all the study variables are associated with each other.
Flynn et al.54: supplier partnerships (information networks, There are significant relationships between OC, SCM prac-
market information sharing, inventory level sharing, tices and OP indicators.
demand forecast sharing) and customer relationships
(information networks, market information sharing,
Hypothesis testing
computer-based orders, customer feedback and com-
plaints). Also based on these authors, mutual collaboration The results of the paths postulated for this study, as summar-
and inventory management were used to evaluate supplier ized in Table 7 and portrayed in Figure 2, provide support for
partnerships, while practices directed towards the manage- H1 and H2. The OC dimensions explain 45% of the variance
ment of customer complaints and building long-term rela- in OP and have a significant positive impact on OP (Cultural
tionships with customers were used to evaluate customer adaptability, b ¼ 0.367, t ¼ 4.897, p value  0.05; Perfor-
relationships. Eight items were developed to measure this mance orientation, b ¼ 0.321, t ¼ 4.132, p value  0.05).
variable. In addition, following Okongwu et al.25 and The SCM dimensions explain 40% of the variance in OP and
Quinn and Spreitzer,50 employee satisfaction, customer have a significant positive impact on OP (Supplier partner-
satisfaction and the introduction of new products were used ship, b ¼ 0.281, t ¼ 3.897, p value  0.05; Customer rela-
to measure non-financial performance, based on Hallavo55 tionship, b ¼ 0.275, t ¼ 3.712, p value  0.05).
and Quinn and Spreitzer.50 Five items were developed to
measure this variable. Therefore, the total number of items
in the questionnaire was 17 items. The questionnaire was
Discussion and conclusion
anchored based on a 5-point Likert-type scale that con- This study aimed to investigate factors affecting OP by
sisted of from 1 point (strongly disagree) to 5 point exploring the effect of OC and SCM practices on the OP
6 International Journal of Engineering Business Management

Table 5. Reliability and validity of measurements.

Construct Items Mean SD a w2/df RMSEA CFI p Value

OC Cultural adaptability 2 3.74 0.90 0.83 1.22 0.061 0.94 0.00
Performance orientation 2 3.80 0.89 0.81
SCM Supplier partnership 4 3.86 0.88 0.78 1.63 0.074 0.91 0.00
Customer relationship 4 3.98 0.91 0.78
OP Operational performance 5 3.81 0.81 0.80 1.47 0.067 0.96 0.00
OC: organizational culture; SCM: supply chain management; OP: organizational performance.
p  0.05.

Table 6. Intercorrelation of variables.

1 2 3 4 5
1 1.00
2 0.42 1.00
3 0.52 0.40 1.00
4 0.61 0.39 0.46 1.00
5 0.66 0.71 0.63 0.69 1.00

1: Cultural adaptability; 2: performance orientation; 3: supplier partner-

ship; 4: customer partnership; 5: operational performance.
p  0.05.

Table 7. Hypothesis testing.

Hypotheses Dimensions r2 b T Result

H1: OC Cultural 0.446 0.367 4.897* Accepted
predicts OP adaptability
Performance 0.321 4.132*
Figure 2. Final model.
H2: SCM Supplier 0.397 0.281 3.897* Accepted
predicts OP partnership
Customer 0.275 3.712* partnerships are related to operational performance. How-
relationship ever, they explained that this was due to the introduction of
internal integration in the model. In this study, the ultimate
OC: organizational culture; OP: organizational performance; SCM: supply
aim of which was to investigate factors affecting OP, the
chain management.
*p Value  0.05. results show that both OC and SCM practices are examples
of such factors. Overall, the study concludes that organiza-
tions driven by customers, partners, risk and mistakes and
of manufacturing firms from Jordan. The findings of the oriented towards high levels of employee performance will
study indicate that both OC and SCM practices signifi- experience more enhanced levels of OP.
cantly predict OP. Concerning the relationship between
OC and OP, the results in the literature are mixed. In a
Implications and future research
study of the relationship between the same constructs, Yesil
and Kaya19 revealed a non-significant relationship between directions
OC and OP. On the other hand, Lee and Yu31 confirmed Despite the significant contribution of SCM practices to
that OC positively predicts OP. The findings of this study OP,41,22,24,25 the findings of this study indicate that the
are consistent with Abu-Jarad et al.,59 suggesting that OC is impact of OC on OP is greater than the impact of SCM
a key dimension in studies intending to investigate OP, practices on the same construct. Therefore, both research-
particularly in non-Western settings. ers and managers should give importance to organizational
On the relationship between SCM practices and OP, beliefs, values and assumptions along with other variables.
Chong et al.,22 Arif-Khan et al.,41 Miguel and Brito24 and Hence, future research should examine the moderating and
Okongwu et al.25 found a positive effect of SCM practices mediating role of OC on the relationship between supply
and OP. Consistent with Quinn and Spreitzer,50 this study chain practices and OP. The aim of this study is to explain
found a significant relationship between customer partner- the direct relationship between SCM, OC and OP in the
ship and operational performance. The results of Quinn absence of previous studies conducted in Jordanian
and Spreitzer 50 rejected the hypothesis that supplier settings. However, the intended direct relationship is
Al-Tit 7

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