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Part One

You have received the following email from your company's head office.

We are pleased to invite you to attend the annual general meeting and
dinner to be held at the New Orient Hotel in Hong Kong on 31 October.
Please confirm your intention to attend and notify us of your travel
arrangements before 20 September.

Best regards
Jillian Coop

Write an email in reply:

• accepting the invitation

• giving your travel details

• requesting help with accommodation

Write 50-60 words.


Part One - Email



Part Two


Task A

Your company recently set up a mentoring program where an experienced

member of staff is responsible for meeting with a new colleague every week to
give advice and help with any problems they are having. Your manager has asked
you to write a report about this.

Write a report to your manager:

Write about:

• how new and experienced staff have responded to the program

• how useful the program is for new staff

• whether the program should continue

and any other points you think are important.

Write about 180-200 words.


Task B

You have an idea for something that the company can do to help the local

Write a memo to your manager:

• saying what the idea is

• giving a general idea of how much it will cost the company

• showing how it will benefit the company as well as the community

and any other points you think are important.

Write about 180-200 words.


Part Two

Write about 180-200 words.


Part Two - continued

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