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eee ety eR oa eT Cano Coeiea rac catoa cent) Soe et eg eee Sree nen een et rere Soe ee ee eee aren Pe ee et ee ets ee ee ie Errrnrar eeneere ten ery ean een) Pr ere eee cee en Ley Se ee eee ay eee ecg See tenet ero teen es Patera aaking eee ee cs Se iii eee 2 ie wee ewerertiic: 8 “Completed Pistons for a 1930 Dodge eee eta Sater ny ao MAKING PISTONS FOR EXPERIMENTAL AND Ue EME INGINES Pens [MAKING PISTONS FOR EXPERIMENTAL AND [RESTORATION ENGINES STEPHEN D. CHASTAIN BSc. Mecantoat ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS SCIENCE ‘Unveastt¥ oF CEXTRAL FLORIDA ‘Making Pistons for Experimental and Restoration Engines By Stephen D. Chastain Cony 2008 Sgn Chin acne, FLA High Rent ISBN 0-9702203-4-0 “Te Smal Foundry Sees by Septen Chastain Avot 208 Volume re Meting Cpa Fuse frie Sal Fundy olune I. Bilan LF Tig Furnace Volune Il Met Cating A Sand Casing Man Vo | VoluneV. Metal Casing A Sand Casing Manual Vol. I Volume V-Making Pistons for Exprinel ad Resoration Engines stevechasuin@hotmailcom 225 Mane Meno WARNING BCTAVER {ers et bay an macho sop. ot aie and aay Wek coe ‘angen, No ate bs becn nade pot on al oth ages ve rey of $5 ihc aan en ewe ben wile bendy the ove oom aman ratings | etalon potas aes Sees toes oe ta pene ee ‘sere uy le ofall poru when's fimoe i apo ee all Tek ‘Sprdg ft ony pace bot ttt ws rf yon ta el ‘rie pane cr sro autos Hao So mpl as el ‘gael cy er arp mate Aly sponse ar ee a seine ny tet of gem eu a ‘TADLE OF CONTENTS Purpose & Introduction 4 [BASIC DATA AND PISTON Desion 6 arts 6 ‘Common Dimensions fl ‘Thermal Loading 8 Common bin’ 8 I DETERMINING HEAD THICKNESS 10 ‘Asa Flat Plate 10 For Heat Flax un Empirical Formulas B IL, RINGS AND WRIST PINS B Ring Beit B Ring Groove Depth 8 Expansion 1% Pin Bosses 15 Loading 15 in Ovalization 16 Ring Design| 20 Commercial Rings 2 TV. CASTING AND FEEDING 2B Filters 2 Feeding and Solidification 2 \V, MAKING REPLACEMENT PISTONS. 30 Patterns and Cores 35 Casting Piston Blanks 4 ‘VE MACHINING. 4 Tools 2 Lathe operations 32 Mill Operations 37 Ovalization 6 ‘Miscellaneous Operations a CONCLUSION 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY 6 INDEX. a Punrost: The purpose of this bok sto provide simple manuictring solitons for the prediction of ‘workable pars foe fesoraton oF Sxpetmont eral costo ge, Whi hes oes be ti Sng ia ag onal er, hy or wel Because this is book So the Small Foundry Series, ti assumed that ih rea, by now, a a foarte and cat Oh ings iio ep pew b doar The Foundry Yo: 1? for gocsaleatng pice re Smal 1s assumed that the reader has some machine too skils and is at leat be to make the most asc cts ona lathe anda vertcal mil: Some ‘of the descriptions may appear too basic forthe experienced machinist, however hey would be ep othe novice therfore heya eed Modem design and snalss are dane by meweling he piston on 8 npr, PasonsTave ben arn mich Tonge tas comps thr some af te older mt reparing piso eign ena ress may of may not coincide with modem methods however tb jose o provide background prinent the ean which te pats were produced ‘Cutting Pin Retaining-Clip Groove Using a Shop-mace V-block Vise INTRODUCTION: Old engines have always fascinated me, Several years ago, I discovered an antique 4 cylinder fathead half buried off a riverbank. It looked pretty bad but being @ novice, I assumed it was probably discarded becaise of carburetor or electrical problems, making it an ceasy fix. After getting the OK to remove it, I hauled it hhome, the whole event becoming the source of amusement to many. I soon discovered that the engine had been full of | water for years and was completely frozen up. Many parts crumbled to dust upon disassembly. Replacement parts were virtually nonexistent, and those that were available cost several times what a working machine was worth Thad recently purchased a 12 x 36-inch lathe and had managed to Team a few basic cuts, At this point, I had nothing to loose and everything to lear, 20 I set out to rake all of the engine parts myself. discovered that parts ‘were fairly essy to produce, Soon, I had all of the parts made and the engine assembled. After a little electrical trouble shooting, the engine came to life. It fired up almost immediately upon touching the starter switch and ran with ‘health roar! The engine ran and it ran well. Soon all those Who doubted were saying "we knew you could do it." Since then, the engine has powered a 10kW backup generator and accumulated hundreds of hours of use. ‘Over the years, I have taken on soveral other restoration projects, maay refered by the local technical school. Each has been a rewarding experience. The point of all of this is that; fiome made paris work and work well! Lack of pars is tno longer an issue when you can make them yourself Blocks that have been bored oversize can be cleaned up and fitted with custom pistons and modem rings. Those impossible projects become viable when you can make ‘your own replacement pars. You and your frends will be Surprised at what you can do with a small foundry and a few machine tools. I currently drive a 1932 REO ear with bbomemade pistons and bearings, among other things. Basic Dara AND PISTON DESIGN: The simple looking piston prfomns many fnctins. sus rans th re of embuson fie wi in ansmit the absorbed heat of combustion to the eylinder ‘walls and hold the piston rings so that they may ef cs tivel ‘seal the cylinder. a ae ee Tend Thi Crown <1" and Ring Belt 2" land aaa ‘Compression Height Skint Piston The main parts of piston ae the tp, which may ao be caled th hea o crown th ing bei he pin oases andthe ai The op is partie combustion chamber ‘The (op maybe Nat, 4 combustion chunber may be eatin th tp of he piston. The op maybe edo have 2 owt uti it Soo contamination ofthe abictng in ies engines is revel when the conbusion chamber is cated inthe piston, opposed fo teen ead ‘The ring bel usually at tee or more hag Twe ele engines do sot eis ol sng an there may ave nly two rings. Ring lands ae located between the ing ffooves, The top lan, rH tnd let bor the Ting, The Scand land heavy becuse suport te fst ring and bears the majority of the pressure and thermal foading of the ring belt. The second and third lands are lightly loaded. Because of expansion of the piston top at operating temperature, the ring lands are usually relieved or cut smaller in diameter than the rest ofthe piston. The pin boss supports the piston pin and transmits the force of combustion tothe pin. It is one of the most highly Jaded areas ofthe piston. The piston skirt, which wraps around the lower part of the piston, distributes the side loads and prevents the piston from rocking in the cylinder. Long pistons rock less than short ones and are used in diesel engines to reduce the ‘number of required compression rings. It is common to see 2 gas rings on pistons of 1.4 bore but 3 may be required when the length is 1.0 to 1.2 times the bore. [Common Dimensions of Modern Aluminum Pistons [ashe Bonnet —[oascine Egos [Diesel Engines ine Soke Few Stoke — [Four Sveks jamaarnnches —isTswa0 Bees OTT {nate oat pr-10__|s-t4 Faas fnas-o70 —one-0.12 — [o0-020 [Second cand por 005 |ane-005 — foa7-0.08 (Cameresson Hoan J0a0-070 [036-080 [05-100 [PrDaneer lpzz-090 |o2s-030 [03 Oat [Pn Boss Cop jp2s-040 025-040 03-048 dtm [aT=040 —_[OOT-OA0 (810-020 High mechanical loads are usually restricted to the support of the top ting and the pin bosses. The first ring groove is highly loaded both mechanically and thermally and is of particular importance. Several factor influence the temperature of the first ring groove and are summarized hhere. A speed change of 100-rpm changes the temperature Of the frst groove by 4” to 7°F. Variation of the ignition Point by 1 crank degree causes a temperature change of 2° to 4°. Raising the compression ratio by 1 unit eauses a temperature increase of 7° to 22” F, However, because of {increased expansion of the charge, the exhaust gas and eylinder head are cooler. A load increase of 14.7 psi at Constant speed, increases the temperature of the first ring ‘groove about 18°F. Thermal loads are often larger than mechanical loads and may dictate the design. Thermal loads can be calculated in pounds of fuel burned per square inch of piston head area or in ote mene) blip npn exe. Due to ‘sluminur's higher thermal conductivity, aluminum pistons run cooler than east iron and have a higher output per square inch of head area, when used without special cooling ‘General thermal loading for pisions* ‘Aluminum yp to 1.5 bhp inp ede Aluminum (oil cooted) 3 bhp insane Cast iron 7 bhp inc ate Cast iron (oil cooled) 3 bhp in’ hd on ‘te a He rr ing i at pel oe 43 Mp A280 gm ‘The output of many engines falls below 1.5 bhp/ ie? 1.5 Dbhplin” considered the upper limit when using uncooled classical trunk pistons. The carbonization temperature of the oi and the softening point of aluminum establish this upper limit. Modem HD oils allow the temperature of the top ring groove to reach 400°F and intermittently 500° tunder full power. Aluminum has good low temperature strength but looses about 50% of its strength above 600°, ‘Aluminum’s abrasion resistance is also low at high temperatures. Hl ad SU a ee e13 8 aay) sss aee eases gat. 11 al sy ssraese | ai =| |3\"l2/ a3 Sy] WT aarsesegena TASSSS es elas aes pa ooo mer yee Two sioke plots rin oer than fou stoke pistons pn eee Towne thee hotter than similar aluminum pistons. The temperature st the center of a cast iron piston head will be approximately 800°F, while the center temperature of an aluminum piston is approximately S00°P. 536 514482 Several methods ae used to determine the piston eel i head thickness. Cast ———— er I almost always oil Siemens ee [*—~ 323 thin a possible, the Seba Bi eee greeters | | eeu ene ay bere ee nae a rn iecncen meres cooling up to 1.Sbhp/in’ They are designed with thicker Soe ee eee Fanta sioy aeae erae aa omen eens 1S bhp/in? and be made of aluminum alloy. DETERMINING HEAD THICKNE’ ‘The head may be treated as a flat plate with a uniform load and rigidly supported at the outer edge, ‘Thickness of head = 3pD7/ 16 inches Po pressure, psi D~ cylinder diameter, inches {= permissible stress in tension, pi “eat flow through the piston head to the eylinder walls may Aetermine the head thickness. 10 Head thickness for heat flow: ‘Thickness ofhead = H /(12.S6e(TeT)) 1 heat lowing through headin Bua pe hour ‘¢=heat conduction coefficient, Btu per in® per inch pet"F 727 for aluminum, 22 for eas iron ‘Te Temperature atthe center ofthe head, SO0"F for cas ion and $00°F for aluminum, emperature atthe edge of the bead (1-1) forcast ion is approximately 400°F 2) for aluminum is approximately 130°F ae H, the heat flowing through the piston head may be estimated by the formala: H=KOwxbhp K-~ the part of het input hat is absorbed by the piston, ‘This ranges fom 4 to 5.25%. ‘the higher heating value of the fel used w= the weight of fuel used in pounds per bhprbour rake horse power per engine epinder Properties of Fuels: iat aver Yes Fed Spe gavay Wetpaint ell Coline 702 S86 pours noo 19020 by unig 239 616 pounde 2020 14900 Keene 25 6.88 pounds 9750 19510 LiguDiee! 516 730painds i920 198250 Medium Dissl_920 2 6rpunts 931018000 nu 1 brake horse power per hour = 2545 Btu Estimating H from brake horsepower per cylinder: Analysis of fuel consumption per bhp/hour for several gasoline engines gave efficiencies from 22.4% to 27.1% ‘with the average being 24.8% Assuming 24.826 efficiency, the heat input per bhp/hour is ' 2545 Buw248 = 10,262 Bru per brake horse power hour Example: Arbitrarily selecting the 1932 Ford V-8 at 8.125 ‘bhp per cylinder, determine the piston head thickness eat input per cylinder snua™ 8.125 bhp x 10,262 Br/bhp hour eat input pr cylinder a= 83,379 Burhour He Kewx bhp K=05, (wx bhp) He 05x 83,379 Bu ou He 4169 Bra/ pour Estimating the piston head thickness: Head Thickness ~H /(12.56e(Ts~T)) inch aluminum =7.7,,T.~T, aluminum 30 Head Thickness = 4169 / (12.56 x 7.7 x 130) 332 inch The head thickness is .332 inch, which sounds reasonable for tis engine Empirical formulas are commonly used in the design of | automotive pistons. ‘Thickness of head = ,032D +.06 inch (ane nol easing) (ose aay fe of 15 fond cans) 2 ‘Thickness ofthe wall under the rings = thickness of head (Bosse te sare amount eat Mowing tou beri) Length of piso DwisD RINGS AND Wrist Pins: f Ring Belt: About 70% of the heat absorbed by the piston flows out through the ring belt. The top ring land, being close to the combustion chamber, has the highest temperature. Rapid carbonization of the lubricating oi, at about 410° for non-detergent oils and 485° F for detergent oils, causes sticking of the rings. In order to reduce the temperature of the upper ring, it is placed down from the top of the piston head. Gasoline engines place it between 106 bore diameter to 12 bore. Diesel engines may place the ring 2 bore to.3 bore down from the top. ‘The second land supports the first ring, which is subjected to the full gas pressure. The second land should bbe atleast equal tothe radial thickness of the ring so that it forms a square section. Values of 1.5 to 1.7, the radial thickness, are aso used. The remaining lands are subjected tormuch less pressure and may be as small as 0312 bore, a3 required to minimize the piston length ‘Consulting the ring manufacturers rarely produces reliable ring groove depth information, Simple formulas to estimate groove depth are: ‘Compression ring groove depth: ether ig rene” (Fog radial thickness + 003bore + 010) ll ring groove depth ‘Depthatving une (rng ral thickness + 003bore +030) B The piston wall thickness, for ideal heat Coeiients of Expansion por transfer, should taper ‘ i from the head thickness a ne at the top to zero atthe Avuminum Alloys Sse #242 0.000131 #332 —_.o000116 fing. section g000011s should be equal to the #519 0.000013 #333 thickness of the head because the same amount Example: Determine the clearance required forthe top land of heat is Mowing. A of 3 75.nch diameter aluminum piston of alloy #242 if the Inrge fillets i ued tthe piston head i t S00" Fand the eas iron liner wl inside top edge. 00°F. The piston is machined at 70°F. Leh: The upper Piston Expansion =. 0000131 (3.75) (500-707) =.0211-inch drawing, is laid out for heat transfer. The lower drawing is modified as Assuming few thousandth ofan iach fora running fit, 021- required for mechanical {inch is the minimum amount of relief for top land of this piston. 1 loading, ‘would remove an additional few thousandths as a safety factor Torexieme conditions (hot days nd heavy loads) Cylinder Expansion = 0000074 (3.75) (200° - 70") =.0036-ineh Pin Bosses: Piston pins are Bios oF ene Bits ar Orta set iondorsniow Teareeme? eas epid he Sore i cxbon se Thy ec ename ane expansion is calculated by using the hardened to approximately (is Sef of epic Extn ty xan a Konkel € od god itt at an ar tre ecto cus woamin ti Lee Altra sion aloe ie slow seis of Tie dancer of te expanoe an sn copay Ca ems papas met By lower coefficient of expansion than all aluminum alloys. allowing a maximum | l Expansion is calculated by. bearing pressure of 2500 | Expansion = KAT-T;) 6 ae eee al K-coefficient of expansion, = length, T Bescing Area 14 45 diameter times the length of the supported section, Diesel engines may use bronze bushing inserts and higher Pressures. Pin diameter may be determined by the ‘maximum allowable ovaliztion duting firing and should not exceed 01 inch. Ovalization ofthe pin determined of 0.04 @'pa) /E1e D= bore in inches, p = maximum cylinder pressure, d= pin diameter in inches, I= length of pin, ¢= pin wall thickness, E= Young's modulus (steel, 3,000,000 psi) ‘The center of the piston pin may be located .02 to .04D above the center of the piston to offset the turing effect of| fiction. inorder to reduce piston slap, pins may be located slightly to one side of the piston axis. The idea being that the piston will rock when the pressure on the head is low and not when the piston is under high pressure at top dead center. The usual offset i 1.5% ofthe bore inthe direction ‘opposite the engine rotation, Prsroy SKIRT: The leg ofthe skit below the ring section should be auch that te ede ast fom the ones re does na xed 25 pi during the expunsion ‘stroke, The side thrust is determined by an Fuses (Fas + Fire) x {sin6/ V(LIR)? —sin%6} the as pressure and may be estimated from an indicator diagram, Faris ~ inertia force Fhaeria = -0.00002849F; RN'f, = reciprocating weight ston assembly and top ofthe rod 16 fe Crank Angle Factors for Piston Acceleration Values of LR 36 4a Tz 1:10 a4) i) ‘.06) ‘a. 0.366] 0.169 2014 0.82 az asa] aes) azn ‘a7 42 Taal “200} 12 ‘O.05} ‘.807| 9.502 0.00] 2.10 as] 0.00) are a8 “aea} Taso) 12 EH] 3204 2.09] 2.600] 2.75] 35 008 Spaeol ose 0397 ‘3.40al 0207] 0307] 749] 0.747 ara 3760] 0.74 =a760 38 725 s230l EEA ‘oai2] 040} 2.075] 2.283] a2 sual 00a] —o2ea] 0519 o.632| 0825] 0610 =b.ssa] 0.606] ose oreo] aaa B7aH] 37281 2737] Taal 153 005 284] 0.505] En a0} ‘aaT} ar 2.555] 2.535] aril 72 “o.727

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