Experience With IV Metronidazole To Treat Moderate To Severe Amebiasis in Japan

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Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 77(2), 2007, pp.

Copyright © 2007 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Experience with Intravenous Metronidazole to Treat Moderate-to-Severe Amebiasis

in Japan
Mikio Kimura,* Tetsuya Nakamura, and Yukifumi Nawa for the Research Group on Chemotherapy of Tropical
Diseases, Japan
Infectious Disease Surveillance Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan; Department of Infectious Diseases and
Applied Immunology, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; University of Miyazaki, Miyazaki, Japan

Abstract. Twenty-eight cases of either intestinal amebiasis, amebic liver abscess, or both, most of which were of
moderate-to-severe intensity, were treated with intravenous metronidazole, pioneered by the Research Group on
Chemotherapy of Tropical Diseases, Japan. This study was not conducted as a formal clinical trial, and all patients either
underwent colectomy for intestinal amebiasis, received oral metronidazole, or both. Despite these limitations, intrave-
nous metronidazole was shown to be well tolerated and seemed to be very effective. This agent should be more widely
recommended than previously thought for treating moderate-to-severe amebiasis, especially its intestinal form.

INTRODUCTION porting and distributing throughout the country medicines for

tropical and parasitic diseases that are not licensed in Japan,
Nitroimidazole compounds such as metronidazole, tinida- with the aim of making optimal treatments available to the
zole, secnidazole, and ornidazole have remained the mainstay patients.13 Since intravenous metronidazole was first intro-
of treatment of amebiasis, for both the intestinal and extraint- duced by the research group in 2000, it has been used to treat
estinal forms.1,2 Most cases of amebiasis can be treated suc- amebiasis, primarily moderate-to-severe infections. In this
cessfully with oral nitroimidazoles because of their high rates study, we analyzed data on the use of this agent to delineate
of bioavailability. However, not all patients are able to toler- its role in these clinical settings.
ate oral medication, particularly those with more severe ill-
ness. Individuals with fulminant amebic colitis or acute nec-
rotizing colitis, the most serious form of intestinal amebiasis, MATERIALS AND METHODS
can develop colonic perforation, panperitonitis, and ileus with
a resulting high case fatality rate.3,4 Treatment of amebic liver Research group and the use of unlicensed medicines. After
abscess with oral medication can also be hampered, especially the medicines were imported into Japan by the research
if the abscess ruptures. Previously cited underlying conditions group, they were examined at the National Institute of Health
for developing severe illness include pregnancy, diabetes, ex- Sciences, Tokyo, to check their chemical composition and
cessive alcohol consumption, and corticosteroid use.2 In ad- ensure that they meet the Japanese regulatory standards for
dition, HIV infection seems to be associated with a severe Good Manufacturing Practice.13 The medicines were distrib-
manifestation of the illness.5 Thus, a need for an effective and uted to nearly 20 designated medical facilities throughout Ja-
safe parenteral anti-amebial agent is growing. pan so that they were readily available and dispatched
Previously, dehydroemetine had been used parenterally in throughout the country without undue delay.
amebiasis, mostly for amebic liver abscess but occasionally Approval for participation in this program was gained from
also for intestinal amebiasis.6 However, this agent frequently the ethics committee for each designated medical facility. In
gives rise to treatment-limiting adverse effects such as gas- principle, the medicines were administered at these facilities
trointestinal reactions, muscle weakness, and myalgia; of only, after written informed consent has been obtained from
graver concern is cardiotoxicity, manifesting as a fall in blood individual patients. A medicine was given outside of a desig-
pressure, tachycardia, and electrocardiographic changes in nated center only in exceptional circumstances, e.g., if a pa-
the T-waves.7 Its use is therefore no longer recommended in tient was too ill to be treated elsewhere. After treatment, the
industrialized countries and is not shown on a U.S. treatment physician in charge was asked to complete and return a struc-
guide for parasitic diseases.8 Several studies have reported tured patient record devised by the research group.
intravenous metronidazole to be safe and highly effective Supplies of intravenous metronidazole were manufactured
when used in uncomplicated amebic liver abscess.9–11 This is by Rhône-Poulenc Rorer (Kent, United Kingdom) as a 0.5%
not unexpected because of the comparable pharmacokinetic (wt/vol) drip infusion bag and purchased from a British phar-
parameters, i.e., the peak serum concentration (Cmax) and the macy.
area under the serum concentration-time curve (AUC), be- Patients and data analysis. Twenty-eight patients who were
tween oral and intravenous administration of metronida- treated with intravenous metronidazole for intestinal amebia-
zole.12 However, the literature is scarce on its use in moder- sis, amebic liver abscess, or both between April 2001 and June
ate-to-severe amebiasis, especially in its intestinal form. 2006 were enrolled in the study. The use of and dose of the
The Research Group on Chemotherapy of Tropical Dis- drug was decided mainly by the physician in charge of the
eases, Japan, was founded in 1980. It is responsible for im- patient, although advice was available from specialists in the
research group. For the majority of patients, a deterioration
in their condition left them unable to tolerate oral metro-
nidazole, and treatment with intravenous metronidazole was
* Address correspondence to Mikio Kimura, Infectious Disease Sur-
veillance Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Toyama
instituted instead. Patient records were used to collect the
1-23-1, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8640, Japan. E-mail: kimumiki@ following data for analysis: underlying disease/condition,
abox3.so-net.ne.jp complication of amebiasis, surgical operation (colectomy),


oral administration of metronidazole, dose of intravenous by the presence of anti-amebic antibodies. Of the nine epi-
metronidazole given, any adverse effects associated with the sodes of amebic liver abscess, three were diagnosed by the
use of intravenous metronidazole, and the clinical outcome. detection of E. histolytica in drainage fluids, five had a posi-
The physicians were asked to classify the clinical outcome as tive antibody response, and the remaining one through imag-
“cured,” “improved,” “worsened,” or “died.” The physicians ing only.
were contacted for any additional information or clarification Effectiveness of treatment. Intravenous metronidazole
of data as necessary. was administered to the 19 cases who had intestinal ame-
biasis alone. Of those, five were known to be HIV positive,
and 18 had complications of intestinal amebiasis such as
RESULTS ileus, colonic perforation, peritonitis, disseminated intravas-
cular coagulation, and multiple organ failure. Twelve under-
The clinical details, surgical and pharmacologic treatments, went colectomy, and 13 received oral metronidazole. Most
and results of the treatment of the 28 cases that received received a dosage of intravenous metronidazole of 1,500 mg/d
intravenous metronidazole are described in Table 1. (in three doses), given for 3 days to 4 weeks. The clinical
Diagnosis of amebiasis. Of the 22 episodes of intestinal outcome was classified as cured in five (26%), improved in
amebiasis, 21 were diagnosed by the demonstration of eight (42%), and died in six (32%). Even in four of the six
Entamoeba histolytica in the stool, in biopsied or resected fatal cases, the physicians judged intravenous metronidazole
colonic or appendiceal materials, or from intra-abdominal as moderately effective for the ongoing amebic infection it-
abscess fluids. The remaining one episode was diagnosed self.

Clinical details, surgical and pharmacologic treatments, and the results of treatment with intravenous metronidazole for patients with amebiasis


Age/ Intestinal Amebic liver

No. sex amebiasis abscess Underlying disease/condition Complication Colectomy

1 49/M + − Acute renal failure (steroid therapy) − −

2 58/M + − − Ileus −

3 53/M + − HIV infection (AIDS) MOF, renal failure, DIC, paralytic ileus, −
4 61/M + − Gastric Ca. (operated, cancer s/o colonic perforation −
5 76/F + − − Ileus −

6 49/M + − HIV infection Paralyitc ileus −

7 32/M + − HIV infection Intra-abdominal abscess, colonic −
8 31/M + − HIV infection (AIDS) Colonic perforation, peritonitis +
9 40/M + − − Colonic perforation +
10 72/M + − − Colonic perforation +
11 51/M + − HIV infection (AIDS) Appendiceal abscess, cecal fistula, total +
colonic necrosis
12 44/M + − Nephrotic syndrome, ulcerative colitis Perforating peritonitis +
(steroid therapy)
13 71/M + − Rectal Ca. (operated) Ileus, colonic perforation, panperitonitis +
14 62/M + − − Appendiceal perforation, panperitonitis, +
necrotizing colitis
15 68/M + − Rectal Ca. s/o acute abdomen +
16 21/F + − − Peritonitis, cecal abscess +
17 48/M + − − Abdominal wall abscess, colonic +
perforation, sepsis, MOF
18 39/F + − Depression Ileus +

19 ?/M + − − Necrotizing colitis +

20 26/F − + − − −
21 52/M − + − Pneumonia, DIC, panperitonitis −
22 50/M − + − ARDS (mechanical ventilation), paralytic −
23 30/F − + − Pneumonia, edema (hypoalbuminemia) −
24 55/M − + Male homosexual − −
25 57/M − + − ARDS (mechanical ventilation) −
26 34/M + + Male homosexual Paralytic ileus −
27 63/M + + Malnutrition, male homosexual Colonic perforation, intra-thoracic rupture −

28 64/M + + Multiple myeloma (complete Perforating peritonitis, sepsis, bacterial/ +

remission) hemorrhagic shock, acute circulatory

Six patients with amebic liver abscess alone were given intravenous metronidazole was discontinued and were there-
intravenous metronidazole. None of these had a known fore considered to be drug-associated. All of the fatalities
underlying disease; however, four had complications of were considered to be caused by either intractable complica-
amebic liver abscess. All had received oral metronida- tions of amebiasis or deterioration of an underlying disease,
zole. Intravenous metronidazole was given at a dosage of with no definitive link found between the deaths and adverse
1,500 mg/d (in three doses) for 6–14 days. The clinical out- effects of intravenous metronidazole.
come was classified as cured in four (67%) and improved in
two (33%).
Three patients with both intestinal amebiasis and amebic DISCUSSION
liver abscess were given intravenous metronidazole. Of these,
two had an underlying disease, and all suffered complications The interpretation of our study results is limited by a num-
of amebiasis. One underwent colectomy, and all received oral ber of factors, partly because of the study design, because this
metronidazole. Intravenous metronidazole 1,500 mg/d (in was not a formal clinical trial. First, the opinion of individual
three doses) was given for 10–14 days. The clinical outcome physicians may have resulted in inconsistencies in the assess-
was classified as improved in two (67%) and died in one ment of the effectiveness and safety of intravenous metro-
(33%). Even in the fatal case, the physician judged intrave- nidazole. Second, the follow-up periods after treatment var-
nous metronidazole as highly effective for the ongoing amebic ied and may have been shorter than adequate. However, the
infection itself. follow-up periods described on the patient records often re-
Adverse effects of treatment. Adverse drug effects were flected those conducted during hospitalization only and did
reported in nine (32%) individuals. In four patients (Cases 1, not include follow-ups at the outpatient clinics after dis-
2, 8, and 21), the adverse effects subsided or disappeared after charge. In addition, a deterioration in the patient’s condition



Oral use Intravenous

(timing)* use Adverse effect Clinical outcome

+ (before and after) 1,500 mg/d for 7 days Erythema multiforme exudativum Improved
+ (before and after) 2,000 mg/d, then 1,500 mg/d, Tremor, insomnia, incoordination, bone Died (ileus, toxic megacalon,
totally for 7 days marrow suppression perforating peritonitis)
+ (before) 1,500 mg/d for 7 days − Improved

+ (before) 1,500 mg/d for 3 days − Cured

+ (before) 500 mg/d for 5 days − Died (pneumonia, renal failure,

hepatic failure, sepsis, DIC)
+ (before) 2,000 mg/d for 12 days − Improved
+ (before) 1,500 mg/d for 7 days − Improved
− 1,500 mg/d for 5 days Consciousness disturbance Improved
− 1,500 mg/d for 7 days − Cured
− 1,500 mg/d for 7 days − Cured
− 1,500 mg/d for 14 days − Died (AIDS)

− 1,500 mg/d for 21 days − Cured

− 1,500 mg/d for 3–4 days − Died (ARDS, hepatic failure, MOF)
+ (before) 1,500 mg/d for 4 days Renal failure? Died

+ (after) 1,500 mg/d for 7 days Slight increase in GOT and GPT Improved
+ (after) 1,500 mg/d for 9 days − Cured
+ (before and during) 1,500 mg/d for 7 days ? Died (MOF, brain hemorrhage,
brain edema, brain herniation)
+ (during and after) 1,500 mg/d for 24 days Consciousness disturbance (drowsiness), Improved
deterioration of depression, abnormal
MRI findings
+ (before) 1,500 mg/d for 7 days − Improved
+ (before) 1,500 mg/d for 10 days − Cured
+ (before) 1,500 mg/d for 7 days Dark urine, diarrhea Cured
+ (before) 1,500 mg/d for 10 days − Cured
+ (after) 1,500 mg/d for 6 days − Improved
+ (before and after) 1,500 mg/d for 7 days − Improved
+ (after) 1,500 mg/d for 14 days − Cured
+ (before) 1,500 mg/d for 10 days − Improved
+ (before and after) 1,500 mg/d for 14 days Renal dysfunction, electrolyte Died
abnormality, CO2 narcosis
+ (before) 1,500 mg/d for 14 days Watery diarrhea (MRSA colitis) Improved
* Before, during, or after intravenous metronidazole. MOF, multiple organ failure; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; MRSA,
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

or delayed adverse drug effect is likely to have been identified be caused by metronidazole itself rather than its intravenous
and reported to the research group because the physicians administration, because similar toxicity has been described in
developed a close relationship with the majority of patients those receiving oral medication.19–21 Consistent with this,
undergoing this treatment. Third, none of the patients were metronidazole has been shown to cross the blood–brain bar-
treated with intravenous metronidazole alone; they under- rier in humans.20
went colectomy, received oral metronidazole, or both. This In conclusion, intravenous metronidazole should be more
makes it difficult to fully evaluate the effectiveness of intra- widely recommended than previously thought for treating
venous metronidazole alone. Despite these limitations, it was moderate-to-severe amebiasis, especially its intestinal form.
remarkable that many patients with moderate-to-severe ame-
biasis undergoing the treatment were eventually cured or im- Received January 17, 2007. Accepted for publication April 13, 2007.
proved. Furthermore, even in some of the fatal cases, intra- Acknowledgments: We are indebted to all the member physicians of
venous metronidazole seemed to be effective for the ongoing the Research Group on Chemotherapy of Tropical Diseases, Japan,
amebic infection itself. for treating the patients.
Intravenous metronidazole was shown to be highly effec- Financial support: This study was conducted as a “Research on
tive in the treatment of uncomplicated amebic liver abscess Health Sciences Focusing on Drug Innovation” (KH42075 and
during the 1970s and 1980s.9–11 The first study reported all KHA2031) funded by the Japan Health Sciences Foundation.
nine cases cured using intravenous metronidazole (two doses Authors’ addresses: Mikio Kimura, Infectious Disease Surveillance
of 1,000 mg, 24 hours apart) followed by oral metronidazole.9 Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Toyama 1-23-1,
The second was a comparative study of intravenous metron- Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8640, Japan, Telephone: 81-3-5285-1111, ext.
2043, Fax: 81-3-5285-1129. Tetsuya Nakamura, Department of Infec-
idazole with (N ⳱ 22) and without (N ⳱ 14) concurrent tious Diseases and Applied Immunology, Institute of Medical Sci-
intramuscular emetine, which yielded a 100% cure rate in ence, University of Tokyo, Shirokanedai 4-6-1, Minato-ku, Tokyo
both treatment arms.10 The third study compared intravenous 108-8639, Japan, Telephone: 81-3-5449-5337, Fax: 81-3-5449-5427.
metronidazole (N ⳱ 18), 1,500 mg/d in three doses for 7 days, Yukifumi Nawa, University of Miyazaki, Gakuen-Kibanadai-Nishi
1-1, Miyazaki 889-2192, Japan, Telephone: 81-985-58-7100, Fax: 81-
and intramuscular dehydroemetine (N ⳱ 18), 60 mg daily for
10 days, and yielded successful treatment rates of 100% and
72%, respectively.11 None of those three studies reported sig- Reprint requests: Mikio Kimura, Infectious Disease Surveillance
Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Toyama 1-23-1,
nificant adverse effects with intravenous metronidazole use, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8640, Japan.
whereas dehydroemetine-treated patients did experience ad-
verse effects (nausea, vomiting, hypertension, and tachycar-
dia).11 Furthermore, there have been two anecdotal reports of REFERENCES
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