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CBP-analysis, assessment, integration

5 pillars of learning organization

-knowledge management
-learning investment
-learning dynamics

Learning organization is characterised by continual improvement through new ideas, knowledge and
insights, which it uses to constantly anticipate, innovate and find new and better ways to fulfull its

Positive learning organizations develop structured employee training programs because they recongize
that inofmrla learning take place very rarely

Effective leaders adopt a pihilosphy of 1. Continous improvement and are open to expereimenting with
technologhy, procedures and strcutres to strenghthen team and 2.unit capabilities. Consistent with this
philosophy, they foster initiative, innovation and 3.experiential learning in their followers. To encourage
innovation and creativity, leaders must create an atmosphere of 4.ttrust. Folowers must be encouraged
to actively think of methods and ways of improving 5. Operational effectiveness and mission success.
Aids that are useful in most settings include techniques sucj as 6.reframing and group brainstorminbg

Support innovation
Encourage failure

Lesson learned (LL) is definite as the adding of 1.value to an existing body of knowledge, or seeking to
correct deficiencies in areas of concepts, policy, 2.doctrine, training equipment or organizations. By
proving and follow-on action, LL directly suppors Commanders through the rapid
introduction of 4.experiences gained in training and on 5.operations to improve our overall efficiency
and effectiveness. The ultimate goal is to support constant 6. Learning, from the correction of mistakes
to the reinforcement of what was done correctly.

Act of Change
Endorse and Direct change

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