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TEKS: (C2) Objective: (C3)

§111.28. Grade 8, Adopted 2012 - b.2.B Given values that are squares, square root, pi, rational
and irrational numbers, the student will be able to
place 10 values in sequential order on a number line.

Specific __ Measureable __Attainable___ Relevant____Time ____

Grade: 8th Subject: Math

Task Analysis: (C4) What lang. must be taught: rational/irrational/pi Strategy to teach Language: (C4)

What skills must be taught: Flash cards to identify the different concepts.
Flash card competition with values on the
how to determine squares, or square roots cards and then guessing the right concept.

Assessment: (C5) First address the class orally and see what all they know about each term. Then use any information
that was presented from them and close to the definition and related it to the actual definition. Then
give examples of each term. Follow up with a work sheet for students to determine which values relate
to what terms. Then group the students and determine the correct answers to the work sheet.

Strategies for Success: (C6) Element of Technology: (C6)

Baseline assessment for previous knowledge of skills and Use of a projector and digital white board app to help keep
formative assessments through the use of worksheets, the students engaged.
group review and class competition.

Learning Styles Addressed: (C6) Resources / Materials needed: (C6)

Visual – Use of projector A projector

Index cards (create flash cards)
Auditory – baseline assessment through oral discus Ipads/phones (digital white board)
Kinesethic –
creating Flash cards to use to compete

Higher Order Questions to ask: (C6)

1. Justify why your cards represent the skill you were given.

2. Explain how some values in your cards can also represent another skill different then the one you were given.
Recommend how the knowledge of these skills can be used in an area of your life. (sports, video games, hobbies, etc

Hook: (C7) True or False, individually or as teams of 2 and Closure: (C7) Think, pair, and share would be used for the
have multiple questions related to the students to think of 1 thing they learned about
topic/skills and then compare the answers and a skill and then collaborate with their group to
why they picked a side. Or have them stand on pick a top 3 different things and then share it
the side they think is right, so the activity gets with the class.
them up and moving.
1. Teacher Input / Direct Instruction / Modeling: (C6)
Start the class by asking the students to define the skills. Then take these responses and relate them to the actual definitions of
the skills. Have the students take notes during this time and write down the definitions as well. Then go over examples of each
skill using the projector and have the students follow along and take notes. Follow up this with a worksheet for the students to
work on individually for about 10-15min. Take another 10-15min for the students to get in groups and go over their answers with
each other. Afterwards the students will stay in the same groups and each group with get different skill and create flash cards of
examples of these skills. Then the cards will be combined and the groups will compete against each other using the cards and
white board app. Afterwards they will receive a homework work sheet over the same skills to complete.

2. Student Activities / Guided Practice: (C6)

Students will work on worksheets to practice there understanding of the skills. Students with get in
groups and go over the worksheet. Students will use these groups and get a specific skill to create
their own problems with. The class will review these problems to see if the skill was properly
understood and if not then the teacher can take that time to have the students correct whatever
mistakes were made.

3. Independent Practice: (C6)

The initial worksheet and the homework worksheet.

Modifications / Accommodations: (E6) Comprehensible Input Techniques: (R6)

I can accommodate this lesson by lowering the number a.Definition

of problems on the worksheet gone over in class and b.Description
also the worksheet sent home for homework. I could c.Process (Collection, Time Order, or Listing)
also assign a peer buddy during the activity to assist the d.Classification
student. Depending on how the student learns best in e.Comparison
the group activity they can be assigned the job of writing f.Cause and Effect
down the information or presenting the information g.Problem/Solution
depending on which job is more beneficial to their h.Persuasion

The purpose of today's lesson is for students to be able to identify and differentiate the
different skills presented.

Retrieval True or False activity and have them write their answers on a white board or just hold
up a sheet of paper depending on what their answer is. Questions related to similar
concepts of the skills we will be discussing and have discussed in the past.

Relevance Teaching the skills through lecture and the use of a projector so they can follow along as I go through
each skill.
Routing This will be reinforced through the use of example problems shown on a projector and
then also students guessing the next step before I show them so they can compare
their answers to mine and see what was done differently.

Retaining / Rehearsing
This will be part of going over examples as a class that way they can attempt to work it
and then see how it's done.


Then they will receive a work sheet to work problems on their own to see if they have an
understanding of the subject material/skills.


Recognizing They will then form groups and compare their answers and then have a class discussion
on what they all decided as groups.

The responses from the initial knowledge with be the first assessment and then the responses from this work sheet will be the
next assessment and followed up with an activity where they create their own problems to assess their understanding of the
material in a different way. They will be assessed by the type of errors that were made on the work sheet as well as their ability
to create problems that show an understanding of the skills and their relation to each other.

A projector
Index cards (create flash cards)
Ipads/phones (digital white board)

Think, pair, and share would be used for the students to think of 1 thing they learned
about a skill and then collaborate with their group to pick a top 3 different things and then
share it with the class.

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