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The 12 Statements

Read each statement carefully.

Write your response, from the scale below, in the square at the end of each question.
1=Strongly Disagree
5=Strongly Agree


1. If a student is disruptive during class, I send him/her to detention, without

further discussion.

2. I don’t want to impose any rules on my students.

3. The classroom must be quiet for students to learn.

4. I am concerned about both what my students learn and how they learn.

5. If a student turns in a late homework assignment that is not my problem.

6. I don’t want to reprimand a student because it might hurt his/her feelings.

7. Class preparation isn't worth the effort.

8. I always try to explain the reasons behind my rules and decisions.

9. I will not accept excuses from a student who is late.

10. The emotional well-being of my students is more important than classroom


11. My students understand that they can interrupt my lesson if they have a
relevant question.

12. If a student asks to leave the class for any reason, I always let them go.
Classroom Management Profile

Add your scores for statements 1,3 and 9. TOTAL ______________

This refers to the authoritarian style.

Add scores for statements 4, 8 and 11. TOTAL ______________

This refers to the authoritative style.

Add scores for statements 6, 10 and 12. TOTAL ______________

This refers to the laissez-faire style.

Add scores for statements 2,5 and 7. TOTAL ______________

This refers to the indifferent style.

The result is your classroom management profile.

Your score from each management style can range from 3-15.
A high score indicates a strong preference for that particular style.

Authoritarian Authoritative

 firm limits on students  places limits and controls on students

 assigned seats for entire term but simultaneously encourages
 desks usually in straight rows with no independence
deviations  often explains the reasons behind the
 students must be in their seats at the rules and decisions
beginning of the class and they  if a student is disruptive, the teacher
frequently remain there for the whole offers a respectful, but firm reprimand
lesson  open to considerable verbal
 often it is quiet interaction, including critical debates
 little opportunity to learn and/or
practice communication skills
Indifferent Laissez-faire

 places few demands, if any, on the  places few demands or controls on

students and appears generally students. 'Do your own thing'
uninterested describes this classroom
 often feels that classroom preparation  accepts the students' impulses and
is not worth the effort actions and is less likely to monitor
 will sometimes use the same their behaviour.
materials, year after year  strives not to hurt the students'
 classroom discipline is lacking. This feelings and has difficulty saying no
teacher may lack the skills , to a student or enforcing rules
confidence or courage to discipline  involved with the students and cares
students about them very much
 difficult for students to learn socially
acceptable behaviour

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