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Assessment | BSBSUS501

Assessment 1

Part A

Headquarters: Campbelltown, NSW, SYDNEY
Year founded: 2016
Company Size: 37 employees

E-OfficeWorx is an independently owned and operated company based in Campbelltown,

NSW. The company has been in operation for 2 years. The company supplies a wide range of
stationery, office supplies, furniture, business equipment and computer supplies for large and
small office environments, including home offices. There are no retail stores, and customers
order online through the company’s website or through a Customer Service Centre that
operates 7 days a week from 7am to 7pm. Orders are distributed from a warehouse that is also
located in Campbelltown. The company has recently undertaken a strategic planning process
with its vision identified to be the leading online supplier of office supplies. The company
employs a number of staff including the General Manager, Sales and Marketing Manager,
Finance Manager and Human Resources Manager. There are 20 customer service staff in
total, a Warehouse Manager and 10 warehousing staff. All of the Managers and Customer
Service Staff operate out of the head office and all warehousing staff, including the Manager,
are located at the Warehouse.
Annual turnover is $2,000,000

Sustainibility Policy:

Although the company’s key values include a strong commitment to quality, customer
service, sustainability and a satisfied workforce, there are no formal systems or
processes in place for sustainability initiatives to ensure that the company meets its
overall vision and values.
OfficeWorxprofessionalactivitiesandthemanagementoftheorganization. Its

a. The research you have conducted and the sources you have used (Approximately 300
Research have been conducted based on company’s vision. And gathered the information
from company’s business plan and additionally from stakeholders. And used descriptive
research method.

 How you will structure the document most effectively?

Purpose (intent of policy)
Scope (what areas or people the policy covers or may cover).
Background (anybackgroundinformationwhichprovidesthecontexttothepolicy)
Compliance (Applicable legislation, standards and codes of practice.)
Procedure (specificguidance(suchasstep-by-
 What writing style will you use?
 Will you include the organisation’s general principles and philosophies?
 How will you organise general policies and specific procedures?
Identify need, identify who will take lead responsibilities, gather information,
consult with appropriate stakeholder, finalize, get approval, consider whether
procedures are required and implement.
 Who needs to authorise the policy document?

b. The needs and interests of each stakeholder group that you have identified
(Approximately 300 words)
Who did you speak to (the stakeholders).
holde Needs and interests
Phone • Increasesalesrevenueandgrossprofit
: 04
Barry • Control direct and indirect operational cost
Wine • improveitsenvironmentalperformanceaswellasperformanceons
Phone ocialmeasuressuchaslabourpracticesandproductresponsibilitya
: 04 ssetoutinthe GlobalReportingInitiativeFramework

Emma • Complywith,andexceedwherepracticable,allapplicablelegislati
Didas on,regulationsandcodesofpractice
: 04
Phone • Improve community goodwill and legitimacy
: 04

c. Sustainability policy options you recommend including a discussion of their

advantages and disadvantages for the organisation and for the various stakeholder
groups (Approximately 400 words)
Policy options could include:
 Changes in resource use
Implement energy cost reduction.
Advantage: Green environment, save energy cost in long period and help business
remain competitive.
Disadvantage: Additional cost or the implementation.
 Changes in waste management
Minimise use of paper and other office consumables, re-use or recycling of office
Advantage: Will reduce the operational cost. Green environment, save water and
Disadvantage: May use loose electronic data instead archiving in paper form other
than this no significant disadvantages has been identified.
 Promoting volunteering
Undertake voluntary work with local community.
Advantage: Will increase organization’s reputation and will help to recognised
easily in community.
Disadvantage: Will need more human and time resources.
 Improving social inclusion
Consistent employee development practices and principles are applied across the
Employees are developed systematically on the basis of defined needs and that
development undertaken is cost effective and meets agreed standards
Advantage: More committed employees and low employee turnoevr
Disadvantage: Increase training cost.
d. Final recommendations for policy options based on likelyeffectiveness, time-frames
and cost (Approximately 400 words)
Based on likely effectiveness, time-frames and cost final recommended policy options are
listed below:
1. Reduce resource use.
2. Waste management.
3. Promoting volunteering.
4. Improving social inclusion.
These final recommended policy options will initially occur additional implementation
cost. But in future the cost of these improvements will pay for themselves with relative
speed and will be noticeable to save time and increase productivity of your workplace.

Part B

1. Define the scope of the policy. (Approximately 400 words). This may include:

The scope of the police covers all employees and contractors of E-Office Worx in ensuring
that sustainable practices are adopted and maintained.
And it will be focused on:
• improveitsenvironmentalperformanceaswellasperformanceonsocialmeasure
• reduceriskofnon-compliance
• improvecommunitygoodwillandlegitimacy
• integratesustainabilityeffortsmorecloselywithbusinessstrategy.
And compliance with:
 AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 environmental management system,
 Environment protection and biodiversity conservation act 1999.
 Breadth of the policy application – will it be implemented in parts of
organisation, the whole organisation or across multiple organisations
Will be implemented to whole organization.
 Policy approach – will you select an integrated approach which includes
environmental, social and economic aspects, or a specific approach that
focuses on aspects individually?
Integrated approach
 Adherence to legislation – will you meet the relevant legislation which
supports the compliance of your organisation in environmental
performance and sustainability?
 Reference the organisation's policy to international and nation
environmental standards, guidelines and approaches – will you follow
guidelines and approaches such as the Global Reporting Initiative
ecological foot print and Greenhouse Challenge Plus.

2. Develop a workplace sustainability policy that reflects the organisation's

commitment to sustainability as an integral part of business planning, and as a
business opportunity which includes benchmark indicators. (Approximately 400

E-OfficeWorx Sustainability Policy

The purpose of this policy to explain E-OffieWorx’s approach to
sustainability. E-OfficeWorx takes its commitment to the sustainable and
socially responsible use of resources seriously.
The scope of the police covers all employees and contractors of E-OfficeWorx
in ensuring that sustainable practices are adopted and maintained.
In its vision statement leading online supplier of office supplies and strategic
objectives such as:
• Increasesalesrevenueandgrossprofit.
• Maintainorincreasemarketshare.
• Controldirectandindirectoperationalcosts.
• Maintainsuperiorproductandservicequalitystandards.
• EstablishreputationofE-
OfficeWorxasasociallyandenvironmentally responsiblecompany.
intendsto adopt and maintain sustainabilitypolicyto:
• improveitsenvironmentalperformanceaswellasperformanceonsocia
the GlobalReportingInitiativeFramework
• reduceriskofnon-compliance
• improvecommunitygoodwillandlegitimacy
This policy is guided by:
• Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
• AS/NZS ISO14001:2004 Environmental management system –
Requirements with guidance for use.
Use of resources (10% reduction in resource usage)
- Walk, cycle and/or use public transport to attend meetings, site visits etc,
apart from in exceptional circumstances where the alternatives are
impractical and/or cost prohibitive
- Avoid physically travelling to meetings etc where alternatives are
available and practical, such as using teleconferencing, video conferencing
or web cams, and efficient timing of meetings to avoid multiple trips.
These options are also often more time efficient, while not sacrificing the
benefits of regular contact with customers and partners
- To reduce the need to travel to meetings and elsewhere, and facilitate
regular client contact, we will provide a web cam to clients free of charge
for the duration of a project where appropriate.
- Reduce the need for the staff to travel by supporting alternative working
arrangements, including home working etc, and promote the use of public
transport by locating offices and warehouse in accessible locations.
- Use an emissions recording scheme for business travel to monitor our
- Reduce the energy consumption of office equipment by purchasing energy
efficient equipment and good housekeeping
- Install automatic lightening system
- Install window wherever appropriate to obtain as much natural light as
- Install automatic flush low flow toilets and hands free faucets
- Seek to purchase electricity from a supplier committed to renewable
- Ensure that timber furniture, and any other timber products, are recycled
orfrom well-managed, sustainable sources
- Purchase fair-trade and/or organic beverages.
Waste management (10% reduction in wastage)
- Use electronic document storage rather than printing copies of documents
- Minimise our use of paper and other office consumables, for example by
double- siding all paper used, and identifying opportunities to reduce
- As far as possible arrange for the reuse or recycling of office waste,
including paper, computer supplies and redundant equipment
- Reuse packaging that supplies arrive in
- Recycle paper cardboard, glass, aluminium cans, printer cartridge, office
furniture and computer equipment
Promoting volunteering
- Undertake voluntary work with the local community and/or environmental
organisations and make donations to seek to offset carbon emissions from
our activities.
- Ensure that any associates that we employ take account of sustainability
issues in their advice to customer.
Improving social inclusion(90% score on employee satisfaction in fair
working conditions and fairness)
- Consistent employee development practices and principles are applied
across the organization
- Employees are developed systematically on the basis of defined needs and
that development undertaken is cost effective and meets agreed standards
- Regularly review the Environmental Sustainability Policy and seek to
reduce the Company’s impact each and every year.
Authorized by
Gail Forcewind
3. Develop an implementation strategy as part of the policy. (Approximately 400

Implementation Strategy
Improve employee engagement and satisfaction.
Integrate sustainability policy with organizational strategy and day to
day operation.
Build community and customer stakeholder awareness of E-
OfficeWorx corporate responsibilities.
Reach sustainability target:
10% reduction in resource usage
10% reduction in wastage
90% score on employee satisfaction in fair working conditions and
Responsibility Timeline Strategies Resources
Jessica John 1-12-2018 NA NA
procedures on
Promote Conduct video
sustainability conference
Jessica John 1-12-2018 bookings:
policy and presentation with
procedures managers
Develop online
employee Prepare survey
Michael Brown 10-12-2018 consultant:
climate survey questions and test tool
Use line managers to
Conduct explain survey. IT
employee Line managers 13-12-2018 Distribute survey consultant:
climate survey through secure online $5,000
survey tool
Deliver training to
Sales and
staff responsible for Training
warehouse Sales and
17-12-2108 implementing consultant:
sustainability warehouse staff
sustainability $80,000
Deliver training to
managers responsible
Manager for implementing
sustainability sustainability Training
reporting and Managers 18-12-2018 methodologies, consultant:
management reporting, and $30,000
system training integrating
performance with
Use line managers to
conduct audits and
Sustainability Relevant
18-2-2019 assess initial NA
audit managers

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