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Aumentar las emociones positivas y reducir las emociones negativas inapropiadas

Your best goal is to reduce inappropriate or gratuitous negativity.

Whereas sorne of your negativity is corrective and energizing, not all of it
is. Gratuitous negativity is neither helpful nor healthy. Does it help to
snap at the cashier after you've waited in line longer than you expected? Is
it healthy to berate yourself for not getting the laundry done? What's to
be gained when you dwell on an offthecuff
comment a coworker
made? At times your entrenched emotional habits can intensify or prolong
your bad feelings far beyond their usefulness. Your negativity becomes
corrosive and smothering. Like an outofcontrol
weed, gratuitous
negativity grows fast and crowds out positivity's more tender shoots.

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