Re848355163us Constructive Notice of Conditional Acceptance Warren RV BLK

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Registered Mail # RE 848 355 163 US THIS IS A PRIVATE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL ~- NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL I$ NOTICE TO AGENT CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE December 2, 2018 Principal: ‘Thomas-James: Brown-Bey, Secured Party, Executor c/o THOMAS JAMES BROWNO@™ TRUST c/o 15216 Carlisle Detroit, Michigan Non-Domestic without the US Respondents: WARREN RV STORAGE LLC 6900 14 Mile Rd. ‘Warren, Michigan 48092 Re: COMPLAINT FOR NOTICE TO WITHDRAW OR TERMINATE AND OTHER RELIEF, EXPRESS TRUST #7017 1450 0001 0367 8516 Dear GENTLEMEN: Lam in receipt of your presentments, Invoice 14685, hereinafter “COMPLAINT”, dated Nov. 28, 2018, the originals, with original banker's acceptance endorsements, are enclosed herewith. As the Secured Party Creditor, and the holder of the paramount security interest i any and all real and personal property and the proceeds therefrom, registered to, associated with, in the possession of, or under the management of, THOMAS JAMES BROWNO@"™ ‘TRUST, your alleged claims and/or requests prejudice my rights, titles, and interests in regards to said property as the Executive Trustee for the private trust to which said rights, titles, and interests have been pledged. In order for tne to provide you with a remedy a bona fide and verified claim must be presented. Therefore, | am conditionally accepting your offer for injunctive and other relief, upon proof of claim that: (1) THOMAS |AMES BROWN@@™ TRUST have engaged in any of the conduct you have alleged in the COMPLAINT; and (2) THOMAS JAMES BROWNO®™ TRUST have caused any harm, loss or injury, as you have alleged in the COMPLAINT; and (3) there is a dofect in the instrument tendered and (copy) enclosed herewith, Private Bonded Promissory Note #7017 1450 0001 0367 8783, hereinafter "INSTRUMENTS". (4) the INSTRUMENTS is not sufficient to setoff, settle, and discharge any and all outstanding obligations, duties, and/or liabilities alleged and attributed to THOMAS JAMES BROWN@®™ TRUST. You have ten (10) days from receipt of this Constructive Notice of Conditional Acceptance and the enclosed Affidavit of Specific Negative Averment, hercinafter "AFFIDAVIT", to respond on a point-by-point basis, via sworn affidavit, under your full commercial liability, signing under penalty of perjury that the facts contained therein are true, correct, complete and not misleading. Mere declarations are an insufficient response. [Fan extension of time is (CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE, Page 1 of 2 needed to properly answer, please request it in writing, Failure to respond will be deemed agreement with the facts stated in the enclosed AFFIDAVIT and an inability to prove your claim. ‘The INSTRUMENT is being tendered in good faith, for the setoff and or discharge of any and all alleged obligations, duties, o liabilities attributed to THOMAS JAMES BROWN@®" TRUST, thereby protecting and preserving all my rights titles, interests, and remedies regarding any and all property, registered to, associated with, in the possession of, or under the management of THOMAS JAMES BROWN@®" TRUST. Take notice of the Pre-Offset Notice For Balanced Book Adjustment, enclosed herewith, it may contain significant information regarding your duties as the holder in due course and your obligation to exercise ordinary care with regards to the INSTRUMENTS). Executed in Wayne county, Michigan Republic, this thirtieth day of the Eleven month in the year of our Lord, two~ thousand and eighteen. Witness my hand and seal, ‘Thomas-James: BrowneBey, Secured Party Creditom™ Executive Trustee for the private trust known as ‘THOMAS JAMES BROWN@@™'TRUST Please direct responses to third party witness: ‘Thomas-James: Brown-Bey, Private Attorney General c/o [15216] Carlisle Street Detroit, Michigan [48205-9998] Non-Domestic without US Enclosure(s) (1) Affidavit of Specific Negative Averment dated November 9, 2018 (2 pages); (2) Pre-Offset Notice For Balanced Book Adjustment (1 page); (3) Private Registered Bonded Promissory Note # 7017 1450 0001 0367 8783 (2 page): (4) UCC Claim for Actual and Constructive Notice to Withdraw or Terminate and Other Relief dated June 26, 2018 (1 pages); (5) LRS. Form 1040-V (1 page); and (6) EXPRESS TRUST(Contract for Bailment) 7017 1450 0001 0367 8516 (2-pages) NOTICE: THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT INTENDED TO THREATEN, HARASS, HINDER OR OBSTRUCT ANY LAWFUL. OPERATIONS. IT IS FOR THE PURPOSES OF OBTAINING LAWFUL REMEDY AS IS PROVIDED BY LAW. CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE, Page 2 of 2 ‘TO: WARREN RV STORAGE LLC 6900 14 Mile Rd, Warren, Michigan 48092 FROM: Thomas-James: Brown-Bey ~ Principal, UCC File #/State: 2008040166-6/MICHIGAN Secured Party Creditor FOR: THOMAS JAMES BROWN, DEBTOR(S) ‘c/o 23636 Michigan Ave, Dearborn, Michigan; near [48124] RE: Private Prepaid Treasury Account. Non-Domestic without the US Social Security Number DATE; November 30,2018 PRE-OFFSET NOTICE FOR BALANCED BOOK ADJUSTMENT Dear GENTLEMEN: ‘The enclosed isa (copy of original with was sent on 9/08/2018) Statute Staple Securities Instruments are tendered to you for the purpose of balanced book adjustment as legal tender to lower and reduce the UNITED STATES national debt. The Undersigned Understands the complexity of following this procedure. The "Code" is effectively in place to save and protect the monetary system of this country. I and when non-accreditation occurs, the economy and monetary system of the country will certainly collapse. That is the complexity and importance of honoring this procedure. U.S.C. TITLE 12, CHAPTER 2 - NATIONAL BANKS authorizes the procedure. If you don’t understand this procedure, please research the US Code for clarity or seek competent legal counsel. You should understand that in Title 12 USC. § 371b-2(c), the Code defines “Exposure” to include all extensions of credit regardless of name and description. This procedure is intended forall of the people ofthe united States of America. Non-accreditation will result in a serious error and injury against the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE and the Principal Secured Party Creditor. This will cause 2 miscalculation upon the FEDERAL RESERVE ‘Accountant Balanced Book and will require a filing ofthe proper IRS forms for collection of these funds, This adjustment may be completed by STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, SECRETARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY, who is my duly appointed fiduciary agent. ‘As you are well aware, lawful money no longer exists in our economic system. This was replaced by FEDERAL RESERVE “Notes” which are, in effect. promissory notes. This procedure to allow offset of debt is the proper legal remedy that has been provided for us to discharge debt, since the money was removed by the U.S. Corporate Government. Tis i @ debt obligation of the UNITED STATES. Please use this procedure to offset any bills that | present by balanced book adjustment, settlement i full, discharge ofall presentments, and return all interest to the Principal. STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, or my designated Fiduciary Agent, is authorized to adjust, from this account, along with any reasonable and lawful interest, penalties, and extra fees, as needed, in crder to satisfy this procedure. This may be ledgered against the Account Number indicated as bg suits the needs of the US. ‘TREASURY, Sincerely, cured Party Creditor for THOMAS JAMES BROWN@®™, DEBTOR(S) PRE-OFFSET NOTICE FOR BALANCED BOOK ADJUSTMENT Page 1 of 1. Affiant s competent to state the matters set forth herein 2, Alfanthas knowledge ofthe facts stated herein, 3. _Allthe facts herein ae true correct and compte, admissible as evidence and ifcalled upon as a witness, Aint will testify to their veracty Plain Statement of Facts 4. Thore is no evidence that THOMAS JAMES BROWN" TRUST has prepared and filed withthe REC-REST RV STORAGE PARTNERS / WARREN RV STORAGE LLL, false and frivolous instruments, and/or fraudulent instruments, or other fraudulent related documents, an behalf of other persons, and the AMfant believes that no such evidence exists ‘There is no evidence that THOMAS JAMES BROWN@®" TRUST has engage in fraudulent or deceptive conduct which substantially interferes withthe proper administration ofthe Internal Revenue Laws, and the Affiant believes that no such evidence exists 6 ‘There is no evidence that THOMAS JAMES BROWN©®™ TRUST has prepared and filed Lawful, and/or amended tax returns, that understate any persons’ tax liabilities as a result of unreasonable and frivolous claims and, thus, has engaged in conduct subject to penalty under Uniform Commercial Code, and the Affiant believes that no such evidence 7, There is no evidence that THOMAS JAMES BROWN®Q®" TRUST has prepared and filed federal tax returns, and/or amended tax returns, that understate any persons’ tax liabilities as a result of willful attempts to understate said tax liabilities, and or reckless and/or intentional disregard of internal revenue laws and regulations and, thus, have engaged in conduct subject to penalty under Uniform Commercial Code, and the Affiant believes that no such eviden exists. 8 ‘There is no evidence that THOMAS JAMES BROWN®®" TRUST has prepared Fraudulent Check that include fraudulent Certified Funds claims, and the Affiant believes that no such evidence exists. 9. There is no evidence that THOMAS JAMES BROWN@@"™ TRUST, directly or indirectly, organized, promoted, marketed and or participated in the sale ofa plan or arrangement and, in doing so, made false and fraudulent statements with respect tothe tax benefits of participating in the plan or arrangement, and the Affiant believes that no such evidence exists, 10, “There is no evidence that THOMAS JAMES BROWNO@" TRUST falsely promised larger tax refunds from the Government predicated on the submnission of fraudulent documents to the Uniform Commercial Code, and the Affiant believes that no such evidence exists. 11, ‘There is no evidence that THOMAS JAMES BROWN@®™ TRUST engaged in conduct subject to penalty under Uniform Commercial Code and/or UCC, and the Afiant believes that no such evidence exists 12, There is no evidence that THOMAS JAMES BROWN@@™ TRUST engaged in conduct subject to penalty under IRS, and. the Affiant believes that no such evidence exists, 13, There is no evidence that THOMAS JAMES BROWN®®™ TRUST prepared and aided or assisted in the preparation and/or filing of fraudulent and other documents that resulted in the understatement ofthe liability for tax of anather person, and the Affiant believes that no such evidence exists. 14 There is no evidence that THOMAS JAMES BROWN@®™ TRUST engaged in conduct subject to penalty under Uniform Commercial Code, and the AMMant believes that no such evidence exists. ‘AFFIDAVIT OF SPECIFIC NEGATIVE AVERMENT Page Torz 17, ‘There is no evidence that THOMAS JAMES BROWN@®"* TRUST prepared and/or filed any fraudulent documents and or fraudulent check returns, and/or fraudulent funds, and/or information returns, and the Afflant believes that no such evidence exists 18. There is no evidence that THOMAS JAMES BROWNOW™ TRUST has substantially interfered with the enforcement ofthe Uniform Commercial Code, and the Affiant believes that no such evidence exist, 19, There is no evidence that THOMAS JAMES BROWN TRUST has promoted or engaged in any check-fraud scheme, and the Affiant believes that no such evidence exists 20. There is no evidence that THOMAS JAMES BROWN@@™ TRUST has engaged in conduct causing harm, los, or injury to the United States and/or the public, and the Affiant believes that no such evidence exists. 21, There isno evidence that THOMAS JAMES BROWNO®" TRUST has engaged in, promoted, assisted, aided, and/or Prepared any fraudulent, frivolous, or fabricated instruments, checks, and/or bills, and the Affiant believes that no such evidence exists, 22, There is no evidence ofa defect in the instrument tendered and enclosed herewith, Private Bonded Promissory Note # 7017 1450 0001 0367 8783, hereinafter "INSTRUMENT", and the Affant believes that no such evidence exists, 23, There iso evidence that the INSTRUMENT is not sufficient to setoff, settle, and discharge any and all alleged outstanding obligations, duties, and/or liabilities for THOMAS JAMES BROWN@®"™ TRUST, and the Affiant believes that ‘no such evidence exists pieaeas enable ) Commercial Affidavit Oath and Verification }) sworn and subscribed: Macomb county } |, Thomas-James: Brown-Bey®", Secured Party Creditor, under my unlimited liability and Commercial Oath, proceeding in ‘g00d faith, being of sound mind, having first-hand knowledge, affirm, state, and declare that the facts contained herein arg ‘true, correct, complete and not misleading, under penalty of International Commercial Law, so help me, God, Ww ‘S jomas-James: Brows ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ‘Secured Party Creditor ‘State of Michigan ) SURAT )s6 County of Macomb ) Subscribed and swom to (or armed) bofore me on this_2nd_day of. 2018 by Thomas James Brown proved to me on the basis of salisactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me. Signature "AFFIDAVIT OF SPECIFIC NEGATIVE AVERMENT Page 2or2 PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Itis hereby certified, that on the date noted below, the undersigned Notary Public mailed to: REC-REST RV STORAGE PARTNERS / WARREN RV STORAGE LLC c/o CEO & CFO 6900 14 MILE RD, WARREN, MI 48092 hereinafter, “Recipient,” the documents and sundry papers pertaining to the Recipient, regarding Express Trust # 7017 1450 0001 0367 @516 as follows: 1, CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE, issued by Thomas-James: Brown-Bey and dated December 2, 2018 (2 pages); 2. AFFIDAVIT OF SPECIFIC NEGATIVE AVERMENT, issued by December 2, 2018 (2 pages); 3. PRE-OFFSET NOTICE FOR BALANCED BOOK ADJUSTMENT, issued by Thomas-James: Brown-Bey and datod December 2, 2019 (1 pagel: 4. (Copy) PRIVATE BONDED PROMISSORY NOTE # 7017 1450 0001 0367 8783, i. Brown-Bey and dated ued by Thomas-James: Brown-Bey and dated September 8, 2018 (1 page) 5, UCC CLAIM FOR ACTUAL AND CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE FILE #20180626000522-2, dated June 26, 2018 (2 page) 5 ©. Copies of EXPRESS TRUST (Contract for Bailment)7017 1450 0001 0367 8516 (2-pages) 7. E.R.8. Form 1040-V (1 page); and 8. reference copy of this Private Attorney General Certificate of Service (1 page) (signed original on file), a total of Nine (9 pages, by Registered Mail No, RE 848 355 163 us Return Receipt attached by placing same in postpaid envelope properly addressed to Recipient at the sald address and depositing same at an official depository under the exclusive face and custody of the U.S. Postal Service within the State of Michigan. December 2, 2018 (Seal) DATE LEGAL NOTICE The Ceritying Notary i an independent conracor and nota party to this em. In fac he Crtfying Notary isa Federal Winess Pursuant to TITLE 18, PART |, CHAPTER 73, SEC. 1512. Tampering win a winess, vic. or an ifermant. The Cetiying Notary also performs the functions of a ‘quasi PostalInspecior under the Homeland Securty Act by being compelled {0 roport any vicltions ofthe U.S. Postal regulations as an Oficer of the Executive Department, Inimidating a Notary Public under Color of Law is vilation of Tle 18, US Code, Section 242 tiled -Depivation of Rights Under Color of Law." which pximaiy govems police misconduct investigations. This Statule makes ta rime for any person acting under the Color of Law to willy derive any individual residing inthe United Sites andor United Slates of America those rigs protected by the Constittion and US. laws, (unipsbey-Bupyoensdensbewos ses mean sehi) SDV ‘suonterb Eunce4 38040 soma pu uonons soy nO 108) 440} Bun4o9} @3,n0f yousn puy 3,ueD Vv 8501 995, ‘C20 1 30H 818 ee OL OR (eossrseosoononsaieutegencuogayaayesroe 498) seventies ealevsechonoevldige wompme! mj Curonnees —" aewend arpa ‘onewzoy anpoug soar Ter iowu3a U 8.02 r1 sequendeg uo we 10:5 te xORpeU ea Jo Sexe yop HEN Uy ror xenon \2ereaesiszceoe0Fe0ses saqunn BuPjoes, + sBeyoee seunouy you, bepvorsdsermnnyschn € Svs 6uryoes SSN 440) Bupyooy a1,no4 yeyM Puy 7,.UeD onstn gegn = esis see (soeezceniooosrscicussparnusensyumvonaeyo8) ch uh ond SeeoLoe0GoNSHLsLoe MIUPOINN Io; SUTCEN aes “unas NPE Me <4 vorewoya ramps 102 +2 aquerdeg fois Sey20 4, wa ooaihd ese ams peisaog A -sovae Wy low13¢ 4 aor" seqweidos Uo id ec He HORN 2 80 RSH SOM A Lerreseete/esceorsoese ueaquny Buroes x maowey + sBeyoeg seujouy yeu, sow Bupjoea sdsn waz 02's 9399 oucer Ww Ne we eos wie ‘e1 23060 sun a9 wowing ‘we wlez'e1 20820, ae a ice xe ane Foottack 922) aU 34 04 0] Batenyep 20.198 UO 8 Ee HIIeN SST att x mous ‘91982980 10000SrLZ0¥ equMN BurKDeHL, see ang. a wopecauoya ionposg Fe S01 powonyan on ot ea ve: xe swig Shesissosrsay Hequiny BuDce, + 26ey0g sexnouy 4004, Bupjoed Sash shtenpbeyaunstdeerann/ ne & 8M sateen awn eee paisayed A) rOLsb HO ‘aNARSO eee" seqweides vo we cs 8 SSO. ou JeNPIEpU UE O PIRI Se SEN = x#ou Sezez9c9;0000SrL LOL uequNN Supe wise 02 e300 Feettork (wnysbey-Supzeasdseysbeyuno-edsrmuaayscnid) SOs 1ssn0.e109 “suoycond Sunes snod oy srmsce pe 0 0 410} Bupjoo} 94,n0K yeyan pul 3,UED V sso 996, lustteueacoocmesese-sacencuonssuang 2668) yeH{pay= am reveeceiszeseconoose ion potato Sunpest eos" iamicey ened ‘voneasoyy yonpos HL sounces wo us upg 99a Aue 9088498010009") J102 HeqWAN GunxDex, 1 s207 905

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