How To Debating - Student Version

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How to Debating

1. Research some information about the topic

How you can talk about something if you know only a little bit. You have to be well-prepared and well-
informed, you must know as much as you can some information about the topic. Make research in
internet (in English), you must collect information and get your own opinion.

2. Introduce the topic

Explain the topic in simple word
E.g. : What do you think about the mass tourism effect to Bali in general, is it a good thing or a
bad thing.
 Introduce by explaining what does mass tourism mean (large amounts of tourist come at
same time, low vacation budget, use big bus to visit sightseeing etc etc)
 Talk about fact (number and origin of tourists, since when the mass tourism has started
 Talk about Bali before the mass tourism and Bali now without any judgment.

3. Are you For or Against

It doesn’t matter if you are for or against, you have to introduce your opinion, summarize your speech,
give some convincing argument and end with a punchline
E.g.: you are for the mass tourism
 You have to talk only about the advantages such as full employment for local,
infrastructure development (road, hospital etc), meet and get some international friend,
opportunity for a freelance job, be partner and invest in a project with international
people etc etc.
 When you talk about advantage, use a concrete example such as freelance job, you can
become guide and work as your conveniance.
 Persuade the others there is only this possibility,there is no other option and use a
concrete example such as if there is no mass tourism, Bali look like sumbawa with no
infrastructure, no good school, hospital etc etc
 Ask some questions to others people are not agree with you and be sure they will reply
as your wish such as : would you like to live in the Island there is no Job, only to be farmer
? you can be sure everybody will say no. Keep goin with 2 or 3 questions like that.
 Finish with a punchline such as I am really happy that mass tourism comes to Bali, I am so
proud that so many people come from all over the world to visit Bali and I don’t want to
live like 50 years ago, have nothing, do nothing, stay in the village and work as farmer.
 Thanks everybody for their attention
4. Listen the opposite group
Listen carefully what the others say, do not interupt the others, write down the points that you can
contradict, say opposite.
E.g. : some job is not given for locals, western people are strongly request, such as hotel general
manager. Strike back :
 Mention you know some international luxury hotel is lead by a local general manager
 Mention that is western people are strongly request that mean they have better
knowledge and studied in the best university in the world
 Mention is good opportunity to improve the local knowledge by sharing the western
experience and knowledge with others
 Mention that is good coutnry challenge to teach and train the future local leader
In some cases, people opposed to your thoughts are right and you are in difficult situation, you can not
admit they are right and you are wrong, this is a fact and you have to deal with it.
E.g. : Garbage in Bali has become a serious issue due of the mass tourism………be reactive :
 Thanks the person for talking about this concern
 Mention the pollution is not only in Bali, it is a world concern and Bali is small Island with
a big challenge
 Mention that is there is a problem, there is always a solution
 Find an option solution such a tourism tax for garbage treatment

5. Ending the debate

When the debate is almost over, try to be the last one to talk. Thanks everyone for having the
opportunity to debate and exchange ideas and opinion. Re-affirm your ideas and opinions with concrete
sample, be sure everybody understand and agreed with you. Admitting that in some cases this can be
problematic but a solution can be found with open-minded people. Ending the debate by saying that your
option is the only one option, not really perfect, can be adjusted and modified but at least works. The
other option will be catastrophic for everyone and you are sure that nobody really wants to change the
situation, only live in a better place, safety place, in a better world, safety world and give good future for
their children.

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