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Bruce L.


ccording to the IEEE Brown Book
(ANSI/IEEE Standard 399-1990),
“The planning, design and operation of
a power system requires continual and
comprehensive analyses to evaluate current system
performance and to establish the effectiveness of al-
ternative plans for system expansion.”

Defining a Power System

A power system is an assembly of generators, trans-
formers, power lines, fuses, circuit breakers, pro-
tective devices, cables, and associated apparatus
used to generate and deliver electrical energy to the
intended load. A power system’s reliability is in-
fluenced by a number of factors, some of which are
environmental, weather, human error, equipment
quality, maintenance, and equipment application.
The purpose of a power system is to generate and
©1997 PhotoDisc, Inc.

deliver electrical energy safely, reliably, efficiently,

and economically to the intended load. Each of these
factors (safety, efficiency, reliability, and economy)
plays a major role in the design, modification, or ex-

Bruce L. Graves is with World Wide Technologies, Inc.

of Greenville, South Carolina. This article appeared in
its original form at the 2000 IEEE IAS Pulp and Paper
Industry Technical Conference.

14 IEEE Industry Applications Magazine ■ March/April 2001 1077-2618/01/$10.00©2001 IEEE

pansion of a power system. If any of these factors is
left unattended, it can jeopardize the future profit-
ability of the facility. Here’s how:
■ Safety: If ignored, can cause injury, loss of life,
property damage, and destruction.
■ Reliability: If ignored, can cause needless in-
terruption of power, resulting in costly man-
ufacturing outages.
■ Efficiency: If ignored, can cause excessive
equipment and energy costs, reducing the
overall profitability of the manufacturing
■ Economy: If ignored, economy or false econ-
omy can influence the initial installation
costs and long-term maintenance and repair
costs, either of which reduce the profitability
of the facility.

Performance Problems
Factors that keep a power system from doing its job
can be divided into two categories: equipment or
component failures and equipment or component
operation (intentional or unintentional).
■ Equipment or component that can fail include
cable insulation, bus insulation, transformers,
circuit breakers, and motors. Some of these
failures may be related to the original system
design and equipment or device failure.
■ Equipment, component, or erratic operation
are represented by actions such as circuit
breaker trips, fuses blowing, switch opera-
tion, and protective relay operation. Some of
those operations are correctly doing their job,
and others are operating on conditions that
should not cause power system interruptions.
Any factor that prevents a power system from
doing its job reduces the productivity of the power
system and ultimately the facility that it serves.

Improving the Productivity

Implementing the results and recommendations of
power system studies will improve the productiv-
ity of a power system.
Chapter 2 of ANSI/IEEE 399-1990 states the
following: “The planning, design, and operation of
industrial power systems require engineering
studies to evaluate existing and proposed system
performance, reliability, safety, and economics.
Studies, properly conceived and conducted, are a
cost-effective way to prevent surprises and to opti-
mize equipment selection. In the design stage, the
studies identify and avoid potential deficiencies in
the system before it goes into operation. In existing
systems, the studies locate the cause of equipment
failure and misoperation and determine corrective
measures for improving system performance.”
The most common system studies done on
power systems includes: load flow, short-circuit,
stability, motor starting, harmonic analysis,
switching transient, reliability, cable ampacity,

IEEE Industry Applications Magazine ■ March/April 2001 15

ground mat, and coordination studies. The three ■ Tabulate the results of the protective device
studies addressed in this article are short-circuit, evaluation, which should include recommen-
coordination, and harmonic studies. dations for corrective actions where they may
be required.
Short-Circuit Studies
A short-circuit study is the analysis of a power sys- Results
tem that determines the magnitude of the currents The result of a short-circuit study is a compilation
that flow during a fault. These magnitudes are de- of data (usually from a computer analysis) indicat-
termined at various points in time after the fault ing the available fault current at all major compo-
inception. They are then compared to the ratings of nents of a power system. These results are then
the electrical components in the power system. compared to the ratings of the equipment (existing
The comparison determines the suitability of the or proposed). The comparison is commonly called a
equipment for use in the analyzed power system. protective device evaluation. The protective device
evaluation is made to determine where and if the
Components electrical components are exposed to current mag-
The list below outlines the various components nitudes greater than the ratings of the equipment.
that comprise a short-circuit study. With the This portion of the study should also provide rec-
availability of computer software that can com- ommendations on corrective actions.
plete the calculations, some of these components
may actually be performed by the software: Why a Short-Circuit Study?
■ Define the study scope (what are the bound- The specification and purchase of new electrical
ary points of the study scope?). power equipment is dependent on selecting the
■ Gather data on the power system (including equipment with the proper ratings for the applica-
that of the utility serving the facility) and the tion. The selection of the equipment is partially
associated equipment (either in the field for based on the magnitude of the fault currents that
existing power systems or from manufactur- can flow through the equipment. The equipment
ers’ data sheets for new systems). selected must be designed and built so that it can
■ Categorize and tabulate the data. successfully handle (carry and interrupt) the fault
■ Create a power system one-line diagram (or currents that flow during a short circuit. A short-
update an existing one). circuit study is needed to determine the magnitude
■ Convert the raw data into usable data. of these fault currents. It is imperative that the rat-
■ Create or construct needed impedance diagrams. ings of the selected equipment equal or exceed the
■ Calculate the fault current flows throughout magnitude of the calculated values of the short-cir-
the power system, especially at major points cuit currents that can flow during a fault.
of interest (usually related to equipment or After the initial design work is completed suc-
device ratings). cessfully, many power systems experience changes
■ Read and compare the results of the calcula-
that result in the need for new short-circuit studies.
tions to the ratings of the associated equip-
Table I lists a few of the various types of equip-
ment (this is commonly called a protective
ment and their ratings. This table is not intended to
device evaluation).
be complete. It is suggested that the reader refer to
the appropriate manufacturers’ data sheets and the
appropriate equipment standard (IEEE, ANSI,
Table I. Typical Electrical Equipment Fault NEMA, or UL) for a complete listing of ratings.
Current Ratings
How Often Is a Short-Circuit Study Performed?
Type of Equipment Typical Fault Current Ratings Short-circuit studies should be performed as a
in kilo amps
part of the initial design of an electrical power sys-
Fuses (600-V class) 10 kA, 50 kA, 100 kA, etc. tem and at any time a significant modification is
anticipated. The original or base study must be
Molded case circuit breakers 14 kA, 25 kA, 35 kA and up completed so that the electrical power system com-
(600-V class)
ponents can be properly selected.
Air power circuit breakers 35 kA, 50 kA, 65 kA and up After a power system design has been com-
(600-V class) pleted and placed into operation, the usual expec-
tation is that the loads will grow with the
Switchgear bus bracing (600-V class) 35 kA, 50 kA, 65 kA, 100 kA, etc.
expansion and growth of the facility. The expan-
Motor control center bus bracing 35 kA, 50 kA, 65 kA, 100 kA, etc. sion and growth will usually involve the addition
(600-V class) of new motors and loads, necessitating the installa-
tion of new motor control centers, circuit breakers,
Medium voltage switchgear Momentary and interrupting ratings
of 58 and 28 kA
switchgear, switchboards, transformers, and asso-
ciated electrical system components.

16 IEEE Industry Applications Magazine ■ March/April 2001

As motor loads increase, their fault contribu- nate their electrical system in a manner so that elec-
tion to the existing system increases, exposing the trical equipment damage is minimized and the
existing power equipment to higher available fault power system outage is limited to the smallest se-
current magnitudes. These additions can reach a lected portion of the power system.
point where the fault currents equal or exceed the
ratings of the installed electrical equipment. Components
Adding load to a power system must not expose the The list below outlines the various components
existing equipment to fault current magnitudes in that make up a coordination study. Computer soft-
excess of the equipment ratings. ware may be able to perform many of these tasks.
Continued evaluation of the short-circuit cur- ■ Define the study scope (what are the bound-
rents associated with the modifications must be ary points of the system included in the study
completed to ensure that the fault current magni- scope?).
tudes are not allowed to increase to a point above ■ Gather data on the power system (including
the equipment ratings. If modifications to a facil- that of the utility serving the facility) and the
ity are constant, then short-circuit studies must be associated equipment (either in the field for
completed regularly in anticipation of the modifi- existing power systems or from manufactur-
cations. The frequency of the studies should follow ers’ data sheets for new systems).
the frequency of the modifications to the facility. ■ Categorize the data.
Some facility owners have adopted a regular sched- ■ Create a power system one-line diagram (or
ule of updating their studies every five years, when revise an existing one).
little or no change is made to a facility. Planned ■ Review the protective device characteristics,
regular updates will catch changes made by the ratings and settings.
utility as well as the plant. ■ Define the desired results (level of selectivity).
Some facility owners prepare five-year plans for ■ Select preliminary device characteristic, rat-
their facility’s operation and growth. Short-circuit ing or setting.
studies should be used as a tool in assisting in the ■ Prepare the final settings and/or time current
preparation of these plans. They can be used to as- curves.
sist in evaluating proposed changes and additions ■ Tabulate the results and recommendations.
to facilities and determine how the facility can best Several of the above items are similar to those of a
spend capital for new electrical equipment. De- short-circuit study. One usually gathers field data
pending on the magnitude of the proposed for both a short-circuit and a coordination study at
changes, the costs of the new electrical equipment the same time.
can impact the costs of the project significantly. The results of a coordination study are recom-
Short-circuit tables and curves are found in ap- mendations on the proper protective device charac-
plication literature. These tables and curves are of- teristic, rating, or setting selection for all of the
ten used as a quick means of determining short- system protective devices. These recommendations
circuit currents. They are based on assumptions un- should provide, when implemented, a power system
known to the user and do not cover the entire power whose protection devices will provide the level of
system being evaluated. Some of these may match system protection and selectivity planned.
equipment ratings to transformer ratings. A word of
caution is in order: tables and curves do not replace Why a Coordination Study?
exact engineering calculations. A coordination study and the implementation of
the resulting recommendations will minimize de-
Coordination Studies vice erratic operation and (i.e., nuisance power out-
A coordination study is the process of determining ages) electrical equipment damage and provide
the optimum characteristics, ratings, and settings improved power system reliability.
of the power system protective devices. The opti- A coordination study is needed:
mum settings are focused on providing systematic ■ When the initial power system is designed,
interruptions to the selected power system seg- ■ When new loads are added to the power system,
ments during fault conditions. ■ When existing equipment is replaced with
Engineers in process-related industries whose equipment whose ratings are higher,
processes can cause equipment damage and/or hu- ■ When a fault on the periphery of the system
man injury in case of an unplanned shutdown will shuts down a major portion of the system,
design the protective system on the operating phi- ■ When the utility or source short-circuit cur-
losophy consistent with the safety of the process. rent changes, and
Design and coordination of these systems requires ■ When new relays are installed to replace or
special considerations that are beyond the scope of upgrade the existing relays.
this article. Properly coordinated power system protective
Those industries’ engineers whose processes can devices will result in a power system that is highly
afford limited outages generally design and coordi- reliable and minimizes equipment damage during

IEEE Industry Applications Magazine ■ March/April 2001 17

faults. It will also afford operation with the least ■ Plant expansions that include large amounts
exposure to outages. of harmonic generating loads,
In many cases, coordination studies reveal areas ■ Installation of power-factor-correction ca-
where exact coordination between two devices is not pacitors on power systems that contain large
possible. In these cases, engineering judgment is used harmonic generating loads, and
to select the most desirable configuration—usually ■ History of capacitor fuse failures.
one that will minimize equipment damage.
What Completes a Harmonic Analysis?
Harmonic Analyses
The same data needed to complete the short-circuit
A harmonic analysis evaluates the steady-state ef-
fects of nonsinusoidal voltages and currents on the study is needed for this work. In addition to that
power system and its components. Some of the data, a good understanding of the power system
sources of these wave shape disturbances are: DC serving the facility is needed by the engineer per-
rectifiers, adjustable-speed drives, arc furnaces, forming the analysis. The engineer must know if
welding machines, static power converters of all there are capacitors on the utility system that may
kinds, and transformer saturation. affect the results of the study. Additionally, he or
she must also know: 1) the utility harmonic voltage
Why Harmonic Analysis? spectrum at the point of common coupling, 2) data
Electrical equipment used to generate, distribute, on all system capacitors, 3) specific system config-
and utilize electrical energy is designed for use on urations and operating characteristics and proce-
power systems that supply pure sine waves. When a dures on all converter circuits to be studied, and 4)
voltage or current wave shape is distorted, it causes any utility limitations on distortion limit.
abnormal operating conditions in the system and
equipment. Various types of equipment are affected Results
differently by these wave shape distortions. The result or solution to a harmonic problem is to
Some examples are: shift the harmonic resonant point to some other
■ Voltage distortion can cause additional heat-
frequency not generated by the equipment in the
ing in induction and synchronous motors and system. Through the course of the evaluation, the
system power factor may also be adjusted to an im-
■ Voltage distortion with high peak values can
proved point. The use of filters may be required to
weaken insulation in cables, windings, and
capacitors. shift the resonant point. The analysis may reveal
■ Voltage wave shape distortion can also cause
that some system components require derating due
malfunction of electronic devices that use to the heating caused by harmonic currents.
wave shape for timing. The net result of the harmonic analysis, once the
■ Harmonic currents in motor windings can recommendations of the analysis are implemented,
cause higher noise emissions. is a power system whose components are not ex-
■ Harmonic currents cause additional heating posed to voltages or currents that exceed their ca-
in transformers. pability or the mill or utility requirements.
■ Harmonic currents flowing through cables It is important that these studies, along with
cause higher heating over and above the heat- others, be given the attention needed at the appro-
ing expected from rms currents. priate times throughout the life of a facility.
■ Harmonic currents flowing through switch-
gear can increase heating and losses in the References
switchgear and circuit breakers. [1] IEEE Recommended Practice for Power Systems Analysis, IEEE
■ Resonant current flows can cause capacitor Std. 399, 1990.
failures and/or fuse failures in the capacitor or [2] IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for
other electrical equipment. Industrial Plants, IEEE Std. 141, 1993.
■ Protective relays and circuit breakers can trip [3] D. L. Beeman, Ed, Industrial Power Systems Handbook. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1955.
falsely due to harmonic currents. [4] J.L. Blackburn, Protective Relaying Principles and Applications.
New York: Marcel Dekker, 1987.
When Is a Harmonic Analysis Needed? [5] IEEE Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of
A harmonic analysis is usually needed when any of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, IEEE Std. 242,
the following conditions exists: 1986.
■ During the design phase of a facility that con- [6] IEEE Recommended Practices for Harmonic Control in Electric
sists of a large harmonic-generating load (arc Power Systems, IEEE Std. 519, 1992.
[7] C.K. Duffey, “ESA’s Practical Guide To Power System Har-
furnaces, rectifier lines, a large concentration monics,” ESA seminar notes.
of variable-speed drives), [8] R.H. McFadden, “Power-System Analysis: What It Can Do
■ When a utility limits its distortion to the sys- for Industrial Plants,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., Mar./Apr.
tem voltages and currents, 1971.

18 IEEE Industry Applications Magazine ■ March/April 2001

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