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1) Aristotle calls ____ as the soul of a tragedy.

a) Plot b) Tragedy c) pity & fear d) None of these

2) When the change of fortune takes place without Reversal of the Situation and without
Recognition is known as ________.

a) Simple Plot b) Hamartia c) pity & fear d) None of these

3) The change of fortune should be not from bad to good but from ___.

a) Catharsis b) good to bad c) pity & fear d) Tragic flaw

4) By descending orders ___comes first among the elements of tragedy given in Poetics

a) Spectacles b) Thought c) Character d) Plot

5) Republic is written by ___

a) Plato b) Aristotle c) Sophocles d) None of these

6) Imitation or mimesis is used to reveal __

a) Reality b) Truth c) both a & b d) fun

1. Traditional and Individual Talent is written by ___

b) Sidney b) Plato c) T.S.Eliot d) None of these

2. ___ put charges on poetry in School of Abuses.

a) Wordsworth b) Colridge c) Gosson d) both a & b

3. According to Plato poetry is ___of lies

a) Mother b) Father c) cluster d) None of these

4. Eliot’s theory of impersonality compares mind to ___

a) Catalyst b) imagination c) creativity d) None of these
5. Poetry is __ of abuses.
a) Nurse b) doctor c) source d) None of these

6. Poets were called vates by ___

a) Romans b) Indian c) Russians d) None of these

7. Sidney divided poetry into ___ main categories.

a) One b) Three c) Six d) None of these

8. A lamenting poem is known as ___

a) Iambic b) Satiric c) Elegiac d) None of these
9. Tales of sheep and wolves is ___ poem.
a) Pastoral b) Romantic c) Comic d) None of these

10. ____of poetry is the relation of the poem to its author.

a) Impersonal theory b) Romantic approach c) philosophical theory d) None of these

11. Elements which affect the process of poetic imagination.

a) Feelings b) Emotions c) Thought d) both a & b

12. Poetry which makes kings tyrant and tyrants more fearful is known as ___
a) Pastoral b) Romantic c) Tragic d) None of these

13. Traditional and individual Talent was published first time in __

a) The Egoist b) The Newyork times c) Comics d) None of these

14. First section of Eliot’s essay talks about ___

a) Poet b) Romanticism c) Tradition d) None of these

15. Who has defined poetry as an escape from emotion and personality.
a) Philip Sidney b) T.S.Eliot c) Arnold d) John Keats

16. A Defence of Poesy is a work of Literary criticism by ___

a) Philip Sidney b) T.S.Eliot c) Gosson d) Aristotle

17. David’s Psalms are the manifestation of ___ poetry.

a) Religious b) Philosophical c) Imaginative d) None of these

18. The emotion of art according to Eliot must be __

a) Personal b) Impersonal c) Both a & c d) None of these

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