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Starter A and B

Reading and Writing Activities

Marlene Sánchez Magdalena

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First published 2006

ISBN 978-1-4058-4367-6

Printed in

Cover layout: Confusión

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1. MY BODY 8




5. THE SEA 12

6. TOYS 13

7. FOOD 14



1. MY FACE 16


3. MY TOYS 18

4. FOOD 19

5. MY BODY 20

6. MY HOUSE 21


8. MY PARTY 23

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This booklet of photocopiable material provides extra
activities to develop the reading and writing skills in the
first cycle of Primary. Each page of photocopiable activities
corresponds with one unit from the course material English
Adventure Starter A and B. The activities focus firstly on
reading, and then on writing. They are easy to carry out in
class, needing little preparation beforehand. The activity types
have been specifically chosen to motivate the pupils, and
display a gentle increase in difficulty as the material develops.

The development of the reading and writing skills in English
Adventure Starter A and B takes into account what the pupils
have already been doing in their Kindergarten education, and

centres around the following principles:

Language input is basically oral input. The written

word is then introduced with the aid of visuals and/

or the language context.

The written word is not presented until the

language has been presented and practised orally,

to avoid first language interference.

The language that the pupils learn to read and write

is the key target language and vocabulary of the
course material.

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> Reading and Writing in English Adventure Starter A and B

Starter A
English Adventure Starter A centres on the recognition of the written word. The pupils are expected
to learn the key vocabulary of the unit, which can be seen at a glance in the Picture Dictionary pages
79-80 of the Pupil’s Book.
The eight core teaching units of the Pupil's Book consist of six lessons:
• Lesson 1 – presentation of new language, usually by means of a flashcard activity.
• Lesson 2 – the new language items are revised and practised. Related vocabulary may be presented.
• Lesson 3 – Practise and extension: additional language items are taught, to be used in combination
with those presented in Lesson 1.
• Lesson 4 – presentation of a song linked to the unit topic. Pupils then complete the corresponding
photocopiable Evaluation Sheet pages T77-T91 of the Teacher’s Book.
• Lesson 5 – cartoon story with dialogue recorded on audio CD or cassette featuring the key language
of the unit.
• Lesson 6 – conversation between real, English-speaking children. Then a drawing activity allowing
pupils to personalise what they have learned.
Further practice is given in the Activity Book and in the activity sheets provided in this booklet.

> Unit 1 > Unit 5

1. The pupils look at the monster and write the number 1. The pupils read the phrases and draw and colour the
of body parts in the corresponding boxes. sea animals.
2. They complete the picture crossword. 2. They colour the sea animals a colour of their choice
(KEY 1: 1 head, 4 hands, 3 feet, 1 body) and then complete the sentences.

> Unit 2 > Unit 6

1. The pupils match the words with the pictures. 1. The pupils match the toys with the corresponding
2. They order the letters to form the correct words words.
underneath the silhouettes. 2. They find the toys which belong to each speaker
(KEY 2: granny, sister, mum, brother, dad, grandad) and complete the sentences.
(KEY 1: I’ve got a ball and a kite. I’ve got a teddy bear
> Unit 3 and a doll. I’ve got a train and a car.)
1. The pupils read the phrases and colour the
classroom objects.
> Unit 7
2. They join the numbers and complete the sentences. 1. The pupils match the words with the corresponding
(KEY 2: It’s a pencil. It’s a book. It’s a rubber. It’s a pen.) food items in the picture.
2. They complete the phrases and colour the pictures.
> Unit 4 (KEY 2: a pink and brown cake, a red apple,
a yellow banana, brown bread)
1. The pupils read the phrases and circle the
corresponding number of animals.
2. They find the words in the wordsearch.
> Unit 8
(KEY 1: they circle 6 dogs, 7 birds, 8 cats, 9 rabbits 1. The pupils match the pieces of the puzzle to the
and 10 horses) pictures and write the words.
2. They look at the pictures and complete the sentences.
(KEY 1: pencil, sandcastle, rubber, apple, starfish)
(KEY 2: It’s a pencil. It’s a rabbit. It’s a shell.
It’s an apple.)

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> > > > > > > > > > > >

Starter B
The material for Starter B works in a similar way, but this time the written word is presented earlier
on in the unit, and whole sentences are also worked with.
• Lesson 2 - once the pupils have worked with the language orally, they encounter the written form.
• Lesson 4 - the pupils carry out a simple reading activity based on single-word recognition.
• Lesson 6 - the pupils carry out some type of reading and/or writing activity. Once the pupils have
completed this activity they can do the photocopiable worksheet provided in this
Encourage the pupils to use their Picture Dictionary on pages 79-80 of their Pupil’s Book to help them
with the activities.

> Unit 1 > Unit 5

1. The pupils read the sentences and complete the 1. The pupils match the words with the picture.
picture of the face. 2. They draw a picture of a monster of their own choice
2. They look at the pictures, complete the phrases and and complete the sentences.
colour the items.
(KEY 2: two blue eyes, one pink nose, three yellow > Unit 6
ears, four green teeth, one red mouth, brown hair)
1. The pupils look at the pictures and complete the
> Unit 2 2. They complete the crossword.
1. The pupils match the words with the corresponding (KEY 1: There’s a bed in the bedroom. There’s a bath in
picture. the bathroom. There’s a table in the kitchen. There’s a
2. They look at the pictures of the animals and write the sofa in the living room.)
correct words.
(KEY 2: It’s an elephant. It’s a zebra. It’s a hippo. > Unit 7
It’s a rhino. It’s a lion.)
1. The pupils read the descriptions and draw the clothes.
2. They look at the picture, circle the clothes and write the
> Unit 3 correct words.
1. The pupils read the descriptions and colour the toys (KEY 2: dress, T-shirt, shoes, trousers)
2. They colour the toys a colour of their choice and then > Unit 8
complete the sentences.
1. The pupils read the description and colour the items in
the picture.
> Unit 4 2. They write the correct words next to the pictures and
1. The pupils match the faces showing like or dislike find them in the wordsearch.
with the corresponding food items according to the (KEY 2: shoes, nine, bread, doll, ear, bed, rabbit)
2. They write the correct words next to the pictures and
find them in the wordsearch.
(KEY 2: sandwich, spaghetti, fish, water, pizza)

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1 My body English Adventure Starter A

NAME: .................................................................................. CLASS: .............................

1 Look and count.





2 Do the puzzle.

8 English Adventure Starter A and Starter B Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited, 2006

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2 My family English Adventure Starter A

NAME: .................................................................................. CLASS: .............................

1 Match.







2 Who is it?
nagn stie mmu
y r sr

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
eot dda ada
rh b rn

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
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3 My classroom English Adventure Starter A

NAME: .................................................................................. CLASS: .............................

1 Read and colour.

a green pencil case

a blue pen
a yellow book
a red pencil
a green rubber
a yellow pencil
a red bag

2 What is this?

It’s a __ __ __ __ __ __. It’s a __ __ __ __.

It’s a __ __ __ __ __ __. It’s a __ __ __.

10 English Adventure Starter A and Starter B Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited, 2006

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4 Animals English Adventure Starter A

NAME: .................................................................................. CLASS: .............................

1 Read and circle.

six dogs

seven birds

eight cats

nine rabbits

ten horses

2 Find the animals.

r c a t g m b
a y t f s i i
b d d o g y r
b h e l j b d
i o w u g v i
t r a o a l e
t s f a d h p
h e h s c a o

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5 The sea English Adventure Starter A

NAME: .................................................................................. CLASS: .............................

1 Draw and colour.

a purple fish an orange starfish

a brown crab a pink shell

2 Colour and write.

It’s a __ __ __ __.
It’s ...................................................................... .

It’s a __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
It’s ...................................................................... ..

It’s a __ __ __ __.
It’s ...................................................................... .

It’s a __ __ __ __ __.
It’s ...................................................................... .
12 English Adventure Starter A and Starter B Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited, 2006

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6 Toys English Adventure Starter A

NAME: .................................................................................. CLASS: .............................

1 Read and match.

ball yo-yo

train kite

teddy bear boat

doll car

2 Find and write.

I’ve got a __ __ __ __
and a __ __ __ __.

I’ve got a __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
and a __ __ __ __.

I’ve got a __ __ __ __ __
and a __ __ __.

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7 Food English Adventure Starter A

NAME: .................................................................................. CLASS: .............................

1 Find and match.

eggs chicken

apple bread

cheese cake


2 Write and colour.

a pink and brown __ __ __ __ a red __ __ __ __ __

a yellow __ __ __ __ __ __ brown __ __ __ __ __

14 English Adventure Starter A and Starter B Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited, 2006

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8 My holiday English Adventure Starter A

NAME: .................................................................................. CLASS: .............................

1 Match and write.

a castle ..................................................

pen pple ..................................................

sand bber ..................................................

star cil ..................................................

ru fish ..................................................

2 What is this?

It’s a ............................. . It’s a ............................. .

It’s a ............................. . It’s an ............................. .

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1 My face English Adventure Starter B

NAME: .................................................................................. CLASS: .............................

1 Read and draw.

I’ve got one red mouth

and two green ears.
I’ve got three blue eyes
and four black teeth.
I’ve got one yellow nose
and brown hair.

2 Complete and colour.

two blue one pink three yellow

......................................... ......................................... .........................................

four green one red brown

......................................... ......................................... .........................................

16 English Adventure Starter A and Starter B Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited, 2006

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2 Animals English Adventure Starter B

NAME: .................................................................................. CLASS: .............................

1 Find and match.







2 What is it? Complete.

It’s an It’s a .

It’s a h......pp...... . It’s a rh......n...... . It’s a l............n.

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3 My toys English Adventure Starter B

NAME: .................................................................................. CLASS: .............................

1 Find and colour.

It’s a train. It’s a car.

It’s small. It’s small.
It’s red. It’s blue.
It’s a boat. It’s a doll.
It’s big. It’s big.
It’s green. It’s pink.
It’s a ball.
It’s big.
It’s yellow.

2 Colour and write.

It’s a ........................................ . It’s a ........................................ .

It’s ........................................ . It’s ........................................ .

It’s a ........................................ . It’s a ........................................ .

It’s ........................................ . It’s ........................................ .
18 English Adventure Starter A and Starter B Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited, 2006

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4 Food English Adventure Starter B

NAME: .................................................................................. CLASS: .............................

1 Look and match.

I like pizza. I don’t like water.
I don’t like fish. I like spaghetti.

2 Find and write.

s a n d w i c h
p v b a s d i h
a l g t f i s h ..................................
g d i w a t e r
h q p c c e m e ..................................
e d i g v b m a
t w z f z a m b
t c z e m q o s ..................................
i z a k c g v s
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5 My body English Adventure Starter B

NAME: .................................................................................. CLASS: .............................

1 Find and match.

eyes mouth
arms ears
hands legs
nose toes
hair fingers

2 Draw and complete.

I’ve got ......... eyes, ......... legs, ......... arms and ......... hands.
I’ve got ......... nose and ......... mouth.
I’ve got ......... fingers and ......... toes.
20 English Adventure Starter A and Starter B Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited, 2006

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6 My house English Adventure Starter B

NAME: .................................................................................. CLASS: .............................

1 Complete the sentences.

There’s a in the ...................................................... .

There’s a in the ...................................................... .

There’s a in the ...................................................... . living

r o o m
ba t h
There’s a in the ...................................................... .

2 Do the puzzle.

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7 My clothes English Adventure Starter B

NAME: .................................................................................. CLASS: .............................

1 Read and draw.

I’m wearing a T-shirt, I’m wearing a sweater,
trousers and shoes. a skirt, and a hat.

2 Find, circle and write.





22 English Adventure Starter A and Starter B Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited, 2006

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8 My party English Adventure Starter B

NAME: .................................................................................. CLASS: .............................

1 Read, find and colour.

I’ve got a yellow elephant, a red train, a green
duck, a purple kite and an orange rabbit.


2 Find and write.


e a r a r o u r
i x d b e d f a
s h b r s d o b ..................................
h b d e b n p b
o g t a c i n i
e z u d e n a t ..................................
s f t f y e m h
j d o l l k l t ..................................


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ISBN 978-1-4058-4367-6

9 781405 843676

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