Witch Hunter A D

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Character Name

Major Actions
Repartee (Flair vs. Flair, Savvy, or Daring) +0
You try to Taunt (vs. Flair) or Intimidate (vs. Daring) a foe to cause
them to lose 1 Composure; or Trick (vs. Savvy), to give them a Penalty
Die. A taunted foe takes -1 penalty to Defense instead of dice rolls
from Composure loss. Each side gets career bonus if appropriate to the
Regain Composure (Automatic)
You spend a Major action collecting yourself, and recover 1
Composure. * If the attacker is using a 2-handed weapon, they get +2 to their
modifier. If the Defender is using a 2-handed weapon, increase the
Bladework (Daring + Melee vs. Defense) +0
This is a standard armed melee attack. difficulty by 2.

Brawling (Daring + Brawl vs. Defense) +0

Unarmed attacks do 1d2 dmg. Kicks have -1 to hit and do 1d3 dmg.
Ranged Attack (Savvy + Ranged vs. Defense, Range
Modifiers) +0
A standard ranged attack, requiring aim and finesse, such as a firearm,
bow, or thrown knife. Opponents cannot Yield Advantage, but can
spend a Fortune point to have a Close Call.
Blade Throw (Flair + Melee vs. Defense, Range Modifiers)
You hurl your sword at the enemy with a 5’ range increment and +2
Phases sooner. This counts as a Ranged attack.
Choke/Crush (Might + Brawl vs. Brawl) +0
You do 1+Might damage to a grappled enemy. They cannot Yield
Advantage. If the attack fails, the enemy has broken free. If you use a
garrote to choke, you have +2 to hit and damage. You are At A Loss
and cannot Yield Advantage while choking an enemy.
Dirty Fighting (Flair + Brawl vs. Defense) +0
You throw sand in the enemy’s eyes, pull a rug from under their feet,
kick them in the groin, etc. The enemy is At a Loss until they expend a
Major Action or 1 Advantage to recover.
Disarm (Might + Melee [or Brawl] vs. Might + Melee)* +0
You must be in a Bind, a Grapple, or have gotten Mighty Success on a
Parry to Disarm. Success: opponent’s weapon hits the ground 1d6 feet
away. Mighty Success: you have the weapon. Quick Disarm: Penalty
Die, but no Bind/Grapple needed; can follow Parry as Reaction, or Free
action with Mighty Success Parry.
Glide (Flair + Melee vs. Might) +0
When your sword is trapped, you slide it out and slash your opponent
in the process for Half damage.
Hilt Punch (Might + Melee vs. Defense) +0
You hit the opponent with the hilt or butt of your weapon for 1d3 Dmg.
The opponent takes a Penalty Die on their next attack, Reaction, or
initiative roll.
Hurl Axe/Spear (Might + Ranged vs. Defense, Range
Modifiers) +0
Treat this as a Ranged Attack for an axe or spear.
Lunge (Daring + Melee vs. Defense) +0
+1d6 Dmg with impaling weapon. You get -1 Defense & cannot Yield
Advantage till next turn.
Moulinet (Might -1 + Melee vs. Defense) +0
Using a swung weapon, like an axe, you attack everyone adjacent to
you- at -1 to hit. You cannot make a Reaction until next turn.
Quick Cut (Flair + Melee vs. Defense) +0
You make two attacks (each does half damage; round down). You go 1
phase sooner. Must use a light 1-handed cutting weapon.
Staple (Flair -2 + Melee or Ranged, vs. Defense) +0/+0
You pin an enemy’s clothing to the wall using an impaling weapon like
a dagger, arrow, or rapier. The weapon remains lodged in the wall.
Freeing oneself takes a Major Action. Pinning a sword arm sleeve is a
-4 difficulty instead of -2.
Sword Break (Special)
You must have opponent’s weapon in a Bind, or get a Mighty success
when parrying. You and foe both roll damage (ignore Might). If your roll
is greater, their weapon breaks.
Tag (Flair + Melee vs. Defense + Daring, or Flair -4 + Melee)
You use your blade to slash initials, put out a candle, etc to impress
your foes. If you succeed vs. one foe, they must Yield Advantage or
Lose 1 Composure. Against an object: All foes engaged with you must
spend a Minor Action to recover from awe.
Character Name
Minor Actions
Arm Yourself
You draw a weapon or pick one up. You must Yield 1 Advantage to
recover a weapon from the ground. Also, see Quick Draw.
Move Far
You get to move short distances as part of every action, but
sometimes, you need to cover a lot of ground or go up a ladder. The
GM decides if actions are needed to cover ground & how many.
Load Weapon
You spend 1 Minor Action towards loading a weapon. Some weapons
require more time loading than others. See also: Quick Load.
Return Weapon
A classic swashbuckling show of gallantry, you toss your disarmed
opponent a weapon, and gain 1 Advantage and 1 Fortune Point.
Aim Shot
Increase Range Increment 10’ with your next ranged attack.
Barehand Bind (Daring + Brawl vs. Melee) +0
You grab a foe’s sword with your hand. Foe makes Daring check or lose
1 Composure and give you a free attack using other hand. You take
1d3+1 Dmg per round you maintain this hold- but their weapon is
trapped. Freeing their weapon is a Melee attack against your Might. If
it succeeds, you take +1 damage from their weapon and lose your grip
on it. You can also do this as a Reaction after a Barehand Parry. Gloves
& gauntlets protect vs. the damage you take.
Beat (Might + Melee vs. Might)* +0
You hit the foe’s weapon. Next ally to attack foe gets a Bonus Die, or
foes’s next attack gets a Penalty Die.
Bind (Might + Melee vs. Melee)* +0
You trap your enemy’s sword with your own, (or un-trap yours). Neither
sword can be used during a bind (but an off-hand can be used, or the
original sword dropped).
Feint (Flair + Melee vs. Savvy) +0
You get a Bonus Die on your next attack vs. this opponent.
Footwork (Savvy + Melee vs. Savvy) +0
You can get around an opponent or obstacle that is impeding you. Or,
you can take an Advantageous Position that grants +1 Melee or +1
Defense as long as you hold it.
Grapple (Might + Brawl vs. Might) +0
You grab the enemy and hold them, or free yourself from an enemy’s
grapple. Grappled opponents can only attack Corps-a-Corps. It is risky
to grapple an armed foe.
Quick Draw (Hard [-2] Flair + Ranged or Melee) +0/+0
If you succeed, it takes no action to draw your weapon. If you fail, you
must spend a Minor Action to draw, or split your action.
Quick Load (Hard [-2] Savvy + Ranged) +0
If you succeed, you achieve 2 Load Actions instead of 1. If you fail, you
achieve 0. You may add Ranks in Soldier to your roll.
Shove/Trip (Might + Brawl vs. Might) +0
You knock an opponent off their feet or into the rails. They are At a
Loss, until they spend a Minor Action to stand.

Dodge (Automatic)
You get +2 to your Defense for this Phase, turning a hit into a miss.
Barehand Parry (Daring + Brawl +1 vs. Attack Roll) +0
You knock aside the foe’s sword with your hand, taking 1d3 dmg.
Gloves and Gauntlets lessen the damage.
Brawling Parry (Savvy + Brawl vs. Attack Roll) +0
You block opponent’s Brawling attack if your roll ties or exceeds their
Attack roll.
Cloak Parry (Flair + Melee vs. Attack Roll) +0
This works like a Parry, but you use a cloak, hat, etc.
Parry (Savvy + Melee vs. Attack Roll) +0
You block opponent’s attack if your roll ties or exceeds their Attack roll.
Riposte (Savvy + Melee vs. Defense) +0
After a successful Parry or Dodge, you make an attack on your
Stop-Thrust (Daring + Melee vs. Attack Roll) +0
Instead of parrying, you hold your blade out to impale your attacking
foe. Success= you hit w/ +2 Damage. If they live, they hit you. If you
fail, the enemy hits you w/ +2 Damage. Neither of you can Yield

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