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Assignment 2

DUE: OCTOBER 12, 2017

Problem 1
Suppose that Alice's RSA public key is (N, e) = (33,3) and
her private key is d = 7.
A: If Bob encrypts the message M = 19 using Alice's
public key, what is the ciphertext C? Show that Alice
can decrypt C to obtain M.
B: Let S be the result when Alice digitally signs the
message M = 25. What is S? If Bob receives M and S,
explain the process Bob will use to verify the signature
and show that in this particular case, the signature
verification succeeds.
Problem 2
• Consider the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol.
Suppose that Alice sends her Diffie-Hellman value,
ga mod p, to Bob. Further, suppose that Bob wants
the resulting shared secret to be a specific value X.
Can Bob choose his Diffie-Hellman value so that,
following the protocol, Alice will compute the
shared secret X? If so, provide precise details and if
not, why not?
Problem 3
• Consider the elliptic curve
E : y2 =x3 +7x+b (mod 11).
• a. Determine b so that the point P = (4,5) is on the
curve E.
• b. Using the b found in part a, list all points on E.
• c. Using the b found in part a, find the sum (4,5) +
(5,4) on E.
• d. Using the b found in part a, find the point 3(4,5).
Problem 4
Suppose Bob and Alice want to flip a coin over a network and
decide who is the winner. Alice proposes the following protocol.
(i) Alice randomly selects a value X in {0,1} (i.e., either 0 or 1).
(ii) Alice generates a 256-bit random symmetric key K.
(iii) Using the AES cipher, Alice computes Y = E(X, R, K), where R
consists of 255 randomly selected bits.
(iv) Alice sends Y to Bob.
(v) Bob guesses a value Z in {0,1} and tells Alice.
(vi) Alice gives the key K to Bob who computes (X, R) = D(Y, K).
(vii) If X = Z then Bob wins, otherwise Alice wins.

This protocol is insecure.

• a. Explain how Alice can cheat.
• b. Using a cryptographic hash function h, modify this protocol
so that Alice can't cheat.

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