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Letters and Sounds:

Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics

Phase One

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Notes for practitioners and teachers
Phase One falls largely within the Communication, Language and Literacy area of learning
in the Early Years Foundation Stage. In particular, it will support linking sounds and letters
in the order in which they occur in words, and naming and sounding the letters of the
alphabet. It also draws on and promotes other areas of learning described in the Early
Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), particularly Personal, Social and Emotional Development
and Creative Development, where, for example, music plays a key part in developing
children’s language. Phase One contributes to the provision for Communication,
Language and Literacy; it does not constitute the whole language provision.

The activities in Phase One are mainly adult-led with the intention of teaching young
children important basic elements of the Letters and Sounds programme such as oral
segmenting and blending of familiar words. However, it is equally important to sustain
and draw upon worthwhile, freely chosen activities that are provided for children in good
early years settings and Reception classes. The aim is to embed the Phase One adult-led
activities in a language-rich provision that serves the best interests of the children by fully
recognising their propensity for play and its importance in their development.

It follows that the high quality play activities which typify good provision will offer lots of
opportunities to enrich children’s language across the six areas of learning:

■ Personal, Social and Emotional Development

■ Communication, Language and Literacy
■ Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy
■ Knowledge and Understanding of the World
■ Physical Development

■ Creative Development.
Practitioners and teachers will need to be alert to the opportunities afforded for language
development through children’s play, and link learning from the Letters and Sounds
programme with all six areas.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics

© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
Enjoying and sharing books
Experience shows that children benefit hugely by exposure to books from an early age.
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Right from the start, lots of opportunities should be provided for children to engage
with books that fire their imagination and interest. They should be encouraged to
choose and peruse books freely as well as sharing them when read by an adult.

Enjoying and sharing books leads to children seeing them as a source of pleasure
and interest and motivates them to value reading.

Planning and progression

Practitioners and teachers should provide daily speaking and listening activities that are
well matched to children’s developing abilities and interests, drawing upon observations
and assessments to plan for progression and to identify children who need additional
support, for example to discriminate and produce the sounds of speech.

A rich and varied environment will support children’s language learning through Phase
One and beyond. Indoor and outdoor spaces should be well planned so that they can
be used flexibly. For each aspect in Phase One, there are photographs and captions
that illustrate the ways in which the learning environment can be designed to encourage
children to explore and apply the knowledge and skills to which they have been
introduced through the activities.

Oral blending and segmenting the sounds in words are an integral part of the later stages
of Phase One. Whilst recognising alliteration (words that begin with the same sound) is
important as children develop their ability to tune into speech sounds, the main objective
should be segmenting words into their component sounds, and especially blending the
component sounds all through a word.

Exploring the sounds in words should occur as opportunities arise throughout the
course of the day’s activities, as well as in planned adult-led sessions with groups and
individual children. Children’s curiosity in letter shapes and written words should be
fostered throughout Phase One to help them make a smooth transition to Phase Two,
when grapheme–phoneme correspondences are introduced. There is no requirement
that children should have mastered all the skills in Phase One (e.g. the ability to supply a
rhyming word) before beginning Phase Two.

Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics 00281-2007BKT-EN
 Primary National Strategy © Crown copyright 2007
Modelling listening and speaking
The ways in which practitioners and teachers model speaking and listening, interact and
talk with children are critical to the success of Phase One activities and to promoting

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

children’s speaking and listening skills more widely. The key adult behaviours can be
summarised as follows.

■ Listen to encourage talking – time spent listening to children talk to each other, and
listening to individuals without too frequent interruption, helps them to use more,
and more relevant, language. This provides practitioners with insights into children’s
learning in order to plan further learning, that is make assessments for learning.
Practitioners should recognise that waiting time is constructive. It allows children to
think about what has been said, gather their thoughts and frame their replies.

■ Model good listening. This includes making eye contact with speakers, asking the sort
of questions attentive listeners ask and commenting on what has been said. Effective
practitioners adapt their spoken interventions to give children ample opportunities to
extend their spoken communication.

■ Provide good models of spoken English to help young children enlarge their
vocabulary and learn, for example, how to structure comprehensible sentences, speak
confidently and clearly, and sustain dialogue. Phase One activities are designed to
foster these attributes.

Look, listen and note: making assessments

for learning
Effective assessment involves careful observation, analysis and review by practitioners of
each child’s knowledge, skills and understanding in order to track their progress and make
informed decisions about planning for the next steps of learning. This assessment for
learning (Early Years Foundation Stage paras 2.6–2.10, Ref: 00012-2007PCK-EN) is key to
the success of Phase One and for enabling practitioners to make principled, professional
judgments about when children should begin a systematic phonics programme. For this
reason, examples of what practitioners should focus their observations on are included after
each set of the Phase One activities under the subheading ‘Look, listen and note’. These
examples are designed to help practitioners keep a careful eye on children’s progress and
will help to identify those who may need further practice and support before moving on, as
well as supporting those who are capable of making rapid progress. By observing children,
listening to them and noting their achievements, practitioners will be well placed to judge
how well children are doing and plan next steps.

At the end of each aspect, the ‘Considerations’ section provides some indications of what
practitioners need to reflect on to develop their practice and to ensure that the needs
of all the children are met. For example, these sections suggest how activities may be
extended where appropriate to provide greater challenge and encourage children to apply
their developing language knowledge and skills more widely.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics

© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
Seven aspects and three strands
Phase One activities are arranged under the following seven aspects.
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

■ Aspect 1: General sound discrimination – environmental sounds

■ Aspect 2: General sound discrimination – instrumental sounds
■ Aspect 3: General sound discrimination – body percussion
■ Aspect 4: Rhythm and rhyme
■ Aspect 5: Alliteration
■ Aspect 6: Voice sounds
■ Aspect 7: Oral blending and segmenting
While there is considerable overlap between these aspects, the overarching aim is for
children to experience regular, planned opportunities to listen carefully and talk extensively
about what they hear, see and do. The boundaries between each strand are flexible and
not fixed: practitioners should plan to integrate the activities according to the developing
abilities and interests of the children in the setting.

Each aspect is divided into three strands.

■ Tuning into sounds (auditory discrimination)

■ Listening and remembering sounds (auditory memory and sequencing)

■ Talking about sounds (developing vocabulary and language comprehension).

Activities within the seven aspects are designed to help children:

1. listen attentively;

2. enlarge their vocabulary;

3. speak confidently to adults and other children;

4. discriminate phonemes;

5. reproduce audibly the phonemes they hear, in order, all through the word;

6. use sound-talk to segment words into phonemes.

The ways in which practitioners and teachers interact and talk with children are critical to
developing children’s speaking and listening. This needs to be kept in mind throughout all
phase one activities.

Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics 00281-2007BKT-EN
 Primary National Strategy © Crown copyright 2007
List of activities
Aspect : General sound discrimination – environmental sounds

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

■ Listening walks 9

■ A listening moment 9

■ Drum outdoors 9

■ Teddy is lost in the jungle 10

■ Sound lotto 1 10

■ Sound stories 10

■ Mrs Browning has a box 10

■ Describe and find it 11

■ Socks and shakers 11

■ Favourite sounds 11

■ Enlivening stories 12

Aspect : General sound discrimination – instrumental sounds

■ New words to old songs 15

■ Which instrument? 15

■ Adjust the volume 15

■ Grandmother’s footsteps 15

■ Matching sound makers 16

■ Matching sounds 16

■ Story sounds 17

■ Hidden instruments 17

■ Musical show and tell 17

■ Animal sounds 17

Aspect : General sound discrimination – body percussion

■ Action songs 20

■ Listen to the music 20

■ Roly poly 20

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics

© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
■ Follow the sound 21

■ Noisy neighbour 1 21
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

■ Noisy neighbour 2 22

■ Words about sounds 22

■ The Pied Piper 23

Aspect : Rhythm and rhyme

■ Rhyming books 25

■ Learning songs and rhymes 25

■ Listen to the beat 25

■ Our favourite rhymes 25

■ Rhyming soup 26

■ Rhyming bingo 26

■ Playing with words 26

■ Rhyming pairs 27

■ Songs and rhymes 27

■ Finish the rhyme 27

■ Rhyming puppets 28

■ Odd one out 28

■ I know a word 28

Aspect : Alliteration
■ I spy names 31

■ Sounds around 31

■ Making aliens 31

■ Digging for treasure 32

■ Bertha goes to the zoo 32

■ Tony the train’s busy day 32

■ Musical corners 33

Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics 00281-2007BKT-EN
 Primary National Strategy © Crown copyright 2007
■ Our sound box/bag 33

■ Mirror play 34

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

■ Silly soup 34

Aspect : Voice sounds

■ Mouth movements 37

■ Voice sounds 37

■ Making trumpets 37

■ Metal Mike 38

■ Chain games 38

■ Target sounds 38

■ Whose voice? 38

■ Sound lotto 2 39

■ Give me a sound 39

■ Sound story time 39

■ Watch my sounds 39

■ Animal noises 40

■ Singing songs 40

Aspect : Oral blending and segmenting

■ Toy talk 42

■ Clapping sounds 42

■ Which one? 43

■ Cross the river 43

■ I spy 43

■ Segmenting 43

■ Say the sounds 44


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00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics

© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Aspect : Environmental sounds

Making large movements

with swirling ribbons helps
to develop physical skills
Encourage children to use
necessary for writing.
language for thinking by asking
open questions such as What
does it feel like to be in the

Join children in their play to

extend their talk and enrich
their vocabulary.

Using a more unusual role-

play area inspires children to
use language for a range of
Children enjoy experimenting
with the sounds different
objects can make.

Explore with children the

sounds different animals make,
including imaginary ones such
as dragons.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics

© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
Aspect : General sound discrimination –
environmental sounds
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Tuning into sounds

Main purpose
■ To develop children’s listening skills and awareness of sounds in the environment

Listening walks
This is a listening activity that can take place indoors or outdoors.

Remind the children about the things that good listeners do (e.g. keep quiet, have ears
and eyes ready). Invite the children to show you how good they are at listening and talk
about why listening carefully is important. Encourage the children to listen attentively to
the sounds around them. Talk about the different sounds they can hear. The children
could use ‘cupped ears’ or make big ears on headbands to wear as they go on the
listening walk. After the children have enjoyed a listening walk indoors or outdoors,
make a list of all the sounds they can remember. The list can be in words or pictures and
prompted by replaying sounds recorded on the walk.

A listening moment
This is another activity that can take place indoors or outdoors.

Remind the children how to be good listeners and invite them to show how good they
are at listening by remembering all the sounds they hear when they listen for a moment.
It may be useful to use a sand timer to illustrate, for example, the passing of half a
minute. Ask them what made each sound and encourage them to try to make the sound

Drum outdoors
Give each child a beater or make drumsticks, for example from short pieces of dowel.
Encourage the children to explore the outdoor area and discover how different sounds
are made by tapping or stroking, with their beaters, a wooden door, a wire fence, a metal
slide, and a few items such as pipes and upturned pots you have ‘planted’.

The activity could be recorded and/or photographed.

Ask each child to demonstrate their favourite sound for the rest of the group. The whole
group can join in and copy.

Ask each child to take up position ready to make their favourite sound. An adult or a child
acts as conductor and raises a beater high in the air to signal the children to play loudly
and lowers it to signal playing softly.

Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics 00281-2007BKT-EN
 Primary National Strategy © Crown copyright 2007
Teddy is lost in the jungle
One child (the rescuer) is taken aside while a teddy bear is hidden somewhere in the
room. Tell the other children they are going to guide the rescuer to the teddy by singing
louder as the rescuer gets closer to, or quietly as the rescuer moves further away from the

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

teddy. Alternatively lead the children in singing a familiar song, rhyme or jingle, speeding
up and slowing down to guide the rescuer.

Sound lotto
There are many commercially produced sound lotto games that involve children matching
pictures to a taped sound. This can be an adult-led small group activity or can be
provided within the setting as a freely chosen activity.

Look, listen and note

Look, listen and note how well children:

■ recall sounds they have heard;

■ discriminate between the sounds;
■ describe the sounds they hear.

Listening and remembering sounds

Main purpose
■ Further development of vocabulary and children’s identification and recollection of the
difference between sounds

Sound stories
There are many commercially available resources with prerecorded sounds to illustrate a
simple sequence of events (e.g. a thunderstorm). Each child selects two or three picture
cards that match the sounds, places the cards in the same order in which the sounds are
heard and explains the sequence of events.

Mrs Browning has a box

Turn a box on its side with the opening facing away from the children. One by one place
between four and six familiar noisy items (e.g. a set of keys, crisp packet, squeaky toy)
into the box, pausing to name them and demonstrate the sound each one makes.

Sing to the tune of ‘Old MacDonald’ but using your own name or one of the children’s:

Mrs…has a box ee i ee i o

And in that box she has a…

Stop. Gesture and ask the children to listen.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
Handle one of the objects in the box, out of sight, to make a noise. The children take it in
turns to guess what is making the sound. Continue the song but imitating the sound using
your voice.
With a zzz zzz here and a zzz zzz there…
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Allow the children to take a turn at making a noise from inside the box and use their
names as you sing.

Describe and find it

Set up a model farmyard. Describe one of the animals but do not tell the children its
name. Say, for example: This animal has horns, four legs and a tail. Ask them to say which
animal it is. Ask them to make the noise the animal might make. When they are familiar
with the game let individual children take the part of the adult and describe the animal for
the others to name.
This activity can be repeated with other sets of objects such as zoo animals, toy sets
based on transport (e.g. aeroplane, car, train, bus, boat) and musical instruments. It can
be made more challenging by introducing sets of random objects to describe and name.

Look, listen and note

Look, listen and note how well children:
■ describe what they see;
■ identify the animals and imitate the sounds;
■ add new words to their vocabulary.

Talking about sounds

Main purpose
■ To make up simple sentences and talk in greater detail about sounds

Socks and shakers

Partially fill either opaque plastic bottles or the toes of socks with noisy materials (e.g. rice,
peas, pebbles, marbles, shells, coins). Ask the children to shake the bottles or socks and
identify what is inside from the sound the items make. From the feel and the sound of the
noisy materials encourage the children to talk about them. Ask questions such as: Where
might we find shells and pebbles?

Favourite sounds
Make a poster or use a whiteboard for the children to record their favourite sounds
pictorially. Invite them to put their sounds in order of popularity and talk about the ones
they like the best. Ask the children to think about sounds that they do not like (e.g. stormy
weather, barking dogs, car horns, crying babies) and to say why.

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Enlivening stories
Involve the children in songs and stories, enlivened by role-play, props and repeated
sounds, for example acting out:

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall (bump, crash, bang!)

All the King’s horses and all the King’s men (gallop, gallop, gallop)

Couldn’t put Humpty together again (boo, hoo, boo, hoo, boo, hoo).

Look, listen and note

Look, listen and note how well children:

■ identify different sounds and place them in a context;

■ identify similar sounds;
■ make up sentences to talk about sounds;
■ join in the activities and take turns to participate.

Considerations for practitioners

working with Aspect 

■ Use picture or symbol prompts to remind the children how to be a good listener.
These could be displayed on the wall, on a soft toy or in a quiet listening den.

■ As with all listening and attention activities, it is important to be aware that a busy
environment can really hinder a child’s ability to tune in. Keep a listening area free
from overly distracting wall displays, posters and resources in order to support
very young children or those who find it hard to focus on listening.

■ A small group size is preferable, to allow all of the children to have sufficient time
to participate in and respond to the activity.

■ Using gestures such as a finger to the lips alongside ‘shhh’ and a hand to the ear
alongside listen will give vital clues to children who have difficulty with understanding
or those who find it difficult to listen to the spoken instruction alone.

■ Scan the group before giving any sound cue. Use a child’s name if necessary
then make the sound immediately that you have their attention.

■ If parents or carers speak languages other than English, find out the word for
‘listen’ in the school community languages and use it when appropriate.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
■ If the children seem to recognise an object, but can’t recall its name, help them
by prompting with questions, such as: What would you do with it? Where would
you find it?
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

■ As you lead the singing, take care to slow the song down. Slowing the pace can
make a huge difference, helping children to understand the language used as
well as giving them time to prepare and join in with the words or sounds.

■ Forget conventional sound effects. For example, dogs don’t always bark woof.
Big dogs can sound like WUW WUW WUW and little ones give a squeaky Rap
rap. Vary the voice to add interest. These sounds are often more fun and even
easier for the child to attempt to copy. Be daring. Include some less conventional
animals (e.g. a parrot, a wolf) and see what sounds you come up with. You might
include dinosaurs – many children love them and no one knows what noises they
made so children can be as inventive as they like.

■ Where parents or carers speak languages other than English, find out how they
represent animal noises. Are woof, meow and quack universal? Which examples
from other languages are the most like the real sounds?

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Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Aspect : Instrumental sounds

Observe how well the children

listen to each other as they play
in the band.

Note which children can make

up simple rhythms.

Children use home-made

shakers to explore and learn
how sounds can be changed.

In their free play, children enjoy

revisiting an adult-led activity.

Playing with musical instruments

outdoors encourages children
to experiment with the sounds
they can hear.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
Aspect : General sound discrimination –
instrumental sounds
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

These activities promote speaking and listening through the use of musical instruments
(either purchased or made by the children). They do not replace the rich music provision
necessary for creative development in the wider educational programme.

Tuning into sounds

Main purpose
■ To experience and develop awareness of sounds made with instruments and noise

New words to old songs

Take a song or rhyme the children know well and invent new words to suit the purpose
and the children’s interests. Use percussion instruments to accompany the new lyrics.

Which instrument?
This activity uses two identical sets of instruments. Give the children the opportunity to
play one set to introduce the sounds each instrument makes and name them all. Then
one child hides behind a screen and chooses one instrument from the identical set to
play. The other children have to identify which instrument has been played.

Develop the activity by playing a simple rhythm or by adding a song to accompany the
instrument (e.g. There is a music man. Clap your hands) while the hidden instrument is
played. This time the listening children have to concentrate very carefully, discriminating
between their own singing and the instrument being played.

Adjust the volume

Two children sit opposite each other with identical instruments. Ask them to copy each
other making loud sounds and quiet sounds. It may be necessary to demonstrate with
two adults copying each other first. Then try the activity with an adult with one child.

Use cards giving picture or symbol cues to represent loud or quiet (e.g. a megaphone,
puppet of a lion; a finger on the lips, puppet of a mouse).1

Grandmother’s footsteps
‘Grandmother’ has a range of instruments and the children decide what movement goes
with which sound (e.g. shakers for running on tip-toe, triangle for fairy steps).

First an adult will need to model being Grandmother. Then a child takes the role.

Activity based on Looking and Listening Pack ©Heywood Middleton & Rochdale Primary Care Trust. Used with kind

Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics 00281-2007BKT-EN
15 Primary National Strategy © Crown copyright 2007
Grandmother stands with her back to the others and plays an instrument. The other
children move towards Grandmother in the manner of the instrument while it is playing.
They stop when it stops. The first person to reach Grandmother takes over that role and
the game starts again.

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Look, listen and note
Look, listen and note how well children:

■ identify and name the instruments being played;

■ listen and respond as the instrument is being played.

Listening and remembering sounds

Main purpose
■ To listen to and appreciate the difference between sounds made with instruments

Matching sound makers

Show pairs of sound makers (e.g. maracas, triangles) to a small group of children. Place
one set of the sound makers in a feely bag.

The children take turns to select a sound maker from the feely bag. Once all the children
have selected a sound maker, remind them to listen carefully. Play a matching sound
maker. The child with that sound maker stands up and plays it.

This activity can be adapted by playing the sound maker behind a screen so that the
children have to identify it by the sound alone1.

Matching sounds
Invite a small group of children to sit in a circle. Provide a selection of percussion
instruments. One child starts the game by playing an instrument. The instrument is then
passed round the circle and each child must use it to make the same sound or pattern
of sounds as the leader. Start with a single sound to pass round the circle, and then
gradually increase the difficulty by having a more complex sequence of sounds or different

Look, listen and note

Look, listen and note how well children:

■ are able to remember and repeat a rhythm;

■ discriminate and reproduce loud and quiet sounds;
■ are able to start and stop playing at the signal.
Activity based on Looking and Listening Pack ©Heywood Middleton & Rochdale Primary Care Trust. Used with kind

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
Talking about sounds

Main purpose
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

■ To use a wide vocabulary to talk about the sounds instruments make.

Story sounds
As you read or tell stories, encourage the children to play their instruments in different
ways (e.g. Make this instrument sound like giant’s footsteps, … a fairy fluttering, … a
cat pouncing, … an elephant stamping). Invite them to make their own suggestions for
different characters (e.g. How might Jack’s feet sound as he tiptoes by the sleeping
giant? And what about when he runs fast to escape down the beanstalk?). As the children
become familiar with the pattern of the story, each child could be responsible for a
different sound.

Hidden instruments
Hide the instruments around the setting, indoors or outdoors, before the children arrive.

Ask the children to look for the instruments. As each instrument is discovered the finder
plays it and the rest of the group run to join the finder. Continue until all the instruments
are found to make an orchestra.

Musical show and tell

Invite groups of children to perform short instrumental music for others. The others are
asked to say what they liked about the music. (They will need a selection of instruments
or sound makers and some rehearsal time.)

Animal sounds
Provide a variety of animal puppets or toys and a range of instruments. Encourage the
children to play with the instruments and the animals. Discuss matching sounds to the
animals. Give a choice of two instruments to represent a child’s chosen animal and ask
the children to choose which sound is the better fit: Which one sounds most like the
mouse? What do you think, David?

Look, listen and note

Look, listen and note how well children:

■ choose appropriate words to describe sounds they hear (e.g. loud, fierce, rough,
squeaky, smooth, bumpy, high, low, wobbly);

■ match sounds to their sources;

■ use sounds imaginatively to represent a story character;
■ express an opinion about what they have heard.

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Considerations for practitioners
working with Aspect 

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

■ If a child is reluctant to attempt to copy actions with an instrument, spend a little
time building confidence and interest in copying games. Present the child with a
set of instruments. Have an identical set to hand. Allow the child to explore and
copy back what the child does. Copying children’s actions can build confidence
and make them feel their contribution is valued. If the activity results in an
enjoyable copying game, the adult can subtly attempt to switch roles by taking
up a different instrument and making a new sound for the child to copy.

■ It will take a little while for some children to make a link between an animal and a
corresponding instrument sound. Where necessary to support this, allow plenty
of time for the children to play with the animal puppets or toys and talk about the
sounds the animals make.

■ Provide a variety of animal puppets or toys and a range of instruments. Sit

alongside the children to play the instruments and encourage discussion about
choices of instruments appropriate for the sounds the animals make.

■ Encourage discussion with the children about why they have chosen the
instrument to represent their particular animal.

The activities in Aspect 2 also provide opportunities to explore with the children their
experience of music at home. Ask parents or carers whether they have any instruments
they can bring in, either to play for the children or for the children to look at.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Aspect : Body percussion

Listen to the children as they

re-enact familiar stories.

Observe how well the children

march, stamp and splash to a
Using the outdoor area as beat.
much as possible encourages
children to explore different
ways of making sounds with
their bodies.

Stress simple sound patterns to

accompany children’s

Talk with children as they

paint and comment on the
movements and shapes they
are making.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
Aspect : General sound discrimination –
body percussion
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Tuning into sounds

Main purpose
■ To develop awareness of sounds and rhythms

Action songs
Singing songs and action rhymes is a vital part of Phase One activities and should be an
everyday event. Children need to develop a wide repertoire of songs and rhymes. Be sure
to include multi-sensory experiences such as action songs in which the children have to
add claps, knee pats and foot stamps or move in a particular way. Add body percussion
sounds to nursery rhymes, performing the sounds in time to the beat. Change the body
sound with each musical phrase or sentence. Encourage the children to be attentive and
to know when to add sounds, when to move, and when to be still.

Listen to the music

Introduce one musical instrument and allow each child in the small group to try playing
it. Ask the children to perform an action when the instrument is played (e.g. clap, jump,
wave). The children can take turns at being leader. Ask the child who is leading to
produce different movements for others to copy. As the children become more confident,
initiate simple repeated sequences of movement (e.g. clap, clap, jump). Suggest to the
children that they could make up simple patterns of sounds for others to copy. Ask the
children to think about how the music makes them feel and let them move to the music.1

Roly poly
Rehearse the rhyme with the actions (rotating hand over hand as in the song ‘Wind the
bobbin up’).
Ro … ly … po … ly … ever … so … slowly
Ro … ly … poly faster.
(Increase the speed of the action as you increase the speed of the rhyme.)
Now add in new verses, such as:
Stamp … your … feet … ever … so … slowly
Stamp … your feet faster.
Ask the children to suggest sounds and movements to be incorporated into the song.
Say hello ever so quietly
Activity based on Looking and Listening Pack ©Heywood Middleton & Rochdale Primary Care Trust. Used with kind

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20 Primary National Strategy © Crown copyright 2007
Look, listen and note
Look, listen and note how well children:

■ produce contrasts in rhythm, speed and loudness;

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

■ join in with words and actions to familiar songs;
■ articulate words clearly;
■ keep in time with the beat;
■ copy the sounds and actions;
■ make up patterns of sounds.

Listening and remembering sounds

Main purpose
■ To distinguish between sounds and to remember patterns of sound

Follow the sound

Invite a small group of children to sit in a circle. The adult begins by producing a body
percussion sound which is then ‘passed’ to the child sitting next to them such as clap,
clap, clap. The sound is to be passed around the circle until it returns to the adult. Ask:
Do you think that the sound stayed the same all the way round? What changed? Did it
get faster or slower? Make the activity more difficult by introducing a simple sequence of
sounds for the children to pass on (e.g. clap, stamp, clap).

Noisy neighbour 
This game needs two adults to lead it.

Tell a simple story about a noisy neighbour and invite the children to join in. Begin with:
Early one morning, the children were all fast sleep – (ask the children to close their eyes
and pretend to sleep) – when all of a sudden they heard a sound from the house next

At this point the second adult makes a sound from behind the screen.

The story teller continues: Wake up children. What’s that noise?

The children take it in turns to identify the sound and then the whole group are
encouraged to join in with: Noisy neighbour, please be quiet. We are trying to sleep.

Repeat the simple story line with another sound (e.g. snoring, brushing teeth, munching
cornflakes, yawning, stamping feet, washing).

Encourage the children to add their own ideas to the story about the noisy neighbour.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
Look, listen and note
Look, listen and note how well children:

■ copy a body percussion sound or pattern of sounds;

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

■ identify hidden sounds;

■ suggest ideas and create new sounds for the story.

Talking about sounds

Main purpose
■ To talk about sounds we make with our bodies and what the sounds mean

Noisy neighbour 
(See ‘Noisy neighbour 1’ above.)

Ask the children to suggest a suitable ending to the story. Discuss noises they like, noises
that make them excited and noises that make them feel cross or sad. Ask when it is a
good time to be noisy, and when it is best to be quiet or speak softly (e.g. when we need
to listen). List the suggestions.

Ask Is this a time to be noisy or quiet? as you present scenarios such as when children

■ at the swimming pool;

■ in the library;
■ at a party;
■ with someone who is asleep;
■ in the park;
■ at a friend’s house when the friend is poorly;
■ playing hide and seek.

Words about sounds

It is important that adults engage with children in their freely chosen activities and
introduce vocabulary that helps them to discriminate and contrast sounds, for example:

■ slow, fast;
■ quiet, loud;
■ long, short;

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22 Primary National Strategy © Crown copyright 2007
■ type of sound (click, stamp, etc.);
■ type of movement (rock, march, skip, etc.).
Start with simple opposites that are obviously different (e.g. loud, quiet).

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Listen to what the children have to say about the sounds they hear and then build on and
expand their contributions and ideas.

The Pied Piper

Tell the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. Use different instruments for the Piper to play,
with children moving in different ways in response. The child at the front decides on
the movement and the rest of the group move in the same way. They follow the leader
around the indoor or outdoor space, marching, skipping and hopping – vary the pace and
describe the action: Fast, faster, slow, slower.

Introduce and model new words by acting them out (e.g. briskly, rapidly, lazily, sluggishly,
energetically) for the children to copy and explore by acting them out in different ways.

Look, listen and note

Look, listen and note how well children:

■ use language to make different endings to the story;

■ use a wide vocabulary to talk about the sounds they hear;
■ group sounds according to different criteria (e.g. loud, quiet, slow, fast).

Considerations for practitioners

working with Aspect 

■ Remind the children to look and listen to the adult and also to each other.
■ It might be necessary to demonstrate the sounds to the children before each
activity starts in order to ‘tune them in’ and to encourage them to describe the
sounds they hear.

■ Be aware that some children may have difficulty coordinating the movements or
actions to accompany songs and games. Give children plenty of time and space
to practise large-scale movements every day.

■ Some children may find it difficult to monitor their own volume without adult

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Aspect : Rhythm and rhyme

Children enjoy listening to

rhymes and inventing their own.
Enjoying and sharing books
leads to children seeing them
as a source of pleasure and

Children need to build a stock

of rhymes through hearing them
repeated over and over again.

Remind children of rhymes they

know when you join them in the
role play area Miss Polly had a
dolly ...!
Encourage children’s word play
by inventing new rhymes with
them such as Hickory, Dickory
Dable, the mouse ran up the .....
For children learning English as
an additional language (EAL),
songs and rhymes help them to
tune into the rhythm and sound
of English.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Aspect : Rhythm and rhyme

Tuning into sounds

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Main purpose
■ To experience and appreciate rhythm and rhyme and to develop awareness of rhythm
and rhyme in speech

Rhyming books
Regularly include rhyming books as part of the daily book-sharing session. Read these
books with plenty of intonation and expression so that the children tune into the rhythm
of the language and the rhyming words. Encourage the children to join in with repetitive
phrases such as Run, run, as fast as you can, You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread
Man. Wherever possible make the activity multi-sensory to intensify learning and

Learning songs and rhymes

Make sure that singing and rhyming activities are part of the daily routine in small-group
time and that extracts are repeated incidentally as events occur (e.g. It’s raining, it’s
pouring as the children get ready to go outdoors in wet weather). Play with rhyming words
throughout the course of the day and have fun with them. Sing or chant nursery rhymes
and encourage the children to move in an appropriate way (e.g. rock gently to the beat of
‘See Saw Marjorie Daw’, march to the beat of ‘Tom, Tom the Piper’s Son’ and ‘The Grand
Old Duke of York’, skip to the beat of ‘Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush’).

Listen to the beat

Use a variety of percussion instruments to play different rhythms. Remind the children to
use their listening ears and to move in time to the beat – fast, slow, skipping, marching,
etc. Keep the beat simple at first (e.g. suitable for marching) then move on to more
complex rhythms for the children to skip or gallop to.

Our favourite rhymes

Support a group of children to compile a book of their favourite rhymes and songs. They
could represent the rhymes in any way they choose. The book can be used to make
choices about which rhyme to say during singing time, or used for making independent
choices in the book corner. Children may choose to act as teacher selecting rhymes for
others to perform, individually or as a group.

Have a bag of objects which represent rhymes (e.g. a toy spider to represent ‘Incy Wincy
Spider’, a toy bus for ‘The Wheels on the Bus’) and invite the children to choose their

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Rhyming soup
Ask a small group to sit in a circle so they can see a selection of rhyming objects (e.g.
rat, hat, cat) placed on the floor. Use a bowl and spoon as props to act out the song.
Invite the children, in turn, to choose an object to put into the soup and place it in the

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

bowl. After each turn, stir the soup and sing the following song to recite the growing list of
things that end up in the soup.

Sing the first part of the song to the tune of ‘Pop Goes the Weasel’:

I’m making lots of silly soup

I’m making soup that’s silly

I’m going to cook it in the fridge

To make it nice and chilly

In goes… a fox… a box… some socks…

Rhyming bingo
Give each child in a small group a set of three pictures of objects with rhyming names.
(Such pictures are readily available commercially.) Hide in a bag a set of pictures or
objects matching the pictures you have given to the children.

The children take turns to draw out of the bag one object or picture at a time. Invite the
children to call out when they see an object or picture that rhymes with theirs and to
collect it from the child who has drawn it from the bag.

After each rhyming set is completed chant together and list the rhyming names. As you
name objects give emphasis to the rhyming pattern.

Playing with words

Gather together a set of familiar objects with names that have varying syllable patterns
(e.g. pencil, umbrella, camera, xylophone). Show the objects to the children, name
them and talk about what they are used for. Wait for the children to share some of their
experiences of the objects; for instance, some of them will have used a camera. Then
encourage them to think about how the name of the object sounds and feels as they
say it. Think about the syllables and clap them out as you say each word. Then clap the
syllables for a word without saying it and ask: What object could that be?

As children gain confidence try some long words like binoculars, telephone, dinosaur.

Look, listen and note

Look, listen and note how well children:

■ understand the pattern of syllables in the words presented to them;

■ sing or chant the rhyming string along with the adult;
■ recognise that the words rhyme;

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
■ join in with simple or complex rhythms;
■ copy the rhythm;
■ keep to the beat.
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Listening and remembering sounds

Main purpose
■ To increase awareness of words that rhyme and to develop knowledge about rhyme

Rhyming pairs
In a pairs game, use pictures of objects with names that rhyme. The children take it in
turns to turn two cards over and keep them if the pictures are a rhyming pair. If they are
not a rhyming pair, the cards are turned face down again and the other person has a turn.
Start with a small core set of words that can then be extended.

The children need to be familiar with the rhyming word families before they can use them
in a game – spend time looking at the pictures and talking about the pairs.

Songs and rhymes

Include a selection of songs within the daily singing session which involve children in
experimenting with their voices. Simple nursery rhymes, such as ‘Hickory, Dickory, Dock’
provide an opportunity for children to join in with wheeee as the mouse falls down. Use
this to find related words that rhyme: dock, clock, tick-tock. Substitute alternative rhyming
sounds to maintain children’s interest and enjoyment.

Finish the rhyme

Use books with predictable rhymes that children are familiar with and then stop as you
come to the final word in the rhyme. Invite children to complete it. Use plenty of intonation
and expression as the story or rhyme is recounted.

Look, listen and note

Look, listen and note how well children:

■ recognise rhyming words;

■ listen and attend to the rhyming strings.

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Talking about sounds

Main purpose

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

■ To talk about words that rhyme and to produce rhyming words

Rhyming puppets
Make up silly rhyming names for a pair of puppets (e.g. Fizzy Wizzy Lizzy and Hob Tob
Bob). Introduce the puppets to a small group and invite them to join in story telling, leaving
gaps for the children to fill in rhyming words, for example:

Are you poorly Lizzy? Oh dear.

Fizzy Wizzy Lizzy is feeling sick and…dizzy.

Bob is very excited. Today he is going to be a builder.

Hob Tob Bob has got a new…job.

Odd one out

Put out three objects or pictures, two with names that rhyme and one with a name that
does not. Ask the child to identify the ‘odd one out’: the name that does not rhyme. Start
with a small set of words that can then be extended. The children need to be familiar with
the rhyming word families before they can use them in a game – spend time looking at the
pictures and talking about the pairs.

I know a word
Throughout the course of daily activities, encourage the children to think about and play
with rhyming words. The adult begins with the prompt I know a word that rhymes with
cat, you need to put one on your head and the word is...hat. This can be used for all sorts
of situations and also with some children’s names: I know a girl who is holding a dolly, she
is in the book corner and her name is...Molly. As children become familiar with rhyme, they
will supply the missing word themselves.

Look, listen and note

Look, listen and note how well children:

■ generate their own rhymes;

■ complete sentences using appropriate rhyming words;
■ make a series of words that rhyme.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Considerations for practitioners
working with Aspect 
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

■ It is important for children to experience a rich repertoire of poems, rhymes and

songs. They need to build a stock of rhymes through hearing them repeated
in different contexts. Parents and carers can play a valuable role in developing
children’s repertoires of rhymes. Keep parents and carers informed of any new
rhymes you are learning with the children so that the adults can join in when the
children start to sing them at home.
■ For children learning EAL, songs and rhymes are a particularly effective way
to remember whole sentences and phrases by tuning into the rhythm that
accompanies them. This in itself is good practice for developing the speech
patterns of the language; it is also important to attach meaning and ensure that
contexts are understood.
■ Encouraging nonsense rhymes is a good way for children to begin to generate
and produce rhyme. While a child is developing speech sounds the normal
immaturities in their speech may mean their version of a word is different from
that of the adults in the setting (e.g. the adult prompts with You shall have a
fish on a little…and the child joins in with dit). The adult then repeats back the
correct articulation, ‘dish’.
■ When children experiment with nonsense rhymes they are not confined by their
own learned versions of words and so can tune into and produce rhyming patterns.
■ Keep the songs slow so you can emphasise the rhyming patterns.
■ Collecting a set of objects or producing pictures of objects with rhyming names
can be time-consuming but this resource is essential to build experience of
rhyme into children’s play. A set of cards from a commercially available rhyming
lotto set can prove to be a versatile resource for many different activities.
■ Generating rhymes is a difficult skill to master. Accept all the children’s
suggestions. Where the children do manage to fill in with the target rhyming word,
congratulate them on having done so and draw attention to the rhyming pattern.
■ Children learning EAL often internalise chunks of language and may not hear
where one word starts and another ends. They may continue to use many of
these chunks of language for some time before they begin to segment the
speech stream in order to use the constituent words in new contexts.
■ When children can supply a list of rhyming words and non-words, after being given
a start, they can be considered to be well on the way to grasping rhyme (e.g. adult
says cat, mat, sat…and the child continues fat, pat, mat, rat). However, children
may well be at a later phase of this programme before they can do this. There is no
need to delay starting Phase Two until children have mastered rhyming.

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Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Aspect : Alliteration

Make sure the book collection

After children have enjoyed includes books with lots of
their singing games, make alliterative rhymes and jingles.
the resources freely available
to them to explore for
themselves and to act out
Play alongside children in ‘being the teacher’.
a café and place an order:
‘Please may I have some juicy
jelly’ or ‘sizzling sausages’ or
‘chunky chips’.

Join children at the water tray

and introduce alliterative tongue
twisters such as
She sells seashells.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Aspect : Alliteration
Tuning into sounds
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Main purpose
■ To develop understanding of alliteration

I spy names
With a small group of children sitting in a circle, start the game by saying I spy someone
whose name begins with… and give the sound of the first letter, for example ‘s’ for Satish.
Then ask: Who can it be? Satish stands up, everyone says his name and he carries on
the game, saying I spy someone whose name begins with…, and so on. If any children
call out the name before the child with that name, still let the child whose name it is take
the next turn.

If the children find separating out the first sound too hard in the early stages, the adult can
continue to be the caller until they get the hang of it.

Sounds around
Make sure that word play with initial sounds is commonplace. Include lots of simple
tongue twisters to ensure that children enjoy experimenting with words that are alliterative.
Use opportunities as they occur incidentally to make up tongue twisters by using
children’s names, or objects that are of particular personal interest to them (e.g. David’s
dangerous dinosaur, Millie’s marvellous, magic mittens).

Making aliens
Before the activity begins, think of some strange names for alien creatures. The alien
names must be strings of non-words with the same initial sound, for example:

Ping pang poo pop,

Mig mog mully mo,
Fo fi fandle fee.

Write them down as a reminder.

Talk to the children about the names and help them to imagine what the strange creatures
might look like. Provide creative or construction materials for the children to make their
own alien.

Comment as the children go about shaping the aliens and use the aliens’ strange names.
Invite the children to display their aliens along with the aliens’ names.

Make the pattern clearer by emphasising the initial sound of an alien’s name. Draw the
children’s attention to the way you start each word with the shape of your lips, teeth
and tongue.

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Digging for treasure
Collect two sets of objects suitable for use in the sand tray. Each set of objects must
have names beginning with the same initial sound. Choose initial sounds for each set that
sound very different from one another. Bury the objects in preparation for the session.

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

As the children uncover the treasure, group the objects by initial sound and each time
another is added recite the content of that set: Wow! You’ve found a car. Now we have a
cup, a cow, a candle and a car.

Bertha goes to the zoo

Set up a small toy zoo and join the children as they play with it. Use a toy bus and a bag
of animal toys with names starting with the same sound (e.g. a lion, a lizard, a leopard, a
llama and a lobster) to act out this story. Chant the following rhyme and allow each child
in turn to draw an animal out of the bag and add an animal name to the list of animals
spotted at the zoo.

Bertha the bus is going to the zoo,

Who does she see as she passes through?
… a pig, a panda, a parrot and a polar bear.

Look, listen and note

Look, listen and note how well children:

■ identify initial sounds of words;

■ reproduce the initial sounds clearly and recognisably;
■ make up their own alliterative phrases.

Listening and remembering sounds

Main purpose
■ To listen to sounds at the beginning of words and hear the differences between them

Tony the Train’s busy day

Use a toy train and selection of objects starting with the same sound. A small group of
children sits in a circle or facing the front so they can see objects placed on the floor. Use
the props to act out a story with the train.

It was going to be a busy day for Tony. He had lots to do before bedtime. So many
packages to deliver and so many passengers to carry. He set out very early, leaving all
the other engines at the station, and hurried off down the track, clackedy clack down the
track, clackedy clack down the track…

But he hadn’t gone very far when…!!! He saw something up ahead lying on the tracks.
‘Oh no!’ yelled Tony. ‘I must s – t – o – p.’ And he did stop, just in time. To Tony’s surprise
there on the track lay a big brown bear, fast asleep.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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‘I had better warn the others,’ thought Tony and so he hurried back to the station,
clackedy clack going back, clackedy clack going back. Tony arrived at the station quite
out of puff. ‘Whatever is the matter?’ said the other engines. ‘Toot, toot, mind the…big,
brown bear’ panted Thomas. ‘He’s fast asleep on the track.’ ‘Thank you,’ said the
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

others, ‘We certainly will.’

Continue with the whole object set and encourage the children to join in with saying the
growing list of objects. Remember to give emphasis to the initial sound.

The aim is to have the group chant along with you as you recite the growing list of objects
that Tony finds lying on the track. Make up your own story using the props and ask: What
do you think happens next?

Musical corners
Put a chair in each corner of the room, or outdoors. Collect four sets of objects, each set
containing objects with names that start with the same sound. (Four different initial sounds
are represented.) Keep back one object from each set and place the remaining sets on
each of the four chairs.

At first, the children sit in a circle or facing you. Name each of the four sets of objects,
giving emphasis to the initial sound.

Explain that now there will be music to move around or dance to and that when the music
stops the children are to listen. You will show them an object and they should go to the
corner where they think it belongs.

Our sound box/bag

Make collections of objects with names beginning with the same sound. Create a song,
such as ‘What have we got in our sound box today?’ and then show the objects one at a
time. Emphasise the initial sound (e.g. s-s-s-snake, s-s-s-sock, s-s-s-sausage)

Look, listen and note

Look, listen and note how well children:

■ can recall the list of objects beginning with the same sound;
■ can offer their own sets of objects and ideas to end the story;
■ discriminate between the sounds and match to the objects correctly.

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Talking about sounds

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Main purpose
■ To explore how different sounds are articulated, and to extend understanding of

Name play
Call out a child’s name and make up a fun sentence starting with the name (e.g. Ben has
a big, bouncy ball, Kulvinder keeps kippers in the kitchen, Tim has ten, tickly toes, Fiona
found a fine, fat frog). Ask the children to think up similar sentences for their own names
to share with others.

Mirror play
Provide a mirror for each child or one large enough for the group to gather in front of. Play
at making faces and copying movements of the lips and tongue. Introduce sound making
in the mirror and discuss the way lips move, for example, when sounding out ‘p’ and ‘b’,
the way that tongues poke out for ‘th’, the way teeth and lips touch for ‘f’ and the way lips
shape the sounds ‘sh’ and ‘m’.

Silly soup
Provide the children with a selection of items with names that begin with the same sound.
Show them how you can make some ‘silly soup’ by putting ‘ingredients’ (e.g. a banana,
bumble bee and bug) into a pan in the role-play area.

Allow the children to play and concoct their own recipes. Play alongside them without
influencing their choices. Commentate and congratulate the children on their silly recipes.
Recite each child’s list of chosen ingredients. Make the pattern clear by emphasising the
initial sound. By observing mouth movements draw the children’s attention to the way we
start each word and form sounds.

Look, listen and note

Look, listen and note how well children:

■ can articulate speech sounds clearly;

■ select an extended range of words that start with the same sound.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Considerations for practitioners
working with Aspect 
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

■ Singing rhymes and songs with alliterative lines such as ‘Sing a Song of Sixpence’
and playing with jingles such as ‘Can you count the candles on the cake?’ helps
to tune children’s ears to the relationships between the sound structures of words.
Ultimately children need to be able to isolate the initial phoneme from the rest
of word (e.g. to be able to say that ‘nose’ begins with the sound ‘n’). Children
need to have a wealth of experience of hearing words that begin with the same
sound so it is important to keep practising familiar tongue twisters and also to be
inventive with new ones to model alliterative possibilities to the children.
■ Do not expect all the children to be able to produce a full range of initial sounds
or be able to produce the initial clusters such as ‘sp’ for spoon. Just make sure
that each child’s attention is gained before reciting the string of sounds so that
they can experience the initial sound pattern as it is modelled for them.
■ These activities may reveal speech difficulties that may require investigation by a
specialist such as the local speech and language therapist.
■ Not all children will be happy to participate in copying games. Some may
feel self-conscious or be anxious about getting the game wrong. One way to
encourage copying is to lead the way by copying what the children do in the
mirror and encouraging them to copy one another before asking them to copy
your sounds and movements.
■ Take care to whisper when modelling quiet sounds. Do not add an ‘uh’ to the
end of sounds:
○ ‘ssss’ not ‘suh’
○ ‘mmm’ not ‘muh’
○ ‘t’ not ‘tuh’
○ ‘sh’ not ‘shuh’.
■ Some children may be aware of the letter shapes that represent some sounds.
While grapheme–phoneme correspondences are not introduced until Phase
Two, it is important to be observant of those children who can identify letter
shapes and sounds and to encourage their curiosity and interest.
■ Be prepared to accept suggestions from children learning EAL who have a well-
developed vocabulary in their home language, but be aware that words in home
languages will not always conveniently start with the same sound as the English
translation. Children very soon distinguish between vocabulary in their home
language and English.

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Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Aspect : Voice sounds

Encourage children to replicate

water noises with sounds
such as drip, bubble bubble,
As children explore the texture
of shaving foam, pasta shapes
or foamy water, introduce
words that may be new to them
such as smooth frothy crunchy.

As you watch children on the

climbing frame, encourage
them to vocalise ‘Weeee!’.

When children act out familiar

stories, encourage them to use
sound effects like swish swish
through the grass, squelch
squelch in the mud, splishy
sploshy through the rain.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
Aspect : Voice sounds
Tuning into sounds
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Main purpose
■ To distinguish between the differences in vocal sounds, including oral blending and

Mouth movements
Explore different mouth movements with children – blowing, sucking, tongue stretching
and wiggling. Practising these movements regularly to music can be fun and helps
children with their articulation.

Voice sounds
Show children how they can make sounds with their voices, for example:

■ Make your voice go down a slide – wheee!

■ Make your voice bounce like a ball – boing, boing
■ Sound really disappointed – oh
■ Hiss like a snake – ssssss
■ Keep everyone quiet – shshshsh
■ Gently moo like a cow – mmmoooo
■ Look astonished – oooooo!
■ Be a steam train – chchchchch
■ Buzz like a bumble bee – zzzzzzz
■ Be a clock – tick tock.
This can be extended by joining single speech sounds into pairs (e.g. ee-aw like a

Making trumpets
Make amplifiers (trumpet shapes) from simple cones of paper or lightweight card and
experiment by making different noises through the cones. Model sounds for the children:
the up and down wail of a siren, the honk of a fog horn, a peep, peep, peep of a bird.
Contrast loud and soft sounds. Invite the children to share their favourite sound for the
rest of the group to copy. Use the trumpets to sound out phonemes that begin each
child’s name.

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Metal Mike
Encourage a small group of children to sit in a circle or facing the front so they can see
you and Metal Mike (a toy robot computer). Have ready a bag of pictures of objects (e.g.
cat, dog, mug, sock) and sound out and blend the phonemes in their names. Ask each

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

child in turn to take out a picture or an object from a bag. Hold it up and tell the group
that Metal Mike is a computer and so he talks with a robot voice. Ask the children to
name the object as Metal Mike would and demonstrate it for them in a robotic voice (e.g.
‘c-a-t’). Feed the object or picture into Metal Mike and encourage the group first to listen
to you and then join in as you say the word exaggerating the sound of each phoneme,
followed by blending the phonemes to make the word.

Look, listen and note

Look, listen and note how well children:

■ distinguish between the differences in vocal sounds.

Listening and remembering sounds

Main purpose
■ To explore speech sounds

Chain games
Working with a small group of children, an adult makes a long sound with their voice,
varying the pitch (e.g. eeeeeee). The next person repeats the sound and continues as the
next joins in, to form a chain. The sound gets passed as far round the circle as possible.
Start again when the chain is broken.

Target sounds
Give each child a target sound to put into a story when they hear a particular word or
character (e.g. make a ‘ch’ sound when they hear the word ‘train’).

Start with a single sound that the small group of children can make together when they
hear a target word. Be prepared to prompt initially and leave pauses in your reading to
make it obvious where the sounds are required.

Whose voice?
Record some children talking while they are busy with a freely chosen activity and play the
recording to a larger group. Can the children identify each other’s voices? Create a ‘talking
book’ for the group or class with photographs of each child and help them to record their
own voice message – My name is…, I like singing, etc.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Sound lotto 
Record the children using their voices to make suitable sounds for simple pictures (e.g. of
animals, a steam train, a doorbell, a clock). Ask them to listen to the recording later and
match each sound to a picture.
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Look, listen and note

Look, listen and note how well children:

■ sustain their listening throughout a story;

■ listen for a target word or character and respond with an appropriate associated
speech sound;

■ remember the sound sequence and produce it when required;

■ recognise their own and each other’s voices, including a recorded voice.

Talking about sounds

Main purpose
■ To talk about the different sounds that we can make with our voices

Give me a sound
After making a sound with your voice, talk about the ‘features’ of the sound with the
children – was it a long sound, a loud sound, did it change from high to low, etc.?
Introduce vocabulary gradually with examples and visual cues (e.g. symbols and pictures)
to help the children who have difficulty understanding. Then introduce new vocabulary to
the children to help them describe the sound (e.g. to talk about high and low pitch).

Sound story time

Discuss with the children how they can use their voices to add sounds to stories such as
Bear Hunt, Chicken Licken or The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Repeat favourite rhymes and poems in different voices together (e.g. whispering, growling,
shouting, squeaking) and discuss the differences.

Watch my sounds
Provide small mirrors for the children to observe their faces, lips, teeth and tongue as they
make different speech sounds and experiment with their voices.

Provide home-made megaphones in the outside area so the children can experiment with
different speech sounds and their volume.

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Animal noises
Provide simple animal masks, and tails if possible, to encourage the children to dramatise
animal movements and sounds.

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Singing songs
Provide a wide selection of rhymes and songs on CD or tape so that the children can
choose to listen to and join in with their favourites, and can extend their repertoire.

Look, listen and note

Look, listen and note how well children:

■ use appropriate vocabulary to talk about different voice and speech sounds.

Considerations for practitioners

working with Aspect 

■ Changes in voice and exaggerated facial expressions help to support listening

and attention by building interest and anticipation. For some children, these clues
are also vital to supporting their understanding of the story.

■ Tuning in to what the child is doing and joining in with them tells the child you are
listening to them.

■ Children in the early stages of learning EAL may need time to observe others and
rehearse the spoken challenge; as in any turn-taking activities they should not be
asked to take the first turn.

■ For extension, linguistic diversity and fun, where parents and carers speak
languages other than English, find out how they represent, for example, animal
noises. Are woof, meow and quack universal? Which examples from other
languages are the most like the real sounds?

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Aspect : Oral blending and segmenting

As children play with the balls,

bounce a ball alongside them
When children choose to making the sound ‘b’ b’ b’
play with the sound talk toys,
listen out to how well they are
trying to segment words into

Encourage the children to

vocalise as they play on the
hoppers ‘h’ ‘h’ ‘h’ ‘h’

When children are in the

writing area, note whether
they are beginning to say their
messages aloud as they write,
as they have seen adults do.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
Aspect : Oral blending and segmenting
Tuning into sounds
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Main purpose
■ To develop oral blending and segmenting of sounds in words

Oral blending
It is important that the children have plenty of experience of listening to adults modelling
oral blending before they are introduced to grapheme–phoneme correspondences. For
example, when giving children instructions or asking questions the adult can segment the
last word into separate phonemes and then immediately blend the sounds together to
say the word (e.g. It’s time to get your c-oa-t, coat! or Touch your t-oe-s, toes! Who can
touch their f-ee-t, feet?) Use only single-syllable words for oral blending.

Oral blending can also be modelled from time to time when books are being shared,
particularly rhyming books where the last word in a rhyming couplet could be segmented
into separate sounds and then blended by the adult.

Toy talk
Introduce to the children a soft toy that can only speak in ‘sound-talk’. The children see
the toy whispering in the adult’s ear. To add to the activity, as the toy whispers the adult
repeats the sounds, looks puzzled and then says the word straight afterwards. For example:
What would Charlie like for tea today? The toy speaks silently in the adult’s ear and the
adult repeats ‘ch-ee-se’ looking puzzled and then, says with relief ‘cheese!’ Now invite the
children to see if they can speak like the toy: Do you think you could try to toy talk? Say
ch-ee-se: (the children repeat ‘ch-ee-se’). Ask the toy again What else would you like? Be
careful to think of items with names of only single syllables (e.g. fish, cake, pie, soup).

Use different scenarios: What does the toy like to do in the playground? (hop, skip, jump,
run, etc.). As the children become more confident, make some errors – blend ‘skim’ for
‘skip’, for example, and ask them to catch you out by giving the correct blend.

Encourage the children to ask the toy questions with yes/no answers (e.g. Can you sing?
Y-e-s/N-o). Or ask the toy the colour of his bike, his bedroom walls, his jumper, etc. and
the toy will answer r-e-d, b-l-ue, g-r-ee-n, m-au-ve.

Clapping sounds
Think of words using the letters ‘s, a, t, p, i, n’ (e.g. sat, pin, nip, pat, tap, pit, pip) and
sound them out, clapping each phoneme with the children in unison, then blend the
phonemes to make the whole word orally.

As children’s confidence develops, ask individuals to demonstrate this activity to others.

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Which one?
Lay out a selection of familiar objects with names that contain three phonemes (e.g. leaf, sheep,
soap, fish, sock, bus). Check that all the children can recognise each object. Bring out the
sound-talking toy and ask the children to listen carefully while it says the names of one of the

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

objects in sound-talk so they can help it to put the sounds together and say the word. The toy
then sound-talks the word, leaving a short gap between each sound. Encourage the children
to say the word and identify the object. All the children can then repeat the sounds and blend
them together – it is important that they do this and don’t simply listen to the adult doing so.

Cross the river

Choose a selection of objects with two or three phonemes as above. There can be more
than one of the same object. Make a river across the floor or ground outside with chalk or
ropes. Give each child or pair of children an object and check that all the children know the
names of the objects. The toy calls out the name of an object in sound-talk (e.g. p-e-g). The
children who have that object blend the sounds to make the word and cross the river.

I spy
Place on the floor or on a table a selection of objects with names containing two or three
phonemes (e.g. zip, hat, comb, cup, chain, boat, tap, ball). Check that all the children
know the names of the objects. The toy says I spy with my little eye a z-i-p. Then invite
a child to say the name of the object and hold it up. All the children can then say the
individual phonemes and blend them together ‘z-i-p, zip’. When the children have become
familiar with this game use objects with names that start with the same initial phoneme
(e.g. cat, cap, cup, cot, comb, kite). This will really encourage the children to listen and
then blend right through the word, rather than relying on the initial sound.

Look, listen and note

Look, listen and note how well children:
■ blend phonemes and recognise the whole word;
■ say the word and identify the object;
■ blend words that begin with the same initial phoneme.

Listening and remembering sounds

Main purpose
■ To listen to phonemes within words and to remember them in the order in which they occur

Invite a small group of children to come and talk to the toy in sound-talk, for example just
before dinner time: Let’s tell the toy what we eat our dinner with. Discuss with the children
and agree that we use a knife and fork. Then tell the toy in sound-talk which the children
repeat. Continue with: Let’s tell the toy what we drink out of. Confer and agree on ‘cup’.
Repeat in sound-talk for the toy to listen and then invite the children to do the same.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
Ask the children to think of other scenarios which they could tell the toy or let them give
him instructions. Then model the sound-talk for the children to repeat. This is teaching the
children to segment words into their separate sounds or phonemes and is the reverse of
blending. The children will soon begin to start the segmenting themselves.
Letters and Sounds: Phase One

Leave the sound-talk toy freely available to the children for them to practise and
experiment with sound-talk. On special occasions, weekends or holidays, the toy may go
on adventures or go to stay at the children’s homes. When he returns he will have lots to
tell the children about his escapades – in sound-talk.

Say the sounds

When the children are used to hearing the toy say words in sound-talk and blending the
individual sounds to make words, you may be able to ask some children to see whether
they can speak in sound-talk. Choose some objects with three-phoneme names that you
are sure the children know and hide them in a box or bag. Allow one of the children to see
an object, and then ask them to try to say the separate sounds in the name of the object,
just like the toy does (e.g. d-u-ck). The other children then blend the sounds together to
make the word. The child can then reveal the object to show whether the other children
are right.

Look, listen and note

Look, listen and note how well children:

■ segment words into phonemes.

Talking about sounds

Main purpose
■ To talk about the different phonemes that make up words
When children are used to oral blending, and can readily blend two and three phonemes
to make words, introduce the idea of counting how many phonemes they can hear. For
example: p-i-g, pig. If we say the phonemes in that word one by one, how many phonemes
can we hear? Let’s use our fingers to help us: p-i-g, one, two, three phonemes.

Look, listen and note

Look, listen and note how well children:

■ identify the number of phonemes that make up a given word.

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Considerations for practitioners
working with Aspect 

Letters and Sounds: Phase One

■ During Phase One, there is no expectation that children are introduced to letters
(graphemes). Of course some children may bring knowledge of letters from
home, and be interested in letters they see around them on signs, displays
and in books. Practitioners and teachers should certainly respond to children’s
comments and queries about letters and words in print.

■ Children who can hear phonemes in words and sound them out accurately are
generally well placed to make a good start in reading and writing.

■ Children learning EAL generally learn to hear sounds in words very easily.
■ Children need to hear the sounds in the word spoken in sound-talk immediately
followed by the whole word. Avoid being tempted to ask any questions in
between such as I wonder what that word can be? or Do you know what that
word is? The purpose is to model oral blending and immediately give the whole

■ It is important only to segment and blend the last word in a sentence or phrase
and not words that occur at the beginning or middle of the sentence. Over time
and with lots of repetition, the children will get to know the routine and as they
gain confidence they will provide the blended word before the adult.

■ Using a toy is preferable to a puppet because it is important that children watch

the adult’s face and mouth to see the sounds being articulated clearly, rather
than focusing on the imitated movements of the puppet.

■ It is very important to enunciate the phonemes very clearly and not to add an
‘uh’ to some (e.g.‘ssssssss’ and not ‘suh’, ‘mmmmmmmm’ and not ‘muh’).
Examples of correct enunciation can be found on the accompanying DVD.

■ Avoid using words with adjacent consonants (e.g. ‘sp’ as in ‘spoon’) as these will
probably be too difficult for children at the early stages of practising blending and

■ Once children have been introduced to blending and segmenting they should be
practised hand in hand as they are reversible processes.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
Phase Two
(up to 6 weeks)
Letters and Sounds: Phase Two


■ Summary 48

■ Suggested daily teaching in Phase Two 49

■ Suggested timetable for Phase Two – discrete teaching 50

■ Teaching sets 1–5 letters 51

■ Practising letter recognition (for reading) and recall (for spelling) 52

■ Practising oral blending and segmentation 55

■ Teaching and practising blending for reading VC and CVC words 58

■ Teaching and practising segmenting VC and CVC words for spelling 61

■ Teaching and practising high-frequency (common) words 64

■ Introducing two-syllable words for reading 65

■ Teaching reading and writing captions 66

■ Assessment 68

■ Bank of suggested words for practising reading and spelling 69

■ Bank of suggested captions for practising reading 71


This icon indicates that the activity

can be viewed on the DVD.

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Children entering Phase Two will have experienced a wealth of listening activities,
including songs, stories and rhymes. They will be able to distinguish between speech

Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

sounds and many will be able to blend and segment words orally. Some will also be able
to recognise spoken words that rhyme and will be able to provide a string of rhyming
words, but inability to do this does not prevent moving on to Phase Two as these
speaking and listening activities continue. (See Appendix 3: Assessment).

The purpose of this phase is to teach at least 19 letters, and move children on from oral
blending and segmentation to blending and segmenting with letters. By the end of the
phase many children should be able to read some VC and CVC words and to spell them
either using magnetic letters or by writing the letters on paper or on whiteboards. During
the phase they will be introduced to reading two-syllable words and simple captions. They
will also learn to read some high-frequency ‘tricky’ words: the, to, go, no.

The teaching materials in this phase suggest an order for teaching letters and provide a
selection of suitable words made up of the letters as they are learned. These words are for
using in the activities – practising blending for reading and segmenting for spelling. This is
not a list to be worked through slavishly, but to be selected from as needed for an activity.

It must always be remembered that phonics is the step up to word recognition. Automatic
reading of all words – decodable and tricky – is the ultimate goal.

Letter progression (one set per week)

Set : s a t p

Set : i n m d

Set : g o c k

Set : ck e u r

Set : h b f, ff l, ll ss

Magnetic boards and letters

Magnetic boards and letters are very effective in helping children to identify letter shapes
and develop the skills of blending and segmenting. For example, teaching sequences can
be demonstrated to an entire teaching group or class on a large magnetic board followed
by children working in pairs with a small magnetic board to secure the learning objective.
Working in pairs in this way significantly increases opportunities for children to discuss the
task in hand and enlarge their understanding. Once children are adept at manipulating
magnetic boards and letters they can use them to extend many activities suggested in
Phase Two and beyond.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Suggested daily teaching in Phase Two

Sequence of teaching in a discrete phonics session

Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

Objectives and criteria for success

Revisit and review




Assess learning against criteria

Revisit and review

■ Practise previously learned letters
■ Practise oral blending and segmentation

■ Teach a new letter
■ Teach blending and/or segmentation with letters (weeks 2 and 3)
■ Teach one or two tricky words (week 3 onwards)

■ Practise reading and/or spelling words with the new letter

■ Read or write a caption (with the teacher) using one or more high-frequency words
and words containing the new letter (week 3 onwards)

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49 Primary National Strategy © Crown copyright 2007
Suggested timetable for Phase Two
– discrete teaching

Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

Week  – Teach set 1 letters
– Practise the letter(s) and sound(s) learned so far
– Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
Week  – Teach set 2 letters
– Practise all previously learned letters and sounds
– Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
– Teach blending with letters (blending for reading)
– Practise blending for reading
– Practise blending and reading the high-frequency words is, it, in, at
Week  – Teach set 3 letters
– Practise previously learned letters and sounds
– Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
– Practise blending with letters (reading words)
– Teach segmentation for spelling
– Teach blending and reading the high-frequency word and
– Demonstrate reading captions using words with sets 1 and 2 letters and
Week  – Teach ck, explain its use at the end of words and practise reading
words ending in ck
– Teach the three other set 4 letters
– Practise previously learned letters and sounds
– Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
– Practise blending to read words
– Practise segmentation to spell words
– Teach reading the tricky words to and the
– Support children in reading captions using sets 1–4 letters and the, to
and and
– Demonstrate spelling captions using sets 1–4 letters and and
Week  – Teach set 5 letters and sounds
– Explain ff, ll and ss at the end of words
– Practise previously learned letters and sounds
– Practise blending to read words
– Practise segmentation to spell words
– Teach reading tricky words no, go, I
– Support children in reading captions using sets 1–5 letters and no, go,
I, the, to
– Demonstrate spelling captions using sets 1–5 letters and and, to and
Week  – Revise all the letters and sounds taught so far
– Continue to support children in reading words and captions

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Teaching sets – letters

Teaching a letter
Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

Three-part example session for teaching the letter s

■ To learn to say a discrete phoneme, recognise and write the letter that
represents that phoneme

■ Fabric snake
■ Card showing, on one side, a picture of a snake (mnemonic) in the shape of the
letter s with the letter s superimposed in black on the snake; on the other side,
the letter s

■ Small whiteboards, pens and wipes or paper and pencils


Hear it and say it

1. Display the picture of a snake.

2. Make a hissing noise as you produce a snake from behind your back; show the
children the sssssnake and make the snake into an s shape.

3. Weave your hand like a snake making an s shape, encouraging the children to
do the same.

4. If any children in the room have names with the s sound in them, say their
names, accentuating the sssss (e.g. Ssssarah, Chrisssssss, Ssssssandip).

5. Do the same with other words (e.g. ssssand, bussss) accepting suggestions
from the children if they offer, but not asking for them.

See it and say it

1. On the card with the picture of the snake, move your finger down the snake
from its mouth, saying sssss and saying sssnake when you reach its tail.

2. Repeat a number of times, encouraging the children to join in.

3. Write s next to the snake and say ssssssssssss.

4. Ask the children to repeat ssssssssssss.

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5. Point to the snake and say sssssnake and to the s and say ssssssssssss.

6. Repeat with the children joining in.

Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

7. Put the card behind your back and explain that when you show the snake side
of the card, the children should say snake and when you show the s side of the
card, they should say s.

Say it and write it

1. Move your finger slowly down the snake from its mouth, this time saying the
letter formation patter: Round the snake’s head, slide down his back and round
his tail.

2. Repeat a couple of times.

3. Repeat a couple more times with the children joining in the patter as they watch

4. Ask the children to put their ‘writing finger’ or ‘pencil’ in the air and follow you in
making an s shape, also saying the patter. Repeat a couple of times.

5. Ask them to do the same again, either tracing s in front of them on the carpet or
sitting in a line and tracing s on the back of the child in front.

6. Finally, the children write s on whiteboards or paper at tables.

Practising letter recognition (for reading) and

recall (for spelling)
As soon as the first three letters (s, a, t) are learned, play games to give the children lots
of practice in recognising and recalling the letters quickly. Fast recognition of letters is very
important for reading, and recall for spelling. A toy could ‘help’ you by doing the pointing
(recognition) or saying the sounds of the letters (recall).

Recognition (for reading)

■ To say as quickly as possible the correct sound when a letter is displayed

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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■ Set of A4 size cards with a letter on one side and its mnemonic on the other (e.g.
the letter s on one side and a picture of a snake shaped like an s on the other)
Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

1. Hold up the letter cards the children have learned, one at a time.

2. Ask the children, in chorus, to say the letter-sound (with the action if used).

3. If the children do not respond, turn the card over to show the mnemonic.

4. Sometimes you could ask the children to say the letter-sounds in a particular way
(e.g. happy, sad, bossy or timid – mood sounds).

5. As the children become familiar with the letters, increase the speed of
presentation so that the children learn to respond quickly.

Interactive whiteboard variation

■ Interactive whiteboard with large letters stacked up one behind the other

1. Reveal letters one by one by ‘pulling’ them across with your finger, gradually
speeding up.

■ Frieze of letters
■ Pointing stick/hand

1. Ask the children to tell you the sounds of the letters as you point to the letters at

2. As the children become familiar with the letters, increase the speed of
presentation so that the children learn to respond quickly.

3. Sometimes ask a child to ‘be teacher’ as this gives children confidence and gives
you the opportunity to watch and assess them as they respond.

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Interactive whiteboard variation


Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

■ Interactive whiteboard

1. Display the letters the children have learned.

2. Either point to one letter at a time or remotely colour one letter at a time and ask
the children to tell you each letter-sound.

Recall (for spelling)

■ To find the correct letter in response to a letter-sound being spoken

■ Fans with letters from sets 1 and 2 (e.g. s, a, t, p, i, n), one per child or pair of

1. Say a letter-sound and ask the children to find the letter on the fan and leave it at
the top, sliding the other letters out of sight.

2. If all the children have fans ask them to check that they have the same answer
as their partners. If the children are sharing, they ask their partners whether they

3. Ask the children to hold up their fans for you to see.

■ The children have two different fans each.
■ The children work in pairs with three different fans.

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Quickwrite letters
Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

■ Small whiteboards, pens and wipes for each child or pair of children

1. Say a letter-sound (with the mnemonic and action if necessary) and ask the
children to write it, saying the letter formation patter as they do so.

2. If the children are sharing a whiteboard both write, one after the other.

Practising oral blending and segmentation

These blending and segmentation skills were introduced in Phase One with a soft toy
that ‘could only speak and understand sound-talk’. Blending and segmenting are the
inverse of one another and need regular practice during Phase Two but blending and
segmentation with letters should replace oral segmentation and blending as soon as

Practising oral blending

■ To give children oral experience of blending phonemes into words so that they
are already familiar with the blending process when they start to read words
made from the letter-sounds they are being taught

From time to time during the day, say some words in ’sound-talk’. For example:

■ sound-talk a word in an instruction (e.g. Give yourselves a p-a-t on the back);

■ say some of the children’s names in sound-talk when sending them to an activity
or out to play.

Georgie’s gym
■ Soft toy

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Use the soft toy to give instructions, ‘Georgie says’, for example:

1. Stand u-p.

Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

2. Put your hands on your kn-ee-s, on your f-ee-t.

3. Put your finger on your n-o-se.

4. Bend one arm round your b-a-ck.

5. Wiggle your…

What’s missing?
■ Set of any six CVC objects from the role-play area (e.g. hospital: soap, pen,
chart, book, mug)

■ List of nine words for the teacher to read out, which includes the six objects and
three additional items (e.g. bed, sheet, pill)

■ Soft toy (optional)

1. Pretext: you (or the soft toy) need to check that you have collected together all
the items you need, which are written on your list.

2. Display the six objects.

3. Say one of the words on the list using sound-talk, ask the children to repeat it
and then tell their partners what it is.

4. The children look at the items in front of them to see if the object is there.

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Practising oral segmentation
Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

■ To give children experience of breaking words up orally into their constituent
phonemes so that they can use their knowledge of letter-sounds to spell words

■ Soft toy
■ List of words, pictures or objects

1. Pretext: the toy is deciding what to put into his picnic basket and the children
are asked to help him decide, but he only understands sound-talk.

2. Ask the children whether he will need an item (e.g. jam).

3. If the children think he will, ask them to say the word and then tell the toy in
sound-talk: jam, j-a-m. The children may benefit from making some action with
their hands or arms in time to the sound-talk.

4. Continue with a series of both suitable and unsuitable items (e.g. cheese, mud,
cake, nuts, juice, coal, ham, rolls, soap, mugs, mouse).

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Teaching and practising blending for reading
VC and CVC words

Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

Blending for reading is a combination of letter recognition and oral blending (see Notes of
Guidance for Practitioners and Teachers, pages 10–11, for an explanation). Some children
need a lot of practice before they grasp CVC blending.

Teaching blending for reading

Sound buttons
■ Words on cards or on magnetic or an interactive whiteboard with sound at
buttons as illustrated

This sequence of suggestions will require building over a few days.

1. Display a VC word (e.g. it, at) and point to or draw a sound button under each letter.

2. Sound-talk and then tell the children the word.

3. Repeat, but ask the children to tell their partners the word after you have
sound-talked it.

4. Repeat 2 and 3 with a CVC word.

5. Repeat 4 with a couple more words.

6. Display another word, ask the children to sound-talk it with you and then say
the word to their partners.

7. Repeat 6 with a couple more words.

8. Display another word and ask the children to sound-talk it in chorus, wait for
you to repeat the sounds after them and then say the word to their partners.

9. Repeat 8 with more words.

10. Finally, display another word and ask the children to sound-talk the word in
chorus and then, without your repeating the sounds, say the word to their

11. Repeat 10 with more words.

This procedure can be ‘wrapped up’ in a playful manner by using a toy or a game
but the purpose of blending for reading should not be eclipsed as the prime motive
for the children’s learning (see ‘Practising blending for reading’ on page 59).

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Practising blending for reading
Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

What’s in the box?

■ Set of word cards (e.g. words containing sets 1 and 2 letters – see ‘Bank of
suggested words for practising reading and spelling’ on page 69)

■ Set of objects or pictures corresponding to the word cards, hidden in a box

■ Soft toy (optional)

1. Display a word card (e.g. map).

2. Go through the letter recognition and blending process appropriate to the

children’s development (see ‘Teaching blending for reading’ on page 58).

3. Ask the toy or a child to find the object or picture in the box.

Variation 1 (to additionally develop vocabulary)

1. Attach some pictures to the whiteboard using reusable sticky pads or magnets
or display some objects.

2. Display a word card.

3. Go through the letter recognition and blending process appropriate to the

children’s development.

4. Ask a child to place the word card next to the corresponding picture or object.

Variation 2 (when the children are becoming confident blenders)

1. The children sit in two lines opposite one another.

2. Give the children in one line an object or picture and the children in the other line
a word card.

3. The children with the word cards read their words and the children with objects
or pictures sound-talk the name of their object or picture to the child sitting next
to them.

4. Ask the children to hold up their words and objects or pictures so the children
sitting in the line opposite can see them.

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5. Ask the children with word cards to stand up and go across to the child in the
line opposite who has the corresponding object or picture.

6. All the children check that they have the right match.

Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

Small group with adult
The following activities can be played without an adult present but when they are
completed the children seek out an adult to check their decisions.

Matching words and pictures

(Resources as above).

1. Lay out the word cards and picture cards on a table.

2. Ask the children to match the word cards to the pictures.

Buried treasure
■ To motivate children to read the words and so gain valuable reading practice

■ About eight cards, shaped and coloured like gold coins, with words and
nonsense words on them made up from letters the children have been learning
(e.g. mop, cat, man, mip, pon, mon), buried in the sand tray

■ Containers representing a treasure chest and a waste bin, or pictures of a

treasure chest and a waste bin on large sheets of paper, placed flat on a table

Ask the children to sort the coins into the treasure chest and the waste bin, putting
the coins with proper words on them (e.g. man) in the treasure chest and those with
meaningless words (e.g. mon) in the waste bin.

When children have blended the sounds to read a word a number of times on
different occasions, either overtly or under their breath, they will begin to read the
word ‘automatically’ without needing to blend.

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Teaching and practising segmenting VC and
CVC words for spelling
Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

Teaching segmentation for spelling is a combination of oral segmentation and letter recall
(see Notes of Guidance for Practitioners and Teachers, pages 10–11, for an explanation).
Some children need a lot of practice before they grasp CVC segmentation.

Teaching segmentation

Phoneme frame
■ Large two-phoneme or three-phoneme frame drawn on a magnetic or
interactive whiteboard as illustrated

■ Selection of magnetic letters (e.g. sets 1 and 2 letters) displayed on a


■ List of words (visible only to the teacher)

■ Small phoneme frames, each with a selection of magnetic letters, or six-letter
fans, one per child or pair of children

■ Soft toy (optional)

This sequence of suggestions will require building over a few days. Children should
be able to spell VC words before moving on to spell CVC words.

1. Say a VC word (e.g. at) and then say it in sound-talk.

2. Say another VC word (e.g. it) and ask the children to tell their partners what it
would be in sound-talk.

3. Demonstrate finding the letter i from the selection of magnetic letters and put
it in the first square on phoneme frame and the letter t in the second square,
sound-talk i-t and then say it.

4. Say another VC word (e.g. in) and ask the children to tell their partners what it
would be in sound-talk.

5. Ask the children to tell you what to put in the first square in the phoneme frame
and then in the second.

6. Ask the children to make the word on their own phoneme frames or fans.

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7. If all the children have frames or fans, ask them to check that they have the
same answer as their partners. If the children are sharing, they ask their partners
whether they agree.

Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

8. Ask the children to hold up their frames or fans for you to see.

9. Repeat 4–8 with another VC word (e.g. an).

10. Repeat 1–8 with three-phoneme (CVC) words containing the selection of letters.

See ‘Bank of suggested words for practising reading and spelling’ (on page 69).

This procedure can also be ‘wrapped up’ in a playful manner by ‘helping a toy’ to
write words.

Practising segmentation

Phoneme frame
See ‘Teaching and practising VC and CVC words for spelling’ (on page 61).

Quickwrite words
■ Large three-phoneme frame drawn on a magnetic whiteboard
■ Display of letters required for words
■ List of CVC words (visible only to the teacher)
■ Hand-held phoneme frames on whiteboards, pens and wipes, one per child or
pair of children

1. Say a CVC word and, holding up three fingers, sound-talk it, pointing to a finger
at a time for each phoneme.

2. Ask the children to do the same and watch to check that they are correct.

3. Holding up the three fingers on one hand, write the letters of the word in the
phoneme frame, demonstrating how to refer to the letter display to recall a letter.

4. Ask the children to write the word in their phoneme frames.

5. Say another word and ask the children to sound-talk it to their partners using
their fingers.

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6. Ask them to sound-talk it in chorus for you to write it.

7. Repeat 5 and 6 but leave the last letter of the word for the children to write on
their own.
Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

8. Ask them to sound-talk (with fingers) and write more words you say.

Full circle
■ List of words (sat, sit, sip, tip, tap, sap, sat), magnetic whiteboards and letters
(s, a, t, p, i), one per pair of children

■ List of words (pin, pit, sit, sat, pat, pan, pin), magnetic whiteboards and letters
(s, a, t, p, i, n), one per pair of children

■ List of words (pot, pod, pad, sad, mad, mat, pat, pot), magnetic whiteboards
and letters (p, t, d, m, s, o, a), one per pair of children

■ List of words (cat, can, man, map, mop, cop, cap, cat), magnetic whiteboards
and letters (c, t, n, m, p, a, o), one per pair of children

■ List of words (leg, peg, pet, pat, rat, ran, rag, lag, leg), magnetic whiteboards
and letters (l, g, p, t, r, n, e, a), one per pair of children

■ List of words (run, bun, but, bit, hit, him, dim, din, sin, sun, run), magnetic
whiteboards and letters (r, n, b, t, h, m, s, d, i, u), one per pair of children

1. Give pairs of children a magnetic whiteboard and the appropriate letters for one
game of ‘Full circle’.

2. Say the first word (e.g. sat) and ask the children to make it with their letters.

3. Write sat on the whiteboard and explain that the children are going to keep
changing letters to make lots of words and that when they make sat again, they
may call out Full circle.

4. Leave sat written on the whiteboard throughout the activity.

5. Ask the children to sound-talk sat and then sit and then to change sat into sit
on their magnetic whiteboards.

6. Ask them to sound-talk and blend the word to check that it is correct.

7. Repeat with each word in the list until the first word comes round again and then
say Full circle with the children.

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Teaching and practising high-frequency
(common) words

Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

There are 100 common words that recur frequently in much of the written material young
children read and that they need when they write. Most of these are decodable, by
sounding and blending, assuming the grapheme–phoneme correspondences are known,
but only 26 of the high-frequency words are decodable by the end of Phase Two. Reading
a group of these words each day, by applying grapheme–phoneme knowledge as it is
acquired, will help children recognise them quickly. However, in order to read simple
captions it is necessary also to know some words that have unusual or untaught GPCs
(‘tricky’ words) and these need to be learned (see Notes of Guidance for Practitioners and
Teachers, page 15).

Teaching ‘tricky’ high-frequency words

the to I go no
• •• • •• ••

■ Caption containing the tricky word to be learned (see ‘Bank of suggested
captions for practising reading’ on page 71)

1. Explain that there are some words that have one, or sometimes two, tricky

2. Read the caption, pointing to each word, then point to the word to be learned
and read it again.

3. Write the word on the whiteboard.

4. Sound-talk the word and repeat putting sound lines and buttons (as illustrated
above) under each phoneme and blending them to read the word.

5. Discuss the tricky bit of the word where the letters do not correspond to the
sounds the children know (e.g. in go, the last letter does not represent the same
sound as the children know in dog).

6. Read the word a couple more times and refer to it regularly throughout the
day so that by the end of the day the children can read the word straight away
without sounding out.

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Practising reading high-frequency words
Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

Children should be given lots of practice with sounding and blending the 26 decodable
high-frequency words so that they will be able to read them ‘automatically’ as soon as
possible. They also need practice with reading the five tricky words, paying attention to
any known letter–sound correspondences.

■ Between five and eight high-frequency words, including decodable and tricky
words, written on individual cards

1. Display a word card.

2. Point to each letter in the word as the children sound-talk the letters (as far as is
possible with tricky words) and read the word.

3. Say a sentence using the word, slightly emphasising the word.

4. Repeat 1–3 with each word card.

5. Display each word again, and repeat the procedure more quickly but without
giving a sentence.

6. Repeat once more, asking the children to say the word without sounding it out.

Give the children a caption incorporating the high-frequency words to read at home.

Introducing two-syllable words for reading

■ Short list of two-syllable words

1. Write a two-syllable word on the whiteboard making a slash between the two
syllables (e.g. sun/set).

2. Sound-talk the first syllable and blend it: s-u-n sun.

3. Sound-talk the second syllable and blend it: s-e-t set.

4. Say both syllables: sunset.

5. Repeat and ask the children to join in.

6. Repeat with another word.

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Teaching reading and writing captions

Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

Reading captions

■ Three pictures and a caption for one of the pictures

1. Display the caption.

2. Sound-talk and read the first word (e.g. p-a-t pat).

3. Ask the children to repeat after you or join in with you, depending on their

4. After sound-talking (if necessary) and reading the second word, say both words
(e.g. a, pat a).

5. Continue with the next word (e.g. d-o-g dog, pat a dog).

6. Display the pictures and ask the children which picture the caption belongs to.

Note: As children get more practice with the high-frequency words, it should not be
necessary to continue sound-talking them.

Shared reading
When reading a shared text to the children for the purpose of familiarising them
with print conventions (direction, one-to-one word correspondence, etc.) locate
occasional VC and CVC words comprising the letters the children have learned,
sound-talk and blend them.

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Writing captions
Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

Demonstration writing
■ Picture of subjects that have VC and CVC names (e.g. a cat sitting in a hat)

1. Display and discuss the picture.

2. Ask the children to help you write a caption for the picture (e.g. a cat in a hat).

3. Ask them to say the caption all together a couple of times and then say it again
to their partners.

4. Ask them to say it again all together two or three times.

5. Ask the children to tell you the first word.

6. Ask what letters are needed and write it.

7. Remind the children that a space is needed between words and put a mark
where the next word will start.

8. Ask the children to say the caption again.

9. Ask for the next word and ask what letters are needed.

10. Repeat for each word.

Shared writing
When writing in front of the children, take the occasional opportunity to ask them to
help you spell words by telling you which letters to write.

Independent writing
When the children are writing, for example in role-play areas, their letter awareness
along with their ability to segment will allow them to make a good attempt at writing
many of the words they wish to use. Even though some of their spellings may
be inaccurate, the experience gives them further practice in segmentation and,
even more importantly, gives them experience in composition and helps them see
themselves as writers.

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(See Notes of Guidance for Practitioners and Teachers, page 16.)

Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

By the end of Phase Two children should:

■ give the sound when shown any Phase Two letter, securing first the starter letters s, a,
t, p, i, n;

■ find any Phase Two letter, from a display, when given the sound;
■ be able to orally blend and segment CVC words;
■ be able to blend and segment in order to read and spell (using magnetic letters) VC
words such as if, am, on, up and ‘silly names’ such as ip, ug and ock;

■ be able to read the five tricky words the, to, I, no, go.
Some children will not have fully grasped CVC blending and segmentation but may know
all the Phase Two letters. CVC blending and segmentation continues throughout Phase
Three so children can progress to the next stage even if they have not mastered CVC

Children’s capacity to write letters will depend on their physical maturity and the teaching
approach taken to letter formation. Some children will be able to write all the letters in
pencil, correctly formed. Most children should be able to form the letters correctly in the
air, in sand or using a paint brush and should be able to control a pencil sufficiently well to
write letters such as l, t, i well and h, n and m reasonably well.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Bank of suggested words for practising
reading and spelling
Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

The words in this section are made up from the letters taught for use in blending for
reading and segmentation for spelling. These lists are not for working through slavishly but
to be selected from as needed for an activity (words in italics are from the list of 100 high-
frequency words).

Words using set  GPC Words using sets  and  GPCs

For ** see next page

at (+i) (+n) (+m) (+d)

sat it an am dad
pat is** in man sad
tap sit nip mam dim
sap sat pan mat dip
[a*, as**] pit pin map din
tip tin Pam did
pip tan Tim Sid
sip nap Sam and

Words using sets – GPCs Words using sets – GPCs
(+g) (+o) (+c) (+k) (+ck) (+e) (+u) (+r)
tag got can kid kick get up rim
gag on cot kit sock pet mum rip
gig not cop Kim sack ten run ram
gap pot cap Ken dock net mug rat
nag top cat pick pen cup rag
sag dog cod sick peg sun rug
gas pop pack met tuck rot

pig God ticket men mud rocket

dig Mog pocket neck sunset carrot

Teach that ‘ck’ together stands for the same
sound as ‘c’ and ‘k’ separately – ck never
comes at the beginning of a word, but often
comes at the end or near the end.

*The indefinite article ‘a’ is normally pronounced as a schwa, but this is close enough to the /a/
sound to be manageable.

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Words using sets – letters
(+h) (+b) (+f and ff) (+l and ll) (+ss)
had but of** lap ass

Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

him big if let less
his** back off leg hiss
hot bet fit lot mass
hut bad fin lit mess
hop bag fun bell boss
hum bed fig fill fuss
hit bud fog doll hiss
hat beg puff tell pass (north)
has ** bug huff sell kiss
hack bun cuff Bill Tess
hug bus fan Nell fusspot
Ben fat dull
bat laptop

When the letters l, s and f double at the ends of some words and c is joined by k, it
is a good idea to draw a line underneath both letters to show that they represent one
phoneme (e.g. hill, pick) when providing words and captions for reading, and encourage
children to do so in their writing.

**The sounds represented by f in of, and by s in as, is, has and his should also not cause
problems at this stage, especially as children will not learn the letters v and z until several weeks
later. Note that /f/ is articulated in the same way as /v/, and /s/ as /z/, apart from the fact that /f/
and /s/ are unvoiced and /v/ and /z/ are voiced.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Bank of suggested captions for practising
Letters and Sounds: Phase Two

Captions with sets – words

pat a dog dad and nan
a cat in a hat a nap in a cot
a sad man a kid in a cap
a pin on a map a tin can
pots and pans cats and dogs

Captions with sets – words + to, the

a red rug rats on a sack
get to the top a pup in the mud
socks on a mat run to the den
a cap on a peg mugs and cups
a run in the sun an egg in an egg cup

Captions, instructions and signs with sets – words + to, the, no, go
a hug and a kiss a cat on a bed
on top of the rock to the top of the hill
a bag of nuts get off the bus
to huff and puff no lid on the pan
go to the log hut pack a pen in a bag
a hot hob a doll in a cot
sit back to back a cat and a big fat rat
a duck and a hen

The captions are included to provide a bridge between the reading of single words and the
reading of books. They enable children to use and apply their decoding skills on simple material
fully compatible with the word-reading level they have reached. This helps them to gain
confidence and begin to read simple books.

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Letters and sounds: Phase Three

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Phase Three
(up to  weeks)
Letters and Sounds: Phase Three


■ Summary 74

■ Suggested daily teaching in Phase Three 75

■ Suggested timetable for Phase Three – discrete teaching 76

■ Teaching sets 6 and 7 letters 78

■ Teaching letter names (if not already taught) 80

■ Introducing and teaching two-letter and three-letter GPCs 81

■ Practising grapheme recognition (for reading) and recall (for spelling) 82

■ Practising blending for reading 85

■ Practising segmentation for spelling 88

■ Teaching and practising high-frequency (common) words 91

■ Teaching reading and spelling two-syllable words 94

■ Practising reading and writing captions and sentences 95

■ Assessment 99

■ Bank of suggested words, captions and sentences 100


This icon indicates that the activity

can be viewed on the DVD.

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Children entering Phase Three will know around 19 letters and be able to blend
phonemes to read VC words and segment VC words to spell. While many children will

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

be able to read and spell CVC words, they all should be able to blend and segment CVC
words orally. (See Appendix 3: Assessment).

The purpose of this phase is to teach another 25 graphemes, most of them comprising
two letters (e.g. oa), so the children can represent each of about 42 phonemes by a
grapheme (the additional phoneme /zh/ found in the word vision will be taught at Phase
Five). Children also continue to practise CVC blending and segmentation in this phase
and will apply their knowledge of blending and segmenting to reading and spelling simple
two-syllable words and captions. They will learn letter names during this phase, learn to
read some more tricky words and also begin to learn to spell some of these words.

The teaching materials in this phase suggest an order for teaching letters and provide a
selection of suitable words made up of the letters as they are learned and captions and
sentences made up of the words. They are for using in the activities – practising blending
for reading and segmenting for spelling. These are not lists to be worked through slavishly
but to be selected from as needed for an activity.

It must always be remembered that phonics is the step up to word recognition. Automatic
reading of all words – decodable and tricky – is the ultimate goal.

Set : j v w x*
Set : y z, zz qu*

*The sounds traditionally taught for the letters x and qu (/ks/ and /kw/) are both two
phonemes, but children do not need to be taught this, at this stage as it does not affect
how the letters are used.

Graphemes Sample words Graphemes Sample words

ch chip ar farm
sh shop or for
th thin/then ur hurt
ng ring ow cow
ai rain oi coin
ee feet ear dear
igh night air fair
oa boat ure sure
oo boot/look er corner

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Suggested daily teaching in Phase Three
Sequence of teaching in a discrete phonics session
Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

Objectives and criteria for success

Revisit and review




Assess learning against criteria

Revisit and review

■ Practise previously learned letters or graphemes

■ Teach new graphemes
■ Teach one or two tricky words

■ Practise blending and reading words with a new GPC
■ Practise segmenting and spelling words with a new GPC

■ Read or write a caption or sentence using one or more tricky words and words
containing the graphemes

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Suggested timetable for Phase Three
– discrete teaching

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

Week  – Practise previously learned letters and sounds
– Teach set 6 letters and sounds
– Learn an alphabet song
– Practise blending for reading
– Practise segmentation for spelling
– Practise reading high-frequency words
– Read sentences using sets 1–6 letters and the tricky words no, go, I,
the, to
Week  – Practise previously learned letters and sounds
– Teach set 7 letters and sounds
– Point to the letters in the alphabet while singing the alphabet song
– Practise blending for reading
– Practise segmentation for spelling
– Teach reading the tricky words he, she
– Practise reading and spelling high-frequency words
– Teach spelling the tricky words the and to
– Practise reading captions and sentences with sets 1–7 letters and he,
she, no, go, I, the, to
Week  – Practise previously learned GPCs
– Teach the four consonant digraphs
– Point to the letters in the alphabet while singing the alphabet song
– Practise blending for reading
– Practise segmentation for spelling
– Teach reading the tricky words we, me, be
– Practise reading and spelling high-frequency words
– Practise reading two-syllable words
– Practise reading captions and sentences
– Practise writing captions and sentences
Week  – Practise previously learned GPCs
– Teach four of the vowel digraphs
– Point to the letters in the alphabet while singing the alphabet song
– Practise blending for reading
– Practise segmentation for spelling
– Teach reading the tricky word was
– Teach spelling the tricky words no and go
– Practise reading and spelling high-frequency words
– Practise reading two-syllable words
– Practise reading captions and sentences
– Practise writing captions and sentences

Week  – Practise previously learned GPCs

– Teach four more vowel digraphs
– Point to the letters in the alphabet while singing the alphabet song

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Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

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Week 0 – Practise all GPCs
– Practise letter names
– Practise blending for reading
– Practise segmentation for spelling

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

– Teach reading the tricky word are
– Practise reading and spelling words
– Practise spelling two-syllable high-frequency words
– Practise reading captions and sentences
– Practise writing captions and sentences
Weeks – – More consolidation if necessary, or move on to Phase Four.

Teaching sets  and  letters

Teaching a letter

Three-part example session for teaching the letter y

■ To learn to say a discrete phoneme, recognise and write the letter that
represents that phoneme

■ Yoyo
■ Card showing, on one side, a picture of a yoyo (mnemonic) with the letter y
superimposed in black on the yoyo; on the other side, the letter y

■ Small whiteboards, pens and wipes or paper and pencils for each child

Hear it and say it
1. Make a y-y-y-y noise as you produce a yoyo from behind your back.

2. Continue to say y in time to the movement of the yoyo.

3. Ask the children to stand up and pretend to play with a yoyo, saying y each time
the yoyo goes down.

4. If any children in the room have names with the y sound in them, say their
names, accentuating the y (e.g. YYYYolande, YYYYasmine).

5. Do the same with other words (e.g. yes, yellow, accepting suggestions from
the children if they offer them.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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See it and say it
1. Display the picture of a yoyo.

2. Ask the children to repeat y-y-y-yoyo.

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

3. Move your finger down and round the yoyo and down the string, saying y-y-y
and saying yoyo when you reach the curled bit of the string.

4. Repeat a number of times, encouraging the children to join in.

5. Write y next to the yoyo and say y-y-y-y-y-y.

6. Ask the children to repeat y-y-y-y-y-y.

7. Point to the yoyo and say yoyo and to the y and say y-y-y-y-y-y.

8. Repeat with the children joining in.

9. Put the card behind your back. Then show the yoyo side of the card and ask the
children to say yoyo; show the y side of the card and the children say y-y-y-y-y-y.
Make it into a game, sometimes showing the y and sometimes the yoyo.

Say it and write it

1. Move your finger slowly down and round the yoyo, and down and round the
string, this time saying the letter formation patter: Down and round the yoyo,
down and round the string.

2. Repeat a couple of times.

3. Repeat a couple more times with the children joining in the patter as they watch

4. Ask the children to put their ‘writing finger’ or ‘pencil’ in the air and follow you,
also saying the patter. Repeat a couple of times.

5. Ask them to do the same again, either tracing y in front of them on the carpet or
sitting in a line and tracing the letter on the back of the child in front.

6. Ask them to hold up their hands and write y on the palms of their hands.

7. Finally, the children write y on whiteboards or paper at tables.

In teaching the remaining sets 6 and 7 letters:

■ relate zz to ff, ll, and ss;

■ explain about q always needing u after it in English words.

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Teaching letter names (if not already taught)
See Notes of Guidance for Practitioners and Teachers page 15 for the rationale for
teaching and using letter names.

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

Alphabet song

■ Alphabet song
■ Alphabet frieze including lower and upper case letters (or one frieze for each

■ Selection of toy animals or pictures of animals

Procedure (gradually over a period of two or three weeks)

1. Teach the alphabet song and sing it every day for a week.

2. Display two or three animals (or pictures of animals) and ask the children to
indicate which is the cat, the dog, the cow, etc. and then what sound each one
makes: meow, woof, moo, etc.

3. Reiterate that one of the animals is a cat and it makes the sound meow.

4. Display a letter (e.g. t) and tell the children that it is a t (say its name) and stands
for the sound /t/ (say its sound).

5. Display another letter (e.g. m) telling the children what it is. Ask them what sound
it stands for (as they already know the sounds of the letters).

6. Display the alphabet frieze and point to the letters as the children sing the

7. Continue singing the alphabet daily and pointing to the letters until you are
satisfied that all the children know the letter names.

8. Pick out a few letters each day and connect the names with the sounds of the

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Introducing and teaching two-letter and
three-letter GPCs
Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

Introducing two-letter GPCs

Two-part example session for teaching sh

■ sh card
■ sh words


Hear it and say it

1. Say the grapheme sound with its mnemonic (e.g. putting your fingers to your lips
as though quietening everyone).
2. Invite the children to join in.
3. If any children in the room have names with the sh sound in them, say their
names, accentuating the shshshshsh (e.g. ShshShona, Mishshsha). If
Charlene offers her name, accept it and leave the explanation of the letters until
‘See it and say it’ below.
4. Do the same with other words (e.g. shsheep, bushsh, accepting suggestions
from the children if they offer them.

See it and say it

1. Display sh and explain that this sound needs two letters that the children
already know and that to show that two letters stand for one sound we draw a
line under them. (Now is the time to tell Charlene that her name certainly does
start with /sh/ but that it has a different spelling.)
2. Recall that the children have already seen two letters being used in the recently
learned q, which always has a u after it, and also ck and the double letters ll,
zz, ff and ss at the ends of some words.
3. Write some sh words on the whiteboard and others as foils (e.g. shut, fish,
shop, dash, wishes, shell, rushed, hiss, stop, such).
4. Ask six children to come to the whiteboard and one a time to find the word with
a sh grapheme and underline the grapheme.

Teaching two-letter and three-letter GPCs

Continue to teach mnemonics for Phase Three GPCs.

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Practising grapheme recognition (for reading)
and recall (for spelling)

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

Recognition (for reading)


■ To say as quickly as possible the correct sound when a grapheme is displayed

■ Set of A4 size cards with a grapheme on one side and its mnemonic on the
other (e.g. sh on one side and a picture of a finger to the mouth on the other)

1. Hold up the grapheme cards the children have learned, one at a time.

2. Ask the children, in chorus, to say the sound of the grapheme (with the action, if

3. If the children do not respond, turn the card over to show the mnemonic.

4. Increase the speed of presentation so that the children learn to respond quickly.

5. Sometimes you could ask the children to say the sound for the grapheme in a
particular way (e.g. happy, sad, bossy, timid – mood sounds).

You could have an identical set of small cards for using through the day with
individuals or small groups.

Interactive whiteboard variation

■ Interactive whiteboard with graphemes stacked up one behind the other

Reveal graphemes one by one by ‘pulling’ them across with your finger, gradually
speeding up.

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Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

■ Frieze of graphemes
■ Pointing stick/hand

1. Point to graphemes, one at a time at random, and ask the children to tell you
what they are.

2. Gradually increase the speed of presentation.

3. You could ask a child to ‘be teacher’ as this gives you the opportunity to watch
and assess the children as they respond.

Interactive whiteboard variation

■ Interactive whiteboard

1. Display the graphemes the children have learned.

2. Either point to one grapheme at a time or remotely colour one letter at a time.

Recall (for spelling)


■ To find the correct grapheme in response to a sound being spoken

■ Fans with a designated set of graphemes (e.g. set 6 and 7 letters j, v, w, x, y,
z, qu) or Phase Three graphemes (e.g. ch, sh, th, ng, ee, ai), one per child or
pair of children

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1. Say the sound of a grapheme and ask the children to find the letter on the fan
and leave it at the top, sliding the other letters out of sight.

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

2. If all the children have fans, ask them to check that they have the same answer
as their partners. If the children are sharing, they ask their partners whether they

3. Ask the children to hold up their fans for you to see.

■ The children have two different fans each.
■ The children work in pairs with three different fans.

Quickwrite letters
■ Small whiteboards, pens and wipes for each child or pair of children

1. Say a set 6 or 7 letter-sound (with the mnemonic and action if necessary) and
ask the children to write it, saying the letter formation patter as they do so.

2. If the children are sharing a whiteboard both write, one after the other.

Quickwrite graphemes
(Resources and procedure as for ‘Quickwrite letters’ above.)

The children have already learned the formation of the letters that combine to form
two-letter and three-letter graphemes but many may still need to say the mnemonic
patter for the formation as they write. When referring to the individual letters in a
grapheme, the children should now be encouraged to use letter names as letters do
not stand for their Phase Two sounds when they form part of two-letter and three-
letter graphemes.

If you have taught the necessary handwriting joins, it may, at this point, be helpful
to teach the easier digraphs as joined units (e.g. , , ai, ee, oa, oo, ow,
oi – see the reference to handwriting in Notes of Guidance for Practitioners and
Teachers, page 15).

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Practising blending for reading

Blending for reading

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

What’s in the box?

■ Set of word cards (e.g. with words containing sets 6 and 7 letters and Phase
Three graphemes: see page 100–102 for suggestions)

■ Set of objects or pictures corresponding to the word cards, hidden in a box

■ Soft toy (optional) chop light
•• • •

1. Display a word card.

2. Go through the grapheme recognition and blending process, placing a sound

button below each grapheme, as illustrated. Draw attention to the long sound
buttons under the two-letter and three-letter graphemes.

3. Ask the toy or a child to find the corresponding object or picture in the box.

Variation 1 (to additionally develop vocabulary)

1. Attach some pictures to the whiteboard using reusable sticky pads or magnets
or display some objects.

2. Display a word card.

3. Go through the grapheme recognition and blending process as above.

4. Ask a child to place the word card next to the corresponding picture or object.

Variation 2 (when children are confident blenders)

1. Children sit in two lines opposite one another.

2. Give the children in one line an object or picture and the children in the other line
a word card.

3. Ask the children with word cards to read their words and ask the children with
objects or pictures to ‘sound-talk’ the name of their object or picture to the child
sitting next to them.

4. Ask the children to hold up their words and objects or pictures so the children
sitting in the line opposite can see them.

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■ Ask the children with word cards to stand up and go across to the child in the
line opposite who has the corresponding object or picture.

■ All the children check that they have the right match.

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

■ List of Phase Three words
■ Sand timer, stop clock or some other way of time-limiting the activity

1. Display the list of words, one underneath the other.

2. Explain to the children that the object of this activity is to read as many words as
possible before the sand timer or stop clock signals ‘Stop’.

3. Start the timer.

4. Call a child’s name out and point to the first word.

5. Ask the child to sound-talk the letters and read the word.

6. Repeat with another child reading the next word, until the time runs out.

7. Record the score.

The next time the game is played, the objective is to beat this score.

With less confident children this game could be played with all the children reading
the words together.

Sentence substitution
■ To practise reading words in sentences

■ A number of prepared sentences at the children’s current level (see suggestions
for sentences for substitution on page 104)

■ List of alternative words for each sentence

■ Soft toy or puppet (optional)

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1. Write a sentence on the whiteboard (e.g. Mark fed the cat).

2. Ask the children to read the sentence with their partners and raise their hands
Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

when they have finished.

3. All the children read it together.

4. Using the toy or puppet, rub out one word in the sentence and substitute a
different word (e.g. Mark fed the dog).

5. Ask the children to read the sentence with their partners and raise their hands if
they think it makes sense.

6. All the children read it together.

7. Continue substituting words to make new sentences – Mark hid the cat;
Gail hid the cat; Gail hid the moon – asking the children to read each new
sentence to decide whether it makes sense or is ridiculous.

Small group with adult

The following activities can be played without an adult present but when they are
completed the children seek out an adult to check.

Matching words and pictures

(Resources as ‘What’s in the box?’ above.)

1. Lay out the words and picture cards on a table.

2. Ask the children to match up the words to the pictures.

Buried treasure
■ To motivate children to read the words and so gain valuable reading practice

■ About eight cards, shaped and coloured like gold coins with words and
nonsense words on them made up from graphemes the children have been
learning (e.g. jarm, win, jowd, yes, wug, zip), buried in the sand tray

■ Containers representing a treasure chest and a waste bin, or pictures of a

treasure chest and a waste bin on large sheets of paper, placed flat on the table.

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1. Ask the children to sort the coins into the treasure chest and the waste bin,
putting the coins with proper words on them (e.g. win) in the treasure chest and

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

those with meaningless words (e.g. jowd) in the waste bin.

■ Words, such as the names of farm and zoo animals (e.g. zebra, camel, hen,
chimpanzee, panda, cow, yak, sheep, goat, duck)

■ Sorting frame (e.g. farm animals, zoo animals)

1. Ask the children to sort the animals by reading the words and putting them into
the correct frame.

Practising segmentation for spelling

Segmentation for spelling

Phoneme frame
■ Large three-phoneme frame drawn on a magnetic whiteboard
■ Selection of magnetic letters or graphemes displayed on the whiteboard (the
graphemes should be either custom-made as units or individual letters stuck
together using sticky tape e.g. , oa)

■ List of words
■ Small phoneme frames, each with a selection of magnetic letters or six-letter
or six-grapheme fans, one per child or pair of children


Words made up of sets 6 and 7 letters

1. Say a CVC word (e.g. jam) and then say it in sound-talk.

2. Say another CVC word (e.g. wet) and ask the children to tell their partners
what it would be in sound-talk.

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3. Demonstrate finding the letter w from the selection of magnetic letters and put it
into the first square on the phoneme frame, put the letter e in the second square,
and t in the last square. Sound-talk w-e-t and then say wet.
Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

4. Say another CVC word (e.g. zip) and ask the children to tell their partners what it
would be in sound-talk.

5. Ask the children to tell you what to put in the first square in the phoneme frame,
then in the next and so on.

6. Ask the children to make the word on their own phoneme frames or fans.

7. If all the children have phoneme frames or fans, ask them to check that they
have the same answer as their partner. If the children are sharing, they ask their
partners whether they agree.

8. Ask the children to hold up their phoneme frames or fans for you to see.

9. Repeat 4–8 with another CVC word.

10. Continue with other CVC words.

Phase Three two-letter and three-letter graphemes

Follow the same procedure as for sets 6 and 7 words. It is important that the
graphemes are units, not separate letters.

This procedure can also be ‘wrapped up’ in a playful manner by helping a toy to
write the words.

Quickwrite words
■ Large three-phoneme frame drawn on a magnetic whiteboard
■ List of words for use by the teacher
■ Display of the magnetic letters required for the words on the list
■ Handheld phoneme frames on whiteboards, pens and wipes, one per child or
pair of children

1. Say a word and, holding up three fingers, sound-talk it, pointing to a finger at a
time for each phoneme.

2. Ask the children to do the same and watch to check that they are correct.

3. Holding up the three fingers on one hand, write the letters of the word in the
phoneme frame, consulting the letter display.

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4. Ask the children to write the word in their phoneme frames.

5. Say another word and ask the children to sound-talk it to their partners, using
their fingers.

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

6. Ask them to sound-talk it in chorus for you to write it.

7. Repeat 5 and 6 but leave the last letter of the word for the children to write on
their own.

8. Ask them to sound-talk (with fingers) and write more words that you say.

Full circle

When the graphemes sh, ch, th and ng have been learned

■ List of words (ship, chip, chin, thin, than, can, cash, rash, rang, ring, rip,
ship), magnetic whiteboards and letters (sh, ch, th, ng, p, n, r, c, a, i), for each
pair of children

■ List of words (song, long, lock, shock, shop, chop, chip, chick, thick,
thing, sing, song), magnetic whiteboards and letters (ch, sh, ck, th, ng, s, l,
p, i, o), for each pair of children

When the graphemes for the new vowel sounds have been learned
■ List of words (car, card, lard, laid, maid, mood, moon, moan, moat, mart,
cart, car), magnetic whiteboards and letters (ar, ai, oo, oa, c, d, l, m, n, t), for
each pair of children

■ List of words (light, right, root, room, roam, road, raid, paid, pain, main,
mail, sail, sigh, sight, light), magnetic whiteboards and letters (ai, igh, oo,
oa, l, t, r, m, d, p, n, s), for each pair of children

The graphemes should either be custom-made as units or individual letters need to

be stuck together using sticky tape (e.g. , oa).

1. Give pairs of children a magnetic whiteboard and appropriate letters and

2. Say the first word (e.g. ship) and ask the children to make it with their letters.

3. Write ship on the whiteboard and explain to the children that they are going
to keep changing letters to make lots of words and that when they make
ship again, they may call out Full circle; leave ship written on the whiteboard
throughout the activity.

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4. Ask them to sound-talk ship and then chip and then to change ship into chip
on their magnetic whiteboards.

5. Ask them to sound-talk and blend the word to check that it is correct.
Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

6. Repeat with each word in the list until the first word comes round again and then
say Full circle with the children.

Teaching and practising high-frequency

(common) words
There are 100 common words that recur frequently in much of the written material young
children read and that they need when they write. Most of these are decodable, by
sounding and blending, assuming the grapheme–phoneme correspondences are known,
but only 26 of the high-frequency words are decodable by the end of Phase Two and a
further 12 are decodable by the end of Phase Three. These are will, with, that, this,
then, them, see, for, now, down, look and too. Reading a group of these words
each day, by applying grapheme-phoneme knowledge as it is acquired, will help children
recognise them quickly. However, in order to read simple captions it is necessary also to
know some words that have unusual or untaught GPCs, ‘tricky’ words, and these need
to be learned (see Notes of Guidance for Practitioners and Teachers, page 15, for an

Learning to read tricky words

he she we me be
•• • •• •• ••
was my you her they all are
••• •• • • •

■ Caption containing the tricky word to be learned.

1. Explain that there are some words which have one or sometimes two tricky
letters in them.

2. Read the caption, pointing to each word, then point to the word to be learned
and read it again.

3. Write the word on the whiteboard.

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4. Sound-talk the word, and repeat, putting sound lines and buttons (as illustrated
above) under each phoneme and blending them to read the word.

5. Discuss the tricky bit of the word where the letters do not correspond to the

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

sounds the children know (e.g. in he, the last letter does not represent the same
sound as the children know in hen).

6. Read the word a couple more times and refer to it regularly through the day so
that by the end of the day the children can read the word straight away, without
sounding out.

Note: Emphasise the pattern in the words he, she, we, me, be. The word the,
where the letter e is pronounced /ee/ before a vowel (e.g. the apple) is the only
other tricky word following this pattern.

Practising high-frequency words

The 12 decodable and 12 tricky high-frequency words need lots of practice in the
manner described below so that children will be able to read them ‘automatically’ as
soon as possible.

■ Between five and eight high-frequency words, including decodable and tricky
words, written on individual cards

1. Display a word card.

2. Point to each grapheme as the children sound-talk the graphemes (as far as is
possible with tricky words) and read the word.

3. Say a sentence using the word, slightly emphasising the word.

4. Repeat 1–3 with each word card.

5. Display each word again and repeat the procedure more quickly but without
giving a sentence.

6. Repeat once more, asking the children to say the word without sounding it out.

Give the children a caption or sentence incorporating the high-frequency words to

read at home.

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Learning to spell and practising tricky words
Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

the to no go I
• •• •• •• •
Children should be able to read these words before being expected to learn to spell

■ Whiteboards and pens, preferably one per child

1. Write the word to be learned on the whiteboard and check that everyone can
read it.

2. Say a sentence using the word.

3. Sound-talk the word raising a finger for each phoneme.

4. Ask the children to do the same.

5. Discuss the letters required for each phoneme, using letter names.

6. Ask the children to trace the shape of the letters on their raised fingers.

7. Rub the word off the whiteboard and ask them to write the word on their

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Teaching reading and spelling
two-syllable words

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

Reading two-syllable words

■ Short list of two-syllable words (for use by the teacher)

1. Write a two-syllable word on the whiteboard putting a slash between the two
syllables (e.g. car/park).
2. Sound-talk the first syllable and blend it: c-ar car.
3. Sound-talk the second syllable and blend it: p-ar-k park.
4. Say both syllables: car park.
5. Repeat and ask the children to join in.
6. Repeat with another word.

Introducing spelling two-syllable words

■ List of words (for use by the teacher)
■ Magnetic letters or pens and whiteboards for each child

1. Say a word (e.g. farmyard) then clap each syllable and ask the children to do
the same.
2. Repeat with two or three more words.
3. Clap the first word again and tell the children that the first clap is farm and the
second is yard.
4. Ask the children for the sounds in farm and write them, underlining the digraph.
5. Repeat with the second syllable.
6. Read the completed word.
7. Repeat with another word.
8. Ask children to do the same on their whiteboards either by using magnetic
letters or by writing.

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Practising reading and writing captions
and sentences
Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

Reading captions

Matching (with the teacher)

■ Three pictures and a caption or sentence for one of the pictures

1. Display the caption or sentence.

2. Sound-talk and read the first word (e.g. f-i-sh fish).

3. After sound-talking and reading the second word, say both words (e.g. a-n-d
and, fish and).

4. Continue with the next word (e.g. ch-i-p-s chips, fish and chips).

5. Continue to the end of the caption.

6. Display the pictures.

7. Ask the children which picture the caption belongs to.

8. As children get more practice with the high-frequency words, it should not be
necessary to continue sound-talking them.

Matching (independent of the teacher)

■ Set of pictures and corresponding captions or sentences

Ask the children to match the pictures and captions.

■ Two captions or sentences
■ Drawing materials

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1. Display a caption or sentence.

2. Ask the children to read it with their partners and draw a quick sketch.

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

3. Repeat with the next caption.

‘I can …’ books
■ To practise reading

■ Small zigzag book with ‘I can run’ (jog, hop, sing, etc.) sentences on one side of
each page and a corresponding picture drawn by a child on the other

■ Small four-page empty zigzag books made from half sheets of A4 paper (cut

■ Action words and phrases (jog, run, hop, bang nails, mop up, cook food,
sing songs, fish with bait, chop wood) on cards

■ Paper copies of the action words and phrases

■ Materials for writing, drawing and sticking

1. Read the completed zigzag book to the children.

2. Show them the empty books for them to make their own.

3. Display an action word or phrase card, one a time for the children to read.

4. Make available paper copies of the action words and phrases, the empty zigzag
books, writing, drawing and sticking materials for the children to make their own
zigzag books.

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Yes/no questions

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

■ A number of prepared questions (see page 104 for suggestions) on card or on an

interactive whiteboard

■ Cards with ‘yes’ on one side and ‘no’ on the other, one per pair of children

1. Give pairs of children yes/no cards.

2. Display a yes/no question for the children to read.

3. Ask them to confer with their partners and decide whether the response is ‘yes’
or ‘no’.

4. Ask the children to show their cards.

5. Invite a pair to read a question.

6. Repeat with another question.

Shared reading
When reading a shared text to the children locate occasional VC, CV and CVC words
comprising the letters the children have learned and ask the children to read them.

Writing captions

Demonstration writing
■ Pictures of subjects that have VC, CV and CVC names (e.g. a shed)

1. Display and discuss a picture.

2. Ask the children to help you write a caption for the picture (e.g. tools in a shed).

3. Ask them to say the caption all together a couple of times and then again to
their partners.

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4. Ask them to say it again all together two or three times.

5. Ask the children to tell you the first word.

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

6. Ask what letters are needed and write the word.

7. Remind the children that a space is needed between words: put a mark where
the next word will start.

8. Ask the children to say the caption again.

9. Ask for the next word and ask what letters are needed.

10. Repeat for each word.

Writing sentences
Resources and procedure as for ‘Writing captions’ but as part of the procedure add
to the sentence a capital letter and a full stop.

Shared writing
When writing in front of the children, take the occasional opportunity to ask them to
help you spell words by telling you which letters to write.

Independent writing
When children are writing, for example in role-play areas, their growing knowledge
of letters along with their ability to segment will allow them to make a good attempt
at writing many of the words they wish to use. Even though some of their spellings
may be inaccurate, the experience gives them further practice in segmentation and,
even more importantly, gives them experience in composition and helps them see
themselves as writers. (See the note on invented spelling in Notes of Guidance for
Practitioners and Teachers, page 13.)

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(See Notes of Guidance for Practitioners and Teachers, page 16.)
Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

By the end of Phase Three children should:

■ give the sound when shown all or most Phase Two and Phase Three graphemes;
■ find all or most Phase Two and Phase Three graphemes, from a display, when given
the sound;
■ be able to blend and read CVC words (i.e. single-syllable words consisting of Phase
Two and Phase Three graphemes);
■ be able to segment and make a phonemically plausible attempt at spelling CVC words
(i.e. single-syllable words consisting of Phase Two and Phase Three graphemes);
■ be able to read the tricky words he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you, her, they,
all, are;
■ be able to spell the tricky words the, to, I, no, go;
■ write each letter correctly when following a model.

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Bank of suggested words, captions
and sentences for use in Phase Three

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

The words in this section are made up from the letters taught for use in blending for
reading and segmentation for spelling. These lists are not for working through slavishly but
to be selected from as needed for an activity. (Words in italics are from the list of 100 high-
frequency words.)

Words and sentences using sets – letters

Words using sets – GPCs Words using sets – GPCs
(+j) (+v) (+w) (+x) (+y) (+z/zz) (+qu)
jam van will mix yap zip quiz
Jill vat win fix yes Zak quit
jet vet wag box yet buzz quick
jog Vic web tax yell jazz quack
Jack Ravi wig six yum-yum zigzag liquid
Jen Kevin wax taxi
jet-lag visit cobweb vixen
jacket velvet wicked exit

Yes/no questions with words containing sets – GPCs

Is the sun wet? Can men jog to get fit?
Can wax get hot? Has a pot of jam got a lid?
Has a fox got six legs? Can a taxi hop?
Can a vet fix a jet? Can a van go up a hill?
Will a pen fit in a box? Has a cat got a web?

Yes/no questions with words containing sets – GPCs

Can a duck quack? Can a rabbit yell at a man?
Is a zebra a pet? Can a hen peck?
Can dogs yap? Is a lemon red?
Can a fox get wet? Is a robin as big as a jet?
Will a box fit in a van? Can a web buzz?

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Sentences using words containing sets – GPCs and he, we and she
She will fill the bucket at the well. He did up the zip on Zinat’s jacket.
If the dog has a bad leg, the vet can fix it. The fox and vixen had cubs in a den.
Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

Will Azam and Liz win the quiz? Yes! We can get the big bed into the van.

Sentences are offered here to give children practice in reading and understanding short
texts which are fully decodable.

Words and sentences using Phase Three graphemes

Words using the four consonant digraphs

Each of these words contains the target grapheme but no other Phase Three graphemes.
This means that the Phase Three graphemes can be taught in any order.

ch sh th ng
chop ship them ring
chin shop then rang
chug shed that hang
check shell this song
such fish with wing
chip shock moth rung
chill cash thin king
much bash thick long
rich hush path (north) sing
chicken rush bath (north) ping-pong

Sentences with set – letters plus the four consonant digraphs and
some tricky words
I am in such a rush to get to A moth can be fat, but its wings are thin.
the shops.
A man is rich if he has lots of cash. The ship hit the rocks with a thud.
Natasha sang a song to me. Lots of shops sell chicken as well as fish and chips.
The van will chug up the long hill. Josh had a shock as he got a bash on the chin.
Sasha had a quick chat with Kath
and me.

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Words using the Phase Three vowel graphemes
ai ee igh oa oo
wait see high coat too look

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

Gail feel sigh load zoo foot
hail weep light goat boot cook
pain feet might loaf hoof good
aim jeep night road zoom book
sail seem right soap cool took
main meet sight oak food wood
tail week fight toad root wool
rain deep tight foal moon hook
bait keep tonight boatman rooftop hood

ar or ur ow oi
bar for fur now oil
car fork burn down boil
bark cord urn owl coin
card cork burp cow coil
cart sort curl how join
hard born hurt bow soil
jar worn surf pow! toil
park fort turn row quoit
market torn turnip town poison
farmyard cornet curds towel tinfoil

ear air ure er

ear air sure hammer
dear fair lure letter
fear hair assure rocker
hear lair insure ladder
gear pair pure supper
near cairn cure dinner
tear secure boxer
year manure better
rear mature summer
beard banner

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Words with a combination of two Phase Three graphemes
cheep sheet thing thorn teeth coach
tooth harsh short church singer shear
Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

chair waiter arch chain faith sheep

sharp poach shoal shook shark march
torch orchard north farmer shorter longer
looking powder lightning porch thicker booth

tools in the shed sixteen trees
ships in port looking at books
boats on the river the light of a torch
fish and chips on a dish digging in the soil
a goat and a cow goats in a farmyard

Mark and Carl got wet in the rain. The farmer gets up at six in the morning.
Jill has fair hair but Jack has dark hair. Jim has seven silver coins.
I can hear an owl hoot at night. Nan is sitting in the rocking-chair.
Bow down to the king and queen. Gurdeep had a chat with his dad.
I can see a pair of boots on the mat. It has been hot this year.

Sentences for the end of Phase Three

On the farm In town

I will soon visit my nan at her farm. You and I can meet on the corner.
She will let me feed the hens and chickens. We can get the bus to the fish and
chip shop.
They peck up corn in the farmyard. Janaki and her sister may join us.
She has goats and cows as well as hens. They can get fish and chips, too.
She gets the hens into a shed at night Then we can all run to the park.
– foxes might get them.

In a wigwam At the river

Kevin has a wigwam in the garden. Max and Vikram sail a wooden boat.
Alex, Jon and Jeevan visit him. Jeff chucks bits of bun in the river for
the ducks.
Kevin’s dad cooks chicken for them on Yasmin sits on a rock and looks for fish.
hot coals.

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Having food in the wigwam is fun. Tanya and Yasha see an eel.
Then they sing songs. Shep the dog sits down in the mud and
gets in a mess.

Letters and Sounds: Phase Three

In the woods
Chip the dog runs to the woods.
He is looking for rabbits but sees a fox.
The fox sees him and rushes off to its den.
Chip dashes after it but cannot see it.
He feels sad and runs back to his kennel.

Sentences and substitute words for ‘Sentence substitution’

See page 86.

Mark fed the cat dog hid Gail moon

The sheep are in the shed bedroom farmyard cars wait
You can hear a goat toad song see coin
They might meet in the town market summer we fish
The shop is on the corner church right shark boat
She has worn red shorts boots boats seen He
He sat down on the carpet chair fell soil weeds
She has had lots of good books food seen hard Joan
Join me in the pool them park keep coach
This is a good shop for chips coats year coffee bad

Yes/no questions suitable for the end of Phase Three

See page 97.
Is rain wet? Will all shops sell nails?
Can a boat sail? Can a chicken sit on a chair?
Is all hair fair? Can a coach zoom into the air?
Is the moon far off? Are the teeth of sharks sharp?
Are fish and chips food? Are fingers as long as arms?
Is it dark at night? Can a coat hang on a hook?
Is a thick book thin? Can a hammer chop wood?
Can we get wool from sheep? Will a ship sail on a road?
Will six cows fit in a car? Can ducks see fish in rivers?
Can coins sing a song? Can you hear bees buzzing now?

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Phase Four
(– weeks)
Letters and Sounds: Phase Four


■ Summary 107

■ Suggested daily teaching in Phase Four 107

■ Suggested timetable for Phase Four – discrete teaching 108

■ Practising grapheme recognition (for reading) and recall (for spelling) 109

■ Teaching blending for reading CVCC and CCVC words 110

■ Teaching segmenting for spelling CVCC and CCVC words 112

■ Practising reading and spelling words with adjacent consonants 113

■ Teaching and practising high-frequency (common) words 118

■ Practising reading and spelling two-syllable words 121

■ Practising reading and writing and sentences 122

■ Assessment 125

■ Bank of suggested words and sentences for use in Phase Four 126


This icon indicates that the activity

can be viewed on the DVD.

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Children entering Phase Four will be able to represent each of 42 phonemes by a
grapheme, and be able to blend phonemes to read CVC words and segment CVC words

Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

for spelling. They will have some experience in reading simple two-syllable words and
captions. They will know letter names and be able to read and spell some tricky words.
The purpose of this phase is to consolidate children’s knowledge of graphemes in
reading and spelling words containing adjacent consonants and polysyllabic words.
The teaching materials in this phase provide a selection of suitable words containing adjacent
consonants. These words are for using in the activities – practising blending for reading and
segmenting for spelling. This is not a list to be worked through slavishly but to be selected from
as needed for an activity.
It must always be remembered that phonics is the step up to word recognition. Automatic
reading of all words – decodable and tricky – is the ultimate goal.

Suggested daily teaching in Phase Four

Sequence of teaching in a discrete phonics session

Objectives and criteria for success

Revisit and review




Assess learning against criteria

Revisit and review

■ Practise previously learned graphemes

■ Teach blending and segmentation of adjacent consonants
■ Teach some tricky words

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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■ Practise blending and reading words with adjacent consonants
■ Practise segmentation and spelling words with adjacent consonants
Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

■ Read or write sentences using one or more high-frequency words and words
containing adjacent consonants

Suggested timetable for Phase Four

– discrete teaching
Week  – Practise recognition and recall of Phase Two and Three graphemes and
reading and spelling CVC words
– Teach and practise reading CVCC words
– Teach and practise spelling CVCC words
– Teach reading the tricky words said, so
– Teach spelling the tricky words he, she, we, me, be
– Practise reading and spelling high-frequency words
– Practise reading sentences
– Practise writing sentences
Week  – Practise recognition and recall of Phase Two and Three graphemes and
reading and spelling CVC words
– Teach and practise reading CCVC words
– Teach and practise spelling CCVC words
– Teach reading the tricky words have, like, some, come
– Teach spelling the tricky words was, you
– Practise reading and spelling high-frequency words
– Practise reading sentences
– Practise writing sentences
Week  – Practise recognition and recall of Phase Two and Three graphemes
– Practise reading words containing adjacent consonants
– Practise spelling words containing adjacent consonants
– Teach reading the tricky words were, there, little, one
– Teach spelling the tricky words they, all, are
– Practise reading and spelling high-frequency words
– Practise reading sentences
– Practise writing sentences
Week  – Practise recognition and recall of Phase Two and Three graphemes
– Practise reading words containing adjacent consonants
– Practise spelling words containing adjacent consonants
– Teach reading the tricky words do, when, out, what
– Teach spelling the tricky words my, her
– Practise reading and spelling high-frequency words
– Practise reading sentences
– Practise writing sentences

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Practising grapheme recognition for reading
and recall for spelling

Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

Grapheme recognition

■ To say as quickly as possible the correct sound when a grapheme is displayed

■ Set of A4 size cards, one for each grapheme, or graphemes stacked on
interactive whiteboard screen

1. Hold up or slide into view the grapheme cards the children have learned, one at a

2. Ask the children to say, in chorus, the sound of the grapheme.

3. Increase the speed of presentation so that children learn to respond quickly.


■ Frieze of graphemes
■ Pointing stick/hand

1. Point to or remotely highlight graphemes, one at a time at random, and ask the
children to tell you their sounds.

2. Gradually increase the speed.

3. You could ask a child to ‘be teacher’ as this gives you the opportunity to watch
and assess the children as they respond.

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Grapheme recall
Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

Quickwrite graphemes
■ Small whiteboards, pens and wipes, one per child or pair of children

1. Say the sound of a grapheme (with the mnemonic and action if necessary) and
ask the children to write it, saying the letter formation patter as they do so.

2. If the children are sharing a whiteboard both write, one after the other.

The children have already learned the formation of the letters that combine to form
two-letter and three-letter graphemes but many may still need to say the mnemonic
patter for the formation as they write. When referring to the individual letters in a
grapheme, the children should be encouraged to use letter names (as the t in th
does not have the sound of t as in top).

If you have taught the necessary handwriting joins, it may, at this point, be helpful to
teach the easier digraphs as joined units (e.g. , , ai, ee, oa, oo, ow, oi – see
the reference to handwriting in Notes of Guidance for Practitioners and Teachers,
page 15).

Teaching blending for reading CVCC and

CCVC words
It must always be remembered that phonics is the step up to fluent word recognition.
Automatic and effortless reading of all words – decodable and tricky – is the ultimate goal.
By repeated sounding and blending of words, children get to know them, and once this
happens, they should be encouraged to read them straight off in reading text, rather than
continuing to sound and lend them aloud because they feel that this is what is required.
They should continue, however, to use overt or silent phonics for those words which are

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CVCC words

Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

1. Display a CVC word on the whiteboard which can be extended by one consonant
to become a CVCC word (e.g. tent).

2. Cover the final consonant and ‘sound-talk’ and blend the first three graphemes
(e.g. t-e-n ten).

3. Ask the children to do the same.

4. Sound-talk the word again, t-e-n and as you say the n, reveal the final consonant
and say -t tent.

5. Repeat 4 with the children joining in.

6. Repeat with other words such as bend, mend, hump, bent, damp.

CCVC words

1. Display a CVC word on the whiteboard which can be preceded by one
consonant to become a CCVC word (e.g. spot).

2. Cover the first letter and read the CVC word remaining (e.g. pot).

3. Reveal the whole word and point to the first letter and all say it together (e.g.
ssssss) holding the sound as you point to the next consonant and slide them
together and continue to sound-talk and blend the rest of the word.

4. Repeat with other words beginning with s (e.g. spin, speck, stop).

5. Move on to words where the initial letter sound cannot be sustained (e.g. trip,
track, twin, clap, glad, gran, glass (north), grip).

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Teaching segmenting for spelling CVCC and
CCVC words
Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

CVCC words
■ Large four-phoneme frame drawn on a magnetic whiteboard
■ List of words (visible only to the teacher) – see ‘Bank of suggested words and
sentences for use in Phase Four’ on page 126
■ Selection of magnetic letters (required to make the list of words) displayed on the
■ Small phoneme frames, each with the same selection of magnetic letters or six-
grapheme fans, one per child or pair of children

1. Say a word (e.g. lost) and then say it in sound-talk slightly accentuating the
penultimate consonant l-o-s-t.
2. Repeat with another word.
3. Say another word (e.g. dump) and ask the children to tell their partners what it
would be in sound-talk.
4. Make the word in the phoneme frame with the magnetic letters.
5. Say another word and ask the children to tell their partners what it would be in

6. Ask the children to tell you what letters to put in the phoneme frame.

7. Ask the children to make the word on their own phoneme frames or fans.

8. If all the children have frames or fans, ask them to check that they have the
same answer as their partners. If the children are sharing, they ask their partners
whether they agree.

9. Ask the children to hold up their frames or fans for you to see.

10. Repeat with other words.

This procedure can also be ‘wrapped up’ in a playful manner by ‘helping a toy’ to
write words.

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CCVC words
Follow the procedure for teaching segmenting CVCC words, accentuating the

Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

second consonant (e.g. bring).

Practising reading and spelling words with

adjacent consonants

Practising blending for reading

Large group – What’s in the box?

■ Set of word cards giving words with adjacent consonants: see ‘Bank of
suggested words and sentences for use in Phase Four’, on page 126

■ Set of objects or pictures corresponding to the word cards, hidden in a box

■ Soft toy (optional)

1. Display a word card.

2. Go through the letter recognition and blending process.

3. Ask the toy or a child to find the object in the box.

1. The children sit in two lines opposite one another.

2. Give the children in one line an object or picture and the children in the other line
a word card.

3. The children with word cards read their words and the children with objects or
pictures sound-talk the name of their object or picture to the child sitting next
to them.

4. Ask the children to hold up their words and objects or pictures so the children
sitting in the line opposite can see them.

5. Ask the children with word cards to stand up and go across to the child in the
line opposite who has the corresponding object or picture.

6. All the children check that they have the right match.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

■ List of Phase Four words

■ Sand timer, stop clock or some other way of time-limiting the activity

1. Display the list of words, one underneath the other.

2. Explain to the children that the object of this activity is to read as many words as
possible before the sand timer or stop clock signals ‘stop’.

3. Start the timer.

4. Call a child’s name out and point to the first word.

5. Ask the child to sound-talk the letters and say the word.

6. Repeat with another child reading the next word until the time runs out.

7. Record the score.

The next time the game is played, the objective is to beat this score.

With less confident children this game could be played with all the children reading
the words together.

Sentence substitution
■ To practise reading words in sentences

■ A number of prepared sentences at the children’s current level (see ‘Bank
of suggested words and sentences for use in Phase Four’, page 128, for

■ List of alternative words for each sentence

1. Write a sentence on the whiteboard (e.g. The man burnt the toast).

2. Ask the children to read the sentence with their partners and raise their hands
when they have finished.

3. All read it together.

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4. Rub out one word in the sentence and substitute a different word (e.g.The man
burnt the towel).

5. Ask the children to read the sentence with their partners and raise their hands if

Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

they think it makes sense.

6. All read it together.

7. Continue substituting words – The man burnt the towel; The girl burnt the
towel; The girl burnt the milk; The girl brings the milk – asking the children
to read the new sentence to decide whether it still makes sense or is nonsense.

Small group with adult

The following activities can be played without an adult present but when they are
completed the children seek out an adult to check their decisions.

Matching words and pictures

(Resources as for ‘What’s in the box?’ above.)

1. Lay out the word cards and pictures or objects on a table (involving the toy if you
are using one)

2. Ask the children to match the words to the objects or pictures.

Buried treasure
■ To motivate children to read the words and so gain valuable reading practice

■ About eight cards, shaped and coloured like gold coins with words and
nonsense words on them, made up from letters the children have been learning
(e.g. skip, help, shelf, drep, plank, trunt), in the sand tray

■ Containers representing a treasure chest and a waste bin, or pictures of a

treasure chest and a waste bin on large sheets of paper, placed flat on the table

Ask the children to sort the coins into the treasure chest and the waste bin, putting
the coins with proper words on them (e.g. skip) in the treasure chest and those with
meaningless words (e.g. drep) in the waste bin.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Practising segmentation for spelling
Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

Phoneme frame

■ Large four-phoneme, five-phoneme or six-phoneme frame drawn on a magnetic

■ Selection of magnetic graphemes displayed on the whiteboard (the graphemes

should be either custom-made as units or individual letters stuck together using
sticky tape e.g. , oa )

■ List of words (for use by the teacher)

■ Small phoneme frames, each with a selection of magnetic letters or nine-
grapheme fans, one per child or pair of children

1. Say a CVCC word (e.g. hump) and then say it in sound-talk.

2. Say another CVCC word (e.g. went) and ask the children to tell their partners
what it would be in sound-talk, showing a finger for each phoneme.

3. Demonstrate finding and placing the graphemes in the squares of the phoneme
frame, sound-talk, w-e-n-t and then say went.

4. Say another CVCC word (e.g. milk) and ask the children to tell their partners
what it would be in sound-talk.

5. Ask the children to tell you what to put in the first square in the phoneme frame,
then in the next and so on.

6. Ask the children to make the word on their own phoneme frames or fans.

7. If all the children have frames or fans, ask them to check that they have the
same answer as their partners. If the children are sharing, they ask their partners
whether they agree.

8. Ask the children to hold up their frames or fans for you to see.

9. Repeat 4–8 with CCVC words and other words containing adjacent consonants.

This procedure can also be ‘wrapped up’ in a playful manner by ‘helping a toy’ to
write words.

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Quickwrite words

Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

■ Large four-phoneme, five-phoneme or six-phoneme frame drawn on a magnetic

■ List of words (for use by the teacher)

■ Display of magnetic letters required for the words on the list
■ Handheld phoneme frames on whiteboards, pens and wipes, one per child or
pair of children

1. Say a CCVC word and, holding up four fingers, sound-talk it, pointing to a finger
at a time for each phoneme.

2. Ask the children to do the same and watch to check that they are correct.

3. Holding up the four fingers on one hand, write the letters of the word in the
phoneme frame, consulting the letter display.

4. Ask the children to write the word in their phoneme frames.

5. Say another word and ask the children to sound-talk it to their partners using
their fingers.

6. Ask them to sound-talk it in chorus for you to write it.

7. Repeat 5 and 6 but leave the last grapheme of the word for the children to write
on their own.

8. Ask them to sound-talk (with fingers) and write more words that you say.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Teaching and practising high-frequency
(common) words
Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

There are 100 common words that recur frequently in much of the written
material young children read and that they need when they write. Most of these
are decodable, by sounding and blending, assuming the grapheme–phoneme
correspondences are known. By the end of Phase Two 26 of the high-frequency
words are decodable, a further 12 are decodable by the end of Phase Three and six
more are decodable at Phase Four. These are: went, it’s, from, children, just and
help. Reading a group of these words each day, by applying grapheme–phoneme
knowledge as it is acquired, will help children recognise them quickly. However, in
order to read simple sentences it is necessary also to know some words that have
unusual or untaught GPCs (‘tricky’ words) and these need to be learned (see Notes
of Guidance for Practitioners and Teachers, page 15).

Learning to read tricky words

said so do have
• • •• •• ••
like some come were
••• •• •• •
there little one
when out what
•• • ••

■ Caption containing the tricky word to be learned

1. Remind the children of some words with tricky bits that they already know (e.g they,
you, was).
2. Read the caption, pointing to each word, and then point to the word to be
learned and read it again.
3. Write the word on the whiteboard.
4. Sound-talk the word and repeat putting sound lines and buttons (as illustrated
above) under each phoneme and blending them to read the word.
5. Discuss the tricky bit of the word where the letters do not correspond to the
sounds the children know (e.g. in so, the last letter does not represent the same
sound as the children know in sock).
6. Read the word a couple more times and refer to it regularly through the day so that by
the end of the day the children can read the word straight away without sounding out.

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Note: Although ending in the letter e, some, come and have are not split digraph
words. It is easiest to suggest that the last phoneme is represented by a consonant
and the letter e. It is not possible to show the phonemes represented by graphemes

Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

in the word one.

Practising reading high-frequency words

The six decodable and 14 tricky high-frequency words need lots of practice in the
manner described below so that children will be able to read them ‘automatically’ as
soon as possible.

■ Between five and eight high-frequency words, including decodable and tricky
words, written on individual cards

1. Display a word card.

2. Point to each grapheme as the children sound-talk the graphemes (as far as is
possible with tricky words) and read the word.

3. Say a sentence using the word, slightly emphasising the word.

4. Repeat 1–3 with each word card.

5. Display each word again, and repeat the procedure more quickly but without
giving a sentence.

6. Repeat once more, asking the children to say the word without sounding it out.

Give the children a caption or sentence incorporating the high-frequency words to

read at home.

Learning to spell and practising tricky words

he she we me be
•• • •• •• ••
was my you her they all are
••• •• • • •
Children should be able to read these words before being expected to learn to
spell them.

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■ Whiteboards and pens, preferably one per child
Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

1. Write the word to be learned on the whiteboard and check that all the children
can read it.

2. Say a sentence using the word.

3. Sound-talk the word raising a finger for each phoneme.

4. Ask the children to do the same.

5. Discuss the letters required for each phoneme, using letter names.

6. Ask the children to trace the shape of the letters on their raised fingers.

7. Rub the word off the whiteboard and ask the children to write the word on their

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Practising reading and spelling
two-syllable words

Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

Reading two-syllable words

■ Short list of two-syllable words (for use by the teacher)

1. Write a two-syllable word on the whiteboard making a slash between the two
syllables (e.g. lunch/box).
2. Sound-talk the first syllable and blend it: l-u-n-ch lunch.
3. Sound-talk the second syllable and blend it: b-o-x box.
4. Say both syllables – lunchbox.
5. Repeat and ask the children to join in.
6. Repeat with another word.

Spelling two-syllable words


■ List of two-syllable words (for use by the teacher)

■ Whiteboards and magnetic letters or pens for each child

1. Say a word (e.g. desktop), clap each syllable and ask the children to do the same.
2. Repeat with two or three more words.
3. Clap the first word again and tell the children that the first clap is on desk and
the second is on top.
4. Ask the children for the sounds in desk and write the graphemes.
5. Repeat with the second syllable.
6. Read the completed word.
7. Repeat with another word.
8. Ask children to do the same on their whiteboards either by using magnetic letters
or writing.

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Practising reading and writing sentences

Reading sentences
Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

Matching (with the teacher)

■ Three pictures and a sentence corresponding to one of the pictures

1. Display the pictures and the sentence (e.g. It is fun to camp in a tent).

2. Sound-talk (if necessary) and read the first word (e.g. I-t It).

3. After reading the second word, say both words (e.g. i-s is – It is).

4. Continue with the next word (e.g. f-u-n fun – It is fun).

5. Continue to the end of the sentence.

6. Ask the children which picture the sentence belongs to.

7. As children get more practice with high-frequency words, it should not be

necessary to continue sound-talking them.

Matching (independent of the teacher)

■ Set of pictures and corresponding sentences

Ask the children to match the pictures and sentences.


■ Two sentences

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1. Display a sentence.

2. Ask the children to read it with their partners and draw a quick sketch.

Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

3. Repeat with the next sentence.

‘I can…’ books

■ To practise reading

■ Small zigzag book with ‘I can skip’ (jump, swim, clap, creep, swing, paint, etc.)
sentences on one side of each page and a corresponding picture drawn by a
child on the other

■ Small four-page empty zigzag books made from half sheets of A4 paper (cut

■ Action phrases (drink my milk, toast some cheese, punch a bag, hunt the
slipper, brush my hair) on cards

■ Paper copies of the action phrases, one per child

■ Materials for writing, drawing and sticking

1. Read the completed zigzag book to the children.

2. Show them the empty books for them to make their own.

3. Display the phrase cards, one a time, for the children to read.

4. Make available paper copies of the action phrases, the empty zigzag books, and
writing, sticking and drawing materials for the children to make their own zigzag

Yes/no questions

■ A number of prepared questions (see page 128 for suggestions) on card or an
interactive whiteboard

■ Cards with ‘yes’ on one side and ‘no’ on the other, one per pair of children

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1. Give pairs of children yes/no cards.

2. Display a yes/no question for the children to read.

Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

3. Ask them to confer with their partners and decide whether the response is ‘yes’
or ‘no’.

4. Ask the children to show their cards.

5. Invite a pair to read a question.

6. Repeat with another question.

Shared reading
When reading a shared text to the children occasionally locate words containing
adjacent consonants and ask the children to read them.

Reading across the curriculum

Give the children simple written instructions. For instance, you could ask them to
collect certain items from the outside area such as three sticks, some red string,
etc. Children can read the labels on storage areas so they can collect the items they
need and put them away.

Writing sentences

Writing sentences
■ Picture including subjects with names that contain adjacent consonants and a
sentence describing the picture

1. Display and discuss the picture.

2. Ask the children to help you write a sentence for the picture (e.g. The clown did
the best tricks).

3. Ask them to say the sentence all together a couple of times and then again to
their partners.

4. Ask them to say it again all together two or three times.

5. Ask the children to tell you the first word.

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6. Ask what letters are needed and write the word.
7. Ask about or point out the initial capital letter.

Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

8. Remind the children that a space is needed between words and put a mark
where the next word will start.
9. Ask the children to say the sentence again.
10. Ask for the next word and ask what letters are needed.
11. Repeat for each word.
12. Ask about or point out the full stop at the end of the sentence.

Shared writing
When writing in front of the children, take the occasional opportunity to ask them to
help you spell words by telling you which letters to write.

Independent writing
When children are writing, for example in role-play areas, their letter knowledge
along with their ability to segment will allow them to make a good attempt at writing
many of the words they wish to use. Even though some of their spellings may be
inaccurate, the experience gives them further practice in segmentation and, even more
importantly, gives them experience in composition and helps them see themselves as
writers (see the section on invented spelling in Notes of Guidance for Practitioners and
Teachers, page 13). You will expect to see some of the tricky high-frequency words
such as the, to, go, no, he, she, we and me spelled correctly during Phase Four.

(See Notes of Guidance for Practitioners and Teachers, page 16.)

By the end of Phase Four children should:

■ give the sound when shown any Phase Two and Phase Three grapheme;
■ find any Phase Two and Phase Three grapheme, from a display, when given the sound;
■ be able to blend and read words containing adjacent consonants;
■ be able to segment and spell words containing adjacent consonants;
■ be able to read the tricky words some, one, said, come, do, so, were, when,
have, there, out, like, little, what;

■ be able to spell the tricky words he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you, her, they, all, are;
■ write each letter, usually correctly.

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Bank of suggested words and sentences for
use in Phase Four
Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

The words in this section are made up from the letters taught for use in blending for
reading and segmentation for spelling. These lists are not for working through slavishly but
to be selected from as needed for an activity (words in italics are from the list of 100 high-
frequency words).

CVCC words
Words using sets 1–7 letters Words using Polysyllabic words
Phase Three graphemes
went best fond champ shift children shampoo
it’s tilt gust chest shelf helpdesk Chester
help lift hand tenth joint sandpit giftbox
just lost next theft boost windmill shelter
tent tuft milk Welsh thump softest lunchbox
belt damp golf chimp paint pondweed sandwich
hump bust jump bench roast desktop shelving

band camp fact sixth toast helper Manchester

dent gift melt punch beast handstand chimpanzee
felt kept chunk think melting champion
gulp tusk (north)* thank burnt seventh thundering
lamp limp ask*
wind soft fast*
hump pond last*
land husk daft*
nest cost task*
sink bank
link bunk

*In the North of England, where the letter a is pronounced /a/, these are appropriate as Phase Four words.

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CCV and CCVC words
Words using sets 1–7 letters Words using Phase Three graphemes
from grip green flair clear speech

Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

stop glad fresh trail train smear
spot twin steep cream swing thrill
frog sniff tree clown droop
step plum spear star spoon
plan gran smell creep float Polysyllabic
speck swim spoil brown smart treetop
trip clap train stair groan starlight
grab drop spoon spoil brush floating
track (north)* sport spark growl freshness
spin glass* thrush bring scoop
flag grass* trash crash sport
brass* start bleed frown


Words using sets 1–7 letters Words using Phase Polysyllabic words
Three graphemes
stand crust (north)* crunch driftwood
crisp tramp graft* drench twisting
trend grunt grant* trench printer
trust crept blast* Grinch
spend drift grasp* shrink
glint slept slant* thrust
twist skunk
brand think spring
frost thank strap
cramp blink string
plump drank scrap
stamp blank street
blend trunk scrunch

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Fred and Brett spent a week in Spain. I must not tramp on the flowers.
I kept bumping into things in the dark. A crab crept into a crack in the rock.
Letters and Sounds: Phase Four

Milk is good for children’s teeth. A drip from the tap drops in the sink.
The clown did tricks with a chimpanzee. I can hear twigs snapping in the wind.
The frog jumps in the pond and swims off. It is fun to camp in a tent.

Sentences and substitute words for ‘Sentence substitution’

(See page 114)

The man burnt the toast. towel girl milk brings

The frog swam across the pool. pond flag jumps dog
Gran went to get fresh fish. Stan needed meat grill
Trisha took a book off the shelf. grabs desk Krishnan spoon
A clock stood on the wooden chest. was lamp soft cabinet
The train had to stop in the fog. hand wait storm truck
Fran took a scarf as a gift for Brad. present Vikram sent snail
I will travel to the Swiss Alps next week. winter punch this go
Fred has spent lots of cash this year. Gretel lost lent bricks
We had sandwiches for a snack. plums slugs picnic took

Yes/no questions
(See page 123)

Can a clock get cross? Are you afraid of thunderstorms?

Can crabs clap hands? Can a spoon grab a fork?
Are you fond of plums? Do chimps come from Mars?
Did a shark ever jump up a tree? Can letters have stamps stuck on them?
Can frogs swim in ponds? Do trains run on tracks?
Is the moon green? Will a truck go up steep stairs?
Can you bang on a big drum? Do some dogs have black spots?
Have you ever slept in a tent? Are you glad when you have a pain?
Are all children good at sport? Can we see the stars on a clear night?
Have you seen a trail left by a snail?

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Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

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Phase Five
(throughout Year )
Letters and Sounds: Phase Five


■ Summary 131

■ Suggested daily teaching in Phase Five 131

■ Suggested timetable for Phase Five – discrete teaching 132

■ Reading 134

○ Teaching further graphemes for reading

○ Teaching alternative pronunciations for graphemes
○ Practising recognition of graphemes in reading words
○ Teaching and practising reading high-frequency (common) words
○ Practising reading two-syllable and three-syllable words
○ Practising reading sentences
■ Spelling 144

○ Teaching alternative spellings for phonemes

○ Learning to spell and practising high-frequency words
○ Practising spelling two-syllable and three-syllable words
○ Practising writing sentences
■ Assessment 150

■ Bank of words and other materials for use in Phase Five activities 151


This icon indicates that the activity

can be viewed on the DVD.

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Children entering Phase Five are able to read and spell words containing adjacent
consonants and some polysyllabic words. (See Appendix 3: Assessment.)

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

The purpose of this phase is for children to broaden their knowledge of graphemes and
phonemes for use in reading and spelling. They will learn new graphemes and alternative
pronunciations for these and graphemes they already know, where relevant. Some of the
alternatives will already have been encountered in the high-frequency words that have
been taught. Children become quicker at recognising graphemes of more than one letter
in words and at blending the phonemes they represent. When spelling words they will
learn to choose the appropriate graphemes to represent phonemes and begin to build
word-specific knowledge of the spellings of words.

The teaching materials in this phase provide a selection of suitable words and sentences
for use in teaching Phase Five. These words are for using in the activities – practising
blending for reading and segmenting for spelling. These are not lists to be worked through
slavishly but to be selected from as needed for an activity.

It must always be remembered that phonics is the step up to word recognition. Automatic
reading of all words – decodable and tricky – is the ultimate goal.

Suggested daily teaching in Phase Five

Sequence of teaching in a discrete phonics session
Objectives and criteria for success

Revisit and review




Assess learning against criteria

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Revisit and review
■ Practise previously learned graphemes
■ Practise blending and segmentation
Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

■ Teach new graphemes
■ Teach tricky words

■ Practise blending and reading words with the new GPC
■ Practise segmenting and spelling words with the new GPC

■ Read or write a sentence using one or more high-frequency words and words
containing the new graphemes

Suggested timetable for Phase Five

– discrete teaching
Weeks – – Practise recognition and recall of Phase Two, Three and Five
graphemes as they are learned
– Teach new graphemes for reading (about four per week)
– Practise reading and spelling words with adjacent consonants
and words with newly learned graphemes
– Learn new phoneme /zh/ in words such as treasure
– Teach reading the words oh, their, people, Mr, Mrs, looked,
called, asked
– Teach spelling the words said, so, have, like, some, come, were,
– Practise reading and spelling high-frequency words
– Practise reading and spelling polysyllabic words
– Practise reading sentences
– Practise writing sentences

Weeks – – Practise recognition and recall of graphemes and different

pronunciations of graphemes as they are learned
– Teach alternative pronunciations of graphemes for reading (about
four per week)
– Practise reading and spelling words with adjacent consonants
and words with newly learned graphemes

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– Teach reading the words water, where, who, again, thought,
through, work, mouse, many, laughed, because, different,
any, eyes, friends, once, please
– Teach spelling the words little, one, do, when, what, out

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

– Practise reading and spelling high-frequency words
– Practise reading and spelling polysyllabic words
– Practise reading sentences
– Practise writing sentences

Weeks –0 – Practise recognition and recall of graphemes and different

pronunciations of graphemes as they are learned
– Teach alternative spellings of phonemes for spelling
– Practise reading and spelling words with adjacent consonants and
words with newly learned graphemes
– Teach spelling the words oh, their, people, Mr, Mrs, looked,
called, asked
– Practise reading and spelling high-frequency words
– Practise reading and spelling polysyllabic words
– Practise reading sentences
– Practise writing sentences

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It must always be remembered that phonics is the step up to fluent word recognition.
Automatic and effortless reading of all words – decodable and tricky – is the ultimate goal.
Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

By repeated sounding and blending of words, children get to know them, and once this
happens they should be encouraged to read them straight off in reading text, rather than
continuing to sound and blend them aloud because they feel that this is what is required.
They should continue, however, to use overt or silent phonics for words that are unfamiliar.

Teaching further graphemes for reading

New graphemes for reading

ay day oy boy wh when a-e make

ou out ir girl ph photo e-e these

ie tie ue blue ew new i-e like

ea eat aw saw oe toe o-e home

au Paul u-e rule

It is probably unnecessary to continue teaching mnemonics for new graphemes. As

children build up their speed of blending and read more and more words automatically,
many of them will assimilate new graphemes in the course of their reading. To ensure
that all children know these graphemes, they should be quickly introduced through
high-frequency words such as those suggested above.

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Example session for split digraph i-e


Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

■ To teach a split digraph through showing its relationship to a known grapheme

■ Grapheme cards t, m, p, n, and ie × 2
■ Scissors
■ Reusable sticky pads

1. Ask the children to sound-talk and show fingers for the word tie while a child
makes it using the grapheme cards.

2. Ask the children what needs to be added to tie to make time.

3. Hold the m against the word tie thus making tiem, sound-talk it and explain
that although there are graphemes for each phoneme this is not the correct
spelling of time, as words like this are written slightly differently.

4. Cut the ie grapheme card between the i and the e, explaining that in this word
we need to separate the two letters in the grapheme and tuck the final sound in

5. Stick the four letters onto the whiteboard and draw a line joining the i and the e.

6. Repeat with pie and make into pine.

7. Display or write on the whiteboard the high-frequency words that use the split
digraph (e.g. like, make, came, made).

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Teaching alternative pronunciations for
Known graphemes for reading: common alternative pronunciations
Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

i fin, find ow cow, blow y yes, by, very

o hot, cold ie tie, field ch chin, school, chef

c cat, cent ea eat, bread ou out, shoulder, could, you

g got, giant er farmer, her

u but, put (south) a hat, what

■ To recognise that alternative pronunciations of some graphemes in some words
need to be tried out to find the correct one

■ Words on individual cards, half of the words illustrating one pronunciation of a
grapheme and half illustrating the other (e.g. milk, find, wild, skin, kind, lift,
child) – see ‘Known graphemes for reading: alternative pronunciations’ on
page 152)

1. Display a word where the vowel letter stands for the sound learned for it in Phase
Two (e.g. milk) and ask the children to sound-talk and read it.

2. Display a word with the alternative pronunciation (e.g. find), sound-talk and read it
using the incorrect pronunciation and therefore saying a nonsense word.

3. Discuss with the children which grapheme might have a different pronunciation
(e.g. find).

4. Sound-talk the word again and read the word, this time correctly.

5. Display another word.

6. Ask the children to sound-talk it to their partners and decide the correct

7. Choose a pair of children and ask them to read the word.

8. Continue with more words.

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Practising recognition of graphemes in
reading words

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

■ To say as quickly as possible the correct sound when a grapheme is displayed

■ Set of A4 size cards, one for each grapheme (or graphemes stacked on
interactive whiteboard screen)

1. Hold up or slide into view the grapheme cards the children have learned, one at a

2. Ask the children to say, in chorus, the sound of the grapheme.

3. Increase the speed of presentation so that children learn to respond quickly.


■ Frieze of graphemes
■ Pointing stick/hand

1. Point to or remotely highlight graphemes, one at a time at random, and ask the
children to tell you their sounds.

2. Gradually increase the speed.

3. You could ask a child to ‘be teacher’ as this gives you the opportunity to watch
and assess the children as they respond.

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Quick copy

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

■ To recognise two-letter and three-letter graphemes in words and not read them
as individual letters

■ Words using some newly learned graphemes in which all graphemes of two or
more letters are underlined (e.g. pound, light, boy, sigh, out, joy)

■ Same words without the underlining (e.g. pound, light, boy, sigh, out, joy)
■ Magnetic whiteboards with all the appropriate graphemes to make the words,
one per child

■ Extra letters to act as foils (e.g. if the grapheme oy is needed, provide separate
letters o and y as well)

If custom-made graphemes are unavailable, attach letters together with sticky tape
to make graphemes.

1. Display a word in which the grapheme is underlined.

2. Ask the children to make the word as quickly as possible using their magnetic
letters and saying the phonemes (e.g. t-oy) and then reading the word.

3. Check that, where appropriate, children are using joined letters, not the separate

4. Repeat with each word with an underlined grapheme.

5. Repeat 1–4 with words without the underlined graphemes, being particularly
vigilant that children identify the two-letter or three-letter graphemes in the words.


■ List of Phase Five words
■ Sand timer, stop clock or some other way of time-limiting the activity

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1. Display the list of words, one underneath the other.

2. Explain to the children that the object of this activity is to read as many words as

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

possible before the sand timer or stop clock signals ‘stop’.

3. Start the timer.

4. Call a child’s name out and point to the first word.

5. Ask the child to sound-talk the letters and say the word.

6. Repeat with another child reading the next word, until the time runs out.

7. Record the score.

The next time the game is played, the objective is to beat this score.

With less confident children this game could be played with all the children together
reading the words.

Sentence substitution

■ To practise reading words in sentences

■ A number of prepared sentences at the children’s current level (see ‘Word reading
activities’, on page 158, for suggestions)

■ List of alternative words for each sentence

1. Write a sentence on the whiteboard (e.g. Paul eats peas with his meat).

2. Ask the children to read the sentence with their partners and raise their hands
when they have finished.

3. All read it together.

4. Rub out one word in the sentence and substitute a different word (e.g. Paul
eats beans with his meat).

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5. Ask the children to read the sentence with their partners and raise their hands if
they think it makes sense.

6. All read it together.

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

7. Continue substituting words – Paul eats peas with his meat; Paul eats
beans with his meat; Paul reads peas with his meat; Paul cooks
peas with his meat – asking the children to read the new sentence to decide
whether it still makes sense or is nonsense.

Teaching and practising reading

high-frequency (common) words
There are 100 common words that recur frequently in much of the written material
young children read and that they need when they write. Most of these are decodable by
sounding and blending, assuming the grapheme–phoneme correspondences are known.
By the end of Phase Two, 26 of the high-frequency words are decodable; a further 12
are decodable by the end of Phase Three and six more at Phase Four. During Phase Five
children learn many more graphemes so that more of these words become decodable.
Some of them have already been taught as tricky words in earlier phases, leaving 16
to be decoded in Phase Five. These are don’t, day, here, old, house, made, saw,
I’m, about, came, very, by, your, make, put (south) and time. Reading a group of
these words each day, by applying grapheme–phoneme knowledge as it is acquired, will
help children recognise them quickly. However, in order to read simple sentences it is
necessary also to know some words that have unusual or untaught GPCs (‘tricky’ words)
and these need to be learned (see Notes of Guidance for Practitioners and Teachers,
page 15, for an explanation).

Learning to read tricky words

oh their people Mr* Mrs* looked called asked would should could

*As shortened forms of words, Mr and Mrs cannot be taught in this way. You could
write out Mister in full and show that the shortened version is the first and last
letters, Mr. Then show how Mrs is a shortened version of Mistress.

The -ed morpheme at the end of looked, called and asked designates simple
past tense and can be pronounced in a number of ways (/t/ in looked and asked,
and /d/ in called).

■ Caption or sentence containing the tricky word to be learned

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1. Remind the children of some of the other words with ‘tricky bits’ that they
already know (e.g. the, come, her).

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

2. Read the caption pointing to each word, then point to the word to be learned
and read it again.

3. Write the word on the whiteboard.

4. Sound-talk the word, and repeat putting sound lines and buttons (as illustrated
on page 140) under each phoneme and blending them to read the word.

5. Colour and discuss the bit of the word that does not conform to standard
GPC, i.e. the tricky bit (e.g. in could, the middle grapheme is not one of the
usual spellings for the /oo/ sound).

6. Read the word a couple of times with the children joining in, and refer to it
regularly during the day so that by the end of the day the children can read the
word straight away without sounding out.

7. Ask the children do the same with their partners.

Practising reading high-frequency words

Both the decodable and tricky high-frequency words need lots of practice so that
children will be able to read them ‘automatically’ as soon as possible.

■ Between five and eight high-frequency words, including decodable and tricky
words, written on individual cards

1. Display a word card.

2. Point to each grapheme as the children sound-talk the graphemes (as far as is
possible with tricky words) and read the word.

3. Say a sentence using the word, slightly emphasising the word.

4. Repeat 1–3 with each word card.

5. Display each word again, and repeat the procedure more quickly but without
giving a sentence.

6. Repeat once more, asking the children to say the word without sounding it out.

Give the children a caption or sentence incorporating the high-frequency words to

read at home.

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Practising reading two-syllable and
three-syllable words
Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

■ Short list of two-syllable and three-syllable words (for use by the teacher)

1. Write a two-syllable word on the whiteboard making a slash between the two
syllables (e.g. thir/teen).

2. Sound-talk the first syllable and blend it: th-ir thir.

3. Sound-talk the second syllable and blend it: t-ee-n teen.

4. Say both syllables: thirteen.

5. Repeat and ask the children to join in.

6. Repeat with another word.

Practising reading sentences

Yes/no questions
■ A number of prepared questions (see page 159 for suggestions) on card or an
interactive whiteboard

■ Cards for each pair of children with ‘yes’ on one side and ‘no’ on the other, one
per pair of children

1. Give pairs of children yes/no cards.

2. Display a yes/no question for the children to read.

3. Ask them to confer with their partners and decide whether the response
is ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

4. Ask them to show their cards.

5. Sometimes invite a pair to read the question.

6. Repeat 2–5 with another question.

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Choosing three right answers

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

■ A number of prepared questions or statements, three correct answers and one
incorrect answer (see suggestions on page 159)

As for ‘Yes/no questions’ except that children decide which of the four possible
answers are correct.


■ To learn that when two words look the same the correct pronunciation can be
worked out in the context of the sentence

■ Six sentences using homographs, for example:
○ Wind the bobbin up!
○ She will read it to her little brother.
○ The wind blew the leaves off the trees.
○ You have to bow when you meet the queen.
○ He read about the frightening monster.
○ Robin Hood used a bow and arrows.

1. Display a sentence and read it using the incorrect pronunciation for the

2. Ask the children which word doesn’t fit the sense of the sentence.

3. Try the alternative pronunciation and reread the sentence.

4. Display another sentence and ask the children to read it with their partners so it
makes sense.

5. Ask a pair to read it aloud.

6. Continue with more sentences.

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Teaching alternative spellings for phonemes

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

Alternative spellings for each phoneme

(See ‘Bank of words and other materials/activities for use in Phase Five’ on page 154.)

/c/ /ch/ /f/ /j/ /m/ /n/ /ng/ /r/ /s/ /sh/ /v/ /w/
k tch ph g mb kn n(k) wr c ch ve wh
ck dge gn sc t(ion)
qu ss(ion, ure)
x s(ion, ure)
ch c(ion, ious,

/e/ /i/ /o/ /u/ (south) /ai/ /ee/ /igh/ /oa/ /oo/ /oo/
ea y (w)a o ay ea y ow ew u
ey a-e e-e ie oe ue oul
eigh ie i-e o-e ui o (north)
ey y o ou
ei ey

/ar/ /or/ /ur/ /ow/ /oi/ /ear/ /air/ /ure/ /er/

a (south) aw ir ou oy ere are our our
au er eer ear e
al ear u
our etc

New phoneme


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Phoneme spotter

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

■ To generate words containing the same target phoneme with a range of different

■ To draw attention to the common ways to spell the target sound as a way of
learning to spell the word

■ Phoneme spotter story (see examples on pages 160–165):
○ enlarged copy of the story for display
○ copies of the story, one per child or pair of children
■ coloured pencils or pens

1. Display the enlarged version of the story.

2. Read the story to the children and ask them to listen out for the focus phoneme.

3. Remove the story from view and reread it, asking the children to put their thumbs
up whenever they hear the focus phoneme.

4. Display the text again and read the title, pointing to each word.

5. Underline any word containing the focus phoneme.

6. Repeat with the first paragraph.

7. Ask the children to do the same on their copies.

8. Continue reading the story slowly while the children follow word by word,
underlining each word that has the focus phoneme.

9. Ask the children to tell you which phonemes they spotted in the second
paragraph and underline them on the enlarged copy.

10. Write on the whiteboard the first six underlined words in the story.

11. Ask the children to read the first word, sound-talk it and tell their partners what
graphemes stand for the focus phoneme.

12. Ask a pair to tell you.

13. Repeat with the remaining words.

14. Notice the different graphemes that represent the focus phoneme.

15. Draw three columns on the whiteboard and write a different grapheme at the top
of each column (e.g. ai, ay, a-e).

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16. Write one word from the story under each grapheme (e.g. rain, day, lane).

17. Ask the children to draw three columns in their books or on paper and write the
words from the story in the appropriate column.
Letters and Sounds: Phase Five


Rhyming word generation

1. Write a word on the whiteboard (e.g. rain).

2. Ask the children to suggest words that rhyme (e.g. lane, Spain) and write them
on the whiteboard.

3. Write another word containing the same vowel phoneme (e.g. date) and ask the
children to suggest words that rhyme and write them down.

4. Repeat with another word (e.g. snake).

5. Repeat with one more word, this time one that has the vowel phoneme at the
end of it (e.g. day).

6. Pick any word and ask the children what grapheme represents the vowel

7. Children discuss with their partners, write the grapheme on their whiteboards and
hold them up.

8. Draw columns on the whiteboard and write the grapheme at the head of one

9. Ask the children to find a word with a different spelling of the phoneme.

10. Write the grapheme at the head of another column.

11. Repeat with another word until all alternative spellings for the vowel phonemes
are written as column headers (e.g. ai, ay, a-e, ea, aigh, eigh).

12. Write one word under each grapheme (e.g. rain, day, date, great, straight,

13. Ask the children to draw columns in their books or on paper and write the words
from the whiteboard in the appropriate column.

14. Follow with ‘Best bet’ (below).

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Best bet

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

■ To develop children’s knowledge of spelling choices

■ Lists of words generated from ‘Phoneme spotter’ (above) or a variation, under

grapheme headers, for example as follows:

Common Rare
ay ai a-e ea aigh eigh e-e ey
day rain lane great straight eight fete they
play wait mate
may train bake
say brain snake
tray pain late

etc. etc. etc.

■ Whiteboards and pens, one per child

1. Display the lists of words.

2. Discuss which columns have most words in them and which the least. Point out
that in English some spelling patterns are very rare but that some very common
words (e.g. they) have rare spellings.

3. Ask the children if they can spot a pattern (e.g. the ay grapheme occurs at the
end of words; the commonest spelling for the phoneme followed by t is ate; the
commonest spelling for the phoneme followed by k is ake).

4. Ask the children to write a word not on display containing the same phoneme as
some of the words listed (e.g. hay).

5. Where there are potentially two possible spellings ask the children to write which
grapheme they think might be in a particular word and decide whether they think
it is correct when they have looked at it written down.

6. The children then learn the correct spelling.

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Learning to spell and practising
high-frequency words
Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

no have some were when

•• • • –– • • ––– • ––– ––– • •
go like come there what
•• ••• • • ––– –– ––– ––– • •

so one little do out

•• •• – – •• ––- •

Children should be able to read these words before being expected to learn to spell

■ Whiteboards and pens, preferably one per child

1. Write the word to be learned on the whiteboard and check that all the children
can read it.

2. Say a sentence using the word.

3. Sound-talk the word raising a finger for each phoneme.

4. Ask the children to do the same.

5. Discuss the letters required for each phoneme, using letter names.

6. Ask the children to ‘trace the shape of’ the letters on their raised fingers.

7. Rub the word off the whiteboard and ask them to write the word on their

Note: Although ending in the letter e, some, come and have are not split digraph
words. It is easiest to suggest that the last phoneme is represented by a consonant
and the letter e. It is not possible to show the phonemes represented by graphemes
in the word one.

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Practising spelling two-syllable
and three-syllable words

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

■ List of words
■ Whiteboards, pens and wipes, or pencil and paper for each child

1. Say a word (e.g. rescue), clap each syllable and ask the children to do the

2. Repeat the clapping with two or three more words.

3. Clap the first word again and tell the children that the first clap is on res and the
second is on cue.

4. Ask the children for the sounds in res and write them.

5. Repeat with the second syllable.

6. Read the completed word.

7. Repeat 3–6 with another word.

8. Continue with more words but the children write the words on their own

Practising writing sentences

Writing sentences

■ Sentence including words you wish to practise

1. Ask the children to say the sentence all together a couple of times and then again
to their partners.

2. Ask them to say it again all together two or three times.

3. Ask the children to tell you the first word.

4. Ask what letters are needed and write the word.

5. Ask about, or point out, the initial capital letter.

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6. Remind the children that a space is needed between words and put a mark
where the next word will start.

7. Ask the children to say the sentence again.

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

8. Ask for the next word and ask what letters are needed.

9. Repeat for each word.

10. Ask about or point out the full stop at the end of the sentence.

Independent writing
When children are writing, for example in role-play areas, their letter knowledge
along with their ability to segment will allow them to make a good attempt at
writing many of the words they wish to use. Even though some of their spellings
may be partially inaccurate, the experience gives them further practice in
segmentation and, even more importantly, gives them experience in composition
and makes them see themselves as writers. Children should be able to spell most
of the 100 high-frequency words accurately during the course of Phase Five.

(See ‘Notes of Guidance for Practitioners and Teachers’, page 16.)

By the end of Phase Five children should:

■ give the sound when shown any grapheme that has been taught;
■ for any given sound, write the common graphemes;
■ apply phonic knowledge and skill as the prime approach to reading and spelling
unfamiliar words that are not completely decodable;

■ read and spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllable words;

■ read automatically all the words in the list of 100 high-frequency words;
■ accurately spell most of the words in the list of 100 high-frequency words;
■ form each letter correctly.

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Bank of words and other materials for use in Phase Five activities
Some new graphemes for reading

Words in italics are high-frequency words.

© Crown copyright 2007

ay ou ie ea oy ir ue ue
day out pie sea boy girl clue cue
play about lie seat toy sir blue due
may cloud tie bead joy bird glue hue
say scout die read oyster shirt true venue
stray found cried meat Roy skirt Sue value
clay proud tried treat destroy birth Prue pursue
spray sprout spied heap Floyd third rue queue
tray sound fried least enjoy first flue statue
crayon loudest replied steamy royal thirteen issue rescue
delay mountain denied repeat annoying thirsty tissue argue

aw wh ph ew ew oe au ey
saw when who Philip blew stew toe Paul money
paw what whose Philippa chew few hoe haul honey
raw which whole phonics grew new doe daub donkey
claw where whom sphinx drew dew foe launch cockney
jaw why whoever Christopher screw pew woe haunted jockey
lawn whistle dolphin crew knew Joe Saul turkey
yawn whenever prophet brew mildew goes August chimney
law wheel phantom flew nephew tomatoes jaunty valley
shawl whisper elephant threw renew potatoes author trolley
drawer white alphabet Andrew Matthew heroes automatic monkey

Primary National Strategy

Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
Letters and Sounds: Phase Five
Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

a-e e-e i-e o-e u-e
came these like bone June huge
made Pete time pole flute cube
make Eve pine home prune tube
take Steve ripe alone rude use
game even shine those rule computer

Primary National Strategy

race theme slide stone
same gene prize woke
snake scene nice note
amaze complete invite explode
escape extreme inside envelope

Known graphemes for reading: alternative pronunciations

a e i o u
hat acorn fast** was bed he tin mind hot no but unit put**

Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics

bacon path** what me find so union pull**
apron pass** wash she wild go unicorn push**
angel father** wasp we pint old music full**
apricot bath** squad be blind don’t tuba bush**
bagel last** squash the* child gold future bull**
station grass** want recent kind cold human cushion**
nation after** watch frequent grind told stupid awful**
Amy branch** wallet region behind both duty playful**
lady afternoon** wander decent remind hold humour pudding**
* before a vowel
** In the North of England the grapheme a is pronounced the same in hat, fast, etc. The grapheme u is pronounced the same in but, put,
etc. Alternative pronunciations for each of these graphemes apply in the South of England only.

© Crown copyright 2007

ow ie ea er ou
down low pie chief sea head farmer her out you could mould
grow brief dead fern soup would shoulder
snow field deaf stern group should boulder
glow shield ready Gerda

bowl priest bread herbs

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tow yield heaven jerky
show shriek feather perky
slow thief pleasant Bernard
window relief instead servant
rowing-boat belief breakfast permanent

y ch c g
yes by gym very chin school chef cat cell got gent
my crystal happy Christmas Charlene central gym
try mystery funny chemist Chandry acid gem
why crystal carry chord Charlotte cycle Gill
dry pyramid hairy chorus machine icy gentle
fry Egypt smelly Chris brochure cent ginger
sky bicycle penny chronic chalet Cynthia Egypt
spy Lynne crunchy chemical success magic
fry cygnet lolly headache December danger
reply rhythm merrily technical accent energy

money they

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Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
Letters and Sounds: Phase Five
Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

Alternative spellings for each phoneme
/ch/ /j/ /m/ /n/ /r/
picture catch fudge lamb gnat knit wrap
adventure fetch hedge limb gnaw knob wren
creature pitch bridge comb gnash knot wrong

Primary National Strategy

future notch ledge climb gnome knee wrench
nature crutch nudge crumb sign knock write
capture stitch badge dumb design knife wrote
feature match lodge thumb resign know wreck
puncture ditch podgy numb knew wry
signature kitchen badger plumbing knight written
mixture scratchy dodging bomber knuckle wretched

/s/ /z/ /u/* /i/ /ear/

Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics

listen house please some happy donkey here beer
whistle mouse tease come sunny valley mere deer
bristle grease ease done mummy monkey severe jeer
glisten cease rouse none daddy chimney interfere cheer
Christmas crease browse son only trolley Windermere peer
rustle horse cheese nothing gym pulley adhere sneer
jostle gorse noise month crystal Lesley sheer
bustle purse pause mother mystery veer
castle grouse blouse worry sympathy career
wrestling loose because brother pyramid steering
* The phoneme /u/ is not generally used in North of England accents.

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/ar/ /air/ /or/
father half there pear bare all four caught
lather calf where bear care always pour taught
rather almond nowhere wear dare talk your naughty

pass* calm somewhere tear fare walk court haughty

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path* qualm everywhere swear hare wall fourth daughter
bath* lip balm mare fall Seymour Vaughan
last* palm tree square ball tour*
grass* scare hall mourn*
afternoon* stare calling fourteen
branching* share beanstalk tournament

* The classification of these words is very dependent on accent.

/ur/ /oo/
learn word could put
earn work would pull
earth world should push
pearl worm full
early worth bush
search worse bull
heard worship cushion
earnest worthy pudding
rehearsal worst playful

Primary National Strategy

Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
Letters and Sounds: Phase Five
Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

/ai/ /ee/ /igh/
day came sea these happy chief key pie by like
play made seat Pete sunny brief donkey lie my time
may make bead Eve mummy field valley tie try pine
say take read Steve daddy shield monkey cried why ripe
stray game meat even only priest chimney tried dry shine

Primary National Strategy

clay race treat theme funny yield trolley spied fry slide
spray same heap complete sadly shriek pulley fried sky prize
tray snake least Marlene penny thief Lesley replied spy nice
crayon amaze steamy gene heavy relief money applied deny decide
delay escape repeat extreme quickly belief honey denied reply polite

/oa/ /(y) oo/ /oo/

low toe bone cue tune stew clue June blew
grow hoe pole due cube few blue flute chew

Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics

snow doe home hue tube new glue prune grew
glow foe woke venue use dew true rude drew
bowl woe those value cute pew Sue fluke screw
tow Joe stone pursue duke knew Prue brute crew
show goes woke queue huge mildew rue spruce brew
slow Glencoe note statue mule nephew flue plume flew
window heroes phone rescue amuse renew issue rule threw
rowing echoes alone argue computer Matthew tissue conclude Andrew

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special station sure chef
official patience sugar Charlotte

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

social caption passion Charlene
artificial mention session Michelle
facial position mission Chandry

New phoneme

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Word reading activities

Sentences and substitute words for ‘sentence substitution’

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

(See page 139.)

New graphemes for reading

Paul eats peas with his meat. beans reads cooks Phil
Kay must pay for her new bike. toes Jean wait toy
We can bake a pie today. they yesterday cake make
The boys shout as they play outside. sleep girls run sing
They saw that the dog had hurt its paw. found she tail stone
Children like the seaside. dentist beach enjoy zoo
Loud sounds can be annoying. noises singing frightening mountains
Mum gave us a few grapes as a treat. sold made punishment Dad
The girl came home on the train. bird bus went boy
You can tie things up with string. rope we glue ribbon

More reading practice with old and new GPCs

Chris found his wallet in the drawer. shirt socks Charlie saw
Soup is a healthy kind of food. wealthy fish sport sort
Grown-ups teach us at school. help goblins teachers home
Snow and rain are part of our winter weather. summer wind cold frost
You can see clowns at a circus. elephants watch market acrobats
We could fly to Africa in a plane. ship you might go
The thief was kept in prison. robber put oyster jail
We can make models from card. tea clay children wood
Cows and sheep may graze in a meadow. goats field stay sail
The puppy was very playful. kitten cute kitchen hungry

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Questions for Yes/no questions
(See page 142)

Could you carry an elephant on your Can magpies perch on clouds in the sky?

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

Would you put ice-cream in the freezer?
Would you like to wave a magic wand?
Has a cat got sharp claws?
Would you crawl into a thorn bush?
Do you go to school in the holidays?
Have you ever seen a live crocodile?
Is December a summer month?
Are you ready for school by nine in the
Could you fly to Mars on a bike?
Has a space-ship ever been to the moon?
Could a cactus grow in Antarctica?
Could you make up a story about a giant?
Would you scream if you saw a snake?

Examples for ‘Choosing three right answers’

(See page 143)

Which of these are days of the week? Sunday Thursday Tuesday September

Which are names for girls? Heather Hayley Sanjay Philippa

Which of these are numbers? blue five nine thirteen

Which of these can we read? news comics see-saws books

Traffic lights can be green white yellow red

Which of these are parts of the body? cry head elbow chin

A chef can cook food by boiling grilling flying frying

What can you put on bread? jam butter cheese coffee

Which of these can grow in a garden? ferns snow herbs bushes

Which of these could you hold in your hand? a giant a jewel a feather a penny

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Phoneme spotter stories
Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

A Real Treat!

Tom was very happy. It was the weekend and he was off to the
beach with Mum and Dad, his puppy and baby Pete.
“Help me pack the green bag,” said Mum. “We need sun cream
and lots to eat.”
Tom got into his seat in the back of the car and the puppy got
on his knee. Pete held his toy sheep. Off they went. Beep! Beep!
At the end of the street there was a big truck. It had lost a
wheel. “Oh, no,” said Tom. “We’ll be here for a week!”
Dad went to speak to the driver to see if he could help. They
put the wheel back on. Then Dad said, “I must hurry. We need
to get to the beach.”
At last they got to the sea. Tom and Pete had an ice-cream. Mum
and Dad had a cup of tea. The puppy went to sleep under a tree.

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A Right Mess

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

The twins’ bedroom was a right mess! Mum had tried
everything. Being cross! Being kind! But it just did not help. The
twins still did not tidy their room.
Then Mum had an idea. “I think I’ll write a list of things the
twins must pick up, and then we can play a game of hide and
seek. The twins must find the things and put them in a box.
Their room will be tidy!”
This is the list Mum had:
A crisp bag
A white sock
A tie with a stripe
A cap
A plastic knife
A bright red kite
“We like this game of hide and seek,” said the twins. In no time
at all the room was quite tidy and Mum was happy.
Then the twins had an idea. “Mum, we’d like to fly this kite on
the green.”
“All right,” said Mum, “but you must hold the string tight.”
On the green there was a light breeze and the kite went up, up,
up, high in the sky. Then suddenly it came down, down, down…
CRASH! It fell into the duck pond!
The kite was fine, but Mum said, “I think it’s time for tea. Let’s
go home.”

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Luke and Ruth
Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

It was Saturday and Luke went to play at Ruth’s house. Ruth and
her mum lived in the house next to Luke’s house.

“Let’s go outside,” said Ruth as she put her blue boots on. “Do
you need boots too?”

“I do. I’ll nip home and take my new shoes off.” said Luke, “I’ll be
back soon.”

Luke came back and the two of them began to dig. “Can I use the
spade?” said Luke.

“Yes. Can you help me move this big root?” said Ruth. “Then we
can sow the seeds.” Luke and Ruth soon had the seeds in the
ground and they made the earth smooth on top. “Now we will wait
until they grow,” they said.

Two weeks later, Ruth ran to Luke’s house. “Quick! The seeds
are growing.” Luke ran round to see if it was true. It was. In the
next few weeks they grew and grew and, in June, they had blue

“Our blue flowers are super,” said Luke.

“The best,” said Ruth.

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The Old Pony

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

Joe, the old pony, was in his field. He was so old and slow that
nobody rode him anymore. The wind was blowing. He felt cold and

Just then, Jazz and Hal rode by on their bikes. They were going
home for tea. They felt so sorry for old Joe that they stopped
to stroke him.

At tea time they told Dad about Joe.

“Don’t worry,” said Dad. “I know I can help him.”

After tea, Dad went to the shed and got an old green coat and a
thin rope. Jazz and Hal got the end of a loaf of bread.

“Let’s go,” said Dad.

Dad and Jazz and Hal went back to Joe’s field.

“Hello, old fellow,” said Dad. Quickly, he put the old coat over
Joe’s back and tied it on with rope. In no time at all, Joe was as
warm as toast!

Jazz and Hal gave Joe some of the loaf to eat. Old Joe was
happy at last.

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The School Sale
Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

It was the day of the school sale. Mum could not go as she had
a pain in her knee, so Gran said she would take Kate and Wayne.
They could not wait!

At the school gate, Gran paid 20p to get in. She did not have to
pay for Kate and Wayne – it was free for children!

As soon as they were through the gate, Gran gave Wayne and
Kate £1 each to spend, and told them not to go too far away.

The sun was shining. “It’s as hot as Spain!” said Gran. “I think I
need a cup of tea.”

At the tea stall, a lady put Gran’s tea on a tray, and Gran went to
find a place to sit in the shade.

Meanwhile, Kate and Wayne went round the stalls. Kate had her
face painted like a rainbow and had a go on the “Name a Teddy”
stall. Wayne bought a game of chess and a piece of chocolate
cake for Mum. They both had a go on the “Pin the tail on the
donkey”. It was quite safe – the donkey was only made of paper!

When the sale was nearly over, Kate and Wayne went back and
found Gran fast asleep under the tree. “What a shame,” said
Kate, “she’s missed all the fun!”

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Could I?

Letters and Sounds: Phase Five

Mr and Mrs Hood had a house by the sea. Mr Hood was a
fisherman. When he was away on a fishing trip, Mrs Hood would
get very lonely and sad.

“I need a job,” she said to herself. “I like to look at books, I

could sell books in the bookshop.”

She went to the bookshop but the people there said “No.”

“This is no good,” Mrs Hood said to herself, “I should stop and

think.” Mrs Hood sat and had a good long think and then she said,
“I like to cook. I could run a cake shop.”

She began to cook and in next to no time her house was full of
the smell of cakes and pies. She put a poster up on the gate that
said, “Home-made cakes and pies”. She sold everything she had

She told Mr Hood about it when he came home. “I would like to

try a cake,” he said, “I’m hungry.”

“I’m sorry,” Mrs Hood said, “I sold out.”

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Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

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Phase Six
(throughout Year )
Letters and Sounds: Phase Six


■ Summary 168

■ Reading 168

■ Spelling 170

■ Teaching spelling 170

○ Introducing and teaching the past tense

○ Investigating and learning how to add suffixes
○ Teaching spelling long words
○ Finding and learning the difficult bits in words
■ Learning and practising spellings 179

■ Application of spelling in writing 183

○ Marking
○ Children gaining independence
■ Knowledge of the spelling system 187

○ Some useful spelling guidelines

○ Adding suffixes to words
■ Practice examples 191


This icon indicates that the activity

can be viewed on the DVD.

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By the beginning of Phase Six, children should know most of the common grapheme–
phoneme correspondences (GPCs). They should be able to read hundreds of words,

Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

doing this in three ways:

■ reading the words automatically if they are very familiar;

■ decoding them quickly and silently because their sounding and blending routine is
now well established;

■ decoding them aloud.

Children’s spelling should be phonemically accurate, although it may still be a little
unconventional at times. Spelling usually lags behind reading, as it is harder. (See
Appendix 3: Assessment.)

During this phase, children become fluent readers and increasingly accurate spellers.

At this stage many children will be reading longer and less familiar texts independently and
with increasing fluency. The shift from learning to read to reading to learn takes place and
children read for information and for pleasure.

Children need to learn some of the rarer GPCs (see Notes of Guidance for Practitioners
and Teachers, Appendix 2, page 19,) and be able to use them accurately in their reading.

A few children may be less fluent and confident, often because their recognition of
graphemes consisting of two or more letters is not automatic enough. Such children
may still try to use phonics by sounding out each letter individually and then attempting
to blend these sounds (for instance /c/-/h/-/a/-/r/-/g/-/e/ instead of /ch/-/ar/-/ge/).
This is all too often misunderstood by teachers as an overuse of phonics rather than
misuse, and results in teachers suggesting to children that they use alternative strategies
to read unfamiliar words. Instead the solution is greater familiarity with graphemes of two
or more letters. The necessity for complete familiarity with these graphemes cannot be
overstated. The work on spelling, which continues throughout this phase and beyond,
will help children to understand more about the structure of words and consolidate their
knowledge of GPCs. For example, children who are not yet reliably recognising digraphs
and are still reading them as individual letters will get extra reinforcement when they learn
to spell words containing the digraphs such as road, leaf, town, cloud, shop.

As children find that they can decode words quickly and independently, they will read
more and more so that the number of words they can read automatically builds up. There
is a list of the 300 high-frequency words in Appendix 1 on pages 193–195. Increasing the
pace of reading is an important objective. Children should be encouraged to read aloud
as well as silently for themselves.

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Knowing where to place the stress in polysyllabic words can be problematic. If the child
has achieved a phonemic approximation of the word, particularly by giving all vowels their
full value, the context of the sentence will often provide a sensible resolution; the child
should then recheck this against the letters. Working through the word in this way will
Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

make it easier for it to be read more automatically in future.

In Phase Six, many children will be able to read texts of several hundred words fluently at
their first attempt. Those children who are less fluent may benefit from rereading shorter
texts several times, not in order to memorise the texts, but to become more familiar with
at least some of the words that cause them to stumble, and to begin to experience what
fluent reading feels like.

To become successful readers, children must understand what they read. They need to
learn a range of comprehension strategies and should be encouraged to reflect upon their
own understanding and learning. Such an approach, which starts at the earliest stages,
gathers momentum as children develop their fluency. Children need to be taught to go
beyond literal interpretation and recall, to explore the greater complexities of texts through
inference and deduction. Over time they need to develop self-regulated comprehension

■ activating prior knowledge;

■ clarifying meanings – with a focus on vocabulary work;
■ generating questions, interrogating the text;
■ constructing mental images during reading;
■ summarising.
Many of the texts children read at this stage will be story books, through which they
will be developing an understanding of the author’s ideas, plot development and
characterisation. It is important that children are also provided with opportunities to read a
range of non-fiction texts, which require a different set of strategies. The use of a contents
page, index and glossary makes additional demands on young readers as they search for
relevant information. In reading simple poems, children need to adapt to and explore the
effects of poetic language, continuing to develop their understanding of rhythm, rhyme
and alliteration.

From an early stage, children need to be encouraged to read with phrasing and fluency,
and to take account of punctuation to aid meaning. Much of the reading now will be silent
and children will be gaining reading stamina as they attempt longer texts.

In addition, as children read with growing independence, they will engage with and
respond to texts; they will choose and justify their choice of texts and will begin to critically
evaluate them.

It is important throughout that children continue to have opportunities to listen to

experienced readers reading aloud and that they develop a love of reading.

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Teaching spelling

Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

Introducing and teaching the past tense
The past tense dealt with in this section is simple past tense, e.g. I looked, not
continuous past tense, e.g. I was looking.

Before you teach children to spell the past tense forms of verbs, it is important that
they gain an understanding of the meaning of ‘tense’. Since many common verbs
have irregular past tenses (e.g. go – went, come – came, say – said) it is often
easier to teach the concept of past tense separately from the spelling of past tense
forms. Short oral games can be used for this purpose.

For example, a puppet could say Today I am eating an egg – what did I eat
yesterday? The response could be Yesterday you ate a sandwich, Yesterday you
ate some jam. The puppet could say Today I am jumping on the bed. Where did I
jump yesterday? and the response could be Yesterday you jumped in the water, etc.
These games can be fitted into odd moments now and then; several children could
respond in turn, and the games would also serve as memory training (don’t repeat
what’s already been suggested).

Using familiar texts

Use a current class text as the basis for discussion about tense.

1. Find extracts of past tense narrative and ask children to describe what is
happening in the present tense. For example, use extracts from Funnybones (by
Alan Alhberg and Janet Alhberg, published by Puffin Books) such as where the
skeletons leave the cellar, climb the stairs and walk to the park.

2. Let the children compare the two versions. Discuss how they are different both in
meaning and language.

3. Use the words yesterday and today to reinforce the different meanings.

4. Find bits of present tense dialogue in the text and ask children to retell it as past
tense narrative.

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Investigating and learning how to add suffixes
Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

Phoneme frame
■ To reinforce understanding and application of the -ed suffix for the past tense

■ The children must have an understanding of the grammar of the past tense and
experience of segmenting words into phonemes

For whole-class work

■ Set of five-box and six-box phoneme frames drawn on the whiteboard

■ Set of five-box and six-box phoneme frames, on laminated card so they can be
reused, one per pair of children

■ Word cards placed in a bag (e.g. rounded, helped, turned, begged, hissed,
wanted, sorted, hummed, waded, washed, hated, greased, lived,
robbed, rocked, laughed, called, roasted)

1. Pick a word card from the bag and read it out without showing the children.

2. Working with a partner, the children say the word to themselves then segment
and count the phonemes. They decide which phoneme frame to use and try
writing it with one phoneme in each box.

3. Say Show me as the signal for the children to hold up their frames.

4. Demonstrate how to spell the word correctly using a frame on the whiteboard
and ask the pairs of children to check their own spellings.

5. Repeat for about six words and look at the words that have been written. What
spelling pattern do they all have? Emphasise that even when the final phoneme
sounds different (e.g. jumped), the spelling pattern is still the same. Challenge
the children to explain why this is (past tense of verbs). Look closely at the
phoneme frames. Sometimes the -ed ending is two phonemes (e.g. wanted)
and sometimes only one (e.g. grasped).

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Word sort

Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

■ To categorise words according to their spelling pattern
Use this activity to investigate:

■ the rules for adding -ing, -ed, -er, -est, -ful, -ly and -y, plurals (see pages

■ how to differentiate spelling patterns (e.g. different representations of the same

phoneme; the ‘w special’ – see page 187).


For whole-class work

■ Set of word cards exemplifying the spelling patterns you are investigating (see
‘Practice examples’, on page 191, for suggestions)

■ Reusable sticky pads

For independent work

■ Different set of word cards, with words tailored to the children’s ability, one per
pair or group of three children


Whole-class work
1. Select a word, read it out and attach it to the top of the whiteboard. Underline
the part of the word that you are looking at and explain what you are investigating
(e.g. how the vowel phoneme is spelt; how the base word has changed).

2. Ask the children to identify other words that follow the same pattern. Challenge
them to explain their suggestion and then move the words into the column.

3. When all the words have been identified, start a new column and ask the children
to explain what is different about this spelling pattern.

4. If they suggest a word that does not fit the pattern, start a new column and
challenge them to find other words that would go with it.

5. When the words have been sorted, ask the children to suggest spelling rules
based on what they can see. Note their suggestions so that they can refer to
them in independent work.

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Independent work
1. Provide more word cards for the children to sort, working in pairs or groups of three.

2. The children use the same categories as before and take it in turns to place a
Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

word in one of the columns. The other group members must agree.

3. Words that they cannot place can go into a ‘problem’ pile.

4. The group compose a label for each column that explains what the words have in

1. Look back at the rules that were suggested earlier and ask the children whether
they were able to apply them when they sorted their own words.

2. Look at the ‘problem’ words and help the children to categorise them. Talk about
exceptions to the general rules and ways to remember these spellings.

Add race
■ To practise adding -ing
Use this activity to revisit the rules for: adding -ing, adding -ed, adding -s and
adding suffixes -er, -est, -ful, -ly and -y. (see pages 189–190)

(The activity is described as if the focus were adding -ing. Modify appropriately for
-ed, -er, -est, -y, -s.)

■ The children must have investigated and learned the appropriate spelling rules and be
able to distinguish long and short vowel phonemes (e.g. /a/ and /ai/, /o/ and /oa/).

For whole-class work

■ 18 cards: three sets of six cards – each set gives six verbs that fit one of the
three rules of what we have to do to the verb when adding -ing: 1. Nothing,
2. Double the final consonant, 3. Drop the e (see ‘Practice examples’ on page 191)

For independent work

■ Set of verb cards, three for each rule as described above

■ Large sheet of paper with the three columns labelled as above, one per pair or
group of three

■ Whiteboards and pens, one per child

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Whole-class work

Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

1. Draw three numbered columns on the whiteboard corresponding to the three
possible actions to take when adding -ing: 1. Nothing, 2. Double the final
consonant, 3. Drop the e.
2. Revise the rules for adding -ing to a verb.
3. Explain that this game is a race to see which column will fill up first.
4. Shuffle the verb cards and place them face down in front of you.
5. Show the first card. If there are children in the class who may not understand the
word, ask someone to think of a sentence using the word (e.g. I smile at my cat).
6. Ask the children to discuss with their talk partners which column the verb
belongs in.
7. Ask the children to show the card (or raise the number of fingers) to indicate
which column the verb belongs in.
8. If some children show an incorrect card or put the wrong number of fingers up,
explore why they made this decision.
9. Place the word in the correct column.
10. Repeat for more verbs. Note which column has filled up first and continue until
the next one has filled. Stop the game there.

Independent work
1. The children work in small groups. Each child needs a whiteboard and pen and the
group needs a large piece of paper with three columns labelled as above.
2. The verb cards should be placed in a pile, face down in the centre of the table.
3. One child takes a card from the pile and shows it to the group.
4. The children decide which column the word belongs in and try the word on their
whiteboards. When all agree, one child records the word in the agreed column on
the paper.
5. Another child picks up the next verb card and repeats the process.

1. Ask the children to read the words out for each column and check that all groups
2. Ask some children whether there were any words their group disagreed about.
3. If you have looked at adding other endings (e.g. -ed, -y, -est) discuss whether
there are similarities or differences between the rules.

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Teaching spelling long words
Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

Words in words
■ To investigate how adding suffixes and prefixes changes words
Use this activity to teach and reinforce prefixes and suffixes.

■ When you are selecting words for this activity, consider the vocabulary used by
the children in your class and select words that they are likely to know. (See also
‘Practice examples’, page 191.) Explore the function of the prefix or suffix using
familiar words, then help to expand the children’s vocabulary by asking them to
predict meanings of other words with the same prefix or suffix.

■ Prepare lists of the words you want to discuss with children and differentiated
sets of words for the children to work with in the independent session

■ Lists of words
■ Whiteboards and pens, one per pair of children

1. Show the children two related words, with and without the prefix or suffix. Ask
them what they both mean and what has been added to the base word to make
the other word. Do the same with three more pairs of words using the same
prefix or suffix.

2. Ask the children, in pairs, to make up a sentence for each of two words to share
with the class. Draw their attention to the different uses of each of the words.

3. Ask the children to think of other words with the same prefix or suffix and to write
the words on their whiteboards. Ask the children to share the words with the

4. If it is relevant, show an example in which the spelling of the base word is altered
when the suffix is added. Discuss the implications for spelling.

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Clap and count

Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

■ To provide a routine for spelling long words
Use this activity for spelling compound words, words with prefixes and other multi-
syllabic words.

For whole-class work

■ Differentiated sets of multi-syllable word cards, each card showing one word
■ Whiteboards and pens, one per child

For independent work

■ Prepare differentiated sets of word cards (4–12 per group, depending on the
children’s ability)


Whole-class work
1. Say a two-syllable word, clapping the syllables.

2. Do the same with words with three and more syllables including some of the
children’s names.

3. Point to two children who have names containing a different number of syllables.
Clap one of their names and ask the children which one you are clapping.

4. Clap a two-syllable word and draw two lines or boxes on the whiteboard for each

5. Ask the children to write down the letters for the phonemes in the first syllable
and show you.

6. If they are not all correct, take different versions from the children and discuss them.

7. Repeat with the second syllable.

8. Say another word and ask the children to clap it and draw boxes for the number
of syllables on their whiteboards and show you.

9. Discuss deviations in the responses.

10. Ask the children to write down the letters for the phonemes in the first syllable
and show you.

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11. If they are not all correct, take different versions from the children and discuss

12. Repeat with the second and subsequent syllables.

Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

13. Summarise the routine, with the children joining in, to help them to remember it:
clap and count the syllables, draw the lines, write the letters.

Independent work
1. The children work in groups of up to four to play ‘clap and count, draw, write’
(as above).

2. Shuffle the word cards and put them in a pile, face down in the centre of the

3. When it is their turn, each child should take the top word from the pile, read it
aloud and put it face down in front of them.

4. The children go through the same routine: clap and count the syllables, draw the
lines, write the letters.

5. The card is then revealed and everybody checks the accuracy of their spelling,
awarding themselves 1 point for the correct number of syllables and 1 point for
each syllable spelt correctly.

6. Repeat until each child has had at least one turn and then add up the scores to
determine the winner.

1. Focus on children applying this strategy ‘silently’ (i.e. without stopping and
clapping when trying to work out a spelling).

2. Read out five new words for the children to try and write ‘secretly’ using the
routine: clap and count the syllables, draw the lines, write the letters – but they
must not give away the number of syllables. You could show them how to tap
very quietly with their fingers.

3. Write up the words and support children in checking their words. What are the
difficult bits in each of the words? How does this routine help?

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Finding and learning the difficult bits in words

Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

Take it apart and put it back together
■ To help children learn high-frequency and topic words by developing their ability
to identify the potentially difficult element or elements in a word (e.g the double
tt in getting, the unusual spelling of /oo/, and the unaccented vowel i in

■ Set of large word cards and blank strips of card (for writing explanation sentences)
■ Reusable sticky pads

For independent work

■ List of high-frequency or topic words and a list of word descriptions with a blank
box beside each description

1. Introduce the activity by explaining that if we understand why a word is spelt in
a particular way, it can help us to remember how to spell that word accurately
when we are writing.

2. Write a word on the whiteboard. Ask the children why they think it is spelt like
this. Allow some thinking time and then take feedback.

3. Follow the sequence below to ‘take the word apart and put it back together again’.

■ The children say the word out loud and clap the syllables – underline these on the

■ The children count the phonemes and hold up the correct number of fingers.
Draw in sound buttons on the whiteboard.

■ The children spot any other distinctive features – note these and/or highlight the
particular part of the word.

■ Summarise all the features in a description: the children suggest a sentence

orally, you select succinct and accurate ideas and write a description on a strip of
card (e.g. their: this word has one syllable, two phonemes and it begins with the
letters the just like two related words them and they; wanted: this verb has
two syllables, six phonemes, it begins with the ‘w special’ (see page 187) and
has an -ed ending for the past tense).

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4. Continue with more words so that children get used to the routine.

5. Check the children’s understanding of the descriptions. Give some children the
sentence strips and some the cards with the words you have described. Ask
Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

them to read their cards.

6. Choose a child to bring a sentence strip out and stick it on the whiteboard.
Read the description together and ask the child who has the correct word card
to bring it to the whiteboard. The first child checks the word and sticks it on the
whiteboard if it matches the description. The other children put their thumbs up
or down to show whether they agree or not. Repeat until all the sentences are
matched with words.

1. Ask a child to describe a word. (It could be a word on the list or another word
entirely.) Can any of the other children find a word that matches the description?

2. Talk about how this activity can help the children to learn particular spellings.
They have taken words apart and looked at distinctive features. This will help
them to remember the spellings. Ask each child to choose one word from the list
and write it, with the description, in their spelling log. Challenge them to learn it.
When they do independent writing they can expect to see an improvement in the
spelling of this word.

Learning and practising spellings

Memory strategies
■ To develop familiarity with different strategies for memorising high-frequency or
topic words

■ Poster of four memory strategies (see next page)
■ List of words to be spelt


Whole-class work
1. Introduce the activity by explaining that in addition to knowing how a word is
constructed we may need additional aids to memory.

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2. Display the poster of four memory strategies and tell the children that it contains
three good ideas for helping them to remember spellings, and a final emergency
idea (in case nothing else works).

Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

3. Write a word on the whiteboard, ask the children to read it together and clap the

4. Discuss with the children the features of the word that might make it difficult to
remember and which memory strategy might be helpful.

5. Rub the word off the whiteboard and ask the children to write the word.

6. If children made errors, discuss them in relation to the memory strategy.

7. Repeat 3–6 with another word.

8. Write another word on the whiteboard, ask the children to read it and clap the

9. Ask the children to discuss with their partners which memory strategy they could
use, then ask them to learn the word.

10. Rub the word off the whiteboard and ask the children to write the word.

11. Discuss the strategies chosen and their effectiveness for learning the word.

12. Repeat 8–11 with two more words.

13. Finally dictate each word learned during the lesson for the children to write.

Strategies Explanations
1. Syllables To learn my word I can listen to how many syllables there are so
I can break it into smaller bits to remember (e.g. Sep-tem-ber,
2. Base words To learn my word I can find its base word (e.g. Smiling – base
smile +ing, e.g. women = wo + men)
3. Analogy To learn my word I can use words that I already know to help
me (e.g. could: would, should)
4. Mnemonics To learn my word I can make up a sentence to help me
remember it (e.g. could – O U Lucky Duck; people – people
eat orange peel like elephants)

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Learning words
The best way of giving children words to memorise is to provide a sentence for
children to learn so that they get used to using the target words in context. The
Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

sentences could be practised at home (or in time allocated during the school day)
and then children can show what they have learned by writing the sentences at the
beginning of spelling sessions.

The purpose of the following two routines is for children to:

■ show what they have learned;

■ practise writing words that follow the same pattern or convention;
■ use the words in the context of a sentence;
■ reflect on what they have learned and learn from their errors.
The children are involved in assessing their own learning as they check their work.
They are encouraged to explain their decisions about spelling so that they can
understand their success and overcome misconceptions. They use their spelling logs
to record words that they often have difficulty with.

Routine A
■ Select words and devise a sentence for dictation. Write out a list of all the words
to be used in the routine, and the final sentence.

■ Sentence for dictation
■ List of words

Routine A is made up of the following five elements.

. Show me what you know. Test the children on the words they have been
learning. Either read the whole sentence and ask them to write it, or read the
individual target words.

. Spell the word. Select five more words that follow the same pattern or
convention. Remind the children about the convention or spelling pattern they
explored. Explain that they will be able to use what they have learned to try
spelling the new words.

. Read out one word at a time. All the children write it, read what they have
written and check that they are happy with it.

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. Write the sentence. Dictate a sentence that includes several target words.
Break it into meaningful chunks, repeating each string of words several times.
Give children time to check what they have written and remind them of the

Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

target features (e.g. -ed endings; different spellings of the long vowel phoneme,
strategy for remembering a difficult bit).

. What have I learned? Display the list of words for children to use when they are
checking their own work. They work in pairs supporting one another in identifying
correct spellings and underlining any errors.

Focus on successful strategies, asking what the children have learned that has
helped them spell this word correctly. Encourage the children to articulate what they
know and how they have applied it. Then focus on some errors and help children to
understand why they might have mis-spelt the word – were they tripped up by the
difficult bit? Did they forget to apply the rule?

Routine B
■ Devise two sentences that include examples of words from this phase and
incorporate words from previous phases. Select three words for the children to
make into their own sentences. Write out the dictations, and the words as three
word cards.

For this activity the children should write their sentences in a notebook so that there
is an ongoing record of their progress.

■ Two sentences
■ Three word cards

Routine B is made up of the following three elements.

. Write the sentence. Dictate two sentences that include target words and other
words needing reinforcement. Break each sentence into meaningful chunks,
repeating each string of words several times. Give children time to check what
they have written and ask them to look out for words they have been working on.
Is there a pattern to follow or a rule to apply?

. Create a new sentence. Read out the three words you have chosen and
provide children with a theme, e.g. create a new sentence about children eating
lunch using the words wanted, their and shared. Give the children time
to write their sentences, read through and check them. Have they used the
strategies they have been learning to recall the correct spelling?

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One (confident) child could write his sentence ‘in secret’ on the whiteboard. Reveal
this sentence and ask the children to read it through. Ask which words are spelt
correctly. Analyse any errors and talk about why they might have been made.
Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

3. What have I learned? Display the sentences from the earlier dictation and word
cards for the new sentences. Ask children to check their work in pairs. They
support one another in identifying correct spellings and underlining any errors.

Possible questions are: Were there words in this dictation that you have mis-spelt
before? Did you get them right this time? What strategy did you use to remember
the difficult bit? Did you spell the target words correctly in your sentence? Give the
children the opportunity to select one or two words to add to their spelling logs.

These are likely to be words that they use regularly and find difficult to spell.

For really tricky words the following process – simultaneous oral spelling – has
proved useful for children.

1. The children copy out word to be learned on a card.

2. They read it aloud then turn the card over.

3. Ask them to write out the word, naming each letter as they write it.

4. They read aloud the word they have written.

5. Then ask them to turn the card over and compare their spelling with the correct

6. Repeat 2–5 three times.

Do this for six consecutive days.

Application of spelling in writing

Children’s growing understanding of why words are spelt in a particular way is valuable
only if they go on to apply it in their independent writing. Children should be able to spell
an ever-increasing number of words accurately and to check and correct their own work.
This process is supported through:

■ shared writing: the teacher demonstrates how to apply spelling strategies while writing
and teaches proofreading skills;

■ guided and independent writing: the children apply what they have been taught. This
is the opportunity to think about the whole writing process: composition as well as
spelling, handwriting and punctuation;

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■ marking the children’s work: the teacher can assess their progress and their ability
to understand and apply what has been taught, then identify targets for further

Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

■ teaching and practising handwriting: learning and practising a fluent joined style will
support the children’s spelling development.

Marking provides the opportunity to see how well individual children understand
and apply what has been taught and should always relate to the specific focus for

■ Set clear expectations when the children start to write. Remind them of the
strategies, rules and conventions that they can apply. Expectations and marking
will reflect the children’s cumulative knowledge but the marking should not go
beyond what has been taught about spelling. Ensure that the children know what
the criteria for success are in this particular piece of work. For example: Now that
you understand the rules for adding -ed to regular verbs I will expect you to spell
these words correctly.

■ Analyse children’s errors. Look closely at the strategies the children are using.
What does this tell you about their understanding? For example, a child using
jumpt instead of jumped is using phonological knowledge but does not yet
understand about adding -ed to verbs in the past tense.

■ Provide feedback and time to respond. In your comments to the children, focus
on a limited number of spelling errors that relate to a particular letter string or
spelling convention. Ensure that the children have had time to read or discuss
your feedback and clarify expectations about what they should do next.

■ Set mini-targets. Present expectations for independent spelling in terms of simple

targets that will apply to all the writing the children do. These targets would
generally be differentiated for groups, but it may be appropriate to tailor a target
to include specific ‘problem’ words for an individual (e.g. I expect to spell these
words correctly in all my writing: said, they).

Targets can be written into spelling logs for the children to refer to regularly.

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Children gaining independence
Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

■ Strategies for spelling during writing. Children need strategies to help them
attempt spellings they are not sure of as they are writing, without interrupting
the flow of their composition. Aim to build up routines where the children will try
different strategies before asking for help (see the poster ‘Things to do before
asking someone’ on page 192).
■ Using spelling logs. Children can each have a log – ideally in the form of a loose-
leaf folder that can be added to – to record the particular spellings they need to
focus on in their work. The spelling log can be used in the following two main ways.
1. As part of the spelling programme: a regular part of the spelling activities
involves the children identifying specific words that they need to continue
to work on. These could be words exemplifying a particular pattern or
convention or high-frequency words. These words are put into the children’s
logs with tips on how to remember the spelling.
2. To record spellings arising from each child’s independent writing: these words
will be specific to the individual child and will be those that frequently trip them
up as they are writing. These words can be identified as part of the proofreading
process and children can be involved in devising strategies for learning them and
monitoring whether they spell the target words correctly in subsequent work.
The children should have no more than five target words at a time and these should
be reviewed at intervals (e.g. each half-term). The children can look for evidence
of correct spellings in their independent writing and remove the word from the list
once it has been spelt correctly five times in a row. The teacher can write the child’s
spelling target into the log so that the child can refer to it regularly.

Children need to be taught how to proofread their work as part of the writing
process. Editing for spelling (or typographic errors) should take place after the writer
is satisfied with all other elements of the writing. It is important that teachers model
the proofreading process in shared writing.
1. Preparation. Towards the end of a unit of work, after the children have revisited
and revised their work in terms of structure and content, sentence construction
and punctuation, the teacher selects an example of one child’s work, writes it out
and makes a few changes so that it is not immediately recognisable.
2. Shared writing. Read through the work as the children follow, explaining that
you are looking for a particular type of spelling error, related to specific recent
teaching focuses (e.g. the spelling of -ed endings). Think aloud as you identify
each error and encourage the children to go through the following routine.
■ Underline the part of the word that looks wrong and explain why it looks wrong.
■ Try out an alternative spelling.

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■ Ask yourself whether it looks right.
■ Check from another source (e.g. words around the room, another child,
spelling log, dictionary).

Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

■ Write in the correct spelling.
Repeat this until the target words have been corrected. Are there any patterns in
these errors? Is there a strategy that would help the children to avoid the same
errors in the future (e.g. consonant doubling after short vowels)?
3. Independent and guided writing. The children repeat the same process for their
own writing across the curriculum. Less confident writers can be supported in
this process with guided writing sessions.

Using dictionaries and spelling checkers

Children should be taught to use a dictionary to check their spelling. By Phase Six, the
repeated singing of an alphabet song at earlier phases should have familiarised them
with alphabetical order. Their first dictionary practice should be with words starting with
different letters, but once they are competent at this, they should learn how to look
at second and subsequent letters when necessary, learning, for example, that words
starting al- come before words starting an- and as-, and words starting ben- come
before words starting ber-. Knowledge gained in Phase Five of different ways of spelling
particular sounds is also relevant in dictionary use: for example a child who tries to look up
believe under belee- needs to be reminded to look under other possible spellings of the
/ee/ sound. Having found the correct spelling of a word, children should be encouraged
to memorise it.
Unless a first attempt at spelling a word is logical and reasonably close to the target,
a spelling checker may suggest words which are not the one required. Children need
to be taught not just to accept these suggestions, but to sound them out carefully to
double-check whether the pronunciation matches that of the word they are trying to

Links with handwriting

Developing a fluent joined style is an important part of learning to spell and the
teaching of spelling and handwriting should be closely linked.
■ Handwriting sessions. As children are taught the basic joins they can practise
joining each digraph as one unit. This can develop into practising letter strings
and complete words linked to the specific focus for teaching (e.g. joining w-a to
support work on the ‘w special’ – see page 187).
■ High-frequency words can be demonstrated and practised as joined units (e.g.
the, was, said).
■ Spelling sessions. The children need to see the target words written in joined
script as frequently as possible and to practise writing words, for example in
dictations and at home using joined script themselves.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Knowledge of the spelling system
In Phase Six children need to acquire more word-specific knowledge. They still need
to segment words into phonemes to spell them, but they also learn that good spelling
Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

involves not only doing this and representing all the phonemes plausibly but also, where
necessary, choosing the right grapheme from several possibilities.

In some cases, word-specific spellings (e.g. sea/see; goal/pole/bowl/soul; zoo/

clue/flew/you) simply have to be learned. It is important to devote time in this phase
to learning common words with rare or irregular spellings (e.g. they, there, said) as
the quantity children write increases and without correction they may practise incorrect
spellings that are later difficult to put right.

However, there are spelling conventions or guidelines that generalise across many words
and that children should understand. Where there are exceptions these can usually be
dealt with as they arise in children’s reading and writing.

Some useful spelling guidelines

1. The position of a phoneme in a word may rule out certain graphemes for that
phoneme. The ai and oi spellings do not occur at the end of English words
or immediately before suffixes; instead, the ay and oy spellings are used in
these positions (e.g. play, played, playing, playful, joy, joyful, enjoying,
enjoyment). In other positions, the /ai/ sound is most often spelled ai or a-
consonant-vowel, as in rain, date and bacon. The same principle applies in
choosing between oi and oy: oy is used at the end of a word or immediately
before a suffix, and oi is used elsewhere. There is no other spelling for this

Note that it is recommended that teachers should (at least at first) simply pronounce
the relevant vowel sounds for the children – /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/ and /u/; /ai/, /ee/, /igh/,
/oa/ and /oo/. Later the terms ‘long’ and ‘short’ can be useful when children need
to form more general concepts about spelling patterns.

2. When an /o/ sound follows a /w/ sound, it is frequently spelt with the letter a
(e.g. was, wallet, want, wash, watch, wander) – often known as the ‘w
special’. This extends to many words where the /w/ sound comes from the qu
grapheme (e.g. quarrel, quantity, squad, squash).

3. When an /ur/ sound follows the letter w (but not qu) it is usually spelt or (e.g.
word, worm, work, worship, worth). The important exception is were.

4. An /or/ sound before an /l/ sound is frequently spelled with the letter /a/ (e.g. all,
ball, call, always).

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5. English words do not end in the letter v unless they are abbreviations (e.g. rev).
If a word ends in a /v/ sound, e must be added after the v in the spelling (e.g.
give, have, live, love, above). This may seem confusing, because it suggests

Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

that the vowels should have their ‘long’ sounds (as in alive, save and stove)
but in fact there are very few words in the give/have category (i.e. words with
‘short’ vowels) – they are mostly common words and are quickly learned.

6. Elisions, sometimes known as contractions, such as I’m, let’s and can’t are
usually easy to spell, but children need to know where to put the apostrophe.
They should be taught that it marks the place where letters are omitted.

7. Confusions are common between their and there and can persist unless
appropriate teaching is given. There is related in meaning and spelling to here
and where; all are concerned with place. Their is related in meaning (plural
person) and spelling to they and them. To avoid confusing children, experience
shows it is advisable not to teach these two similar sounding words there and
their at the same time but to secure the understanding of one of them before
teaching the other.

An additional problem with the word their is its unusual letter order. However, if
children know that they, them and their share the same first three letters, they
are less likely to misspell their as thier.

8. Giving vowel graphemes their full value in reading can help with the spelling of
the schwa sound. For example, if children at first sound out the word important
in their reading with a clear /a/ sound in the last syllable, this will help them to
remember to spell the schwa sound in that syllable with the letter a rather than
with any other vowel letter.

9. In deciding whether to use ant or ent, ance or ence at the end of a word, it is
often helpful to consider whether there is a related word where the vowel sound
is more clearly pronounced. When deciding, for example, between occupant or
occupent the related word occupation shows that the vowel letter must be a.
Similarly, if one is unsure about residance or residence, the word residential
shows that the letter must be e.

Note: The i before e except after c rule is not worth teaching. It applies only to words
in which the ie or ei stands for a clear /ee/ sound and unless this is known, words
such as sufficient, veil and their look like exceptions. There are so few words
where the ei spelling for the /ee/ sound follows the letter c that it is easier to learn
the specific words: receive, conceive, deceive (+ the related words receipt,
conceit, deceit), perceive and ceiling.

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Adding suffixes to words
Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

During Phase Six, children should also start to learn spelling conventions for adding
common endings (suffixes) to words. Most children will have taken words with
suffixes in their stride in reading, but for spelling purposes they now need more
systematic teaching both of the suffixes themselves and of how the spelling of base
words may have to change slightly when suffixes are added. Some grammatical
awareness is also helpful here: just knowing that the regular past tense ending is
spelt -ed is not enough – children also need to be aware that the word they are
trying to spell is a past tense word. Without this awareness, they may, for example,
spell hopped as hopt, played as plaid, grabbed as grabd and started as
startid – perfectly accurate phonemically, but not correct. Conversely, once they
have understood that the -ed ending can sometimes sound like /t/, they may try
to spell soft as soffed, unless they realise that this word is not the past tense of a
verb. (See ‘Introducing and teaching the past tense’ on page 170).

These are examples of common suffixes suitable for Phase Six:

■ -s and -es: added to nouns and verbs, as in cats, runs, bushes, catches;
■ -ed and -ing: added to verbs, as in hopped, hopping, hoped, hoping;
■ -ful: added to nouns, as in careful, painful, playful, restful, mouthful;
■ -er: added to verbs to denote the person doing the action and to adjectives to
give the comparative form, as in runner, reader, writer, bigger, slower;
■ -est: added to adjectives, as in biggest, slowest, happiest, latest;
■ -ly: added to adjectives to form adverbs, as in sadly, happily, brightly, lately;
■ -ment: added to verbs to form nouns, as in payment, advertisement,
■ -ness: added to adjectives to form nouns, as in darkness, happiness,
■ -y: added to nouns to form adjectives, as in funny, smoky, sandy.
The spelling of a suffix is always the same, except in the case of -s and -es.

Adding -s and -es to nouns and verbs

Generally, -s is simply added to the base word. The suffix -es is used after words
ending in s(s), ch, sh and z(z), and when y is replaced by i. Examples include
buses, passes, benches, catches, rushes, buzzes, babies. (In words such
as buses, passes, benches and catches, the extra syllable is easy to hear and
helps with the spelling.) Words such as knife, leaf and loaf become knives,
leaves and loaves and again the change in spelling is obvious from the change in
the pronunciation of the words.

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Adding other suffixes
Other suffixes have just one spelling. As with -s and -es, many can be added
to base words without affecting the spelling of the base word. Adding a suffix

Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

may sometimes mean, however, that the last letter of the base word needs to be
dropped, changed or doubled, and there are guidelines for this. Once children know
the guidelines, they can apply them to many different words. Only three kinds of
base words may need their last letters to be changed – those ending in:

■ an -e that is part of a split digraph (e.g. hope, safe, use);

■ a -y preceded by a consonant (e.g. happy, baby, carry);
■ a single consonant letter preceded by a single vowel letter (e.g. hop, red, run).
This simplified version of the guideline applies reliably to single-syllable words.
Later, children will need to learn that in words of more than one syllable, stress
also needs to be taken into account.

General guidelines for adding other suffixes

Children should be taught to think in terms of base words and suffixes whenever
appropriate. Suffixes are easily learned and many base words will already be familiar
from Phases Two to Five.

1. If a base word ends in an e which is part of a split digraph, drop the e if the suffix
begins with a vowel (e.g. hope – hoping; like – liked: the e before the d is
part of the suffix, not part of the base word). Keep the e if the suffix begins with a
consonant (e.g. hope – hopeful; safe – safely).

2. If a base word ends in y preceded by a consonant, change the y to i before

all suffixes except those beginning with i (e.g. happy – happiness, happier;
baby – babies; carry – carried). Keep the y if the suffix begins with i, not
permissible in English (e.g. baby – babyish; carry – carrying), as ii is not
permissible in English except in taxiing and skiing.

3. If a base word ends in a single consonant letter preceded by a single vowel letter
and the suffix begins with a vowel, double the consonant letter. Another way of
stating this guideline is that there need to be two consonant letters between a
‘short’ vowel (vowel sounds learned in Phase Two – see also the note on page
187) and a suffix beginning with a vowel (e.g. hop – hopped, hopping; red
– redder, reddest; run – running, runner).

In all other cases, the suffix can simply be added without any change being made to
the spelling of the base word. This means that for words in 1 and 3 above, the spelling
of the base word does not change if a suffix beginning with a consonant is added (e.g.
lame + ness = lameness; glad + ly = gladly). Similarly, no change occurs if the
base word ends in any way other than those mentioned in 1, 2 and 3 above.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Practice examples
Examples for practising Examples for practising adding the
Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

adding the suffixes suffixes -ing, -ed, -s, -er, -est, -y, -en
-s or -es All the base words need changes made before the
suffixes are added.
stop fizz hurry Words ending Words Words ending in a
in -e ending in -y single consonant
park circus fly like (ing) marry (ed) stop (ing)
bunch room bunny ride (er) funny (er) mad (er)
mend fuss marry tame (est) worry (ed) skip (ed)
dish goal dry bone (y) copy (er) run (ing)
thank cross curry bake (ed) hurry (ed) hop (er)
crash boat cry hike (ing) messy (est) nod (ed)
match buzz puppy fine (est) lucky (er) pad (ing)
bark melt try wave (ed) ferry (s) hid (en)
night stitch fry rule (er) carry (ed) hot (est)
rude (est) pony (s) rip (ed)

Examples for practising adding the suffixes -ing, -ed, -ful, -ly, -est,
-er,-ment, -ness, -en
Some of the base words need to be changed before the suffixes are added but some do not.

Remember: a final e in the Remember: a final y in the Remember: a final consonant

base word may or may not base word may or may not in the base word may or may
need to be dropped need to be changed to i not need to be double.
spite (ful) merry (ly) bad (ly)
rude (ly) employ (ment) flap (ed)
white (er) play (ed) send (ing)
bite (ing) enjoy (ment) slim (est)
lame (ness) silly (ness) fan (ed)
safe (ly) funny (est) sad (ness)
amuse (ment) obey (ing) put (ing)
rise (ing) sunny (er) flat (en)
time (ed) happy (ly) bat (ing)
use (ful) stay (ed) dark (est)

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Things to do before asking someone

What can I do if I get stuck on a spelling?

Find another word that will do for now and come back to

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this one later or even leave a gap.
Or try these three things before you ask someone:

1. Try using phonic 2. Think about other

strategies. Say the word words that sound the
and segment the phonemes. same. Can you use what
Split a long word into you know about spelling
syllables. similar words?

3. Look at your spelling log, word

banks or displays in the classroom.
Can you find the word you want?
Try looking for the word in a

Primary National Strategy

Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
Letters and Sounds: Phase Six

Letters and Sounds: Appendices

100 high-frequency words in order
1. the 21. that 41. not 61. look 81. put
2. and 22. with 42. then 62. don’t 82. could
3. a 23. all 43. were 63. come 83. house
4. to 24. we 44. go 64. will 84. old
5. said 25. can 45. little 65. into 85. too
6. in 26. are 46. as 66. back 86. by
7. he 27. up 47. no 67. from 87. day
8. I 28. had 48. mum 68. children 88. made
9. of 29. my 49. one 69. him 89. time
10. it 30. her 50. them 70. Mr 90. I’m
11. was 31. what 51. do 71. get 91. if
12. you 32. there 52. me 72. just 92. help
13. they 33. out 53. down 73. now 93. Mrs
14. on 34. this 54. dad 74. came 94. called
15. she 35. have 55. big 75. oh 95. here
16. is 36. went 56. when 76. about 96. off
17. for 37. be 57. it’s 77. got 97. asked
18. at 38. like 58. see 78. their 98. saw
19. his 39. some 59. looked 79. people 99. make
20. but 40. so 60. very 80. your 100. an

Tables from: Masterson, J., Stuart, M., Dixon, M. and Lovejoy, S. (2003) Children’s Printed Word
Database: Economic and Social Research Council funded project, R00023406

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
100 high-frequency words in phases
Phase Two
Decodable words Tricky words
a had the
Letters and Sounds: Appendices

an back to
as and I
at get no
if big go
in him into
is his
it not
of got
off up
on mum
can but
dad put (north)

100 high-frequency words in phases

Phase Three
Decodable words Tricky words
will see he you
that for she they
this now we all
then down me are
them look be my
with too was her

100 high-frequency words in phases

Phase Four
Decodable words Tricky words
went said were
it’s have there
from like little
children so one
just do when
help some out
come what

100 high-frequency words in phases

Phase Five
Note that some of the words that were tricky in earlier phases become fully decodable in Phase Five
Decodable words Tricky words
don’t day oh
old made their
I’m came people
by make Mr
time here Mrs
saw looked
house very called
about put (south) asked
your could

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Next 200 common words in order of frequency
This list is read down columns (i.e in the list, water is the most frequently used and grow is the least frequently used)

water other fast air use

Letters and Sounds: Appendices

away food only trees along
good fox many bad plants
want through laughed tea dragon
over way let’s top pulled
how been much eyes we’re
did stop suddenly fell fly
man must told friends grow
going red another box
where door great dark
would right why grandad
or sea cried there’s
took these keep looking
school began room end
think boy last than
home animals jumped best
who never because better
didn’t next even hot
ran first am sun
know work before across
bear lots gran gone
can’t need clothes hard
again that’s tell floppy
cat baby key really
long fish fun wind
things gave place wish
new mouse mother eggs
after something sat once
wanted bed boat please
eat may window thing
everyone still sleep stopped
our found feet ever
two live morning miss
has say queen most
yes soon each cold
play night book park
take narrator its lived
thought small green birds
dog car different duck
well couldn’t let horse
find three girl rabbit
more head which white
I’ll king inside coming
round town run he’s
tree I’ve any river
magic around under liked
shouted every hat giant
us garden snow looks

Tables from: Masterson, J., Stuart, M., Dixon, M. and Lovejoy, S. (2003) Children’s Printed Word
Database: Economic and Social Research Coucil funded project, R00023406

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Letter formation
Letters and Sounds: Appendices

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Letters and Sounds: Appendices

Progress check for each phase

By the end of phase 1 children will have experienced a wealth of listening activities
including songs, stories and rhymes. They will be able to distinguish between speech
sounds and many will be able to blend and segment words orally. Some will also be able
to recognise spoken words that rhyme and will be able to provide a string of rhyming
words, but inability to do this does not prevent moving on to Phase Two as these
speaking and listening activities continue.

Phase Two (up to  weeks)

By the end of Phase Two children should:

■ give the sound when shown any Phase Two letter, securing first the starter letters
s, a, t, p, i, n;
■ find any Phase Two letter, from a display, when given the sound;
■ be able to orally blend and segment CVC words;
■ be able to blend and segment in order to read and spell (using magnetic letters)
VC words such as: if, am, on, up and ‘silly names’ such as ip, ug and ock;
■ be able to read the five tricky words the, to, I, no, go.

Phase Three (up to  weeks)

By the end of Phase Three children should:

■ give the sound when shown all or most Phase Two and Phase Three graphemes;
■ find all or most Phase Two and Phase Three graphemes, from a display, when given
the sound;
■ be able to blend and read CVC words (i.e. single-syllable words consisting of Phase
Two and Phase Three graphemes);
■ be able to segment and make a phonemically plausible attempt at spelling CVC words
(i.e. single-syllable words consisting of Phase Two and Phase Three graphemes);
■ be able to read the tricky words he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you, her, they,
all, are;
■ be able to spell the tricky words the, to, I, no, go;
■ write each letter correctly when following a model.

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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Phase Four (– weeks)
By the end of Phase Four children should:
Letters and Sounds: Appendices

■ give the sound when shown any Phase Two and Phase Three grapheme;
■ find any Phase Two and Phase Three grapheme, from a display, when given the sound;
■ be able to blend and read words containing adjacent consonants;
■ be able to segment and spell words containing adjacent consonants;
■ be able to read the tricky words some, one, said, come, do, so, were, when,
have, there, out, like, little, what;
■ be able to spell the tricky words he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you, her, they,
all, are;
■ write each letter, usually correctly.

Phase Five (throughout Year )

By the end of Phase Five children should:

■ give the sound when shown any grapheme that has been taught;
■ for any given sound, write the common graphemes;
■ apply phonic knowledge and skill as the prime approach to reading and spelling
unfamiliar words that are not completely decodable;
■ read and spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllable words;
■ read automatically all the words in the list of 100 high-frequency words;
■ accurately spell most of the words in the list of 100 high-frequency words;
■ form each letter correctly.

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Assessment tasks
(See the section on assessment in the Notes of Guidance for Practitioners and Teachers,
page 16.)

Letters and Sounds: Appendices

■ Grapheme–phoneme correspondences task
■ Oral blending task
■ Oral segmentation task
■ Non-word reading task

Grapheme–phoneme correspondences task

s, a, t, p, i, n
Securing success from the start for all beginner readers is an obvious but crucially
important aim of the Letters and Sounds programme. The first six letters children will learn
to read and write at the start of the systematic teaching of phonics in Phase Two are s,
a, t, p, i, n. Once learned, these letters provide children with an easy, but very useful, set
of phoneme–grapheme correspondences with which to build two-letter and three-letter

■ To assess knowledge of grapheme–phoneme correspondences

■ Grapheme card (see the example below)
■ Group assessment sheet with the names of the children entered (see the example on
page 201–202)

00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
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1. Display the grapheme card.

2. For each correct letter, record the date of assessment on the group assessment sheet.
Letters and Sounds: Appendices

Example grapheme cards

s ai
a ee
t igh
p oa
i oo
n ar
m or
d ur

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Example group assessment sheet for grapheme–phoneme

Letters and Sounds: Appendices

Phase Two
Name of child


f, ff

l, ll


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Phase Three
Name of child
Letters and Sounds: Appendices

z, zz
th, th
oo, oo

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Oral blending task

■ To assess oral blending

Letters and Sounds: Appendices

■ Sheet displaying all the pictures of the words to be blended (optional, see 7 below)
■ Assessment response sheet for each child (see the example on page 204)

1. Use the practice items (see below) to explain the task to the child as follows: We’re
going to play a listening game. I’m going to speak like a robot. I want you to listen
carefully and tell me the word I’m trying to say. Let’s practise. The word is c - a - t.
What is the robot trying to say?

2. If the child needs more prompting, say: It’s a word you know. Listen again.

3. Proceed with the assessment items.

4. Offer each word in turn, leaving just less than a one-second interval between
phonemes and record the child’s first response.

5. Discontinue after three consecutive errors.

6. Praise the child, whether successful or not, for a positive attitude or disposition to the
task – for example for ‘having a go’ at a difficult job, sitting still and listening, taking
time to think – and comment that good learners do those things.

7. Rather than ask the child to say the word, you could ask the child to point to the
correct picture.

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Practice items: c-a-t m-u-m

Name Record response. Tick if correct.

Word to be spoken by the adult If incorrect, record exactly what the child said or did
Letters and Sounds: Appendices

. m - a - n

. s - o - ck

. c - u - p

. p - e - g

. f - i - sh

. h - a - n - d

. t - e - n - t

. f - l - a - g

. s - p - oo - n

0. s - t - a - m - p

Oral segmentation task

Oral segmentation of words into three phonemes and four phonemes.

■ To assess oral segmentation

■ Assessment response sheet for each child (see example)

1. Use the practice items (see below) to explain the task to the child:

Now it's your turn to speak like a robot. I'm going to say a word and I want you to say
all the sounds in the word, just like I did in the last game. Let's practise. The word is
'cat'. This is how the robot says cat, c-a-t. You do it.

Instead of saying zip, the robot says z-i-p. How does the robot say mum?

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2. Provide the correct response if the child responds incorrectly.

3. Proceed with the assessment items.

4. Offer each word in turn and record the child’s first response.

Letters and Sounds: Appendices

5. Discontinue after three consecutive errors.

6. Praise the child, whether successful or not, for a positive attitude or disposition to the
task – for example for ‘having a go’ at a difficult job, sitting still and listening, taking
time to think – and comment that good learners do those things.

Practice items: cat, zip, mum

Name Record the child’s response. Tick, if correct.

Word to be spoken by the adult If incorrect, record exactly what the child said or did.

1. jam

2. zip

3. net

4. dog

5. mint

6. sand

7. gran

8. snack

9. crash

10. dress

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Non-word reading task

■ To assess grapheme recognition
Letters and Sounds: Appendices

■ To assess blending

■ Non-words on a shopping list
■ Assessment response sheet for each child (see the example on page 207)

1. Use a scenario to put this task in a context for the child, for example a friendly alien
came to earth in a space ship. The alien had lists of things to take back to his own
planet. This is what was written on the alien’s first list, second list, etc.

2. Say: Can you to read the words. Do you think you would be able to help the alien find
the things on the list?

3. Ask the child to say the sound for each grapheme and then to blend them to make a

4. Record the sound for each grapheme and the blended word (see the example
response sheet on page 207).

5. Stop after three consecutive errors.

og pim reb cag

ab ket nud meck

liss hin

dar veng gax chee

zort jigh hish yurk

sair quoam koob waiber

kear doit fowd thorden

Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics 00281-2007BKT-EN
206 Primary National Strategy © Crown copyright 2007
plood dreet skarb kelf

grint bamp shreb pronk

Letters and Sounds: Appendices

theest fowsping spunch glorpid

Example response sheet for non-word reading task at Phase Two

Name Graphemes Reading
(e.g. o-g) (e.g. og)










00281-2007BKT-EN Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
© Crown copyright 2007 Primary National Strategy
Activities based directly on Looking and Listening Pack. © Heywood Middleton &
Letters and Sounds: Acknowledgements

Rochdale Primary Care Trust. Used with kind permission. Full copies of the pack can be
purchased from Heywood Middleton & Rochdale PCT Speech and language Therapy
Department, Telegraph House, Baillie Street, Rochdale, OL16 1JA.

Tables entitled ‘100 high-frequency words in order’, and ‘Next 200 common words
in order of frequency’ from Masterson, J., Stuart, M., Dixon, M. & Lovejoy, S. (2003)
Children’s Printed Word Database. Economic and Social Research Council funded
project, R00023406. Used with kind permission.

Special thanks are due to ICAN for their contribution to Phase One.

Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics 00281-2007BKT-EN
208 Primary National Strategy © Crown copyright 2007

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