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In Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, students are required to undergo 10 weeks for their industrial training and they have to prepare an industrial report in the end of their training. One of the purposes of preparing the report is to record down the experiences that students gained during the industrial training and summarize them in report form. Plus, the other reason of preparing the report is to provide an opportunity for students to develop their technical report writing skill, communication skill, technical assessment and design skill along the industrial training. ‘1.2 Objective of Industrial Training industrial training are: students to the experiences and knowledge of ich are not available in their lecture session. d ‘practice the knowledge gained from the lecture ‘ing environment. from the industrial training in their 1 engineering reports. bility and engineering viii) one 7 To ensure students are able to obtain and choose forthe appropria future jobs after their graduation with their experiences and knowledge Sained from the industrial training. 1.3 Training Schedule Table 1.1 shows the industrial training schedule of student in Telibong T Water Treatment Pi chart form, i in Gantt lant and Figure 1.1 shows the training schedule in Gan’ able 1.1: Industrial Training Schedule in Tebong Il Water Treatment Plant ‘Retivities Starting Date | Duration | @ays) Introduction to Telibong II Water Treatment Plant WH June 2016 10 Attend to presentation of other trainee, guthor information for | 19 duly 2016 6 roject assigned Fi daly 2016 10 Data analysing Presentation B August 2016 7 15 August 2016 22 August 2016 2am 7ul 7b Z7-ul 6-Aug 16-Aug2s-Aug 5-Sep Duration (days) 2.0 COMPANY BACKGROUND 2.1 History Sabah State Water Department or in short JANS, is a State Government agency which is under the Ministry of Infrastructure Development. Currently, Sabah State Water Department (JANS) operates under the state ordinance Gabah Water Supply Enactment 2003) ns to supply treated water to the Sabah State community (Sabah State Water Department, 2016), In 1962, Sabah State Water Department was established as a Hydraulic Division in the Sabah State Public Works Department (PWD) which the PWD Director was given a full Responsibility in order to act as the State Water Authority which is stated in the Sabah Water Supply Ordinance 1961 under the PWD administration (Sabah State Water Department, 2016). PETE ee ace total 73 of water treatment planta are been of water is for the rural community while the pipe supply is 15013 kilo meter long (Sabah State Water YWSB in 1*« April 2008 is operating a voir Telibong II which having the ability ap to 80 million litre of treated water tent plant that are in charged by Mi located at Tuaran, water and water treatment astly at the areas like To! Universiti Malay. pangar, Kingfisher and lipok, KKIP, Politeknik, x intakes which ‘Sia Sabah (UMS). There are two types of wate er from Tuaran are used for the or the water treatment plant Telibong Il; the river wat I1 ie the first River and ei, the dam water, Also, water treatment plant Telibong ater treatment plant that using the lamella type of clarifier fo treatment. process, yr the water 2.2 Organization Structure Water Treatment Plant Telibong II has one managing director, on€ Beneral manager, one plant superint, one plant supervisor, one chemist, on€ engineer service manager, one safety and health officer, one safety inspector, one pipeline network supervisor, one store keeper, one driver and lastly one cleaner. Under the plant superint, there are one assistant and seven general workers. Plant supervisor is assigned by one senior operator and one operator, plus there are another four groups are under the plant supervisor which each group is led by one senior operator and is assigned by two operators. After that, under chemist, there are one lab supervisor and five lab assistants. Under the engineer service manager, there are one chargeman and maintenance supervisor, three electrical engineers and three assistant maintenances. Lastly, under the pipeline network supervisor, there are three assistant networks. Figure 2.1 shows the organisation structure of Telibong II Water Treatment Plant. 2.3 Department Main Role in Tel ong II Water Treatment Plant Water treatment plant, Telibong Il consists of two main departments which are the plant operation department and laboratory department. These $9, departments play an important rele to make ure that the water supply that is supplied from the plant is well treated and safe to drink. 1 Main Role of Operation Department The stuffs that are working at the operation department is known as Operators and the main role of the operators is to monitor the changes of water intake turbidity from time to time this is due to one of the operators’ FesPoneibility is to make sure that the turbidity of the raw water intake from Twaran River should not exceed 200 nephelometric turbidity unite (NTU) otherwise the raw water cannot be treated anymore, When there ia a problem with the turbidity if the raw water obt: ained from the Tuaran River, operators need to open the intake valve of the dam water, or also known as off-river Storage (ORS) to combine together with the river w: the turbidity of the river water. ater in order to lower down Besides monitoring the turbidity of the raw water, the jobs of the operators also include the backwashing of the filter, desludging process chemical batching and water quality monitoring. The process of filter backwashing only will be undergo when there are too much of foe or other Impurities accumulate at the filter as thio will affect the efficiency of the filtration process, The storage water from the clear water will be used for the Aiter backwashing process as to clean up all the floc and impurities from the filters and all of the floc and impurities will flow to the la goon, Desludging Process is required to be carried out once for every eight hours by the operators manually. Operators will open the desludging valves every « discharge the sludge from the final settling tank to the lagoon, ‘ight hours as to ‘monitoring just like other laboratory assistants as to always make sure that the ‘Water quality is under control and safe to be used. The only difference between the operators and the laboratory assistants on how they carry out the water Quality monitoring is operators are required to repeat the same quality monitoring for every hours while laboratory assistants are only undergo this ‘monitoring once per day which isin the morning. In the laboratory department, there are four laboratory assistants and ‘ne senior laboratory assistant which are supervised by one laboratory supervisor. Basically, two of the laboratory assistants are required to check for the water level of the water that is stored in each of the reservoirs (there are five reservoirs in total) which are located at KKIP, Sepangar and Universiti aysia Sabsh (UMS) every day. They also collect the water samples from the inlet ‘of the lagoon every day and the main reason of collecting the ——. every day is to make sure that = ‘of samples are still under control. gore, besides collecting the water samples from the inlet and , laboratory assistants also will collect the water samples l l ' 2.3.2 Main Role of Laboratory Department l i i I | | | i | | | | hy ti aoe ‘drometer in order to make sure that the dose of these two chemicals is not exceeded or not less than the standard concentration. Plus, laboratory assistants are also required to undergo the ‘microbiological test every day for both raw water and treated water in order 10 check for the coliform and Escherchia coli. (E. Coli) content. These are two types of Quanti-tray that are used for this microbiological test; Quanti-tray 200 is for ‘treated water while Quanti-tray 2000 is only for raw water. First, 10 ml of raw and treated water is filled into the sterile bottle and the reagent named Colilert is added to the bottles at the same time. The Colilert is made sure that are fully dissolved in the samples before filling both samples to the appropriate trays. After filling the samples to the trays, the trays are sealed by using the Quanti- tray sealer. Both Quanti-trays are required to be stored in the incubator for 24 hours for a certain temperature as this is the optimum temperature for the bacteria to become active. The results can be obtained on the next day and norn ‘the y well indicates the presence of the total coliform and ia ‘The presence of coliform can be determined by wells are positive using our keen eye while for only be detected by using a 6-watt UV light. By Number (MPN) tables, the total amount of both ) can be determined. ‘I Water Treatment Plant in Telibong II consists of nine crucial -Tuaran River, aeration process, | Raw Weer Teenie River) and Daw sicwx aotage, ORS) a ——| Figure 2.2: Flow Scheme of Telibong TI Water Treatment Plant sy oe Tuaran River) w water source is obtained from the Tuaran River which is plant. The raw water will go through a screening to separate the physical materials such as wood, o the plant. After that, the raw water source is ae. to the plant by using one @&@G@BEaBHBREBERs st t+\*-*-\e-m™ Fe e kin} water. Besides that, the other causes like the urban runoff from the parking . vater lots, roads and rooftops also can increase the turbidity of the river Figure 2.3 shows the water intake site at the Tuaran River Figure 2.3: Water Intake Site at Tuaran River 2.4.2 Aeration Process After that, the raw water is then undergone the aeration process by ‘using the aerator. The reason why raw water must undergo the aeration before start mixing with the other chemicals or coagulants like aluminium sulphate and polymer is to increase the oxygen level to the water. According to Odell (2010), the aeration process can be functioned by transferring the gas from the water into the air or vice versa, Odell (2011) also states that the process of aeration can be accomplished by spraying water, bubbling or injecting air into the water, or also cascading the water stream over the trays or breaking up the water flows into smaller water droplets by using a loose media, thus this can a larger water-to-air surface, Normally, mechanical aerators are been used for aeration. Generally, there are four major types of aeration are used waterfall type aeration, bubble aeration, the mechanical ae pressure aeration. For the waterfall aeration process, it iz types of aerators such a8 spray aerator, cascade aerator, 9 aerator, cone aerator and also packed tower or air stripper aerator. In the water treatment plant Telibong I, cascade type aerator is been used for the water treatment process. Cascade aerators normally consist of a series of steps which allow the water to fall in the thin layers from one level to another, where the aeration process is accomplished in the splash zone (EPA, 2016). In addition, the ing the step “sposure time of air to the water can be increased by inc numbers and the area-volume ratio can be enhanced by adding the baffles as this can produces the turbulence in the water flow (EPA, 2016). However, this type of aerator design usually suffers with three major problems which are corrosion, slime and the algae blooming in the aerator. Aeration helps to remove the volatile organic compounds or substances such as iron or excess carbon dioxide and other gases from the water that might cause problems to the treatment process (RWL Water, 2014). Plus, the process of aeration also helps to oxidize the dissolved metals like iron and manganese in the water. By oxidizing the compounds like iron and manganese, the water will become less odour and the compounds are been put in suspension which allowing it to be filter easily during the filtration process (RWL Water, 2014), During the aeration process, pre-chlorine and pre-lime are added to the water stream as to prevent the algae blooming at the aerator and pH adjustment. Since the cascade type of aerator is been used in water treatment plant Telibong I, the major operating problems like corrosion and slime and ‘algac build up are likely will occur, thus the pre-chlorine is added for the Jon of algae blooming. Figure 2.4 shows the aeration process which is ae ied out by the cascade aerator in water treatment plant Telibong I. 24.3 Mixing Chamber v acharged Raw water will then enter the mixing chamber after been dischare he aerato be found in the ". There ; ¢ solids that can water which «, are two major types of #0l th A from ¢ ® the settling and non-settling solids, Thus, the combination of see two solide form the total suspended solids (Teach Engineering, 2019). SSSTHNE to Teach Engineering (2019), normally, settling solide like sand ot Small rocks are the larger particles which can be aeen through naked eye and Strerally bigger than 1 micrometre while non-eettling particles are the tiny Particles which having a range from 1 to 1000 nanometse and these particles are quite difficult to be seen without any magnification. Examples of non- Settling particles are fine silts and fine clays. The main reason of the dirty and Cloudy colouring ofthe water is due to the presence of non-setling solids in the w ‘ater and these particles also known as colloids. Colloids are very small particles which having an extremely large surface area (Shammas, 2005), Although the colloids are small enough that they cannot: be seen via naked eye, but colloids particles are larger than atoms and ions (Woodard, 2001), They are having a range from 0.001 to 10 micrometre which this results colloids particles to have a very small ratio of mass to surface area (Ghernaout & Ghernaout, 2012). Basically, colloids particles are quite difficult to be removed from the water due to the reason of they are too small which making them become difficult to be settle down to the bottom of the water by their own (Teach Engineering, 2013). Besides that, the non-stagnant liquid molecules also can cause the colloid particles become difficult to settle to the bottom of the water as the molecules in motions can easily push them moving forth and back since the colloid particles do not require much force to move around or stay in solution, The random movement of the colloids particles is known as Brownian motion which this motion keeps the particles suspend Jonger in the water (Teach Engineering, 2013). On the other hand, another reason why colloid particles are hard to settle to the bottom of the water is because of their tremendous surface, reason, colloidal particles tend to adsorb several of ions from tl : medium which will impart to the colloid particles an elec relative to the bulk of the surrounding water eles ‘ eons ulsive fatal Sw Bein a since of elles ETS dispersion Sa ae th aleh Gthlec and coneequbntly, contibate to s colloid particle, stability (Ghernaout & Ghernaout, 2012). In order #0 er suspended 5 : from the water, flocculants are widely used a8 to remove ctida. Onn dc/bie: Gear aeteaendiommitars used Soe hee short. Aluminium all of the to handle, ae ‘s aluminium sulphate or also known as alum in flocculants ar ‘used in the water purification process amon ae ae lue to aluminium sulphate is relatively inexpensive, 2487 : 7 ply as well as it is considered as a very effective flocculant when it is been used properly (PSC Architects & Engineers, 2008). Figure See the chemical composition of the aluminium sulphate. Figure 2.5: Chemical Composition of Aluminium Beene) 2018) a rata Heatien: ple In the mixing chamber, the coagulation process is been carried out by adding the aluminium sulphate to the water ¢ a m th ‘The main reason of using aluminium sulphate fl ‘ a: water and produce massive amount of i i - particles with surface charges can compounds produced by aluminiu settled to the bottom of aluminium sulphate when it Figure 2.6; The Dissolution of Aluminium Sulphate in Water (Teach Engineering, 2013) When the aluminium sulphate flocculants are added to the water which consists of colloid particles with negative charges, the colloid particles’ negative charges will attach to the positive charges of aluminium sulphate, Thus, this phenomenon will result the particle to aggregate and the motion in the water is no longer enough to retain the particles in suspension due to increasing mass of the particles, The speed of the electric mixer used at the mixing chamber is about 250 rotations per minute (rpm). Thus, a high rotation speed is very crucial for the chemical mixing process as it can helps to enhance the efficiency of the mixing process by ensuring that the water and the flocculants are mixed well. Figure 2.7 shows the chemical mixing chamber in water treatment plant Telibong II 24, 44 Flocculation Process oan ae is defined as the process of transferring the Coa bug ty one ca each other to form a larger aggregates which al = coagulant eh. Jarvis et a, 2005). Generally, there axe two major {PES According, unas that are been used in the water treatment process. ording to Al Rawi et al. (2014), the first one is named as primary coagulant aocil types of coagulants are used to neutralized the electrical charges of les in the water and forcing them to aggregate while the second one 1s called coagulant aids which these type of coagulants are used to add the density to the slow settling flocs and increase the toughness to the flocs so that they will not break up easily during the mixing and settling process. Polymers are the coagulant aid material widely used with the regular inorganic coagulants as it consists of long chain, high molecular-weight and organic chemicals (Al Rawi et al., 2014). There are many good characteristics of polymer such as some polymers consist of negatively charges or also known as anionic are usually used with the metal coagulant while for some polymers which consist of positive charges or cationic are used alone or in combination with the aluminium iron type of coagulant as to attract the suspended solid as well as neutralize the surface charges of the suspended solids (Water, n. d). Plus, polymers are considered very effective through a wide range of pH compared to other inorganic type of coagulants due to the reason of polymers do not use alkalinity and they can be used with low dose (Al Rawi et al., 2014). In the water treatment plant Telibong II, polymers are used as the coagulant aid and added to the flocculation tank as to enhance the floc f mixing Bink Boren tunel teaperituie and lastly the retention time. Other vi " "8 like Dosta and Franceschi also stated that the level of pH value sed for determinin, th fon ¢ colloids is ae ig the electrical charge of the organic and inorganic colloids 0: ; i 3 * factor in the hydrolysis of the aluminium salts. Figure 2.8 shows floc ee Hons in one of the floceulation tanks in water treatment plant Telibong 1 Figure 2.8: Floc Formations in one of the Flocculators in Telibong II 2.4.5 Clarification Process Clarification and sedimentation process are sharing the same meaning and function. Sedimentation process is defined as the separation of the suspended solids or particles from the water by using the gravity force and the main function of sedimentation process is to reduce the amount of suspended solids loading on the filters (FSC Architects & Engineers, 2003). Mostly, the sedimentation and clarification process is been carried out by using the settling tank or also known as clarifier. According to FSC Architects & Engineers (2003), the settling velocity of particles in the water can be calculated by using the fundamental theoretical equation which is known as Stokes’ Law. where the equation is expressed as: D> " Where: Vat = Settling velocity of the particle ¢ =Gravitational constant D = Diameter of the particle v = Viscosity of the water S. = Specific gravity of the particle ‘Sw = Specific gravity of water (= 1) the larger the particle sizes, reduces the settling time for the settling of ‘The most crucial part of the Stokes’ Law is the higher the settling velocities and hence this can_ the suspended solids. Table 2.1 show the time required for various particles. ‘Table 2.1: Settling Time of Various Particles (RSC Architects & Bg settle down in the water bacteria which this is due to its into primary, secondary a one which follows other types of treatment units is known as secondary clarifier or final clarifier (ENV, n.d), Both primary and secondary almost having the same function and the only main difference between these two clarifiers in the total amount of the density of the sludge handled by the clarifier any a Normally, the sludge that i hand bythe primary clarifier in denser 8D te secondary sludge, thus the effluents that are discharged from the secondary clatfier is usually clearer than the primary elrfer. Besides chat, for the clarifier that the suspended solids or sludge which are settled at the botfom are e clarifier usually seraped to one end is called rectangular clarifier while for th that the suspended solids or sludge that are settled at the bottom of the water and seraped to the middle is known as cireular clarifier. Figure 2.9 and Figure 2.10 show the typical rectangular clarifier and circular clarifier. On the other hand, clarifier also can be categorized into two maior Beicae oi the horizontal flow clarifiers and the up-flow suo: and the es © Gesign of horizontal flow clarifiers consists of large, rectans Onerete basins are divided into two or three sections (GE water, 2012) design, = is horizontal with the plug flow through this clarifier : » the retention time required for this type of clarifier design 1S Rormally long which ean up to 4 or 6 hours and it is chiefly devoted to the Settling (GE water, 2012), Plus, the Jong retention time provided from this type oF clarifier design allows sufficient reaction time to make any necessary adjustments for the chemicals and polymer feed if the raw water conditions suddenly change. However, this type of clarifier design will require and consume more space and construction costs when there is a high treated water demand. Furthermore, up-flow clarifiers are usually used in the circular clarifier tank and this type of clarifier design is termed “up-flow’ is due to the reason of the water flows up toward the effluent launders as the suspended solids settle. The up-flow basins in the clarifier are usually having a smaller size compared to the horizontal flow basins although both of the basins produce the equal throughput capacity as the retention time in an up-flow clarifier is approximately 1 to 2 hours (GE water, 2012). The four clarifiers that are used in water treatment plant Telibong II is belonged to rectangular clarifier and each of the clarifiers is supported with the lamella plates. Lamella clarifiers or also known as inclined plate settlers are mainly designed to remove the particulate matters from the Liquide and these r ing Swen uation, epaame Figure 2.11; Schematic of the lamella clarification process (McKean et al., 2010) Based on Figure 2.11, the influent solid and liquid stream is stilled when they are entering the lamella clarifier unit and the suspended solids will settle onto the inclined plates, thus accumulating and thickening in the sludge hoppers which are located at the bottom of the clarifiers. The clarified water will be discharged through the outlet weir of the clarifier and enter the filters as to undergo the filtration process. According to Pollution Control (2013), in order to obtain a sharp separation between the settling solids and liquid, the water flow pattern in the clarifiers must be in laminar conditions as this will ensure that the upward velocity of the liquids is lower than the settling velocity of the suspended solids since the v settling path of 10 path of about 2-3 Figure 2.12: Lamella Clarifier in Telibong II 2.4.6 Filtration Process Filtration is a process that is used to separate the suspended solid matters from the liquid by causing the latter to pass through the pores of some Specific substance which these specific substances are called as filter (Lenntech, 2009), The liquid that is passed through the filter is called as filtrate and the type of filters which are widely been used paper, cloth, cotton-wool, asbestos, slag- or glass wool, unglag materials, Filtration process process, but actually it does i physical and chemical), et inertial compaction (GE can be caused by the ons Jnited Nati ater (U Purpose of treating a large amount of drinking w: nn and E Tamme, 2016). According to Sustainable see aiieent ‘ : ‘api t (2016), rapid sand filter (RSF) provide rapi requires nd filter matters removal and usually rapid sa sufficient pre-treatment il Mvironment Prog: Water Managemen large suspended tment ost -trea jon and p' and flocculatit ster. tA ike coagulation and ‘inking W a ce safe such dising ton using chlorine in order to produ and land area equires less contrast to slow sand filtration, rapid sand filtration req ral gh seve flows throu : ly physical treatment process as the water it is a purely physi icles partic atively large \d thus the rel aaa -grained sand and gravel, an tian layers of coarse grain lier media (Gustainable at pagel are held back safely by i Slats for the rovid : —_ "nt, 2016). In addition, the : : cd ie ES: ater than 0.55 mm with a Uniformity ... oe usually gre; . ; ae (BioSandFilter, 2004). Due to the continuously mn ae Bs particles and suspended solid matters will accum' 6 erformance decrease the p . wine: a wi rapid sand filter. ee Ae iter out through backwashing wl direction as the treated water v (Sustainable Sanitation ~~ =B EEE) Figure 2.13: Components of Open Rapid Gravity Sand Filter (Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management, 2016) Generally, rapid sand filtration process can be determined by two basic Physical principles which firstly, the large suspended solid matters stuck between the sand grains as they pass through the filter medium and this phenomenon is called as mechanical straining. Secondly, the smaller particles will adhere to the surface of the sand grains which is caused by the effect of van der Waals force, thus this phenomenon is known as physical adsorption (Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management, 2016). Figure 2.14 shows the schematic of basic filtration principles. id Gravity Sand Filter (Sustainable Figure 2.13: Components of Open Rapi Sanitation and Water Management, 2016) letermined by two basic Generally, rapid sand filtration process can be d solid matters stuck physical principles which firstly, the large suspended the filter medium and this between the sand grains as they pass through phenomenon is called as mechanical straining. Secondly, the smaller particles will adhere to the surface of the sand grains which is caused by the effect of van der Waals force, thus this phenomenon is known as physical adsorption (Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management, 2016). Figure 2.14 shows the schematic of basic filtration principles. removal of al of Crypt vosporidi Q 7. ium and Giardia cysts can be achieved by usin€ slow % of coliform and sand filter wh hile vr: rapid sand filter only able to remove about 90° 2004). Therefore, 50-90% of Ci ryptospori yptosporidium and Giardia cysts (BioSandFilter, rapid sand fi filter is mor re suitable and more effective to be used t filter e removal of bacter1a suspended solid matter or colloid particles instead of the d filter compared to alo Ww sand filter, Plus, the effective size for the slow san should be be t ween 0.15-0.35 mm while the Uniformity Coe! han fficient is between the range of 1.5.3 -3, bi wut the most preferable value is less than 2 (BioSandFilter, 2004). In water trea i tment plant Telibong II, rapid gravity filter is used to undergo the filtration al m. t fil me ration process as to filter out the suspended solid matters fro} he led waters w! wi pa rs which are discharged from the clarifiers: Figure 2.15 shows he open rapid gravity filter in Telibong II and Figure 2.16 shows the back: ckwashing process of the rapid gravity sand filter. Filter Figure 2.16: Backwashing of Rapid Gravity Sand 2.4.7 pH Adjustment and Chlorination. pH is an indicator of the acid or alkaline condition of the water For the pH range from 0 to 6 indicates the water is acidic and the acidic water tends to be corrosive while for the pH range from 8 to 14 indicates the water 15 alkaline which the alkaline water tends to affect the taste of the water. The pH value of 7 indicates the neutral point. pH adjustment is one of the crucial post-treatment for the filtered water as pH adjustment plays an important role in adjusting and neutralize the pH level of the water. There are three types of pH adjustments are commonly used in the water treatment plant which are neutralizing filters, soda ash or sodium hydroxide injection and acid injection. Neutralizing filter is a simple pH treatment method that raises the pH Jevel of the water by ue the neutralizing material and this method is i ie a low pH level there ere ash or sodium hydroxide pH treatment is used ne (sodium carbonate) we the water of the water is acidic by eal the — : Sais tagone sodium hydroxide to the water as to increase the PF © ral (eXtension, 2016). Unlike neutralizing filter treatment, soda ash or sodium hydroxide injection do not cause any water hardness Problem, Lastly, the acid injection only normally is used to lower down high pH pele of the treated water to around 7 which thie treatment also able 10 eliminate the soda taste as well as enhance the effectiveness of chlorination process (eXtension, 2016), In Telibong IJ, sodium hydroxide or also known 28 hydrated lime is used as the pH adjustment by injecting and adding to the hydrated lime to the treated water before the waters are stored in the clear water tank. After the hydrated lime injection, chlorination process 15 carried out by injecting the chlorine gas to the treated water right after the water enters the clear water tank, Chlorination is the final post-treatment that is used in ‘Telibong II and this process is also belonged to one of the disinfection Process. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or in short CDC (2015), disinfection is defined as a physical or chemical process in which the pathogenic microorganisms are deactivated or eliminated. Examples of physical disinfectants include ultraviolet light, electronic radiation and heat while the examples of chemical disinfectants are chlorine, chlorine dioxide and ozone (CDC, 2015). Generally, chlorine may be used in solid (calcium hypochlorite), a gas) form as to undergo the water iki remove the * iron, manganese, taste and odour compounds in the water, rem? colour in the w: One of the ‘ater as well as destroys the hydrogen sulphide. ‘ew ri gas tends drawback of using chlorine gas in disinfection process is chlorine eas 1° < which are Produce and form trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids whic! i with other considered carcinogenic in large quantities when they are reacting ‘ Sustainable organic compounds in the water (FiltersFast, 2011). According to St ‘ jhalomethanes Sanitation and Water Management (2016), chronic exposure of tribalo may result the damage in both liver and kidneys while the dichloroncesie acid in haloacetic acid is an irritant, corrosive and destructive against "he ee membranes, Thus, the most preferable way to overcome this problem is « remove as many organice ae possible during the filtration proces, al ° ‘Telibong II disinfection process. Figure 2.17 shows the chlorine building in Te! where the chlorine gas is stored in this building. Figure 2.17; Chlorine Building in Telibong II Water Treatment Plant electric mixer, Both al rinat. aan hlorinated tank and the treated water storage same width whio ‘ Syeel and his 40 metre The length of the chlorinated tank is 9 metre Dj a 57. rons the height is about 5.74 metre while the length of the treated water stores nt of the 45 metre and the hei ight is only 5 metre, The reason why the heigl to soa storage is chlorinated tank is built slightly higher than the treated water storag . a py usin, ensure that the chlorinated w, Se eiiais | h , filled with the the principle of Sverflowing once the chlorinated tank is fully filled first e fire ‘ater to flow to the treated ks which ar chlorinated water. Figure 2.18 shows the chlorinated tanks whie ond 3 the sect Compartment of the clear water tank and Figure 2.19 show yaler storage. compartment of the clear water tank which is the treated water 8 2.5 Summary In Water Treatment Plant ‘Telibong II, both laboratory and operation departments play an important role and always do their duty as to ensure that the water supplied from the plant is safe to used and drink as well as to meet the people's demand at the areas like Telipok, KKIP, Politeknik, Sepangar, Kingfisher and lastly Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS). 3.0 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DUTY 31. Introduction AS an industrial trainee in Water Treatment Plant Telibong II, various ‘asks and one mini project are given as to provide an opportunity to student in order to understand well about how a general water treatment process operates ‘8 well as enhance student's softekilla while working together with other ‘eboratory assistants and operators, Plus, student is algo expected to carry out the daily routine-water quality monitoring which is guided by the laboratory assistants besides completing the tasks and project given during the 10 weeks of industrial training in Telibong II. 3.2 Main Duties For the first two weeks of industrial training in Telibong II, student is given 10 different tasks and is expected to finish it within two weeks. The tasks include student need to observe and understand how the backwashing filter and desludging process operate, chemical batching, water quality monitoring, visit the water intake site at Tuaran River, lagoon, dam tower and reservoirs, conduct jar test and floc test together with laboratory assistants and last but not least learn how to use water sampler by following the correct Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). After completing the 10 tasks given, a mini project is siven directly Romittayemazem im Telihong I and the mini project is 3.0 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DUTY 31. Introduction As an industrial trainee in Water Treatment Plant Telibong Uh various tasks and one mini project are given as to provide an opportunity 40 student ( order to understand well about how a general water treatment process aperaler as well as enhance student's softakills while working together with other laboratory assistants and operators, Plus, student ia also expected to oarey out the daily routine-water quality monitoring which is guiled ty the laboratory Assistants besides completing the tasks and project given curing the 10 weeks af industrial training in Telibong II. 3.2 Main Duties For the first two weeks of industrial training in Telibong Hl, student ts Biven 10 different tasks and is expected to finish it within two weeks The tasks include student need to observe and understand how the backwashing filter aud desludging process operate, chemical batching, water quality monitoring. visit the water intake site at Tyaran River, lagoon, dam tower and reserwours, conduct jar test and floc test together with laboratory assistants and last but not least learn how to use water sampler by following the correct Standart is given directly from the required to be finished \ washing the filter b fer bed. Backwa ackwashing process only will be stopped when the back been washed out. sufficient lot of clean water becomes ¢ panteih iar Jean and all of the accumulated solids are ever, bac kwashing process only can be carried out when there 1° ofjclha Ww ate w ater in the clear water tank since this process requires & | ater to accomplish. Besides 6 that, desludging process is been carried out three Himes and of the desludging process 38 £0 in. purpose ym of evaey ap aN ee day: The wm discharge aE on and desludge the sludge floce that are settled down at the botto dl rifiers. Scrapers will be turned on for 15 minutes before the dosludging valves are - opened as the function of scrapers are to scrape the sludge and flocs arifiers where the desludging om the clarifiers through the at the bottom of the clarifiers to the end of the cl 1 shows the location of blankets are located. Sludge and flocs discharged fr desludging process will then flow to the lagoon. Figure 3. the where desludging valves located, Figure 3.2 shows the degludging process and Figure 8.8 shows the desludging blankets at the end of the clarifiers Figure 3.2: Desludging Process Figure 3.3: Desludging Blanket 3.2.2 Chemical Batching ‘The process of chemical batching usually is carried out by operators when the dosing amount treatment chemicals are required to be either increased or decreased due to the rapid changes of the turbidity of the raw water. Besides that, another purpose of chemical batching is to add in more chemicals into the batch reactors as to prevent the chemicals inside the reactors are been used up or below the concentration of the chemicals that are been set depending on the certain value of turbidity of the raw water. All of the chemical reactors are located inside the chemical house where there are two reactors are built for aluminium sulphate and polymer and four reactors are for hydrated ime. Normally, only one of the reactors will be used for the aluminium sulphate and polymer while another one is used for backup purpose. For hydrated lime, three reactors are been used to operate { 01 Figure 3.4 and Figure 3.5 show the Figure 3.4: Aluminium Tank 1 Figure 3.5: Aluminium Tank 2 Figure 3.6: Polymer Tank 1 and 2 3.2.3 Water Quality Monitoring Water quality monitoring is the simplest but also the most crucial task compared to other tasks given as the laboratory assistants are required to carry out this monitoring everyday while the operators are required to do the monitoring for every hours. In addition, the data and results obtained from the monitoring are recorded in a s} actually depends on the turbidity value of the raw water which in other words, the higher the turbidity of the raw water, the larger the amount of chemicals Will be dosed. By doing the water quality test, the turbidity ofthe raw water can bedetermined, thus the right amount of chemicala that are required to dose also can be known by referring to the turbidity reading of the raw water. Besides ensuring the results obtained from several water samples are in the standard range, the other purpose of doing water quality test is to record down for the future reference. For example, when there is huge deviated between the chlorine results obtained from the treated water compared with the Previous data obtained, serious and emergency action will be taken to solve this Problem. Alternative method will be taken by switching the operating mode of the chlorine dose pipe from automatic to manual mode if the huge deviated cecurs while the automatic mode of chlorine dosing pipe is used. Thus, problems can be detected easily by referring to the data or results recorded from the past. Also, problems can be traced easily from the data obtained of each different water samples by doing water quality test. For instance, when the parameters tested for settled water exceed or higher than the standard range, laboratory assistants and operators can come out with the suitable solution for the problem directly since they have known where and which part of the plant is having problem instead of wasting their time to identify the problem first before they come out with the solution, Water quality monitoring is my routine work as an industrial trainee in ‘Telibong II water treatment plant. The water samples that I tested are raw water, treated water, the water from lagoor Brodick! Most of the parameters of the water sam roug alintest the photometer Palintest 8 temperature and total su are tested using type of eagent to be 10 be added before undergo the Palintest usin photometer. For the first tablet is added to the sample 9° to jon and the second tablet 16 used to 1 the test. r example for the al aluminium briny ig any y colloidal aluminium into the solut correct conditions for actly proportional pure 3.7 and oe fa solution in order to provide the al 5 ee dir ation of the substances that are been tested. Fish and the reagents uments used hat are used Figure 3. .8 show the photometer Palintest 8000 9 and Figure 3.10 show the inst for the Palintest. Also, Figure for anal} ; iysing the turbidity and total suspended solids 3.24 Visiting Water Intake Site (Tuaran River), Lagoon, Dam Tower and Reservoirs One of the 10 tasks given isto visit the water intake site nt Tunran River ‘oeether with other operators, The raw water source used for Water ‘Treatment Plant Telibong 11 is actually tnken from the Tunran River. The main purpowe of ‘his task is to observe and understand that how the how the pumps at the water intake site operate, There are five pumpa nt the water intake site but only three of hem are been used as the other two pumps are putin standby mode and only will be used when there is maintenance or one of the three pumps is not functioning. The raw water sources flow through the conree screen and band Screen first before they are pumped to Telibong II, The main function of course sereen ia to act as a gate or protector as to Prevent some large objects like big wood branches and so on from entering the penstocks. Band screens are located after the penstocks and band screens are used to separate the physical materiale like sands, woods, grasses and other small objects from the water before the water is pumped to the aerator in Telibong Il. Normally, the pumps in water intake site are controlled by the water treatment plant Telibong II by using the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. According to TechTarget (2016), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) is a category of software application program which is commonly used for the purpose of. Process control, data gathering in real time from the remote 0 0 equipment and conditions. Plus, in basic obtained from sensors or manual i logic controllers) or RTUs sent to the computers data obtained in order | 3.2.4 Vi; siting Water Intake Site (Tuaran River), Lagoon, Dam Tower and Reservoirs One of the 10 tasks given is to visit the water intake site at Tuaran River together with other Operators, The raw water source used for Water Treatment Plant Telitong I is actually taken from the Tuaran River. The main purpose of {his task is to observe and understand that how the how the pumps at the water intake site operate, There are five pumps at the water intake site but only three of them are been used as the other two pumps are put in standby mode and only will be used when there is maintenance or one of the three pumpe is not functioning. The raw water sources flow through the coarse screen and band Screen first before they are pumped to Telibong II. ‘The main function of course screen is to act as a gate or protector as to Prevent some large objects like big wood branches and so on from entering the penstocks. Band screens are located after the penstocks and band screens are used to separate the physical materials like sands, woods, grasses and other ‘small objects from the water before the water is pumped to the aerator in Telibong I. Normally, the pumps in water intake site are controlled by the water treatment plant Telibong II by using the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. According to TechTarget (2016), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) is a category of software application program which is commonly used for the purpose of process control, data gathering in real time from the remote locations in order to control the equipment and conditions. Plus, in basic SCADA architectures, the information operators and operators. Besides that, SCADA also is used to moniter and control the pumps lorated at the water intake site, off siver storage (ORS) °F on and dam, clarifiers, filter tanks, chemical house, treated water pumping static CADA last but not least the booster pumping station, Figure 8.11 shows the S system used in water treatment plant Telibong II. Figure 3.11: SCADA System Used in Telibong II Water Treatment Plant ‘There are several physical, chemical and biological processes that are normally occur in natural water bodies like lakes, streams and so on which these provesses are working together in order to enable them to be treated and recovered from the pollution loadings. Lagoon is the place where all of these processes are been took place for the purpose of stabilizing the domestic wastewater discharged from the water treatment plant, In Telibong II water treatment plant, the type of lagoon that is been used is facultative lagoon which thie type of lagoon is able to treat the domestic wastewater naturally through the helps of bacteria, algae and other organisms living in the lagoon. Like most of the natural environment, the conditions in t sis . changed. The wastewater inside this lagoon : three different layers or zones which | oxygen that is free or uncombined are named as aerobic while anaerobic 18 referred to those bacteria that can live and reproduce in the absence of free Sven and lastly for those organisms or bacteria which not only can use free dissolved oxygen when it is available, or the oxygen in combined form like nitrates when this is an absence of oxygen are known as facultative. By considering to the efficiency of the treatment process provided by facultative 'agoon, there are three erucial factors that are cannot be neglected which these three factors are the amount of wind exists at the lagoon area, the time required and the total amount of sunlight that can be received by the lagoon. The amount of wind that the lagoon area receives is not only for the oxygen it contributes, but it also can affects the overall hydraulic flow pattern of the wastewater in the lagoon which this is considered as another physical factor that can contributes to the treatment (Spring, 1997). Besides that, time is another vital factor for this treatment as most of the facultative lagoons are designed to hold the wastewater Jong enough for much of the solids in the wastewater to be settled and also for the many disease-causing bacteria, parasites, and viruses to either die off or settle out (EU, n.d). Sunlight is another important factor for facultative lagoon as it provides the sunlight which is one of the important elements required for the growth of green algae to produce their own food via photosynthesis process. ‘The more sunlight provided from the sun, the more oxygen will be produced by the algae which making this conditions become favourable for the aerobic bacteria. (Spring, 1997). The treatment of wastewater in lagoon is earried out by the bacteria through the conversion of the wastewater into other ce DEU (n.d), the aerobic bacteria convert the and phosphates which then these substance anaerobic bacteria convert the substances hydrogen sulphide, ammonia and m ne. | by anaerobic are then used as food existed at the layers above, Figure. where all of the v F desludging process wastewater it Figure 3.12: Lagoon Inlet Figure 3.13: Lagoon Outlet On the other hand, when the raw water is pumped at the water intake site, some of the water is allowed to flow to a huge water body located far behind from the plant instead of aerator and the huge water body is known as dam or off river storage (ORS). The function of dam is to store part of water sources from the intake as the it will be used as an alternative of water source for Telibong II water treatment plant when there is a high turbidity detected from the raw water obtained from Tuaran River. Normally, the turbidity deteced from the dam water is much more lower than the water from Tuaran River due to the reason of the water that is stored at the dam always remain in a stagnant condition which in resulting most of the bacteria, organisms and suspended

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