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Are You Bored?

He never felt more alive and yet so threatened. The last six months had
been a whirlwind tour of the highways and byways of sexuality,
culminating in this fem domme relationship that threatened to change
him forever. He had become bored by vanilla sex and at 35 wondered if
the excitement would ever return. Then he met Kate and things
changed. She had advertised online, looking for male to help her
explore things, she thought she might be dominant and wanted to
pursue that avenue. He thought he had nothing to lose and agreed to
meet her for coffee. From the moment they met he was committed, she
was petite at 5’2”, slim with short brown hair in a pixie cut that framed
her face and hazel eyes. Her breasts were quite small and she was
wearing a leather skirt and matching jacket.

“So, Brian - we’ve talked for a while ... are you up for this?”

He nodded.

“let’s go over the rules - I run the show, I get to do what ever I like to
you, you do whatever I want - you understand that you may sustain
some damage along the way? And that this about me -not you?” She
stared into his eyes in a way that connected to something primeval in
his mind and his journey began from that point on.

Although things happened quickly, there were important things that

were more memorable than others. In the early stages of the
relationship he had been allowed to fuck her provided that he licked
her clean afterwards. Then he had been forced to watch her have sex
with another man and lick her clean before and after. His brain was
getting mixed messages from this, he was both disgusted and aroused
but he could not stop himself. After a month Kate told him that he was
no longer allowed to have sex with her but he would be allowed to
masturbate and service her in other ways. She took him to a piercing
parlour and added rings to his nipples and a tongue stud with a small
ring. She got the female piercer to put a heavy gauge ring horizontally
through his glans. The ring’s diameter was almost twice the thickness
of his erect penis so there was no way that he could have penetrative
sex with it installed.

The piercings opened up new possibilities for play, Kate could attach a
lead to his cock and pull him around. Once she had padlocked him to
the floor by his dick and used a length of chain from handcuffs under
his buttocks to the padlock, this had forced him to kneel upright with
very little freedom of movement. Then she fitted a ring gag which held
his mouth open and tied the ring on his tongue stud so that his tongue
protruded slightly. Next she opened the door and two men entered, she
tossed a coin and the winner placed his dick in her wet, tight cunt while
his partner took the rear. Neither was allowed to come but as they
neared orgasm they withdrew. First the winner pushed his penis into
Brian’s reluctant mouth and shot his hot load into the back of his
throat. This was bearable but Brian’s fears were realized when the
second man proceeded to do the same. His uncircumcised cock had a
generous coating of waste matter from Kate’s rear passage. Brian had
no option other than compliance. To add insult to injury the men
pissed on him before they left.

This had been much more than he had bargained for and when Kate
released him he had protested - she slapped him across the face “You
wanted interesting - you got interesting. We’re just getting started - do
you want out?”

Brian wanted out. He also wanted to know what she had planned. She
reached down and pulled gently on the ring through his glans and his
penis sprung to attention. “looks like you’re staying” she said. “Would
you like to masturbate while I watch?”. Brian began smooth rhythmic
strokes and as his breathing became more urgent, she made him stop
and straddled him, her eyes looking down into his. She strained and he
was disgusted to feel her shit roll over his dick and come to rest on his
abdomen. “Roll it around your dick and masturbate with it - but don’t
come.” He did as he was asked and was surprised to find that it felt
good. After 10 minutes or so he slowed his pace, he wanted to come but
had promised not to. “You’d like to come wouldn’t you? You can but
there is a price, you can come if you lick my arsehole while you do.”
Brian hesitated and then realized that this might be the only way that
he would be allowed to orgasm and reluctantly nodded. She took up
her position and Brian’s tongue lapped around her anus, as his body
stiffened she pushed her anus onto his mouth and as he came he felt
his mouth being penetrated by a smallish turd. “Swallow!” and much to
his amazement Brian complied.

There were variations on a theme after that. She had hosted a girls
night and explained to her guests just what she had got Brian to do for
her and when they expressed disbelief, she invited them to try for
themselves. One woman sat on the edge of her seat, pulling his tongue
onto her clitoris while another wielded a riding crop on his backside.
Every blow struck drove him deeper into cunnilingus, and the blows
increased in frequency until the seated woman came in a frenzied way.
The strap on sex caused pain like he had never known but this
eventually subsided into a deep, masochistic bliss.
After that things took a different turn. Kate began to focus on his
genitals almost to the exclusion of everything else. It seemed logical to
her that the things that brought him the most pleasure should also
bring him the most pain. There had been tubes with spike inside that
hurt when he became erect. Needle play with his balls and various
clamps. One of Kate’s favorite things was a heavy clamp with a long
horizontal bar. This squeezed his balls while the bar ran behind his
thighs. If he attempted to stand upright the pain was incredible. Kate
used a riding crop to cause involuntary movements and smiled at his

In May she discovered electrical CBT. A plastic tube with electrodes

secured his penis, these were connected to a battery and an electrical
device which delivered short but intense shocks along the length of his
shaft. Kate flashed the remote control unit in front of him and said “We
are going out.” The device had different settings - not just for the
intensity of shock but for the frequency. She had inflicted individual
shocks on a random basis, just for the pleasure of seeing him leap and
squirm uncontrollably. In the restaurant she programmed the device to
deliver a maximum level 2 second shock every 5 seconds for a minute
and a half. Brian had fallen to the floor and was amazed to find that he
had an orgasm in the process. When the pain subsided he heard Kate
explaining to the head waiter about his epilepsy.

After three weeks of electrical torment Kate felt the need to explore
further. She wore a harness with two internal dildoes which vibrated
and she sat facing him holding his penis flat on the thick wooden
bench. As the intensity of feeling increased she reached down and
retrieved a four inch nail and a hammer from her bag. Brian realized
what she was about to do and then it dawned on him that he had
endured so much that this was hardly anything by comparison.
Screaming with ecstasy, she drove the nail down, grunting with
supreme pleasure as she pounded the nail home, the last blows
bruising his glans. He spent half an hour extracting himself and
realized that he had loved to see her face, an expression of pure
pleasure in all his hurt.

It was a week later that Brian found himself in his current

predicament. His wrists were linked behind his back and he was
secured in an upright chair. His legs were splayed out and his balls had
been pulled through a hole in the chair seat. She had put a harness
around his waist and buttocks and his penis protruded through a
circular hole about a quarter of an inch from the bottom of a four inch
long, three inch wide rectangle.
“I’d like to say thanks Brian - it’s been great, I have done things I never
believed I would or could. However there is just one thing more that I
need your help with - I have never truly wasted a man. Taken away his
manhood. That’s what this little array is for. You are wearing two
electrically operated guillotines, one is in the seat of the chair and the
other in the rectangular front piece of the harness you are wearing. A
quick press of the button and you can say goodbye to your genitalia.
But that would be too easy - no erotic potential. So I am going to arm
the devices and attach a small sensor to the end of your penis - this will
be activated by moisture so if you ejaculate you lose the entire

For a moment Brian thought he would be able to avoid catastrophe by

thinking of other things. However Kate had other ideas, she attached
the sensor and then she attached the electrical device and picked up the
remote control unit. She eased herself in her harness with vibrating
dildoes and jabbed the button. Brian tried to squirm and found to his
horror that his dick was not acting in his best interest. Kate stood along
side him and ran her fingernail along his shaft and his penis continued
to rise. She gave the button another press and again the shock jolted
through his penis. She seemed to be having trouble standing erect and
her eyes began to widen ... “I think this is it” she began “I need to get to
where I can see your face when it happens.” She moved in front of him
and leaned forward ... “In a way I feel sorry for you but this is about me
not you”. She started to gasp and then invoked the program that she
had used in the restaurant. Intense shocks coursed through his erect
penis and his entire body shuddered with the effort of maintaining
control. His balls plopped to the floor as the chair did its work. Kate
reached over and pulled on his glans ring and shrieked with delight as
she came and his dick parted company with his body.

The medical treatment was expensive and he never saw Kate again. A
bittersweet regret came over him as he got dressed ... all this because
he had been bored.

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