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At the Frat

Sunlight streamed through Justin’s dorm room blinds. The freshman

shifted in his bed as a ray of sunlight struck his closed eyes. Sleeping
peacefully, he never suspected that it would be the worst day of his
eighteen years.


Classes were boring, as usual for the blond boy. The only interest for
him was the college girls in his class, particularly the blonds. Checking
out a particular girl in his English class, he managed to lose track of
time completely. When she got up to leave at the end of class, she
smiled at him, but disappeared in the crowd filing out the lecture hall
before he could talk to her. Fortunately, he remembered the sorority
shirt she was wearing, and as a pledge, he would probably see her out
of class sometime.


That night was a social at the frat. The floor was packed around the
keg; one of the brothers estimated that 1,000 people would show up
and Justin believed him. As the first major social of the year, Justin
had had little contact with the scale of the party. Suddenly, he
recognized the girl from his English class. Forcing his way through the
crowd, he finally got to talk to her.

Her name was Susan and she was from New York. Of course, his
attention was focused principally on her breasts, which were very
ample C’s. They danced for a while during which she regularly fondled
the growing bulge in his jeans. His fun was interrupted by one of the
brothers dragging him away from his date.

“Noticed you’ve been having fun out there,” Brother Steven said.

“Yes, sir.”

“Well we have a little project for you. We have a room set up with a
camera downstairs. If you can put on a video show for the brothers, I
am sure you will be initiated. Up for it, big guy?”

Nodding his assent, Justin reappeared by the keg and found Susan
downing another beer. “Sorry about that. Brother Steven needed to talk
to me about doing some errands for him. Here, want to head
downstairs for some privacy?” he asked as he led the inebriated girl
down the stairs.
Justin laid the girl on the bed and began to seriously feel her up.
Despite her apparent drunkenness, she threw him onto his back and
straddled him, feeling his chest. She grabbed him by his collar and
dragged him to a chair on one side of the room, which she threw him
into. She smiled down on him and wordlessly stripped his shirt off of
him and began to tie his arms to the chair. Justin did not fight her
kinkiness—indeed, he was becoming increasingly aroused by her
domination. She peeled his pants and boxers off him, exposing his
hardening uncut cock for his frat brothers to see. She then tied his legs
to the chair. He was a good looking guy, with a tanned swimmers build
and little body hair.

She reached into her shirt and after a few seconds, her hands emerged
with her bra in hand. Leaning over, she kissed Justin and
simultaneously allowing him to see down her shirt. She pulled off her
top and threw it aside. By this point, Justin’s seven-inch cock was fully
erect, and his foreskin had retracted, fully exposing his engorged head.
She leaned over and sucked on the tip while stroking the shaft with one
hand. Letting go of his drooling cock, she turned around and dropped
her skirt and panties in one motion. She leaned over to get something
from her purse, and Justin watched her breasts from between her legs.
When she retuned to him, he saw she had a condom in her hand. She
quickly unwrapped it and as she rolled it down his cock, she felt his
nuts with one hand. She took her panties and balled them up and
placed it up to Justin’s mouth. He willingly opened up and she placed
the wet ball in his mouth. She took his shirt and tied the sleeve around
his head to keep the panty wad in place.

“I’ve always wanted to try this,” she said as she took his shoe in her
hand. She pulled the leather lace from the shoe, and wrapped it around
his balls. Justin watched her form a knot deftly, and realized she was
not very drunk at all. She pulled that knot tight with all her might. As
the leather noose snapped shut on his sack, Justin screamed in agony
into her wet panties. She watched as his cock wilted slightly, but as she
touched it, it began to reinflate. She straddled him, navigated his erect
cock with one hand, the other was on his shoulder, as she impaled
herself on his young cock. Despite the pain in his nuts, he cock began to
throb almost as soon as it entered her. She rode him for her pleasure,
rocking back and forth as well as pistoning his cock inside of her, but it
was easily the best sex of his life. He came and moaned into her
panties, but she did not stop riding him. When she finally climaxed,
Justin was nearing his second orgasm, but she just unmounted him.
“You were awesome,” she whispered in his ear. She redressed herself
and as she started toward the door, he began to struggle wildly in his
chair. She laughed. “See you later, stud.”

Justin finally realized that tying his balls had not been a kinky sex
practice for his pleasure, he fought against the bonds as he was left
with only the dull ache of his dying balls. He passed out from
exhaustion after a few hours, but long after his nuts were already dead.

When the brothers found him the next morning, his sack had inflated
to an obscene size and were a deep reddish black.

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