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Asking Opinion or Giving Opinion

 In my opinion.....
 I think.....
 What I mean is.....
 Personally I think.....
 In my experience.....
 According to me.....
 I strongly believe that.....
 As far as I am concerned.....
 From my point of view.....
 As I understand.....
 As I see it.....
 I reckon.....
 I am compelled to say.....
 By this I mean.....
 To my mind.....
 Would like to point out that.....
 In my humble opinion.....

Agreeing with an Opinion

 Of course.
 This is absolutely right.
 I agree with this opinion.
 I couldn't agree more.
 I agree with what you are saying.
 I agree, I never thought of that.
 Neither do I.
 That's a good point.
 I think so too.

Disagreeing with an opinion

 I am sorry, I don't agree with you.

 I am not sure I agree with you.
 I don't agree with you.
 I am afraid I have to disagree with you.
 I do not believe that.
 By this I mean.....
 I disagree with you.
 I think you are wrong.
 That's not the same thing at all.
 It is not justified to say so.
 I am not convinced that.....
 I can't say I agree with this, and here's why.....
Contoh bagaimana untuk setuju dan tidak setuju dalam sebuah opini

Statement Agree Disagree

Children below 17 I don't agree with you,
should be given right to I agree with your opinion it is forbidden to let children under 17 to drive
drive a motorcycle a motorcycle
Parents must giving I think it would be harmful to let children use
smartphone to their I couldn't agree more with you. smartphone. Because there are so much bad
children influence on the internet.
The novel version of Yes, I agree. The novel version
Twilight is better than its had a many details of story That's not the same thing at all.
film hidden from the film.
I am afraid that i have to disagree with you,
Instant noodle is good
I agree with what you are saying. because instant noodle have many chemical
for your health.
things inside it.
I totally agree that smoking
Smoking should be I am sorry but I tend to disagree with you on
should be banned in public
banned in public places. this.

Write your opinion in paragraph about some issues below !

1. As we know playing game online is really loved by everyone, especially for children. Many
childrens play it. It can give bad impact to their habit, but some of them said that it can give
good impact also, because of they can get some money from play that game. What do you
think about that issue? Do playing games really cause bad impact or good impact in children?

2. Smoking is bad for people’s life everytime and everywhere. Should smoking be banned in
public place? Give your opinion!

3. In modern era, all of peoples around the word using technology. Especially Phone Cell or
Smart Phone. Students’ are also using it. Some schools have regulation not allowed to bring
or use a phone in the school/classroom. But there is school that allowed the students to use it.
In your opinion, should cell phone use be allowed in school or not?

4. Corruption has happened for many years and today it becomes a bad culture in Indonesia.
The daily newspapers, news programs on TV and radio have reported corruptions are done
everywhere, almost in all departments or public services of this country. Corruptions happen
in health, education departments and banks. When we manage to get some documents in
public service offices, we usually need much money to pay. Manipulations happen
everywhere. From that issue, what should you do as Indonesian people?. Write your opinion!

5. Indonesia has long considered moving its capital Jakarta, a low-lying city on the northwest
coast of the island of Java in Southeast Asia. The idea has been floated since the days of the
first president, Sukarno, who declared the country’s independence from the Dutch in Jakarta
in 1945. Now the idea might come true as President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, recently elected
for a second term, seems serious about moving the capital. What do you think about that?.
Should Indonesia relocate its capital city?
Write your opinion in paragraph about some issues below !

Kelompok :

1. Aulia Putri
2. Marzuqtiaris
3. Destiana Safitri

Indonesia has long considered moving its capital Jakarta, a low-lying city on the northwest coast
of the island of Java in Southeast Asia. The idea has been floated since the days of the first
president, Sukarno, who declared the country’s independence from the Dutch in Jakarta in 1945.
Now the idea might come true as President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, recently elected for a second
term, seems serious about moving the capital. What do you think about that?. Should Indonesia
relocate its capital city?


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