Photo Story Lesson Plan Water Cycle

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Lesson Planning

Waynesburg University

Writing the lesson plan:

Translating thoughts into a plan of action
Pennsylvania Academic Standard(s) addressed during this lesson:
(Provide Standard number and statement)

Acedemic Standards for Science and Technology and Engineering

3.3 Earth and Space Science
3.3.5 A4 Explain the basic components of the water cycle

Lesson Objective(s)
(Stated in observable and measurable terms)

In groups of 2-3, students will create a story of the water cycle and its components using a computer program called Photostory

Assessment Plan
(What will be done to determine if lesson objectives have been met?)

Students will present their story to the class and the teacher to be graded on using a teacher-made rubric. Students will be given up to 10
points for presentation, pictures, and audio.

• 20 computers (1 per student)
• Photostory Computer Program
• List of sites to access pictures
• A rubric for criteria for each student
• Signed AUP for each student prior to computer access

Inclusion Techniques for Students with Special Needs:

For students with IEP’s, the teacher and assistant will sit down and discuss pictures of the cycle prior to instruction. A list of pictures will be
present for the student to pick and choose what pictures they want for their project. These pictures will be saved for instant access for
student. The regular education teacher will also stay close to students that may need extra assistance.

Enrichment Techniques:

Students who are advanced are expected to have 5 additional details for each part of the cycle. They will also help those who need

Lesson Differentiation (What modifications/accommodations will be made to ensure that ALL students have access to and are able
to participate in the lesson):
Applicable computer lab time will give students a chance to locate and find pictures online. Students may also work on finding pictures
during class when finished with work. Students will also be given time prior to lesson to find and save pictures for upcoming lessons. The
students will also have guides, tutorials, and teachers for support.

Lesson Presentation
Introduction/Motivational Activities/Anticipatory Set:
Discuss with the students that one day you were thirsty one night and went to get a drink of water. You set it on your end table incase you
were thirsty in the middle of the night. When you woke up, some of the water was missing. You looked around and did not see any water
spill on the floor, you do not have any pets that drank the water, and nobody else was there to take a sip. Where did the water go? The
teacher would then share their video as a model for what is to be expected after discussion.

Detailed Teaching Sequence:

(Provide sufficient detail that would enable a substitute to effectively present this lesson. Bulleted statements are preferred)
This will be done over 2-3 days.
• Students are brought to the computer lab
• The students will be given a tutorial to guide them through the photostory process. The guide is located on web site.
• The students will be shown all the components of photostory and how to upload pictures, add sound, etc.
• The computers will already have the screens set up for students to avoid loss of instructional time
• After tutorials are viewed, students will be given 2-3 minutes to look through the program with their friends and ask any
questions before beginning the project.
• Students will then be given about 10-15 minutes to browse through photos of the water cycle to be uploaded.
• Once students find and upload their photos, the teacher will use one of the groups projects as an example to
demonstrate how to add text and music to their pictures.
• Students will then be given about 5-10 minutes to find music and add it to their project.
• Once students are done, the teacher will show students how to save and publish their work to be presented to the class.
• The students will save their work on a USB port for instant access

Guided Practice/Independent Practice/Assessment Activities

There is both guided and independent practice during the lesson. The teacher will model how to use the different applications of photostory,
and then the students will have a chance to work in groups on creating their stories.
The assessment will occur over 1-2 days. Each group will be given a chance to present their story and explain why they chose the pictures
and music they did. As each group presents, the teacher and other groups will be grading the presentation according to a rubric given prior.
Students will be given a chance to comment at the end of the project. This will be written down for the groups to look at once their
presentation is complete. Students will be given about 2 minutes to write down these comments. Students may be given a chance to edit
their project according the comments from peers. Once all groups have presented, the teacher will give the final grade. .

Students will be given an evaluation form to fill out on comments and suggestions for the lesson.
They will answer questions such as
Di you enjoy this project, and why?
What was hard/easy about doing the lesson?
If they could do it over what would they change?
If Photostory could add another feature, what would you want it to add?

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