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Is the "Architect" Dead or Alive?

This thought provoking article in
dzone triggered a spark and touched a sweet spot deep within and my comments grew
too large, to the effect that the "post comment" button in the DZone article hid itself
away! Hence this post! Every blocker is an opportunity!

Dr. King once said "the greatest tragedy is the silence of good men". I am penning down
in this spirit and hopeful it inspires an engineer to pursue the path of an architect; Make
organisational stakeholders rethink that architecture as a discipline is not dead and still a
key success factor for long term business; To recognize and respect the value add a real
architect brings to the table over and above the title!

An architect is never dead, as long as engineers would practice and live by the tao 

Architects are the enablers and the glue; They understand the triangle of people +
business + technology. They see the bigger picture and yet deal with the details.
Architects see things through multiple perspectives and ask the right questions. They
ride the chaos and bring order.

Expectations from Engineers in the Agile World

In the agile world, the best team one could garner (the coveted "self organized" team)
would have engineers who are mature, able to deliver features which delight customers;
with maintainable code, following high standards & best practices, aided by processes
that can support business smoothly at-least for a few years with least cost and most
benefits (before things turn to being legacy)!

To meet these expectations an engineer should understand & have mastered the triangle
of people + business + technology. Sounds Utopian!!

In other words, we are looking for architectural traits in engineers. The teams should
have a healthy mix of engineers + architect(s).

So, what does it take a engineer to transform into an architect? Gurus like Philippe
Kruchten, Dana Bredemeyer, Ruth Malan, Simon Brown, Scott Ambler, Martin Fowler
have shown us multiple paths!!

Should the role of an architect be eliminated or enhanced?

The architect's role should be enhanced. It's not pragmatic to expect all the engineers
think and act like an architect. Right candidates need to be identified and nurtured.

It's a journey and an individual's choice to build their careers as architects. On the other
hand, the organization is faced with the problem of ivory tower architects, which is a
reality as well.

So, what should a transformational leadership do in the best interest of the enterprise
and people?

1. Should they make the roles and expectations of architects clear? Leverage the
strengths of people to the best? Nurture more architects?

2. Should they eliminate the symptoms rather than addressing the root cause? The real
problems are not with roles but more around a (fr)agile ecosystem, and/or dynamics
in the struggle to adopt to the changing needs.

Both need to be addressed - Enhance the roles of an architect and Address the real
problems @ their root.

Enhancing the role of an architect (in the agile world)

Appreciate the Role of an Agile Architect and Agile Architecture

1. Get them hands on: own and code over and above design & reviews

2. Make them accountable for delivery of organisational goals: Drive from the trenches
- share the pains first-hand.

3. Make them visible than being the invisible ghosts; Give them enough authority
that's needed to fulfil their accountability.

4. Get them connect to the lower rungs of the echelon to touch and feel the reality so
they can adopt their architectures rightfully & course correct themselves.

5. Leverage their strengths to groom and mentor the engineers (creating a cascading
effect through the levels) towards the path of tao!
PUBLISHING 6. Seriously, there's a dire need & calling for dedicated efforts with focus to cultivate Saved
the *inner architect* within a engineer, to cultivate a mindset to adopt best practices
& an engineering mindset by building continuous, consistent demands and setting a
high bar.

Address the real problems!

The problems and the disconnect is at a much higher level. Unless treated at the right
levels, the confusions shall prevail!

1. Fix the (fr)agile development processes! Killing the architect's role and re-assigning
these roles onto engineers and managers isn't what agile recommends.

2. Inculcate & invest in developing people, soft-skills and in creating a culture that
nurtures bonding between people without conflicts. Create that motivational
environment befitting every organization's ecosystem.

3. Measure & Quantify the ***Real business benefits*** of the agile adoption within
the enterprise!! Retrospect if the teams live as per the spirit of the Agile Manifesto
rather than practising agile rituals as a tick in the box.

4. What does these agile transformations and self organising teams add to the bottom
line? Increased productivity? Less cost? Faster features to the customers? The
challenge & bitter pill is to look in the mirror to Measure & Quantify!

5. How does the balance sheets look like after cloud adoption within the enterprise?
Has it doubled or tripled or really shrunk to a fraction? Do a Reality check &
Optimise! Continuously!!!

6. How are the learnings from one project being applied to others? How are best
practices helping the organization if faster turnarounds & responsiveness?


Let the Architect be! Build more of 'em! Live the Tao! Live the agile manifesto!

Long live Management, Long live the transformational leaders! Long live Engineering,
Long live the engineers! Long live Architecture, Long live the dead (Architect)!

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