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March 9, 1937. W. P.

DAVEY 2,073,464

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Patented Mar. 9, 1937 2,073,464

wheeler P. Davey, state College, Pa., assignor to
Hercules Powder Company, Wilmington, Dell.,
a corporation of Delaware
Application June 8, 1934, Serial No. 729,662
8 Claims. (C. 87-5)
which when added to water or to a water-soap
This invention relates to an improved deter solution,
gent, penetrant, and wetting agent for use in will immediately emulsify and form an
the wet-scouring processes of the textile and emulsion of such stability that it will not break in
the wet-scouring of textiles.
laundry industries. In preparing compositions in acordance with
5 Heretofore it has been known that pine oil this invention any fatty acid soap or equivalent
has detergent, penetrant, and wetting properties, thereof, as, for example, sodium or potassium
and it has been used as such in the textile and oleates, stearates,
laundry industries in conjunction with an emulsi stearates, etc., etc.,etc., may
etc., ethanolamine oleates,
be used, it being under
fying agent such as a soap. However, pine oilhas
10 not proved entirely satisfactory for use in scour stood that potassium, sodium and ethanolamine 0
ing in the textile industry due to the fact that soaps will be equivalents. It will also be under
stood that the soap may be produiced in the pro
when it is used under the high temperature con duction
ditions customary in scouring textiles, a pene acidi andofanthealkali compositions by utilizing a fatty
as ingredientS.
trating pine odor is given off, which is obnoxious
15 to some persons; and due to the fact that in many of Infatty place of a fatty acid soap, the sulfonic acids - 5
instances material scoured with use of pine oil salts; the esters acid
or acids, or their alkali metal
sulfuric ester of fatty esters, fatty
carries the odor thereof.
Now, in accordance with this invention it has alcohols, or hydroxy fatty acids, or their alkali
metal Salts; the sulfonic acidis of fatty amides, Or
been found that a terpineol, Such as, for example, their alkali metal salts, may be used as emulsify 20
20 alpha-terpineol, a constituent of pine oil obtained, ing agentS. · Y
for example, by the steam distillation of pine The relative proportions of the components,
wood, or a mixture of terpineols, provides an ex i. e. terpineol, emulsifying agent. and water, for
cellent detergent, penetrant and wetting agent
for use in the wet-scouring of textiles, either allone the production of compositions in accordance with
this invention may be determined for any given. 25
25 the
or where dissolved or emulsified in water through emulsifying agent as follows, with reference to
medium of an emulsifying agent, and one free the
from the objections heretofore noted with ref accompanying drawing in - which the single
erence to pine oil. - Y V
ffigure is a graph with reference to the use of
Alpha-terpineoli has a pleasant odor and a sodium oleate by way of example:
30 higherinitial boiling point than pine oil. Also, it In the drawing the lines IL, L’, derived from 30
is more readily dissolved or emulsified in water reference to points a, b, c, d, indicating propor
than is pine oil and does not produce any ob tions of ingredients providing clear solutions at
jectionable odor under high temperature condi ordinary temperatures, the points e, f, providing
. tions, nor leave any objectionable odor traceable gels, and the points g, h, providing opaque emul
sions, define the ranges of proportions of ingre 35
35 to it in scoured material. .
The terpineol for use in accordance with thisY dients with which clear solutions Will be formed
using sodium oleate.
invention may be pure alpha-terpineol, or it may When a different emulsifying agent is used,
be of the commercial grade comprising a mixture similar though not identical ranges may be readily
of terpineols, such, for example, as is obtained 40
40 by fractionation of pine oil. The presence of determinedAs
by those skilledi in the art.
illustrative, for example, a Satisfactory com
Smalli amounts of impurities such as beta-ter position in accordance with this invention may be
pineol, gamma-terpineol, and traces of anethol made up with terpineol not less than about 50%,
and terpene hydrocarbons, will not be objection sodium oleate not in excess of about 37%, and
able. However, the terpineoli will desirably con
45 tain not less than about 90% tertiary terpene Water not in excess of about 40%, the ingredients 45
being relatively proportionedi to form a clear
Generally Speaking, compositions in accordance solution.
with this invention may contain pure alpha-ter beMore made
specifically, satisfactory compositions may
up on the following formulae:
pineol Or commercial terpineol in amount within
50 about the range 50%-90% and water, containing Sodium oleate (anhydrous) ---- 80
Terpineol.-------------------- % 70 % 60% 50
an emulsifying agent, as a fatty acid soap, in suit 10%, 5% 25%
able amount, in amount within about the range Water----------------------- 10% 15% 15%
50%-10%. The various ingredients should be As further illustrative, for example, a saitis
present in Such relative “proportions as to be * factory composition, in accordance withia this is 55
55 completely miscible, or as to form a clear solution,
2 2,078,484
vention, may be produced by mixing 4.0 parts of containing no more than traces of any terpene
oleic acid with 70. parts of terpineol, and then hydrocarbon, in amount within about the range
adding a solution of 1.88 parts of sodium hy 50-90%, and an aqueous solution of a fatty acid
droxide in 14.12 parts of water and agitating until soap in amount within about the range 50-10%,
the alkali solution is dispersed throughout the the ingredients being relatively proportioned S0 .
terpineol solution and has reacted with the oleic as to give a clear Solution.
acid. The action will be complete when the emul 3. A detergent, penetrating and wetting com
sion of alkali solution in the alpha-terpineol position including as ingredients terpineol, com
oleic acid solution becomes clear. Heating above prising not less than i 90% tertiary alcohols and
() ordinary temperatures will be unnecessary. Al
ternatively, the above composition may be pre containing no more than traces of any terpene, 10
pared by dissolving 1.88 parts of sodium hydrox hydrocarbon, in amount not substantially less
ide in 14.12 parts of water, adding 70 parts of than 50%, sodium oleate in amount not substan
terpineol, and while agitating, adding 14.0 parts tially in excess of 37% and water in amount not
of oleic acid, continuing the agitation until the substantially in excess of 40%, the ingredients
mix clears. Again, the above composition “may being relatively proportioned so as to give a clear
be prepared by mixing with 70 parts of terpineol, 4. A detergent, penetrating and wetting com
a sodium oleate soap solution consisting of i5 position including as ingredients terpineol, com
parts of sodium oleate and 15 parts of water, prising mot less than 90% tertiary alcohols and
agitating until the mix clears. containing no more than traces of any terpene 20
As will be appreciated, the composition may be hydrocarbon, about 60%, sodium oleate about
prepared in any suitable form of apparatus, aS,
for example, a vessel provided with a stirring 25% and water about 15%.
5. A detergent, penetrating and wetting com
position including as ingredients terpineol, com
In the use of a composition in accordance with prising
this invention in wet-scouring processes, the containing not less than 90% tertiary alcohols and
composition will be added to water or to a water hydocarbon,noabout more than traces of any terpene
70%, sodium oleate about 15%
soap mixture or solution in desired quantity and and watera about 15%.
will promptly emulsify therein and form a sub 6. A detergent, penetrating and wetting com
stantially stable emulsion. position including as ingredients terpineol, com 30
The terpineol of the composition will then act prising not less than 90% tertiary alcohols and
in the process as an effective detergent, pene containing no more than traces of any terpene
trant and wetting agent.
It Will be understood that it is not contem hydrocarbon, about 80%, sodium oleate about
5 plated that this invention shall be limited to the 10% 7. A
and water about 10%.
detergent, penetrating and wetting com
details given herein for full disclosure and ex
emplification of this invention. position including as ingredients substantially
What I claim and desire to protect by Letters pure alpha-terpineol in amount not substantially
Patent is: less than 50% of the composition, a soap and
1. A detergent, penetrating and wetting com Water, the ingredient? being relatively propor
position including as ingredients terpineol, com tioned so as to give a clear solution.
prising not less than 90% tertiary alcohols and 8. A detergent, penetrating and wetting com
containing no more than traces of any terpene position including as ingredients substantially
hydrocarbon, in amount not substantially less pure alpha-terpineol in amount not substantially
45 than 50% of the composition, a fatty acid soap
less than 50%, sodium oleate in amount not sub 45
and water, the ingredients being relatively pro stantially
portioned so as to give a clear solution. in excess of 37%, and water in amount
2. A detergent, penetrating and wetting com ents not substantially in excess of 40%, the ingredi
position including as ingredients terpineol, com being relatively proportioned so as to give
50 prising not less than 90 % tertiary alcohols and a clear solution.

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