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Submission: 05th February 2015.

1. In the design of the robot to insert the

small cylindrical part into a close fitting
circular hole, the robot arm must exert
a 90 N force P on the part parallel to
the axis of the hole as shown.
Determine the following
a) Components of the force which the
part exerts on the robot along axes
1) Parallel and perpendicular to
the arm AB
2) Parallel and perpendicular to
the arm BC
b) Moment about points A, B, C of the
force which the parts exerts on the 3. The spring of modulus, k = 3.5 kN/m is
robot stretched 10 mm when the center O is
in the leftmost position x = 0.
Determine the tension T required to
position the disk center at x = 150 mm.
At that position, what force N is exerted
on the horizontal slotted guide? The
mass of disk is 3 kg.

2. During a drilling operation, the small

robotic device is subjected to an 800 N
force at point C as shown. Replace this
force by an equivalent force couple 4. A 100 kg wheel rests on a rough
system at point O. surface and bears against the roller A
when the couple is applied. If M is
equal to 60 Nm and the wheel does not
slip, compute the reaction on roller A.
7. Each of the three uniform 1200 mm
bars has mass of 20 kg. The bars are
welded together into a configuration
shown below and suspended by three
vertical wires. Bars AB and BC lie in
the horizontal x-y plane, and the third
bar lies in the plane parallel to the x-z
plane. Compute the tension in each

5. Calculate the magnitude of the force

supported by the pin at C under the
action of the 900 N load applied to the
bracket. Neglect friction in the slot.

8. Three identical steel balls, each of

mass m, are placed in the cylindrical
ring which rests on a horizontal surface
and whose height is slightly greater
than the radius of the balls. The
6. A slender rod of mass m1 is welded to diameter of the ring is such that the
the horizontal edge of a uniform semi balls are virtually touching one another.
cylindrical shell of mass m2. Determine A fourth identical ball is then placed on
an expression for the angle θ with the top of the three balls. Determine the
horizontal made by the diameter of the force P exerted by the ring on each of
shell through m1. the three lower balls.

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