English With Answer Key and Rationalization PDF

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Direction: Choose the best answer from the choices given.

1. The editor found the news story not so entertaining. He found it full of:
A. Adjectives
B. Verbs
C. Pronouns
D. Adverbs

Rationalization: The answer is letter C “pronoun” because it considered as a “function” word – meaning it is
dependent on the “content words present in the sentence. In English content words are the following:
prepositions, conjunctions, articles and pronouns.

2. “ On the street of this position of God’s world I feel neighbor to a rat, so brother of a worm; Forever chasing
rainbows a t muddy margins. “ This line on Quemada’s poem is saying that:
A. Life is fruitful
B. Life is not worth living
C. Life is empty and meaningless
D. Life is full of challenges

Rationalization: One can easily infer that the answer is letter D primarily because one can visualize that the
persona is facing difficulties in life.

3. “ The whale has no famous author and whaling no famous chronicles.” Based on this line from the novel, Moby
dick is treated as:
A. Whaling is not truly structure.
B. Whales are ordinary creatures
C. Whales is a wild mammal that haunts mariners.
D. Whaling is an Old hobby.

Rationalization: The Phrases “ no famous author” and “ no famous chronicles” would indicate that the answer is
letter B.

4. Venus is an exempli cation of feminine pulchritude. Pulchritude means:

A. Plain
B. Beauty
C. Ugliness
D. Homeliness

Rationalization: Using context clues, one can easily infer that the answer is B “beauty” because “Venus” is the
roman goddess of beauty.

5. Samantha’s eyes are blurred and her hands ached. She _______________ at the computer for 6 long hours.
Finally, she took a break.
A. was seated
B. has seated
C. would have seated
D. had been seated

Rationalization: B – The second sentence is in the present perfect tense, and so the auxillary verb must be “ has”
plus the “ past participle” from of the verb.

6. After 7 depressing years, mitch finally quit the job. She ____________________ along with her superior for a
long time before she finally decided to look for a new position.
A. didn’t
B. isn’t getting
C. hasn’t been getting
D. hadn’t getting

Rationalization: The sentence with missing parts is in the perfect progressive tense since that there are two past
actions where still happening when the second transpired. Therefore, the auxiliary verb must be “ had” plus
“been” and the -ing form of the verb. The answer is letter D.

7. Five years of intensive language study are required for second language learners. Chun – Li _________________
English for three years, but she will need more training to be more proficient.
A. has studied
B. will have been studying
C. has been studying
D. hadn’t been getting

Rationalization: The second sentence is in the present perfect progressive tense because the action started
somewhere in the past, still happening at present and will continue to happen in the future. The auxiliary verb
must be “has” plus “been” and the -ing form of the verb. The answer is letter C.

8. The laborers are so happy that ________ now reaping the fruit ____ efforts.
A. they’re – their
B. they’re – there
C. there – their
D. their – their

Rationalization: “They” is a personal pronoun, “Their” is a possessive pronoun, while “They’re” is a combination
of “they” and “are”. The correct answer is letter A.

9. This seatwork is difficult for Paul and _______.

A. Myself
B. I
C. Me
D. Himself

Rationalization: Tough choice would be between B and C. the answer is C “me” because “I” must only be used if
you are the subject of the sentence of if you are the doer of the action, while “me” is used is you are the object
of the sentence or if you are the receiver of the action.

10. The candy care smells ______________.

A. Sweet
B. Sweetly
C. Sweeter
D. More sweet

Rationalization: “ smells “ is a verb of senses – meaning it could be either function as an action or linking verb. It
is functioning as an action verb if the subject is capable of movement and if there is direct object. It functions as
a linking verb if the subject is not capable of movement. Since that “candy” cannot move, the verb “smells”

functions as a linking verb. The sentence pattern therefore is S-LV-PA (Subject, Linking Verb, Predicative
Adjective) and so, the answer is “ sweet”.

11. What is the biggest hindrance in learning a second language?

A. grammar
B. structure of language
C. imagery
D. cross-cultural issues

Rationalization: The answer is letter D because second language learning entails learning about culture of the
language origin.

12. Which among these words has [z] end sound?

A. Maps
B. Jokes
C. Laughs
D. Buys
13. Which among these words has the starting [th] sound?
A. Thank
B. These
C. Think
D. Thing
14. Which among these words has the voiced [th] sound?
A. Mouth
B. Breath
C. Teeth
D. Health
15. Which of the words below has the [zh] sound?
A. Ships
B. Shore
C. She
D. Leisure
16. Which among these words has the [id] end sound?
A. Praised
B. Mailed
C. Judged
D. Needed

Rationalization: A sound is voiced if there are vibrations on the vocal cords, and Voiceless is there is none. 12. D,
13. B, 14. B, 15.D, 16. D

17. Audiolingualism is a new language teaching approach that mainly focuses on _________
A. Syntax
B. Structure
C. Reading
D. Pronunciation

Rationalization: The answer is D “pronunciation” because in Grammar Teaching Approaches, Audiolingualism

focuses on pronunciation.

18. Rubric as a measuring instrument that is best use in assessing _______________
A. Sentence structure
B. Oral recitation
C. Multiple choice test
D. Dictation test

Rationalization: Rubrics are often times used when objectivity might be questionable. Often times rubrics are
used to steer away from personal biases of the assessor. Multiple choice test, sentence structure, and dictation
tests would have exact answers, while it is very difficult to assess oral examination – and so, the answer is letter

19. Manuel Arguilla is one of the most important Filipino writers of all time. He wrote the Juan Tamad series and the
short story “ How my brother Leon brought Home a wife.” He is famous in injecting themes with ________ in his
A. Urbanity
B. Cosmopolitanism
C. Local Color
D. Ranch life

Rationalization: C is the answer. Manuel Arguilla’s fiction depicts rural life in the Philippines.

20. Who wrote the novel “ The jungle Book”

A. Victor Hugo
B. Rudyard Kipling
C. William March
D. K.L Mansfield

Rationalization: Rudyard Kipling wrote “ The Jungle Book”. His writings are mostly fables and set in the forest in

21. This Victor Hugo’s Masterpiece that talks about the French revolution.
A. Les Miserables
B. Hunchback of Notre Dame
C. Annakarenina
D. Fathers and Sons

Rationalization: Hugo did not write Annakarenina and Fathers and Sons. Hugo wrote Hunchbak of Notre Dame
and les Miserables, the former is about Quasimodo and Esmeralda, while the latter is about Jeanne Val Jeanne
Cossette which is set during the French Revolution.

22. A comma indicates:

A. Pause
B. Slight pause
C. Longer pause
D. No pause

Rationalization: There are three types of juncture, a comma or “single slash” means slight pause; a period or
“double slashes” means longer pause; end of the paragraph or “triple slashes” means longest pause. The answer
is B.

23. Which word has the C pronounced as /k/?

A. Century
B. Cold
C. City
D. Censure

Ans: B

24. Which word is accented on the first syllable?

A. Fifteen
B. Outspeak
C. Understand
D. Heaven

Ans: D

25. Which word has the C pronounced as /s/?

A. Censure
B. Connote
C. Comma
D. Collaborate

Ans: A

26. Loreto Paras Sulit’s Short story that revolves around the theme that beauty can be very dangerous titled
A. The Harvest
B. The Beautiful Stranger
C. Desire
D. Beautiful Liar

Rationalization: The answer is letter A “ The Harvest”. Fidel and Vidal are brothers who both got attracted to
Miss Francia, and this attraction to Miss Francia led to heartaches of both brothers.

27. She is _______ a plane

A. in
B. on
C. at
D. into

Rationalization: The is B “on”. The preposition is used in vehicles that are huge enough for one to work inside it.

28. Robert Frost’s poems are commonly about ______________.

A. Beautiful girls
B. Decision making and fate
C. God and Faith
D. End of the World

Rationalization: The answer is letter B. His poems “ Fire and Ice”, The Road Not Taken”, and “Stopping by the
Woods on a Snowy Evening” are mainly about taking the risk, decision making and the power of choice.

29. F. Scot Fitzgerald’s Story that is about the boy who was born and gets younger every day is titled ___________
A. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

B. The Greatest Gatsby
C. The Innocent Boy
D. Growing Young

Rationalization: The answer is letter A. This story was adapted into film and stars Bard Pitt. Bejamin was born old
and died young as baby.

30. In the ballet presentation “Swan Lake” by Tchaikovsky, Who seduced the prince?
A. Black Swan
B. Golden Swan
C. Swan Witch
D. Ugly Duckling

Rationalization: The Black Swan seduced the prince that is why the White Swan committed suicide in the end. So
the answer is letter A.

31. In Chauser’s Canterbury Tales, Which tale talks about three friends who killed each other for the chest filled with
A. Pardoner’s Tale
B. Knight’s Tale
C. Merchant’s Tale
D. The Nun Priest’s Tale

Rationalization: The answer Is letter A. The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories told by the different
pilgrims on their way to Canterbury.

32. Rabindranath Tagore’s poem “ Innermost One” is taken from the collection of devotional songs titled ________.
A. Gitanjali
B. Shakuntala
C. Ramayana
D. Mahabharata

Rationalization: The answer is A. Gitanjali means “ Songs of Offering” which is a collection of vespers and

33. It determines if a sound is voiced of voiceless

A. Uvuka
B. Voice Box
C. Tongue
D. Alveolar Ridge

Ans: B

34. Family of Consonant sounds where the air is held back for a moment before it is released abruptly.
A. Fricative
B. Plosive
C. Affricate
D. Glides

Ans: B

35. Paz Marquez Benitez wrote a story about a love triangle amongst Alfredo, Esperanza, and Julia. What is the title
of this masterpiece?
A. Wedding Dance
B. Dead Stars
C. Desire
D. Tatsulok

Rationalization: B – Dead Star is considered the first Filipino literary masterpiece written in English. It is about
Alfredo who loves not love it self but only the idea of it.

36. What makes the sentence below erroneous?

“ I have written a letter yesterday.”
A. Yesterday
B. Have
C. A
D. Letter

Rationalization: The answer is letter A “yesterday” because in the present perfect tense we are not allowed to
put a definite time marker.

37. What is NOT true about the present perfect tense?

A. The action started somewhere in the past and continued up until present
B. It must bear with it the auxiliary verb has/have plus the past participle form of the verb
C. The action is still happening at present or just recently ended
D. The action is happening at present and may still happen in the future.

Rationalization: The answer is letter D because it pertains to present perfect progressive.

38. He is considered the father of essay.

A. Michel de Montaigne
B. Francis Bacon
C. William Shakespeare
D. George Eliot

Ans: A

39. Which work of Leo Tolstoy is about the Napoleonic invasion in Russia?
A. War and Peace
B. Annakarenina
C. God Sees the truth but Waits
D. Father and Sons

Ans: A

40. The film “ Tatarin” is based on the short story by Nick Joaquin titled ________
A. May Day Eve
B. Summer Solstice
C. Three Generations
D. Woman with Two Navels

Ans: B

41. Read the poem below:
“ That the wind seraphs of heaven
Coveted here and me
That is the reason, not so long ago
In a kingdom by the sea
A wind blew out of a cloud
Chillin and Killin my Annabel Lee”

What is the cause of death of Annabel Lee?

A. Consumption
B. Dengue
D. Hepatitis

Rationalization: Letter A is the answer as can be inferred from the last two lines of the excerpt. Consumption is
also known as TB.

42. Who is considered as the father of detective stories?

A. Edgar Allan Poe
B. William Shakespare
C. Robert Frost
D. Shoguna

Rationalization: The answer is A Edgar Allan Poe. His story the Cask of Amontillado is one of the examples of his
detective stories.

43. The velum is also known as the _____________

A. Hard Palate
B. Soft Palate
C. Uvula
D. Alveolar Ridge

Ans: B

44. In Carlos Bulosan’s “ My father Goes to Court” What is the accusation of the rich father?
A. Stealing the Aroma of the food.
B. Stealing the kitchen utensils
C. Stealing the gold bars found under the bed of the rich family
D. Cheating on his wife

Rationalization: The answer is letter A. In the end of the story, the poor father was able to pay the rich father by
letting him hear the sound of tingling sound of coins.

45. In Paz latorena’s Story “Desire” , the main character has a sexy body but a _______________
A. Homely Face
B. Twisted mind
C. Scaly Skin
D. Low I.Q

Rationalization: The answer is A. The main character possesses a beautify body but an ugly face. The word
“homely” is a euphemism for ugly.

46. The lines below are taken from Shakespearean play?

“ If you prick us, shall we not bleed?
If you tickle us, shall we not laugh?
If you poison us, shall we not die?
And If you wrong us, shall we not seek revenge?
A. Romeo and Juliet
B. Merchant of Venice
C. Hamlet
D. Macbeth

Rationalization: The lines above are taken from Shylock Speech. The answer is letter B.

47. What is TRUE about the Past Perfect Tense?

A. There must be two past actions
B. The auxiliary verb must be “has”
C. The main verb must be in the present participial form
D. The auxiliary verb “had” must not be used

Rationalization: The answer is A. In the past perfect tense there must be two past actions, the first one
happened before the second one transpired.

48. Dante Aligieri’s Divine Comedy is Originally titled _____________

A. Comedia
B. Divina Comedia
C. Comedia de Divina
D. Divina de Covalandia Comedia

Rationalization: The answer is A. Divina Comedia is just an Italian translation. It was originally titled “Comedia”
But the Pope and the King added “Divine” to it because people who have read the novel immediately repented
on their sins.

49. Divine Comedy is a trilogy, which among the three is the most widely read?
A. Purgatory
B. Heaven
C. Paradise
D. Inferno

Rationalization: The answer is D Inferno because many became interested in reading it because they want to
know the punishment of their sins.

50. Who is considered as the master of short story writing?

A. Edgar Allan Poe
B. Leo Tolstoy
C. Jose Rizal
D. Rudyard Kipling

Ans: A

51. The novel Crime Punishment was Written by ____________
A. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
B. Leo Tolstoy
C. Anton Checkov
D. IvanTurgenev

Ans: A

52. This tense connotes actions that are happening at present time, meaning right now.
A. Present Tense
B. Past Tense
C. Progressive Tense
D. Present Perfect

Rationalization: The answer is letter C. If the Action is happening right now, it must be in the progressive tense.
Example: She is singing right now.

53. Filipino as a language Blossomed during the Japanese occupation ___________

A. Japanese
B. American
C. Spanish
D. Commonwealth

Rationalization: The answer is A because during the Japanese occupation, they prohibit the use of English and
Spanish and required everyone to use the vernacular language.

54. The Thomasites are ______________________

A. teachers from UST
B. teachers from America
C. American Soldiers
D. Followers of St. Thomas

Rationalization: The answer is B. They are called Thomasites because they arrived in the Philippine shores in
board the ship USS Thomas.

55. Who is Considered the goddess of Philippine poetry?

A. Opelia Alcantara Dimalanta
B. Teresa Subido
C. Aida Rivera Ford
D. Angela Manalang Gloria

Ans: A

56. Leo Tolstoy’s short Story about a man falsely judge and accused of murder is titled _________.
A. Murder
B. God Sees The Truth but Waits
C. The Killer and the Victim
D. The misjudged

Ans: B

57. The underline word in the sentence below is an ___________?

“She took the early train.”
A. Adjective
B. Adverb
C. Apostrophe
D. Appositive

Rationalization: The answer is A. The underlined word is an adjective because it modifies the word “train” which
is a noun.

58. Who wrote the short story “ Magnificence” Which is about the girl abused by an older man.
A. Estrella Alfon
B. Kerima Tuvera
C. Nick Joaquin
D. Appositive

Ans: A

For numbers 59 – 63 read the sonnet below:

By William Shakespeare

When, in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes,

I alone beweep my outcast state
And trouble heaven with my bootless cries
And look upon myself and curse my fate
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
Featured like him, like him with friends possess’d,
Desiring this man’s art and that man’s scope,
With what I most enjoy contented least;
Yet in these thought myself most despising,
Haply I think on thee, and then my state,
Like to the lark at break of day arising
From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven’s gate;
For they sweet love remember’d such wealth brings
That then Iscom to change my state with kings.

59. What us the rhyme scheme of the sonnet above/


Rationalization: A Shakespearean sonnet has 14 lines with ten syllables per line, the answer is A.

60. A sonnet has 14 iambic pentameter lines and that means:

A. There are 10 syllables in a line
B. There are 5 syllables in a line
C. There are 8 syllables in a line
D. There are 11 syllables in a line

Rationalization: A Shakespearean sonnet has 14 lines with ten syllables per line, the answer is A.

61. What do we call the last two lines of the sonnet?

A. Heroic couplet
B. Couplet
C. Coupled
D. Couply

Rationalization: The last two lines is called the Heroic Couplet and it serves as the synthesis of the entire sonnet.
The answer is A.

62. Jose Rizal’s novel Noli Me Tangere is inspired by the novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe titled
A. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
B. Les Miserables
C. Tom Sawyer
D. War of the Roses

Rationalization: The answer is A. It is about the liberation of the African American Slaves.

63. The film “ Gone with the Wind” is about the American ___________________
A. Civil War
B. Revolution
C. Cold War
D. War and Peace

Rationalization: The answer is A, Civil War is pioneered by Abraham Lincoln in an attempt to liberates the slaves.

64. The reality TV show Big Brother is based on the novel by George Orwell titled ______________
A. Big Brother
B. 1984
C. Brother
D. Brother and Sons

Rationalization: The answer is B. George Orwell wrote this novel on the year 1948 but he change it to 1984 to
make it seem futuristic.

65. The Family _____ together, ___________ together.

A. prays – stays
B. pray – stay
C. prayed – stayed
D. praying – staying

Rationalization: The answer is A. most collective nouns if taken as a single entity must take a singular verb.

66. One third of the population ______________ poor.

A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were

Rationalization: The answer is B. In fractions, if the subject is a count noun then it takes a plural noun. If it is a
non count noun, then it takes a singular noun.

67. Neither Jordan nor his brothers _____________ leaving the company
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were

Rationalization: The answer is B. In sentences with Neither… nor the verb agrees with the noun closest to it.

68. What is considered the oldest epic in England?

A. Beowulf
B. Neibulgid
C. Song of Roland
D. El Cid

Ans: A

69. What is the name of the very first library in the world?
A. Beijing Imperial Library
B. Ashurbannipal Library
C. UST Libray
D. Alexandria Library

Rationalization: The answer is B. It was founded by King Ashurbannipal in Niniveh.

70. Who wrote the novel “ The little Prince”?

A. Niccolo Machiavelli
B. Antoine De Saint Exupery
C. Martin Luther King
D. Rober Frost

Ans: B

71. Which sound is a voiced bilabial stop?

A. /b/
B. /p/
C. /k/
D. /t/

Rationalization: All of the sounds are stops/plosives, but only /b/ and /p/ are bilabial, and only /b/ is voiced, and
so the answer is A.

72. The teacher was asked to speak for her students when they won the speech choir competition, and so she says “
_________of my student, I want to thank you.”
A. On behalf
B. In behalf
C. Because
D. For

Rationalization: The answer is A because “ in behalf” must only be used if the speaker is part of the group he/she
is representing.

73. Which of the following inspired Rizal’s El Filibusterismo?

A. The execution of GOMBURZA
B. The death of Andres Bonifacio
C. The death of his father
D. The imprisonment of his mother

Rationalization: The answer is A. Rizal’s Family is closely attached to the Filipino priest, that is why the death of
Gomez, Burgos and Zamora inspired Rizal to write his Novels.

74. What is the First American School in the Philippines that is aims in teaching the Filipinos how to use the English
A. Philippine Normal University
B. Far Eastern University
C. University of Santo Tomas
D. University of the Philippines

Rationalization: The answer is A . PNU (PNS) is the first school stablished by the Thomasites in the Philippines.

75. He is the advocate of Art for Art’s sake in the Philippines.

A. Jose Garcia Villa
B. Jose Salvador
C. Manuel Arguilla
D. Arturo Rotor

Ans: A

76. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing are collectively known as ______________
A. Marco Skills
B. Cueing Skills
C. Communicative Competence
D. Micro Skills

Rationalization: The answer is A. In English language teaching, the words listed above are called the MACRO

77. In the epic lliad, who is the most trusted friend of Archilles?
A. Hector
B. Patroclus
C. Agamemnon
D. Paris

Rationalization: The answer is B. In the epic, the death of Patroclus caused the greatest heart ache of Achilles.

78. Who wrote the epic lliad and Odyssey?

A. Vigil
B. Homer
C. Chaucer
D. Valmiki

Ans: B

79. Who is the Roman goddess of wisdom?

A. Athena
B. Minerva
C. Hera
D. Venus

Rationalization: Minerva is the Roman goddess of wisdom because Athena belongs to Greek Mythology. The
answer is B.

80. DRTA in reading means:

A. Directional Reading Toward Attention
B. Direction on Reading To Attain Information
C. Directed Reading and Thinking Activity
D. Direct Reading and Teaching Activity

Rationalization: The answer is C. It is a process where in the teacher would read parts of the story and then they
would let the students guess what is going happen next.

81. In developmental reading, this pertains to the familiarity of the students toward the sounds of the language.
A. Phonemic Awareness
B. Phonology
C. Syntax
D. Semantics

Rationalization: The answer is A. This skill attained if the learner can distinguish a feature of a particular
language upon hearing it.

82. In development reading, this pertains to the ability of the learner to relate the written symbols to its
corresponding sound.
A. Phonemic Awareness
B. Phonics
C. Syntax
D. Semantics

Rationalization: The answer is B. Phonics pertain to the sound and symbols correspondence graphophonemic.

83. Who wrote the short story “ A Rose for Emily”?

A. William Faulkner
B. Emily Dickinson
C. Virginia Woolf
D. Mary Shelley

Ans. A

84. Who is the Indian counterpart of William Shakespeare?

A. Tagore
B. Kalidasa
C. Valmiki
D. Vyasa

Rationalization: The answer is letter B. Kalidasa, like Shakespeare is a writer of dramas. His famous work is

85. English Sonnet: Shakespeare , Italian Sonnet:

A. Alighieri
B. Petrarch
C. Boccaccio
D. Dante

Rationalization: Francisco Petrarch is the most famous sonnet writer in Italy

86. Who wrote the essay “ Self Reliance” Which mentions that “ envy is ignorance while imitation is suicide”?
A. Hendy David Thoreau
B. Ralph Waldo Emersion
C. Walt Whiteman
D. Gertrude Stein

Rationalization: The answer is B. Emerson, Whiteman, and Thoreau are friends and they all agree on the power
of the individual. Emerson wrote Self Reliance, Thoreau wrote Walden, And Whiteman wrote Leaves of Grass.

87. In reading, IRI means:

A. Informal Reading Intervention
B. Informal Reading Inventory
C. Informal Reading Innovation
D. Informal Reading Integration

Rationalization: The answer is B. IRI is a system that labels a reader based on his/her capacity to voice out
written symbols in a given text.

88. In the cueing system, this pertains to the structure of grammar.

A. Phonology
B. Semantics
C. Morphology
D. Syntax

Ans: D

89. In cueing system, this entails to the formation of words.

A. Phonology
B. Semantics
C. Morphology
D. Syntax

Ans: C

90. In the cueing system, this is about vocabulary and coming up with the meanings in a context.
A. Phonology
B. Semantics
C. Morphology
D. Syntax

Ans: B

91. In the cueing system, this pertains to the formation of sounds of the language.
A. Phonology
B. Semantics
C. Morphology
D. Syntax

Ans: A

Rationalization: for number 88 – 91: Phonology concerns sound; syntax concern structure/grammar,
morphology concerns word formation; and semantics concerns meanings.

92. The poem “The Road Not Taken” which road did not traveler take?
A. Clear road
B. Road less travelled
C. High way
D. Streets

Rationalization: The traveler chose the road less travelled and for the persona his/her choice made all the

93. Who wrote the novel “A Christmas Carol” which is about a man who hates Christmas?
A. Charles Dickens
B. Oscar Wilde
C. H.G Wells
D. D.H Lawrence

Ans: A

94. This is considered the Golden Age of Literacy Production in England.

A. the reign of Queen Elizabeth
B. the reign of Charles II
C. the reign of Victoria
D. the reign of Henry VII

Rationalization: The answer is A. During the rime of Queen Elizabeth, writer of different genres surfaced. We
have Shakespeare, Jonson, and Marlowe to mention a few.

95. Who wrote the novel Pride and Prejudice

A. Jane Austen
B. Charlotte Bronte
C. Ann Bradsheet
D. Edith Wharton

Ans: A

96. What is the pen name of Samuel Clemens?

A. Mark Twain
B. George Orwell
C. D.H Lawrence
D. T.S Eliot

Ans: A

97. The pen name of Mary Ann Evans is _____________
A. George Eliot
B. Emily Watts
C. Jane Seymour
D. Anne Bradsheet

Rationalization: The answer is A. She used a male pen name because Queen Victoria prohibits women to write.

98. “ She is a star in the heavens above. “What figure of speech is used?
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
D. Hyperbole

Rationalization: The answer is B because “she” is directly compared to the stars. Direct comparison is called

99. What figure of speech is used in the sentenced below?

“I can eat a whole cow!”
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
D. Hyperbole

Rationalization: The answer is D. Hyperbole is exaggeration.

100. Mark Twain’s novel Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are set in the ___________ river.
A. Nile
B. Mississippi
C. Amazon
D. Rio Grande

Rationalization: The answer is B. Mark Twain’s novels are set on the Mississippi river which is the longest river in



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