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Chapter 1
What is The Meaning of ICT?

There are two options of what the acronym ICT

could stand for:
Information and communication technology
Information, communication and technology

Option 1

Most people will tell you that ICT is a shortening for “information and communication
technology” – option number one above. Let’s unpack that phrase. So it is “information
technology” or “communications technology”. It is not “information” or “communication”
standing on its own. “Information” or “communication” has to go with technology – they
cannot exist independently. You could shorten information and communications technology
to just technology.

Option 2

It should be “information, communication and technology”.

Each aspect of the acronym can stand on its own. So it includes “information” or
“communication”. It also includes technology or “information and communications

This interpretation is wider. Another way of looking at it is that ICT stands for:

1. Information – (or data) in paper or electronic format

2. Communication – in person or electronically (electronic communications), in writing
or voice, telecommunications, and broadcasting
3. Information technology (IT) – including software, hardware and electronics
4. Communications technology – including protocols, software and hardware

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A Plumbing Analogy

The distinction is also illustrated by drawing an analogy between an information system and
a plumbing system.

A plumbing system is made up of storage tanks and pipes. Water is stored in the storage
tanks and flows through the pipes. ICT is made up of information technology (storage tanks)
and communications technology (pipes). Information (stored water) is stored using
information technology (storage tanks) and a communication (flowing water) reaches the
recipient through communications technology (pipes).

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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an extensional term

for information technology (IT) that stresses the role of unified communications and the
integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals) and computers, as
well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audiovisual systems, that
enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information.

The term ICT is also used to refer to the convergence of audiovisual and telephone
networks with computer networks through a single cabling or link system. There are large
economic incentives to merge the telephone network with the computer network system
using a single unified system of cabling, signal distribution, and management. ICT is an
umbrella term that includes any communication device, encompassing radio, television, cell
phones, computer and network hardware, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various
services and appliance with them such as video conferencing and distance learning.

ICT is a broad subject and the concepts are evolving. It covers any product that will
store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit, or receive information electronically in a digital form
(e.g., personal computers, digital television, email, or robots). For clarity, Zuppo provided
an ICT hierarchy where all levels of the hierarchy "contain some degree of commonality in
that they are related to technologies that facilitate the transfer of information and various
types of electronically mediated communications". Theoretical differences between
interpersonal-communication technologies and mass-communication technologies have
been identified by the philosopher Piyush Mathur. Skills Framework for the Information Age
is one of many models for describing and managing competencies for ICT professionals for
the 21st century.

ICT in Education

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), a division
of the United Nations, has made integrating ICT into education part of its efforts to ensure
equity and access to education. The following, taken directly from a UNESCO publication
on educational ICT, explains the organization's position on the initiative.

Information and Communication Technology can contribute to universal access to

education, equity in education, the delivery of quality learning and teaching, teachers'
professional development and more efficient education management, governance and

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administration. UNESCO takes a holistic and comprehensive approach to promoting ICT in

education. Access, inclusion and quality are among the main challenges they can address.
The Organization's Intersectral Platform for ICT in education focuses on these issues through
the joint work of three of its sectors: Communication & Information, Education and Science.

Despite the power of computers to enhance and

reform teaching and learning practices,
improper implementation is a widespread issue
beyond the reach of increased funding and
technological advances with little evidence
that teachers and tutors are properly integrating
ICT into everyday learning. Intrinsic barriers
such as a belief in more traditional teaching Today's society shows the ever-growing computer-
centric lifestyle, which includes the rapid influx of
practices and individual attitudes towards computers in the modern classroom.

computers in education as well as the teachers

own comfort with computers and their ability to use them all as result in varying
effectiveness in the integration of ICT in the classroom. There is some evidence that, to be
effective in education, ICT must be fully integrated into the pedagogy. Specifically, when
teaching literacy and math, using ICT in combination with Writing to Learn produces better
results than traditional methods alone or ICT alone.

ICT in English Language Teaching and Learning

English language is a necessity of for most people in today’s world, while technology
development always has a very high and also contributed towards the development of
education, especially English. As English is one of difficult lessons, teacher must create
interactive teaching and learning to make students interest. In the history of the development
of education, information technology is part of the medium used to convey the message of
science to many people, ranging from printing technology a few centuries ago, such as
printed books, such as telecommunications to media, voice recorded on tape, video,
television, and CD.

According to Kent “ICT in education point of view refers to “information and

communication Technology (ICT) such as computers, communications facilities and

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features that variously support teaching, learning and a range of activities in education (QCA
Schemes of Work for ICT in Kent Country Council. 2004). Moreover, the term information
and Communications Technologies includes technologies in which the computer plays a
central role, i.e. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), the internet, and variety of
generic computer application (Fitzparick and Davies, 2002)

The development of information technology, the Internet, directs the history of educational
technology in the new groove. Online services in the education of both degree and non-
degree are basically providing educational services to users using the Internet as a medium.
Online services can be composed of various stages of the process of educational programs
such as: registration, test entry, payment, learning, case assignments, case discussions,
exams, assessments, discussions, and announcements. Nothing the positive impact of
various studies on the use of ICT to support learning in the school, it is a must if the school
is not excessive in this country also have the prospect of a future that allows for deploying
ICT in supporting learning and they are:

Electronic Books

Electronic book or e-book is one that utilizes computer technology to deliver multimedia
information in the form of a compact and dynamic. In an” e-book can be integrated
impressions” sound, graphics, images, animations, and” movie” so that the information
presented is richer than conventional books. Type e-book of the simplest is a mere transfer
of conventional books into electronic form displayed by the computer. With this technology,
hundreds of books can be stored in a single piece of solid disc / CD” or” compact disk
(capacity of about 700MB), DVD or digital versatile disc”” (capacity 4.7 to 8.5 GB) and ‘
‘flash” (currently available capacity up to 16 GB).

A more complex and require more rigorous designs such as the Encyclopedia Britannica and
Microsoft Encarta encyclopaedia which is in multimedia format. Multimedia format allows
e-book provides not only written information but also sound, images, movies and other
multimedia elements. A description of the type of music, for example, can be accompanied
by footage of the sound of music so that the user can clearly understand what is meant by
the renderer.

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Various definitions can be found for the” e-learning”. Victoria L. Tinio, for example, states
that” e-learning” includes learning at all levels, formal and informal, which uses a computer
network (intranet and extranet) for the delivery of teaching materials, interaction, and / or
facilitation. For most of the process of learning that takes place with the help of the Internet
is often referred to as online learning. Broader definition proposed in the working paper
SEAMOLEC, the e-learning is learning through electronic services. Although a variety of
definitions but basically agreed that the e-learning is learning by using electronic technology
as a means of presenting and distributing information. Included in the definition of
educational television and radio broadcasts is a form of e-learning. Although radio and
television education is a form of e-learning, it is generally agreed that e-learning reaches
peak form after synergize with internet technology.

By discussing in Group, Make a conclusion of the ICT Definiton based on all your group
members’ opinions!


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Chapter 2
What is The Importances
of English Language in
Information Technology

English may not be the most spoken

language in the world, but it is the official language in a large number of countries. It is
estimated that the number of people in the world that use in English to communicate on a
regular basis is 2 billion! This language happened to be the main one in lots of influential
countries. It is also the dominant business language and it has become almost a necessity for
people to speak English if they are to enter a global workforce, research from all over the
world shows that cross-border business communication is most often conducted in English.
Its importance in the global market place therefore cannot be understated, learning English
really can change your life. Ever noticed that people who have a strong English vocabulary
receive more attention and respect from their peers, colleagues, subordinates and authority
figures? This is because speaking with a strong vocabulary indicates that you take yourself
seriously. Language and the way we use words conveys intelligence and authority. A person,
who is a mathematical genius or an expert software developer, may be highly respected for
technical skills, but if the words that come out of mouth consist of a poor vocabulary, it will,
unfortunately, communicate a lack of intelligence.

A number of studies have consistently demonstrated that those who have an

advanced knowledge of the English language are much more likely to advance in their
careers. These studies have also demonstrated that a strong command of the English
language will lead to higher pay. If you are like many people, there may have been times
when you talked to someone who had poor English skills. While you might have been polite,
you were probably thinking that this person wasn’t very intelligent. You may also have
thought that this person was rude.

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There are a number of reasons why International English has become so important
in the 21st century. Perhaps one of the most important is globalization and outsourcing. Since
many of the world's most powerful corporations are based in countries such as the United
States and Great Britain, there is a high demand for people in foreign countries who can
speak English. Globalization is an element that is bringing about change in the world. While
many people criticize it, you must prepare for it. Not preparing for change will only cause
you to get left behind. Whether you agree with globalization or not, a failure to prepare for
it can lead to disaster. Whether you are living in China, or the United States, gaining a strong
command of the English language will allow you to separate yourself from your peers, and
you will increase your chances of success.

English is important to information technology for various reasons. IT is used in

businesses and is basically the backbone of the commercial world at the moment. English is
the international language of trade currently, and so the two are interlinked in terms of being
able to operate many systems. many programs are produced in the US or they are made in
English in other countries, and so English is essential for understanding them. It is an
international language of communication and so allows communication via electronic means
in a single language, which avoids subsequent confusion.

It is important to mention, that most IT companies do recruitment in international

way and it often leads to some groups have high variety of nationalities working at the place.
Many companies have discovered early in the 21st century that they can cut their costs of
production by sending their jobs overseas. The proper term for this is outsourcing, or
offshoring. Some companies have also found that they can cut costs by bringing immigrants
into the country on work visas. The employees will work for the company for a given period
of time, and once their visa has expired, they can return home. For someone living in a
country where English is not the native language, they will need to master this language if
they wish to travel to the United States to find a high paying job. This means language is
again important for collaboration as a prime tool of communication at the workplace. But
not only working for some good company requires English. Even if you just want to access
some information about products or make an order, proper language skill is needed. Also, a
vast majority of information on the internet is in English and so in many ways it’s necessary
to be able to understand English to understand a lot of that. The majority of the most visited
websites on the net, were created by native English speakers as well, and so are all written

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in English. In addition a lot of computer 'jargon' has come from words, or is an acronym of
an English expression, and so people across the board can understand these terms if they
speak English.

What is more, using a single language as the primary IT language, has streamlined
computer processing. The commands for many programs are in English, and so a program
might not respond to other language commands, unless it was specifically reprogrammed to
understand those languages. Most IT products are first created with English interface or user
communication and then upgraded with other language support. Even if the user is able to
use a program in another language, at the base level it may be programmed in English.

The importance of English skills and learning it is huge in IT but so is it reverse. To

know English is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist.
Learning an English language is not an easy thing. Towards the end of the late 1800s, a
revolution in language teaching philosophy took place that is seen by many as the dawn of
modern foreign language teaching. Different methods appeared. e.g. Grammar Translation
Method, The direct method, Audio-Lingual Method and others. Information technology may
assist in the facilitation of learning or serve as the actual educational structure allowing
learning to occur. Information technology benefits both traditional education institutions and
online educational models in fundamental ways. For example, multimedia presentations,
knowledge-management software, video conferencing, cloud computing and collaborative
document editing are notable information technology services benefiting education.

Now information technology has made it easy to study as well as teach in groups or
in clusters. At the English lessons with online we can be unite together to do the desired task.
There are different programs, games and they help learn English language. A lot of people
learned English just via using IT products and surfing the internet sites in English Efficient
postal systems, the telephone (fixed and mobile), and various recording and playback
systems based on computer technology all have a part to play in educational broadcasting in
the new millennium. The Internet and its Web sites are now familiar to many students in
developed countries and among educational elites elsewhere, but it remains of little
significance to very many more, who lack the most basic means for subsistence. Before the
Internet, it was hard for you to learn English if you didn’t attend a college or university.
These were the only institutions where the language was widely spoken. If you lived in a
community so poor that it didn’t have a college or university, your chances of ever learning

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English were remote. While many people still live in these circumstances today, the Internet
has allowed the English language to spread around the word. Because the Internet was
invented in the West, English was inherently built into it. Because Internet usage has
expanded throughout the world, more people are being exposed to English.

In many countries where English is not the native language, you are considered
highly educated if you can speak the language properly. You will be presented with a number
of career opportunities, and you will have the option of staying home to work, or you could
travel abroad. When you learn how to speak English, the opportunities are limitless. IT,
traveling, finding a job, entertainment, getting along with people and simply self
improvement – English can give you all of it.

While many people in English speaking countries complain about the impact of
outsourcing, it presents lucrative opportunities for people living in foreign countries.
Learning how to speak English can allow you to travel to a Western country, work there for
a few months, make more money than you would make at home, and then bring the money
back home to your family. This is a practice that many people use, and it is factors such as
outsourcing which have allowed them to do it.

As you can see, learning how to speak English opened up a large number of doors,
doors that would normally be closed.

Work in Individual, Why English is important for IT Professionals? Explain your


The Role of Information Technology in English Language Curriculum Development

-Mehrdad Amiri

Information Technology in English Language Teaching. Podcasting in Higher Education

-Shaikina Olga

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Chapter 3
Tools Support ICT

ICT Tools in Language Context

There are some kinds of technologies

classified into information and
communication technology commonly used
in language context, such as:

Interactive Multimedia

Interactive media is the integration of digital

media including combinations of electronic text,
graphics, moving images, and sound, into a
structured digital computerized environment that
allows people to interact with the data for
appropriate purposes. The digital environment
can include the Internet, telecoms and interactive
digital television. (Finney, 2011:2)


Computer can be utilized with other multimedia learning devices or it can stand alone (a
standard PC) and still serves its basic purpose as an electronic medium of language learning.
(Hartoyo, 2012:29).

Computer is an electronic device which is capable of receiving information (data) and

performing a sequence of logical operations in accordance with a predetermined but variable
set of procedural instruction (program) to produce results in the form of information or
signals based on Oxford dictionary. It is consist of CPU, monitor, keyboard and some other

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Audio Devices

Audio devices can be used with other media to form an interactive multimedia. However, it
can also be utilized separately as independent tool. Audio devices include speaker, earphone,
CD, and etc.


Internet can be used as a medium of language learning through email, www (world wide
web), text, audio and video conferencing.


According to Oxford dictionary, television is a system for converting visual images (with
sound) into electrical signals, transmitting them by radio or other means, and displaying
them electronically on a screen.


This telephone medium has not been widely used for language teaching because of the poor
quality of analogue transmissions. However, there is new invent of digital quality and lower
connection cost which potential for conference calls.

Mobile Gadget

Mobile gadgets such as cell phone and smart phone which are equipped with programs like
computer, which enable it to perform as mini personal computer. By using this gadget and
its internet connection, everybody could enjoy chatting, browsing, and discuss each other
with the wider range. The advancement of science and technology makes the size and price
of those gadgets are getting cheaper and reachable.

Social Interface (Social Media)

This media provides facility or example that enables an interaction between human and
computer. People set up more interaction with computer in a more intuitive way with less
effort-through writing, voice, touch, eye movements, and other gestures. (Hartoyo,2012:34)
This technology serves as the milestone of the recent development of interactive multimedia,
audio-graphic computer teleconference, and interactive television via satellite (National
Broadband of Employment, Education and Training, 1993:5).

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Interactive Whiteboard

An interactive whiteboard or
IWB, is a large interactive
display (such as a touch screen
monitor) which is connected to
a computer and projector.

A projector projects the

computers’ desktop onto the
board’s surface, where users
control the computer using a
pen, finger or other devices.

Explain a teaching method that utilizes an ICT tool!


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