Final Game Report

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Game Design and Engineering (M18CSE464) 

IIIT Hyderabad 
Final Game Report 
Koushik Reddy (201425135), Mehthab Shaik (20161205), Shivam Sarkhar 
(20172019), Sriya Deepika Kamarsu (20161186) 

Narrative : 
A  young  girl  is  witness  to  a  crime  committed  by  Mr.  X,  but  does not realize it. 
Mr.  X’s  three  right  hands  are  at  work  to  prevent  this  girl  from  reaching  her 
house and changing her direction to Mr. X’s hideout. It is upto Sherlock to find 
out the game of the three stooges, save the girl and reveal the crime! 
Objects and behaviour: 
❏ The  girl:  The  only  witness  to  the  crime.  Represented  by  the  pointer. 
Follows  the  path  and  the  movements  are  influenced  by  both  criminal 
and  detective.  Dies  if  the  criminal  is  able  to  lead  her  to  his/her  hideout 
(criminal’s  destination)  and  saved  if  reaches  the  detective  (detective’s 
❏ The  criminal:  Committed  crime.  If  gets  the  first  chance  then  chooses 
the  most  favourable  path  based  on  the  object  cards  that  he/she  holds 
(each  path  is  favourable  for  a  different  set  of  cards).  Progresses  the  girl 
towards  his/her  hideout.  Can  alter  the  location  of  hideout  using special 
cards.  At  junctions,  tries  to  choose  the  best  route  based on the hideout 
location  at  the  time.  Also  tries  to  guess  the  detective’s  cards  based  on 
his/her  movements  to  device  a  strategy  for  moving  the  girl/hideout. 
Can kill the girl only in the hideout. If girl dies, detective loses. 
❏ The  detective:  Protects  the  witness  to  reveal  the  crime.  If  gets  the  first 
chance  then  chooses  the  most  favourable  path  based  on  the  object 
cards  that  he/she  holds.  Progresses  the  girl  towards  his/her  safehouse. 
Can  alter  the  location  of  safehouse  using  special  cards.  At  junctions, 
tries  to  choose  the  best  route  based  on  the  safehouse  location  at  the 
time.  Also  tries  to  guess  the  criminal’s  cards  based  on  his/her 
movements  to  device  a  strategy  for  moving  the  girl/safehouse.  If  girl 
reaches the safehouse, girl is saved, crime is revealed and criminal loses. 
State description and Diagram: 
The game basically contains three objects  
❏ Girl pointer. 
❏ Destination pointer of detective. 
❏ Destination pointer of criminal. 
Girl Pointer 

Destination pointer of detective 

Destination Pointer of Criminal 

Game Mechanics  
❏ It is a 2-Player game on an 8x8 board 
❏ There are various paths/puzzles on the board. 
❏ The players - sherlock and the criminal on this board choose two spots 
as their destination and place pointers on them.  
❏ There is a deck of cards which contain movement cards and swap 
cards.The swap cards are the trump cards they can be used to move 
the chosen destinations of the players who ever chooses to play the 
❏ The deck is shuffled, cut in two halves,half of it is distributed to players . 
❏ Each player then takes turns to move the girl(pointer) using cards from 
their deck . 
❏ Whichever destination is reached first by the girl that player wins. 

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