Chapter11 - Answer

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11-1. Factors which facilitate the auditors’ verification of plant and equipment but are
not applicable to audit work on current assets include the following:
(a) High peso amount of individual items. A relatively few transactions may
support a large balance sheet amount.
(b) Usually little change in property accounts year to year. Land, buildings, and
equipment often remain unchanged for many years; hence there is little
accounting activity to verify. In contrast, such current assets as accounts
receivable and inventory may have a complete turnover several times a year.
(c) Minor effect on net income from cutoff errors. Cutoff errors in recording
transactions in plant and equipment are much less likely to have a material
effect on net income than are errors in the cutoff of transactions for purchase
and sale of merchandise. For example, a cutoff error which causes a
P30,000 year-end sales transaction to be recorded a day prior to shipment
may cause a P30,000 overstatement of the current year’s pretax income.

11-2. The auditors must question the service lives adopted by the client for plant assets.
To do otherwise would be to fail in the collection of sufficient competent evidence
for the client’s depreciation policies and procedures.

11-3. The principal objective of the auditors in analyzing a Maintenance and Repairs
expense account is to disclose any capital expenditures which were erroneously
recorded as expense.

11-4. Documentary evidence usually available in the client’s office to substantiate legal
ownership of property, plant, and equipment includes deeds, policies of title
insurance or abstract of title and an attorney’s opinion as to title, property tax bills,
insurance policies, purchase contracts, purchase orders, invoices, and paid checks.
The auditors may also secure written representations from the client as to
ownership of these assets.

11-5. The auditors employ the following substantive tests to detect unrecorded
retirements of property, plant, and equipment:
(a) If major additions of plant and equipment have been made during the year,
ascertain whether old equipment was traded in or superseded by the new
(b) Analyze the Miscellaneous Revenue account to locate any cash proceeds
from sale of plant assets.
11-2 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

(c) If any of the company’s products have been discounted during the year,
investigate the disposition of plant facilities formerly used in manufacturing
such products.
(d) Inquire of executives and supervisors whether any plant assets have been
retired during the year.
(e) Examine retirement work orders or other source documents for authorization
by the appropriate official or committee.
(f) Investigate any reduction of insurance coverage to see whether this was
caused by retirement of plant assets.

11-6. Kris Corporation

(a) This is the first audit of Kris Corporation by Ian and Ronna. Moreover, the
company has not been audited by other public accountants during the two
previous years of operation. Under these circumstances, the auditors must
investigate fully transactions relating to plant and equipment during the two
prior years of the company’s existence, as well as the records of the year
under audit. The adequacy of internal control over plant acquisitions and
disposals would be an important part of this review. Since Kris is a relatively
new company, this study of prior years’ transactions can be completed within
reasonable time limits.

The review of prior years’ transactions relating to plant and equipment would
include analysis of the Repairs and Maintenance expense account and should
bring to light the erroneous treatment of plant acquisitions as revenue
expenditures during Years 1 and 2.

If Ian and Ronna did not investigate the property transactions of the two prior
years and the internal controls in force, there would be no satisfactory support
for the balances of the property accounts at the end of Year 3, or for the
depreciation expense of the year under audit. Remember that one of the
auditors’ basic objectives for plant and equipment is to determine that the
property accounts (including the amounts carried forward from prior years)
are fairly stated.

(b) Both the income statement and the balance sheet prepared at the end of Year 3
would be affected by the errors made in Years 1 and 2. In the balance sheet,
the plant and equipment and also the total assets would be understated by the
undepreciated cost of the assets which were improperly expensed. Current
liabilities and total liabilities would be understated by the additional income
taxes applicable to the understatement of prior periods’ net income due to the
accounting errors. The retained earnings and total shareholders’ equity would
be understated by the difference between the understatement of total assets
and the understatement of total liabilities. In the Kris income statement,
depreciation expense would be understated, income taxes expense overstated,
and net income overstated.
Substantive Tests of Property, Plant and Equipment 11-3
11-7. Sparrow Company
1. Change in depreciation method is considered change in accounting estimate
--cumulative effect adjustment:
a. No correcting entry
b. Depreciation Expense 25,750
Accumulated Depreciation: Machine 25,750
To record depreciation for 2006.
Previous depreciation amount
2004 P400,000 x (2 x 10%) P 80,000
2005 (P400,000 - P80,000) x (2 x 10%) = 64,000
Cost P400,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation 144,000
Carrying value 12.31.05 P256,000
256,000 – 50,000
Depreciation in 2006 = 8 = P25,750

2. Change in estimate--prospective adjustment:

a. No correcting entry
b. Depreciation Expense 40,000
Accumulated Depreciation: Machine 40,000
To record depreciation for 2006.
Depreciation base P450,000
Original life = Annual depreciation = P50,000
= 9 years

Remaining life = (9-5) years + 1 year = 5 years

Book value – Residual value P250,000 – P50,000
Depreciation = = = P40,000 per year
Remaining life 5

3. Error--prior period adjustment:

a. Retained Earnings 8,000
Accumulated Depreciation: Machine 8,000
Prior period adjustment for error
(P80,000 - P72,000).
Previous depreciation - erroneously calculated (P200,000 – P20,000) x
(2 x 20%) = P72,000
Correct depreciation (P200,000) x (2 x 20%) = P80,000
b. Depreciation Expense 48,000
Accumulated Depreciation: Machine 48,000
To record depreciation for 2006.
2006 correct depreciation (P200,000 – P80,000) x (2 x 20%) = P48,000
11-4 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

11-8. Jamboree Trucking Company

Requirement (1)

Accumulated depreciation on the trucks, January 1, 2003

Annual d
Depreciatio Years Depreciatio
Truck Cost Life n Owned n
1 P120,000 5 P24,000 3 P 72,000
2 104,000 5 20,800 2½ 52,000
3 128,000 5 25,600 1 25,600
4 150,000 5 30,000 ½ 15,000

Note: This schedule is used to help determine the accumulated depreciation

to date for each correcting entry. Also see correct depreciation
schedule later in solution.

July 1, 2003
Correct entry:
Cash 10,000
Accumulated Depreciation: Trucks
[P72,000 + (P24,000 x ½)] 84,000
Loss 26,000
Trucks 120,000

Entry made:
Cash 10,000
Trucks 10,000

Correcting entry #1:

Accumulated Depreciation: Trucks 84,000
Retained Earnings 26,000
Trucks 110,000

January 1, 2004
Correct entry:
Accumulated Depreciation:
Trucks (P25,600 + P25,600) 51,200
Trucks (new) 120,000
Cash 17,800
Substantive Tests of Property, Plant and Equipment 11-5
Trucks (old) 128,000
Gain on exchange 25,400
Entry made:
Trucks 17,800
Cash 17,800

Correcting entry #2:

Trucks (new) 102,200
Accumulated Depreciation: Trucks 51,200
Trucks (old) 128,000
Retained earnings 25,400

July 1, 2005
Correct entry:
Accumulated Depreciation: Trucks
(P15,000 + P30,000 + P30,000 + P15,000) 90,000
Cash 10,000
RE on disposition of trucks 50,000
Trucks 150,000

Entry made:
Cash 10,000
Miscellaneous Revenue 500
Trucks 9,500

Correcting entry #3:

Accumulated Depreciation: Trucks 90,000
Retained Earnings 50,500
Trucks 140,500

Correct depreciation:

Truck 2003 2004 2005 2006

1 P12,000 – – –
2 P20,800 P20,800 P10,400 –
3 P25,600 – – –
4 P30,000 P30,000 P15,000 –
5 – P18,920 P18,920 P18,920 (P94,600  5 = P18,920)
6 – – P12,000 P24,000 (P120,000  5 = P24,000)
Total P88,400 P69,720 P56,320 P42,920

Depreciation (88,400) (54,360) (41,460) (28,560)

Under (over)
11-6 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

statement – P15,360 P14,860 P14,360

Effect of errors on earnings (all reductions)

2003 P26,000
2004 P15,360
2005 P50,500 + P14,860 = P65,360
2006 P14,360

Correcting entry #4:

Retained Earnings 30,220
Depreciation Expense 14,360
Accumulated Depreciation 44,580

Requirement (2)

Compound AJE:

Accumulated Depreciation: Trucks (P84,000 +

P51,200 + P90,000 – P44,580) 180,620
Retained Earnings (P26,000 – P25,400 + P50,500
+ P30,220) 81,320
Depreciation Expense 14,360
Trucks (P110,000 + P102,200 – P128,000
– P140,500) 276,300

11-9. AFH Company

Note: This question requires knowledge that corrections of errors in prior years
are recorded to Retained Earnings.
Adjusting entries at December 31, 2007, to correct the books. The building and
machinery should be recorded in separate accounts. Ignore effect on income

Purchase price of P60,000 is a lump-sum purchase.

Building P39,000 60%
Machinery 26,000 40%
P65,000 100%

Machinery is valued at 40% x P60,000 = P24,000

Building is valued at 60% x P60,000 = P36,000
Substantive Tests of Property, Plant and Equipment 11-7

AJE (1) Machinery 24,000

Building 36,000
Property, Plant, and Equipment 60,000

(2) Machinery 280

Building 420
Property, Plant, and Equipment 700
The legal fees are allocated in the
same proportion as the original

(3) Retained Earnings 2,400

Property, Plant, and Equipment 2,400
To correct the insurance paid in
2005 that was incorrectly recorded
in the asset account.

(4) Property, Plant, and Equipment 6,310

Accumulated Depreciation: Building 1,821
Accumulated Depreciation: Machinery 3,035
Retained Earnings 1,454
To remove the depreciation of
P6,310 incorrectly credited to
Property, Plant, and Equipment in
2005; to credit the correct
depreciation to Accumulated
Depreciation: Building (P36,420 
20); to credit the correct
depreciation to Accumulated
Depreciation: Machinery (P24,280
 8); and to correct the amount
recorded as depreciation expense by
a credit to Retained Earnings.

(5) Retained Earnings 2,000

Property, Plant, and Equipment 2,000
To correct the 2006 repairs that were
incorrectly recorded in the asset

(6) Building 10,000

Property, Plant, and Equipment 10,000
To properly classify the 2006
addition to the building.
11-8 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

(7) Property, Plant, and Equipment 6,879

Accumulated Depreciation: Building 2,347
Accumulated Depreciation: Machinery 3,035
Retained Earnings 1,497
To remove the depreciation of
P6,879 incorrectly credited to
Property, Plant, and Equipment in
2006; to credit the correct
depreciation to Accumulated
Depreciation: Building [P1,821 +
(P10,000  19)] (this assumes the
addition has the same life as the
building); to credit the correct
depreciation to Accumulated
Depreciation: Machinery (P24,280
 8); and to correct the amount
recorded as depreciation expense by
a credit to Retained Earnings.

(8) Repairs Expense 3,000

Property, Plant, and Equipment 3,000
To expense the repairs for 2007,
before the books are closed.

(9) Insurance Expense 1,400

Prepaid Insurance 1,400
Property, Plant, and Equipment 2,800
To correctly classify the 2007
insurance payment, before the books
are closed.

(10) Machinery 7,000

Property, Plant, and Equipment 7,000
To correctly classify the machinery
purchased in 2007.

(11) Loss on Disposal of Machinery 100

Property, Plant, and Equipment 500
Accumulated Depreciation: Machinery 200
Machinery 800
To correctly record the disposal of
the machinery in 2007; the machine
is 2 years old and so has P200
related accumulated depreciation.
Substantive Tests of Property, Plant and Equipment 11-9

(12) Property, Plant, and Equipment 7,421

Accumulated Depreciation: Building 2,347
Accumulated Depreciation: Machinery 3,810
Depreciation Expense 1,264
To remove the depreciation of
P7,421 incorrectly credited to
Property, Plant, and Equipment in
2004; to credit the correct
depreciation to Accumulated
Depreciation: Building; to credit the
correct depreciation to Accumulated
Depreciation: Machinery [(P24,280
+ P7,000 - P800)  8]; and to correct
the depreciation expense before the
books are closed.

11-10. Briggs, Inc.

Adjusting Journal Entries - 12/31/06

(1) Organization costs 3,000

Fixed assets 3,000

(2) Discount on bonds payable 5,650

Interest expense 350
Fixed assets 6,000

(3) Land 500,000

Fixed assets 500,000

(4) Organization costs 5,000

Fixed assets 5,000

(5) Land 4,000

Fixed assets 4,000

(6) Land 7,000

Fixed assets 7,000

(7) Interest expense 30,000

11-10 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

Fixed assets 30,000

(8) Salaries expense 50,000

Fixed assets 50,000

(9) Organization costs 40,000

Fixed assets 40,000

(10) Taxes and licenses 7,000

Fixed assets 7,000

(11) Building 2,000,000

Fixed assets 2,000,000

11-11. Aerospace Company

Requirement (1)

Machinery (cost)
Raw materials used P13,600
Labor 9,800
Installation cost 1,400
Materials used in trial runs 600
Factory overhead (incremental) 2,900
Total P28,300
Less: Cash discount on materials 400
Net P27,900

Accumulated depreciation - 12/31/06

(P27,900 x 10% x 4/12) P 930

Machine Tools (cost) P 2,250

Less: Amortization for 2006 (4/36 x 2,250) 250
Balance, 12/31/06 P 2,000

Requirement (2) Adjusting Journal Entries - 12/31/06

(1) Loss on disposition of machinery 70

Machinery 70

(2) Profit on construction 6,900

Machinery 6,900

(3) Machine tools 2,250

Substantive Tests of Property, Plant and Equipment 11-11
Machinery 2,250

(4) Machinery 3,462

Depreciation expense 2,532
Accumulated depreciation - machinery 930

(5) Purchase discount 400

Machinery 400

(6) Machinery 2,900

Factory overhead control 2,900

(7) Tools expense 250

Machine tools 250

11-12. XYZ Manufacturing Company

Adjusting Journal Entries - 12/31/06

AJE (1) Retained Earnings 1,200.00
Machinery 1,200.00
To correct error in recording
purchase of machine on
installment basis.
List Price P6,000
Add: Installation charges 200
Total P6,200
Total installments paid
& installation 7,400
Financing charges P1,200

(2) Retained Earnings 160.00

Machinery 160.00
To take up cash discount on
machinery purchased on 6/30/03.

(3) Machinery (new) 2,620.00

Allowance for depreciation 2,620.00
Machinery (old) 5,240.00
To write off machinery traded in
for a new one.
Cost of new machine:
Cash payment P5,000
NBV of old machine 2,620
Total P7,620
11-12 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

(4) Allowance for depreciation 2,640.00

Machinery 2,025.00
Retained earnings 615.00
To correct the recording of sale of
machinery on 1/1/05.
Cost P4,400
Less: Acc. Depr. 2,640
NBV 1,760
Proceeds (2,500 - 125) 2,375
Gain P 615

(5) Allowance for depreciation 3,800.00

Machinery 3,200.00
Gain on sale of machinery 600.00
To correct the recording of sale of
machinery on 10/1/06.
Cost P4,000
Less: Acc. Depr. 3,800
NBV 200
Proceeds 800
Gain P 600

(6) Machinery 19,900.60

Allowance for depreciation 19,900.60
To set up client’s depreciation
provisions from 2002 to 2006
erroneously credited to the
Machinery acct. (Schedule A).

(7) Depreciation expense 2,190.90

Retained earnings 1,536.50
Allowance for depreciation 3,727.40
To correct error in depreciation
provisions of client (Schedule B).

XYZ Manufacturing Corporation


Balance per ledger (Schedule A) P10,964.40

Add (Deduct) Adjustments
AJE (1) ( 1,200.00)
(2) ( 160.00)
Substantive Tests of Property, Plant and Equipment 11-13
(3) 2,620.00
(4) ( 5,240.00)
(5) ( 2,025.00)
(6) ( 3,200.00)
Net P10,695.60
Balance as adjusted P21,660.00
Machine acquired on 9/30/02 P 6,200.00
Machine acquired on 6/30/03 7,840.00
Machine acquired on 6/30/04 7,620.00
Total P21,660.00

XYZ Manufacturing Corporation

Allowance for Depreciation

Balance per ledger P 0.00

Add (Deduct) Adjustments
AJE (3) ( 2,620.00)
(4) ( 2,640.00)
(5) ( 3,800.00)
(6) 19,900.60
(7) 3,727.40
Balance as adjusted P14,568.00

A D - Machine acquired on 9/30/02 P 5,270.00
- Machine acquired on 6/30/03 5,488.00
- Machine acquired on 6/30/04 3,810.00
Total P14,568.00

Supporting Analysis:

Schedule A Machinery Account per Ledger

Date Particulars Dr Cr Balance

1/1/02 Purchase P 5,240.00
4,400.00 P13,640.00
9/30/02 Purchase on installment
Payments from Sept. to Dec. 2,400.00 16,040.00
10/10/02 Freight and installation 200.00 16,240.00
11-14 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

12/31/02 Depreciation (20%) P 3,248.00 12,992.00

2003 Installment payments for acquisition

on 9/30/02 4,800.00 17,792.00
6/30/03 Purchase 8,000.00 25,792.00
12/31/03 Depreciation (20%) 5,158.40 20,633.60
6/30/04 Acquisition - old machine traded in 5,000.00 25,633.60
12/31/04 Depreciation (20%) 5,126.72 20,506.88
1/1/05 Sale 2,375.00 18,131.88
12/31/05 Depreciation (20%) 3,626.38 14,505.50
10/1/06 Sale 800.00 13,705.50
12/30/06 Depreciation (20%) 2,741.10 10,964.40

Schedule B Depreciation Schedule

Acquired Cost 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
1/1/02 P 5,240 P 1,048.00 P1,048.00 P 524.00 P 0.00 P 0.00
4,000 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 600.00
4,400 880.00 880.00 880.00 0.00 0.00
9/30/02 6,200 310.00 1,240.00 1,240.00 1,240.00 1,240.00
6/30/03 7,840 0.00 784.00 1,568.00 1,568.00 1,568.00
6/30/04 7,620 0.00 0.00 762.00 1,524.00 1,524.00
Total correct
depreciation provision P 3,038.00 P4,752.00 P 5,774.00 P5,132.00 P4,932.00
Provision by client 3,248.00 5,158.40 5,126.72 3,626,38 2,741.10
(Over) Underprovision P (210.00) P (406.40) P 647.28 P1,505.62 P2,190.90

11-13. Sunlight Service Center

Audit Adjustment No. 1 was determined as follows:

Client’s Entry Correct Entry

(1) To record disposal of delivery truck:
Cash 2,000 Cash 2,000
Trucks 2,000 Accum. Depr. 50,000
Trucks 50,000
Gain/Loss on Disp. 2,000
(2) To record disposal of service truck:
Substantive Tests of Property, Plant and Equipment 11-15
Cash 8,000 Cash 8,000
Trucks 8,000 Accum. Depr. 15,000
Gain/Loss on Disp. 2,000
Trucks 25,000
(3) To record 2006 depreciation:
Depr. Expense 95,000 Depr. Expense 101,250
Accum. Depr. 95,000 Accum. Depr. 101,250

Correct amount of depreciation determined as follows:

Disposal of service truck (1/2 year) P 2,500
Purchase of delivery truck (1/2 year) 6,000
Purchase of service truck (1/2 year) 2,750
Two delivery truck @ 10,000 each 20,000
Fourteen service trucks @ 5,000 each 70,000
Total P101,250

Audit Adjustment as shown below:

Accumulated Depreciation - Trucks 58,750
Depreciation Expense - Trucks 6,250
Trucks 65,000

b. The audit objectives for examining the asset and related accumulated
depreciation accounts are:
(1) Existence or occurrence: To establish the physical presence of the assets
and the validity of the purchase and sale transactions.
(2) Rights and obligations: To ascertain that Sunlight owns the trucks.
(3) Valuation or allocation: To determine that the company has properly
recorded the acquisitions and disposals, and that depreciation has been
properly calculated for 2006.
(4) Presentation and disclosure: To resolve that all trucks are used in the
company’s operations; that fully-depreciated trucks are removed from the
books if no longer in use; that trucks and accumulated depreciation are
reflected as operating assets; and that depreciation expense is reflected as
an operating expense.

Auditing procedures appropriate in meeting the above objectives are the

(1) Existence or occurrence, valuation or allocation, and ownership: Trace to
last year’s audit workpapers and examine titles for trucks purchased prior to
2006 (to determine that trucks are still owned by the client; examine titles and
invoices for trucks purchased in 2006; examine remittance advices, journal
11-16 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

entries and bank statement credits for 2006 disposals; and recompute
depreciation expense and gain/loss on disposals.
(2) Presentation and disclosure: Examine subsidiary ledger for fully depreciated
assets and inquire as to whether in use. Reclassify as necessary.
11-18 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition
11-13. Sunlight Service Center (CONTINUED. . . . Requirements a and c)
December 31, 2006
Final Final
Balances Balances Gain (loss)
Description 12/31/01 Additions Disposals 12/31/02 on Disposals
Delivery Trucks P150,000 P 60,000  P51,000 P160,000 P 2,000 *
Service Trucks P375,000 P 27,500  P25,000 P377,500 (P2,000) (A)
P525,000 & P 87,500 P76,000 P537,500 P 0
12/31/06: Ledger balance P602,500 (A)
AJE No. 1 P 65,000 Cost P25,000
12/31/06: Audited balances P537,500 Accum. Depr:
WP G 2003 2,500 (1/2 yr.)
2004 5,000
2005 5,000
2006 2,500 (1/2 yr.)
Accumulated Depreciation: 15,000
Delivery Trucks P 95,000 P 26,000 (B) P 50,000 P 71,000
Service Trucks P225,000 P 75,250 (C) 15,000 (A) P285,250 Book Value P10,000
P320,000 & P101,250 P 65,000 P356,250 Sales Price 8,000 *
Loss P 2,000
12/31/06: Ledger balances P 95,000 P415,000
AJE No. 1 P 6,250 P 58,750 (B)
P101,250 P356,250 2 x 10,000 20,000
1 x 6,000 6,000 (1/2 yr.)
Evaluated depreciation policy and estimated lives for reasonableness. No exception: WP G P 26,000
AJE No. 1
Depreciation expense - trucks P 6,250 14 x 5,000 70,000
Accum. depreciation - trucks 58,750 1 x 2,500 2,500 (1/2 yr.)
Trucks P65,000 1 x 2,750 2,750 (1/2 yr.)
P 75,250
& Traced to last year’s working trial balance F Footed and crossfooted
* Traced to remittance advice and cash receipts  Examined invoices and titles
Substantive Tests of Property, Plant and Equipment 11-19
11-14. Tatty Company’s

Requirement (1)

Tatty Company
Analysis of Land Account
for 2007

Balance at January 1, 2007 P 100,000

Land site number 621:
Acquisition cost P1,000,000
Commission to real estate agent 60,000
Clearing costs P15,000
Less: Amounts recovered (5,000) 10,000
Total land site number 621 1,070,000

Land site number 622:

Acquisition cost P 300,000
Demolition cost of building 30,000
Total land site number 622 330,000
Balance at December 31, 2007 P1,500,000

Tatty Company
Analysis of Buildings Account
for 2007

Balance at January 1, 2007 P800,000

Cost of new building constructed on
land site number 622:
Construction costs P150,000
Excavation fees 11,000
Architectural design fees 8,000
Building permit fee 1,000 170,000
Balance at December 31, 2007 P970,000

Tatty Company
Analysis of Leasehold Improvements Account
for 2007

Balance at January 1, 2007 P500,000

Electrical work 35,000
Construction of extension to current
work area (P80,000 x ½) 40,000
Office space 65,000
Balance at December 31, 2007 P640,000
11-20 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

Tatty Company
Analysis of Machinery and Equipment Account
for 2007

Balance at January 1, 2007 P700,000

Cost of new machines acquired:
Invoice price P75,000
Freight costs 2,000
Unloading charges 1,500 78,500
Balance at December 31, 2007 P778,500

Requirement (2)

Items in the fact situation which were not used to determine the answer to
Requirement 1 above, and where, or if, these items should be included in Tatty’s
financial statements are as follows:
a. Land site number 623, which was acquired for P600,000, should be included
in Tatty’s balance sheet as land held for resale.
b. Painting of ceilings for P10,000 should be included as a normal operating
expense in Tatty’s income statement.
c. Royalty payments of P13,000 should be included as a normal operating
expense in Tatty’s income statement.

11-15. Nikko Company

Note to Instructor: This problem includes material from previous chapters.


(1) Land 175,000 a

Ordinary Shares, P10 par 70,000
Additional Paid-in Capital 105,000
P25 x 7,000

Cash 500,000
Notes Payable 500,000

Building 700,000
Cash 700,000
Substantive Tests of Property, Plant and Equipment 11-21
(2) Machine 430,000
Accumulated Depreciation 135,000
Machine 500,000
Cash 60,000
Gain on exchange 5,000

(3) Cash 800,000

Sales Revenue 800,000

Cost of Goods Sold 350,000

Inventory 350,000

Accounts Payable 400,000

Cash 400,000

Inventory 480,000
Accounts Payable 480,000

(4) Dividends Distributed (or Retained Earnings) 92,500

Cash 92,500 a
37,000 x P2.50


Interest Expense 18,000

Building 42,000 b
Interest Payable 60,000 a
P500,000 x 12%
[(P0 + P700,000)  2] x 12%

Depreciation Expense - Machinery 75,000 a

Accumulated Depreciation 75,000 a
(P430,000 – P55,000)  5

Rent Expense 60,000

Prepaid Rent 60,000

Income Tax Expense 90,600 a

Income Taxes Payable 90,600
See income statement
11-22 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition


Income Statement
For Year Ended December 31, 2006

Sales revenue P800,000

Less: Expenses
Cost of goods sold P350,000
Interest expense 18,000
Depreciation expense 75,000
Rent expense 60,000 (503,000)
Operating income P297,000
Gain on exchange of machinery 5,000
Income before income taxes P302,000
Income tax expense (30%) 90,600
Net income P211,400

Earnings per share (37,000 shares) P 5.71

Statement of Retained Earnings
For Year Ended December 31, 2006

Beginning retained earnings P200,000

Add: Net income 211,400
Less: Dividends (92,500)
Ending retained earnings P318,900

Balance Sheet
December 31, 2006

Cash P 587,500
Inventory 580,000
Land 175,000
Building 742,000
Machine P430,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation (75,000) 355,000
Total Assets P2,439,500
Substantive Tests of Property, Plant and Equipment 11-23
Liabilities and Equities
Accounts payable P 480,000
Notes payable 500,000
Interest payable 60,000
Income taxes payable 90,600
Total Liabilities P1,130,600
Ordinary shares, P10 par P 370,000
Additional paid-in capital 620,000
Retained earnings 318,900
Total Shareholders’ Equity P1,308,900
Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity P2,439,500
P540,000 + P500,000 – P700,000 – P60,000 + P800,000 – P400,000 – P92,500
= P587,500
P450,000 – P350,000 + P480,000 = P580,000
P400,000 – P400,000 + P480,000 = P480,000
P300,000 + P70,000 = P370,000
P515,000 + P105,000 = P620,000

11-16. Apple Company

Requirement 1

Total expenses, 2005 = Units sold x (Depletion + Depreciation

+ Production costs)
= (6 x 9,000) x (P3.00a + P0.20b + P8.00)
= 54,000 x P11.20
= P604,800

Cost – Residual Value

Depletion rate Life
= in tons

P2,000,000  (P100,000 – P200,000)

= 700,000

= P3.00 per ton

11-24 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

Cost – Residual Value

Depreciation rate =Life in tons

P150,000 – P10,000

= P0.20 per ton

Requirement 2

Cost of inventory, 12/31/2005 = 6 x (10,000 – 9,000) x P11.20

= P67,200

Requirement 3

Total expenses, 2006 = Units sold x (Depletion + Depreciation

+ Production costs)
= (6 x P11.20) + [(12 x 10,000) – 6,000] x
(P3.84a + P0.256b + P8.00)
= P67,200 x P1,378,944
= P1,446,144

Book value – Residual Value

New depletion rate =Remaining Life

[P2,000,000  (60,000 x P3.00)] – (P100,000 – P200,000)]

= 500,000

P1,820,000 + P100,000
= 500,000

= P3.84 per ton

Book value – Residual Value

New depreciation rate =Remaining Life

[P150,000  (60,000 x P0.20)] – P10,000

= 500,000

Substantive Tests of Property, Plant and Equipment 11-25

= P0.256 per ton


January 1, 2001
Equipment 5,000,000
Cash 5,000,000
December 31, 2001
Depreciation Expense 500,000
Accumulated Depreciation 500,000
December 31, 2002
Depreciation Expense 500,000
Accumulated Depreciation 500,000
January 1, 2003
Equipment 625,000
Accumulated Depreciation 125,000
Revaluation Surplus 500,000
December 31, 2003
Depreciation Expense 562,500
Accumulated Depreciation 562,500

Revaluation Surplus 62,500

Retained Earnings 62,500
December 31, 2004
Depreciation Expense 562,500
Accumulated Depreciation 562,500

Revaluation Surplus 62,500

Retained Earnings 62,500
December 31, 2005
Depreciation Expense 562,500
Accumulated Depreciation 562,500

Revaluation Surplus 62,500

Retained Earnings 62,500
January 1, 2006
11-26 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

1) Revaluation surplus 312,500

Accumulated depreciation 312,500
Equipment 625,000

2) Impairment loss / Depreciation expense 500,000

Accumulated depreciation 500,000
Revaluation surplus 312,500
Impairment loss / Depreciation expense 500,000
Accumulated depreciation 187,500
Equipment 625,000

11-18. Sweetie Company

Requirement (a)

December 31, 2006

Loss on Impairment / Depreciation........................................................................................
Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment.................................................................

Cost P9,000,000
Accumulated depreciation 1,000,000
Carrying amount 8,000,000
Fair value 4,800,000
Loss in impairment P3,200,000

Requirement (b)

December 31, 2007

Depreciation Expense............................................................................................................
Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment................................................................. 1,200,000

New carrying amount P4,800,000

Useful life 4 years
Depreciation per year P1,200,000

Requirement (c)

Carrying value, 12.31.07 had impairment not been recognized on 12.31.06

Cost P9,000,000
Accumulated depreciation
(P1,000,000 + P2,000,000) 3,000,000
Net carrying value, 12.31.07 P6,000,000
Substantive Tests of Property, Plant and Equipment 11-27
Fair value, 12.31.07 P5,100,000
Carrying value, 12.31.07 3,600,000
Recovery of impairment loss P1,500,000

Entry will be:

Accumulated depreciation 1,500,000
Depreciation expense or
Gain on recovery of previously
recognized impairment 1,500,000

11-19. Bobby Corporation

Requirement (1)
Land Account (Site Number 501)
As of September 30, 2007

Acquisition cost P600,000

Real estate broker’s commission 36,000
Legal fees 6,000
Title guarantee insurance 18,000
Cost of razing existing building 75,000
Balance, September 30, 2007 P735,000

Requirement (2)
Capitalized Cost of Office Building
As of September 30, 2007

Contract cost P3,000,000

Plan, specifications, and blueprints 12,000
Architects’ fees for design and supervision 95,000
Capitalized interest--2006 (P900,000 x 14% x 10/12) 105,000
Capitalized interest--2007 (P2,300,000 x 14% x 9/12) 241,500
Total capitalized cost, September 30, 2007 P3,453,500

Requirement (3)
Computation of Depreciation of Office Building
Using 150% Declining Balance Method
For the Year Ended December 31, 2007

Capitalized cost P3,453,500

150% declining balance rate
(100%  40 years = 2.5% x 1.5) x 3.75%
11-28 Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Auditing, 2006 Edition

Annual depreciation P 129,506

Depreciation October 1 to December 31, 2007
(P129,506 x 3/12) P 32,377

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