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In today’s world insurance has received a much wider acceptance than it used to get.

Previously people
were not concerned about future planning or believed in having a solid financial backup or cover. But
today’s generation understands the importance of insurance so as to how it helps to save money, help
as a financial umbrella to protect themselves from the untimely rains of financial distress.

For that Aditya Birla has various life insurance products as follows:

1 Protection
The purest form of Life Insurance is called Term Insurance Plan. It is basically a Pure Protection
Plan; usually with no element of savings or investment attached to it. In Pure Term Plans, if the
Life Insured unfortunately dies within the policy term then the nominee will get the entire money
that has been promised as the Death Benefit for the life insured. However, if he survives that
period, then there is no payment at the end of the term. Hence in Pure Term Insurance Plans,
there is no Maturity or Survival Benefit. However there are many variations of Term Plan these
days and there is even an element of savings attached even to Term Plans.
2 Wealth with Protection
Wealth with Protection or ULIP is a two-in-one plan that offers protection as well as investment
opportunities in the capital market. The ULIP plan is insurance cum investment product that can
be customized according to the insured persons requirements and provides the best of both -
investment and protection.
3 Children’s Future
Wealth with Protection or ULIP is a two-in-one plan that offers protection as well as investment
opportunities in the capital market. The ULIP plan is insurance cum investment product that can
be customized according to the insured persons requirements and provides the best of both -
investment and protection.
4 Health Insurance
Health insurance is an insurance product which covers medical and surgical expenses of an
insured individual. It reimburses the expenses incurred due to illness or injury or pays the care
provider of the insured individual directly. One way to provide for health-related / medical
emergencies is by taking health insurance. Health insurance offers considerable flexibility in
terms of disease / ailment coverage. The insurance plan disburses the payment towards
surgery/illness regardless of actual medical expenses. The policy continues even after the benefit
payment on selected illnesses.
5 Retirement Plan
Retirement plans offer you the dual benefits of investment and insurance cover. It helps you to
fight inflation rates, create a sound financial backup on which one can rely for future as well as
ongoing expenses.
6 Savings with Protection
It is for the ones who are finding it difficult to create a basic foundation for savings. The policy
will not only help them to create an elementary base for their financial security but will also
guide them to lead a decent lifestyle followed by a risk-free future. Some of these plans give
regular income, comprehensive protection, and secured savings.

To understand how insurance sector works

To study consumer behavior with respect to insurance sector
To study how consumer feedback can help insurance companies to develop better products and
To study the scope of insurance sector as a source of income and livelihood
To study how insurance advisors can increase and impact sales of company.

Research done regarding how much a customer is aware about insurance and its various aspects
Research done on how insurance can be taken as a source to earn a livelihood
Research done on different advertising costs for various mediums
Research done on how advertisement impacts a consumer and its behavior.

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