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During World War II, the Pevensie children, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy, are
evacuated from a London suburb to Professor Digory Kirke's country home. Mrs
Macready, the strict housekeeper, explains he is unaccustomed to hosting children.
While the Pevensies play hide-and-seek, Lucy discovers a wardrobe and enters
the fantasy world called Narnia. Seeing a lamppost, Lucy encounters the faun Mr.
Tumnus, who invites her to his home. He puts Lucy to sleep by playing a lullaby on his
flute. When Lucy wakes up, she finds Tumnus grieving. He explains that Jadis,
the White Witch, has cursed Narnia to a hundred years of winter. If a human is
encountered, they are to be brought to her. Tumnus cannot bring himself to kidnap
Lucy, so he sends her home. When she returns to Professor Kirke's house, hardly any
time has passed, and her siblings disbelieve her story.
One night, Edmund follows Lucy into the wardrobe, entering Narnia. While searching for
Lucy, he meets the White Witch, who claims to be queen. She offers
him tea and Turkish Delight and the prospect of becoming king if he brings his siblings
to her castle. After she departs, Edmund and Lucy meet again and return. Lucy tells
Peter and Susan what happened, but Edmund lies. Professor Kirke suggests she is
telling the truth, though they remain unconvinced.
While running away from Mrs. Macready after accidentally breaking a window, the four
siblings retreat to the wardrobe and enter Narnia. They discover the Witch has taken
Mr. Tumnus, and they meet Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, who tell them about Aslan. According
to the beavers, Aslan intends to take control of Narnia from the Witch. The four must
help Aslan; it has been prophesied that if two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve
sit in the four thrones, the White Witch's reign will end.
Edmund sneaks off to visit the Witch. When he arrives at her castle, she is furious he
has not delivered his siblings. The Witch sends wolves to track down the children and
the beavers, who barely escape. Edmund is chained in the Witch's dungeon, where he
meets Tumnus. The Witch demands Edmund reveal his siblings' location. After Tumnus
claims that Edmund knows nothing, The Witch tells Mr. Tumnus Edmund betrayed him,
then turns Tumnus to stone.
While Peter, Lucy, Susan, and the beavers travel, they hide from what they believe to
be the White Witch. It is really Father Christmas, a sign that the Witch's reign is ending.
Father Christmas gives them weapons to defend themselves. Lucy receives a
healing cordial that can heal any injury. Susan receives a magical horn that will summon
help and a bow and quiver full of arrows. Peter receives a sword and a shield. After
evading wolves led by Maugrim, the group reaches Aslan's camp. Aslan is revealed as
a huge and noble lion, who promises to help Edmund. Later, two wolves ambush Lucy
and Susan. When Peter intervenes, Maugrim attacks him, and Peter kills him. Some of
Aslan's troops follow the other wolf to the witch's camp and rescue Edmund. Peter is
knighted by Aslan.
The White Witch journeys to Aslan's camp and claims Edmund, but Aslan secretly offers
to sacrifice himself instead. That night, as Lucy and Susan covertly watch, the White
Witch fatally stabs Aslan. In the morning, he is resurrected, citing magic beyond the
Witch's understanding. Aslan takes Susan and Lucy to the Witch's castle, where he
frees the prisoners she turned to stone. Edmund persuades Peter to lead Aslan's army.
While saving Peter from the Witch by destroying her wand, Edmund is mortally
wounded. As the Witch fights Peter, Aslan arrives with reinforcements and kills her.
After Edmund is revived by Lucy's cordial, the Pevensies are crowned King Peter the
Magnificent, Queen Susan the Gentle, King Edmund the Just, and Queen Lucy the
Fifteen years later, the Pevensie children, now young adults, chase a white stag through
the forest. They encounter the lamppost Lucy saw earlier and suddenly tumble out of
the wardrobe at the same time and day they left, becoming children again. Lucy later
attempts to return to Narnia via the wardrobe. Professor Kirke tells her he has tried for
many years, and they will probably return to Narnia when they least expect it.


Advantages : although the story is not in accordance with the book, the storyline of this
film is very dancing. Teach the courage and responsibility that has been instilled while
still a child suitable for all ages.
The disadvantage :
This book is that the language used is very complicated because it might result from the
translation mechanism of the original novel which spoke English and was written in the
1940s, many use figurative sentences to describe something. This novel is actually a
novel of children and teenagers, but the language is difficult to understand.

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