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TU ESDAY August 27 ,20'ts

Robredo on National Heroes' Day: Do simple acts of service

at wolang iisong pinuno ang makopog- Meanwhile, Sen. Pilar Juliana among young Filipinos and further Meanwhile, the specialized pro-
ICE President Maria Leonoi Robredo will only hold true if we know how to
bibigay so otin ng mos magondong "Pia" Cayetano pushed for the pas- promote their role in nation-building." gram for senior high school students
n Monday urged Filipinos to offer offer ourselves to others and unite for
the common good. We are the heroes bukas (Ihe solution to a problem does sage of her Senate Bill (58) 925, or But the senator said while military shall have advanced and dedicated'
hemselves to others in simPle acts
of our fellow Filipinos)i'Robredo said not lie in the hands of one person, the " Youth Patriotism and Bayani- training is vital, it is not the only training to develop skills and k4owl;
f service, as the plight of the nation
and it is not just one leaderwho tould han Act," which seeks to establish means to cultivate patriotism and edge in security, survival and pdblic
oes not just rest in the hands of one in a statement.
"Bogo natin sila tinaguriong mga provide us with a good future)i the vice holistic pr0grams in basic education discipline among students. service through the following com-'
lader alone.
continued. in lieu of proposals to make the Cayetano's 58 925 introduces a ponents: internal security and peace
ln her message for National Heroes' boyani, sil,a oy mgo ordinoryong president
ray, Robredo reminded the public to momomoyon tulad natin mgo -- For his part, flagdalo party-list Reserve Officers' Trainin g Corps fundamental program and a special- and order, dedicated disaster risk

Pilipino n0 n0gp0sylng Rep. Manuel Cabochan 3rd urged the program mandatory for students. ized program, both seeking to develop reduction and management, advan
ight for the country's democracy and mokoboyong
it before tumindig kung kailan pinakokailan- Duterte administration to assert the "Let us honor the great men and the values of discipline, patriotism, security, and career development.'
rogress, as those who did
gon, so pinakomahahologong yugto country's sovereignty, especially at women who fought for our nation's nationalism and a strong sense of Cayetano said a citizenry well-
he present generation were just
ng ating kasoysayan (Before they a time when it is facing threats from freedom by nurturing future heroes bayanihon (camaraderie) among trained in a "holistic way" and in '
rdinary citizens too.
"foreign aggressors." among the ranks of our youthi she Grades 1 to 12 students. various disciplines like the sciences;
"Goya ng paulit-ulit nang itinuro ng were hailed as heroes, they were
"0ur nation at present is sebminglY said in her message to mark this year's The fundamental program for medicine, sports, the arts, business
ting kasaysayan, magiging totoo at once ordinary citizens like us
patriotic Filipinos who decided to
- being brought back to the times when National Heroes'Day. Grades 1 to 12 students shall have and technical skills, among others, is
tokobuluhan lang ang ating pog-unlad
take a stand when they are needed, our independence was being threat- Cayetano added that she fully the following components: physical the best preparation for any external
t koloyaan kung mogpapoko-bayani ong
ened by the colonizers. 0ur control supports President Duterte's call in his fitness, arts and cultural heritage, or internal threats to the country's
owat iso 0t s0 ating pagbobayonihon. in the most significant parts of our
'ilipino ang bayaning kopwa Pilipino history)," she added. now over our waters, and even our fourth State ofthe Nation Address for community outreach, basic disaster security and development.
Congress to pass a law that shall "in- risk reduction and management, and GLEE JA
Like what history always teaches us, "Wola so komay ng iisong too ong lands, are being challenged by foreign
ur progress and freedom as a nation solusyon s0l0h0t ng nting mgr sulironin, aggressors," he said. vigorate nationalism and patriotism basic security.

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