Writekraft Research & Publications LLP Interview Exam Name: .. Time: 10 Min

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Writekraft Research & Publications LLP

Interview Exam
Name: ………………….. Time: 10 Min

1. What is the shortcut of “Save as”—

A. Ctrl + S B. Ctrl + Z

C. F6 D. F12

2. What is the shortcut of “Find & Replace in MS-Word”-

A. Ctrl + F B. Ctrl + K

C. Ctrl + P D. Ctrl + U

3. “.jpge” is an extension of which type of file?

A. Word B. Image

C. Video D. Audio

4. “http” means...

A. Head Tail Transfer Protocol B. Hypertext Transfer Plotter

C. Hypertext transfer protocol D. Hypertext Transfer Plot

5. How to send a mail on Gmail-

A. Compose >>Email>>Sub>>Attach a file>>Send.

B. Send >>Email>> Attach a file >> Sub >> Compose

C. Compose >> Send >>Sub>>Attach a file>> Email

D. Email >> Attach a file >>Sub>> Compose >>Send

6. “Twitter” is a _________ website.

A. Email B. Search Engine

C. Social Networking D. Portal

Writekraft Research & Publications LLP (Regd. No. AAI-126) Mobile: 7753818181, 9838033084 Email: info@writekraft.com
Web: www.writekraft.com
7. The key combination used to “Permanently delete” a file from Windows computer:

A. Shift + delete B. Delete

C. Ctrl + delete D. Alt + delete

8. Name the Following-

9. Find the right E-mail address-

A. www.writekraft.com B. www,writekraft,com

C. writekraftsocial123@gmail.com D. writekraftsocial123@gmial.com

10. Match The Following…

CUT Ctrl + V

COPY Ctrl + Z

PASTE Ctrl + Y

UNDO Ctrl + X

REDO ( Repeat ) Alt + F4

Shut Down Ctrl + C

Writekraft Research & Publications LLP (Regd. No. AAI-126) Mobile: 7753818181, 9838033084 Email: info@writekraft.com
Web: www.writekraft.com

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