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Customer Service: 260.489.45754 INDIANA FLUID POWER \Wint WeDo Contet Us Sytem sign Dections NOLOGY TECH € ‘Sols Enso “cee THe FPDA@® Dewey al “The folowing formula are readily available In many engineering texbooks, Nid power design guides, and hydrau handbooks. Every effet has been made to Insure the accuracy othe formadas and the examploe shown, Howover, iis possible hat afypagraphical emor or wo has sfpped in. Please double check ary Fesuks that dont seem right. Hydeaute Pump Calcstations Husraufc Gyiner Calculations Hille Motor Galcuiatons, lb & Piping Calculations Hal Cakulations Preumatic Vale Sizing ‘Conversions Hydraulic Pump Calculations Horsepower Required to Drive Pump GPM XPSIX.0007 (his isa le-ofthumb* calculation) How manyhorsepowerare needed to dive 10 gpm pump at 1750, psi? GPM X PSIX 0007 = 10% 1750 X.0007 = 1225 horsepower Pump Ouiput Flow (in Gallons Per Minute) RPM X Pung Displacoment 231 How much oll wil be produced by 82.21 cubic inch pump operating at 1120 rpm? RPM= 1120 Pump Displacement= 221 eibic inches: RPM X Pump Displacement /231 = 1120X 2.21 /231 = 10.72, gem Pump Disphicomart Noodod for GPM of Ouput Flow 231 x GPM REM What disolacemertis needed io produce 7 gpm at 1740 mm? cem=7 RPM = i740 231 X GPM/ RPM = 231 X7/ 1740 =0,93 cubic inches per revelion Hydraulic Cylinder Calculations (Cyfier Bind End Area (in square inches) PIX (Cylinder Radius) *2 Whatis he area ofa 6" diameter cyinder? Diameter Radius is 1/2 of diameter= 3° Radius "2 =3°X3" PIX (Cyknder Raclus jM2 = 3.14 X (32 = 9.14 9= 28.26 square inches (Gyinder Rod End Area (In square inches) Blind End Aa - Rod Area Whats the od end area of 2 6" diameter cyinder which has a lameter rod? Cynder Bina E od Diameter = 3° Radius ie 1/2 of rod diameter = 1.5" Radius "2 = 1.5"X 15"=2.25" PIX Raclus 2 = 3.14 X 225 =7.07 square incres Area = 28.28 square inches Blind Ena Area «Rod Area = 28.28 «7.0 1.18 square inches yindor Ouput Force (in Pounds) Prossure (in PS) X Cytrder Area \Wihat isthe push force of 6" diemetor ender operating at2.500 PSI? Cylinder Sind End Area = 28.26 square inches Pressure = 2,500 psi Pressure X Cylinder Area = 2.500 X 28.26 = 70 50 pounds Whats the pul force ofa 6° diameter eyinder witha 3° diameter rod ‘operating at 2,500 PSI? Cylinder Rod End Area = 21.19 square inchs Pressure X Cylinder Area. 1500 X 21.19 = 52,975 pounds hid Pressure in PSI Required to Lif Load (in PSI) Pounds of Force Needed ! Cynder Area \What pressure is needed to develop 50,000 pounds of push force from a 8° diameter cinder? Area = 28.25 square inches 1176929 Pst What prssure is poeded to davelop £0,000 pounds of pull force from a 6" diameter cyirder which has a3: diameter rod? Pounds of Force = 50,000 pounds Cynder Rod End Area. Pounds of Force Needed / Cytnder Area = 50,000/21.19 = 2,369.60 PSI (Cyinder Speed (ininches per second) (231 X GPM) (60 X Net Gyinder Area) How fast willa 6° dlamotor cylinder wit 3° diameter roc extend with 15 ‘3pm input? cpm=6 Not Cylinder Area = 28.26 square inches (231 X GPM) (60 X Net Cylinder Area) = 231 X 15)/(60x28.28) = 2.04 inchas per second How fast wilitrevact? Nel Cynder Area =21.19 square inches (231 X GPM) (60 X Net Cynder Area) = (231 X 15)/(60x21.19) = 2.73 inches per second GPM of Flow Nesdes for Cynder Speed (Cyinder Area X Stoke Length in Inches /231 X 60 / Time in secords for cone stoke How many GPM are neoded to extond a 6" diamoter cinder 8 inches in 10 seconds? Cynder Area = 28.26 square inches. Stroke Length=8 inches ‘Time fort sroke = 10 seconde ‘Area X Length’ 231 X 80 /Time 5.88 gpm 18.26 X 8/231 X60/10= the cylinder has a 2° diametar rod, how many gpm is needed o retract B incnes in 10 seconds? Cylinder Area =21.19 square inches Stroke Length=8 incnes ‘Time for 1 soke ~ 10 seconds ‘Area X Length 231 X 60 /Time = 21.18 X 8/231 X 60/10 = 440 gpm (Cynder Blind End Output (GPM) Blind End Avoa / Rod End Avea X GPM In How many GPM come othe bind end of a6” diameter finder wth a 3° dlameter rod wien tere Is 15 gallons per minie put inthe rod end? Cynder Blind Ene Aroa: Gyinder Roa End Are 8.25 square inches 1.49 square inches GPM ipxt= 15 opm Blind Endl Area /Rod End Area X GPM kt 20.gpm Hydraulic Motor Calculations (GPM of Flow Needed for Fid Motor Speed Motor Displacemant X Motor RPM /231 How many GPM are needed to drive a 2.61 cubic inch motor at 1200 rom? Motor Displacement = 2.51 cubic inches per revoltion Motor RPM = 1200 Motor Displacement x Motor RPM /231 18.04 apm 281 x 1200/281 hid Motor Speed fom GPM put 291 X GPM/Flid Motor Displacement How fast willa 0.95 cubic inch motor tan with 8 gor input? crt Moto: Displacement = 0.95 cubic inches per revolution 231 X GPM ! Fhid Motor Displacement = 231 X 80.95 = 1,945, ‘om Fhid Motor Torque from Pressure and Displacemert SIX Motor Displacement /(2X PD How much torque doas a 2.25 eubic inch motor develop at 2,200 psi? Pressure = 2,200 psi Displacement = 2.25 cubic inches per revokiton SIX Motor Displacement /(2xPI)= 2,200 X 2.25 /6.2 Inch pounds Fhid Motor Torque ftom Horsepower and REM Horsepower X 63025 / RPM How much torque Is developed by a motor at 15 horsepower and 1500 rom? Horsepower = 15 RPM = 1500, Horsepower X 63025 / RPM= 15 X 63025 / 1500 inch pound Fhid Motor Torque from GPM, PSlardd RPM GPMXPSIX 36.77 /RPM How much torque doas a motor develop at 1.250 pel, 1760 rpm, with @ ‘gpm input? Pat= 1.250 RPM = 1750 GPMX SIX 36.7/RP) pounds second 4,260 9671750 Fluid & Piping Calculations Velocty of Fi through Piping 0.3208 X GPM Internal Area, \Whats the velocity of 19 gpm going trough a 1/2" dlameter schedule 40 pipe? ceM=10 Intgnal Area = 304 (S08 note balow) 0.3208 X GPM /iemal Area = 3208 X 10 X,304 ~ 10.55 feet per second [Note:The ouside diameter of pipe remains the same regardless of the thickness ofthe pipe. A heavy diy pipe has a thicker wallthan a standard duty pipe, s0 the internal diameter ofthe heavy duty pipe Is ‘smaller than the internal giameter ofa standard dy pipe. The wal ‘hicknoss and intra diameter of pipes can be feund an roadlly available charts, Hydraulic ste! tung also maintains the sare outside diameter regardless of wal bickness. Hose sizes indicate the inside diamster of the plumbing. A112" diameter hose has an intemal diameter of 0.50 inones, regarcless ofthe hose presewe rating ‘Suggested Piping Sizes # Pump suction lines should be sized s0 the fad velocity is between Zand 4 fect per second & oirotun nos should be sizod 50 the fad voloctyis botwoen 10 and 1 foot per second Medium pressure supply ines should be sized so the tid velocity Is between 15 and 20 feet per second, # High pressure supply lines should be sized so the fd velocity is below 30 feet per second Heat Calculations Heat Dissipation Capacity of Steel Resenvirs 0.001 x Surface Area X Difforonce between ol and ait temperature F the oiltemperatur is 140 degroes, and the air temperature is 75 ‘agroes, now much heat willa reservoir with 20 square fest of surface area dissipate? Surface Area ~20 square fest “Tomperature Difference = 140 degroos- 75 dogrocs = 65 degroes 0.001 X Surface Area X Temperature Ditferonca = 0.001 X20 3 horsepower [544 BTU por Hou ating Hycraulc Fd 1 wattillraise the temperate of galonby 1 degree F per hour and Horsepower X 785.7 = wats and Wats / 1000 = klowatts Pnoumatic Valve Sizing Notes Allthese pneumatic formas assume 68 degrees F at sea level ‘Allstokes and ciameters are in inches ‘Alltimes are in saconds IF Allpressures are PSI Vale Sizing fr CyEnder Actuation ‘SCFM = 0.0273 x Cylinder Diameter x Cylinder Diameter x Cytncer Stvoke Stoke Tex (Pressure-Prossire Drop)+4.7)/ 14.7 Cv Required = 1.024 x SCFM (Sua (Pressure-Prossure Orop+14.7)) Root of (Pressure Drop x Prossure 2 (PSIG) = Prossure-Prossure Drop Air FlowQ (in SCFM) ifCvis Known Val Cv x (Square Root of (Pressure Drop x (PSIG -Pressure Drop) + 14.7))1 1.024 vif Air Flow O (in SCFM) is Known 1.024 x lr Flow (Square Root of Pressure Drop x (PSIGPrassire Drop) + 14.7)) Air FlowQ (in SCFM) to Almasphore ‘SCFM to Atmosphere = Vale Cv (Square Root of (Primary Presse 0.48) 414.7) x(Primary Prossure x0.54) 1.024 Pressure Orop Max (PSIG) = Primary Pressure x0.54 Flow Cooffeientfor Smooth Wall Tubing Gy of Tubing =(62.3 x Tube ID. x Tube LD. x0.7854 x (Square Root (Tube 1D. 10.02 xLengthnof Tubs x 12) Conversions Convert to Multiply By aar__(Pst__tas co (ew, oneioe cc fF tcx1yee SSS Kos. kW HP s13at Products | Manufacturars | The Parkar Store | Repairs | Services| Info & Tips! 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