Peoples Tonight, Aug. 27, 2019, Romualdez Show Malasakit PDF

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Volume XXXD( No.274 * Tuesdayo August27,2019 # Pl0.


$fte IltfllnS.ffIITt
HOUSE leaders
yesterday urged
Filipinos to
keep patriotism
alive by showing
"malasakitD to the needy and by
following the .country's laws
the Constitution.rerpage "r.irr
V ag etl
recognized the sacrifices of pinos everywhere a
the officers and members huppy National Heroes'
of the Armed Forces of the Day. I believe that ours
Philippines (AFP), Philip- is a truly brave and dig-
HouseMajorityLeader pine National Police (PNP), nified race, and that Pi-
and{eyte Rep. Martin Ro. Bureau of Jail Management noys from all walks of
mualdez, who chairs the and Penology (BIMP), Bu- life still display vari-
House committee on rules, reau of Fire Protection ous acts of heroism to-
extolled the "malasakit" (BFM), and National Bu- -day," said Rep. Yedda
(compassion) and heroism reau oflrvestigation (NBI), Romualdez,wife of Rep.
ofFilipinos, especiallythose overseas Filipino workers Martin Romualdez and
who fought for the coun- (OFWs) and athletes for former chairperson of
try's freedom a4d democ- thecountry. the House committee
raq. "Today,wepaytribute on accounts.
"Wecanallbeheroesin hot just to the heroes whose Magdalo party-list
our dwn lives, every one of statues adorn edifices, or Rep.Manuel Cabochan
us, if we can only rise above whose portraits appear in III asked Filipinos to
personal interests by sim- our cu.rrency, whose ex- "protect the peace and
ply obeying the laws of the ploits are immortalized in sovereignty" of the Phil-
land and Constitution, such the arurals of this nation's ippines that heroes
as fighting comrptioq ex- history. We dedicate this fought for before.
ercising defensive driving, day especially to the un- "Our nation at
proper disposal of garbage, named heroes who have present is seemingly be-
and showing malasakit to shed blood, sweat, tearq in ing brought back to the
the needy," said Romual- the defense.of this nation times when our inde-
dez, president of the La- and the values it represent. pendence was being
kas-Christian Muslim We dedicate this day to the threatened by the colo--
Democrats (CMD) and unifornied personriel, the niz€rs. Our control now
Philippine Constitution AFP, PNP, BIMP, Bureau over our waters, and
Association (Philconsa) of Fire, for the law enforcers even our lands, are be-
who also paid tribute to the like the NBI. But even to our ing challenged by for-
sacrifices of war heroes and OFWS who have made eign aggressors. Ang
their families as the nation rnany sacrifices, to oul ath- ating mga mangingisda
conunemorated National at sundalo ay patuloy
letes that are preparing for
Heroes'Day yesterday. the South East Asian na tinatakot at hina-
"I-Et's not forget their Games to represent our harass. Ang ating mga
malasakit, heroism, great- corintry- for the many sac- batas ay pinagsasawa-
ness and sacrifices in liber- rifices that they have inade lang-bahala at binabas-
ating the country from in- and are making" said Cay- tos. We, the present gen-
vaders" The democracy we etano. e_ration of. Filipinos,
have been enjoying was should not let our na-
carved byblood on the pag- tionbe trampled on like
es of historybecause of their this. I urge the current
selfless dedication and in- administration to view
valuable service to keep our this day as a reminder
freedom alive. We have to on its obligation to as-
ensure a meaningfuI obser- sert our rights in our
vance of Nafional Heroes territory and protect
Dayby always giving due our national interests.
respect and recognition to Irikewise, it is our hope
their heroism and to contin- that this day be a con-
ue finding compassion in- stant inspiration to our
spiration, hope, and love to armed forces in the ful-
their grelhress and patrio- fillment of their sworn
tism," added Romualdez, duty," said Cabochan.
a lawyer and banker. Deputy Speaker and
Lr his speedr at the Lib- Rep. Yedda Marie Antique Rep. Loren
i.g* ng mga Baya4i yes- Kittilstvedt Romualdez: I
believe that ours is a truly Legarda said Filipinos
terday, Speaker Alan Peter do need not to di-e just
brave and dignified racd,
Cayetano also honored the and that Pinoys from all to become heroes.
gteaturess and heroism of uralks of life still disptay "We need not die to
Filipinos who fought the various acts of trer<iism be a hero. We only need
war. today. to be a faithful st-eward
"We stand here today Tingog party-list ' of the law, and know
on this sacred ground t6 Rep. Yedda Marie Kit- and serve our purpose/
honor our brave heroes who tilstvedt Romualdez, like what our bverseas
havededicated their lives chairperson of the Filipino workers, ath-
to secure the liberties that House committee on letes and artists, teach-
we enjoy today. Wehonor welfare of children, ers, soldiers, policemen,
the valiant men and worn- credited the sacrifices doctors, nurses and oth-
en who have braved perse- of war heroesbehind the er professionalg, volun-
cution and oppression, have country's democracy teers, philanthropists,
faced harm and even death and the rights being en' community leaders,
all in the name of justice, ioy.Sd nowadays by Fil- farmers and fisherfolk,
equality and freedom," lplnos. , and mothers and fathers
said Cayetano. who also "I wish to greet Fili- do," said Legarda.

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