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U FRO301225

*DE019253761* IAqg p?

ETA Chemistry Experience and Assessment on CPP in Korea

K.K. Park, J.B. Lee and S. IN Ybon

Korea Electric Power Research Institute
103-16, Munji-dong, Yusong-gu, Taejon 305-380, Korea

To reduce FAC of carbon steel in secondary system, water treatment chemistry was converted to ETA at Kori
unit 1. Full scale tests to choose the optimum concentration of ETA were conducted and the evaluation after one
cycle operation with ETA was also performed. Optimum concentration of ETA in final feed water was determined
as 1.8 ppm. At this condition, iron concentration was reduced by 69.8 % in final feed water and 69.7% in heater
drain compared to ammonia-AVT. The amount of sludge removed from each steam generator was 11.3 kg,
which was 88.2 % lower than that of ammonia-AVT. With successful results of Kori unit 1, Applications of ETA
were extended to other PWRs. Iron transport was found to be reduced significantly. Also, the output of electric
power increased by 91VIwe at Young-Kwang unit 1. However, Fouling of ion exchange resin in CPP was
appeared. ETA appears to have a solvent function in the initial stage of ETA chemistry. Resin was restored when
the foulant was removed with hot water and sodium bicarbonates. In particular, the MR type anion resin may be
effective in resistance to fouling when ETA-chemistry is used.

1. Introduction
The Kori unit 1, which is the first nuclear power plant in Korea, has been in commercial operation since April
1978. Westinghouse provided it and its capacity is 587.5 MWe. This unit has two loop steam generators. The
cooling water for the condensers is supplied from the East Sea in Korea. The unit has been using ammonia and
hydrazine as the secondary water chemistry controls since commercial operation. Specification of major
facilities is described in Table 1.
In the early 1990s, stress corrosion cracking (SCC) occurred within the sludge pile. To prevent the sludge
pile-up, a high pH-all volatile treatment (AVT) was adopted[l]. This plan assumed that high ammonia levels
would keep the pH high enough to minimize corrosion of carbon-steel. However, it was not sufficient to prevent
corrosion around the wet-steam area, which was susceptible to flow accelerated corrosion (FAC)[2].
In the efforts toward maintaining the long-term integrity of SG in PWR secondary system, the reduction of
iron ingress into steam generator (SG) has become one of the most important tasks. Most of such iron is
considered to result from FAC of piping and component materials in vapor-liquid two phase areas, such as
extraction steam and drain systems. The increase of pH in these areas provides an effective solution[l].
As of mid-1980s, the water treatment method in many foreign PWRs such as US and France was shifted
from the use of ammonia to morpholine for the pH control of secondary system [3]. Morpholine is less volatile
than ammonia, resulting in a more favorable distribution of the pH control agent to the liquid phase throughout
the steam cycle. In addition, advanced arnines have been also studied in Electric Power Research Institute
(EPRI) and full scale tests of selected advanced amines are currently underway[4].
Ta le 1. Specification of ajor facilities of Kori unit I
Fac Items Specification
Type W PWR Two-Loop
Thermal Power(MW(t)) 1,723.5
Reactor Coolant Outlet Temperature(EI) 319.3
Coolant Inlet Temperature (0) 282.9
System Pressure(kg/cm2) 157.3
Type Recirculatfing Vertical U-Tube(W 51
Tube Material series)
Steam Generation Rate(T/hr) Inconel 600MA
Steam Generator System Pressure(k g/CM2) 1,700
Steam Temperature(EI) 55.6
Number 270.5

Type Tandem compound three casing four flow

exhaust reheat regeneration type
Capacity(MWe) 587

On the other hand, Korea Electric Power Research Institute (KEPRI) has studied the advanced amines as an
alternate amines for the secondary side[5]. The results of loop and pilot tests of Ethanolamine(ETA) have shown
that it has superior properties to ammonia for pH control in nuclear stations. ETA is a stronger amine than
ammonia in basicity, both at room temperature and at elevated temperatures found in steam generators and the
high temperature drain portions of PWR secondary systems. Furthermore, ETA exhibits favorable distribution to
the liquid in two-phase regions of the secondary system. A higher proportion of ETA will partition to the liquid
phase than the vapor phase. ETA partitions are almost to the liquid phases, while ammonia partitions almost
completely to the vapor phase. Therefore, ETA will provide more corrosion protection for the high temperature
carbon steel portions of the system at a lower concentration than ammonia. Following the replacement of SGs
at Kori #1, ETA injection was started on October 1998, as a demonstration unit in Korea Hydro and Nuclear
Power Corporation(KHNP)
This paper describes on the results of a study on optimum concentration of ETA and the assessment on
environmental improvement in a full scale tests at Kori unit 1. In addition, different results of other plants were

2. Experiment

To assess optimum concentration of ETA at Kori unit 1 a short term ETA test was conducted under the
conditions shown in Table 2, based on the prediction using chemWORKs code designed by EPRI. ETA is
provided by Korea Polyol Co. It was diluted to 8% through 9.5% and injected at outlet of CPP. Water qualities of
the secondary side were analyzed before and after the injections. We analyzed pH, conductivity, Na, C1, S04,
N2H4, ETA, NH3, Fe, acetate, formate, and glycolate. Cation and anion were analyzed using Ion
Chromatography (Dionex Co., model 20001).
Corrosion products were collected using integrated sampler, concentrated type sampling apparatus which
collects a lot of samples to one place and analyzed to evaluate the performance of pH control. Collected sample
was digested with acid and measured using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer(ICP-
AES, Shimadzu Co., model ICP-10001V).
The sampling line was very long (about 50-60m). The length of sampling pipe might influence iron
concentration because of the possibility of corrosion products deposition in the pipe. Therefore, a new local
sampling apparatus was installed, as shown in Figl. The length is shorter than 5m.

able 2 Experimental conditions of short term ETA test
Experiment9l ETA Conc. Ammonia Conc. Hydrazine Conc. Condensate Water
conditions at FFW(ppm) At FFW(ppm) at FFW(ppm) Polisher Treatment

0 0 1.3 110 AVT

0 1.5 0 110 Partial Flow ETA

0 1.8 0 110 in-service ETA

2.0 0 110 ETA

Existing pipe Existing pipe

Inlet Inlet
valve valve

sampling Temporary
apparatus sampling
(Loop pipe 50 - 60 m)

(a) for local delayed samples (b) for local prompt samples
(Length of sampling pipe: Long) (Length of sampling pipe Short)

Fig 1. Sampling line for measurement of corrosion products

3. Results and Discussion

ETA was injected into the secondary system at the outlet of the condensate polisher. To evaluate the
distribution of ETA, pH and transfer of various chemical species were analyzed in different parts of the
secondary system,.

3.1 Amine distribution and effect on chemistry in the system

3. 1.1 ETA and pH distribution in the secondary system
Fig. 2 shows the system diagram of Kori unit 1 and the distribution of ETA concentrations in different areas of
the secondary system, when the ETA concentration at final feed water was 2 ppm. The concentrations of ETA in
the area of feed water train and blow down are higher than those of condensate region due to the lower volatility
of ETA.
Table 3 shows the distribution of pH in different part of the secondary side between ETA and existing
ammonia conditions. With injection of ETA, pH increased to 6.35 at moisture separator & reheater (MSR) and
6.41 at Heater drain (HTR Drn). It will be effective to prevent corrosion in the wet and steam areas which are
especially susceptible to FAC.

MIS Unit: ppm

F/W Ms R/H
20 Drn Tr,

....................... I....................... .....................

BD ................................................................
................................... > Condenser Condenser

ETA Concentration: 89.5%

ETA Injection Rate: 91 L/hr
2-0] 20kg ETA/day COP
#6 BP 13

Main Flow #5 HP HTR #3 #2 #1
.............. MSR Drain LP HTR

Fig. 2 Distribution of ETA in different parts of the secondary system at Kori unit .

Ta le 3. Comparison of pH between ETA and ammonia in diffe nt parts of secondary side.



PH AVT 9.5 9.4 9.5 9.2 9.6

(250) ETA 9.25 9.2 9.2 9.6 9.3 -


AVT 9.5 6.28 6.26 5.95 5.95 5.93

PH(T) I ETA 9.2 6.37 6.41 6.23 1 6.23 6.35

• condition: ammonia 1.2-1.3ppm(AVT), ETA 2.Oppm(ETA)

• pH(T): calculated by EPRI chemWORKs code

3.1.2 Optimum concentration of ETA

Fig. 3 shows iron concentration at final feed water as a function of ETA concentration. Initial concentration was
2.0 ppm. As shown in Fig. 3 iron concentration decreased significantly. However, as shown in table 4, amine
load of blow down dernineralizer increased rapidly. To lessen arnine load, ETA concentration was adjusted to
1.5. But concentration of iron in FFW increased above the previous ETA concentration. Therefore, the
concentration of ETA was finally adjusted to 1.8 ppm to achieve a reasonable balance of both iron concentration
of FFW and amine load of blow down demineralizer.

10 2.5
8 ------------------------------ 2.0

2 6 - -- -- - 1.5
16 16
C r-
0 .0
,5 4 --------------------- 1.0

0 0

2 --------- 0.5

o 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 .0
-98.9 11.4 11.20 11.27 12.9 1.8 1.29 2.18 3.15 4.7 5.9 6.25 8.2

Fig. 3 Iron concentration at FFW as a function of ETA concentration

3.1.3 Organic acidproduction and variation on cation conductivity

Organic acids (formic acid, acetic acid, glycol acid), which are the thermal decomposition products of ETA,
may contribute to a pH drop in the system, causing adverse effects turbine dry-wet portions. Therefore, it is
important to control the concentration of these organic acids. The amount of organic substance in different areas
of the secondary system is shown in Table 4.
It was found that the concentrations of formic, acetic and glycol acids at SG blow down increased in proportion
with ETA concentration at the feed water. We found that acetic acid increased to 80 11 ppb from 03 ppb, formic
acid 5F11 0 ppb, and glycol acid 14018 ppb when 1.8 ppm ETA was injected at FFW, while formic and glycol acid
did not appear under the ammonia AVT. Consequently, total amounts of organic acids produced in the
secondary side were about 30 ppb. They are lower than those of foreign plants experienced before. It may due
to the new SG, which has less sludge piles and less copper contents. It is known that sludge containing copper
accelerates the thermal decomposition of ETA.
The profile of cation conductivity and the amount of organic acids at blow down were shown in Fig. 4 and 5.
The cation conductivity is increased by 0.1 [J/D. Therefore, the ETA impacts on cation conductivity slightly.

Table 4. The amount of organic substance in different areas after ETA injection
(unit : ppb)

Location Acetate Glycolate Formate Total

S/G 8.7 13.2 6.3 28.2

M/S 12.0 1.6 5.6 19.2

F/W 10.2 1.4 2.4 14.0

C/D 7.1 0.6 0.6 8.3

O-Sr A

-*- S /G B
0.25 -- - -- -- - - -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -

0.2 - - - - - - - -

0.15 - - - - - - - -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- -- -- --
ETA rnj--cthn

.0 0.1 -- - -- - -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- --
4i SG Rep3acem ent

0.05 - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - -

0 I
98.5 6 9 10 11 12 99.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Th e

Fig. 4 The variation of cation conductivity at steam generator blow down

-*-Acett Acid
18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -E- C a2bonic Acid
Font Ach

U G lycolb Acid
U 14 - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Im 12 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
0 ETA Tijcthn
44 1 0 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-H 8- - -- - -- - --- -- -- -
6- - - -- -- - - - - - - - -I- - - - -- -

4 ---------------------------------------------

2 - -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- - --- - -- - --- - -- -- -- - - --- - -- -- --

98.6 10.9 10.20 10.28 11.11 12.23 99.2.19 3.25 4.14 5.19 7.15

Fig. 5 The variation of organic acids at steam generator blow down

3.1.4 Hideoutreturn data

It is important to calculate SG hideout return data from the analysis of SG blowdown during plant shut down
related to the impact of organic acids on SG crevices. The results of the ETA injection between before and after
are shown in table 5. Both total cation and anion hideout return were significantly reduced compared to previous
fuel cycles. This may indicate that impurity ingress was reduced by the implementation of ETA. Also there is
less sludge accumulation in which impurities can hide because of the new SG.
The amounts of organic acid released from each SG were less than 0.9 g. It is presumed that the ETA
injection did not promote the accumulation of organic acids on SG crevices. With calculated crevice pH, which is
almost close to the neutral range, the environment is considered to have been far from corrosive.

Table 5. Hideout return data
(unite rams)

Items Na K Ca Mg Cl S04 SiO2 Organic Crevice

I acid pH

16th S/G A 11.7 5.4 234.6 20.7 4.2 289.0 1120.2 - Neutral
Cycle - (MRC
(NH3) S/G B 8.0 4.5 241.6 13.3 3.4 349.6 995.1 - operation)

17th S/G A 0.5 0.1 25.7 2.3 5 29.0 56.5 0.9 Neutral
(ETA) S/G B 0.6 0.2 20.7 1.9 0.5 27.9 47.7 0.9

3.2 Assessment of the impact on the condensate polisher

3.2.1 Cycles of CPP and BD demineralizer
The Condensate Polishing Plant (CPP) was installed in 1982. There are four service vessels installed on
each unit. Originally the CPP was designed for full flow polishing with AVT at pH close to 90. A present during
normal full power operation with no condenser leaks, the CPP is operated at partial flow. About 13% of the
condensate is polished, while the remainder bypasses the CPR Each CPP service vessel currently contains
6,020L of resin, 4,01 0 L of cation resin and 2,01 0 L of anion resin. The resin in use at Kori Ambersep 252 with
Ambersep 900. It is MR type. The resin was replaced in July 1998 just before the water treatment was changed
to ETA. The regeneration system used at Kori is a typical external regeneration system with separate anion
regeneration, cation regeneration and resin mix tanks.
The effect on the condensate polisher was assessed by comparing the results of impurity analysis at the
outlet of CPP. No increase of impurities was observed, meanwhile, the ion load on resin increased due to
presence of ETA. As shown in Table 6, run length of CPP beds increased compared to high ammonia operation,
but run length of SG blow-down dernineralizer (SGBD) decreased significantly due to the low relative volatility of
ETA causing higher amine loading. As shown in Table 7 no change was observed in the measured total
capacity of resin before and after ETA injection.

Table 6. Cycles of CPP and BID dernineralizer

(unit: days/cycl
ETA (ppm) 0 1.5 1.8 2.0

CPP 4.3 8.8 7.7 6.4

B/D 178 80 75 50
BID dernineralizer flow: 1 00/hr(S/G A, B)

Table 7. Measured gross exchange capacity of condensate polisher resins

(unit meq/ml)

Items Ammonia AVT ETA Remarks

Cation resin 1.7 1.7 no change

Anion resin 1.0 1.0 no change

3.2.2 The evaluation on resin performance of CPP

No significant increase in impurity concentration of the secondary side was observed between before and after
ETA injection at Kori unit 1. However, as shown in Table 8, impurities at SG blow down were changed.
Concentration of sulfate ion increased while sodium and chloride ions decreased. The decrease in sodium
concentration might come from high sodium selectivity of the MR cation resin-under ETA chemistry. Na+
selectivity of the MR cation resin in the CPP versus ETA is 1.7, while selectivity versus ammonia is 0.8. The
decrease in chloride concentration might be due to the higher purity of the ETA compared to the ammonia used
in the past. Some investigation on the higher concentration of sulfate is currently under way. The alleviation of

alkaline corrosive environment of SG crevice was observed with the improvement of molar ratio(MOR) -2due to
low sodium ion concentration. Before the use of ETA chemistry, the MOR, based on Na+/Cl'+SO4 , was
adjusted to 0600.8 with injection of ammonium chloride. After changing to ETA, the MOR is 0.8 without
injection of ammonium chloride.

Table 8 Impurity concentration of the secondary side before and after ETA injection.
(unit: ppb)
Impurities AVT ETA

Na" 0.7 0.35

Cl' 1.5 0.47

S04 -2 1.3 3.16

Resin testing was performed to evaluate the resin properties including sulfate kinetics testing after switching
from ammonia to ETA. Resins were sampled and analyzed regularly from 1998 to 1999. The results are shown
in Table 9 In the early stage of switching to ETA, test results showed the anion resin kinetics decreased to Mass
Transfer Coefficient (MTC) values around 1.0 E-4 m/sec, while physical properties of the resin did not changed.
This means that the anion resin was degraded in its ability to remove sulfate. Although water quality of CPP
effluent may appear satisfactorily on a daily basis, the resin may not perform when challenged by a significant
condenser leak. Other utilities have also reported fouled anion resin after changing to ETA chemistry in as little
as one fuel cycle. At Kori after the initial drop in anion resin MTC, during the early phases of ETA operation, the
anion resin MTC has been getting better, dependent on number of regenerations performed. The anion resin
may have been fouled due to a build up of organic on the surface of the resin. The reason might be as follows:
a. Since changing to ETA chemistry, organic amine appears to have a solvent function in the initial stage of ETA
chemistry. It may remove substances such as organics, lubricants, metal oxide, etc from the valves and internal
surfaces of the secondary system. These substances can act as resin foulants when carried into the CPP by
b. Anion resin was fouled due to a build up of foulant on the surface of the resin. The lack of anion kinetic
performance was reported by other utilities using ETA chemistry controls. The testing of anion beds showed the
sulfate kinetics is 0.6 E4 m/sec to 1.3 E-4 m/sec.
c. However, later follow-up test has shown the kinetics to be improved with increasing number of regenerations.
It means that the resin is being restored. The MR type anion resin may be effective in resistance to fouling when
ETA-chemistry is used.

Table 9. The results of performance test for CPP resin

Ambersep 252 Ambersep 900 IVITC(SO4) MTC(SO4)
Sample %Whole / %Perfect /oWhole / %Perfect X 1 0-4rn/sec X 1 0-4m/sec
No. Sampling Sampling Sampling Sampling
date:'99.7.1 date:'99.7.1 date:'99.7.1 date:'99.9.22

1 99/99 99/97 0.6 2.1

2 99/98 98/96 1.1 1.7

3 99/98 99/99 1.3 1.5

4 99/98 99/96 1.3 2.2

5 99/98 98/96 1.2 1.7

Fig. 6 has shown the profile of impurities at SG blow down in Young-Kwang nuclear unit 2.
Chloride increased rapidly after water treatment switching to ETA. These results was huge different from Kori
unit 1. MTC value dropped as below 0.5xlem/sec. It has been proved that existing resins were deteriorated.
Because, it has been used for 15 years and fouled due to a build up of foulant on the surface of resin. So, it was
replaced entirely by new resin on May 18, 2001. However, the concentration of chloride ion increased again
after it has been used for 3 months. Resin might be fouled with organic matters come from the system. So,
treatment of surfactant was performed to remove the organic matters on the surface of resin on Nov. 26, 2001. It

was not still resumed. Thus, it was flushed with hot water(80F-1) and sodium bicarbonate(NaHC03)- But it was
not restored entirely It was assumed that a lot of organic maters come from the system as a solvent function of
ETA. Released organic matters might affect the anion resin. Heated water and sodium bicarbonate was a little
bit effective to restore the resin. Some investigation is currently underway to verify the causes.


2 5.00
--<>- suMate
2 0.00 --- -- - -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- - --- - -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- -- -- -

Cppru b. -*

15.00 ---------------------- ------------------------- ------

T3eatm entofsuifactant
10.00 --- -- - -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 1-.1-1-.2-6 - - - - - -- -

ETA Sta3t 00.11.17 Hotwabe 3eatm ent

101.12.4 fNaHCO,
Replacem entof]X atCPP '01.12.26

5.00 - - - - - - - --
01.5.18 -- -- -- -- - --

0.00 I
Sep- Oct- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- un- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dc-

00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

Fig. 6 Profile of impurities and counter-measures at Young Kwang Unit 2

3.3 The benefits of ETA chemistry

3.3.1 Profile of iron concentration during transition period
Iron transport trend has been monitored as a control factor of water chemistry. The typical iron transport
values at Kori unit were approximately 61 ppb. These values varied depend upon the status of the units. Start
ups, shut downs, or significant power changes usually affect the iron transport values, as it still does today
Profile of iron concentration during the transition period is shown in Fig. 7 Since the water chemistry has
changed from ammonia to ETA, the reduction of iron transport values was observed in all parts of system. The
iron concentration at final feed water (FFW) decreased from 61 ppb to 184 ppb and at heater drain system
from 61 ppb to 1.85 ppb. Because pHt in the feed water system increased significantly compared to ammonia
chemistry. These results are in agreement with early studies that pH affects the rate of FAC. An increase in the
cold pH induces a decrease in FAC, which can be related to the operating temperature pH or the equilibrium
iron solubility


7 D


0 4

ri 2

Am m on:h- AVT Tzanskbn ETA (1.8ppm

Fig. 7 Profile of iron concentration dependent on water chemistry

3.3.2 Comparison of removed sludge
The switching of water chemistry method has been assessed with analyzing the concentration of iron in the
secondary system during the operation. And it was also evaluated,. based on the amount of the sludge removed
from the tube plate and the sludge collector in SG during annual maintenance outage. Table 10 shows the
amount of sludge removed from SG during the outage between before and after the ETA. The amount of sludge
removed from SG was much less than those of previous water chemistry. The sludge amount removed from the
SG during inspection was 11.4 kg per SG, while it was 96 kg with ammonia-AVT. It is concluded that the sludge
piled-up in SG decreased by about 88 %. However, it is difficult to assess the effect of ETA, based only on the
sludge amount removed from the tube sheet parts of SG and sludge collector for one cycle, therefore the
amount of removed sludge will be monitored for several more cycles in the future to evaluate ETA effect.
No the adverse effect on plant system materials was found, during crack inspection of low-pressure turbine
blades and visual inspection of gasket and packing. In conclusion, increase in pH of the system water caused
by ETA did not result in any adverse effect on materials in the secondary system.

Table 10. The amount of slud le removed from SG before and after ETA inj ction
Amount of sludge removed(kg)

15th Cycle 97.1 94.7 Sludge of upper TS


17th Cycle 11.9 10.9 Sludge of upper TS

(ETA) + sludge of collector

3.3.3 Profile of the output of electric power

Profile of the output of electric power at Young-Kwang unit is shown in Fig. 8. After changing to ETA
chemistry from ammonia, Young-Kwang nuclear unit increased the output of electric power by 9 MWe. The
annual increase in revenues is estimated at 2.4million for each unit. The increased outputs occur by avoiding
deratings imposed to account for corrosion product deposition on feedwater venturis. The deposition of
corrosion products on feedwater flow venturis, which are the primary means of verifying the power level of the
plant. As corrosion products build up on these devices, the measured pressure drop increases, leading to a
false indication of increased flow must then be decreased to keep the plant operating within regulatory limits.


ETA_Stz ..........
1000.0 ------------



970.0 - ----- ----- --- -------- ----- -

960.0 -- ----- -------- ---------- ---------------- -

950.0 - - -- ----- ------------------------------------ -

940 .0 .1 I . . 1

9/1 10/1 10/31 11/30 12 /30 1/29 2/28 3 /30 4/29

1- 10 - ' 1 (ETA) - '9 9 - ' 0 198 - 99 - 197 - 98

Fig. 8 Profile of the output of electric power during transition period

4. Conclusions
To reduce iron ingress into SG, ETA was injected as a secondary chemical treatment at Kori unit 1. As a
result, the iron concentration decreased approximately 69.8% at the feed water and around 69.7% at the heater
drains. It was confirmed that ETA is effective to significantly reduce FAC for the two-phase areas in the
secondary systems. The inspection during annual maintenance outage did not reveal any adverse effects on the
component materials in the secondary system. However, ion exchange resin might have been fouled with
organic matters come from the system. Further studies will be carried out over times to assess the long-term
effect of ETA on ion exchange resin at CPP.

1.Electric Power Research Institute, `PWR Secondary Water Chemistry Guidelines," EPRI TRA 02134
rev.4, Nov.(1996).
2. Passel, TO.,"Advanced Steam Cycle Water Chemistry Overview," EPRI Workshop, Tempa, Florida,
Sept. 25-27(1990).
3. Electric Power Research Institute, "Advanced Studies in Chemistry Control with Morpholine," EPRI
TR-100758, July(1992).
4. Millett, P.J., and Passel, TO., "Qualification Testing of Three Advanced Amines for Secondary-System
pH Control in Once-Through Steam Generator Plants," EPRI TR-103098, Mar.(1994).
5. Park, K.K. et al., "Application of ETAWater Treatment for Secondary Chemistry at Kori Unit 1,"
KEPRI TR97CS13S1999.754, Dec.(1999).

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