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Process Model: Evolutionary - Prototyping

Evolutionary prototyping is the model is that we have choose for our

project. Evolutionary process models are iterative and characterized in a
manner that enables us to develop increasingly more complete versions of
the software.

Ideally, the prototype serves as a mechanism for identifying software

requirements. If a working prototype is to be built, we can make use of
existing program fragments or apply tools that enable working programs to
be generated quickly. The prototype can serve as the “first system” and then
evolved into the actual system slowly over time.
In evolutionary prototyping the system concept is developed as we move
through the project. We begin by developing the most visible parts of the
system and then continue to develop the prototype based on the feedback
we receive. At some point, the prototype is good enough and we release it
as the final product.

Following are some of the benefits of using this model:

 Missing functionality can be identified easily.

 Flexible design and development.
 A more accurate end product is achieved.
 Errors can be detected easily.
 The product can be evolved as per requirements over time.

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