First Quarter Exam in English 10

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Department of Education

Region VI- Western Visayas

Division of Aklan
Naisud, Ibajay, Aklan


NAME____________________________________________ SCORE___________
GRADE AND SECTION______________________________ DATE____________

1. Write your answers clearly. As in malinaw. Hindi tulad ng feelings niya sa'yo. Magulo na,
malabo pa.
2. Do not cheat o huwag mangopya. Huwag tumulad sa ex mong akala mo loyal, manloloko
3. Finish the exam in one hour. Dapat daw alam mo kung kailan ka susuko. Kapag tapos na,
tapos na!
4. Mind your own paper. Huwag tingin ng tingin sa iba lalo’t meron kana. ‘Yung tipong tama na
siya ipinagpalit mo pa sa iba.
5. Be honest. Huwag magsinungaling, gaya ng ginawa niya kaya kayo nag-break. Pero ayos
lang 'yan. Ang mahalaga, alam mong naging tapat ka.
6. Choose the best answer. Huwag daw magsayang ng oras at effort sa maling tao. Ang piliin
mo 'yung worth it.

A. Most Important Elements in Persuasive Writing
Directions: Copy the letter of the word/phrase that is best described by each number.

A. central claim B. evidences c. conclusion d. technique

1. Restates the argument and expresses a call to action.

2. The statement that asserts what the writer/speaker wants the reader/listener to believe.
3. Contains the reasons, examples, statistics, opinions used to support a point of view or stand.

B. Special Terms
Directions: Match each term in column B with the most appropriate description in column A.

4. catchy hook A. traditional story that is rooted in particular

5. fallacy culture, is basically religious and serves to explain
6. myth a belief, a mysterious natural phenomenon or a ritual
7. persuasive essay B. the statement experiencing the proposition argument
8. thesis statement or view
C. words that strongly appeal to emotion
D. erroneous appeal to emotion used as persuasive
E. tries to convince readers to do something or
accept the writer’s point of view.

C. Grammar: Modals
Directions: Choose from the pool of answers the writer’s/speaker’s intention as hinted by each
underlined expression.
A. ability B. probability C. obligation/advice D. permission

10. Ditas can play the guitar and piano.

11. Students must pay attention to the teacher.
12. She could be at home today.
13. May I use your bike, please?
14. You should talk to her about the issue.
15. Ordinary trials can be turned into extraordinary moments.
16. We must find courage even in small things that we do.
17. You may use the car tonight if you want.
18. Jack must write a report tomorrow.
Intensive and Reflexive Pronouns
Directions: Determine whether each underlined word is used as an intensive or reflexive
pronoun. Write IN if it is intensive and RE if it is reflexive.

19. When we ourselves are careless, we put ourselves and others in danger.
20. I enrolled myself in a dance class last summer.
21. The president himself promised to stop the territorial dispute between two nations.
22. You can protect yourself from harm by taking a few important precautions.
23. The company itself gave the employees a wage increase.
24. You can see yourself more clearly.
25. Life itself offers you many opportunities.
26. I myself like a little stroll after dinner.
27. The jurors could not agree among themselves.
28. The mayor presented the new program by himself.

Conjunction, Conjunctive Adverb and Parenthetical Expression

Direction: Read the following sentences and determine the correct connector. Encircle the
letter only.

29. "She likes him very much – or so it seems." Which is the parenthetical expression?
A. very much B. or so it seems
30. Which sentence includes a parenthetical expression?
A. The traffic’s terrible, as usual. B. It isn’t always this bad, is it?
30. Vegetables are rich sources of vitamins and antioxidants and _________ eating vegetables is
essential for good health.
A. since B. as C. hence
31. ‘The last bus has gone.’ ‘___________ we are going to have to walk.’
A. Therefore B. As C. Then
32. He must have done his duty, ___________ he is a conscientious man.
A. for B. so C. therefore
33. He tried hard, ___________ he did not succeed.
A. but B. and C. so
34. "Global temperatures, as expected, are rising." The parenthetical expression is
A. as expected B. are rising
35. You wait here ___________. I come.
A. unless B. until C. before
36. She will not come ___________ we compel her.
A. if B. unless C. whether
37. I was not confident of winning. ___________, I decided to give it a try.
A. So B. Nevertheless C. Although

A. Reading and Literature
Directions: Read the following passage carefully and encircle the letter of the word or phrase
that best completes each numbered item.

1) It’s true! At certain points in our lives, we stop and ask this question: How do we turn challenges to
opportunities? 2) Yes, it’s not easy, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible to do.
3) This means that we need to remember the important ways to put into action. 4) Of course, the first
thing to do is to reflect not in thoughtlessness but we need to start to focus and analyze the
competition taking place between the positive and negative limits of our emotions. 5) Eventually we
ask, “How do we feel about the challenge? 6) Do we feel hopeless, angry, jealous, worried,
inadequate, insecure, and fearful or do we feel their negative counterparts? 7) It’s silly to allow them
overrule our outlook in life. 8) We must envision always that progress and success come to those who
adhere to practice hard work, determination, courage, perseverance, humility, consciousness, justice,
self-confidence, trust, respect, love and other potent secrets of inner strength and success. 9) We
need to be realistic that we need some if not all of them to turn challenges to opportunities; thereby
this will make us all contented and happy.

38. The main point of the article is best expressed in sentence no._____.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 5 D. 9
39. The generalization or statement about life or human experience the passage makes is to
A. bring out the best in you C. struggle against the odds
B. stand up for one’s belief D. take strength to bear up the odds
40. To predict is a/ an _______ of the word “envision” in sentence no. 8
A. connotation B. denotation C. opposite D. symbol
41. This article/passage would most probably interest a/an___________|
A. teenager B. old man C. child D. infant
42. The passage is an example of a/an_
A. anecdote B. biography C. personal essay D. persuasive essay
43. The writer’s comment/reaction about challenges and opportunities is best supported by:
A. facts B. opinion C. reasons D. statistics
44. The strongest evidence used by the writer to support his opinion about turning
challenges to opportunities is stated in Sentence no._____
A. 3 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8
45. An effective persuasive technique used by the author to emphasize his point is through
appealing to________
A. emotion B. moral C. reason D. both A and C
46. The fallacy committed in Sentence no. 7 is _______
A. attacking the person C. hasty generalizations
B. bandwagon D. plain folks

If I were a man, a young man, and knew what I know today,

I would look into the eyes of Life undaunted
By any fate that might threaten me,
I would give to the world what the world most wanted—
Manhood that knows it can do and be;
Courage that dares, and faith that can see
Clear into the depths of the human soul,
And find God there, and ultimate goal… --from: If I Were A Man, A Young Man by Ella
Wheeler Wilcox

47. The passage appeals more to the sense of _______

A. feeling B. sight C. sound D. taste
48. The writer’s attitude toward inner strength is best described as_____.
A. admiration B. criticism C. inspiration D. support
49. Most probably, the writer’s purpose in this poem is to _____.
A. express a feeling C. reveal the truth
B. give an advice D. win other’s approval
50. The last five lines of the poem express more of a/an_____.
A. call to validation B. humility C. inspiration D. invitation

Part 3 (51-60)
Direction: Differentiate formal from informal definition. 10 pts. (for Grade 10-Aristotle only)

Formal Definition Informal Definition

Source: Diversity in English 10 TG

Parent’s Signature over Printed Name

Date: _____________________________

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