PAKISTAN's Stance On US-Iran Conflict Points:: L Stakeholders To Demonstrate Patience and Tolerance

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PAKISTAN’s Stance on US-Iran

Iranian foreign minister jawad zarif recent visit to Islamabad, which
was followed by India, Turkmenistan and China visit, amid US-Iran
tensions. The Iranian FM held meetings with COAS, PM Imran Khan
and FM Qureshi, where he asserted/ seek Pakistan
help/cooperation on rising tensions between US-Iran. Pakistan
urged to all stakeholders to demonstrate patience and tolerance,

OIC which is the second largest intergovernmental body after US, It

didn’t mention Iran in its final press release, but all countries
backed Saudi Arabia over escalating tensions with Iran, as there
was an attack on two vessels of Saudi kingdom near UAE Coast
and twin Yemini Rebel Attacks Which Damaged Saudi kingdom
main oil Pipeline
In tough Economic Situation for Pakistan, Pakistan has always
referred to saudia, as there is no doubt that both countries have
helped in tough times economically, strategically and in military
cooperation, therefore both countries always plump for each other
on international forums

It’s almost two decades when the Pak-Iran gas pipeline agreement
as signed between the very countries. PI gas Pipeline which was
started in 2009 also affected in 2013 due to US sanctions. This
pipeline has its own economic significance and impingement for
both countries as Pakistan is facing Energy crisis for years.
Although, after the nuclear deal, the deal was revived again in 2017,
but in May8,2018, US Withdrew from JCPA (Joint Comprehensive
Plan of Action), which conduced to US sanctions on Iran

All these prospects, lead us to the conclusion that, although

Pakistan is inclined to have a fraternal Policy towards Iran, but
unfortunately due to infringing relations between Washington and
Tehran, Pakistan had to revert its agreements with Iran, due to US
hegemony over international economy. As an OIC member Pakistan
always wanted maximum cooperation and end of conflict between
Muslim States. In short, for the concern between Saudi Kingdom
and Iran, Pakistan need to have a equipoise Policy for both
countries; for US and Iran, Pakistan always complied to its peace
loving policy.

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