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Ha Noi – 2019





No Team Members ID

1 Nguyen Thi Lan Anh 19A7510013

2 Nguyen Thi Duyen 19A7510049

3 Le Anh Dao 19A7510053

4 Dang Thi Hanh 19A7510069

We would like to thank Mrs. Duong Thi Thanh Hoa for her help !

Ha Noi – 2019
Banking Academy

Although learning English speaking skills through movies is common, a lot of students
still do not know the right way to make it work. Therefore, this study will give a new look to
ATC students in particular and English learners in general who have never tried this method
before about a new method of learning English so that they can have a closer access to their
English learning journey. It will also help English teachers and educators realize the real
situation of teaching English at schools and universities. From that point, they can apply this
method of improving English listening skills through watching movies to their students
efficiently. At the same time, it is a pre-condition for the following studies to apply the results
obtained to guide the development of new learning methods. This study is conducted in
Banking Academy which is located at 12 Chua Boc street, Ha Noi, Viet Nam. The
participants of this study are third-year ATC students whose major are financial English, ages
around 21. This survey will be conducted with 30 ATC1 students due to limited time with
their acceptance. In order to meet the purpose of this study, we chose mixed method research
to carry on this study. The results show that improving English speaking skill through
watching movie for third-year ATC students at Banking Academy is effective.

Key research questions

+ How can watching movies improve to students?

+ What difficulties students encounter when practicing in speaking skills by watching


Students whose major is financial English
Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy

1. Introduction

Nowadays, English plays an important role in communication of human kind. It is

commonly used on 53 countries and spoken by more than 400 million people around in the
planet (Patil, 2008). To contact with native English speaker, it is the second language to be
used mostly only after mother tongue of each country. There are four basic skills when
starting to learn a new language, namely: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. In
these fours skills, it can be said that speaking skills directly affect peoples’ lives through
expressing their will and desire. Yunzhong (1985) considered that speaking as the most
effective means of acquiring knowledge of reading fluency and correct speech is the
foundation for good writing. Trent (2009) believed that people will use speaking more than
writing in their lifetime. Therefore, mastering in speaking skills is an important thing that a
human, who considers English as a second language, being needs to learn in life. However,
nowadays, teaching speaking skills to students is facing to many challenges. Besides the
traditional teaching method, the limitation in grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary of
students are also great obstacles. Thus, teachers need to apply technology with a variety of
interesting teaching methods to create new feeling and make students more interested in
improving their speaking skills. Therefore, using watching movies as a teaching tool is
becoming more and more popular. However, this method has both advantages and
disadvantages. In one way, According to Anfalia (2012) the benefit of watching film is that it
can motivate and stimulate curiosity of students, build self-motivation and courage in
arousing their ideas and thinking. In the other ways, Chan (2010) also said that using movies
in teaching has several limitations, such as affecting the concentration of students in the
process of watching movies or choosing the movies with inappropriate playback speeds may
result in missing some important words so improving vocabulary and grammar will get more
difficulties. For these reasons, this study will show how to apply this method effectively.
According to our limited understanding, although this is not a new topic, we have found that
until now, it has no research mentioned about the application of this method in teaching
English at Vietnam’s universities in general and Banking Academy in particular. Based on the
above reason, we decide to conduct the research paper “improving English speaking skill
through watching movies for third-year ATC students at Banking Academy”.

Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy
2. Literature Review

Speaking is known as an interactive process related to receiving and processing

information (Brown, 2012; Burns & Joyce, 2010). In addition, according to Chaney (2009),
speaking skills are the process of building and sharing meaning through using verbal and non-
verbal symbols, in a different context. There are many ways to define speaking skills, but
generally speaking is the process in which people use gestures, actions, and words to
communicate with the opponent to achieve a definite purpose. Monologue and dialogue are
two types of speaking. Harmer (1991) suggested that there are three stages in teaching
speaking: producing new language, practicing, and communicating activities. Improving
English speaking skill is quite common throughout the years, thus it has got many
researcher’s attention to study. According to Baileys (2013) watching movies is great at
helping English learners how to speak the language, especially speaking skills. Films are not
usually made for English learners. They are created for those who speaking English as their
mother tongue. Therefore, that is exactly how you listen to it in real life conversations. The
movies with subtitle might be useful in keeping students’ interest. Canning & Wilson (2015)
discovered in a survey that students prefer movies and dramas to documentary movies in the
classroom. Movies are the things that create an entertaining environment for students. Short
movie is thought to be able to fix students’ problems in their speaking skills, for example,
students can know how some words are pronounced and expressed in English via listening
from the actors in the movie (Masruddin, 2013). However, this method is not widely applied
by both students and English teachers. Currently, owning to unavailable facilities, time limit
and the influence of traditional teaching methods, movies are rarely used in classroom (Kalia,
2015). There is another researcher studied about teaching speaking skills for students with
comedy movies that can build motivation and stimulation for the students and help them to be
courage in sharing their opinions and their thoughts about a certain topic (Anflia, 2012).
Baggio (2015) suggests some practical tips to enhance English speaking skills: pick an
enjoyable movie, choose a movie that fits your English level, open your dictionary, imitate
short phrases, watch with subtitle. Basically, due to many benefits that movies can bring to
students, they now know how to choose a method to improve their English.

3. Methodology

This study is conducted at Banking Academy which is located at 12 Chua Boc street, Ha
Noi, Viet Nam. The participants of this study are third-year ATC students whose major is
financial English, ages around 21. This survey will be conducted with 50 ATC students with
Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy
their acceptance. We will ask them the question: “Have you ever improved your English
speaking through movies?.” There are 30 of them who used to try watching movies to
improve speaking skills will be picked go to the interview which will take place in Banking
Academy. Before conducting the interview, we will send them a consent form to make sure
that they are completely voluntary, in a smart and clear way. We also need to respect
anonymity and confidentiality when the identity of them cannot be linked to personal answers
because it is It is our responsibility to protect the identity of the participants.


In order to meet the purpose of this study, we chose mixed method research to carry
on this study. The reason why we used this method is that according to J.Wisdom & W.
Creswell (2013) mixed method is particularly useful in comprehending effects between
quantitative and qualitative findings and brings the power of speech to study participants and
make sure that the study is related participants’ experiences. Questionnaire research is
considered to be the most simple and common method because it is high speed, get data from
many people even in a large group of people, no or low extra cost. As for focus group
interview, focus groups are the groups that most of information com e from (Kreuger, 1988).
Individual interview helps researchers access to their interviewers effectively to get more
information and data because it is common for it to be recorded with both a camera and a
voice recorder to look back in to find any deeper meanings in what the interviewee has said
(A.J.Pereira, K. Simon, & A. Matovelle, 2015). Therefore, with the mixed method (qualitative
and quantitative research), we could collect all possible data in all aspects for this study.

There are three types of data which are collected in this research. The first data is
questionnaire papers including14 multiple and yes/no questions related to improving English
speaking skills through watching movies. 30 students will be handed a questionnaire paper
and circle the proper answers. They will have 10 minutes to do that and then hand the
questionnaire papers to us. The second one is individual interview. 5 students have a short
interview answering a few questions based on their own experience and expressing their
opinions in watching movies. The last one is focus-group interview. A group of 5 random
students will discuss about the given questions in about 15-20 minutes and they will interpret
their ideas to the whole groups.

Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Results

The qualitative data’s analysis was conducted to test that whether watching movie helps
ATC students improve their speaking skills. It also gave some useful tips proposed by the
participants to support ATCers attain a best result. Five face to face interviews and a direct
interview group including 5 people were conducted with ten third-ATCers. Four of the
participants had level 5.5 ielts, two had level 6.5 ielts and the other four had level 7.5 Ielts.
During the process interview, four questions were asked to exploit positive points and limited
points of this method.

1. Interview question 1 (is this a good method? Why/ why not?)

In the ten interviewees, six participants said that it was effective, for example, the first
person to attain 6.5 Ielts said:” I think that this method is ok. Firstly, it help me I pronounce it
well and have more languages such as English-American, English-English, English-
Australia,. Secondly, I have ability of using words diversity and naturally. Before I use this
method, sometimes I say that doesn't mean anything and doesn't know how to express it.”

In addition, the second person to have level 7.5 Ielts said:” I notice that movie method helps
me improve the correct and standard pronunciation.”

Two said that any method is suitable some people and the other is not.

Finally, the other two said that the method was not effective, for example he scored 7.5
IELTS saying:” This method is not effective. People only focus on watching movie. Moreover,
the actors talk too fast, and I can't keep up their speed”.

The following figure shows the number interviewees feeling how watching movie to improve
speaking skills:


20 20

Non-effective Normal Effective

Is this a good method? Why/ why not
Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy
In summary, 60 % of students believe that this method is effective, 20 % of students believe
that this method depends on how each person learns and the other 20 % of students think that
this method is not effective.

Conclusion: The percentage of students thinking that this method is effective three times more
than the proportion of students saying that this method is ineffective and dependent.

2. Interview question 2 (Which difficulties do you have when you learn English speaking
through watching movies?)

Third- year ATC students have difficulties when they learn English through watching movie

There are five students (about 29.4%) said that they had had difficulties in improving
grammar. One of those students said: "I have had problems with grammar, said no structure
because the actors in the film do not say a lot of words.”

There are three students (accounting for 17.3%) having difficulties in practicing
pronunciation. Male students having level 7.5 Ielts said:” Yeah, any method is also limited
and me too. The first time I had difficulties with pronunciation. I often mispronounced and
also lied by the locality, so I didn't hear the actor say.”

In addition, five students (about 29.4%) faced difficulties in using vocabulary.

Finally, four other students have difficulty speaking fluently. A student said:” I have
many difficulties with this method. Um the first time, I can't hear what the character in the
movie said because I pronounce it differently even when I know the word and talk a lot. Next,
the speed of speaking was so fast that I couldn't catch up to understanding the content.”

Among 10 people, there are those who have two or three difficulties at the same time.

Conclusion: This method is only effective with one or several criterias of speaking skills, not
effective with speaking skills.

3. Interview question 3 (How do you overcome these difficulties to attain a best result?)

Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy

36.5 36.35

Self-study Friends Selected movies

Some solutions help ATC students overcome these difficulties

There are three solutions here selected by students:

3.1. four students (accounting for 36.5%) chosen self-study. For example, the 5.5 ielts
participant said that:” Well, I did my own learning about the standard IPA board and I
learned how to follow the characters in the movies.”

3.2. Three students (accounting for 27.3%) chosen helping of friends. One of the students said
that: “Uhm uhm … I have not thought of any solution to deal with it. Ah I asked a friend to
study better than me to advise on the most effective method. She showed me the selected,
entertaining and entertaining films that were easier to understand.”

3.3. Four students (accounting for 36.5%) chosen the level suitable films. A girl in group said
that:” I choose to watch suitable level films.”

4. Interview question 4 ( Should watching movie become a teaching method at school? Why/
Why not?)


20 20

Puzzled Should not try Trying

Should watching movie become a teaching method at school? Why/ Why not?
Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy
60 % of students believe that this method should be tried, 20 % of students believe that this
method depends on how each person learns and the other 20 % of students think that this
method should be not tried.

5. Summary of interview findings data

To sum up, the interview result answered the four interview questions of the current research.
That is, it indicated that whether watching movie is a good method to improve speaking skills.
In addition to, learners have difficulties in during the process using this method and how to
overcome. Finally, should or should not give this method become a teaching method at

4.2. Discussion

According to the results obtained from this study, we found out that improving speaking
English skill through watching movies is effective. In order to answer to the question of why
it is effective, Bruce and Levin (2001) mentioned that technology is useful in classroom by
encouraging student's learning spirit, improving communication, constructing teaching
methods and helping student's self-study. Moreover, Alkhatnai (2016) stated that the use of
technology as a teaching tool in classroom can promote students to work effectively by
themselves or with friends. In addition, Liu (2013) finds that modern technology can enhance
the ability of students in a short time and it could be a good way to help students to figure out
their self-consciousness in their learning strategy. As a result, both students and teachers can
get benefits from applying this method of improving English speaking skill.

Furthermore, in this research, we used focus group interview to collect the data in the
process. According to McDonough and Shaw (2003), they explained that there are some
advantages of focus group interview such as: (1) Group interview requires students to work
responsibly, (2) Group interview encourage students to contribute and share ideas to other
students, (3) Group interview makes each student has more chance to speak out and therefore
to be more confident in interpreting.

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

After conducting this study, we realized that this method is not only effective in
improving speaking skills but also has a positive impact on enhancing students' listening
skills. Moreover, we also hope that it will lay the foundation for future researchers who can
find the best method to improve students’ skills in general and speaking skill in particular.
However, due to time limitation, we only conducted research on 30 students. Therefore, we

Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy
want to point out that the conclusion of this study will not be representative and not true for


Aida Abd El Maksoud Zaher,P.D.(2006). The effectiveness of a task- based instruction

program in developing the English Language Speaking Skills of Secondary Stage
Students. Ain Shams University Women’s college. Retrieved from:
Anfa, A.(2012). The effectiveness of teaching speaking by using comedy movie of first year
students at sman 1 grogol. Retrieved from:

Bailey, K.M. (2005). Practical English Language Teaching: Speaking. New York: McGraw.

Boonkit, K.(2010). Enhancing the development of speaking skills for non-native speakers of
English. ScienceDirect,2(2), 1305 -1309. Retrieved from:
Chan, D & Herrero, C. (2010).Using film to teach languages: A teachers’ toolkit for educator
warning to teach languages using film in the classroom, with particular focus on Arabic,
Mandarin , Italian and Urdu. Projector: Community Language.

Irwansyah, P.M.(n.d).Improving Students’ Speaking Skills through English Movies. Retrieved

Kalra, R.(2017). The effectiveness of using films in the EFL classroom: A case study
conducted at an international university in Thailand. Arab world English journal. 3(8),
289 – 301. Doi:

Masruddin.(2018). The efficacy of using short video through group work in teaching speaking
to Indonesian English as foreign language (EFL) students. Arab world English
journal.3(9), 282 -293. Doi:

Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy
O'Malley, M. & Pierce, L.V.(1996). Authentic assessment for English language learners:
Practical approaches for teachers. New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing.

Osborn, S., Osborn, M., & Osborn, R. (2008). Public speaking guidebook. Boston: Pearson.

Patil, Z.N. (2008). Rethinking the objectives of teaching English in Asia. Asian EFL
Journal.10 (4), 227-240. Retrieved from: http://www.asian-efl-
Rivers, W.M. (1998). Teaching foreign language skills (2nd ed.). Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.

Siddharth,S.(2017). Can watching movies with subtitles improve my communication skills?

What are other cool ways to improve my English speaking skills?. Retrieved from:
Trent, J. (2009). Enhancing oral participation across the curriculum: Some lessons from the
EAP classroom. Asian EFL Journal, 11(1), 256-270.Retrieved from http://www.asian-

10 | P a g e
Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy

Appendices 1: Questionnaire

Firstly we would like to thank you for agreeing to participate in our study. We have
14 multiple choices and yes/no questions related to improving English speaking skills
through watching movies. Please choose the answers which suit to you within 10 minutes.
With all gratitude, we hope that it is the honest and most objective answer so that we have
enough databases to complete our research.

1. How many scores do you want to attain in English Speaking IELTS?

A. 5.0 B.5.0 - 6.5 C. 6.5 – 8.0 B. >8.0

2. How long have you used this method?

A. < 1 month B. 1 - 3 months B. 3-6 months C. > 6 months

3. How many hours per day do you spend to practice this method?

A. < 1 hour

B. 1 – 3 hours

C. > 3 hours

4. What is purpose of improving speaking skills?

A. Compulsory subject

B. Hobby

C. A good job

D. Communication in life

5. How does watching movie improve speaking skills?

A. Badly C. Well

B. Normally D. Very well

6. Which criterions are improved the most in watching movie process?

A. Pronunciation

B. Fluency & Coherence

C. Lexical resource

11 | P a g e
Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy
D. Grammatical range & Accuracy

7. How does this method help your fluency & coherence?

A. Speed

B. Length answer

C. Coherence

D. All of them

8. How does this method help your English speaking speed?

A. Interrupted

B. Slow

C. Medium

D. Quick

9. How does this method help length of the answer?

A. Too short

B. Normal

C. Too long

10. How does this method help coherence?

A. Sporadic

B. Using basic linking words still awkward

C. Using linking words flexibly

D. Using linking & conjunctions words very flexibly

11. How does this method help your lexical resources improve?

A. Not standard & not exact

B. Basic & unspecific

12 | P a g e
Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy
C. Basic & exact

D. Advance & exact

12. How does this method help grammar improve?

A. Simple structure & some mistake

B. Simple structure & exact

C. Complex structure & some mistake

D. Complex structure & exact

13. How does this method help pronunciation improve?

A. standard pronunciation

B. linking sounds

C. stress sounds in sentences

D. Having intonation

14. How does this method help your reflex improve?

A. Slow

B. Normal

C. Quick

D. Very quick

Thank you for your contribution!

13 | P a g e
Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy

Appendices 2: Interview questions

Firstly we would like to thank you for agreeing to participate in our interview today.
Below we have four open-ended questions refer to personal point of view about the topic:
improving English speaking skills through watching movies. Therefore, we would be grateful
to receiving your enthusiastic contribution.

1. Do you think that watching movie is a good method to improve speaking skills? Why/
Why not?

2. Which difficulties do you have when you learn English speaking through watching

3. How do you overcome these difficulties to attain a best result?

4. Should watching movie become a teaching method at school? Why/ Why not?

Thank you for your answering!

Appendices 3: Research Consent Form

Name of Researcher : Superior Team

Title of study:

Please read and complete this form carefully. We would also appreciate it very much if
you are willing to participate in this study. Please select the suitable answer, then date and
sign at the end. If you need any further any information, please contact our leader, Ms. Le
Anh Dao, on her email:

14 | P a g e
Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy

 I have been explained clearly about the research in verbal and

written form by the researcher YES / NO

 I know that the study will include 3 rounds of the research:

questionnaire, individual interview, group interview. YES / NO

 I fully understand that I am free to withdraw from this study

whenever i would like to and no need to give any explanation. This
will not influence in what i will do in the future. YES / NO

 I got told that all private information about me will be kept

confidential and that i will not be mentioned in any written work
without my approval YES / NO

 I understand that any videos or memos of me will be only used for

the study and will be deleted after completing the research. YES / NO

 I know that I will be joining the discussion of your research with

other third-year ATC students at banking Academy. YES / NO

I voluntarily fill in the consent form and agree to participate in the study and i have been given a
copy of this form

Signature: …………………………………………………………………….………….

Date: ………………………………………………………………………………………

15 | P a g e
Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy

Appendices 4: Transcripts for Interview and focus group Interview: Name of interviewees
have been changed to ensure information confidentiality

Interview people 1

Interviewer: Thank you for coming to our interview today. Please answer our questions
according to your experience. Now, let’s start.

Hoa: Ok

Interviewer: Do you think that watching movie is a good method to improve speaking skills?
Why/ Why not?

Hoa: I think that this method is ok. Firstly, it help me I pronounce it well and have more
languages such as English-American, English-English, English-Astralia,… Secondly, I have
ability of using words diversity and naturally. Before I use this method, sometimes I say that
doesn't mean anything and doesn't know how to express it.

Interviewer: Which difficulties do you have when you learn English speaking through watching

Hoa: Well, you know, I have a grammatical problem because they say short sentences, local
sentences and sometimes even grammar in the movies. Moreover, grammar is not my strong

Interviewer: How do you overcome these difficulties to attain a best result?

Hoa: Uhm…To overcome this difficulty I have asked many of my experienced friends. They
directed me to academic lectures and films. And very standard words help me achieve my goal.

Interviewer: Should watching movie become a teaching method at school? Why/ Why not?

Hoa: I think we should try. Many researchers have shown that this method is really effective.
Why do we keep following the traditional method without refusing to be more effective?

Interviewer: Ok. This is the end of the interview today. Thank you for your contribution!

16 | P a g e
Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy

Interview people 2

Interviewer: Thank you for coming to our interview today. Please answer our questions
according to your experience. Now, let’s start.

Lan: ok

Interviewer: Do you think that watching movie is a good method to improve speaking skills?
Why/ Why not?

Lan: Of course, in my opinion, I have greatly improved my ability to speak fluently and
coherently through the method of watching movies. The second is to help me improve my
pronunciation. Oh my godness! I used to take 15 minutes to say a short paragraph from 5 to 7
lines, but also mispronounced. I have spoken fluently and pronounced fluently after 3 months
using this method now (smile).

Interviewer: Which difficulties do you have when you learn English speaking through watching

Lan: Yeah, any method is also limited and me too. The first time I had difficulties with
pronunciation. I often mispronounced and also lied by the locality, so I didn't hear the actor say.

Interviewer: How do you overcome these difficulties to attain a best result?

Lan: Well, I did my own learning about the standard IPA board and I learned how to follow the
characters in the movies.

Interviewer: Should watching movies be tried ? Why/ Why not?

Lan: This method should be applied in teaching. Ah I believe it will help you improve your
speaking skills in particular or your language in general. This method is also very effective in
pronunciation and ability to speak better.

Interviewer: Ok. This is the end of the interview today. Thank you for your contribute!

Interview people 3

Interviewer: Thank you for coming to our interview today. Please answer our questions
according to your experience. Now, let’s start.

17 | P a g e
Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy

Thuy: No problem ! (smile)

Interviewer: Watching movies is really effective with speaking skills, isn’t it? Why/ why not?

Thuy: It is very effective. First, vocabulary used in a natural, varied and flexible way. Especially,
I also avoid using word-by-word. Second, I learned how to use a more complex, long-form
structure naturally.

Interviewer: Which challenges do you have when you learn English speaking through watching

Thuy: I have many difficulties with this method. Um The first time, I can't hear what the
character in the movie said because I pronounce it differently even when I know the word and
talk a lot. Next, the speed of speaking was so fast that I couldn't catch up to understand the

Interviewer: What solutions do you use to solve that problem?

Thuy: You know, ah I started rehearsing my pronunciation from foreign language teaching
videos. After that, I found how to choose a film with a speed that is suitable for my level.

Interviewer: Do you think you should try this method to teach at school? Why/ Why not?

Thuy: For me, this method is always interesting for learners, not boring or dry as the method of
communication. Therefore, it should become a teaching method in the school.

Interviewer: Ok. This is the end of the interview today. Thank you for your share.

Interview people 4

Interviewer: Thank you for coming to our interview today. Please answer our questions
according to your experience. Now, let’s start.

Thu: Ok.

Interviewer: Do you think that watching movie is a good method to improve speaking skills?
Why/ Why not?

18 | P a g e
Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy

Thu: In my opinion, this method is not effective. I persisted in using this method for a month but
my vocabulary, grammatical structure and pronunciation did not change much, even I am losing
my feeling of love English.

Interviewer: Which difficulties do you have when you learn English speaking through watching

Thu: (Whisper) I really have a lot of difficulties. First, movie actors speak too many words that I
can't know and remember them all. Second, I could not hear the actor talking because they talked
so fast. So, I turn on the subtitles and pay attention to the movie content. Last, the pronunciation
is slightly different from what I learned at school.

Interviewer: How do you overcome these difficulties to attain a best result?

Thu: I invite my friends to study and choose the suitable movies for myself. You know… I
turned on the mode so the speech rate was about 1.5 times slower than usual. And I don't see that
to help me.

Interviewer: Should watching movie become a teaching method at school? Why/ Why not?

Thu: In my point of view this do not try because this method is not suitable for all students. You
know, this method is not suitable for me. I also do not see this method very effective.

Interviewer: Ok. Thank you so much for coming here!

Interview people 5

Interviewer: Thank you for coming to our interview today. Please answer our questions
according to your experience. Now, let’s start.

Tien: Ok

Interviewer: Do you think that watching movie is a good method to improve speaking skills?
Why/ Why not?

Tien: I don’t know because any method has its advantages and disadvantages. When watching
movies you hear people speak native language will help your pronunciation better. Seeing
pictures and content help you remember vocabulary easier. In contrast, you can not only get
attractive in movie content, but also not remember to practice speaking English.

19 | P a g e
Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy

Interviewer: Which difficulties do you have when you learn English speaking through watching

Tien: There are many difficulties. I don’t understand the vocabulary that characters speak and
must guess based on context. They say very fast and long so I can't catch up, especially difficult
extremely grammatical structure.

Interviewer: Which difficulties do you have when you learn English speaking through watching

Tien: Uhm uhm … I have not thought of any solution to deal with it. Ah I asked a friend to study
better than me to advise on the most effective method. She showed me the selected, entertaining
and entertaining films that were easier to understand.

Interviewer: Should watching movie become a teaching method at school? Why/ Why not?

Tien: I'm not sure because traditional methods are still ok and this method is quite special.
However, no all everyone can use the method of watching movies effectively.

Interviewer: Ok. Thank you so much.

Focus group interview

Interviewer: Hello, everyone. Thank you for taking part in our interview.
An: We are willing to answer any question. You would be able to start the interview.
Interviewer: ok. We will start with the first question. Do you think that watching movie is a
good method to improve speaking skills? Why/ Why not?

An: uh… I notice that…. movie method helps me improve the correct & standard pronunciation.
Bien: I see it, too. And besides, this method also helps me improve my vocabulary using ability
more flexibly and more accurately. In the past, when not using this method, the state was happy
that I used the word "happy". However, after having used watching movie method to practice
for 3 months I knew that when "Very happy" we could instead "very happy" with "excited" or
"on cloud" and so on…..
Chi: uhm…uhm. Difficult to say. This method is also effective for me. But in fact, depending on
each person, because each person has a different learning way. I found this method ineffective by
communication method.

20 | P a g e
Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy

Du: I find this method really effective for someone who likes to watch movies like me. I like to
copy what the actor said. So, after a month I found my skills to use vocabulary and grammar
greatly improved.
Hien: This method is not effective. People only focus on watching movie. Moreover, the actors
talk too fast, and I can't keep up their speed.
Interviewer: Sure. Which difficulties do you have when you learn English speaking through
watching movies?

An: I have had difficulty using vocabulary. They used a lot of source of lexical, so I don’t
remember all.
Bien: For me, I have had problems with grammar, said no structure because the actors in the film
do not say a lot of words.
Chi: I have had difficulty in sentence structure. When I speak with friends, I don’t use true tense
and position of letter.
Du: [confident smile…] I have had no difficulty. Everything comes to me very naturally, I really
like this method.
Hien: I have had difficulties such as: Vocabulary, phonetics, speed, Grammar.
Interviewer: Ok, thank you sharing difficulties you experience with us. How do you overcome
these difficulties to attain a best result?

An: [Smile] I choose to watch suitable films with my level. And morever, I tried learn day by
day, about 3 months I realized my speaking skills improve very well.

Bien: I participated in a course teaching structure and grammar to improve this situation.

Chi: Me too.

Du: I learn another method more effectively. I still like traditional method, I like to have teachers
directing more than a television.

Interviewer: Actually, should watching movie become a teaching method at school? Why/ Why

An: ( Uhm… Think times) It should become a teaching method. This method is really effective,
both learning and entertaining.
Bien: Yes, of course, my point of view is the same as above. Exactly, this method should be put
into teaching.

21 | P a g e
Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa
Banking Academy

Chi: Yes, this method is also good, each method has its advantages and limitations.

Du: sure, should put into teaching. It is very exciting, you should experience it.

Hien: Not should. Now put into teaching, it's new and ineffective.

Interviewer: Thank you once again. You have cooperated very enthusiastically, which
contributes a great part to the success of our research. See you again soon

22 | P a g e
Supervisor: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa

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