The Principle of Increasing Marginal Utility Costs States That After A Certain Point, Each Additional Item The Seller Produces Costs Him More To Produce Than Earlier Items, Discuss Briefly

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The principle of increasing marginal utility costs

states that after a certain point, each additional item

the seller produces costs him more to produce than
earlier items, Discuss Briefly
This is because a producer will use the most productive
resources to make his or her first few goods. After this
point, the producer must turn to less productive resources,
which means that his costs will rise. Since sellers and
buyers meet in the same market, their respective supply
and demand curves will meet and cross at the equilibrium

Discuss Versions of Kant’s categorical imperative

“An action is morally right for a person in a certain
situation if, and only if, the person's reason for carrying out
the action is a reason that he or she would be willing to
have every person act on, in any similar situation.”
Kant's second version of the categorical imperative can be
expressed in the following principle:
“An action is morally right for a person if, and only if, in
performing the action, the person does not use others
merely as a means for advancing his or her own interests,
but also both respects and develops their capacity to
choose freely for themselves.”
This version of the categorical imperative implies that
human beings have an equal dignity that sets them apart
from things such as tools or machines and that is
incompatible with their being manipulated, deceived, or
otherwise unwillingly exploited to satisfy the self-interests
of another.

Discuss First Principle of Rawls theory of Justice

John Rawls' theory of justice as fairness is an attempt to
bring many of these disparate ideas together in a
comprehensive way. Principle 1 is called the principle of
equal liberty. Essentially, it says that each citizen's liberties
must be protected from invasion by others and must be
equal to those of others. These basic liberties include the
right to vote, freedom of speech and conscience and the
other civil liberties, freedom to hold personal property, and
freedom from arbitrary arrest.
Therefore, according to Rawls, a principle is moral if it
would be acceptable to a group of rational, self-interested
persons who know they will live under it themselves.

Do you agree that in a free competitive market,

organizations ignored the care ethics? If yes then
Free competitive markets ignore and even conflict with the
demands of caring. As we have seen, an ethic of care
implies that people exist in a web of interdependent
relationships and should care for those who are closely
related to them. A free market system, however, operates
as if individuals are completely independent of each other
and takes no account of the human relationships that may
exist among them.

John locks argues that if the earth was given by God

to all human beings in common even that private
property can be justified. What is the argument that
john locks offers to support this claim?
John Locke (1632-1704), an English political philosopher,
is generally credited with developing the idea that human
beings have a "natural right" to liberty and a "natural right"
to private property. As he puts it, in a state of nature, all
rawmen would be in:
“A state of perfect freedom to order their actions and
dispose of their possessions and persons as they think fit,
within the bounds of the law of nature, without asking
leave, or depending upon the will of any other man. A state
also of equality, wherein all the power and jurisdiction is
reciprocal, no one having more than another... without
subordination or subjection [to another].... But... the state
of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges
everyone: and reason, which is that law, teaches all
mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and
independent, no one ought to harm another in his life,
health, liberty, or possessions.”

LAW OF NATURE (Locke's views)

John Locke (1632-1704), an English political philosopher,
is generally credited with developing the idea that human
beings have a "natural right" to liberty and a "natural right"
to private property. Locke argued that if there were no
governments, human beings would find themselves in a
state of nature. In this state of nature, each man would be
the political equal of all others and would be perfectly free
of any constraints other than the law of nature—that is, the
moral principles that God gave to humanity and that each
man can discover by the use of his own God-given
reason. Thus, according to Locke, the law of nature
teaches us that we have a natural right to liberty. But
because the state of nature is so dangerous, says Locke,
individuals organize themselves into a political body to
protect their lives and property. The power of government
is limited, however, extending only far enough to protect
these very basic rights.
Features of market economy?
Majority of a nation’s land, factories, and other economic
resources are privately owned, either by individuals or
 Features of a Market Economy
 Free choice: individuals have purchase options.
 Free enterprise: companies can decide what to
produce and which markets to compete in.
 Price flexibility: prices rise/fall reflecting supply and
 Focus on China

What are the factors that diminish or reduce a

person's moral responsibility?
There are three mitigating factors that diminish moral
responsibility. They are:
1. Circumstances that leave a person uncertain (but not
unsure) about what he or she is doing;
2. Circumstances that make it difficult (but not impossible)
for the person to avoid doing it;
3. Circumstances that minimize (but do not remove) a
person's involvement in an act.
When a person is declared as not responsible to the
injury of someone?
A person is NOT morally responsible for an injury or a
wrong if:
1. The person did not cause and could not prevent the
injury or wrong;
2. The person did not know he was inflicting the injury or
the wrong;
3. The person did not inflict the injury or the wrong of his
own free will;

Describe main difference between Monopoly, and

Monopoly is an economic market condition where one
seller dominates the entire market. Oligopoly is an
economic market condition where numerous sellers have
their presence in one single market a small number of
large firms that dominate the industry.
In monopoly a single firm controls a large market share in
the industry, thereby gaining the ability to set price. In
oligopoly a small number of firms dominate the industry.
These firms compete with each other based on product
differentiation, price, customer service etc.
A monopoly usually exists when barriers to entry are very
high - either due to technology, patents, distribution
overheads, government regulation or capital-
intensive nature of the industry. In oligopoly barriers to
entry are very high as it is difficult to enter the industry
because of economies of scale.
Monopoly Examples :
Microsoft (Operating systems, productivity suites), Google
(web search, search advertising), DeBeers (diamonds),
Monsanto (seeds), Long Island Rail Road etc.
Oligopoly Examples:
Health insurers, wireless carriers, beer (Anheuser-Busch
and MillerCoors), media (TV broadcasting, book
publishing, movies), etc.
What is monopolistic and oligopolistic competition?
Explain the main points of difference?
'Monopolistic Competition'

A type of competition within an industry where:

1. All firms produce similar yet not perfectly substitutable


2. All firms are able to enter the industry if the profits are

3. All firms are profit maximizers.

4. All firms have some market power, which means none

are price takers.
A situation in which a particular market is controlled by a
small group of firms. An oligopoly is much like a
monopoly, in which only one company exerts control over
most of a market. In an oligopoly, there are at least two
firms controlling the market.

Locke's critics focus on four weaknesses in his

argument. Discuss
The assumption that individuals have natural rights:
This assumption is unproven and assumes that the rights
to liberty and property should take precedence over all
other rights. If humans do not have the overriding rights to
liberty and property, then the fact that free markets would
preserve the rights does not mean a great deal.
The conflict between natural (negative) rights and
positive rights: Why should negative rights such as
liberty take precedence over positive rights? Critics argue,
in fact, that we have no reason to believe that the rights to
liberty and property are overriding.
The conflict between natural rights and justice: Free
markets create unjust inequalities, and people who have
no property or who are unable to work will not be able to
live. As a result, without government intervention, the gap
between the richest and poorest will widen until large
disparities of wealth emerge. Unless government
intervenes to adjust the distribution of property that results
from free markets, large groups of citizens will remain at a
subsistence level while others grow ever wealthier.
Individualistic assumptions and their conflicts with
the ethics of caring: Locke assumes that people are
individuals first, independent of their communities. But
humans are born dependent on others, and without caring
relationships, no human could survive. The degree of
liberty a person has depends on what the person can do.
The less a person can do, the less he is free to do. But a
person's abilities depend on what he learns from those
who care for him as well as on what others care to help
him to do or allow him to do.

Difference between political equality and economic

Political equality refers to an equal participation in and
treatment by, the means of controlling and directing the
political system. This includes equal rights to participate in
the legislative process, equal civil liberties, and equal
rights to due process.
Economic equality refers to equality of income and wealth
and equality of opportunity. The criticisms leveled against
equality, according to some egalitarians, only apply to
economic equality and not to political equality.

Define Ideology. Individual ideology, Communitarian

System of ideas that explains and lends legitimacy
to actions and beliefs of a social, religious, political,
or corporate entity. Individualistic societies promote a
limited government whose primary purpose is to protect
property, contract rights, and open markets.
Communitarian societies, in contrast, define the needs of
the community first and then define the rights and duties of
community membership to ensure that those needs are
met. These two camps face the problem of coordinating
the economic activities of their members in two distinct
ways. Communitarian systems use a command system, in
which a single authority decides what to produce, who will
produce it, and who will get it. Free market systems are
characteristic of individualistic societies

Social Darwinists:
Social Darwinists had a different take on the utilitarian
justification for free markets. They argued that economic
competition produced human progress. If governments
were to interfere in this process, they would also
unintentionally be impeding human progress. Weak firms
must be weeded out by competition, they claim. The basic
problem underlying the views of the social Darwinist,
however, is the fundamental normative assumption that
survival of the fittest means survival of the best. That is,
whatever results from the workings of nature is necessarily
good. The fallacy, which modern authors call the
naturalistic fallacy, implies, of course, that whatever
happens naturally is always for the best.

Define mixed economy and its elements?

Economic system in which land, factories, and other
economic resources are more equally split between
private and government ownership. Government controls
economic sectors important to national security and long-
term stability. Generous welfare system supports
unemployed and provides health care.
1. Origins of the Mixed Economy
a. Successful economy must be efficient and innovative,
but also protect society. Goals are low unemployment, low
poverty, steady economic growth, and an equitable
distribution of wealth.
b. Many mixed economies today are modernizing to
become more competitive.
2. Decline of Mixed Economies
Mixed economies are converting to market-based
systems. Government ownership means less efficiency,
innovation, responsibility and accountability; higher costs;
slower growth; and higher taxes and prices.
a. Move Toward Privatization
i. Selling government-owned economic resources to
private companies and individuals. ii. Increases efficiency,
cuts subsidies to state-owned firms, curtails appointment
of managers for political reasons.
3. Market Economy
Majority of a nation’s land, factories, and other economic
resources are privately owned, either by individuals or
businesses. Price mechanism determines:
o Supply: The quantity of a good or service that
producers are willing to provide at a specific selling price.
o Demand: The quantity of a good or service that buyers
are willing to purchase at a specific selling price.

What traits are the valuable parts of person’s morally

good behavior?
A moral virtue is an acquired disposition that is a valuable
part of a morally good person, exhibited in the person's
habitual behavior. It is praiseworthy, in part, because it is
an achievement whose development requires effort.
According to Aristotle, moral virtues enable humans to act
in accordance with their specific purpose.

What are the two ideological camps in free trade

theories? Explain in detail
Two important ideological camps, the individualistic and
communitarian viewpoints, characterize modern societies.
Individualistic societies promote a limited government
whose primary purpose is to protect property, contract
rights, and open markets. Communitarian societies, in
contrast, define the needs of the community first and then
define the rights and duties of community membership to
ensure that those needs are met.
These two camps face the problem of coordinating the
economic activities of their members in two distinct ways.
Communitarian systems use a command system, in which
a single authority decides what to produce, who will
produce it, and who will get it. Free market systems are
characteristic of individualistic societies. Incorporating
ideas from thinkers like John Locke and Adam Smith, they
allow individual firms to make their own decisions about
what to produce and how to do so.

In perfect competition the demand curve is always

downward slopping. Why?
Because in order to induce consumers to buy more in a
market, price must be reduced. With a lower price, more
consumers will be willing and able to purchase the good.
Demand curve is slope downward because of inverse
relationship between price and quantity.
The demand curve slopes downwards due to the following
(1) Substitution effect: When the price of a
commodity falls, it becomes relatively cheaper than
other substitute commodities.
(2) Income effect: When the price of a commodity
falls, the consumer can buy more quantity of the
commodity with his given income, as a result of a fall
in the price of the commodity, consumer's real income
or purchasing power increases
(3) Number of consumers: When price of a commodity
is relatively high consumers can afford to buy it.

Define theory of Absolute Advantage. Compare it with

Comparative advantage?

In 1776 Adam Smith asserted that the wealth of a nation

consisted of the goods and services available to its
citizens. His theory of absolute advantage holds that a
country can maximize its own economic wellbeing by
specializing in the production of those goods and services
that it can produce more efficiently than any other nation
and enhance global efficiency through its participation in
(unrestricted) free trade. Smith reasoned that:
(i) workers become more skilled by repeating the
same tasks;
(ii) workers do not lose time in switching from the
production of one kind of product to another; and
(iii) Long production runs provide greater incentives for
the development of more effective working
Smith also asserted that country-specific advantages
can either be natural or acquired.
In 1817 David Ricardo reasoned that there would still be
gains from trade if a country specialized in the production
of those things it can produce most efficiently, even if other
countries can produce those same things even more
efficiently. Put another way, Ricardo’s theory of
comparative advantage holds that a country can maximize
its own economic well- being by specializing in the
production of those goods and services it can produce
relatively efficiently and enhance global efficiency through
its participation in (unrestricted) free trade.

Economic freedom index

The Economic Freedom Index approximates the extent to
which a government intervenes in the areas of free choice,
free enterprise, and market-driven prices for reasons that
go beyond basic national needs. Presently, countries are
classified as free, mostly free, mostly unfree, and
repressed. Determining factors include: trade policy, the
fiscal burden of the government, the extent and nature of
government intervention in the economy, monetary policy,
capital flows and investment, banking and financial
activities, wage and price levels, property rights, other
government regulation, and informal market activities.
Over time, more and more countries have moved toward
greater economic freedom. Countries ranking highest on
this index tend to enjoy both the highest standards of living
as well as the greatest degree of political freedom.

Principle of Diminishing Marginal Utility:

The law of diminishing marginal utility means that
the value of a good, the extra utility derived from good,
declines as more of the good is consumed. This has a
direct bearing on the market demand, the demand price,
and the law of demand. If the satisfaction obtained from a
good declines, then buyers are willing to pay a lower price,
hence demand price is inversely related to quantity
demanded, which is the law of demand.

Q: Presently Countries are classified as Free, Mostly

Free, Mostly Unfree and repressed. Which are the
determining factors of this classification?

Determining factors include: trade policy, the fiscal burden

of the government, the extent and nature of government
intervention in the economy, monetary policy, capital flows
and investment, banking and financial activities, wage and
price levels, property rights, other government regulation,
and informal market activities. Over time, more and more
countries have moved toward greater economic freedom.
Countries ranking highest on this index tend to enjoy both
the highest standards of living as well as the greatest
degree of political freedom.

Ricardo’s assumption
First, Ricardo assumes that the resources used to produce
goods (labor, equipment, factories, etc.) do not move from
one country to another. Yet today multinational companies
can, and easily do, move their productive capital from one
country to another. Second, Ricardo assumes that each
country's production costs are constant and do not decline
as countries expand their production or as they acquire
new technology.
Third, Ricardo assumes that workers can easily and
unreservedly move from one industry to another. Yet when
a company closes down because it cannot compete with
imports from another country that has a comparative
advantage in those goods, the company's workers are laid
off, suffer heavy costs, need retraining, and often cannot
find comparable jobs.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Ricardo ignores
international rule setters. International trade inevitably
leads to disagreements and conflicts, and so countries
must agree to abide by some set of rules and rule-setters.

Why do businesses rely on utilitarian cost-benefit


Utilitarianism is a general term for any view that holds that

actions and policies should be evaluated on the basis of
the benefits and costs they will impose on society. In any
situation, the "right" action or policy is the one that will
produce the greatest net benefits or the lowest net costs
(when all alternatives have only net costs).
Many businesses rely on such utilitarian cost-benefit
analyses, and maintain that the socially responsible
course to take is the utilitarian one with the lowest net

What is the concept of Laissez-Faire in free market?

An economic theory from the 18th century that is strongly

opposed to any government intervention in business

Sometimes referred to as "let it be economics."

Explain the How Adam smith Utilitarian concept are

Smith's utilitarian argument is most commonly criticized for

making what some call unrealistic arguments. First, Smith
assumes that no one seller can control the price of a good.
Though this may have been true at one time, today many
industries are monopolized to some extent. Second, Smith
assumes that the manufacturer will pay for all the
resources used to produce a product, but when a
manufacturer uses water and pollutes it without cleaning it,
for example, someone else must pay to do so. Third,
Smith assumes that humans are motivated only by a
natural, self-interested desire for profit. This, say his
critics, is clearly false. Many humans are concerned for
others and act to help others, constraining their own self-
interest. Critics make humans selfish and make us think
that the profit motive is natural market systems, say
Smith’s critics, make humans selfish and make us think
that the profit motive is natural.

Major problems with utilitarian

The major difficulty with utilitarianism, according to some
critics, is that it is unable to deal with two kinds of moral
issues: those relating to rights and those relating to justice.
If people have rights to life, health, and other basic needs,
and if there is such a thing as justice that does not depend
on mere utility, then utilitarianism does not provide a
complete picture of morality. Utilitarianism can also go
wrong, according to the critics, when it is applied to
situations that involve social justice. Utilitarianism looks
only at how much utility is produced in a society and fails
to take into account how that utility is distributed among
the members of society.

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